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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Graham Murdock

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Journal Articles

Murdock, G (2020) Profits of deceit: Performing populism in polarised times, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 23(6), pp.874-899, ISSN: 1367-5494. DOI: 10.1177/1367549420957341.

Murdock, G and Brevini, B (2019) Communications and the capitalocene: Disputed ecologies, contested economies, competing futures, The Political Economy of Communication, 7(1), pp.51-82.

Murdock, G (2018) Commons manifestos: a reply to Bauwens and Ramos, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, ISSN: 2326-9995. DOI: 10.1080/23269995.2018.1461443.

Murdock, G (2018) Media Materialties: For A Moral Economy of Machines, Journal of Communication, 68(2), pp.359-368, ISSN: 0021-9916. DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqx023.

Murdock, G (2018) Commons manifestos: a reply to Bauwens and Ramos, Global Discourse, 8(2), pp.343-347, DOI: 10.1080/23269995.2018.1461443.

Murdock, G (2018) Refeudalisation revisited: The destruction of deliberative democracy, Javnost - The Public Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, 25(1-2), pp.43-50, ISSN: 1318-3222. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2017.1418993.

Murdock, G (2017) Communication, crisis and control: Economies, ecologies and technologies of digital times, Medijska Istrazivanja, 23(2), pp.17-34, ISSN: 1330-6928. DOI: 10.22572/mi.23.2.1.

Murdock, G (2017) Mediatisation and the transformation of capitalism: The elephant in the room, Javnost, 24(2), pp.119-135, ISSN: 1318-3222. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2017.1290745.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (2016) Political economy and media production: a reply to Dwyer, Media, Culture and Society, 38(5), pp.763-769, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443716655094.

McGuigan, L and Murdock, G (2015) The Medium is the Marketplace: Digital Systems and the Intensification of Consumption, Canadian Journal of Communication, 40(4), pp.717-726, ISSN: 0705-3657. DOI: 10.22230/cjc.2015v40n4a2948.

Murdock, G (2013) Corporations and Cultural Industries: Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and News Corporation, MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 35(8), pp.1027-1029, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443713500608.

Murdock, G (2013) Communication in Common, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 7, pp.154-172, ISSN: 1932-8036.

Murdock, G (2012) Cultural Studies and Cultural Economy, Study and Exploration, 1(1), pp.124-126.

Wasko, J, Murdock, G, Sousa, H (2011) The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, DOI: 10.1002/9781444395402.

Wasko, J, Murdock, G, Sousa, H (2011) Introduction: The Political Economy of Communications: Core Concerns and Issues, The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, pp.1-10, DOI: 10.1002/9781444395402.ch.

Murdock, G (2010) Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL POLICY, 16(1), pp.63-65, ISSN: 1028-6632. DOI: 10.1080/10286630902952413.

Murdock, G (2010) Shifting anxieties, altered media: risk communication in networked times, Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 2(2), pp.159-176.

Murdock, G (2008) Review essay: Transnational television in transition: Emerging forces, persistent powers, JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 58(1), pp.187-192, ISSN: 0021-9916.

Murdock, G (2008) Communication in the age of suspicion: trust and the media, JOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH, 11(8), pp.1063-1065, ISSN: 1366-9877. DOI: 10.1080/13669870802180506.

Murdock, G (2008) Re-Enchantment and the Popular Imagination: Fate, Magic and Purity, Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook, 6(1), pp.27-44, ISSN: 1601-829X. DOI: 10.1386/nl.6.1.27_1.

Murdock, G (2006) Notes from the Number One Country: Herbert Schiller on Culture, Capital and American Power, The International Journal of Cultural Policy, forthcoming.

Murdock, G (2006) Capitalism, Communication and Change in Europe (translated into Portuguese), Economia Politica da Communicacao e dos Media, forthcoming.

Murdock, G (2006) Under the beach the paving stones: commodities,consumerism, contradictions, Cuadernos de Informacion y Communication, 11, pp.31-46.

Murdock, G (2005) Continental Shifts: Capitalism, Comunication adn Change in Europe, Communicacao e Sociedade, 7, pp.11-23, ISSN: 1645-2089.

Murdock, G (2005) Rethinking Change, Retrieving Critique, Communication Theories: Critical Concepts, forthcoming.

Murdock, G (2005) Postmodernity is Dead, Xin Hua Wen Zhai (New China Digest), 22, pp.143-144.

Murdock, G (2004) Past the Posts: Rethinking Change, Retrieving Critique, European Journal of Communication, 19(1), pp.19-38, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323104040692.

Murdock, G (2004) Theatres without Footlights: Deliberative Democracy and Creative Engagement, Current Sociology, 52(2), pp.281-289.

Murdock, G (2004) Past the Posts: Rethinking Change, Retrieving Critique, European Journal of Communication, 1(1), pp.19-38, ISSN: 0267-3231.

Murdock, G (2004) Theatres without Footlights: Deliberative Democracy and Creative Engagement, Current Sociology, 52(2), pp.281-289, ISSN: 0011-3921.

Murdock, G (2004) Past the Posts: Rethinking Change, Retrieving Critique, European Journal of Communication, 19(1), pp.19-38, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323104040692.

Murdock, G (2002) Debating Digital Divides, European Journal of Communication, 17(3), pp.385-390.

Murdock, G (2002) Review article: Debating digital divides, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 17(3), pp.385-390, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323102017003695.

Murdock, G (2002) Debating Digital Divides:Benjamin M. Compaine (ed.), The Digital Divide: Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth?, European Journal of Communication, 17(3), pp.385-390, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323102017003695.

Murdock, G (2001) Culture and citizenship, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 16(4), pp.545-548, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323101016004006.

Murdock, G (2001) Digital Divides: Communications Policy and its Contradictions, New Economy, 8(2), pp.110-115.

Murdock, G (2001) Crime and social change in middle England: Questions of order in an English town, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 35(1), pp.232-234, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI: 10.1177/0038038501035001024.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (2001) Digital Divides: Communications policy and its contradictions, New Economy, 8(2), pp.110-115, ISSN: 1070-3535.

Murdock, G (2001) Political Economy of Mass Media, International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, pp.9538-9363.

Murdock, G (2000) Visual culture: A reader, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 15(2), pp.265-267, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323100015002007.

Murdock, G (2000) Dictionary of cultural theorists, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 15(1), pp.129-131, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323100015001022.

Murdock, G (1999) Violence, culture and censure, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 33(3), pp.672-676, ISSN: 0038-0385.

Murdock, G (1999) The web of violence: From interpersonal to global, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 33(3), pp.672-676, ISSN: 0038-0385.

Murdock, G (1999) The web of violence: From interpersonal to global, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 33(3), pp.672-676, ISSN: 0038-0385.

Murdock, G (1999) Media in global context: A reader, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 14(2), pp.270-275, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323199014002015.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (1999) Common Markets: Corporate Ambitions and Communication Trends on the UK and Europe, The Journal of Media Economics, 12(2), pp.117-132.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (1999) Common markets: Corporate ambitions and communication trends in the UK and Europe, Journal of Media Economics, 12(2), pp.117-132, ISSN: 0899-7764. DOI: 10.1207/s15327736me1202_4.

Murdock, G (1998) Policing the risk society, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 32(2), pp.408-409, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI: 10.1177/0038038598032002012.

Murdock, G (1998) Imagining Modernity: Moretti on the Bildungsroman, New Formations, (6), pp.132-141.

Murdock, G (1997) Raymond Williams by Inglis,F (vol 19, pg 295, 1997), MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 19(3), pp.CP2-CP2, ISSN: 0163-4437.

Murdock, G (1997) The political economy of communication: Rethinking and renewal - Mosco,V, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 12(2), pp.239-243, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323197012002005.

Murdock, G (1997) 'New Zealand' and 'Terrorism', Museum of Broadcast Communication Encyclopaedia of Television.

Zhao, B and Murdock, G (1996) Young pioneers: Children and the making of Chinese consumerism, CULTURAL STUDIES, 10(2), pp.201-217, ISSN: 0950-2386. DOI: 10.1080/09502389600490121.

Murdock, G (1996) Moving Towards the Millenium: Visual Culture int he Digital Age, Vertigo, 1(5), pp.8-11.


MURDOCK, G (1994) MIND - MEDIA INDUSTRY IN EUROPE - PILATI,A, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 9(3), pp.337-338, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323194009003007.

Murdock, G (1994) New Times/Hard Times: Leisure, Participation and the Common Good, Leisure Studies, 13, pp.239-248, ISSN: 0261-4367.

Murdock, G (1993) Communications and the Constitution of Modernity, Media, Culture and Society, 15(4), pp.521-539, ISSN: 0034-8635.


Murdock, G (1992) Branded Images, Sight and Sound (New Series), 2(3), pp.18-19.

Murdock, G (1992) Blindspots about Western Marxism, Isle Margin (Taiwan) No. 4, pp.34-48.

Murdock, G (1992) Selling the Silver: British Commercial Television after the Franchise Auctions, Media Perspective No. 4, pp.222-235.

Murdock, G (1992) Kicked out of Touch, Poverty No. 82, p.4.


MURDOCK, G (1991) PATROLLING THE BORDER - BRITISH BROADCASTING AND THE IRISH QUESTION IN THE 1980S, JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 41(4), pp.104-115, ISSN: 0021-9916. DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.1991.tb02334.x.



Murdock, G (2011) Journeys to the West The making of Asian modernities. In , DE-WESTERNIZING COMMUNICATION RESEARCH: ALTERING QUESTIONS AND CHANGING FRAMEWORKS, pp.137-156.

Murdock, G (2005) Keynote Speech. In Man and Nature-Aesthetics and Literature in the Light of Contemporary Eco-Civilisation, Paper, Shandong University, Qingdao, not known.

Murdock, G (2004) Marxism and Contemporary Cultural Construction. In International Conference:, Keynote Speech, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, not known.

Murdock, G (2004) Keynote Speech. In International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Conference, University of Wuhan, China, not known.

Murdock, G (2004) Keynote Speech. In Democracy in the Age of Mass Media, Conference, University of Lower Silesia, Poland, not known.

Murdock, G (2004) Keynote Speech. In Conference on the Creative Industries, Conference, University of Western Sydney, Australia, not known.

Murdock, G (2003) Keynote speech. In Communication and Change, Finnish National Doctoral School in Communications, Conference, University of Tampere, not known.

Murdock, G (2002) Keynote speech. In Electronic Media, Markets and Civil Society in East and Southeast Asia, Conference, City University of Hong Kong, not known.

Murdock, G (2002) Rethinking Communication Exclusion: Tackling the Digital Divide. In McLean, NE (ed) Digital Divide, Coventry, pp.23-31.

Murdock, G (1993) Contextualising Home Computing: Resources and Practices. In Vershinskaya, OE (ed) Informatization in the Social Sphere, Moscow, pp.50-59.

Murdock, G (1993) Underwriting Cultural Rights: Rethinking Public Intervention in Information and Communication Services. In Informatie: For (W)elke Prijs?, The Hague, pp.32-38.


Horlick-Jones, T, Walls, J, Rowe, G, Pidgeon, N, Poortinga, W, Murdock, G, O'Riordan, T (2007) The GM debate: Risk, politics and public engagement. DOI: 10.4324/9780203945933.

Deacon, DN, Pickering, MJ, Golding, P, Murdock, G (2007) Researching Communications: A Practical Guide to Media and Cultural Analysis, Arnold, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-340-92699-4.

Wieten, J, Murdock, G, Dahlgren, P (ed) (2000) Television Across Europe: A Comparative Introduction, Sage Publications, ISBN: 0 7619 6885 7.

Deacon, DN, Pickering, MJ, Golding, P, Murdock, G (1999) Researching Communications: A Practical Guide to Methods in Media and Cultural Analysis, Edward Arnold, ISBN: 0340 59685 6.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (ed) (1997) The Political Economy of the Media Volume 1: Communication and Capitalism, Edward Elgar.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (ed) (1997) The Political Economy of the Media Volume 2: Communication and the Common Good, Edward Elgar, ISBN: 1-85278-777-5.


Murdock, G (2017) Narrating finance capital: Explorations in speculation, crisis and austerity. In Global Finance on Screen: From Wall Street to Side Street, pp.19-41, DOI: 10.4324/9781315172033.

Maxwell, R and Miller, T (2017) Digital technology and the environment: Challenges for green citizenship and environmental organizations. In Carbon Capitalism and Communication Confronting Climate Crisis, Palgrave, pp.41-55, ISBN: 9783319578767. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57876-7.

Murdock, G (2015) Mass Media, Political Economy of. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition, pp.733-737, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.95004-9.

Murdock, G (2014) Another people: Communication policy and the Europe of citizens. In The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy, pp.143-171, DOI: 10.1057/9781137032195.

Brevini, B and Murdock, G (2013) Following the money: Wikileaks and the political economy of disclosure. In Beyond WikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society, pp.35-55, DOI: 10.1057/9781137275745.

Murdock, G (2013) Producing consumerism: Commodities, ideologies, practices. In Critique, Social Media and the Information Society, pp.125-143, DOI: 10.4324/9780203764077.

Murdock, G (2013) Reservoirs of dogma an archaeology of popular anxieties. In Ill Effects: The Media Violence Debate, pp.56-73, DOI: 10.4324/9780203977514-9.

(2012) Relocating Television. In Gripsrud, J (ed) Unknown Parent Title, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780203851371.

Murdock, G (2011) Political Economies as Moral Economies: Commodities, Gifts and Public Goods. In Wasko, J, Murdock, G, Sousa, H (ed) The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, John Wiley & Sons,ISBN: 9781444395396.

Murdock, G (2010) Celebrity culture and the public sphere: The tabloidization of power. In Media, Markets and Public Spheres: European Media at the Crossroads, pp.267-286.

Deacon, DN (2008) Going to Spain with the Boys: Women Correspondents and the Spanish Civil War. In ed, MB (ed) Narrating Media History, Routledge, pp.66-78, ISBN: 0-415-41916-6.

Murdock, G (2007) Cosmopolitans and Conquistadors: Empires, Nations and Networks. In Boyd Barrett, O (ed) Communications, Media, Globalization and Empire, John Libbey & Company, pp.17-32, ISBN: 0861966600.

Hughes, E, Kitzinger, J, Murdock, G (2006) The Media and Risk. In Taylor-Gooby, P and Zinn, JE (ed) Risk in Social Science, Oxford University Press, not known.

Murdock, G (2006) Celebrity Culture and the Public Sphere: The Tabloidisation of Power. In Gripsrud, J and Weibull, LE (ed) Stable Change: European Media and Public Spheres 1960-2000, Intellect Books, in press.

Murdock, G (2005) Crossings and Borders: Identities and Solidarities in the Age of Global Markets. In Shan, B and Shi, Y-BE (ed) New Thoughts on Intercultural Communication, Whuan Univesity Press, pp.15-22, ISBN: 7 307 04733 0.

Murdock, G (2005) Building the Digital Commons: Public Broadcasting in the Age of the Internet. In Broadcasting, CDIPS (ed) Jaueert, P. & Lowe, G.F, Goteborg University, pp.213-230, ISBN: 9189471326.

Murdock, G (2005) On Screen and On Line: Public Broadcasting inNetworked Times. In Zhiwu, SE (ed) Asian Communication and Media Studies 2004, Asia Media Research Centre, Communication University of China, pp.230-240, ISBN: 7 81085 488 7.

Murdock, G (2005) Picturing Practices: Visual Anthropology and Media Ethnography. In Rothenbuhler, EW and Coman, ME (ed) Media Anthropology, Sage Publications, pp.149-161, ISBN: 1-4129 0670 9.

Murdock, G (2005) Public Broadcasting and Democratic Culture: Consumers, Citizens and Communards. In Wasko, JE (ed) A Companion to Television, Blackwell Publishing, pp.174-198, ISBN: 0 8058 4304 3.

Murdock, G (2005) Rethinking the Cultural Commons. In Marinescu, VE (ed) Communicare si Putere, Editura Niculescu, pp.9-26, ISBN: 973 568 936 7.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (2005) Digital Possibilities. Market Realities: The Contradictions of Communications COnvergence. In Marinescu, VE (ed) Communicare si Putere, Editura Niculsecu, pp.160-187, ISBN: 973 568 936 7.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (2004) Dismantling the Digital Divide: Rethinking the Dynamics of Participation and Exclusion. In Calabrese, A and Sparks, CE (ed) Towards a Political Economy of Culture: Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century, Rowman and Littlefield, pp.244-260, ISBN: 0742526844.

Murdock, G (2004) Celebrity Culture and the Public Sphere: The Tabloidisation of Power. In Gripsrud, J and Weibull, LE (ed) Stable Change: European Media and Public Psheres 1960-2000, Intellect Books, in press.

Murdock, G (2004) Public Broadcasting and Democratic Culture: Consumers, Citizens and Communards. In Wasko, JE (ed) The Blackwell Companion to Television, Blackwell, in press.

Murdock, G (2004) Popular Representation and Post-Normal Science: The Struggle over Genetically Modified Foods. In Braman, S (ed) Biotechnology and Communication: The Meta-Technologies of Information, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp.227-259, ISBN: 0805843043.

Murdock, G and Golding, P (2003) Dismantling the Digital Divide: Rethinking The Dynamics of Participation and Exclusion. In Calabrese, A and Sparks, C (ed) Toward a Political Economy of Culture: Capitalism and Communication in the 21st Century, Rowman and Littlefield, pp.244-260, ISBN: 0742526836.

Downey, JW and Murdock, G (2003) The Counter-Revolution in Military Affairs: The Globalization of Guerrilla Warfare. In Thussu, DK and Freedman, D (ed) War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24/7, Sage Publications, pp.70-86, ISBN: 0761943129.

Murdock, G, Petts, J, Horlick Jones, T (2003) After Amplification: Rethinking the Role of the Media in Risk Communication. In Pidgeon, N, Kasperson, RE, Slovic, P (ed) The Social Amplification of Risk, Cambridge University Press, pp.156-178, ISBN: 0521817285.

Murdock, G (2003) Viewers Reactions. In Nightingale, V and Ross, KE (ed) Critical Readings: Media and Audiences, Open University Press, pp.29-34.

Murdock, G (2003) Back to Work: Cultural Labour in Altered Times. In Beck, AE (ed) Cultural Work: Understanding The Cultural Industries, Routledge, pp.15-36, ISBN: 0 415 28951 3.

Murdock, G (2002) Media, Culture and Modern Times: Social Science Investigations. In Jensen, KBE (ed) A Handbook fo Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies, Routledge, pp.40-57, ISBN: 0 415 22514 0.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (2001) Digital Possibilities, Market realities; the contradictions of communications convergence. In Panitch, L and Leys, CE (ed) A World of Contradictions - Socialist Register 2001, The Merlin Press and New York Monthly Review Press, pp.110-129.

Murdock, G (2001) Against Enclosure: Rethinking the Cultural Commons. In Morley, D and Robins, KE (ed) British Cultural Studies, Oxford University Press, pp.443-460, ISBN: 0 19 874206 1.

Murdock, G (2001) Mediated Modernities: Communications and Contemporary Life at the Century's End. In Ma, RE (ed) Cultural Consciousness and Cross-Cultural Communication, Beijing University, pp.120-138, ISBN: 7 301 04550 6.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (2001) Digital possibilities, market realities: the contradictions of communications convergence. In Panitch, L and Leys, CE (ed) A World of Contradictions Socialist Register 2001, The Merlin Press and New York Monthly Review Press, pp.110-129, ISBN: 0850365015.

Murdock, G (2000) Peculiar Commodities: Audiences at Large in the World of Goods. In Hagen, I and Wasko, JE (ed) Consuming Audiences? Production and Reception in Media Research, Hampton Press Inc, pp.47-70, ISBN: 1 572 73175 3.

Murdock, G (2000) Reconstructing the Ruined Tower: Contemporary Communications and Questions of Class. In Curran, J and Gurevitch, ME (ed) Mass Media and Society (Third Edition), Arnold, pp.7-26, ISBN: 0 340 73201 6.

Murdock, G (2000) Culture, Communications and Political Economy. In Curran, J and Gurevitch, ME (ed) Mass Media and Society (Third Edition), Arnold, pp.70-92, ISBN: 0 340 73201 6.

Murdock, G (2000) Strange solidarities: interpretive communities and imagined politics. In Gripsrud, JE (ed) Sociology and Aesthetics, Norwegian Academic Press, pp.131-147.

Murdock, G (2000) Digital Futures: European Television in the Age of Convergence. In Wieten, J, Murdock, , G, Dahlgren, eds, P (ed) Television Across Europe: A Comparative Introduction, Sage Publications, pp.35-57, ISBN: 0 7619 6884 9.

Murdock, G (2000) Talk Shows: Democratic Debates and Tabloid Tales. In Wieten, J, Murdock, , G, Dahlgren, eds, P (ed) Television Across Europe: A Comparative Introduction, Sage Publications, pp.198-220, ISBN: 0 7619 6884 9.

Murdock, G (2000) Introduction: Television Trends: Organisation and Representation. In Wieten, J, Murdock, G, Dahlgren, P (ed) Television Across Europe: A Comparative Introduction, Sage, pp.61-64.

Murdock, G (2000) Reprint of Bourdieu article. In Robbins, DE (ed) Pierre Bourdieu: Volume III, Sage, pp.133-142, ISBN: 0 7619 6465 7.

Murdock, G (1999) Corporate Dynamics and Broadcasting Futures. In Mackay, H and O'Sullivan, TE (ed) The Media Reader: Continuity and Transformation, Sage, pp.28-42.

Murdock, G (1999) Money Talks: Broadcasting Finance and Public Culture. In Buscombe, EE (ed) British Television: A Reader, Oxford University Press, pp.118-141.

Murdock, G (1999) Rights and Representations: Public discourse and cultural citizenship. In Gripsrud, JE (ed) Television and Common Knowledge, Routledge, pp.7-17.

Murdock, G (1998) Walking the Bottom Line: Programming Cultures and Television Economics in Contemporary Britain. In Pethig, R, Blins, S, eds, (ed) Fernsehfinanzierung: Okonomische, Rechtliche und Aesthetische Perspektiven, Westdeutscher Verlag, pp.228-247, ISBN: 3 531 13167 2.

Murdock, G (1998) Mass Communication and the Construction of Meaning. In Dickinson, R, Harindranath, R, Linne, eds, O (ed) Approaches to Audiences: A Reader, Arnold, pp.205-217, ISBN: 0 340 692243.

Murdock, G (1998) Public Broadcasting in Privatised Times: Rethinking the New Zealand Experiment. In Norris, P and Farnsworth, JE (ed) Keeping it Ours: Issue of Television Broadcasting in New Zealand, New Zealand Broadcasting School, pp.9-33.

Murdock, G (1997) Trading Places: The Cultural Economy of Co-Productions. In Blind, S and Hallenberger, GE (ed) European Co-Productions in Television and Film, Universitatsverlag C Winter, pp.103-114, ISBN: 3-8253-0406-X.

Murdock, G (1997) Qualities of Vision: Looking for Virtue and the Virtues of Looking. In Eide, M, Gentikow, B, Helland, eds, K (ed) Quality Television, University of Bergen, pp.67-84, ISBN: 82-578-0365-0.

Murdock, G (1997) Reservoirs of Dogma: An Archeology of Popular Anxieties. In Barker, M and Petley, JE (ed) Ill Effects: The Media/Violence Debate, Routledge, pp.67-86, ISBN: 0-415-14672-0.

Murdock, G (1997) Base Notes: The Conditions of Cultural Production. In Ferguson, M and Golding, PE (ed) Cultural Studies in Question, Sage, pp.86-101, ISBN: 0-8039-7923-1.

Murdock, G (1997) Cultural Studies at the Crossroads. In McRobbie, AE (ed) Back to Reality? Social Experience and Cultural Studies, Manchester University Press, pp.58-73, ISBN: 0-7190-4454-5.

Murdock, G, Elliott, P, Schlesinger, P (1997) The State and Terrorism on British Television. In Rolston, B and Miller, DE (ed) War and Words: The Northern Ireland Media Reader, Beyond the Pale Publications, pp.340-376, ISBN: 1-900960-00-1.

Murdock, G (1997) The Re-Enchantment of the World: Religion and the Transformations of Modernity. In Hoover, SM and Lundby, KE (ed) Rethinking Media, Religion and Culture, Sage, pp.85-101, ISBN: 0-7619-0170-1.

Murdock, G (1997) Thin Descriptions: Questions of Method in Cultural Analysis. In McGuigan, JE (ed) Cultural Methodologies, Sage, pp.178-192, ISBN: 0-8039-7484-1.

Murdock, G and McCron, R (1997) The Television and Delinquency Debate. In O'Sullivan, T and Jewkes, YE (ed) The Media Studies Reader, Arnold, pp.181-188, ISBN: 0-340-645261.

Murdock, G (1997) Communications and the Constitution of Modernity. In O'Sullivan, T and Jewkes, YE (ed) The Media Studies Reader, Arnold, pp.52-60, ISBN: 0-340-645261.

Murdock, G (1997) Terrorism. In Newcomb, HE (ed) Museum of Broadcast Communication Encyclopedia of Television, Fitzroy Dearborn, pp.1652-55.

Murdock, G (1997) Silvio Berlusconi. In Newcomb, HE (ed) Museum of Broadcast Communication Encyclopedia of Television, Fitzroy Dearborn, pp.165-167.

Murdock, G (1997) New Zealand. In Newcomb, HE (ed) Museum of Broadcast Communication Encyclopedia of Television, Fitzroy Dearborn, pp.1154-56.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (1997) Introduction: Communication and Capitalism. In Golding, P and Murdock, GE (ed) The Political Economy of the Media Vol. 1, Edward Elgar, pp.xiii-xviii.

Golding, P and Murdock, G (1997) Introduction: Communication and the Common Good. In Golding, P and Murdock, GE (ed) The Political Economy of the Media Vol. 2, Edward Elgar, pp.xiii-xviii.

Murdock, G (1994) Visualizing Violence: Television and the Discourse of Disorder. In Hamelink, CJ and Linne, OE (ed) Mass Communication Research: On Problems and Policies, Ablex Publishing Corporation, pp.171-187.

Murdock, G (1994) Tales of Expertise and Experience: Sociological Reasoning and Popular Representation. In Haslam, C and Bryman, AE (ed) Social Scientists Meet the Media, Routledge, pp.108-122, ISBN: 0 415 08190 4.

Murdock, G (1994) Corporate Dynamics and Broadcasting Futures. In Aldridge, M and Hewitt, NE (ed) Controlling Broadcasting: Access Policy and Practice in North America and Europe, Manchester University Press, pp.3-19.

Murdock, G (1994) Money Talks: Broadcasting Finance and Public Culture. In Hood, SE (ed) Behind the Screens: The Structure of British Television in the Nineties, Lawrence and Wishart, pp.155-183.

Murdock, G (1993) Cultural Studies at the Crossroads. In Gray, A and McGuigan, JE (ed) Studying Culture: An Introductory Reader, Edward Arnold, pp.81-90.

Murdock, G (1992) Embedded Persuasions: The Fall and Rise of Integrated Advertising. In Strinati, D and Wagg, SE (ed) Come on Down: Popular Media Culture in Post War Britain, Routledge, pp.202-231.

Murdock, G (1992) Citizens, Consumers and Public Culture. In Skovomand, M and Schroder, KE (ed) Media Cultures: Reappraising Transnational Media, Routledge, pp.34-48, ISBN: 0 415 06385 X.

Murdock, G (1992) Authorship and Organisation. In Alvarado, M, Buscombe, E, Collins, eds, R (ed) The Screen Education Reader: Cinema, Television and Culture, Macmillan, pp.123-144.

Murdock, G, Gray, P, Hartmann, P (1992) Contextualising Home Computing: Resources and Practices. In Silverstone, R and Hirsch, EE (ed) Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Space, Routledge, pp.146-160, ISBN: 0 415 06990 4.


Petts, J, Horlick Jones, T, Murdock, G (2001) Social Amplification of Risk: The Media and the Public, not known, HSE Contract Research Report No 329.


Murdock, G (2005) Commodities, Gifts and Public Goods, European University Institute.

Murdock, G (2005) Contested Digital Economies.

Murdock, G (2005) Invited paper.

Murdock, G (2004) On Screen and On Line: Broadcasting int he Age of the Internet.

Murdock, G (2004) The Materiality of Mediated Communication: Introductions and Reconfigurations.

Murdock, G (2003) Media Technology and Democratic Culture.

Murdock, G (2003) Old Frontiers and New Directiosn in Communication and Media Studies.

Murdock, G (2003) Creative Labour in the New Cultural Economies.

Murdock, G (2002) Broadcasting and Convergence: Articulating a New Remit.

Murdock, G (2001) Girling, E, Loader, I. & Sparks, R. ``Crime and Social Change in Middle England: Questions of Order in an English Town''.

Murdock, G (2001) Stevenson, N. (ed) ``Culture and Citizenship''.

Murdock, G (2000) Hackett, R. & Zhao, Y. ``Sustaining Democracy? Journalism and the Politics of Identity''.

Murdock, G (2000) Hall, S. & Evans, J. (eds) ``Visual Culture: A Reader''.

Murdock, G (2000) Cashmore, E. & Rojek, C. (eds) ``Dictionary of Cultural Theorists''.

Murdock, G (1999) Turpin, J. & Kurtz, L.R. ``The Web of Violence: From Interpersonal to Global & Sumber, C. ``Violence Culture and Censure.

Murdock, G (1999) Sreberny-Mohammedi, Winseck, D, McKennan, J. & Boud-Barrett, O. (eds) ``Media in Global Context: A Reader''.

Murdock, G (1999) Sreberny-Mohammedi, A, Winseck, D, McKennan, J. & Boyd-Barrett, O. (eds) ``Media in Global Context: A Reader''.

Murdock, G (1997) Ericson, R.V. and Haggerty, K.D, ``Policing the Risk Society''.

Murdock, G (1997) Mosco, V. ``The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal'' Sage 1996.

Murdock, G (1997) Inglis, F. ``Raymond Williams'' Routledge 1995.

Murdock, G (1997) Hutchinson, I. and Lealand, G, ``Aotearoa/New Zealand: A New Mediascape''.

Murdock, G (1994) Pilati, A. (ed) ``MIND: Media Industry in Europe''.

Murdock, G (1993) Odasuo, A.A. and Eke, K.K. (eds), ``Media Coverage of Terrorism: Methods of Diffusion'' and Paletz, D.L. and Schmid, A.P. (eds), ``Terrorism and the Media''.

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