Journal Articles
Antonsich, M (2022)
The diversity continuum: Blurring the boundaries between internal and external others among Italian children of migrants,
Political Geography, 96, 102602, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2021)
What’s in a name? Children of migrants, national belonging and the politics of naming,
Social & Cultural Geography, 23(8), pp.1078-1096, ISSN: 1464-9365. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2020)
Everyday nation in times of rising nationalism,
Sociology, 54(6), pp.1230-1237, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2020)
Natives and aliens: who and what belongs in nature and in the nation?,
Area, 53(2), pp.303-310, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2020)
Making space for the everyday and diverse nation in England’s present political predicament,
Identities, pp.1-5, ISSN: 1070-289X. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Skey, M (2020)
Introduction: The Spaces and Politics of Affective Nationalism,
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(4), pp.580-582, ISSN: 2399-6544. DOI:
Antonsich, M, Skey, M, Sumartojo, S, Merriman, P, Stephens, AC, Tolia-Kelly, D, Wilson, H, Anderson, B (2020)
The spaces and politics of affective nationalism,
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(4), ISSN: 2399-6544. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Hoyler, M (2018)
Urbanism and geopolitics: the missing links [Editorial],
Political Geography, 70, pp.145-147, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Hearn, J and
Antonsich, M (2018)
Theoretical and methodological considerations for the study of banal and everyday nationalism,
Nations and Nationalism, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Petrillo, ER (2018)
Ethno-cultural diversity and the limits of the inclusive nation,
Identities, 26(6), pp.706-724, ISSN: 1070-289X. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2018)
The face of the nation. Troubling the sameness-strangeness divide in the age of migration,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 43(3), pp.449-461, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2018)
Migration and the search for home: mapping domestic space in migrants’ everyday lives,
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(8), pp.1480-1481, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2017)
Living in diversity: going beyond the local/national divide,
Political Geography, 63, pp.1-9, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Skey, M (2017)
Affective nationalism: issues of power, agency and method,
Progress in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities, ISSN: 1477-0288. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2016)
The neoliberal culturalist nation: voices from Italy,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41(4), pp.490-502, ISSN: 1475-5661. DOI:
Mihelj, S,
Antonsich, M, Mavroudi, E (2016)
Building Inclusive Nations in the Age of Migration,
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 2016, pp.1-21, ISSN: 1547-3384. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2016)
Book review: The Birth of Territory,
PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 40(1), pp.152-154, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2016)
International migration and the rise of the ‘civil’ nation,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, ISSN: 1469-9451. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2015)
Interculturalism versus multiculturalism – the Cantle-Modood debate,
Ethnicities, 16(3), pp.470-493, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Mavroudi, E (2015)
Ethno-cultural diversity and contemporary national societies,
Fennia, ISSN: 0015-0010.
Antonsich, M and Matejskova, T (2015)
Immigration societies and the question of ‘the National',
Ethnicities, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2015)
The ‘everyday’ of banal nationalism – ordinary people’s views on Italy and Italian,
Political Geography, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Szalkai, K (2014)
On Great Hungary and the importance of minor geopolitical traditions,
Political Geography, 39, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Holland, EC (2014)
Territorial attachment in the age of globalization: The case of Western Europe,
European Urban and Regional Studies, 21(2), pp.206-221, ISSN: 0969-7764. DOI:
Antonsich, M, Fortier, A-M, Darling, J, Wood, N, Stephens, AC (2014)
The persistence of nationalism. From imagined communities to urban encounters,
POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY, 40, pp.56-63, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2013)
'OccupyBufferZone': Practices of borderline resistance in a space of exception,
Area, 45(2), pp.170-178, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2012)
Exploring the Demands of Assimilation among White Ethnic Majorities in Western Europe,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(1), pp.59-76, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Szalkai, K (2012)
On Great Hungary and the importance of minor geopolitical traditions,
Political Geography, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2012)
BRINGING THE DEMOS BACK IN: People's views on 'EUropean identity',
European Societies, 14(4), pp.484-501, ISSN: 1461-6696. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2012)
The multicultural dilemma: between normative and practical reasoning,
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2(2), pp.216-218, DOI:
Antonsich, M (2011)
Grounding theories of place and globalisation,
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 102(3), pp.331-345, ISSN: 0040-747X. DOI:
Dostál, P, Akçali, E,
Antonsich, M (2011)
Turkey's bid for European Union membership: Between "thick" and "thin" conceptions of Europe,
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 52(2), pp.196-216, ISSN: 1538-7216. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2011)
Rethinking territory,
Progress in Human Geography, 35(3), pp.422-425, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2011) Per una geografia italiana,
Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 148(3), pp.389-393, ISSN: 1121-7820.
Antonsich, M (2010)
Belonging: A Culture of Place Abingdon,
PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 34(5), pp.693-694, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2010)
Multicultural Horizons. Diversity and the Limits of the Civil Nation,
NATIONS AND NATIONALISM, 16(4), pp.783-784, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2010)
Exploring the correspondence between regional forms of governance and regional identity: The case of Western Europe,
European Urban and Regional Studies, 17(3), pp.261-276, ISSN: 0969-7764. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2010)
Searching for belonging - An analytical framework,
Geography Compass, 4(6), pp.644-659, DOI:
Antonsich, M (2010)
Meanings of place and aspects of the Self: An interdisciplinary and empirical account,
GeoJournal, 75(1), pp.119-132, ISSN: 0343-2521. DOI:
Antonsich, M and Jones, PI (2010)
Mapping the Swiss referendum on the minaret ban,
Political Geography, 29(2), pp.57-62, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2010)
In search of belonging: an analytical framework,
Geography Compass, 4(6), pp.644-659, DOI:
Akçali, E and
Antonsich, M (2009)
"Nature knows no boundaries": A critical reading of UNDP environmental peacemaking in cyprus,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(5), pp.940-947, ISSN: 0004-5608. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
National identities in the age of globalisation: The case of Western Europe,
National Identities, 11(3), pp.281-299, ISSN: 1460-8944. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
Overcoming fragmentation in Southeast Europe. Spatial development trends and integration potential,
PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 33(3), pp.428-429, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
The 'revenge' of political geographers,
Political Geography, 28(4), pp.211-212, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
Geopolitica: The 'geographical and imperial consciousness' of fascist Italy,
Geopolitics, 14(2), pp.256-277, ISSN: 1465-0045. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
Regional identity and diversity in Europe. Experience in Wales, Silesia and Flanders,
PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 33(1), pp.137-138, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2009)
On territory, the nation-state and the crisis of the hyphen,
Progress in Human Geography, 33(6), pp.789-806, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Antonsich, M, Minghi, J, Johnston, R, Berry, BJL (2009)
Interventions on the 'moribund backwater' forty years on,
Political Geography, 28(7), pp.388-394, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2008)
The narration of Europe in 'national' and 'post-national' terms: Gauging the gap between normative discourses and people's views,
European Journal of Social Theory, 11(4), pp.505-522, ISSN: 1368-4310. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2008)
EUropean attachment and meanings of EUrope. A qualitative study in the EU-15,
Political Geography, 27(6), pp.691-710, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2008)
Linguistic commonality between universalism and particularism: A reply to Ipperciel (2007),
Nations and Nationalism, 14(3), pp.600-605, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2006)
In defense of "geopolitical remote sensing": Reply to Moisio and Harle,
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 47(2), pp.211-215, ISSN: 1538-7216. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2006) In Defense of ‘Geopolitical Remote Sensing’. Reply to Moisio and Harle,
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 47(2), pp.190-194.
Antonsich, M (2006) Addis Abeba caput viarium. La rete stradale del Duce in Abissinia,
Limes. Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 3, pp.133-144.
Antonsich, M (2006) Prove di regionalizzazione nel Mar Nero. Il caso della Black Sea Economic Cooperation,
Quaderni di Relazioni Internazionali, 1, pp.6-20.
Antonsich, M (2005)
Cardinal markers of Finland's identity politics and national identity,
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 46(4), pp.290-305, ISSN: 1538-7216. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2005) L’ ‘Eurafrica’ des Italiens. La revue ‘Geopolitica’ conscience géographique du régime fasciste,
Outre-Terre. Revue de géopolitique, May, pp.76-78.
Geographical Review of Japan, 78(2), pp.126-132,i_2, ISSN: 1347-9555. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2004)
Geopolitics of the world system,
Political Geography, 23(6), pp.801-804, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2004) Prassi geografica tra tentazioni post-moderne e necessità moderne,
Rivista Geografica Italiana, 111, pp.115-128.
Antonsich, M (2003)
Place and Politics in Modern Italy,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93(2), pp.513-515, ISSN: 0004-5608. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2001)
‘Critical Geopolitics’. La geopolitica nel pensiero postmoderno,
Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 4, pp.735-752.
Antonsich, M (2000)
Signs of power: Fascist urban iconographies in Ethiopia (1930s-1940s),
GeoJournal, 52(4), pp.325-338, ISSN: 0343-2521. DOI:
Antonsich, M (1998)
L’unita mediterranea nelle rappresentazioni geopolitiche del ventennio fascista,
Geotema, 12, pp.100-107, ISSN: 1126-7798.
Antonsich, M (1997) La geopolitica italiana nelle riviste ‘Geopolitica’, ‘Hérodote/Italia (Erodoto)’, ‘Limes’,
Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 3, pp.411-418.
Antonsich, M (1997) Eurafrica. Dottrina Monroe del fascismo,
Limes. Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, 3, pp.261-266.
Antonsich, M (1995)
Contemporary geopolitical itineraries,
Quaderni del Dottorato di Ricerca in Geografia Politica, 5, pp.15-57.
Antonsich, M (2024) Italy between and beyond geographical and racial divides. In Samers, M and Rydgren, J (ed)
Handbook on Immigration and Nationalism, Edward Elgar, pp.70-87.
Antonsich, M (2023) The Superdiverse Nation. In Lessard-Phillips, L, Papoutsi, A, Sigona, N, Ziss, P (ed)
Migration, Displacement and Diversity: The IRiS anthology, University of Birmingham - IRIs - Oxford Publishing Services, pp.45-49.
Antonsich, M, Sotiropoulou, P, Wilmers, L, Zhaxi, C, Hyde, S-L (2019)
“Our nation’s future”: Youth visions of a post-Brexit Britain. In Rebughini, ECP (ed)
Unknown Parent Title, Routledge,ISBN: 9780367150990. DOI:
Skey, M and
Antonsich, M (2017)
The present and future of nationalism. In
Everyday Nationhood: Theorising Culture, Belonging & Identity After Banal Nationalism, © The Editor(s) and The Author(s). Published by Palgrave Macmillan, pp.323-334, ISBN: 9781137570970. DOI:
Antonsich, M (2017)
Territory and territoriality. In Marston, DRNCMFGAKWLRA (ed)
The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Association of American Geographers (AAG) and Wiley-Blackwell. DOI:
Skey, M and
Antonsich, M (2017)
Conclusion: The present and future of nationalism. In
Everyday Nationhood: Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging After Banal Nationalism, pp.323-334, DOI:
Antonsich, M (2015)
Nation and nationalism. In
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography, pp.297-310, DOI:
Antonsich, M (2015)
Nations and nationalism. In
The Companion to Political Geography, Wiley-Blackwell,ISBN: 978-1-118-72588-7.
Matejskova, T and
Antonsich, M (2015)
Introduction: governing through diversity. In
Governing through Diversity: Migration Societies in the Post-Multiculturalist Age, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN: 9781137438249.
Matejskova, T and
Antonsich, M (2015)
Nation and diversity: a false conundrum. In
Governing through Diversity: Migration Societies in the Post-Multiculturalist Age, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN: 9781137438249.
Antonsich, M (2013)
De la Geopolitik à la Geopolitics. Transformations idéologiques d’une doctrine de puissance. In
Approches de la géopolitique. De l’antiquité au XXIe siècle, Economica, pp.549-577.
Antonsich, M (2013) Bringing the demos back in: People’s views on ‘EUropean identity’. In
Post-identity? Culture and European integration, Routledge, pp.17-31.
Antonsich, M (2013)
Identity and Place. In
Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, Oxford University Press, pp.1-22.
Antonsich, M (2009) Territorio, luogo e identità. In
Geografia. Strumenti e Parole, Unicopli, pp.113-136.
Antonsich, M (Accepted for publication) Rethinking the nation in the age of migration: normative and empirical insights. In Solomos, J (ed) Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism, Routledge.