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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Thomas Triebs

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Journal Articles

Pollitt, MG, Sadeghi, J, Triebs, T (2024) The effects of vertical separation and competition: evidence from US electric utility restructuring, Review of Industrial Organization, ISSN: 0889-938X. DOI: 10.1007/s11151-024-09953-1.

Cao, Y, Sickles, R, Triebs, T, Tumlinson, J (2024) Linguistic distance to English impedes research performance, Research Policy, 53(4), 104971, ISSN: 0048-7333. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2024.104971.

Mazrekaj, D, De Witte, K, Triebs, T (2022) Mind the gap: Measuring academic underachievement using stochastic frontier analysis, Exceptional Children, 88(4), pp.442-459, ISSN: 0014-4029. DOI: 10.1177/00144029211073524.

Sickles, R, Sun, K, Triebs, T (2021) The optimal use of management, Economic Inquiry, 59(3), pp.1346-1363, ISSN: 0095-2583. DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12979.

Kim, KR and Triebs, T (2020) Weave structure development to improve the current design capability for double cloth fabrication via digital Jacquard weaving, Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 10(1), pp.59-77, ISSN: 2051-1787. DOI: 10.1080/20511787.2020.1841365.

Triebs, T and Tumlinson, J (2019) Learning to forecast business conditions – Evidence from German reunification, ifo DICE Report, 17(3), pp.28-29, ISSN: 2511-7815.

Triebs, T and Pollitt, MG (2019) Objectives and Incentives: Evidence from the Privatisation of Great Britain's Power Plants, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65, pp.1-29, ISSN: 0167-7187. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2018.12.003.

Triebs, T and Kumbhakar, SC (2018) Management in production: from unobserved to observed, Journal of Productivity Analysis, ISSN: 0895-562X. DOI: 10.1007/s11123-018-0526-x.

Triebs, T, Saal, D, Arocena, P, Kumbhakar, SC (2016) Estimating economies of scale and scope with flexible technology, JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS, 45(2), pp.173-186, ISSN: 0895-562X. DOI: 10.1007/s11123-016-0467-1.

Saal, D, Arocena, P, Maziotis, A, Triebs, T (2013) Scale and scope economies and the efficient vertical and horizontal configuration of the water industry: A survey of the literature, Review of Network Economics, 12(1), pp.93-129, DOI: 10.1515/rne-2012-0004.

Triebs, T and Kumbhakar, SC (2013) Productivity with general indices of management and technical change, Economics Letters, 120(1), pp.18-22, ISSN: 0165-1765. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2013.03.024.

Jamasb, T, Pollitt, M, Triebs, T (2008) Productivity and efficiency of US gas transmission companies: A European regulatory perspective, Energy Policy, 36(9), pp.3398-3412, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2008.05.001.


Triebs, T (2016) How to improve regulation?. In Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the Eu and the Us A Reader, Edinburgh University Press, pp.80-90, ISBN: 9780748696789.

Getting in touch

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