Journal Articles
Slocombe, F,
Peel, E, Pilnick, A, Albert, S (2024)
Reminiscence respecified: A conversation analytic examination of practice in a specialist dementia care home,
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, pp.100462-100462, ISSN: 2667-3215. DOI:
Peel, E (2024)
An antidote to “armageddon and potential doom”: accounts of canine-human companionship during Covid-19,
Qualitative Research in Psychology, pp.1-25, ISSN: 1478-0887. DOI:
Riggs, DW, Taylor, N, Fraser, H,
Peel, E (2024)
Exploring the contribution of animal companionship to human wellbeing: a three-country study,
International Journal of Wellbeing, 14(1), pp.1-17, ISSN: 1179-8602. DOI:
Yemm, H,
Peel, E, Brooker, D (2023)
“I guess you can interpret it in a number of ways like kind of a milder or the mildest form of dementia?”: Multi-stakeholder perceptions of cognitive impairment,
Dementia, 22(8), pp.1799-1818, ISSN: 1471-3012. DOI:
Nodin, N, Pestano, C,
Peel, E, Rivers, I, Tyler, A (2023)
Risk and resilience: exploring the potential of LGBTQ third sector and academic partnership,
Community Development Journal, 59(3), ISSN: 0010-3802. DOI:
Peel, E and Newman, H (2023)
“I don’t think that’s something I’ve ever thought about really before”: a thematic discursive analysis of lay people’s talk about legal gender,
Feminist Legal Studies, 31(1), pp.121-143, ISSN: 0966-3622. DOI:
Yemm, H,
Peel, E, Brooker, D (2022)
Understandings of mild cognitive impairment (MCI): a survey study of public and professional perspectives,
Working with Older People, 27(4), pp.273-292, ISSN: 1366-3666. DOI:
Slocombe, F,
Peel, E, Pilnick, A, Albert, S (2022)
Keeping the conversation going: How progressivity is prioritised in co-remembering talk between couples impacted by dementia,
Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine, 28(2), pp.272-289, ISSN: 1363-4593. DOI:
Peel, E, Rivers, I, Tyler, A, Nodin, N, Perez-Acevedo, C (2022)
Exploring LGBT resilience and moving beyond a deficit-model: findings from a qualitative study in England,
Psychology and Sexuality, 14(1), pp.114-126, ISSN: 1941-9899. DOI:
Newman, H and
Peel, E (2022)
‘An impossible dream’? Non-binary people’s perceptions of legal gender status and reform in the UK,
Psychology & Sexuality, 13(5), pp.1381-1395, ISSN: 1941-9899. DOI:
Knott-Fayle, G,
Peel, E, Witcomb, G (2022)
Prejudice in ‘inclusive’ spaces: Cisgenderist collusion in the interview context,
Feminism and Psychology, 32(2), pp.178-198, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Lorito, CD, Bosco, A,
Peel, E, Hinchliff, S, Dening, T, Calasanti, T, de Vries, B, Cutler, N, Fredriksen-Goldsen, KI, Harwood, RH (2021)
Are dementia services and support organisations meeting the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) caregivers of LGBT people living with dementia? A scoping review of the literature,
Aging and Mental Health, 26(10), pp.1912-1921, ISSN: 1360-7863. DOI:
Knott-Fayle, G,
Peel, E, Witcomb, G (2021)
(Anti-)feminism and cisgenderism in sports media,
Feminist Media Studies, 23(3), pp.1274-1291, ISSN: 1468-0777. DOI:
Peel, E (2021)
Talk about legal gender: Thoughts on what legal consciousness studies and discursive psychology together can reveal,
Psychology of Women and Equalities Section Review, 4(2), ISSN: 1466-3724.
Peel, E and Newman, H (2020)
Gender’s wider stakes: lay attitudes to legal gender reform,
Feminists at Law, 10(2), ISSN: 2046-9551. DOI:
Elliott-King, J,
Peel, E, Hogervorst, E (2019)
Acute cognitive effects of physical activity for people who have dementia,
International Journal of Neurodegenerative Disorders, 2(1), DOI:
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2019)
Reshaping relational scripts? Marriage and civil partnership proposals among same-gender couples,
Psychology and Sexuality, 10(4), pp.325-337, ISSN: 1941-9899. DOI:
Harding, R and
Peel, E (2018)
Polyphonic legality: power of attorney through dialogic interaction,
Social and Legal Studies, 28(5), pp.675-697, ISSN: 0964-6639. DOI:
Rivers, I, Gonzalez, C, Nodin, N,
Peel, E, Tyler, A (2018)
LGBT people and suicidality in youth: A qualitative study of perceptions of risk and protective circumstances,
Social Science and Medicine, ISSN: 1873-5347. DOI:
Peel, E (2018)
Coming of age: a reflection on Psychology of Sexualities at 20,
Psychology of Sexualities Review, 9(1), pp.10-11, ISSN: 2047-1467.
Riggs, DW and
Peel, E (2017)
Kinship and loss,
Psychologist, 30(10), pp.70-71, ISSN: 0952-8229.
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2017)
‘A question of equality and choice’: same-sex couples’ attitudes toward civil partnership after the introduction of same-sex marriage,
Psychology and Sexuality, ISSN: 1941-9899. DOI:
Murray, M, Holland, C,
Peel, E (2017)
Psychologies of ageing: Research, policy and practice,
Working with Older People, 21(1), pp.1-3, ISSN: 2042-8790. DOI:
Peel, E and Florence, I (2016)
'Changing language is a form of intervention',
PSYCHOLOGIST, 29(3), pp.220-+, ISSN: 0952-8229.
Erol, R, Brooker, D,
Peel, E (2016)
The impact of dementia on women internationally: an integrative review,
Health Care for Women International, ISSN: 0739-9332. DOI:
Peel, E, Taylor, H, Harding, R (2016)
Socio-legal and practice implications of caring for LGBT people with dementia,
Nursing Older People, 28(10), pp.26-30, ISSN: 1472-0795. DOI:
Peel, E, Holland, CA, Murray, M (2016)
Exploring psychologies of ageing,
Psychologist, 29(4), pp.14-15, ISSN: 0952-8229.
Peel, E, Taylor, H, Harding, R (2016)
Sociolegal and practice implications of caring for LGBT people with dementia,
Nursing Older People, 28(10), pp.26-30, ISSN: 1472-0795. DOI:
Peel, E (2015)
Diagnostic communication in the memory clinic: a conversation analytic perspective,
AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 19(12), pp.1123-1130, ISSN: 1360-7863. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2015)
A right to 'dying well' with dementia? Capacity, 'choice' and relationality,
FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY, 25(1), pp.137-142, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2015)
Psychology of sexualities: Past, present and future directions,
Psychology of Sexualities Review, 6(1), pp.18-22, ISSN: 2047-1467.
Peel, E (2014)
'The living death of Alzheimer's' versus 'Take a walk to keep dementia at bay': Representations of dementia in print media and carer discourse,
Sociology of Health and Illness, 36, pp.885-901, ISSN: 0141-9889. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2014)
'It's a huge maze, the system, it's a terrible maze': dementia carers' constructions of navigating health and social care services,
Dementia, 13(5), pp.642-661, ISSN: 1471-3012. DOI:
Grove, J,
Peel, E, Owen-Pugh, V (2013)
Client discourses on the process of seeking same-sex couple counselling,
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41(5), pp.573-586, ISSN: 0306-9885. DOI:
Harding, R and
Peel, E (2013)
Medical Law Review, 21(2), pp.243-277, ISSN: 0967-0742. DOI:
Gucciardi, E, Fortugno, M, Senchuk, A, Beanlands, H, McCay, E,
Peel, E (2013)
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in Black Caribbean and South Asian Canadians with non-insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative study of patients' perspectives,
Peel, E (2012) Moving beyond heterosexism? The good, the bad and the indifferent in accounts of others’ reactions to important life events,
Psychology of Sexualities Review, 3(1), pp.34-46.
Jowett, A,
Peel, E, Shaw, RL (2012)
Sex and Diabetes: A Thematic Analysis of Gay and Bisexual Men’s Accounts,
Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3), pp.409-418, ISSN: 1359-1053. DOI:
Jowett, A,
Peel, E, Shaw, R (2011)
Online Interviewing in Psychology: Reflections on the Process,
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(4), pp.354-369, ISSN: 1478-0887. DOI:
Rolfe, A and
Peel, E (2011)
‘It’s a double-edged thing’: The paradox of civil partnership and why some couples are choosing not to have one,
Feminism & Psychology, 21(3), pp.317-335, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Ellis, SJ and
Peel, E (2011)
Lesbian feminisms: Historical and present possibilities,
Feminism & Psychology, 21(2), pp.198-204, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E, Douglas, M, Parry, O, Lawton, J (2010)
Type 2 diabetes and dog walking: patients' longitudinal perspectives about implementing and sustaining physical activity,
British Journal of General Practice, 60(577), pp.570-577, ISSN: 0960-1643. DOI:
Peel, E (2010)
Chipping Away at the Taken-For-Granted: Reflection in a Sexualities Course,
Feminism & Psychology, 20(2), pp.225-231, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2010)
“Seismic Cultural Change?”: British media representations of same-sex ‘marriage’,
Women's Studies International Forum, 33(3), pp.206-214, ISSN: 0277-5395. DOI:
Peel, E (2010)
Pregnancy loss in lesbian and bisexual women: an online survey of experiences,
HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 25(3), pp.721-727, ISSN: 0268-1161. DOI:
Peel, E and Thomson, M (2009)
Editorial Introduction: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Health Psychology: Historical Development and Future Possibilities,
Feminism & Psychology, 19(4), pp.427-436, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2009)
Chronic Illness in Non-heterosexual Contexts: An Online Survey of Experiences,
Feminism & Psychology, 19(4), pp.454-474, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E (2009)
Intergroup relations in action: Questions asked about lesbian, gay and bisexual issues in diversity training,
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(4), pp.271-285, ISSN: 1052-9284. DOI:
Lawton, J, Rankin, D,
Peel, E, Douglas, M (2009)
Patients’ perceptions and experiences of transitions in diabetes care: a longitudinal qualitative study,
Health Expectations, 12(2), pp.138-148, ISSN: 1369-6513. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2008)
Editorial Introduction: Recognizing and Celebrating Same-Sex Relationships: Beyond the Normative Debate,
Sexualities, 11(6), pp.659-666, ISSN: 1363-4607. DOI:
Shaw, RL, Senior, C,
Peel, E, Cooke, R, Donnelly, LS (2008)
Ethical Issues in Neuroimaging Health Research,
Journal of Health Psychology, 13(8), pp.1051-1059, ISSN: 1359-1053. DOI:
Shaw, RL, Dyson, PO,
Peel, E (2008)
Qualitative Psychology at M Level: A Dialogue Between Learner and Teacher,
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5(3), pp.179-191, ISSN: 1478-0887. DOI:
Lawton, J,
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M (2008)
Shifting accountability: A longitudinal qualitative study of diabetes causation accounts,
Social Science & Medicine, 67(1), pp.47-56, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI:
Lawton, J,
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M (2008)
Patients’ perceptions and experiences of taking oral glucose‐lowering agents: a longitudinal qualitative study,
Diabetic Medicine, 25(4), pp.491-495, ISSN: 0742-3071. DOI:
Peel, E, Douglas, M, Lawton, J (2007)
Self monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes: longitudinal qualitative study of patients' perspectives,
BMJ, 335(7618), pp.493-493, ISSN: 0959-8138. DOI:
Lawton, J, Ahmad, N,
Peel, E, Hallowell, N (2007)
Contextualising accounts of illness: notions of responsibility and blame in white and South Asian respondents’ accounts of diabetes causation,
Sociology of Health & Illness, 29(6), pp.891-906, ISSN: 0141-9889. DOI:
Clarke, V and
Peel, E (2007)
LGBT Psychosocial Theory and Practice in the UK: A Review of Key Contributions and Current Developments,
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 11(1-2), pp.7-25, ISSN: 0891-7140. DOI:
Peel, E, Clarke, V, Drescher, J (2007)
Introduction to LGB Perspectives in Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Theory, Research and Practice in the UK,
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 11(1-2), pp.1-6, ISSN: 0891-7140. DOI:
Harding, R and
Peel, E (2007)
VI. Surveying Sexualities: Internet Research with Non-heterosexuals,
Feminism & Psychology, 17(2), pp.277-285, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Senior, C, Smyth, H, Cooke, R, Shaw, RL,
Peel, E (2007)
Mapping the mind for the modern market researcher,
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10(2), pp.153-167, ISSN: 1352-2752. DOI:
Peel, E, Griffiths, U, Jones, S (2007)
Patients' perspectives about blood glucose self-monitoring: a qualitative evaluation of glucose monitoring advice leaflets,
DIABETIC MEDICINE, 24, pp.97-97, ISSN: 0742-3071.
Cooke, R,
Peel, E, Shaw, RL, Senior, C (2007)
The neuroimaging research process from the participants' perspective,
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 63(2), pp.152-158, ISSN: 0167-8760. DOI:
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M, Lawton, J (2006)
“It’s No Skin off My Nose”: Why People Take Part in Qualitative Research,
Qualitative Health Research, 16(10), pp.1335-1349, ISSN: 1049-7323. DOI:
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M, Lawton, J (2005)
Taking the Biscuit? A Discursive Approach to Managing Diet in Type 2 Diabetes,
Journal of Health Psychology, 10(6), pp.779-791, ISSN: 1359-1053. DOI:
Lawton, J, Parry, O,
Peel, E, Douglas, M (2005)
Diabetes service provision: a qualitative study of newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes patients’ experiences and views,
Diabetic Medicine, 22(9), pp.1246-1251, ISSN: 0742-3071. DOI:
Parry, O (2005)
Issues of cause and control in patient accounts of Type 2 diabetes,
Health Education Research, 21(1), pp.97-107, ISSN: 0268-1153. DOI:
Lawton, J,
Peel, E, Parry, O, Araoz, G, Douglas, M (2005)
Lay perceptions of type 2 diabetes in Scotland: bringing health services back in,
Social Science & Medicine, 60(7), pp.1423-1435, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI:
Kitzinger, C and
Peel, E (2005)
The de-gaying and re-gaying of AIDS: contested homophobias in lesbian and gay awareness training,
Discourse & Society, 16(2), pp.173-197, ISSN: 0957-9265. DOI:
Clarke, V and
Peel, E (2004)
The Social Construction of Lesbianism: A Reappraisal,
Feminism & Psychology, 14(4), pp.485-490, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2004)
Divorcing Romance, Rights and Radicalism: Beyond Pro and Anti in the Lesbian and Gay Marriage Debate,
Feminism & Psychology, 14(4), pp.588-599, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2004)
Divorcing romance, rights and radicalism: Beyond pro and anti in the lesbian and gay marriage debate,
Feminism and Psychology, 14(4), pp.588-599, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Lawton, J,
Peel, E, Douglas, M, Parry, O (2004)
'Urine testing is a waste of time': Newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes patients' perceptions of self-monitoring,
Diabetic Medicine, 21(9), pp.1045-1048, ISSN: 0742-3071. DOI:
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M, Lawton, J (2004)
Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: a qualitative analysis of patients’ emotional reactions and views about information provision,
Patient Education and Counseling, 53(3), pp.269-275, ISSN: 0738-3991. DOI:
Parry, O (2004)
Patients in waiting: a qualitative study of type 2 diabetes patients' perceptions of diagnosis,
Family Practice, 21(2), pp.131-136, DOI:
Peel, E, Parry, O, Douglas, M, Lawton, J (2004) Blood glucose self-monitoring in non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study of patients' perspectives,
British Journal of General Practice, 54(500), pp.183-188, ISSN: 0960-1643.
Peel, E and Harding, R (2004)
IV. Civil Partnerships: A New Couple’s Conversation,
Feminism & Psychology, 14(1), pp.41-46, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E and Harding, R (2004)
IV. Civil Partnerships: A New Couple's Conversation,
Feminism and Psychology, 14(1), pp.41-46, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Peel, E (2001)
Mundane heterosexism,
Women's Studies International Forum, 24(5), pp.541-554, ISSN: 0277-5395. DOI:
Peel, E (1999)
I. Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men: Decision- Making in Reporting and Not Reporting Crime,
Feminism & Psychology, 9(2), pp.161-167, ISSN: 0959-3535. DOI:
Knott-Fayle, G,
Peel, E, Witcomb, GL (2022)
Representing Diverse Genders in Sports Media: The Discursive Production of Cisgenderism in the UK Press. In
Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp.134-155, DOI:
Witcomb, GL and
Peel, E (2022)
Introduction: Situating Gender Diversity and Sport. In
Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp.1-12, DOI:
Peel, E, Ellis, S, Riggs, D (2021)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people: prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination and social change. In
Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice, and Stereotyping, Routledge, pp.104-118, ISBN: 9780367223694. DOI:
Ellis, SJ, Riggs, D,
Peel, E (2019)
LGBTIQ psychology in context. In
Peel, SJEDWRE (ed)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer Psychology: An introduction. 2nd ed, Cambridge University Press, pp.3-13, ISBN: 9781108303750. DOI:
Murray, M, Holland, C,
Peel, E (2018)
The psychologies of ageing. In
Psychologies of Ageing: Theory, Research and Practice, pp.1-17, DOI:
Peel, E and Ellis, SJ (2018)
Ageing and chronic illness in language and sexuality. In
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality, © Oxford University Press (OUP), pp.1-28, DOI:
Plejert, C, Jones, D,
Peel, E (2017)
Pathways within dementia diagnosis. In Antelius, L-CHE (ed)
Life with Dementia: Relations, Responses and Agency in Everyday Life, Red Globe Press © The Authors, pp.1-23, ISBN: 9781137593740.
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2017)
Bringing sex and chronic illness out of the closet: interviewing gay and bisexual men with diabetes. In
SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2, © SAGE, pp.1-13, ISBN: 9781526419163. DOI:
Craven, C and
Peel, E (2017)
Queering reproductive loss: Exploring grief and memorialization. In
Interrogating Pregnancy Loss: Feminist writings on abortion, miscarriage and stillbirth, Demeter Press, pp.225-245, ISBN: 9781772580235.
Peel, E (2016)
‘It has had quite a lot of reverberations through the family’: reconfiguring relationships through parent with dementia care. In
Revaluing Care in Theory, Law and Policy: Cycles and Connections, © Routledge,ISBN: 9781138943193.
Tyler, A, Nodin, N,
Peel, E, Rivers, I (2016)
“I am getting old and that takes some getting used to”: dimensions of body image for older men. In
Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Routledge, pp.141-162, ISBN: 9781472432155.
Peel, E and Riggs, D (2016)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender psychologies. In
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781118663219. DOI:
Peel, E (2016) Introduction: Ageing and Sexualities. In
Ageing and Sexualities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp.1-10.
Peel, E and Cain, R (2016)
‘Silent’ Miscarriage and Deafening Heteronormativity: A British Experiential and Critical Feminist Account. In
Understanding Reproductive Loss: Perspectives on Life, Death and Fertility, pp.79-92, DOI:
Peel, E (2015)
Civil partnership ceremonies: (Hetero)normativity, ritual and gender. In Jo Miles, P Mody, R Probert, (ed)
Marriage: Rites and Rights, Hart, pp.95-110.
Craven, C and
Peel, E (2014)
Stories of grief and hope: Queer experiences of reproductive loss. In
Queering Maternity and Motherhood: Narrative and theoretical perspectives on queer conception, birth and parenting, © Demeter Press, pp.97-110.
Peel, E and Cain, R (2012) 'Silent' miscarriage and deafening heteronormativity: A British experiential and critical feminist account. In
Understanding Reproductive Loss: Perspectives on Life, Death and Fertility, pp.79-91.
Jowett, A and
Peel, E (2012)
Physical Health. In
Intersectionality, Sexuality and Psychological Therapies: Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Diversity, pp.163-184, DOI:
Lawton, J, Ahmad, N,
Peel, E, Hallowell, N (2009)
Contextualising Accounts of Illness: Notions of Responsibility and Blame in White and South Asian Respondents' Accounts of Diabetes Causation. In
Ethnicity, Health and Health Care: Understanding Diversity, Tackling Disadvantage, pp.92-107, DOI:
Harding, R and
Peel, E (2008)
Heterosexism at Work: Diversity Training, Discrimination Law and the Limits of Liberal Individualism. In
Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives, pp.247-271, DOI:
Clarke, V and
Peel, E (2008)
From Lesbian and Gay Psychology to LGBTQ Psychologies: A Journey into the Unknown (or Unknowable)?. In
Out in Psychology: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Perspectives, pp.11-39, DOI:
Clarke, V and
Peel, E (2007)
Introducing Out in Psychology. In
Out in Psychology: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer perspectives, Wiley, pp.1-9, ISBN: 9780470012871. DOI: