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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Paul Downward

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Journal Articles

Downward, P, Inou, Y, Kumar, H, Widdop, P (2024) The locality challenges facing the 'levelling up' of sport participation and health inequality in England, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2024.2404949.

Guan, J and Downward, P (2024) Government support, community recreation facilities and physical activity in China: a cross-sectional socio-ecological analysis, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, ISSN: 1543-3080.

Downward, P, Wicker, P, Thorman, T (2024) The well-being and social value of playing soccer for men and women, Journal of Sports Economics, ISSN: 1527-0025. DOI: 10.1177/15270025241233552.

Dawson, P, Downward, P, Hogan, V, Massey, P (2023) Re-evaluating the role of attendance on home advantage: evidence from an international rugby tournament, International Journal of Sport Finance, 18(4), pp.209-221, ISSN: 1558-6235. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/184.112023.03.

Hie, J, Kenyon, JA, Downward, P, Manoli, AE (2023) A digital ethnography of association football fandom responses to corruption, Managing Sport and Leisure, pp.1-20, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2023.2205412.

Downward, P, Webb, T, Dawson, P (2023) Referee abuse, intention to quit, and well-being, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 95(1), pp.207-217, ISSN: 0270-1367. DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2023.2184459.

Rasciute, S, Downward, P, Simmons, N (2023) Valuation of subjective wellbeing and the role of marital status: Linear versus ordinal estimators, Economic Modelling, 123, 106260, ISSN: 0264-9993. DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2023.106260.

Manoli, AE, Bandura, C, Downward, P, Constandt, B (2022) Does corruption in sport corrode social capital? An experimental study in the United Kingdom, Managing Sport and Leisure, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2022.2134913.

Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2022) Mental health and satisfaction with partners: a longitudinal analysis in the UK, BMC Psychology, 10, 15, ISSN: 2050-7283. DOI: 10.1186/s40359-022-00723-w.

Hancock, KE, Sherar, LB, Downward, P (2021) Life satisfaction, worthwhileness of life and leisure activities among older people: assessing the mediating effect of self-reported health limitations, DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-405611/v1.

Dawson, P, Webb, T, Downward, P (2021) Abuse is not a zero-sum game! The case for zero tolerance of match official physical and verbal abuse, European Journal of Sport Science, 22(3), pp.417-424, ISSN: 1746-1391. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1881619.

Castellanos-García, P, Kokolakakis, T, Shibli, S, Downward, P, Bingham, J (2021) Membership of English sport clubs: a dynamic panel data analysis of the trickle-down effect, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13(1), pp.105-122, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2021.1877170.

Hancock, K, Downward, P, Sherar, L (2021) Exploring feelings of pleasure and purpose associated with older people’s activities using ecological momentary analysis: an observational study, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(4), pp.670-677, ISSN: 1063-8652. DOI: 10.1123/japa.2020-0253.

Wicker, P, Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2020) Leisure trips to the natural environment: examining the tradeoff between economic and environmental impact, Leisure Sciences, 45(3), pp.221-239, ISSN: 0149-0400. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1813665.

Wicker, P and Downward, P (2020) The causal effect of voluntary roles in sport on subjective well-being in European countries, Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), pp.303-315, ISSN: 0888-4773. DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2019-0159.

Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2020) Health, subjective financial situation and well-being: a longitudinal observational study, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18, 203, ISSN: 1477-7525. DOI: 10.1186/s12955-020-01456-3.

Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Muniz, C (2020) Exploring the contribution of activity sports tourism to same-day visit expenditure and duration, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 24(2), pp.111-126, ISSN: 1477-5085. DOI: 10.1080/14775085.2020.1784255.

Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2020) The effect of health on social capital; a longitudinal observation study of the UK, BMC Public Health, 20, 466, ISSN: 1471-2458. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08577-w.

Manoli, E, Bandura, C, Downward, P (2020) Perceptions of integrity in sport: insights into people’s relationship with sport, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2020.1747101.

Downward, P, Hallmann, K, Rasciute, S (2020) Volunteering and leisure activity in the UK: A longitudinal analysis of males and females, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(4), pp.757-775, ISSN: 0899-7640. DOI: 10.1177/0899764020901815.

Rasciute, S, Downward, P, Simmons, N (2020) Intrinsic versus instrumental benefits of higher education: The challenge from self-funded higher education, Applied Economics, 52(31), pp.3379-3390, ISSN: 0003-6846. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1710455.

Houlihan, B, Downward, P, Yamamoto, Y, Rasciute, S, Takasu, K (2019) Public opinion in Japan and the UK on issues of fairness and integrity in sport: implications for anti-doping policy, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(1), pp.1-24, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2019.1615976.

Dawson, P, Massey, P, Downward, P (2019) Television match officials, referees and home advantage: Evidence from the European Rugby Cup, Sport Management Review, 23(3), pp.443-454, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2019.04.002.

Hong, E, Jeong, Y, Downward, P (2019) Perceived organizational support, internal motivation, and work–family conflict among soccer referees, Managing Sport and Leisure, 24(1-3), pp.141-154, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2019.1593049.

Kumar, H (2018) Means as well as ends: some critical insights for UK sport policy on the impact of facility ownership and configuration on sports participation, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(3), pp.415-432, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1522660.

Hallmann, K, Downward, P, Dickson, G (2018) Factors influencing time allocation of sport event volunteers, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, ISSN: 1758-2954. DOI: 10.1108/IJEFM-01-2018-0004.

Kumar, H, Manoli, AE, Hodgkinson, I, Downward, P (2018) Sport participation: From policy, through facilities, to users’ health, well-being, and social capital, Sport Management Review, 21(5), pp.549-562, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2018.01.002.

Wicker, P, Downward, P, Lera-Lopez, F (2017) Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour, Europeam Journal of Sport Science, 17(10), pp.1350-1359, ISSN: 1746-1391. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2017.1376119.

Schuttoff, U, Pawlowski, T, Downward, P, Lechner, M (2017) Sports participation and social capital formation during adolescence, Social Science Quarterly, 99(2), pp.683-698, ISSN: 0038-4941. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12453.

Downward, P, Hallmann, K, Rasciute, S (2017) Exploring the interrelationship between sport, health and social outcomes in the UK: Implications for health policy, European Journal of Public Health, 28(1), pp.99-104, ISSN: 1101-1262. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckx063.

Rasciute, S and Downward, P (2016) Explaining variability in the investment location choices of MNEs: an exploration of country, industry and firm effects, International Business Review, 26(4), pp.605-613, ISSN: 1873-6149. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2016.12.002.

Wicker, P and Downward, P (2016) Exploring spillovers between government quality and individual health production through sport and physical activity, European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(2), pp.244-264, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2016.1257038.

Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2016) ‘No man is an island entire of itself.’ The hidden effect of peers on physical activity: John Donne, Meditation XVII, Social Science and Medicine, 169, pp.149-156, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.09.038.

Pawlowski, T, Schuttoff, U, Downward, P, Lechner, M (2016) Can sport really help to meet the Millennium Development Goals? Evidence from children in Peru, Journal of Sports Economics, ISSN: 1527-0025.

Lechner, M and Downward, P (2016) Heterogeneous sports participation and labour market outcomes in England, Applied Economics, 49(4), pp.335-348, ISSN: 0003-6846. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1197369.

Downward, P, Dawson, P, Mills, T (2015) Sports participation as an investment in (subjective) health: a time series analysis of the life course, Journal of Public Health, 38(4), pp.504-510, ISSN: 1741-3850. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv164.

Koutrou, N and Downward, PM (2015) Event and Club Volunteer Potential: The Case of Women’s Rugby in England, International Journal of Sports Policy and Politics, 8(2), pp.207-230, DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2015.1102756.

Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2015) Assessing the impact of the National Cycle Network and physical activity lifestyle on cycling behaviour in England, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, pp.425-437, ISSN: 0965-8564. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2015.06.007.

Downward, P and Dawson, P (2015) Is it pleasure or health from leisure that we benefit from most? An analysis of well-being alternatives and implications for policy, Social Indicators Research, 126, ISSN: 0303-8300. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-0887-8.

Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2015) Exploring the covariates of sport participation for health: an analysis of males and females in England, Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(1), pp.67-76, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.924056.

Rasciute, S, Downward, P, Greene, W (2015) Do relational goods raise well-being? An econometric analysis, Eastern Economic Journal, 000(000), pp.000-000, ISSN: 0044-2267. DOI: 10.1057/eej.2015.46.

Lera-Lopez, F, Wicker, P, Downward, P (2015) Does government spending help to promote healthy behavior in the population? Evidence from 27 European countries, Journal of Public Health, pp.1-8, ISSN: 1741-3842. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv071.

Downward, PM, Parrish, R, Pearson, G, Semens, A (2014) An Assessment of the Compatibility of UEFA’s Home Grown Player Rule with Article 45 TFEU, European Law Review, 39(4), pp.493-510.

Dawson, P, Downward, PM, Mills, TC (2014) Olympic news and attitudes towards the Olympics: A compositional time-series analysis of how sentiment is affected by events, Journal of Applied Statistics, 41(6), pp.1307-1314, DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2013.868417.

Downward, PM, Lera-Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2014) The correlates of sports participation in Europe, European Journal of Sport Science, 14(6), pp.592-602.

Pawlowski, T, Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2014) Does national pride from international sporting success contribute to well-being? An international investigation, Sport Management Review, 17(2), pp.121-132, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2013.06.007.

Downward, P, Lera-López, F, Rasciute, S (2014) The correlates of sports participation in Europe, European journal of sport science, 14(6), pp.592-602, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2014.880191.

Downward, PM, Pawlowski, T, Rasciute, S (2013) Does associational behaviour raise social capital? , Eastern Economic Journal, Forthcoming, pp.000-000, DOI: 10.1057/eej.2013.26.

Dawson, P and Downward, PM (2013) The Relationship Between Participation in Sport and nSport Volunteering: An Economic Analysis, International Journal of Sports Finance, 8(1), pp.75-92.

Downward, PM, Hallmann, K, Pawlowski, T (2013) Assessing parental impact on the sports participation of children: A socio-economic analysis of the UK, European Journal of Sport Science, forthcoming, pp.000-000, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2013.805250.

Downward, PM, Lera Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2011) The Zero-Inflated ordered probit approach to modelling sports participation, Economic Modelling, 28(6), pp.2469-2477, DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2011.06.024.

Pawlowski, T, Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2011) Subjective well-being in European countries-on the age-specific impact of physical activity, European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 8(2), pp.93-102, ISSN: 1813-7253. DOI: 10.1007/s11556-011-0085-x.

Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2011) An Economic Analysis of the Subjective Health and Well-being of Physical Activity, DOI: 10.4337/9780857930149.00007.

Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) Does sport make you happy? An analysis of the well-being derived from sports participation, International Review of Applied Economics, 25(3), pp.331-348, DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2010.511168.

Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) Does Sport Make You Happy? An Analysis of the Well-being Derived from Sports Participation, International Review of Applied Economics, 25(3), pp.331-348, ISSN: 0269-2171. DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2010.511168.

Pawlowski, T, Downward, PM, Rasciute, S (2011) Subjective well-being in European countries: On the age specific impact of physical activity, European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 8(2), pp.93-102, DOI: 10.1007/s11556-011-0085-x.

Rasciute, S and Downward, PM (2010) Health or Happiness? What is the Impact of Physical Activity on the Individual?, Kyklos, 63(2), pp.256-270, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6435.2010.00472x.

Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2010) The Relative Demands for Sports and Leisure in England, European Sports Management Quarterly, 10(2), pp.189-214, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184740903552037.

Downward, PM, Lim, C, Nishio, T (2010) Olympics Host City Selection and its Impact on Stock Markets, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8(1), pp.35-50.

Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Weston, R (2009) Visitor Expenditure: The Case of Cycle Recreation and Tourism, Journal of Sport and Tourism, 14(1), pp.25-42.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2008) Decision Making at the Bank of England: a critical appraisal, Oxford Economic Papers, 60(.), pp.385-409.

Downward, PM and Jones, M (2007) Effects of crowd size on referee decisions: Analysis of the FA Cup, Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(14), pp.1541-1545, ISSN: 1466-447X. DOI: 10.1080/02640410701275193.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2007) Retroduction as mixed-methods triangulation in economic research: reorienting economics into social science, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31(1), pp.77-99, ISSN: 1464-3545. DOI: 10.1093/cje/bel009.

Downward, PM and Riordan, J (2007) Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: An Economic Analysis, Contemporary Economic Policy, 25(4), pp.518-537.

Downward, PM (2007) Exploring the Economic Choice to Participate in Sport: Results from the 2002 General Household Survey, The International Review of Applied Economics, 21(5), pp.633-653.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (2007) Exploring Price and Non Price decision making in the UK Package Tour Industry: Insights from small scale travel agents and tour operators, Tourism Management, 28(.), pp.1236-1261.

Downward, PM and Ralston, R (2006) The Sports Development Potential of Sports Event Volunteering: Insights from The XVII Manchester Commonwealth Games, European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(4), pp.333-351, ISSN: 1746-031X. DOI: 10.1080/16184740601154474.

Downward, PM (2006) Transforming Economics through Critical Realism: Themes and Issues, The Journal of Critical Realism, 5(1), pp.139-182.

Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Rhoden, S (2006) Transport and Tourism: Can Public Transport encourage a modal shift in the day-travel market? The Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 14(2), pp.139-156.

Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Ralston, R (2005) The Third Force in Events Tourism: Volunteers at the XV11 Commonwealth Games, The Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13(5), pp.504-519, ISSN: 0966-9582.

Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Ralston, R (2005) Gender Differences in Sports Event Volunteering: Insights from Crew 2002 at the XVII Commonwealth Games, Managing Leisure: An International Journal, 10, pp.219-256.

Downward, PM and Ralston, R (2005) Volunteer motivation and expectations prior to the XV Commonwealth Games in Manchester, UK, Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Devlopment, 2(1), pp.17-26.

Downward, PM and Dawson, A (2005) Measuring Short-run uncertainty of outcome in sporting leagues: A comment, Journal of Sports Economics, 6(3), pp.303-313.

Downward, PM and Burgham, M (2005) Why Volunteer, Time to Volunteer? A Case Study from Swimming, Managing Leisure, 10(2), pp.1-15.

Downward, PM (2005) Critical (Realist) Reflection on Policy and Management Research in Sport, Tourism and Sports Tourism, European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(3), pp.303-320.

Downward, PM (2004) On Leisure Demand: A Post Keynesian Perspective of Neoclassical Theory, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 26(3), pp.371-394, ISSN: 0160-3477.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2004) On Tourism and Hospitality management Research: A Crtitical Realist proposal, Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 1(2), pp.107-122.

Downward, PM, Cope, A, Lumsdon, L (2004) Monitoring Long Distance Trails: The North Sea Cycle Route, Journal of Transport Geography, 12(1), pp.13-22.

Downward, PM (2004) Post Keynesian Pricing Theory: Alternative Foundations and Prospects for Future Research, The Journal of Economic Psychology, 25(5), pp.661-670.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2004) Tourism Transport and Visitor Spending: A study in The North York Moors National Park, UK, Journal of Travel Research, 42(4), pp.415-420.

Downward, PM (2004) Assessing Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory via Leisure Demand: A Post Keynesian Perspective, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 26(3), pp.371-395.

Downward, PM, Ralston, R, Lumsdon, L (2004) The Expectations of Volunteers Prior to the XVII Commonwealth Games, 2002: A Qualitative Study, Event Management, 9(.), pp.13-26.

Downward, PM and Bougheas, S (2003) The Economics of Professional Team Sports Leagues, The Journal of Sports Economics, 4(2), pp.87-107, ISSN: 1527-0025. DOI: 10.1177/1527002503004002001.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2003) Beyond the Demand for Day Visits, An Analysis of Visitor Spending, Tourism Economics, 9(1), pp.67-76.

Downward, PM, Finch, J, Ramsay, J (2002) Critical Realism, empirical methods and inference: a critical discussion, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 26(4), pp.481-500, ISSN: 1464-3545. DOI: 10.1093/cje/26.4.481.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2002) Critical Realism and Econometrics: Constructive Dialogue with Post Keynesian Economics, Metroeconomica, 53(4), pp.391-415.

Downward, PM (2002) Revisiting a Historical Debate on Pricing Dynamics in the UK: Further Confirmation of Post Keynesian Pricing Theory, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 24(2), pp.329-344.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (2001) The Industrial Organisation of the Package Tour Industry: Some Implications for Practitioners, Tourism Economics, 7(2), pp.149-161.

Downward, PM and Lee, FS (2001) Post Keynesian Pricing Theory Reconfirmed (?) A Critical Review of 'Asking about Prices', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 23(3), pp.465-483.

Downward, PM (2001) A Post Keynesian Microeconomic exposition of Price Stickiness, Eastern Economic Journal, 27(2), pp.165-182.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (2001) Industrial Organisation and Competition in the UK Tour Operator/Travel Agency Business: An Econometric Investigation, The Journal of Travel Research, 39(4), pp.411-425.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2001) The Development of Recreational Cycle Routes: An Evaluation of User Needs, Managing Leisure: An International Journal, 6(.), pp.50-60.

Downward, PM and Lee, FS (2000) Retesting Gardiner Means' Evidence on Administered Prices, Journal of Economic Issues, XXXIII(4), pp.861-886.

Downward, PM (2000) A Realist Appraisal of Post Keynesian Pricing Theory, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24(2), pp.211-224.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2000) The Demand for Day Visits: An Analysis of Visitor Spending, Tourism Economics, 6(3), pp.251-261.

Dawson, A and Downward, PM (2000) Measuring Habit Persistence Effects in Attendance at Professional Team Sports Encounters: A Cautionary Note, Economic Issues, 5(Part 1), pp.37-40.

Downward, PM and Reynolds, PJ (1999) The Contemporary Relevance of Post Keynesian Economics, Editors Introduction to Special Edition of Economic Issues, 4(Part 1), pp.37-40.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (1999) The Determinants of Day-Excursion Coach Travel: A Multivariate Qualitative Marketing Analysis, The Service Industries Journal, 19(4), pp.158-168.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (1998) Cycle and See: Developing a Cycling Package for Visitors, Insights, pp.241-253.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (1998) Competition and Contestability in the UK Package Tour Industry: Some Empirical Observations, Tourism Economics, 4(3), pp.241-253.

Downward, PM, Lavoie, M, Reynolds, P (1996) Realism, Simulations and Post Keynesian Pricing Models, Review of Political Economy, 8(4), pp.427-433.

Downward, PM and Reynolds, P (1996) Alternative Perspectives on Post Keynesian Pricy Theory, Review of Political Economy, 8(1), pp.101-112.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (1996) The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm applied to Services: The Case of Hotels, Tourism Economics, 2(2), pp.151-158.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (1996) The Applicability of Industrial Organisation Theory to the Service Sector: Initial Tests from the UK Hotel Industry, Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp.733-755.

Downward, PM (1995) A Post Keynesian Perspective of UK Manufacturing Pricing, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17(3), pp.403-426.

Downward, PM, Davies, B, Jackson, I (1995) The Demand for Rugby League: Evidence from Causality Tests, Applied Economics, 27, pp.1003-1007.

Downward, PM (1994) A Reappraisal of Case-Study Evidence on Business Pricing: A Comparison of Neoclassical and Post Keynesian Perspectives, British Review of Economic Issues, 16(39), pp.23-43.


Kenyon, JA, Heaney, L, Downward, P (2023) Knowledge, attitudes and education of anti-doping for sport students and graduates in UK higher education [Abstract]. In 31st European Sport Management Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM 2023); Book of Abstracts of the 31st European Sport Management Conference 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, pp.442-443.

Borrie, L, Kenyon, JA, Downward, P, Harvey, C (2022) Measuring the impact sport-volunteering has on university students' development [Abstract]. In 30th European Sport Management Conference (EASM 2022); Book of Abstracts of the 30th European Sport Management Conference 2022, Innsbruck, Austria, pp.400-402.

Manoli, AE, Downward, P, Bandura, C, Foster, M (2018) Does corruption in sport corrode social capital?. In European Association of Sport Management, Malmo, Sweden.

Kumar, H, Downward, P, Hodgkinson, I, Manoli, AE (2017) Does sport and fitness facility ownership matter? The impact on sport participation and citizens’ health, well-being and social capital in England [Abstract]. In European Association for Sport Management Conference, Switzerland. DOI: 10.7892/boris.105238.


Downward, P, Frick, B, Humphreys, BR, Pawlowski, T, Ruseski, JE, Soebbing, BP (Accepted for publication) The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics, SAGE Publications Limited, ISBN: 9781473979765.

Downward, P, Frick, B, Humphreys, BR, Pawlowski, T, Ruseski, JE, Soebbing, BP (2019) The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics, SAGE Publications Limited, ISBN: 9781526444523.

Robinson, L.A, Chelladurai, P, Bodet,G, Downward, PM (2012) Routledge International Handbook of Sport Management, Routledge.

Downward, PM, Dawson, A, Dejonghe, T (2009) The Economics of Sports: Theory, Evidence and Policy, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (ed) (2005) Essential Data Skills for Leisure and Tourism Management: A Guide to using Offical Statistics, Office for National Statistics.

Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L, (2005) Essential Data Skills for Leisure and Tourism Management: A Guide to using Official Statistics, Office for National Statistics.

Downward, PM (2003) Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique, Routledge.

Downward, PM and Dawson, A (2000) The Economics of Professional Team Sports, Routledge.

Downward, PM (1999) Pricing Theory in Post Keynesian Economics, Edward Elga.


Downward, P (2023) Overview of the challenges and benefits of mixed methods designs in sport research and their ontological and epistemological tensions. In Girginov, V and Anagnostopoulos, C (ed) Routledge Resources Online - Sport Studies, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780367766924-RESS21-1.

Dawson, P, Massey, P, Downward, P (2021) On and off-field behaviour of match officials in professional team sports. In Butler, R (ed) Advances in Sports Economics, Agenda Publishing, pp.213-226, ISBN: 9781788213547.

Downward, P, Wicker, P, Rasciute, S (2021) Exploring the role of sport as physical activity for health promotion in Europe. In Koning, RH and Kesenne, S (ed) A Modern Guide to Sports Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.241-257, ISBN: 9781789906523. DOI: 10.4337/9781789906530.00020.

Muniz, C and Downward, P (2019) The outcomes related to sport and physical activity: a better understanding of health, social, labour and academic impacts. In Sports (and) Economics, © FUNCAS, pp.393-423, ISBN: 9788417609238.

Downward, PM (2017) Sport and Physical Activity for Health and Wellbeing: Choice and Competing Outcomes. In Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, Routledge, pp.61-78, ISBN: 9781317374169.

Downward, PM (2016) Regression Analysis: A Review. In Lee, FS (ed) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics, pp.210-221.

Downward, PM (2014) English Professional Football. In Goddard, J and Sloane, P (ed) Handbook on the Economics of Professional Football, pp.277-297.

(2013) Inclusion and Exclusion Through Youth Sport. In Dagkas, S and Armour, K (ed) Unknown Parent Title, Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780203852392.

Downward, PM, Lera-Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2012) The Economic Analysis of Sport Participation. In Robinson, L, Chelladurai, P, Bodet, G, Downward, PM (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sport Management, pp.331-353.

Downward, PM (2012) Econometrics. In Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, pp.132-137.

Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) Sport and Social Exclusion: An Economic Perspective. In Bailey, R and Dagkas, S (ed) Inclusion and Exclusion Through Youth Sport, Routledge, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) An economic analysis of the subjective health and well-being of physical activity. In Rodrigues, P, Kesenne, S, Humphreys, B (ed) The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-being Through Sporting Activities, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM and Dawson, P (2011) Participation, spectatorship and media coverage in sport: Some initial insights. In Andreff, W (ed) Contemporary Issues In sports Economics, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2011) Market Segmentation and the Role of the Public Sector in Sports Development. In Houlihan, B (ed) International Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2009) Prices. In Peil, J and van Staveren, I (ed) The Handbook of Economics and Ethics, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM and Riordan, J (2009) Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: Cluster Analysis in Economics. In Byrne, D and Ragin, C (ed) Case Methods Handbook, Sage, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2008) The Economics of Sports Participation: Some Longitudinal Analysis. In Rodriguez, P, Kesenne, S, Garcia, J (ed) Threats to Sports and Sports Participation, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2008) Reorienting economics through triangulation of methods. In Fullbrook, E (ed) Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his Critics, Routledge, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2007) Empirical Analysis and Critical Realism. In Ed, MH (ed) A Dictionary of Critical Realism, Routledge, pp.219-256.

Downward, PM and Davies, B (2006) The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm in Tourism. In Ed, LD (ed) The International Handbook of Tourism Economics, Edward Elgar, pp.219-256.

Downward, PM (2005) Understanding Sport, Leisure and Tourism Participation. In Downward, P and Lumsdon, L (ed) Essential Data Skills for Leisure and Tourism Management: A Guide to using Official Statistics, Office for National Statistics, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2004) Presenting ‘Demi-Regularities’ of pricing behaviour: the need for triangulation. In Wray, LR and Forstater, M (ed) Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2003) Econometrics. In Ed, JK (ed) Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2003) Critical Realism and Econometrics: Interaction between Philosophy and Post Keynesian Practice. In Ed, PMD (ed) Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique, Routledge, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2003) Presenting Demi-Regularities: The Case of Post Keynesian Pricing. In Ed, PMD (ed) Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique, Routledge, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM (2003) Common origins, Common Future? A Comparative Analysis of Association and Rugby League Football in the UK. In Forts, R, eds, FJ (ed) International Comparisons in the Economics of Sports, Praeger, pp.158-168.

Downward, PM (2003) Sport and Sport Constructions in the Regional Competition of Cities: Some Observations from the USA and UK. In Buch, MP, Maennig, W, Schulke, HJ (ed) Nachhaltigkeit von Sportstatten, Bundesinstitut fur Sportwissenschaft, pp.?-?.

Downward, PM (2002) The Demand for Professional Team Sports: Critical Reflection on Economic Enquiry. In Lawrence, L and Parker, SE (ed) Leisure Studies: Trends in Theory and Research, LSA Publications, pp.23-43.

Downward, PM (2002) Realism, Econometrics and Post Keynesian Economics. In Dow, S and Hillard, JE (ed) Post Keynesian Econometrics and the Theory of the Firm, Edward Elgar, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM (1999) Short-Run Cost Curves. In O'Hara, PE (ed) The Encyclopaedia of Political Economy, Routledge, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM (1996) A Behavioural Perspective on Business Pricing. In Earl, PE (ed) Marketing, Management and the Competitive Process, Edward Elgar, pp.411-425.

Downward, PM, Davies, B, Jackson, I (1995) Cultural Determinants and the Demand for Professional Team Sports: A Study of Rugby League Clubs. In McFee, G, Murphy, W, Whannel, Eds, G (ed) Leisure Cultures: Values, Genders, Lifestyles, LSA Publications, pp.23-43.

Downward, PM, Davies, B, Jackson, I (1995) The Demand for Professional Team Sports: The Case of Rugby League. In Leslie, DE (ed) Tourism and Leisure: Towards the Millenium, LSA Publications, pp.23-43.


Shibli, S, Davies, L, Ramchandani, G, Taylor, P, Christy, L, Downward, PM (2017) Social Value of Medal Success Study (CI) with Simon Shibli (PI), Peter Taylor (CI), Larissa Davies (CI), Lizzie Christy (CI), Girish Ramchandani (CI) (all SIRC) (UK Sport £49,800) 2/3/17, UK Sport.

Mason, C, Downward, PM, Steenekamp, T (2017) Scoping Study (School interventions on academic performance and behaviour), Greenhouse Sports.

Mason, C, Downward, PM, Cleland, J, Aldridge, J, Walpole, C (2017) Youth Crime Reduction and Sport Pilot Project Evaluation Report, Streetgames.

Garcia, B, Downward, P, Kumar, H (2016) Policy Guidance to Commonwealth Governments on Protecting the Integrity of Sport, pp.10-15, The Commonwealth.

Dalziel, I, Downward, P, Parrish, R, Pearson, G, Semens, A (2013) ‘Study on the Assessment of UEFA’s ‘Home Grown Player Rule’, European Union.

Henry, IP, Harwood, CG, Downward, PM, Robinson, LA (2008) Sports Partnerships Promoting Inclusive Communities: Lincolnshire, Leicester-Shire and Rutland Sports Partnerships (HM Treasury Invest to Save Project number 430/7): Monitoring and Evaluation Report, pp.633-653, DCMS Sport England.


Downward, P and Kay, TA (2005) Household and Lifestyle Participation in Sports Results from the General Household Survey 2002.

Weed, M, Robinson, L, Downward, P, Green, M, Henry, I, Houlihan, B, Argent, E (2005) Academic review of the role of sports clubs.

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