Publications for Ashleigh Filtness
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Journal Articles
Ahlstrom, C, Weidel, M, Dahlman, A,
Filtness, A, Anund, A (2025)
Exploring the operator experience in automated shuttles: Fatigue, attention, and gaze behaviour,
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Papazikou, E (2025)
Empowering road safety practitioners in fatigue management: informed development of an online learning resource,
Advances in Transportation Studies, 4(2024 Special Issue), pp.153-166, ISSN: 1824-5463.
Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Haslam, C, Miller, K (2024)
Predicting the use of sugar and caffeine as countermeasures to sleepiness in London bus drivers,
Industrial Health, ISSN: 0019-8366.
Filtness, A, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Motnikar, L, Talbot, R, Capkin, SOK, Toulilou, K, Delgrado, B, Anund, A (2024)
A framework for countermeasures design to support professional drivers’ fitness-to-drive,
Industrial Health, 2024-0128, ISSN: 0019-8366. DOI:
Miller, K,
Filtness, A, Anund, A, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Maynard, S, Dahlman, AS (2024)
Exploring sleepiness and stress among London bus drivers: An on-road observational study,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 207(2024), 107744, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Talbot, R,
Filtness, A, Morris, A (2023)
Proposing a framework for evidence-based road safety policy-making: connecting crash causation, countermeasures and policy,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 195, 107409, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
O’Dell, A, Morris, A,
Filtness, A, Barnes, J (2023)
The Impact of Pedestrian Distraction on Safety Behaviours at Controlled and Uncontrolled Crossings,
Future Transportation, 3(4), pp.1195-1208, DOI:
Oviedo-Trespalacios, O, Peden, AE, Cole-Hunter, T, Costantini, A, Haghani, M, Rod, JE, Kelly, S, Torkamaan, H, Tariq, A, Newton, JDA, Gallagher, T, Steinert, S,
Filtness, A, Reniers, G (2023)
The risks of using ChatGPT to obtain common safety-related information and advice,
Safety Science, 167, 106244, ISSN: 0925-7535. DOI:
Christogianni, A, O'Garro, J, Bibb, R,
Filtness, A, Filingeri, D (2022)
Heat and cold sensitivity in multiple sclerosis: A patient-centred perspective on triggers, symptoms, and thermal resilience practices,
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 67, ISSN: 2211-0348. DOI:
Christogianni, A, Bibb, R,
Filtness, A, Filingeri, D (2022)
Regional skin wetness perception and its modulation by warm and cold whole body skin temperatures in people with multiple sclerosis,
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 323(5), ISSN: 0363-6119. DOI:
Afghari, AP, Papadimitriou, E, Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Brijs, T, Brijs, K, Cuenen, A, De Vos, B, Dirix, H, Ross, V, Wets, G, Lourenço, A, Rodrigues, L (2022)
Investigating the effects of sleepiness in truck drivers on their headway: An instrumental variable model with grouped random parameters and heterogeneity in their means,
Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 36, 100241, ISSN: 2213-6657. DOI:
ODell, A,
Filtness, A, Morris, A (2022)
Predicting the intention of distracted pedestrians at road crossings,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 173, 106707, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Christogianni, A, Bibb, R,
Filtness, A, Filingeri, D (2021)
A patient-centred evaluation of phantom skin wetness as a sensory symptom in people with multiple sclerosis,
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 58, 103459, ISSN: 2211-0348. DOI:
Maynard, S, Miller, K,
Filtness, A (2021)
Keeping the service running: Examining working relationships and workload of London bus network iBus controllers,
Applied Ergonomics, 98, 103577, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Morris, A, Haworth, N,
Filtness, A, Nguatem, D-PA, Brown, L, Rakotonirainy, A, Glaser, S (2021)
Autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road-users—important considerations and requirements based on crash data from two countries,
Behavioral Sciences, 11(7), 101, DOI:
Michelaraki, E, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Brijs, K, Ross, V, Dirix, H, Neven, A, Paul, R, Brijs, T, Fortsakis, P, Frantzola, EK, Taveira, R (2021)
Post-trip safety interventions: state-of-the-art, challenges, and practical implications,
Journal of Safety Research, 77, pp.67-85, ISSN: 0022-4375. DOI:
Forsman, Å, Anund, A, Skyving, M,
Filtness, A (2021)
Injury crashes and the relationship with disease causing excessive daytime sleepiness,
Traffic Injury Prevention, 22(4), pp.272-277, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI:
Walker, G, Mendes, LMN, Lenne, M, Young, K, Stevens, N, Read, G, Beanland, V,
Filtness, A, Stanton, N, Salmon, P (2021)
Modelling driver decision-making at railway level crossings using the abstraction decomposition space,
Cognition, Technology & Work, 23(2), pp.225-237, ISSN: 1435-5558. DOI:
Maynard, S,
Filtness, A, Miller, K, Pilkington-Cheney, F (2020)
Bus driver fatigue: a qualitative study of drivers in London,
Applied Ergonomics, 92, 103309, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Filtness, A, Beanland, V, Miller, K, Larue, G, Hawkins, A (2020)
Sleep loss and change detection in simulated driving,
Chronobiology International, 37(9-10), pp.1430-1440, ISSN: 0742-0528. DOI:
Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Haslam, C (2020)
A qualitative study exploring how city bus drivers manage sleepiness and fatigue,
Chronobiology International, 37(9-10), pp.1502-1512, ISSN: 0742-0528. DOI:
Maynard, S, Jones, W,
Filtness, A, Gibb, A, Haslam, R (2020)
Going underground: fatigue and sleepiness in tunnelling operations,
Applied Ergonomics, 90, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Miller, K,
Filtness, A, Anund, A, Maynard, S, Pilkington-Cheney, F (2020)
Contributory factors to sleepiness amongst London bus drivers,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73, pp.415-424, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Shenfield, L, Beanland, V,
Filtness, A, Deborah, A (2020)
The impact of sleep loss on sustained and transient attention: an EEG study,
PeerJ, 8, e8960, DOI:
Filtness, A, Hickman, JS, Mabry, JE, Glenn, L, Mao, H, Camden, M, Hanowski, RJ (2020)
Associations between high caffeine consumption, driving safety indicators, sleep and health behaviours in truck drivers,
Safety Science, 126, 104664, ISSN: 0925-7535. DOI:
Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Jones, W, Maynard, S, Gibb, A, Haslam, R (2020)
Biomathematical modelling for managing worker fatigue in civil engineering,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 173(4), pp.187-192, ISSN: 0965-089X. DOI:
Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Haslam, C (2019)
Sleepiness, shift work, and sleep related road crashes,
Journal of Personal Injury Law, 2019(4), pp.231-238, ISSN: 1472-9490.
Bates, L, Larue, G,
Filtness, A, Hawkins, A (2019)
Simulators, driver education and disadvantaged groups: A scoping review,
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 30(4), pp.26-40, ISSN: 1832-9497.
Bates, L, Hawkins, A, Rodwell, D, Anderson, L, Watson, B,
Filtness, A, Larue, G (2019)
The effect of psychosocial factors on perceptions of driver education using the goals for driver education framework,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 66, pp.151-161, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Samuel, O, Walker, G, Salmon, P,
Filtness, A, Stevens, N, Mulvihill, C, Payne, S, Stanton, N (2019)
Riding the emotional roller-coaster: Using the circumplex model of affect to model motorcycle riders’ emotional state-changes at intersections,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 66, pp.139-150, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Jones, W,
Filtness, A, Haslam, R, Gibb, A, Stuttard, N (2019)
Waking up to fatigue,
Tunnelling Journal, (June/July 2019), pp.28-31.
Kunze, A, Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R,
Filtness, AJ (2019)
Function-specific uncertainty communication in automated driving,
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 11(2), pp.75-97, ISSN: 1942-390X. DOI:
Rodwell, D, Hawkins, A, Haworth, N, Larue, GS, Bates, L,
Filtness, A (2019)
What do driver educators and young drivers think about driving simulators? A qualitative draw-and-talk study,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, pp.282-293, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Papadimitriou, E,
Filtness, A, Theofilatos, A, Ziakopoulos, A, Quigley, C, Yannis, G (2019)
Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125, pp.85-97, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R,
Filtness, A (2019)
Automation transparency: Implications of uncertainty communication for human-automation interaction and interfaces,
Ergonomics, 62(3), pp.345-360, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Martensen, H, Diependale, K, Daniels, S, Van den Berghe, W, Papdimitriou, E, Yannis, G, van Schagen, I, Weijermars, W, Wijnen, W,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Thomas, P, Machata, K, Aigner-Breuss, E, Kaiser, S, Hermitte, T, Thomson, R, Elvik, R (2018)
The European road safety decision support system on risks and measures,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 125, pp.344-351, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, AJ and Beanland, V (2018)
Sleep loss and change detection in driving scenes,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 57, pp.10-22, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Rodwell, D, Hawkins, AN, Haworth, N, Larue, GS, Bates, L,
Filtness, A (2018)
A mixed-methods study of driver education informed by the Goals for Driver Education: Do young drivers and educators agree on what was taught?,
Safety Science, 108, pp.140-148, ISSN: 0925-7535. DOI:
Perez, K, Weijermars, W, Bos, N,
Filtness, A, Bauer, R, Johannsen, H, Nuyttens, N, Pascal, L, Thomas, P, Olabarria, M, WP7, WGO (2018)
Implications of estimating road traffic serious injuries from hospital data,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 130, pp.125-135, ISSN: 1879-2057. DOI:
Weijermars, W, Bos, N, Schoeters, A, Meunier, J-C, Nuyttens, N, Dupont, E, Machata, K, Bauer, R, Perez, K, Martin, J-L, Johansson, H,
Filtness, A, Brown, L, Thomas, P (2018)
Serious road traffic injuries in Europe, lessons from the EU Research Project SafetyCube,
Transportation Research Record, ISSN: 0361-1981. DOI:
Larue, GS,
Filtness, AJ, Wood, JM, Demmel, S, Watling, CN, Naweed, A, Rakotonirainy, A (2018)
Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings,
Safety Science, 103, pp.33-42, ISSN: 0925-7535. DOI:
Salmon, PM, Read, G, Beanland, V, Thompson, J,
Filtness, A, Hulme, A, McClure, R, Johnston, I (2018)
Bad behaviour or societal failure? Perceptions of the factors contributing to drivers’ engagement in the fatal five driving behaviours,
Applied Ergonomics, 74, pp.162-171, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Weijermars, W, Bos, N,
Filtness, A, Brown, L, Bauer, R, Dupont, E, Martin, J-L, Perez, K, Thomas, P (2017)
Burden of injury of serious road injuries in six EU countries,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, pp.184-192, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Beanland, V, Salmon, PM,
Filtness, A, Lenne, MG, Stanton, N (2017)
To stop or not to stop: contrasting compliant and non-compliant driver behaviour at rural rail level crossings,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 108, pp.209-219, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, A, Larue, GS, Schramm, A, Fuller, J, Rakotonirainy, A, Han, C, Cairney, P (2017)
