Publications for Amalia Sabiescu
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Journal Articles
Sabiescu, A (2020)
Living Archives and The Social Transmission of Memory,
Curator: The Museum Journal, 63(4), pp.497-510, ISSN: 0011-3069. DOI:
van Zyl, I and
Sabiescu, A (2020)
Toward intersubjective ethics in community-based research,
Community Development, pp.1-20, ISSN: 1557-5330. DOI:
Sabiescu, A, de Moor, A, Memarovic, N (2019)
Opening up the culture black box in community technology design,
AI and Society, 34(3), pp.393-402, ISSN: 0951-5666. DOI:
Vannini, S, Nemer, D, Halabi, A,
Sabiescu, A, Cumbula, SD (2017)
Critical incidents analysis: Mismatching expectations and reconciling visions in intercultural encounters,
Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2), ISSN: 1712-4441.
Lorini, MR,
Sabiescu, A, Memarovic, N (2017)
Collective digital storytelling in community- based co-design projects: An emergent approach,
Journal of Community Informatics, 13(1), pp.109-136, ISSN: 1712-4441.
van Zyl, I and
Sabiescu, A (2016)
Symbolic narratives and the role of meaning: Encountering technology in South African primary education,
The African Journal of Information and Communication, (18), pp.0-0, ISSN: 2077-7205. DOI:
Rey-Moreno, C,
Sabiescu, AG, Masbulele, JS, Tucker, WD (2015) Local Ownership, Exercise of Ownership and Moving from Passive to Active Entitlement: A practice-led inquiry on a rural community network,
Journal of Community Informatics, 11(2), ISSN: 1712-4441.
Halabi, A,
Sabiescu, AG, David, S, Vannini, S, Nemer, D (2015) From Exploration to Design: Aligning Intentionality in Community Informatics Projects,
Journal of Community Informatics, 11(3), ISSN: 1712-4441.
Bladergroen, M, Bytheway, A, Cantoni, L, Chigona, W, Pucciarelli, M,
Sabiescu, AG (2014)
“I can’t fall behind!” Aspirations, Technology and Becoming a Teacher in South Africa,
South African Computer Journal, 54, ISSN: 1015-7999. DOI:
Sabiescu, AG (2014) Towards a framework for the design of socio-technical environments for intergenerational learning in community settings,
FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. Rivista internazionale di Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione, 12(2), pp.143-158, ISSN: 1973-4778.
Rubegni, E and
Sabiescu, AG (2014)
Integrating digital storytelling in formal educational settings: a design framework,
International Journal of Arts and Technology, 7(1), pp.55-55, ISSN: 1754-8853. DOI:
Di Blas, N, Paolini, P,
Sabiescu, A (2010)
Collective digital storytelling at school as a whole-class interaction,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 3, pp.11-19, DOI:
Vermeeren, APOS, Calvi, L,
Sabiescu, A, Trocchianesi, R, Stuedahl, D, Giaccardi, E (2016)
Involving the crowd in future museum experience design. In
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, San Jose, California, United States, pp.3347-3354, ISBN: 9781450340823. DOI:
He, HA, Memarovic, N,
Sabiescu, A, de Moor, A (2015)
CulTech2015. In
C&T '15: Communities and Technologies 2015, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, pp.153-156, DOI:
Sabiescu, AG, David, S, Van Zyl, I, Cantoni, L (2014)
Emerging spaces in community-based participatory design: Reflections from two case studies. In
, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp.1-10, DOI:
Sabiescu, A, van Zyl, I, Pucciarelli, M, Cantoni, L, Bytheway, A, Chigona, W, Tardini, S (2013)
Changing mindsets. In
ICTD 2013: International conference on information and communication technologies and development, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies and Development: Notes - Volume 2, pp.136-139, DOI:
Sabiescu, AG and Memarovic, N (2013)
Participatory Design for Cultural Representation: A Cultural Transparency Perspective. In
, pp.611-618, ISBN: 9783642404979. DOI:
Di Blas, N, Paolini, P,
Sabiescu, A (2010)
Collective digital storytelling at school as a whole-class interaction. In
, Proceedings of IDC2010: The 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp.11-19, DOI:
Di Blas, N, Paolini, P, Rubegni, E,
Sabiescu, A (2010)
Equipping higher education students with media literacy skills. In
2010 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC 2010), 2010 IEEE International Professional Comunication Conference, pp.30-37, DOI:
Garzotto, F, Paolini, P,
Sabiescu, A (2010)
Interactive storytelling for children. In
IDC '10: The 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. DOI:
Rubegni, E, Di Blas, N, Paolini, P,
Sabiescu, A (2010)
A format to design narrative multimedia applications for cultural heritage communication. In
SAC'10: The 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. DOI:
Di Blas, N, Garzotto, F, Paolini, P,
Sabiescu, A (2009)
Digital Storytelling as a Whole-Class Learning Activity: Lessons from a Three-Years Project. In
, pp.14-25, ISBN: 9783642106422. DOI:
Rubegni, E,
Sabiescu, A, Paolini, P (2008)
OneThousandAndOneStories. In
ECCE08: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Proceedings of the 15th European conference on Cognitive ergonomics: the ergonomics of cool interaction, pp.1-2, DOI:
Whatley, S, Cisneros, RK, Sabiescu, AG (ed) (Accepted for publication) Digital Echoes: Spaces for Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage, Palgrave, ISBN: 978-3319738161.
Vermeeren, A, Calvi, L,
Sabiescu, A (2018)
Museum Experience Design Crowds, Ecosystems and Novel Technologies, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 9783319585505. DOI:
Sabiescu, A (2020)
Context-responsiveness. In J, T and T, T (ed)
Communicating for Change. Concepts to Think With, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.85-97, ISBN: 9783030425128. DOI:
Whatley, S, Cisneros, RK,
Sabiescu, A (2018)
Introduction. In
Unknown Parent Title, pp.1-7, DOI:
Sabiescu, AG and Charatzopoulou, K (2018)
The Museum as Ecosystem and Museums in Learning Ecosystems. In Vermeeren, A, Calvi, L,
Sabiescu, AG (ed)
Museum Experience Design Crowds, Ecosystems and Novel Technologies, Springer, pp.325-345, ISBN: 9783319585505. DOI:
Sabiescu, AG (2018)
A Critical Reflection on Three Paradigms in Museum Experience Design. In Vermeeren, A, Calvi, L,
Sabiescu, A (ed)
Museum Experience Design Crowds, Ecosystems and Novel Technologies, Springer, pp.259-276, ISBN: 9783319585505. DOI:
Sabiescu, AG (2018)
Problematising heritage crafts authorship and ownership: Steps towards the intellectual property protection of the traditional Romanian blouse. In Brown, AEL and Waelde, C (ed)
Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Creative Industries, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.183-198, ISBN: 978 1 78643 116 5. DOI:
Vermeeren, APOS, Calvi, L,
Sabiescu, A, Trocchianesi, R, Stuedahl, D, Giaccardi, E, Radice, S (2018)
Future Museum Experience Design: Crowds, Ecosystems and Novel Technologies. In
Springer Series on Cultural Computing, Springer International Publishing, pp.1-16, ISBN: 9783319585499. DOI:
Sabiescu, A and Charatzopoulou, K (2018)
The Museum as Ecosystem and Museums in Learning Ecosystems. In
Springer Series on Cultural Computing, Springer International Publishing, pp.325-345, ISBN: 9783319585499. DOI:
Sabiescu, A (2018)
A Critical Reflection on Three Paradigms in Museum Experience Design. In
Springer Series on Cultural Computing, Springer International Publishing, pp.259-276, ISBN: 9783319585499. DOI:
Sabiescu, AG, Woolley, M, Cummings, K, Prins, J, Forbes, N (2017)
Online Maker Communities: Craft and New Spaces of Engagement with Cultural Heritage. In Ciolfi, L, Damala, A, Hornecker, E, Lechner, M, Maye, L (ed)
Cultural Heritage Communities Technologies and Challenges, Routledge, pp.38-59, ISBN: 9781315522418. DOI:
Whatley, S and
Sabiescu, AG (2016) Interdisciplinary Collaborations in the Creation of Digital Dance and Performance: A Critical Examination. In Borowiecki, K, Forbes, N, Fresa, A (ed)
Cultural Heritage in a Changing World, Springer, pp.17-35, ISBN: 9783319295442.
Rey-Moreno, C,
Sabiescu, AG, Masbulele, JS (2015) Towards Self-sustaining Community Networks in Rural Areas of Developing Countries: Understanding local ownership. In Steyn, J and van Greunen, D (ed)
ICTs for Inclusive Communities in Developing Societies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.144-165, ISBN: 9781443886260.
Sabiescu, A (2015)
Narratives and counter-narratives in the representation of The Other. The case of the Romani ethnic minority. In
At the Intersection of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Technology Design, Informing Science, pp.67-87, ISBN: 9781932886993.
Maiorani, A, Jones, C, Starc, S (2015)
Introduction. In
Meaning Making in Text: Multimodal and Multilingual Functional Perspectives, Palgrave, pp.1-4.
Tacchi, J,
Sabiescu, A, Gordano, C (2019)
Communicative ecologies in adult education, Tampere University, ISBN: 9789520313968.
Sabiescu, A (Accepted for publication) The art of (re) engaging the young learner: insights from informal learning workshops run by the V&A Museum.
Sabiescu, A (Accepted for publication) Developing aspirations through social assemblages: towards a conceptual model.
Sabiescu, A (Accepted for publication) Museums and young people’s creative career choices: young people profiles and information needs.
Sabiescu, A and Zajzon, N (Accepted for publication) Aspirations mapping and participatory photography.
Sabiescu, A (Accepted for publication) Aspirations mapping and communicative ecologies.
Sabiescu, A and Zajzon, N (Accepted for publication) Museums and young people’s creative careers.