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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Sahar Mousavi

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Journal Articles

Nasr, L, Mousavi, S, Michaelidou, N (2024) Self-comparing with virtual influencers: Effects on followers’ wellbeing, Psychology and Marketing, ISSN: 0742-6046.

Mousavi, S and Roper, S (2023) Enhancing relationships through online brand communities: comparing posters and lurkers, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 27(1), pp.66-99, ISSN: 1086-4415. DOI: 10.1080/10864415.2022.2158596.

Ifie, K, Mousavi, S, Xie, J (2022) Enforcement of service rules by frontline employees: A conceptual model and research propositions, Journal of Business Research, 154(2023), 113339, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113339.

Hodgkinson, I, Mousavi, S, Hughes, P (2021) New development: Citizen science-discovering (new) solutions to wicked problems, Public Money and Management, 42(2), pp.133-136, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2021.1967630.

Najafi-Tavani, Z, Mousavi, S, Zaefarian, G, Naudé, P (2020) Relationship learning and international customer involvement in new product design: The moderating roles of customer dependence and cultural distance, Journal of Business Research, 120, pp.42-58, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.07.020.

Ngarmwongnoi, C, Oliveira, J, AbedRabbo, M, Mousavi, S (2020) The implications of eWOM adoption on the customer journey, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(7), pp.749-759, ISSN: 0736-3761. DOI: 10.1108/JCM-10-2019-3450.

Keeling, DI, de Ruyter, K, Mousavi, S, Laing, A (2019) Technology push without a patient pull: Examining digital unengagement (DU) with online health services, European Journal of Marketing, 53(9), pp.1701-1732, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-10-2017-0692.

Hogreve, J, Wünderlich, NV, Chowdhury, IN, Fleischer, H, Mousavi, S, Rötzmeier-Keuper, J, Sousa, R (2019) Overcoming vulnerability: Channel design strategies to alleviate vulnerability perceptions in customer journeys, Journal of Business Research, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.07.027.

Mousavi, S, Roper, S, Keeling, K (2017) Interpreting social identity in online brand communities: Considering posters and lurkers, Psychology & Marketing, 34(4), pp.376-393, ISSN: 0742-6046. DOI: 10.1002/mar.20995.


Round, G, roper, S, Mousavi, S (2023) How individual’s temporal perspective shapes their disposition towards brands. In 16th Global Brand Conference, the University of Bergamo, Italy.

Doma, SHAIMAA, Story, V, Mousavi, S (2022) Applying Gamification to New Service Development. In 12th AMA SERVSIG conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

Mousavi, S and Roper, S (2022) The Impact of Perceived Brand Support in Online Brand Communities. In 15th Global Brand conference, Sheffield, UK.

Doma, S, Story, V, Mousavi, S (2022) Applying Gamification to New Service Development. In The Academy of Marketing, University of Huddersfield, UK.

Mousavi, S, Fisk, R, Alkire, L, Hodgkinson, I, Masiero, S, Moradi, M (2020) Humans with humans science: leveraging the power of big data analytics for a better world. In 2021 Frontiers in Service Conference: Service in the World of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies, Virtual.

Najafi-Tavani, Z, Zaefarian, G, Mousavi, S, Naude, P (2019) Customer engagement in the design stage and supplier performance: A Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Framework. In The 2019 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Fisk, RP, Nasr, L, Hodgkinson, I, Gruber, T, Masiero, S, Mousavi, S (2018) ‘Wicked problems’ in a Challenging World: A public sector application. In 2018 AMA SERVSIG, Paris, France.

Najafi-Tavani, Z, Zaefarian, G, Mousavi, S, Naude, P (2018) When does Cross-Border Customer Engagement in Design Stage Drive Supplier Performance? A Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Framework. In 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Santorini, Greece.

Bruce, H and Mousavi, S (2017) Measuring Customer Service in an Experience Economy. In Academy of Marketing, Hull, UK.

Mousavi, S and Lin, Y (2017) Brand Authenticity, the essence of brand value: a case in the food industry. In 12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden.

Najafi-Tavani, Z, Zaefarian, G, Mousavi, S, Naude, P (2017) Relationship learning and cross-border customer engagement at the product design stage: the moderating roles of cultural distance and customer dependence. In 44th AIB (UK&I) & 6th Reading IB Conference, Reading, UK.

Mousavi, S, Roper, S, Keeling, K (2016) Virtual Brand Communities: Pathways to Brand Trust?. In The 18th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Conference, Bari, Italy. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29877-1_120.

Mousavi, S, Roper, S, Keeling, K (2016) Interpreting Social Identity in Virtual Brand Communities. In 11th Global Brand Conference, Bradford, UK.

Mousavi, S, Roper, S, Keeling, K (2015) Cultivating Brand Trust in Virtual Brand Communities: Differences between Posters and Lurkers. In Academy of Marketing, Limerick University, Ireland.

Mousavi, S, Keeling, K, Roper, S (2015) Customer-Brand Relationship: Lessons from Virtual Brand Communities. In 10th Global Brand Conference, Turku, Finland.

Mousavi, S, Keeling, K, Roper, S (2014) Self-categorization, Community Affective Commitment, and Community Based Self-Esteem in Virtual Brand Communities: A Comparison between Posters and Lurkers. In European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 43rd Annual Conference), Valencia, Spain.

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