Publications for James Stanyer
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Journal Articles
Zilinsky, J, Theocharis, Y, Pradel, F, Tulin, M, de Vreese, C, Aalberg, T, Cardenal, AS, Corbu, N, Esser, F, Gehle, L, Halagiera, D, Hameleers, M, Hopmann, DN, Koc-Michalska, K, Matthes, J, Schemer, C, Štětka, V, Strömbäck, J, Terren, L, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stępińska, A, Van Aelst, P, Zoizner, A (2024)
Justifying an Invasion: When Is Disinformation Successful?,
Political Communication: an international journal, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI:
van Erkel, PFA, van Aelst, P, de Vreese, CH, Hopmann, DN, Matthes, J,
Stanyer, J, Corbu, N (2024)
When are Fact-Checks Effective? An Experimental Study on the Inclusion of the Misinformation Source and the Source of Fact-Checks in 16 European Countries,
Mass Communication and Society, 27(5), pp.851-876, ISSN: 1520-5436. DOI:
Matthes, J, Corbu, N, Jin, S, Theocharis, Y, Schemer, C, Van Aelst, P, Strömbäck, J, Koc-Michalska, K, Esser, F, Aalberg, T, Cardenal, AS, Castro, L, de Vreese, C, Hopmann, D, Sheafer, T, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stępińska, A, Stetka, V, Zoizner, A (2022)
Perceived prevalence of misinformation fuels worries about COVID-19: a cross-country, multi-method investigation,
Information Communication and Society, 26(16), pp.3133-3156, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI:
Zoizner, A, Sheafer, T, Castro, L, Aalberg, T, Cardenal, AS, Corbu, N, de Vreese, C, Esser, F, Hopmann, DN, Koc-Michalska, K, Matthes, J, Schemer, C, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stępińska, A, Štětka, V, Strömbäck, J, Theocharis, Y, Van Aelst, P (2022)
The Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Selective Exposure: Evidence from 17 Countries,
Political Communication: an international journal, 39(5), pp.674-696, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI:
Chadwick, A and
Stanyer, J (2021)
Deception as a bridging concept in the study of disinformation, misinformation, and misperceptions: Toward a holistic framework,
Communication Theory, 32(1), pp.1-24, ISSN: 1050-3293. DOI:
Theocharis, Y, Cardenal, A, Yin, S, Aalberg, T, Hopmann, DN, Strömbäck, J, Castro, L, Esser, F, Van Aelst, P, de Vreese, C, Corbu, N, Koc-Michalska, K, Matthes, J, Schemer, C, Sheafer, T, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stepinska, A, Stetka, V (2021)
Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries,
New Media and Society, 25(12), pp.3412-3437, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Van Aelst, P, Toth, F, Castro, L, Stetka, V, de Vreese, C, Aalberg, T, Cardenal, AS, Corbu, N, Esser, F, Hopman, DN, Koc-Michalska, K, Matthes, J, Schemer, C, Sheafer, T, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stepinska, A, Strömbäck, J, Theocharis, Y (2021)
Does a crisis change news habits? A comparative study of the effects of COVID-19 on news media use in 17 European countries,
Digital Journalism, 9(9), pp.1316-1346, ISSN: 2167-0811. DOI:
Castro, L, Stromback, J, Esser, F, Van Aelst, P, de Vreese, C, Aalberg, T, Cardenal, AS, Corbu, N, Hopmann, D, Koc-Michalska, K, Matthes, J, Schemer, C, Sheafer, T, Splendore, S,
Stanyer, J, Stepinska, A, Stetka, V, Theocharis, Y (2021)
Navigating high-choice European political information environments: A comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge,
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(4), pp.827-859, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI:
Deacon, D and
Stanyer, J (2021)
Media diversity and the analysis of qualitative variation,
Communication and the Public, 6(1-4), pp.19-32, DOI:
Stanyer, J (2020)
Biased or balanced? Assessing BBC news and current affairs performance in covering the badger cull in England,
Journal of Rural Studies, 81, pp.59-67, ISSN: 0743-0167. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2020)
Visual Political Communication,
Mihelj, S and
Stanyer, J (2018)
Theorizing media, communication and social change: towards a processual approach,
Media, Culture and Society, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
de Vreese, CH, Esser, F, Aalberg, T, Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J (2018)
Populism as an Expression of Political Communication Content and Style: A New Perspective,
International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4), pp.423-438, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI:
Van Aelst, P, Stromback, J, Aalberg, T, Esser, F, de Vreese, C, Matthes, J, Hopmann, D, Salgado, S, Hube, N, Stepinska, A, Papathanassopoulos, S, Berganza, R, Legnante, G, Reinemann, C, Sheafer, T,
Stanyer, J (2017)
Political communication in a high-choice media environment: a challenge for democracy?,
Annals of the International Communication Association, 41(1), pp.3-27, ISSN: 2380-8985. DOI:
Xiao, J and
Stanyer, J (2016)
Culture, boundary, and identity: a comparison of practices between two online punk communities in China,
Chinese Journal of Communication, pp.1-18, ISSN: 1754-4750. DOI:
Mihelj, S and
Stanyer, J (2016)
Taking time seriously? Theorizing and researching change in communication and media studies,
Journal of Communication, 66(2), pp.266-279, ISSN: 1460-2466. DOI:
Deacon, D and
Stanyer, J (2015)
'Mediatization and' or 'Mediatization of'? A response to Hepp et al,
MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 37(4), pp.655-657, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Deacon, D and
Stanyer, J (2014)
Mediatization: key concept or conceptual bandwagon?,
Media, Culture and Society, 36(7), pp.1032-1044, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Gao, L and
Stanyer, J (2014)
Hunting corrupt officials online: the human flesh search engine and the search for justice in China,
Information Communication and Society, 17(7), pp.814-829, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI:
Downey, J and
Stanyer, J (2013)
Exposing Politicians' Peccadilloes in Comparative Context: Explaining the Frequency of Political Sex Scandals in Eight Democracies Using Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis,
Political Communication, 30(3), pp.495-509, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI:
Gao, L and
Stanyer, J (2013)
Hunting corrupt officials online: the human flesh search engine and the search for justice in China,
Information Communication and Society, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI:
Van Aelst, P, Sheafer, T,
Stanyer, J (2012)
The personalization of mediated political communication: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings,
Journalism, 13(2), pp.203-220, ISSN: 1464-8849. DOI:
Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Scherr, S, Legnante, G (2012)
Hard and soft news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings,
Journalism, 13(2), pp.221-239, ISSN: 1464-8849. DOI:
Esser, F, de Vreese, CH, Strömbäck, J, van Aelst, P, Aalberg, T,
Stanyer, J, Lengauer, G, Berganza, R, Legnante, G, Papathanassopoulos, S, Salgado, S, Sheafer, T, Reinemann, C (2012)
Political Information Opportunities in Europe: A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Thirteen Television Systems,
International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(3), pp.247-274, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI:
Richardson, J and
Stanyer, J (2011)
Reader Opinion in the digital age: Broadsheet and Tabloid Newspaper Websites and the Exercise of Political Voice,
Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 12(8), pp.983-1003, ISSN: 1741-3001.
Downey, JW and
Stanyer, J (2010)
Comparative Media Analysis: Why Some Fuzzy Thinking Might Help: Applying Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to the Personalisation of Mediated Political Communication,
European Journal of Communication, 25(4), pp.1-17, ISSN: 0267-3231.
Stanyer, J (2009)
The Mediation of Power: A Critical Introduction,
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 24(1), pp.126-128, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2008)
Elected representatives, online self-presentation and the personal vote: Party, personality and webstyles in the United States and United Kingdom,
Information Communication and Society, 11(3), pp.414-432, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2008) 'Elected Representatives, Online Self-Presentation and the Personal Vote: Party, Personality and Webstyles in the US and UK.',
Information, Communication and Society, 11(3), pp.113-131, ISSN: 1369-118X.
Stanyer, J (2007)
The media and political process,
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 22(1), pp.111-113, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2007) Changing Political Parties,
For Political Review, 5, nl, p.109, ISSN: 1478-9299.
Stanyer, J (2006) Online Campaign Communications and the Phenomenon of Blogging: An Analysis of Web Logs During the 2005 General Election Campaign,
ASLIB Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 58(5), pp.404-415, ISSN: 0001-253X.
Stanyer, J (2005) Political Parties, the Internet and the 2005 General Election: from Web Presence to E-Campaigning?
Journal of Marketing Management, 21(9), pp.1049-1065, ISSN: 0267-257X.
Stanyer, J (2005) The British Public and Political Attitude Expression: the Emergence of a Self-Expressive Political Culture?
Contemporary Politics, 11(1), pp.19-32, ISSN: 1356-9775.
Stanyer, J (2004) Politics and the Media: A Crisis of Trust?
Parliamentary Affairs, 57(2), pp.420-434, ISSN: 0031-2290.
Stanyer, J (2004) Public Images, Private Lives: An Introduction,
Parliamentary Affairs, 57(1), pp.1-8, ISSN: 0031-2290.
Stanyer, J and Wring, D (2004)
Public Images, Private Lives: An Introduction,
Parliamentary Affairs, 57(1), ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2003)
Intra-party Conflict and the Struggle to Shape News Agendas: Television News and the Coverage of the Annual British Party Conferences,
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 8(2), pp.71-89, ISSN: 1081-180X. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2003)
Spinning on the conference circuit: Public relations and the selling of party and policy at the british party political conferences,
Journal of Political Marketing, 2(2), pp.83-103, ISSN: 1537-7857. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2003) Spinning on the Conference Circuit: Public Relations and the Selling of Party and Policy at the British Party Political Conferences,
Journal of Political Marketing, 2(2), pp.83-104, ISSN: 1537-7857.
Stanyer, J (2003) Politics and the Media: A Breakdown in Relations for New Labour,
Parliamentary Affairs, 56(2), pp.309-321, ISSN: 0031-2290.
Stanyer, J (2003) Political Communication in transition: Conceptualising Change and Understanding its Consequences,
European Journal of Communication 18 (3), pp.385-394, ISSN: 0267-3231.
Stanyer, J (2002)
Politics and the media: A loss of political appetite?,
PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS, 55(2), pp.377-388, ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2002) A Right Seaside Bust-Up: Television News Coverage of Internal Party Debates at the British Party Conferences,
Journalism Studies, 3(3), pp.423-435, ISSN: 1461-670X.
Stanyer, J (2002) Politics and the Media: A Loss of Political Appetite,
Parliamentary Affairs, 55(2), pp.377-388, ISSN: 0031-2290.
Stanyer, J (2002)
"A Right Seaside Bust-up": television news coverage of internal party debates at the British party conferences,
Journalism Studies, 3(3), pp.423-435, ISSN: 1461-670X. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2001)
Public opinion: Developments and controversies in the twentieth century,
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 16(2), pp.264-266, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2001)
The new media and the old: The press, broadcasting and the internet,
PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS, 54(2), pp.349-+, ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2001) Television and Party Political Dissent: Intra-party Competition and the Formation of News Agendas,
Journal of Public Affairs, 1(3), pp.217-228, ISSN: 1472-3891.
Stanyer, J (2001) The Press, Broadcasting and the Internet: The Old Media and the New,
Parliamentary Affairs, 54(2), pp.349-359, ISSN: 0031-2290.
Stanyer, J and Hamer, E (2013) Celebrity First Families? Mediated Visibility and Political Celebrity. In International Communication Association Annual Conference, London.
Reinemann, C, Stanyer, J, Scherr, S (2013) Hard News to Soft News: Empirical Findings. In International Communication Association Annual Conference,, London, June 17-22.
Stanyer, J (2012) Close-Up and Personal: A Comparative Analysis of Politicians Personal Lives in the Media. In International Communication Association Annual Conference,, Phoenix, AZ.
Downey, JW and Stanyer, J (2011) Politicians' Peccadilloes in Comparative Context. In ICA Annual Conference, Boston (May 26-30th, tba.
Chadwick, A and Stanyer, J (2010) Transforming Political Communication: New Media and Politics. In American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Washington DC, tba.
Wring, DJ, Stanyer, J, Golding, P (2010) So What Was That All About? Mainstream mediation of the campaign. In UKPolitical Studies Association Elections Public Opinion and Parties Group, Essex University, tba.
Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British press coverage of health inequalities (1998-2009). In IAMCR conference, Braga, Portugal, pp.tba-tba.
Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British Press Coverage of Health Inequalities (1998-2009). In International Association for Media and Communication Research World Congress, Braga University, Portugal, pp.tba-tba.
Stanyer, J (2010) Blogging and the 2005 General Election Campaign. In PSA Media and Politics Specialist Group, Conference Paper, unknown, pp.not known-not known.
Stanyer, J (2010) The British Public and Political Attitude Expression: Re-conceptualising the Role of the Public in the Field of Political Communication. In PSA Media and Politics Specialist Group, Spin, Image and the Media: Political Communication in France and Britain, Conference Paper, Oxford, pp.not known-not known.
Downey, JW and Stanyer, J (2009) Comparative media analysis: why some fuzzy thinking might help. In ICA, Chicago, tba.
Stanyer, J and Davidson, S (2009) The online visibility of oppression in non-democratic states: Oppressive regimes and the online exposure of human rights violations and other repressive acts. In ICA Annual Conference, Chicago, pp.20-25.
Stanyer, J and Davidson, S (2008) The internet and the hyper-visibility of oppression in non-democratic states: the Internet and Opposition to Authoritarian and Oppressive Regimes. In APSA Annual Conference, Boston, p.31.
Stanyer, J (2006) APSA Annual Conference. In Stanyer, J (ed) Levelling the Electoral Communication Playing Field? The Hype and the Reality of Campaign Blogging, Philadelphia, N/A.
Stanyer, J (2004) Personality Politics: Elected Representatives and Online Self-Presentation in the US and UK. In IAMCR Workshop, Internationalization of Political Marketing: Americanization or plain Globalization?, Conference Paper, University of Paris XII, not known.
Stanyer, J (2002) Public Relations and the Selling of Party and Policy. In The Political Markeeting Conference, Conference Paper, University of Aberdeen, not known.
Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Aalberg, T, Esser, F, de Vreese, CH (2019)
Communicating populism: Comparing actor perceptions, media coverage, and effects on citizens in Europe. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2012)
Intimate Politics: Publicity, Privacy and the Personal Lives of Politicians in Media-Saturated Democracies, Polity, ISBN: 978-0-7456-4477-6.
Stanyer, J (2007)
Modern Political Communication, Polity Press, ISBN: 0745627986.
Stanyer, J (ed) (2007)
The Political Communication Reader, Routledge.
Wring, D (ed) (2004)
Public image, private lives: The Mediation of Politicians Around the Globe, Oxford University press.
Stanyer, J (2001)
The Creation of Political News: Television and British Party Political Conferences, Sussex Academic Press, ISBN: 190221076X.
Salgado, S and
Stanyer, J (2019)
Perceptions of populism and the media: A qualitative comparative approach to studying the views of journalists and politicians. In Vreese, CRJSTAFECHD (ed)
Communicating populism. Comparing interactions between politicians, media, and citizens across Europe, Routledge, pp.17-33, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Maurer, P, Hubé, N, Stetka, V, Cremonesi, C, Seddone, A, Ringdal Bergan, S,
Stanyer, J, Tomov, M, Weiss, N, Engesser, S, Esser, F (2019)
Journalistic culture, editorial mission, and news logic: Explaining the factors behind the use of populism in European media. In Reinemann, C (ed)
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, Routledge, pp.102-122, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Maurer, P, Hube, N, Stetka, V, Cremonesi, C, Seddone, A, Bergan, SR,
Stanyer, J, Tomov, M, Weiss, N, Engesser, S, Esser, F (2019)
Journalistic culture, editorial mission, and news logic: Explaining the factors behind the use of populism in European media. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, Routledge, pp.000-000, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS,
Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2019)
A tale of two parties: Press and television coverage of the campaign. In
Political Communication in Britain Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan © The Authors, pp.23-41, ISBN: 9783030008222. DOI:
Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Aalberg, T, Esser, F, de Vreese, C (2019)
Introduction: Comprehending and investigating populist communication from a comparative perspective. In
Communicating populism. Comparing interactions between politicians, media, and citizens across Europe, Routledge, pp.1-14, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Stanyer, J, Salgado, S, Bobba, G, Hajzer, G, Hopmann, D, Hube, N, Merkovity, N, Ozerim, G, Papathanassopoulos, S, Sanders, KB, Spasojevic, D, Vochocova, L (2019)
Journalists’ perceptions of populism and the media: A cross-national study based on semi-structured interviews. In
Communicating populism. Comparing interactions between politicians, media, and citizens across Europe, Routledge, pp.34-50, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Salgado, S,
Stanyer, J, Hajzer, G, Hopmann, D, Kalsnes, B, Legnante, G, Lipinski, A, Merkovity, N, Papathanassopoulos, S, Sanders, KB (2019)
Politicians' perceptions of populism and the media: A cross-national study based on semi-structured interviews. In
Communicating populism. Comparing interactions between politicians, media, and citizens across Europe, Routledge, pp.51-68, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
de Vreese, C, Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Esser, F, Aalberg, T (2019)
Adapting to the different shades of populism: Key findings and implications for media, citizens, and politics. In
Communicating populism. Comparing interactions between politicians, media, and citizens across Europe, Routledge, pp.235-252, ISBN: 9781138392724. DOI:
Salgado, S,
Stanyer, J, Hajzer, G, Nicolas Hopmann, D, Kalsnes, B, Legnante, G, Lipiński, A, Merkovity, N, Papathanassopoulos, S, Sanders, KB (2019)
Politicians' perceptions of populism and the media: A cross-national study based on semi-structured interviews. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, pp.51-68, DOI:
Salgado, S and
Stanyer, J (2019)
Perceptions of populism and the media: A qualitative comparative approach to studying the views of journalists and politicians. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, pp.17-33, DOI:
Stanyer, J, Salgado, S, Bobba, G, Hajzer, G, Nicolas Hopmann, D, Hubé, N, Merkovity, N, Özerim, G, Papathanassopoulos, S, Sanders, KB, Spasojevic, D, Vochocová, L (2019)
Journalists' perceptions of populism and the media: A cross-national study based on semi-structured interviews. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, pp.34-50, DOI:
Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Aalberg, T, Esser, F, de Vreese, CH (2019)
Introduction: Comprehending and investigating populist communication from a comparative perspective. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, pp.1-14, DOI:
de Vreese, CH, Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Esser, F, Aalberg, T (2019)
Adapting to the different shades of populism: Key findings and implications for media, citizens, and politics. In
Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe, pp.235-252, DOI:
Deacon, DN, Wring, D, Stanyer, Downey, J (2017)
The Media Campaign: The Issues and Personalities Who Defined the Election. In Wring, D, Mortimore, R, Atkinson, S (ed)
Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.183-196, ISBN: 978-3-319-40933-7. DOI:
Stanyer, J (2017)
Explaining outcomes in comparative digital journalism research: Challenges and analytic choices. In
Digital Technology and Journalism: An International Comparative Perspective, pp.347-361, DOI:
Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS,
Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2017)
Two parts policy, one part process: News media coverage of the 2017 election. In
Brexit, Trump and the Media, Abramis, pp.367-371, ISBN: 978-1845497095.
Stanyer, J, Archetti, C, Sorensen, L (2016) The United Kingdom: Hybrid Populisms, Mixed Fortunes and Unstable Support. In Aalberg, T, Esser, F, Reinemann, C, Strömbäck, J, de Vreese, C (ed)
Populist Political Communication in Europe, Routledge, pp.1-376, ISBN: 978-1138654792.
Stanyer, J, Salgado, S, Stromback, J (2016) Populist Actors as Communicators or Political Actors as Populist Communicators: Cross-National Findings and Perspectives. In Aalberg, T, Esser, F, Reinemann, C, Strömbäck, J, de Vreese, C (ed)
Populist Political Communication in Europe, Routledge, pp.1-376, ISBN: 978-1138654792.
Reinemann, C,
Stanyer, J, Scherr, S (2016)
Hard and Soft News. In De Vreese, C, Esser, F, Hopmann, D (ed)
Comparing Political Journalism, Routledge, 9, ISBN: 9781317222552. DOI:
Reinemann, C, Scherr, S,
Stanyer, J (2016) Cross-conceptual architecture of news. In De Vreese, C, Esser, F, Hopmann, D (ed)
Comparing Political Journalism, Routledge, 10, ISBN: 9781317222552.
Stanyer, J, Salgado, S, Strömbäck, J (2016)
Populist actors as communicators or political actors as populist communicators: Cross-national findings and perspectives. In
Populist Political Communication in Europe, pp.353-364, DOI:
De Vreese, C, Esser, F, Hopmann, DN, Aalberg, T, Van Aelst, P, Berganza, R, Hubé, N, Legnante, G, Matthes, J, Papathanassopoulos, S, Reinemann, C, Salgado, S, Sheafer, T,
Stanyer, J, Strömbäck, J (2016)
Our goal: Comparing news performance. In
Comparing Political Journalism, pp.1-9, DOI:
Deacon, D, Downey, J,
Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016)
The media campaign: The issues and personalities who defined the election. In
Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, pp.183-196, DOI:
Deacon, DN, Downey, J,
Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015)
News media performance in the 2015 General Election campaign. In Jackson, D and Thorsen, E (ed)
UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign, Centre for Study of Journalism, Culture and Community, pp.12-14, ISBN: 978-1-910042-07-6.
Stanyer, J and Harmer, E (2015) Political Scandal. In Mazzoleni, G, Barnhurst, K, Ikeda, K (ed)
The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication,.
Stanyer, J and Downey, J (2014) Using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in comparative political communication research: applying fuzzy set theoretic thinking in small and medium-N case oriented research. In Canel, MJ and Voltmer, K (ed)
Political Communication in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
Stanyer, J (2014) Democratic Political Communication Systems and the Transformative Power of Scandals: Phone Hacking at the News of the World as a Critical Juncture in the Regulation of the British Press. In Coleman, S, Moss, G, Parry, K (ed)
Can the Media Serve Democracy? Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler,.
Stanyer, J (2014) Hypes, Waves and Storms: Events and the Dynamics of their Coverage. In
Political Communication: Handbooks of Communication Science, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.151-166, ISBN: 9783110238174.
Chadwick, A and
Stanyer, J (2011)
The Changing News Media Environment. In Heffernan, R, Cowley, P, Hay, C (ed)
Developments in British Politics 9, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.215-237, ISBN: 9780230221741.
Stanyer, J and Davidson, S (2011) The global human rights regime and the internet: Non-democratic states and the hyper-visibility of oppression. In Cottle, S and Lester, LE (ed)
Transnational Protests and the Media, Peter Lang, tba, ISBN: 978-1433109850.
Chadwick, A and
Stanyer, J (2011) Political Communication in Transition: Mediated Politics in Britain's New Media Environment. In Heffernan, REAE (ed)
Developments in British Politics 9, Palgrave, tba.
Chadwick, A and
Stanyer, J (2011) Political Communication in Transition: Mediated Politics in Britain's New Media Environment. In Heffernan, REAE (ed)
Developments in British Politics 9, Palgrave, tba, ISBN: 9780230221741.
Stanyer, J and Chadwick, A (2011) Political Communication in Transition: Mediated Politics in Britain’s New Media Environment. In Heffernan, R, Cowley, P, Hay, C (ed)
Developments in British Politics 9, pp.215-237.
Stanyer, J (2009) Web 2.0 and the Transformation of News and Journalism: New Possibilities and Challenges in the Internet Age. In Chadwick, A and eds, PNH (ed)
The Handbook of Internet Politics, Routledge, tba, ISBN: 978-0415429146.
Stanyer, J (2008) 'Candidate-Centered Communication.'. In
Stanyer, J (ed)
C.Hotlz-Bacha, and L. L. Kaid (eds) Encyclopaedia of Political Communication, Sage, TBA, ISBN: 9781412917995.
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