Safety implications of co-locating road signs: a driving simulator investigation,
Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 47, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Cox, JA, Beanland, V,
Filtness, A (2017)
Risk and safety perception on urban and rural roads: effects of environmental features, driver age and risk sensitivity,
Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(7), pp.703-710, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Armstrong, KA, Watson, A, Smith, SS (2017)
Sleep-related crash characteristics: Implications for applying a fatigue definition to crash reports,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 99, pp.440-444, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Hawkins, AN and
Filtness, AJ (2017)
Driver sleepiness on YouTube: A content analysis,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 99, pp.459-464, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Beanland, V,
Filtness, A, Jeans, R (2017)
Change detection in urban and rural driving scenes: Effects of target type and safety relevance on change blindness,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 100, pp.111-122, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, A and Naweed, A (2017)
Causes, consequences and countermeasures to driver fatigue in the rail industry: The train driver perspective,
Applied Ergonomics, 60, pp.12-21, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Watson, A, Freeman, J, Imberger, K,
Filtness, A, Wilson, H, Healy, D, Cavallo, A (2017)
The effects of licence disqualification on drink-drivers: Is it the same for everyone?,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 107, pp.40-47, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, A, Armstrong, KA, Watson, A, Smith, SS (2016)
Sleep-related vehicle crashes on low speed roads,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Aunund, A, Ihlstrom, J, Fors, C, Kecklund, G,
Filtness, A (2016)
Factors associated with self-reported driver sleepiness and incidents in city bus drivers,
Industrial Health, ISSN: 1880-8026. DOI:
Cain, SW,
Filtness, A, Phillips, CL, Anderson, C (2015)
Enhanced preference for high-fat foods following a simulated night shift,
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 41(3), pp.288-293, ISSN: 0355-3140. DOI:
Stefanova, T, Burkhardt, J-M,
Filtness, A, Wullems, C, Rakotonirainy, A, Delhomme, P (2015)
Systems-based approach to investigate unsafe pedestrian behaviour at level crossings,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 81, pp.167-186, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Goode, N, Cook, RW (2014)
Causal Factors of Hot Air Ballooning Incidents: Identification, Frequency, and Potential Impact,
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 85(12), pp.1190-1198, ISSN: 0095-6562. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Anund, A, Fors, C, Ahlström, C, Åkerstedt, T, Kecklund, G (2014)
Sleep‐related eye symptoms and their potential for identifying driver sleepiness,
Journal of Sleep Research, 23(5), pp.568-575, ISSN: 0962-1105. DOI:
Salmon, PM, Lenne, MG, Walker, GH, Stanton, NA,
Filtness, A (2014)
Using the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork (EAST) to explore conflicts between different road user groups when making right hand turns at urban intersections,
Ergonomics, 57(11), pp.1628-1642, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Mitsopoulos-Rubens, E, Rudin-Brown, CM (2014)
Police officer in-vehicle discomfort: Appointments carriage method and vehicle seat features,
Applied Ergonomics, 45(4), pp.1247-1256, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Salmon, PM, Lenne, MG, Walker, GH, Stanton, NA,
Filtness, A (2014)
Exploring schema-driven differences in situation awareness between road users: an on-road study of driver, cyclist and motorcyclist situation awareness,
Ergonomics, 57(2), pp.191-209, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Filtness, A, MacKenzie, J, Armstrong, KA (2014)
Longitudinal change in sleep and daytime sleepiness in postpartum women,
PLoS ONE, 9(7), ISSN: 1932-6203. DOI:
Armstrong, K,
Filtness, AJ, Watling, CN, Barraclough, P, Haworth, N (2013)
Efficacy of proxy definitions for identification of fatigue/sleep-related crashes: An Australian evaluation,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 21, pp.242-252, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Rudin-Brown, CM, Mulvihill, CM, Lenné, MG (2013)
Impairment of simulated motorcycle riding performance under low dose alcohol,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, pp.608-615, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Rudin-Brown, CM,
Filtness, AJ, Allen, AR, Mulvihill, CM (2013)
Performance of a cognitive, but not visual, secondary task interacts with alcohol-induced balance impairment in novice and experienced motorcycle riders,
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, pp.895-904, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
Filtness, A, Reyner, L, Horne, JA (2012)
Driver sleepiness : comparisons between young and older men during a monotonous afternoon simulated drive,
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 89(3), pp.580-583, ISSN: 0301-0511. DOI:
Filtness, A, Reyner, L, Horne, JA (2012)
One night's CPAP withdrawal in otherwise compliant OSA patients: marked driving impairment but good awareness of increased sleepiness,
SLEEP AND BREATHING, 16(3), pp.865-871, ISSN: 1520-9512. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Reyner, LA, Horne, JA (2012) Driver sleepiness-Comparisons between young and older men during a monotonous afternoon simulated drive,
Biological Psychology, ISSN: 0301-0511.
Filtness, A, Reyner, L, Horne, JA (2011)
Moderate sleep restriction in treated older male OSA participants: greater impairment during monotonous driving compared with controls,
SLEEP MEDICINE, 12(9), pp.838-843, ISSN: 1389-9457. DOI:
Filtness, AJ, Reyner, LA, Horne, JA (2011) One night's CPAP withdrawal in otherwise compliant OSA patients: marked driving impairment but good awareness of increased sleepiness,
Sleep and Breathing, pp.1-7, ISSN: 1520-9512.
Filtness, AJ, Reyner, LA, Horne, JA (2011) Moderate sleep restriction in treated older male OSA participants: Greater impairment during monotonous driving compared with controls,
Sleep Medicine, ISSN: 1389-9457.
Talbot, R,
Filtness, A, Touliou, K, Usami, D, Anund, A (2024)
Assessing the impact of real-world countermeasure trials – an example from the PANACEA project [Abstract]. In
International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety (ICTCT) 2024; Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research, The Hague, Netherlands.
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Dahlman, AS, Ahlstrom, C, Anund, A (2024)
Facilitating the conversation: Fatigue countermeasure acceptance for autonomous shuttle operations [Abstract]. In
Road Safety and Simulation Conference 2024, Lexington, USA.
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Papazikou, E (2024)
Empowering road safety practitioners in fatigue management: informed development of an online learning resource. In
Road Safety and Simulation Conference 2024, Lexington, USA.
Brijs, K, Khattak, MW, Adnan, M, Cuenen, A, Ross, V, Brown, L, Talbot, R,
Filtness, A, Brijs, T (2024)
Gamified smartphone app engagement: Comparative analysis of Belgian and UK car drivers in the i-DREAMS project. In
Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Dahlman, AS, Castillo, BD, Extramiana, IE, Usami, DS, Carroccia, R, Touliou, K, Anund, A (2023)
Influencing alertness through remote coaching for professional drivers. In
Transport Research Arena 2024 (TRA 2024), Dublin, Ireland.
Brijs, K, Ross, V, De Vos, B,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Katrakazas, C, Michelaraki, E, Yannis, G, Kaiser, S, Furian, G, Lourenço, A, Wets, G, Brijs, T (2023)
Framework for behaviour change implemented in real-time and post-trip interventions of the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project. In
Transport Research Arena Conference 2022 (TRA 2022); Transportation Research Procedia, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2070-2077, DOI:
Brijs, K, Adnan, M, Ross, V, Cuenen, A, Vanrompay, Y, Khattak, MW, Katrakazas, C, Michelaraki, E,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Brown, L, Papazikou, E, Gruden, C, Wets, G, Yannis, G, Brijs, T (2023)
Effectiveness of real-time and post-trip interventions from the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project: a sneak preview. In
Transport Research Arena Conference 2022 (TRA 2022); Transportation Research Procedia, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2133-2140, DOI:
Adnane, A, Hardy, J, Ahmad, F, Morris, A,
Filtness, A (2023)
Drivers, the missed attack surface of connected vehicles. In
6th Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2022); 6th Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2022), Hybrid Conference, Bahrain,ISBN: 9781839538544. DOI:
Morris, A, Brown, L,
Filtness, A (2023)
Road junctions may cause problems for the safe co-existence of automated vehicle and certain vulnerable road users. In Mendoza, L (ed)
HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.80-83, ISBN: 9782953171273.
Filtness, A, Morris, A, ODell, A, Fratini, E, Bishop, A, Brown, L, Rakotonirainy, A, Haworth, N, Glaser, S, Schroeter, R, Pardo, J, Borojeni, MF, Qin, D, Liu, Q, Ye, C, Wang, X (2023)
Collaboration across three continents during and after a global pandemic: reflections of early and established career academics. In
HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.140-146, ISBN: 9782953171273.
Talbot, R, Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Quigley, C, Motnikar, L, Larsen, RS, Pasnin, LT, Usami, D, Capkin, SOK, Anund, A, Dahlman, A, Castillo, BD, Touliou, K, Vicente, EGS (2023)
Developing countermeasures to improve fitness to drive in professional drivers [Abstract]. In
8th Humanist Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th Humanist Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.26-27, ISBN: 9782953171273.
Rudin-Brown, CM,
Filtness, AJ, Gauthier, M, Kirkley, C, Luisi, D, Jaber, M, Price, J, Thiffault, P (2023)
Waking Up to the Challenge of Fatigue Management in Transportation. In
, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp.1029-1030, DOI:
Papazikou, E, Theofilatos, A, Ziakopoulos, A,
Filtness, A, Quigley, C, Papadimitriou, E (2022)
The impact of traffic flow distribution over arms at junctions on crash risk. In
8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference; Proceedings from the RSS 2022 - 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Road Safety and Digitalization, Athens, Greece.
Afghari, AP, Papadimitriou, E, Maynard, S, Talbot, R,
Filtness, A, Wets, G (2022)
Risk factors, monitoring techniques, and intervention strategies: experiences and lessons from different transport sectors. In
8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS 2022); Proceedings from the RSS 2022 - 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference: Road Safety and Digitalization, Athens, Greece.
Michelaraki, E, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G, Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Brijs, T, Brijs, K, Ross, V, Dirix, H, Neven, A, Paul, R, Fortsakis, P, Frantzola, EK, Taveira, R (Accepted for publication) State-of-the-art technologies for post-trip safety interventions. In 7th Humanist Conference; Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, Rhodes Island, Greece,ISBN: 9782953171266.
ODell, A,
Filtness, A, Morris, A (2021)
Age and pedestrian intention to cross the road while distracted. In
7th HUMANIST Conference; Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, Rhodes, Greece,ISBN: 9782953171266.
Pilkington-Cheney, F, Afghari, AP,
Filtness, A, Papadimitriou, E, Lourenço, A, Brijs, T (2021)
The i-DREAMS intervention strategies to reduce driver fatigue and sleepiness for different transport modes. In
7th International IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems; 2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), Heraklion, Greece Online,ISBN: 9781728189956. DOI:
ODell, A, Filtness, A, Morris, A (Accepted for publication) Exploring the impact of environmental factors on distracted pedestrian crossing behaviour using theory of planned behaviour. In 53rd Annual Universities' Transport Study Group Conference 2021, Loughborough, UK (Online).
Shenfield, L, Beanland, V,
Filtness, A, Apthorp, D (2020)
The impact of sleep loss on sustained and transient attention: an EEG study. In
31st Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Australasian-Sleep-Association and the Australasian-Sleep-Technologists-Association (Sleep DownUnder); PeerJ, Sydney, Australia. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R,
Filtness, AJ (2019)
Conveying uncertainties using peripheral awareness displays in the context of automated driving. In
Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Proceedings - 11th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2019, Utrecht Netherlands, pp.329-341, ISBN: 9781450368841. DOI:
Weijermars, W, Bos, N, Schoeters, A, Meunier, J-C, Nuyttens, N, Dupont, E, Machata, K, Bauer, R, Perez, K, Martin, J-L, Johannsen, H,
Filtness, A, Brown, L, Thomas, P (2018)
Serious road traffic injuries in Europe, Lessons from the EU research project SafetyCube. In
Transportation Research Board, Washington. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R,
Filtness, A (2018)
Augmented reality displays for communicating uncertainty information in automated driving. In
International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Toronto, Canada,ISBN: 9781450359467. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R,
Filtness, A (2018)
Preliminary evaluation of variables for communicating uncertainties using a Haptic seat. In
10th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Toronto, Canada,ISBN: 9781450359474. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R,
Filtness, A (2018)
Evaluation of variables for the communication of uncertainties using peripheral awareness displays. In
10th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Toronto, Canada. DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R,
Filtness, A (2017)
Enhancing driving safety and user experience through unobtrusive and function-specific feedback. In
9th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’17), Oldenburg, Germany, pp.183-189, DOI:
Martensen, H, Diependaele, K, Van den Berghe, W, Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, van Schagen, I, Weijermars, W, Wijnen, W,
Filtness, A, Thomas, P, Machata, K, Aigner-Breuss, E, Kaiser, S, Hermitte, T, Thomson, R (2017)
SafetyCube: Building a decision support system on risks and measures. In
Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, The Hague.
Larue, GS,
Filtness, A, Wood, J, Demmel, S, Naweed, A, Rakotonirainy, A (2016)
Visual performance at passive level crossings with long sighting distances. In
Conference on Railway Excellence (CORE) 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
Talbot, R, Waterson, P, Spulzo, G,
Filtness, A (2016)
Fatal and serious pedal cycle and truck collisions in the UK: A systems approach. In
European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Loughborough University 2016; Proceedings of the European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Loughborough University, 30th June-1st July 2016, Loughborough, UK.
Han, C, Cairney, P,
Filtness, A, Larue, GS, Schramm, A, Rakotonirainy, A (2016)
Driver’s ability to absorb information from co-located signs along motorways. In
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.
Thomas, P,
Filtness, A, Yannis, G, Papadimitriou, E, Theofilatos, A, Martensen, H, Diapendaele, K (2016)
Developing the European road safety decision support system. In
Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Hanover.
Hawkins, A and
Filtness, AJ (2015) In-vehicle filming of driver fatigue on YouTube: vlogs, crashes and bad advice. In
Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
Filtness, A, Goode, N, Cook, R (2015)
Incident and near miss reporting culture in recreational hot air ballooning. In
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, USA. DOI:
Filtness, A, Armstrong, K, Watson, A (2014)
Sleep-related crashes in urban, low speed environments. In
Filtness, A and Beanland, V (2014)
Sleep restriction impairs vigilance but not temporal attention. In
Salmon, PM, Lenne, MG, Beanland, V, Young, K,
Filtness, A, Stanton, N, Read, G (2014)
From the bush to the 'burbs: an on-road study of driver situation awareness at rural and urban railway level crossings. In
Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Salmon, P, Beanland, V, Lenné, M,
Filtness, A, Stanton, N (2013)
Waiting for warning. In
, pp.403-410, ISBN: 9781138000421. DOI:
Lenné, MG, Beanland, V, Salmon, PM,
Filtness, A, Stanton, NA (2013) Checking for trains: An on-road study of what drivers actually do at level crossings. In
, Rail Human Factors: Supporting Reliability, Safety and Cost Reduction, pp.53-59.
Salmon, PM, Lenné, MG, Walker, GH,
Filtness, A (2013)
Awesome foursome? the compatibility of driver, cyclist, motorcyclist, and pedestrian situation awareness at intersections. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.53-62, DOI:
Filtness, A, Lenne, MG, Mitsopoulos-Rubens, E (2013)
The impact of interface modality on police officers’ visual behaviour when using an in-vehicle system. In
Driver Distraction and Inattention, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lenne, MG, Salmon, PM, Beanland, V, Walker, GH, Underwood, G,
Filtness, A (2013)
Interactions between cars and motorcycles: testing underlying concepts through integration of on-road and simulator studies. In
7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design, New York, USA.
Mitsopoulos-Rubens, E,
Filtness, A, Lenne, MG (2013)
Assessment of police subjective workload and preference for using a voice-based interface during simulated driving. In
Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Filtness, A and Rudin-Brown, CM (2012)
Drinking and riding: is subjective workload related to performance?. In
ustralasian Road Safety Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Rudin-Brown, CM, Clark, B, Allen, A, Mulvihill, C,
Filtness, A (2011)
Do drinking and riding mix? Effects of legal doses of alcohol on balance ability in experienced motorcyclists. In
Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth, Australia.
Filtness, AJ, Maynard, S, Talbot, R, Quigley, C, Papazikou, E (2023)
Fatigue Management Education for Young Novice Drivers. In
The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking up to the Challenge, pp.389-402, DOI:
Naweed, A, Blewett, V, Hirsch, L,
Filtness, AJ (2023)
Through the Darkness of Future Past: A Cautionary Tale. In
The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking up to the Challenge, pp.525-538, DOI:
Rudin-Brown, CM and
Filtness, AJ (2023)
Introduction. In
The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking up to the Challenge, pp.1-8, DOI:
Filtness, AJ and Anund, A (2023)
A Practical Human Factors Method for Developing Successful Fatigue Countermeasures. In
The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking up to the Challenge, pp.65-78, DOI:
Kunze, A, Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R,
Filtness, AJ (2021)
Function-Specific Uncertainty Communication in Automated Driving. In
Research Anthology on Recent Trends, Tools, and Implications of Computer Programming, pp.1002-1026, DOI:
Bates, LJ,
Filtness, A, Watson, B (2018)
Driver education and licensing programs. In
Transport and Sustainability, pp.13-36, DOI:
Read, GJM, Beanland, V, Lenné, MG, Stanton, NA, Salmon, PM (2017)
Integrating Human Factors Methods and Systems Thinking for Transport Analysis and Design. In
Unknown Parent Title, CRC Press. DOI:
Talbot, R, Filtness, A, Morris, A (2023) Applying the Driver Reliability and Error Analysis Method – Lessons Learnt, 8th Humanist Conference, Berlin, Germany, 21 & 22 September 2023.
Pilkington-Cheney, F, Filtness, A, Jones, W, Maynard, S, Haslam, R, Gibb, A (2019) Biomathematical Modelling for Shift Planning in the Tunnelling Industry, Shiftwork2019.
Pilkington-Cheney, F, Filtness, A, Haslam, C, Maynard, S (2019) A Qualitative Study to Investigate the Use of Sleepiness Countermeasures in City Bus Drivers, Shiftwork2019.
Papazikou, E, Talbot, R, Brown, L,
Filtness, A, Michelaraki, E, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G, Afghari, AP, Papadimitriou, E, Adnan, M, Khattak, W, Brijs, K, Brijs, T (2023)
D6.1 Analysis of task complexity factors.
Brown, L, Talbot, R, Maynard, S, Papazikou, E,
Filtness, A, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Khattak, MW, Adnan, M, Ross, V, Cuenen, A, Wets, G, Brijs, T, Brijs, K, Petraki, V, Michelaraki, E, Roussou, S, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G, Gruden, C (2023)
Effectiveness evaluation of the interventions. Deliverable 7.2 of the EC H2020 project i-DREAMS, European Commission.
Dahlman, A, Anund, A, Touliou, K, Selpi, S,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Delgado, B, Erauskin, I, Usami, DS, Trosterer, S, Marx, C (2023)
Deliverable 6.2: Evaluation framework, plans and material – an update.
Touliou, K, Maria, P, Bekiaris, E, Anund, A, Castillo, BD, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Hawthorne, M, Vicente, EGS, Grinyte, R, Brambati, F, Mapoletan, L, Dimokas, N, Jonforsen, E, Ahlstrom, C, Selpi, S, Aliferis, I, Moerl, P, Bernhard, H, Usami, DS, Larsen, RS,
Filtness, A (2022)
PANACEA Deliverable 1.1. Use Cases.
Hancox, G, Talbot, R, Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Brijs, K, Brijs, T, Ross, V, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G, Fortsakis, P, Maples, A, Taveiria, R, De Vos, B, Lourenço, A, Mateus, T, Carreiras, C, Haddad, CA, Antoniou, C, Amini, RE, Kui, Y (2020)
D5.1 Simulator & field study organisation & support.
Brijs, K, Brijs, T, Ross, V, Donders, E, Vanrompay, Y, Wets, G, Dirix, H, Katrakazas, C, Yannis, G, Kaiser, S, Blass, P, Senitschnig, N, Furian, G,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Fortsakis, P, Isaias, B, Taveira, R, Octicio, T, De Vos, B, Lourenço, A, Gaspar, C (2020)
D3.3 Toolbox of recommended interventions to assist drivers in maintaining a safety tolerance zone.
Katrakazas, C, Michelaraki, E, Yannis, G, Kaiser, S, Senitschnig, N, Ross, V, Adnan, M, Brijs, K, Brijs, T, Talbot, R, Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Hancox, G, Papadimitriou, E, Lourenço, A, Gaspar, C, Carreiras, C, Haddad, CA, Yang, K, Antoniou, C, Gruden, C, Fortsakis, P, Frantzola, EK, Taveira, R (2020)
D3.2 Toolbox of recommended data collection tools and monitoring methods and a conceptual definition of the Safety Tolerance Zone.
Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F,
Filtness, A, Brijs, K, Brijs, T, Ross, V, Katrakazas, C, Haddad, CA, Taveria, R, Kaiser, S, Mateus, T (2020)
D3.1 Framework for operational design of experimental work in i-DREAMS.
Katrakazas, C, Michelaraki, E, Yannis, G, Kaiser, S, Brijs, K, Ross, V, Dirix, H, Neven, A, Paul, R, Donders, E, Brijs, T,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Hancox, G, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Fortsakis, P, Frantzola, E, De Vos, B, Taveira, R (2020)
D2.2 Technologies for safety interventions and assessment of their effectiveness.
Filtness, A, Anund, A, Maynard, S, Miller, K, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Dahlman, A, Ihlström, J (2019)
Bus Driver Fatigue, TfL.
Filtness, A, Anund, A, Maynard, S, Miller, KA, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Dahlman, AS, Ihlstrom, J (2019)
Bus Driver Fatigue Final Report.
Thomas, P, Talbot, RK, Lewis, A, Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, Martensen, H, Van den Berghe, W, Kaiser, S, Aigner-Breuss, E, Machata, K, Weijermars, W, Hermitte, T, Chajmowicz, H, Leopold, F, Thompson, R (2018)
Final project report, Deliverable 1.4 of the H2020 project SafetyCube, European Commission.
Talbot, RK, Aigner-Breuss, E, Kaiser, S, Eichhorn, A, Braun, E, Pilgerstorfer, M, Russwurm, K, Soteropoulos, A, Bauer, R, Usami, D, Alfonsi, R, Reed, S, Lewis, A, Katrakazas, C, Willstrand, D (2018)
Inventory of road user related risk factors and safety measures, Deliverable 4.4 of the H2020 project SafetyCube, European Commission.
Papazikou, A-E,
Filtness, A, Thomas, P, Talbot, R, Quigley, C, Papadimitriou, E, Theofilatos, A, Yannis, G (2018)
The safe system approach in evidence-based road safety policy making, European Commission.
Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, Ziakopoulos, A, Marinos, C,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Thomas, P, Papazikou, E, Kaiser, S, Machata, K, Weijermars, W, van Schagen, I, Elvik, R, Hermittee, T, Leopold, F, Tompson, R (2018)
The European road safety decision support system. A clearinghouse of road safety risks and measures, Deliverable 8.3 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Filtness, A, Thomas, P, Talbot, R, Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, Kaiser, S, Machata, K, Eenink, R, Weijermars, W (2018)
The future decision support system, deliverable 8.5 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Weijermars, W, Bos, N, Wijlhuizen, G, Meunier, J-C, Nuytens, N, Dupont, E, Barnes, J, Brown, L, Quigley, C,
Filtness, A, Perez, C, Olabarria, M, Duran, X, Hours, M, Martin, J-L, Bauer, R, Johannsen, H (2017)
Physical and psychological consequences of serious road traffic injuries, deliverable 7.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Wijnen, W, Weijermars, W, Van den Berghe, W, Schoeters, A, Bauer, R, Carnis, L, Elvik, R, Theofilatos, A,
Filtness, A, Reed, S, Perez, C, Martensen, H (2017)
Crash cost estimates for European countries, deliverable 3.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Schoeters, A, Wijnen, W, Carnis, L, Weijermars, W, Elvik, R, Johannsen, H, Van den Berghe, W,
Filtness, A, Daniels, S (2017)
Costs related to serious injuries, deliverable 7.3 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Machata, K, Papadimitriou, E, Soteropoulos, A, Stadlbauer, S, Pogacnik-Kokol, E, Daniels, S, De Ceunynck, T, Focant, N, Leblud, J, Ammari, A, Noella, K, Usami, DS, Ziakopoulos, A, Botteghi, G, Theofilatos, A, Diamandouros, K, Arampidou, K, Goldenbeld, C, Loenis, B, Schermers, G, van Petegem, JH, Elvik, R, Hesjevoll, IS, Quigley, C,
Filtness, A (2017)
Identification of safety effects of infrastructure related measures, Deliverable 5.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Usami, DS, Papadimitriou, E, Ziakopoulos, A, Quigley, C, Katrakazas, C, Durso, C, Marinko, V, Leskovsek, B, Pogacnik-Kokol, E, Sgarra, V, Ammari, A, Noella, K, Diamandouros, K, Arampidou, K, Machata, K, Soteropoulos, A, Stadlbauer, S,
Filtness, A, Papazikou, E, Botteghi, G, Theofilatos, A, Schermers, G, van Petegem, J-H, Goldenbeld, C, Loenis, B, Weijermars, W, Palmeiro, AR, Elvik, R, Hesjevoll, IS, Daniels, S, Schoeters, A, De Ceunynck, T, Focant, N, Martensen, H, Leblud, J (2017)
Inventory of assessed infrastructure risk factors and measures, Deliverable 5.4 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Thomas, P,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Magrin, A (2016)
Collaboration with other H2020 projects, Deliverable 1.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Talbot, R, Aigner-Breuss, E, Kaiser, S, Alfonsi, R, Braun, E, Eichhorn, A, Etienne, V,
Filtness, A, Gabaude, C, Goldenbeld, C, Hay, M, Jansch, M, Leblud, J, Leskovsek, B, Paire-Ficourt, L, Papadimitriou, E, Pilgerstorfer, M, Russwurm, K, Sandin, J, Soteropoulos, A, Strand, N, Theofilatos, A, van Schagen, I, Yannis, G, Ziakopoulos, A (2016)
Identification of road user related risk factors, deliverable 4.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Filtness, A, Thomas, P, Talbot, R, Quigley, C, Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, Theofilatos, A, Aigner-Breuss, E, Kaiser, S, Machata, K, Weijermars, W, van Schagen, I, Hermitte, T (2016)
The application of systems approach for road safety policy making, Deliverable 8.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Filtness, A, Papadimitriou, E, Leskovsek, B, Focant, N, Martensen, H, Sgarra, V, Usami, DS, Soteropoulos, A, Stadlbauer, S, Theofilatos, A, Yannis, G, Ziakopoulos, A, Diamandouros, K, Durso, C, Goldenbeld, C, Loenis, B, Schermers, G, van Petegem, J-H, Elvik, R, Hesjevoll, IS, Quigley, C, Papazikou, E (2016)
Identification of infrastructure related risk factors, Deliverable 5.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Perez, K, Weijermars, W, Amoros, E, Bauer, R, Bos, N, Dupont, E,
Filtness, A, Houwing, S, Johannsen, H, Leskovsek, B, Machata, K, Martin, J-L, Nuyttens, N, Olabarria, M, Pascal, L, Van den Berghe, W (2016)
Practical guidelines for the registration and monitoring of serious traffic injuries, D7.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Thomas, P,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Magrin, A (2016)
Project report - months 1 - 18, Deliverable 1.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Hermitte, T, Reed, S,
Filtness, A, Talbot, R, Thomson, R, Jansch, M, Johannsen, H, Niewohner, W, Ancona, L, Martin, O, Vazquez-de-Prada, J, Papadimitriou, E, Phan, V, Saade, J, Cuny, S, Lesire, P, Leopold, F, Labrousse, M (2016)
Identification of vehicle related risk factors, deliverable 6.1 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.
Miller, K,
Filtness, A, Anund, A, Pilkington-Cheney, F, Maynard, S, Dahlman, AS (2024)
Supplementary information files for "Exploring sleepiness and stress among London bus drivers: An on-road observational study", DOI:
Filtness, A, Bibb, R, Christogianni, A, Filingeri, D (2021)
Skin wetness sensitivity across the body of Multiple Sclerosis patients - Dataset, DOI: