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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Gerhard Schnyder

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Journal Articles

Grosman, A, Schnyder, G, Cuervo-Cazurra, A, Okhmatovskiy, I, Wood, GT (2023) Rethinking state capitalism: a cross-disciplinary perspective on the state’s role in the economy, Annals of Corporate Governance, 7(4), pp.252-328, ISSN: 2381-6724. DOI: 10.1561/109.00000030.

Schnyder, G, Radl, M, Toth, F, Kucukuzun, M, Turnšek, T, Celik, B, Pajnik, M (2023) Theorizing and mapping media ownership networks in authoritarian-populist contexts: a comparative analysis of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey, Media, Culture & Society, 46(1), pp.38-59, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/01634437231179366.

Sallai, D, Schnyder, G, Kinderman, D, Nölke, A (2023) The antecedents of MNC political risk and uncertainty under right-wing populist governments, Journal of International Business Policy, 7(1), pp.41-63, ISSN: 2522-0691. DOI: 10.1057/s42214-023-00154-3.

Butzbach, O, Fuller, DB, Schnyder, G, Svystunova, L (2021) State-owned enterprises as institutional actors: a hybrid historical institutionalist and institutional work framework, Management and Organization Review, 18(6), pp.1032-1076, ISSN: 1740-8776. DOI: 10.1017/mor.2021.25.

Schnyder, G, Grosman, A, Fu, K, Siems, M, Aguilera, RV (2021) Legal perception and finance: The case of IPO firm value, British Journal of Management, 33(1), pp.88-116, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12531.

Wood, G and Schnyder, G (2020) Intro: Comparative capitalism research in emerging markets – a new generation, New Political Economy, ISSN: 1356-3467. DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2020.1807488.

Schnyder, G and Sallai, D (2020) Between a rock and a hard place: Internal- and external institutional fit of MNE subsidiary political strategy in contexts of institutional upheaval, Journal of International Management, 26(2), 100736, ISSN: 1075-4253. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2020.100736.

Butzbach, O, Fuller, DB, Schnyder, G (2020) Manufacturing discontent: National institutions, multinational firm strategies, and anti-globalization backlash in advanced economies, Global Strategy Journal, 10(1), pp.67-93, ISSN: 2042-5805. DOI: 10.1002/gsj.1369.

Sallai, D and Schnyder, G (2020) What is “Authoritarian” about Authoritarian Capitalism? The dual erosion of the private-public divide in state-dominated business systems, Business and Society, 60(6), pp.1312-1348, ISSN: 0007-6503. DOI: 10.1177/0007650319898475.

Kern, P and Schnyder, G (2019) Corporate networks in post-war Britain: Do finance-industry relationships matter for corporate borrowing?, Business History, 63(6), pp.966-987, ISSN: 0007-6791. DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2019.1621294.

Edwards, T, Schnyder, G, Fortwengel, J (2019) Mapping the impact of home- and host-country institutions on human resource management in emerging market multinational companies: A conceptual framework, Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), pp.531-544, ISSN: 1096-4762. DOI: 10.1002/tie.22036.

Bothello, J, Nason, RS, Schnyder, G (2019) Institutional voids and organization studies: Towards an epistemological rupture, Organization Studies, 40(10), pp.1499-1512, ISSN: 0170-8406. DOI: 10.1177/0170840618819037.

Schnyder, G, Siems, M, Aguilera, RV (2018) Twenty years of ‘Law and Finance’: Time to take law seriously, Socio-Economic Review, 19(1), pp.377-406, ISSN: 1475-1461. DOI: 10.1093/ser/mwy041.

Butzbach, O, Fuller, D, Schnyder, G (2018) Firms, Institutions And Anti-Globalization: The Institutional Determinants of Backlash, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), pp.14375-14375, ISSN: 0065-0668. DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2018.14375abstract.

Etienne, J and Schnyder, G (2014) Logics of action and models of capitalism: Explaining bottom‐up non‐liberal change, Swiss Political Science Review, 20(3), pp.365-387, DOI: 10.1111/spsr.12082.

(2014) The Power of Corporate Networks, DOI: 10.4324/9781315850849.

Siems, M and Schnyder, G (2014) Ordoliberal Lessons for Economic Stability: Different Kinds of Regulation, Not More Regulation, Governance, 27(3), pp.377-396, ISSN: 0952-1895. DOI: 10.1111/gove.12046.

Schnyder, G (2012) Varieties of insider corporate governance: the determinants of business preferences and corporate governance reform in the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, Journal of European Public Policy, 19(9), pp.1434-1451, ISSN: 1350-1763. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2012.672109.

(2012) Banking Systems in the Crisis, DOI: 10.4324/9780203095539.

Schnyder, G (2012) Like a phoenix from the ashes? Reassessing the transformation of the Swedish political economy since the 1970s, Journal of European Public Policy, 19(8), pp.1126-1145, ISSN: 1350-1763. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2012.709007.

SCHNYDER, G (2012) Public Law and Private Power — Corporate Governance Reform in the Age of Finance Capitalism – By John W. Cioffi, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), pp.581-583, ISSN: 0007-1080. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00901.x.

Konzelmann, S, Fovargue-Davies, M, Schnyder, G (2012) The faces of liberal capitalism: Anglo-Saxon banking systems in crisis?, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36(2), pp.495-524, ISSN: 0309-166X. DOI: 10.1093/cje/ber049.

Schnyder, G (2011) Quiet Politics and Business Power. Corporate Control in Europe and Japan, SWISS POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 17(4), pp.492-496, ISSN: 1424-7755.

Schnyder, G (2011) Public Law and Private Power. Corporate Governance Reform in the Age of Finance Capitalism, SWISS POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 17(4), pp.492-496, ISSN: 1424-7755.

Schnyder, G (2011) Revisiting the Party Paradox of Finance Capitalism: Social Democratic Preferences and Corporate Governance Reforms in Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands, Comparative Political Studies, 44(2), pp.184-210, ISSN: 0010-4140. DOI: 10.1177/0010414010382632.

Larson, MJ, Schnyder, G, Westerhuis, G, Wilson, J (2011) Strategic responses to global challenges: The case of European banking, 1973–2000, Business History, 53(1), pp.40-62, ISSN: 0007-6791. DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2011.546660.

Schnyder, G (2010) How Political Institutions Determine Corporate Governance Reforms: The Polity, Law and Corporate Practices in the Case of Switzerland, New Political Economy, 15(4), pp.565-596, ISSN: 1356-3467. DOI: 10.1080/13563460903373916.

Heemskerk, EM and Schnyder, G (2008) Small states, international pressures, and interlocking directorates: the cases of Switzerland and the Netherlands, European Management Review, 5(1), pp.41-54, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI: 10.1057/emr.2008.3.

Mach, A, Schnyder, G, David, T, Lüpold, M (2006) Transformations of self-regulation and new public regulations in Swiss corporate governance (1985-2002), Swiss Political Science Review, 12(1), pp.1-32, ISSN: 1424-7755. DOI: 10.1002/j.1662-6370.2006.tb00381.x.


Trampusch, C and Mach, A (ed) (2011) Switzerland in Europe, Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9780203829394.


Brejnholt, A, Rintamaki, J, Schnyder, G, Svystunova, L (2022) State capitalism and corporate social responsibility: a comparative typology. In Wright, M, Wood, GT, Cuervo-Cazurra, A, Sun, P, Okhmatovskiy, I, Grosman, A (ed) The Oxford Handbook on State Capitalism and the Firm, Oxford University Press, pp.481-505, ISBN: 9780198837367.

Brejnholt, A, Rintamäki, J, Schnyder, G, Svystunova, L (2022) STATE CAPITALISM AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A Comparative Typology. In The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm, pp.481-505, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198837367.013.21.

Schnyder, G (2016) Like a phoenix from the ashes? Reassessing the transformation of the Swedish political economy since the 1970s. In Changing Models of Capitalism in Europe and the U.S, pp.18-37.

Schnyder, G and Wilson, JF (2014) The structure of networks: The transformation of UK business, 1904-2010. In The Power of Corporate Networks: A Comparative and Historical Perspective, pp.48-65, DOI: 10.4324/9781315850849.

Schnyder, G and Jackson, G (2013) Germany and Sweden in the crisis: Re-coordination or resilient liberalism?. In Resilient Liberalism in Europe's Political Economy, Cambridge University Press, pp.313-345, ISBN: 9781107041530. DOI: 10.1017/cbo9781139857086.015.

Schnyder, G and Siems, M (2012) The ‘ordoliberal’ variety of neo-liberalism. In Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism, pp.250-268, DOI: 10.4324/9780203095539.

Schnyder, G and Siems, M (2012) The ‘ordoliberal’ variety of neo-liberalism. In Banking Systems in the Crisis: The Faces of Liberal Capitalism,p.250, DOI: 10.4324/9780203095539-18.

Schnyder, G and Widmer, F (2011) Swiss corporate governance: Institutional change in the law and corporate practices. In Switzerland in Europe: Continuity and Change in the Swiss Political Economy, pp.105-123.

Internet Publications

Toth, F, Celik, B, Radl, M, Turnšek, T, Erkonan, S, Ribač, M, Pajnik, M, Sauer, B, Schnyder, G (Accepted for publication) POPBACK Interviews - Supporting documents.


Schnyder, G, Grosman, A, Fu, K, Siems, M, Aguilera, RV (2021) Supplementary Information files for Legal perception and finance: The case of IPO firm value, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.15141111.


Grosman, A, Musacchio, A, Schnyder, G (2023) State-owned firms must address their CO2 problem. Here is how, Governments’ efforts to reduce carbon emissions are falling short despite policies like ‘cap and trade.’ Anna Grosman, Aldo Musacchio and Gerhard Schnyder uncover the overlooked role of state-owned firms in exacerbating the issue, influenced by government involvement. They propose ways for these firms to become part of the solution to climate change..

Schnyder, G, Grosman, A, Fu, K, Siems, M, Aguilera, R (2022) Legal perception and finance: when the perception matters more than the actual law, How people perceive the quality of the law can affect companies in many ways. Gerhard Schnyder, Anna Grosman, Kun Fu, Mathias Siems, and Ruth V. Aguilera explore the underdeveloped role of legal perceptions in initial public offerings (IPOs), when companies list their shares in a stock exchange. They find that what drives IPO valuation is how shareholder protection laws are perceived, rather than the actual quality of the legal protection. .

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