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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Louise Holt

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Journal Articles

Azpitarte, F and Holt, L (2023) Failing children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in England: new evidence of poor outcomes and a postcode lottery at the Local Authority level at Key Stage 1, British Educational Research Journal, 50(1), pp.414-437, ISSN: 0141-1926. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3930.

Holt, L and Philo, C (2022) Tiny human geographies: babies and toddlers as non-representational and barely human life?, Children's Geographies, pp.1-13, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2022.2130684.

Mavroudi, E and Holt, L (2021) Learning to be (multi)national: Greek diasporic childhood re-memories of nationalism and nation-building in Australia, Children's Geographies, 19(5), pp.552-566, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1965090.

Bates, E and Holt, L (2021) The ‘Mirrored Ceiling’: Young undergraduate student women’s expectations of gendered career opportunities and constraints, Social and Cultural Geography, 24(2), pp.345-362, ISSN: 1464-9365. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2021.1950821.

Cortés-Morales, S, Holt, L, Acevedo-Rincón, J, Aitken, S, Ladru, DE, Joelsson, T, Kraftl, P, Murray, L, Tebet, G (2021) Children living in pandemic times: a geographical, transnational and situated view, Children's Geographies, 20(4), pp.381-391, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1928603.

Holt, L and Murray, L (2021) Children and Covid 19 in the UK, Children's Geographies, pp.1-8, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1921699.

Holt, L, Blazek, M, Benwell, MC, Van Blerk, L (2020) Editorial introduction to Children’s Geographies Sponsored lecture section: generational orderings and Geographies of Children and youth, Children's Geographies, 18(2), pp.125-127, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2019.1694221.

Holt, L and Bowlby, S (2019) Gender, class, race, ethnicity and power in an elite girls’ state school, Geoforum, 105, pp.168-178, ISSN: 0016-7185. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.05.020.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2019) Disability, special educational needs, class, capitals and segregation in schooling: a population geography perspective, Population, Space and Place, ISSN: 1544-8444. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2229.

Holt, L, Jeffries, J, Hall, E, Power, A (2018) Geographies of co-production: Learning from inclusive research approaches at the margins, Area, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI: 10.1111/area.12532.

Holloway, S, Holt, L, Mills, S (2018) Questions of agency: capacity, subjectivity, spatiality and temporality, Progress in Human Geography, 43(3), pp.458-477, ISSN: 1477-0288.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2017) "Everyone knows me .. I sort of like move about”: the friendships and encounters of young people with Special Educational Needs in different school settings, Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI: 10.1177/0308518X17696317.

Holt, L (2016) Food, feeding and the material everyday geographies of infants: possibilities and potentials, Social and Cultural Geography, 18(4), pp.487-504, ISSN: 1464-9365. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2016.1193889.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2014) Some ideas of good practice to enhance social inclusion and build social capital of young people with SEN, SEN Magazine, pp.34-36.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2013) Emotions and the habitus: Young people with socio-emotional differences (re)producing social, emotional and cultural capital in family and leisure space-times, Emotion, Space and Society, 9(1), pp.33-41, ISSN: 1755-4586. DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2013.02.002.

Holt, L (2013) Exploring the emergence of the subject in power: infant geographies, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31, p.000.

Holt, L, Lea, J, Bowlby, S (2012) Special units for young people on the autistic spectrum in mainstream schools: Sites of normalisation, abnormalisation, inclusion, and exclusion, Environment and Planning A, 44(9), pp.2191-2206, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI: 10.1068/a44456.

Holt, L and Costello, L (2011) Beyond otherness: Exploring diverse spatialities and mobilities of childhood and youth populations, Population, Space and Place, 17(4), pp.299-303, ISSN: 1544-8444. DOI: 10.1002/psp.621.

Evans, R and Holt, L (2011) Diverse spaces of childhood and youth: Gender and other socio-cultural differences, Children's Geographies, 9(3-4), pp.277-284, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2011.595902.

Holt, L (2010) Young people's embodied social capital and performing disability, Children's Geographies, 8(1), pp.25-37, DOI: 10.1080/14733280903500158.

Holt, L (2008) Embodied social capital and geographic perspectives: performing the habitus, Progress in Human Geography, 32(2), pp.227-246, DOI: 10.1177/0309132507087648.

Holt, L (2007) Growing up global: economic restructuring and children's everyday lives, ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A, 39(5), pp.1269-1270, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI: 10.1068/a3905rvw.

Smith, DP and Holt, L (2007) Studentification and 'apprentice' gentrifiers within Britain's provincial towns and cities: extending the meaning of gentrification?, Environment and Planning A, 39(1), pp.142-161, DOI: 10.1068/a38476.

Holt, L (2007) Children's sociospatial (re)production of disability in primary school playgrounds, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25, pp.783-802, DOI: 10.1068/d73j.

Holt, L (2006) Exploring ‘Other’ childhoods through quantitative secondary analyses of large scale surveys: Opportunities and challenges for children's geographers, Children's Geographies, 4(2), pp.143-155, DOI: 10.1080/14733280600806858.

Holt, L and Holloway, SL (2006) Editorial: Theorising other childhoods in a globalised world, Children's Geographies, 4, pp.135-142, ISSN: 1473-3285.

Smith, DP and Holt, L (2005) ‘Lesbian migrants in the gentrified valley’ and ‘other’ geographies of rural gentrification, Journal of Rurual Studies, 21(3), pp.313-322.

Holt, L (2004) The ‘voices’ of children: de‐centring empowering research relations, Children's Geographies, 2(1), pp.13-27, DOI: 10.1080/1473328032000168732.

Holt, L (2004) Childhood disability and ability: (Dis)ableist geographies of mainstream primary schools, Disability Studies Quarterly, 24(3), pp.20-48.

Holt, L (2004) Children with mind-body differences: performing disability in classroom micro-spaces, Children's Geographies, 2(2), pp.219-236, DOI: 10.1080/14733280410001720520.

Holt, L (2003) (Dis)abling children in primary school micro-spaces: geographies of inclusion and exclusion, Health & Place, 9, pp.119-128, DOI: 10.1016/S1353-8292(02)00066-7.


Lea, J, Holt, L, Bowlby, S (2013) Children ‘at risk’: managing ‘unsafe’ behaviours, emotions and social relations in a special school. In Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, London, pp.0-0.

Holt, L and Bowlby, S (2013) Children’s embodied social capital and (dis)ability: connecting micro- and macro- scales of exclusion. In Lea, J (ed) End of Award Conference ESRC project children's embodied social capital and (dis)ability, Loughborough University, pp.0-0.

Holt, L (2013) Behaviourally, emotionally and socially ‘problematic’ students: interrogating emotional governance as an exclusionary practice. In Lea, J and Bowlby, S (ed) the 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, University of Groningen, pp.0-0.

Holt, L (2012) Young people with socio-emotional differences in primary schools: from socio-spatially diverse experiences of (dis)ablement to the increasing codification and formalisation of socio-emotional norms. In Bowlby, SR and Lea, JA (ed) Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, pp.0-0.

Holt, L, Bowlby, SR, Lea, JA (2012) Policies and politics of inclusion and exclusion for young people with socio-emotional difference. In Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, pp.0-0.

Holt, L, Lea, JA, Bowlby, SR (2011) Alternative spaces of education for young people with socio-emotional differences in mainstream schools: sites of alternative social expression or extending the reach of normalisation?. In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, pp.0-0.

Holt, L, Lea, JA, Bowlby, SR (2011) Children’s embodied social capital and (dis)ability – connecting micro- and macro- scales of inclusion/exclusion across the lifecourse. In RGS/IBG International Conference, London, pp.0-0.

Holt, L, Lea, JA, Bowlby, SR (2011) Special units for young people with socio-emotional differences: sites of inclusion and/or segregation. In Does Every Child Matter? End of Award Conference, Manchester, pp.0-0.

Lea, J, Holt, L, Bowlby, S (2010) Social, emotional and behavioural norms: making inclusive education. In Paper presented at the RGS/IBG International Conference, London, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2009) Children's embodied social capital and (dis)ability: connecting micro- and macro- scales of exclusion. In Paper presented at the Geographies of Education Conference, Loughborough University, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2009) Looking beyond the 'middle years of childhood': bringing baby geographies into geographies of children, youth and families. In Second International Conference of Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Invited keynote speech, Autonomous University of Barcelona, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Higley, RC (2009) The childless spaces of urban renaissance gentrification. In Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L and Bowlby, S (2008) Geographies of children and youth. In Geographical Association Conference, Invited RGS/IBG and Geographical Association joint lecture, University of Surrey, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2007) Young, childless and middle class: the absence of children in 'positive gentrification' policies. In Paper presented at the First International Conference of Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, University of Reading, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2007) Young people with mind-body-emotional differences and socio-spatial inclusion/exclusion: interpolating scales of social inclusion/exclusion. In Annual Conference of the RGS/IBG, Paper presented at the Geographies of Childhood and Disability session, London, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2007) Young people with socio-emotional differences: theorising disabiity and destabilising emotional norms. In Paper presented in the Scoial Geographies of Disability session of the Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2007) Mobilising embodied social capital: conceptualisation and methodological implications of critical conceptions of social capital. In Paper presented at the Fourth International Population Geographies Conference, Hong Kong, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2006) Emotions, everyday life, and geographies of/with young people. In Paper presented at the New Directions of Children's Geographies Conference, Northampton University, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2006) Embodying and destabilising (dis)ability and childhood. In Contested Bodies of Childhood, Paper presented at, University of Durham, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2006) Embodied social capital: theorising the social experiences of young people with mind-body-emotional differences. In Paper presented at the Third International population Geographies Conference, University of Liverpool, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2006) Progressing social capital: including the experiences of young people with mind-body-emotional differences. In Paper presented at Irish Geographers' Annual Conference, University College Dublin, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2006) Disabling emotional differences: inclusion/exclusion into young people's social networks. In Paper presented at the Second International, Interdisciplinary Emotional Geographies Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2005) Ethical research with 'disabled' young people: deconstructing empowerment. In Paper presented at the Ethical geographies' session of the Annual Conference of the RGS-IBG, London, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2005) Conducting research with young people with social and emotional differences: exclusions, inclusions and institutional contexts. In 'Emerging issues in research with children and youth' conference, paper presented at, Brunel University, Uxbridge, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2005) Young disabled people's exclusion/inclusion in school and leisure spaces. In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Presented in Holt, L and Holloway, S L. 'Theorising Other Childhoods in a Globalised World', Denver, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2005) Social exclusion/inclusion of young people with mind-body differences: (re)constructing (dis)ability. In Presented at the First European Population Geographies Conference, University of Wales, Swansea, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2004) 'Vulnerable' young people's exclusion, building social networks and interactions. In Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Internationak Urban Sociological Association, Singapore, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2004) Children's social geographies of exclusion/inclusion. In Hellenic Geograhical Association, paper presented at the 7th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2004) Exploring young disabled people's social networks and interactions within everyday places. In paper presented at Children's Geographies Conference, University of St Andrews, Scotland, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2004) 'Vulnerable youth' in English rural contexts: the challenges of social and educational inclusion. In Paper presented at the XI World Cogress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L and Smith, DP (2003) Processes of studentification and displacement. In Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Sociological Association, Milan, pg nos N/A.

Smith, DP and Holt, L (2003) Studentification - an expression of gentrification?. In Paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Milan, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2003) De-stabilising and spatialising 'inclusive' education policy for disabled children. In paper presented at the Annual Conference of the RGS/IBG, London, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L and Smith, DP (2003) Cultural capital and process of studentification in Brighton. In Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the RGS/IBG, London, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2003) (Dis)abling children in primary school micro-spaces. In Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, USA, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2003) Researching the 'Other' and destabilising the 'Self': a reflexive review of aulitative research with children. In Paper presented at Youthful Ruralities Conference, University of Wales, Swansea, pg nos N/A.

Smith, DP and Holt, L (2002) Lesbian lifestyles and greentrified pennine rurality. In Rural Economy and Society Study Group of the RGS/IBG, Paper presented at a conference on Challenging Ruralities: Critical Perspectives on the UK Countryside, Cardiff University, Wales, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2002) Children's voices: boundary drawing and (dis)ability in primary schools. In Paper presented at the Annual Conference of RGS/IBG, Queens University, Belfast, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2002) Policy and professional discourses of disability and inclusion. In Paper presented at the RGS/IBG, Queens University, Belfast, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2001) The dynamic performance of (dis)ability in primary school micro-spaces. In Paper presented at 'ENRGHI (Emerging New Research in Geographies of Health & Impairment)' organised by the Health Geography Research Group of the RGS/IBG, University of St Andrews, Scotland, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2001) Micro-geographies of (dis)ability in primary schools. In Paper presented at Popfest Conference, organised by the Population Geography Research Group of the RGS/IBG, University of Wales, Swansea, pg nos N/A.

Holt, L (2000) Portuguese discourses of rurality and the material implications for socio-economic exclusion. In Paper presented at 'Emerging Qualitative Research into Rurality' sponsored by the Rural Economy and Society Research Group of the RGS/IBG, University of Leeds, p.0.


Holt, L (2024) The space and power of young people's social relationships: Immersive geographies. DOI: 10.4324/9781003028161.

Evans, R and Holt, L (ed) (2016) Methods and Methodologies of Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Volume 2 of Skelton, T (editor in chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, ISBN: 978-981-4585-89-7.

Sarah, M and Peter, K (ed) (2014) Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Geographies, Histories, Practices, Palgrave Macmillan / selection and editorial matter © Sarah Mills and Peter Kraftl. Individual chapters © Respective author, ISBN: 9781137027726.

Evans, R and Holt, L (ed) (2013) Diverse Spaces of Childhood and Youth, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415834377.

Holt, L (ed) (2011) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: International Perspectives, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-56384-0.


Holt, L (2019) Youth/Youth Cultures. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Second Edition, pp.315-318, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102295-5.10880-7.

Holt, L (2016) Young people with socio-emotional differences: Theorising disability and destabilising socio-emotional norms. In Towards Enabling Geographies: 'Disabled' Bodies and Minds in Society and Space, pp.145-164.

Mills, S (2016) Archival fieldwork and children’s geographies. In Methodological Approaches, © Springer, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9789814585897.

Blazek, M (2016) Participatory video with children and young people. In Methodological Approaches, Vol. 2 of Geographies of Children and Young People, © Springer,ISBN: 9789812870193.

Holt, L (2016) Dis)abling identities: geographies of children with mind-body-emotional differences. In Worth, N, Dwyer, C, Skelton, T (ed) Geographies of Identities and Subjectivities, pp.1-30, ISBN: 978-981-287-024-7.

Lea, J, Holt, L, Bowlby, S (2016) Behaviourally, emotionally and socially ‘problematic’ students: Interrogating emotional governance as a form of exclusionary practice in schools. In Emotional States: Sites and Spaces of Affective Governance, pp.101-115, DOI: 10.4324/9781315579252.

Mavroudi, E and Holt, L (2015) Nationalism and diversity in schools. In Governing through Diversity: Migration Societies in Post-Multiculturalist Times, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.150-175, ISBN: 9781137438249.

Lea, J, Holt, L, Bowlby, S (2015) Re-constituting social, emotional and mental health difficulties? The use of restorative approaches to justice in schools. In Children's Emotions in Policy and Practice: Mapping and Making Spaces of Childhood, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.180-210, ISBN: 9781137415592.

Lea, J, Bowlby, S, Holt, L (2015) Reconstituting Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties? The Use of Restorative Approaches to Justice in Schools. In Studies in Childhood and Youth, pp.242-258, DOI: 10.1057/9781137415608_15.

Bowlby, S, Lea, J, Holt, L (2014) Learning how to behave in school: a study of the experiences of young people with socio-emotional differences. In Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Geographies, Histories, Practices, Palgrave Macmillan. Selection and editorial matter © Sarah Mills and Peter Kraftl. Individual chapters © respective authors, pp.124-139, ISBN: 9781137027726.

Holt, L (2010) Young people with socio-emotional differences: theorising disability and destabilising socio-emotional norms. In Chouinard, V, Wilton, R, Hall, E (ed) Towards enabling geographies, Ashgate, pp.145-165, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7561-7.

Holt, L (2009) Social and Cultural Geography: Youth Cultures. In Kitchin, R and Thrift, N (ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier, pp.2010-2030, ISBN: 978-0-08-044910-4.

Holt, L (2009) Embodying and destabilising disability and childhood. In Colls, R and Hörschelmann, K (ed) Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth, Parlgrave MacMillan, pp.203-214, ISBN: 9780230201385.

Holt, L (2009) Youth/Youth Cultures. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp.283-287, DOI: 10.1016/B978-008044910-4.01021-X.

Holt, L (2009) Youth/Youth Cultures. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography: Volume 1-12,V12-283-V12-287, DOI: 10.1016/B978-008044910-4.01021-X.

Holt, L (2007) Agency and rural young people with mind-body-emotional differences. In Panelli, R, Punch, S, Robson, E (ed) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives, Routledge, pp.102-104.

Holt, L (2006) 'Participant Observation'. In Warf, BEA (ed) Encycloaedia of Human Geography, Sage, pp.1113-1117.

Internet Publications

Holt, L, Serafimov, A, Rodrigo‑Jusué, I, Salter, S, Peters, K (Accepted for publication) Fostering Student Engagement and Building an Inclusive Community in SSSH - Summary of Recommendations.


Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2014) Children's embodied social capital and (dis)ability: connecting micro and macro scales of inclusion/exclusion: summary of key findings and policy recommendations [report for teachers, professionals, policy makers and parents], pp.1-8.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2014) Children's embodied social capital and (dis)ability: connecting micro and macro scales of inclusion/exclusion: summary of key findings and policy recommendations booklet for young people, pp.1-8.

Holt, L, Bowlby, S, Lea, J (2014) Children's embodied social capital and (dis)ability: connecting micro- and macro- scales of exclusion/inclusion ESRC End of Award Report, RES-062-23-1073-A.

Holt, L and Bowlby, S (2010) Urban renaissance developments: searching for inclusive alternatives to (re)constructing young, middle class and childless central and inner cities, pp.1-20, British Academy.

Holt, L and Bowlby, S (2008) Contemporary gentrified urban environments, childless and middle class?, pp.1-10, University of Reading, SHES research committee.

Holt, L (2005) The inclusion/exclusion of young 'disabled' people in school, home and 'leisure' spaces, pp.1-20, End of award report for EPSRC Geographical Grant.

Smith, DP and Holt, L (2004) Processes of studentification in Brighton and Eastbourne, pp.1-100, University of Brighton, Brighton.


Holt, L (2007) Review of 'Katz, C. Growing Up Global: Econimic Restructing and Children's Everyday Lives'.

Holt, L (2005) 'First Steps - a primer on Children's Geographies: review'.

Holt, L (2003) Studying the home options, Planning; The Journal of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Holt, L (2003) At home with the students, Brighton Evening Argus.

Holt, L (2003) Communities forced out by influxes of students, Planning, The Journal of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Holt, L (2003) Unis 'must end student ghettos', Regeneration and Renewal.

Holt, L (2003) Communities respond to university challenge, Planning. The Jorunal of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Holt, L (2003) Studentification, Royal Geographical Society.

Holt, L (2003) Growing army of undergraduates transforms run-down urban areas for better and worse, The Independent.

Holt, L (2002) Mind and Body Spaces, geographies of illness, impairment and disability: a review.

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