Publications for Anne Souchon
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Journal Articles
Lacohee, H,
Souchon, A, Dickenson, P, Krug, L, Saffre, F (2023)
The Net Promoter Score interrogated through a services marketing lens: review and recommendations for service organizations,
International Journal of Market Research, 66(2-3), pp.241-260, ISSN: 1470-7853. DOI:
Oliveira, J, Hultman, M, Boso, N, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Nemkova, E,
Souchon, A (2023)
Decision-making in international marketing: Past, present, and future,
International Marketing Review, 40(3), pp.413-428, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Hultman, M, Boso, N, Yeboah-Banin, A, Hodgkinson, I,
Souchon, A, Nemkova, E, Oliveira, J, Hughes, P (2022)
How agency and self-efficacy moderate the effects of strategic improvisational behaviors on sales performance: evidence from an emerging market,
European Management Review, 19(3), pp.417-435, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI:
Efrat, K,
Souchon, A, Wald, A, Hughes, P, Cai, J (2022)
Mitigating coopetition tensions: The forgotten formation stage,
European Management Review, 19(4), pp.527-548, ISSN: 1740-4754. DOI:
Efrat, K,
Souchon, A, Dickenson, P, Nemkova, E (2021)
Chutzpadik advertising and its effectiveness: Four studies of agencies and audiences,
Journal of Business Research, 137, pp.601-613, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI:
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2019)
Sponsees matter! How collective responsibility judgments of sport sponsors affect sponsee equity,
European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(5), pp.537-559, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI:
Markovich, A, Efrat, K, Raban, DR,
Souchon, A (2019)
Competitive intelligence embeddedness: Drivers and performance consequences,
European Management Journal, 37(6), pp.708-718, ISSN: 0263-2373. DOI:
Hughes, P,
Souchon, A, Nemkova, E, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Boso, N, Hultman, M, Yeboah-Banin, A, Sy-Changco, J (2018)
Quadratic effects of dynamic decision-making capability on innovation orientation and performance: Evidence from Chinese exporters,
Industrial Marketing Management, 83, pp.59-69, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2018)
Entitativity of concurrent sponsors: implications for properties and sponsors,
Journal of Advertising, 47(3), pp.213-236, ISSN: 0091-3367. DOI:
Efrat, K, Hughes, P, Nemkova, E,
Souchon, A, Sy-Changco, J (2017)
Leveraging dynamic export capabilities for competitive advantage and performance consequences: Evidence from China,
Journal of Business Research, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI:
Yeboah Banin, A, Boso, N, Hultman, M,
Souchon, AL, Hughes, P, Nemkova, E (2016)
Salesperson improvisation: Antecedents, performance outcomes, and boundary conditions,
Industrial Marketing Management, 59, pp.120-130, ISSN: 1873-2062. DOI:
Souchon, A, Hughes, P, Farrell, AM, Nemkova, E, Oliveira, J (2016)
Spontaneity and international marketing performance,
International Marketing Review, 33(5), pp.671-690, ISSN: 1758-6763. DOI:
Nemkova, E,
Souchon, A, Hughes, P, Micevski, M (2015)
Does improvisation help or hinder planning in determining export success? Decision theory applied to exporting,
Journal of International Marketing, 23(3), pp.41-65, ISSN: 1069-031X. DOI:
Souchon, A, Dewsnap, B, Durden, G, Axinn, CN, Holzmuller, HH (2015)
Antecedents to export information generation: a cross-national study,
International Marketing Review, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Nemkova, E,
Souchon, AL, Hughes, P (2012)
Export decision-making orientation: An exploratory study,
International Marketing Review, 29(4), pp.349-378, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Oliveira, JS, Cadogan, JW,
Souchon, A (2012)
Level of analysis in export performance research,
International Marketing Review, 29(1), pp.114-127, DOI:
Souchon, AL, Sy Changco, J, Dewsnap, B (Accepted for publication) Learning orientation in export functions: Impact on export growth, International Marketing Review, 29(2), pp.0-0.
Salzberger, T, Holzmuller, HH,
Souchon, AL (2009)
Advancing the Understanding of Construct Validity and Cross-National Comparability: Illustrated by a Five-Country Study of Corporate Export Information Use,
Advances in International Marketing, 20, pp.321-360, ISSN: 1474-7979. DOI:
Cadogan, JW,
Souchon, AL, Procter, DB (2008) The Quality of Market-Oriented Behaviors: Formative Index Construction,
Journal of Business Research, 61(12), pp.1263-1277, ISSN: 0148-2963.
Jayawardhena, C,
Souchon, AL, Farrell, AM, Glanville, K (2007)
Outcomes of Service Encounter Quality in a Business-to-Business Context,
Industrial Marketing Management, 36(5), pp.575-588, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Sy Changco, JA,
Souchon, AL, Evangelista, F (2005)
Quality of Export Memory Content: A Conceptual Framework,
Journal of Marketing Management, 21, pp.291-306, ISSN: 0267-257X. DOI:
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB, Dewsnap, B (2004)
Marketing Information Use and Organisational Performance: The Mediating Role of Responsiveness,
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 12(4), pp.231-242, ISSN: 0965-254X. DOI:
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Holzmueller, HH, Axinn, CN, Sinkula, JM, Simmet Blomberg, H, Durden, GR (2003)
Export Information Use: A Five-Country Investigation of Key Determinants,
Journal of International Marketing, 11(3), pp.106-127, ISSN: 1069-031X. DOI:
Diamantopoulos, A,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR, Axinn, CN, Holzmuller, HH (2003)
Towards an Understanding of Cross-National Similarities and Differences in Export Information Utilization: A Perceptual Mapping Approach,
International Marketing Review, 20(1), pp.17-43, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Vyas, R and
Souchon, AL (2003)
Symbolic Use of Export Information: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Conceptual Development and Key Consequences,
International Marketing Review, 20(1), pp.67-94, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Souchon, AL and Durden, GR (2002) Making the Most out of Export Information: An Exploratory Study of UK and New Zealand Exporters,
Journal of Euromarketing, 11(4), pp.65-86.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2001) Service Encounter Conceptualisation: Employees' Service Behaviours and Customers' Service Quality Perceptions,
Journal of Marketing Management, 17(5/6), pp.577-594, ISSN: 0267-257X.
Too, LHY,
Souchon, AL, Thirkell, PC (2001) Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty in a Retail Setting: A Dyadic Exploration,
Journal of Marketing Management, 17(3/4), pp.287-319.
Diamantopoulos, A and
Souchon, AL (1999) Measuring Export Information Use: Scale Development and Validation,
Journal of Business Research, 46(1), pp.1-14, ISSN: 0148-2963.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1999) Export Information Acquisition Modes: Measure Development and Validation,
International Marketing Review, 16(2), pp.143-168.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1999)
Export information acquisition modes: Measure development and validation,
International Marketing Review, 16(2), pp.143-168, ISSN: 0265-1335. DOI:
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1997) Use and Non-use of Export Information: Some Preliminary Insights into Antecedants and Impact on Export Performance,
Journal of Marketing Management, 13, pp.135-151.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1996) A Conceptual Framework of Export Marketing Information Use: Key Issues and Research Propositions,
Journal of International Marketing, 4(3), pp.49-71.
Awuni, FA, Nwoba, A,
Souchon, A (2024)
How and when does green international marketing strategy affect international performance: Natural Resource Based View perspective. In
American Marketing Association Global Marketing Special Interest Group Conference; 2024 CMSIG Conference, Verona, Italy, May 24 - 27, Verona, Italy.
Souchon, A, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Boso, N, Nemkova, E, Oliveira, J, Hultman, M, Sy-Changco, J (2024)
Competitive unpredictability in export markets [Abstract]. In
World Marketing Congress; Proceedings of the 2024 AMS World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius.
Souchon, A (2024)
Marketing decision-making and anxiety: Integrative conceptual review and theory development. In
World Marketing Congress; Proceedings of the 2024 AMS World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius.
Souchon, A, Dickenson, P, Lacohee, H, Krug, L, Saffre, F (2024)
Bridging research and practice: The case of the Net Promoter Score. In
World Marketing Congress; Proceedings of the 2024 AMS World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius.
Efrat, K, Souchon, A, Asseraf, Y, Wald, A (Accepted for publication) Chutzpadik export behavior:
Revealing its mediator effect on the export market orientation-export performance relationship. In International Marketing Trends Congress, Paris, France.
Tonikidou, A,
Souchon, A, Kyriakopoulos, K, Hughes, P, Dewsnap, B, Hughes, M (2020)
Translating new product development-level improvisation-based learning into strategy in SMEs. In
Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020); 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings, Seoul, pp.300-305, DOI:
Souchon, A, Nemkova, E, Hughes, P, Nathaniel, B, Hodgkinson, I, Oliveira, J, Hultman, M (2020)
Structural drivers of creativity and contingency conditions for financial performance: A comparison of Mexico and China. In
Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020), Seoul.
Crick, J, Dewsnap, B, Cadogan, J,
Souchon, A (2018)
Implementing the marketing concept through customer value-oriented functional resource investments [extended abstract]. In Luo, SKLMGX (ed)
2019 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference; Proceedings of the 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Austin, Texas,ISBN: 9780877570035.
Tonikidou, A, Kyriakopoulos, K, Hughes, M, Hughes, P,
Souchon, A (2018)
Creating value through real-time knowledge generation: Improvisation and organisational learning in new product development [Abstract]. In
The First Global Conference on Creating Value, Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Souchon, A, Efrat, K, Asseraf, Y (2018)
Chutzpah-driven export marketing: effects on export responsiveness and performance. In
American Marketing Academy (AMA) Global SIG, Santorini, Greece.
Souchon, A, Efrat, K, Hughes, P, Wald, AE (2018)
Planning for coopetition to mitigate risks: Findings from three studies. In
EURAM, Reykjavik.
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2018)
Driving viewing intentions through entitativity of concurrent sponsors. In
2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, MA,ISBN: 9780877570028.
Winkelmann, S, Dickenson, P,
Souchon, A, Lee, N, Michaelidou, N (2016)
Event marketing and event sponsorship: can too much of a ‘good’ thing harm the brand?. In
2016 Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Conference, Salzburg.
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2016)
Driving sponsee equity in a sports context: Concurrent sponsors’ collective responsibility. In
NASSM 2016 Conference, Orlando, FL.
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2016)
Concurrent Sponsors’ Entitativity and Purchase Intentions: An Empirical Study Within a Sporting Context. In
, pp.629-633, ISBN: 9783319298764. DOI:
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2015)
Entitativity and its consequences for sponsorship. In
World Marketing Congress, Bari,ISBN: 9783319298764.
Cai, J, Hughes, P, Souchon, AL (Accepted for publication) The role of co-opetition in commercialization of product innovation. In Strategic Marketing Symposium, Madrid.
Nemkova, E, Souchon, AL, Hughes, P (Accepted for publication) Export decision-making: Combining planning and improvisation to enhance performance. In World Marketing Congress, Lima.
Souchon, AL, Boso, N, Hughes, P, Nemkova, E, Sy-Changco, J, Hultman, M, Yeboah, A (Accepted for publication) Enhancing marketing unpredictability and performance through planning and improvisation management: A cross-cultural study. In American Marketing Association, San Francisco.
Efrat, K and Souchon, AL (Accepted for publication) Chutzpah and its linkage to marketing innovation, and performance. In Academy of Marketing Science, Indianapolis.
Souchon, AL, Dewsnap, B, Efrat, K, Korobilis-Mages, E (2013) Marketing information use: Links to innovativeness and performance. In
2013 Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Auckland, pp.x-x.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2009) The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Customer-Oriented
Boundary-Spanning Behaviours: Examining the Role of Compassion. In
Anzmac 2009, tbc, pp.1-10.
Lee, N, Beatson, A, Rudd, J,
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2005) Stereotypes of Salespeople in Taiwan: An Empirical Examination and Research Agenda. In
Academy of Marketing Conference, Dublin.
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB (2004) Marketing Information Use and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Responsiveness. In
Academy of Marketing Conference, Cheltenham, UK.
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB, Lings, IN (2004) Information Utilization, Marketing Planning, and Marketing Performance: A Study of New Zealand Manufacturers. In
ANZMAC Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Jayawardhena, C,
Souchon, AL, Glanville, K (2004) Service Encounter Quality in a Business-to-Business Context: Measure Development and Consequences. In
Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Wellington, New Zealand.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2003) Service Acculuration: A Dyadic Study of Managerial and Employee Effects Upon Service Firm Performance. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Adelaide, Australia.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2003) The Service Leadership Scale: A Substantive Validity Test. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Adelaide, Australia.
Armstrong, BL,
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2002) The Process of Individual Learning within Marketing Organisations - A Theoretical Exploration. In
UK Academy of Marketing Conference, Nottingham.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2001) Service Encounter Conceptualisation: Employees' Service Behaviours and Customers' Service Quality Perceptions. In
Academy of Marketing Conference (AM), Cardiff, Wales.
Salzberger, T, Holzmuller, HH,
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Durden, GR, Axinn, CN (2001)
Assessment of Cross-National Construct Validity by Probabilistic Test Models - The Case of Export Information Usage Scales in the UK and New Zealand. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Bridging Market Theory and Practice, Aukland, New Zealand,ISBN: 0-473-08206-3.
Procter, DB,
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2000) Enhancing the Quality of Market-Oriented Behaviours: Understanding the Characteristics of the Information Environments of Market-Oriented Firms. In
UK Academy of Marketing Conference, Derby.
Salzberger, T, Holzmuller, HH,
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Axinn, C, Durden, GR (2000) An Exploratory Cross-National Assessment of Antecedents to Export Information Use. In Wierenga, B, Smidts, A, Antonides, eds, G (ed)
Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Marketing in the New Millenium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2000) A Model of Service Performance Enhancement: The Role of Transactional and Transformational Leadership. In
Tenth European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on Quality Management in Services, Birmingham.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durdon, GR (2000) Enhancing Service Performance through Transformational Leadership Styles. In
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Axinn, CN,
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Holzmuller, HH, Durden, GR (2000) Exploring Export Information Acquisition from a Cross-National Perspective. In Workman, P, J, Jr, Perreault, D, W, eds, J (ed)
Winter Educators' Conference of the American Marketing Association, Marketing Theory and Applications, San Antonio, USA, pp.179-180.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (2000) Enhancing Performance through Effective Use of Export Information. In
Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1210-1217.
Farrell, AM,
Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (1999) A Model of Transactional and Transformational Leadership for Services Personnel. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Sydney, Australia.
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Holzmuller, HH, Axinn, C, Sinkula, JM, Simmet Blombert, H (1999) A Cross-Cultural Enquiry into Export Information Use: Empirical Evidence from Austria, Germany, UK, and USA. In Hildebrandt, L, Annacker, D, Klapper, eds, D (ed)
Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Marketing and Competition in the Information Age, Berlin, Germany.
Farrell, AM and
Souchon, AL (1998) Service Acculturation: How Managers can Influence Employees' Service Delivery. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Dunedin, New Zealand, pp.2453-2459.
Procter, DB,
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (1998) Market Orientation and Information Utilisation: An Integrated Framework. In
Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Dunedin, New Zealand, pp.2053-2059.
Diamantopoulos, A and
Souchon, AL (1998) The Impact of Export Information Utilisation on Export Performance. In
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing, Sheffield, pp.598-599.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1997) Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Export Information. In
Proceedings Australia-New Zealand Marketing Educators' Conference (ANZMEC), Melbourne, Australia, pp.1-23.
Diamantopoulos, A and
Souchon, AL (1997) Measuring Export Information Use: Scale Development and Validation. In Harris, P and Schuster, CE (ed)
Academy of Marketing/American Marketing Association Conference, Marketing Across Borders, Manchester, pp.139-155.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1996) Export Information Use and Non-Use: Some Antecedents and Effects on Export Performance. In
Annual Conference of the Marketing Education Group, 2021 - A Vision for the Next 25 Years, Glasgow, Scotland.
Diamantopoulos, A and
Souchon, AL (1995) Instrumental, Conceptual and Symbolic Use of Export Information: An Exploratory Study of UK Firms. In Buckley, J, P, Mirza, H, Prescott, K, Bartels, eds, F (ed)
Proceedings of the Academy of International Business UK Conference, International Business: Functional Dimensions, Bradford, p.41.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1994) Export Marketing Information Use: A Review of the Literature and a Conceptual Framework. In eds, BEA (ed)
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Marketing Education Group, Marketing: Unity in Diversity, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, pp.854-863.
CD Objects
Lee, N, Beatson, A, Rudd, J, Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2005) Stereotypes of Salespeople in Taiwan: An Empirical Examination and Research Agenda,.
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB (2004) Marketing Information Use and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Responsiveness,.
Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW, Proctor, DB, Lings, IN (2004) Information Utilization, Marketing Planning, and Marketing Performance: A Study of New Zealand Manufacturers,.
Jayawardhena, C, Souchon, AL, Glanville, K (2004) Service Encounter Quality in a Business-to-Business Context: Measure Development and Consequences,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2003) Service Acculuration: A Dyadic Study of Managerial and Employee Effects Upon Service Firm Performance,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2003) The Service Leadership Scale: A Substantive Validity Test,.
Armstrong, BL, Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2002) The Process of Individual Learning within Marketing Organisations - A Theoretical Exploration,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2001) Service Encounter Conceptualisation: Employees' Service Behaviours and Customers' Service Quality Perceptions,.
Procter, DB, Souchon, AL, Cadogan, JW (2000) Enhancing the Quality of Market-Oriented Behaviours: Understanding the Characteristics of the Information Environments of Market-Oriented Firms,.
Salzberger, T, Holzmuller, HH, Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Axinn, C, Durden, GR (2000) An Exploratory Cross-National Assessment of Antecedents to Export Information Use,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2000) A Model of Service Performance Enhancement: The Role of Transactional and Transformational Leadership,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durdon, GR (2000) Enhancing Service Performance through Transformational Leadership Styles,.
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (1999) A Model of Transactional and Transformational Leadership for Services Personnel,.
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Holzmuller, HH, Axinn, C, Sinkula, JM, Simmet Blombert, H (1999) A Cross-Cultural Enquiry into Export Information Use: Empirical Evidence from Austria, Germany, UK, and USA,.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1996) Export Information Use and Non-Use: Some Antecedents and Effects on Export Performance,.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1998) Information Utilisation by Exporting Firms: Conceptualisation, Measurement and Impact on Export Performance. In Urban, S and Nanopoulos, CE (ed) Information Management, Gabler Verlag, pp.111-140.
Diamantopoulos, A and Souchon, AL (1996) Instrumental, Conceptual and Symbolic Use of Export Information: An Exploratory Study of UK Firms. In Madsen, TKE (ed) Advances in International Marketing, Vol 8, JAI Press, pp.117-144.
School/Dept Working Papers
Farrell, AM, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR (2001) A Conceptualisation of Service Encounters: Employees' Service Behaviours and Customers' Perceptions of Service Quality.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (2000) Enhancing Export Performance through Effective Use of Information.
Too, LHY, Souchon, AL, Thirkell, PC (2000) Relationship Marketing and Customer Loyalty in a Retail Setting: A Dyadic Exploration.
Diamantopoulos, A, Souchon, AL, Durden, GR, Axinn, CN, Holzmueller, HH, Simmet Blomberg, H (1999) Mapping Export Information Use: A Five-Nation Study.
Souchon, AL, Diamantopoulos, A, Holzmueller, HH, Axinn, CN, Sinkula, JM, Simmet Blomberg, H (1999) A Cross-Cultural Enquiry into Export Information Use: Empirical Evidence from Austria, Germany, UK, and USA.
Diamantopoulos, A and Souchon, AL (1995) Instrumental, Conceptual and Symbolic Use of Export Information: An Exploratory Study of UK Firms.
Souchon, AL and Diamantopoulos, A (1994) Export Marketing Information Use: A Literature Review and a Conceptual Framework.
Lacohee, H,
Souchon, A, