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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Jan Godsell

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Journal Articles

Katsanakis, N, Ibn-Mohammed, T, Moradlou, H, Godsell, J (2023) Circular economy strategies for life cycle management of returnable transport items, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 43(2023), pp.333-348, DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2023.11.016.

Karatzas, A, Ancarani, A, Fratocchi, L, Stefano, CD, Godsell, J (2022) When does the manufacturing reshoring strategy create value?, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 28(3), 100771, ISSN: 1478-4092. DOI: 10.1016/j.pursup.2022.100771.

Micheli, P, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2021) Editorial How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected, and will affect, operations and supply chain management research and practice, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 41, pp.773-780, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2021-902.

Ibn-Mohammed, T, Mustapha, KB, Godsell, J, Adamu, Z, Babatunde, KA, Akintade, DD, Acquaye, A, Fujii, H, Ndiaye, MM, Yamoah, FA, Koh, SCL (2020) A critical analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on the global economy and ecosystems and opportunities for circular economy strategies, Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 164, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105169.

Chakuu, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J (2020) Towards a framework on the factors conditioning the role of logistics service providers in the provision of inventory financing, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40, pp.1225-1241, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2019-0502.

Day, SJJ, Godsell, J, Masi, D, Zhang, W (2020) Predicting consumer adoption of branded subscription services : a prospect theory perspective, Business Strategy and the Environment, 29, pp.1310-1330, DOI: 10.1002/bse.2435.

Karatzas, A, Papadopoulos, G, Godsell, J (2020) Servitization and the effect of training on service delivery system performance, Production and Operations Management, 29, pp.1101-1121, DOI: 10.1111/poms.13165.

Kharlamov, AA, Ferreira, LMDF, Godsell, J (2020) Developing a framework to support strategic supply chain segmentation decisions : a case study, Production Planning & Control, 31(16), pp.1349-1362, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2019.1707896.

Chakuu, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J (2019) Exploring the relationship between mechanisms, actors and instruments in supply chain finance : a systematic literature review, International Journal of Production Economics, 216, pp.35-53, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.04.013.

Suppatvech, C, Godsell, J, Day, S (2019) The roles of internet of things technology in enabling servitized business models : a systematic literature review, Industrial Marketing Management, 82, pp.70-86, DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.02.016.

Santos, C, Abubakar, S, Barros, AC, cca, JM, Dalmarco, G, Godsell, J (2019) Joining global aerospace value networks : lessons for industrial development policies, Space Policy, 48, pp.30-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2019.01.006.

Larsen, SB, Masi, D, Jacobsen, P, Godsell, J (2018) How the reverse supply chain contributes to a firm?s competitive strategy : a strategic alignment perspective, Production Planning & Control, 29(6), pp.452-463, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2017.1390178.

Masi, D, Kumar, V, Garza-Reyes, JA, Godsell, J (2018) Towards a more circular economy : exploring the awareness, practices, and barriers from a focal firm perspective, Production Planning & Control, 29(6), pp.539-550, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1449246.

Godsell, J, Masi, D, Karatzas, A, Brady, T (2018) Using project demand profiling to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of infrastructure projects, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(6), pp.1422-1442, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-02-2017-0095.

Chakkol, M, Karatzas, A, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2018) Building bridges : boundary spanners in servitized supply chains, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(2), pp.579-604, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-01-2016-0052.

Masi, D, Day, S, Godsell, J (2017) Supply chain configurations in the circular economy : a systematic literature review, Sustainability, 9(9), DOI: 10.3390/su9091602.

Coughlan, P, Draaijer, D, Godsell, J, Boer, H (2016) Operations and supply chain management : the role of academics and practitioners in the development of research and practice, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(12), pp.1673-1695, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-11-2015-0721.

Brennan, L, Ferdows, K, Godsell, J, Golini, R, Keegan, R, Kinkel, S, Srai, JS, Taylor, M (2015) Manufacturing in the world: where next?, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35, pp.1253-1274.

Skipworth, H, Godsell, J, Wong, CY, Saghiri, S, Julien, D (2015) Supply chain alignment for improved business performance : an empirical study, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20, pp.511-533.

Wong, C, Skipworth, H, Godsell, J, Achimugu, N (2012) Towards a theory of supply chain alignment enablers : a systematic literature review, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 17, pp.419-437.

Hoek, RIV, Godsell, J, Harrison, A (2011) Embedding ?insights from industry? in supply chain programmes : the role of guest lecturers, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 16, pp.142-147.

Godsell, J, Diefenbach, T, Clemmow, C, Towill, D, Christopher, M (2011) Enabling supply chain segmentation through demand profiling, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Volume 41, pp.296-314.

Godsell, J, Birtwistle, A, Hoek, RIV (2010) Building the supply chain to enable business alignment : lessons from British American Tobacco (BAT), Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15, pp.10-15.

Hoek, RIV, Johnson, M, Godsell, J, Birtwistle, A (2010) Changing chains : three case studies of the change management needed to reconfigure European supply chains, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Volume 21, pp.230-250.

Jüttner, U, Christopher, M, Godsell, J (2010) A strategic framework for integrating marketing and supply chain strategies, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Volume 21, pp.104-126.

Godsell, J (2009) Embracing the five lean principles, Management Services, Volume 53, pp.36-38.

Godsell, J (2009) Embracing the five lean principles : customer driven supply chain strategy, Source, 3, pp.10-13.

Godsell, J and Hoek, RIV (2009) Fudging the supply chain to hit the number : five common practices that sacrifice the supply chain and what financial analysts should ask about them, Supply Chain Management : An International Journal, Volume 14, pp.171-176.

Godsell, J, Harrison, A, Emberson, C, Storey, J (2006) Customer responsive supply chain strategy : an unnatural act?, International Journal of Logistics, Volume 9, pp.47-56.

Jüttner, U, Godsell, J, Christopher, MG (2006) Demand chain alignment competence : delivering value through product life cycle management, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 35, pp.989-1001.

Emberson, C, Storey, J, Godsell, J, Harrison, A (2006) Managing the supply chain using in-store supplier employed merchandisers, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, volume 34, pp.467-481.

Storey, J, Emberson, C, Godsell, J, Harrison, A (2006) Supply chain management : theory, practice and future challenges, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Volume 26, pp.754-774.

Godsell, J (2005) Demand chain strategy : the missing link?, Management Focus, pp.4-7.

Godsell, J and Harrison, A (2003) Customer responsiveness : the new challenge for supply chain management, Odyssey, 17, pp.4-5.

Godsell, J and Harrison, A (2003) Managing the supply chain, Finance & Management, pp.4-6.

Godsell, J and Harrison, J (2002) Putting the end customer first : old ideas for the new economy, Management focus, Number 19.


Suppatvech, C, Day, SJ, Godsell, J (2023) How product-centric firms transition to IoT-enabled servitised firms: A dynamic capabilities perspective. In 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023); Proceedings of the 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023), Leuven, Belgium.

Chakuu, S, Day, SJ, Godsell, J (2023) Logistics service providers’ foray into supply chain finance: Developing necessary capabilities. In 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023); Proceedings of the 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023), Leuven, Belgium.

Hadeed, R, Godsell, J, Agca, O (2023) Exploring the relationship between technology adoption orientation, capabilities, service offering and patient satisfaction in general practice in England. In 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023); Proceedings of the 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023), Leuven, Belgium.

Zhang, W, Chatha, K, Godsell, J, Agca, O (2023) Operational capabilities of firms in sustainable digital manufacturing ecosystems of the future. In 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023); Proceedings of the 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023), Leuven, Belgium.

Kazantsev, N, Zhang, W, Chatha, K, Godsell, J (2023) Strategic shame management – triggering the right customer behaviour to meet sustainability goals. In 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023); Proceedings of the 30th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2023), Leuven, Belgium.

Agca, O and Godsell, J (2022) A case-based cost-benefit consideration for upgrading to an intelligent traffic environment. In Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (CADE 2022); Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (CADE 2022), Hybrid Conference, Venice, Italy, pp.29-37, ISBN: 9781839537424. DOI: 10.1049/icp.2022.2036.

Suhaimi, ZS and Godsell, J (Accepted for publication) Challenges and Opportunities for UK sustainable steel supply chain. In The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Nara, Japan.

Suhaimi, ZS and Godsell, J (Accepted for publication) Challenges and Opportunities for UK sustainable steel supply chain. In The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management, Nara, Japan.

Suhaimi, ZS, Zhang, W, Liu, X, Godsell, J (2022) Understanding the current state of supply chain resilience practices: learning from Brexit and Covid-19. In The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management – P&OM 2022 (2020), Nara, Japan (Online).

Suhaimi, ZS and Godsell, J (2022) Challenges and opportunities for UK sustainable steel supply chain. In 14th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHiSS 2022); Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHiSS 2022), Online.

Liu, X, Day, S, Godsell, J, Zhang, W (2020) How different disruptions moderate practices contributing to supply chain resilience. In , 27th EurOMA Conference.

Agca, AO, Ignatius, J, Godsell, J, Ozden, M (2019) Demystifying supply chain visibility - a systematic literature review. In , 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki, 2019.

Suppatvech, C, Godsell, J, Ignatius, J (2018) The roles of internet of things in enabling servitized business model : a systematic literature review. In , 25th EurOMA Conference.

Chakuu, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J (2018) Enablers and inhibitors for the adoption of supply chain finance by logistics service providers. In , 25th Annual EurOMA conference.

Chakuu, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J (2018) Exploring the role of logistics service provider in supporting the supply chain strategy using supply chain finance instruments. In , 25th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Day, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J, Zhang, W (2018) Researching product-service systems for consumers : insights from a systematic literature review. In , 25th Annual EurOMA (European Operations Management Association) Conference.

Godsell, J, Masi, D, Day, SJJ (2017) Exploring the role of a MOOC as a platform for impact based learning in O&SCM. In , EurOMA 17.

Chakuu, S, Masi, D, Godsell, J (2017) A systematic literature review on supply chain finance actors, instruments and processes. In , 24th International Conference on Production Research.

Godsell, J, Caniato, F, Moretto, A, Masi, D, Chakuu, S (2017) Exploring the role of coordination in enabling Supply Chain Finance driven business models : a conceptual framework. In , 26th IPSERA Conference.

Wakenshaw, SYL, Masi, D, Micillo, R, Godsell, J, Maple, C (2017) The Internet of Things? potential to achieve supply chain integration : a case study. In , 21st Annual CIM Symposium - Globalisation 2.0, pp.147-157.

Masi, D and Godsell, J (2015) Business model design principles to support the circular economy. In , Sustainable Innovation Conference.

Masi, D and Godsell, J (2015) Closing the loop : synthesising a research agenda for truly circular supply chains. In , 2nd Intl. EurOMA Sustainable Operations and SC Forum.

Kharlamov, AA, Godsell, J, Ferreira, LM (2015) Data-driven SKU differentiation framework for supply chain management. In , XXI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.

Kharlamov, AA, Godsell, J, Ferreira, LMDF (2015) Finding the needle in a haystack : an empirically tested framework for supply chain segmentation. In , EurOMA 2015.

Karatzas, A, Papadopoulos, G, Godsell, J (2015) Improving the service performance of outsourcing partners : the effect of manufacturer-induced employee training over time. In , 22nd EurOMA Conference.

Voss, C, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2015) Revisiting case research in operations management. In , EurOMA 2015.

Li, D, Crescini, A, Godsell, J, Karatzas, A (2015) Right-shoring : an empirical study of the drivers of global supply network design. In , EurOMA 2015.

Godsell, J (2014) Resolving the complexity : simplicity paradox - new business models for a complex world. In , Supply Chain Simplicity in a Complex World. Women in Logistics.

Godsell, J (2014) Design for innovation : 3 principles every executive should know. In , Supply Fest.

Mataraarachchi, R, Godsell, J, Wickramasinghe, GLD (2014) Enabling the transition from product to service provider : an empirical study in the Sri Lankan apparel industry. In , Proceedings - 2014 21th International Annual EurOMA Conference.

Kharlamov, AA and Godsell, J (2014) The role of visual analytics in the decision-making process in an O&SCM context. In , Proceedings - 2014 21th International Annual EurOMA Conference.

Godsell, J and Martin, P (2013) Delivering superior quality through supply chain and marketing integration : constructs and propositions. In , 43rd Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Godsell, J, Martin, P, Johnson, M, Guo, B (2013) Begging, borrowing and stealing : how should operations management scholars apply management theory in their research?. In , EurOMA 2013.

Godsell, J, Kharlamov, AA, Vasishta, S, Burdett, J (2013) Challenging the volume-variability paradigm : an empirical investigation in a global beverage company. In , Proceedings - 2013 20th International Annual EurOMA Conference.

Martin, P, Godsell, J, Szucs-Farcas, Z (2012) How to deliver consumer relevant quality : a framework to bring marketing and supply chains closers. In , 19th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Picaut, Y, Fichtinger, J, Godsell, J, Murkett, S, Vlanti, E (2012) Segmented supply chain network modelling & optimisation based demand profiling. In , 17th Logistics Research Network Conference.

Picaut, Y, Fichtinger, J, Godsell, J, Murkett, S, Vlanti, E (2012) Segmented supply chain network modelling & optimisation based demand profiling. In , 19th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Godsell, J, Johnson, M, Minami, C, Nishioka, K (2012) Technology mediated service operations improvement : using IT to improve queuing performance in Beisia superstores. In , 19th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Greening, P, Godsell, J, Rutherford, C (2011) Escaping the inescapable : inevitable disruptions and risk mitigation in supply networks. In , 18th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Enz, M, Godsell, J, Rice, V (2011) Knowledge transfer partnerships. In , Collaborative supply chain research in action track CSCMP Annual Conference 2011.

Martin, P and Godsell, J (2011) Lost in translation? An assessment of organizational theory usage in operations management research. In , 42nd Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Martin, P, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2011) Theory borrowing in operations management : are scholars aligning theory and measures?. In , 18th Annual EurOMA Conference.

Godsell, J, Johnson, M, Minami, C, Nishioka, K (2011) Too much of something can be a BAD thing : using IT to improve queuing performance in Beisia superstores. In , Fourth EUROMA Service Operations Management Forum.

Maragozi, D, Godsell, J, Birtwistle, A (2010) Developing a SC architecture : an empirical study in a FMCG company. In , 17th Annual EurOMA conference.

Godsell, J, Johnson, M, Hoek, RIV (2010) How do we know what we know? A review of methods use in operations and supply chain management research. In , 17th Annual EurOMA conference.

Templar, S, Jodhan, G, Godsell, J, Johnson, M (2010) Improving supplier alignment : an empirical study in an FMCG company. In , 17th Annual EurOMA conference.

Godsell, J and Johnson, M (2010) An empirical investigation of the relationships between market segmentation and SC strategy. In , Decision Science Institute Conference.

Hoek, RIV, Godsell, J, Johnson, M, Birtwistle, A (2009) Changing chains, three case studies of the change management needed to reconfigure European supply chain. In , CSCMP annual conference.

Godsell, J and Tschudi, S (2009) Customer responsive supply chain strategy in the construction industry : bridging the gap between theory and practice. In , EurOMA annual conference.

Godsell, J, Diefenbach, T, Clemmow, C, Towill, D, Christopher, M (2009) Enabling supply chain segmentation through demand profiling. In , EurOMA annual conference.

Hoek, RIV, Harrison, A, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2009) Using guest lecturers to make supply chain programs better. In , CSCMP annual conference.

Godsell, J and Towill, D (2008) Supply chain (Re-)engineering via the customer lens. In , 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference.

Juttner, U, Christopher, M, Godsell, J (2008) Supply chain management and marketing integration : an empirical study. In , Logistics Research Network Annual Conference.

Wong, C and Godsell, J (2006) Configuring supply chains to deliver customer and shareholder value. In , Logistics Research Network Annual Conference.

Godsell, J, Jüttner, U, Christopher, M (2005) Demand chain strategy : the missing link?. In , 10th International Symposium on Logistics, pp.63-71.

Godsell, J, Harrison, A, Emberson, C, Storey, J (2004) Customer responsive supply chain strategy : an unnatural act?. In , 9th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, pp.193-200.

Godsell, J and Harrison, A (2003) Supply chain management : putting the end customer first. In , 8th International Symposium on Logistics, pp.699-704.

Harrison, A and Godsell, J (2002) Customer responsive supply chains : an exploratory view of performance measurement. In , 3rd Performance Measurement and Management Conference, pp.249-256.

Godsell, J (2002) Customer responsive supply chains : exploring the alignment between marketing, operations management and logistics. In , 7th European Logistics Association Doctorate Workshop.

Godsell, J and Harrison, A (2002) Customer responsiveness : an exploratory view of a supply chain strategy for the new economy. In , 9th European Operations Management Association Conference, pp.615-624.

Godsell, J and Harrison, A (2002) Strategy formulation in an FMCG supply chain. In , 7th Logistics Research Network Conference.

Emberson, C, Godsell, J, Harrison, A, Storey, J (2001) Customer responsive supply chains : an exploratory view of concepts and definitions. In , 6th Logistics Research Network Conference, pp.124-133.


Ghoreishi, M, Franconi, A, Mate, A, Godsell, J, Pynnönen, M (2024) Supply Chain 4.0 and the transition towards a circular economy. In Evangelista, P, Hallikas, J, Jaber, MY (ed) Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains in an Era of Digital Transformation Research Developments and Future Prospects, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.238-254, ISBN: 9781803920191. DOI: 10.4337/9781803920207.00018.

Masi, D and Godsell, J (2022) How to increase the usefulness and relevance of operations and supply chain management research?. In Bryson, JR, Billing, C, Graves, W, Yeung, G (ed) A Research Agenda for Manufacturing Industries in the Global Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp.177-191.

Godsell, J and Masi, D (2021) Part 1 History of Global Value Chains 1. Past, Present and Future of Supply Chains. In The Routledge Companion to Global Value Chains Reinterpreting and Reimagining Mega Trends in the World Economy, Routledge, pp.1-1, ISBN: 9780415787918.

Voss, C, Johnson, M, Godsell, J (2016) Case research. In Karlsson, C (ed) Researching operations management, Routledge.

Kharlamov, AA, Ferreira, LMDF, Godsell, J (2013) The power of analytical approaches towards the development of differentiated supply chain strategies : case study. In Advances in Sustainable and Competitive Manufacturing Systems, Springer International Publishing, pp.1223-1235.

Godsell, J (2009) Supply chain alignment : European style. In Gattorna, J (ed) Dynamic supply chain alignment : a new business model for peak performance in enterprise supply chains across all geographies, Gower, pp.269-286.

Digital/Visual Products

Godsell, J (2021) Circular Economy Assessment Tool, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2021) Distributed Manufacturing, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2021) Transform Construction Network Plus, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2019) Supply Chain Digital Readiness, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2018) Industry 4, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2015) Mychainreaction, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J (2015) Pangaea Poetry, Warwick Manufacturing Group.


Godsell, J (2015) LINK, Warwick Manufacturing Group, 1 pieces , to .


Franconi, A, Ceschin, F, Godsell, J, Harrison, D, Mate, O-A, Konteh, T (2022) 2050 Circular metal visions, Brunel University, ISBN: 9781908549549.

Godsell, J, Zhang, W, Zafeiriadis, A, Vasquez, IL, Wang, H (2021) Leveraging supply chains to create competitive advantage for the Midlands region: A systematic review, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Zhang, W, Godsell, J, Driffield, N (2021) Supply Chain Productivity: The missing link, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Chakuu, S, Godsell, J, Glass, J (2021) Supply Chain Productivity in construction: Transforming Construction Network Plus digest series, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J, Zafeiriadis, A, Mate, OA, Monge, RC (2021) Towards net-zero: Exploring the current state of low carbon supply chains in the Midlands, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Zhang, W, Chakuu, S, Godsell, J, Li, Z (2021) Steeling for a sustainable future: How the UK steel industry could compete through supply chains, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Chakuu, S, Godsell, J, Masi, D (2020) Increasing competitive advantage and financial certainty throughout the supply chain, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Zhang, W, Liu, X, Godsell, J (2019) Supply Chain Resilience: Three practical solutions, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Agca, AO, Zafeiriadis, A, Godsell, J (2019) Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Cost benefit considerations, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Zafeiriadis, A, Waller, B, Dhadyalla, G, Jennings, P, Godsell, J (2019) Value chain report: How UK suppliers can support development and production of Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Abubakar, S and Godsell, J (2019) Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Legal and regulatory considerations, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Godsell, J, Ignatius, J, Karatzas, A, King, J, Li, D, Moore, J (2018) Realities of reshoring: A UK perspective, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Kaltenbrunner, H-G and Godsell, J (2018) Delivering the digital dividend: Supply chain digital readiness: A survey of 179 European Manufacturers, Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Agca, O, Gibson, J, Godsell, J, Ignatius, J, Davies, CW, Xu, O (2018) An Industry 4 readiness assessment tool, Warwick Manufacturing Group.


Hadeed, R (2022) Exploring the Relationship between Technology Adoption Orientation, Capabilities, Service Offering and Patient Satisfaction in General Practice: A Study of 21 Surgeries in the West Midlands.

Agca, AO (2021) Variant Impacts of Managers’ Cognitive Propensities on Bullwhip Effect Mitigation.

Suppatvech, C (2020) An exploration of how product-based firms transition to IoT-enabled servitized firms.

Priya, RS (2019) Enhancing UK Manufacturing Productivity by enabling a Value Chain Orientation.

Day, S (2019) Drivers and Barriers to Product-Service System Consumer Adoption in a Fashion Subscription Case.

Suhaimi, Z (2019) Exploring the Relationship between Interaction Capabilities and SMEs’ Participation in Larger Customers’ Supply Chains.

Abubakar, S (2018) Exploring the Adoption of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in UK Aerospace Manufacturing.

Ward, P (2017) Towards a Process View of Adherence.

Kharlamov, AA (2016) Exploring the Contribution of Individual Differences and Planning Policy Parameters to Demand Planning Performance.

Mataraarachchi, R (2015) Enabling the transition from product provider to service provider An empirical investigation in the Apparel industry.


Godsell, J (2023) Keynote speech at InNOWvate Workshop.

Godsell, J (2023) Delivering the Digital Future we Want, Together.

Godsell, J (2022) Breaking the Chain: The Future of Manufacturing.

Godsell, J (2022) Launch of InterAct to the Midlands engine Future of Manufacturing Ecosystems Programme.

Godsell, J (2022) MIT Future of Manufacturing Workshop.

Godsell, J (2022) How businesss schools are contributing to the UKs Research and innovation ecosystem.

Godsell, J (2022) Keynote Speech at Intellectual Property Office (UK).

Godsell, J (2022) Keynote Speech for Emerald Impact Services.

Godsell, J (2021) Supply Chain Productivity moving from theory to practice.

Godsell, J (2019) Keynote, ACES VIP Dinner, Electrification Riding the 6th Wave of Creative Disruption, Warwick.

Godsell, J (2019) Thriving in a connected age: 4 strategies to digitise the SC.

Godsell, J (2019) Scholarship in Operations and SCM: Time for a rethink?.

Godsell, J (2019) Digital Lemming or Leader?: Enabling SC Productivity through Digitisation.

Godsell, J (2019) Digital Lemming or Leader?: Enabling SC Productivity through Digitisation.

Godsell, J (2018) Industry 4.0: How ready is your business?.

Godsell, J (2018) Industry 4.0: How ready is your business?.

Godsell, J (2018) Industry 4.0: How ready is your business?.

Godsell, J (2018) Having it all: Achieving productivity and agility in a changing world.

Godsell, J (2018) Creating Fairer Collaborative Supply Chains.

Godsell, J (2018) Delivering the Digital Dividend: Supply Chain Digital Readiness.

Godsell, J (2018) Diversity Workshop.

Godsell, J (2018) Modernisation: An efficiency and effectiveness perspective.

Godsell, J (2018) Ambassador’s Residence, Are you ready for the digital supply chain?.

Godsell, J (2018) Brexit: Implications for Global Supply Chains.

Godsell, J (2018) Brexit: Implications for Global Supply Chains.

Godsell, J (2017) Plenary session presentation at Future Manufacturing Debate, Sydney.

Godsell, J (2017) Future of Manufacturing workshop, Dandedong Chamber of Commerce, Melbourne.

Godsell, J (2017) SC Segmentation: A Window of Opportunity for European Manufacturing.

Godsell, J (2017) Harnessing the Potential of the Cyber Physical Age.

Godsell, J (2016) Plenary session presentation at TMLC, Birmingham.

Godsell, J (2016) Keynote at 4R conference, Manchester and London.

Godsell, J (2016) Presentation to MAN Group, WMG.

Godsell, J (2016) Keynote at Westminster Food & Farming conference, London.

Godsell, J (2016) Keynote at DARD NI SCF event, Cookstown.

Godsell, J (2016) Plenary session presentation at SMMT conference, WMG.

Godsell, J (2016) Plenary session presentation at NFU Annual Conference, Birmingham.

Godsell, J (2016) Keynote at SCALA Conference, Leicester.

Godsell, J Digital Lemming or Leader?: Enabling SC Productivity through Digitisation.


Hadeed, R, Godsell, J, Day, S (2019) Analysing supply chain strategies in healthcare from patient flow perspective : a systematic literature review.

Suhaimi, Z, Godsell, J, Karatzas, A (2017) SME interaction capabilities and participation in high value manufacturing global value chains, This study focusses on a survey instrument aiming to capture the effect of interaction capabilities on SMEs? participation in global value chains. An index to capture the extent of participation was also advanced based on the Ansoff matrix. The paper reports the instrument development prior to conducting the large-scale empirical study..

Santos, C, Abubakar, S, Barros, AC, Godsell, J (2016) The role of organizational networks in the development of technological capabilities, The development of technological capabilities in a region is achieved through coordinated efforts from networks of organizations, including government agencies, research institutions, industrial associations and companies. The objective of this study is to identify the initiatives promoted by organizational networks to support the development of technological capabilities for the aeronautic industry, a sector experiencing fast growth. Semi-structured interviews conducted among organizational networks of two countries developing strategies to increase local aeronautic activity indicate commonalities of initiatives..

Karatzas, A, Daskalakis, G, Dimitrov, G, Godsell, J (2016) Logistics outsourcing and the market value of the firm : an empirical investigation, In this paper we investigate the shareholder value effects of logistics outsourcing decisions. To this end, we use the event study methodology to examine the reaction of equity investors to 165 logistics outsourcing announcements for the case of 119 manufacturers for the period from 2000 to 2015. Using both parametric and nonparametric tests we find a significant positive reaction to logistics outsourcing announcements of planning activities. Further than academics, these findings are of importance to practitioners as they provide them with key insights on their decision to outsource logistics activities..

Suhaimi, Z, Godsell, J, Masi, D (2016) The association of interaction capabilities and SMEs’ participation in high value manufacturing global value chains, UK SMEs play a significant role to its country in terms of number of enterprises, employment and value added. Increasing their participation in HVM GVCs will bring sustainable growth to the country. To participate in these chains, certain competencies need to develop by SMEs. However, development of capabilities among SMEs has not been widely explored. A conceptual framework of SMEs? participation in high value manufacturing (HVM) global value chains (GVCs) has been developed with the aim of examining which type of interaction capabilities are required by SMEs to increase their participation..

Kharlamov, AA and Godsell, J (2016) A study on planning and personality in operations management.

Godsell, J (2014) Beyond the starting gates : supply chain segmentation in practice, "There is no doubt supply chain segmentation is a ’hot’ topic. As companies struggle to resolve the paradox of reducing costs today whilst building the capability for growth in the future, they realise that a ’one size fits all’ approach will not suffice. The reality is that very few organisations have managed to practically implement a segmented supply chain strategy. They get stuck at the conceptual stage. In this interactive session, Jan shared some practical insights on how organisations can move beyond the theory and implement a segmented supply chain in practice." - feedback of attendee..

Godsell, J (2012) The power of supply chain segmentation.

Godsell, J (2012) Thriving in turbulent world : the power of supply chain segmentation.

Godsell, J (2011) Developing a customer driven supply chain.

Harrison, A, Godsell, J, Skipworth, H, Wong, YW, Achimugu, N (2007) Developing supply chain strategy : balancing shareholder and customer value : a management guide.

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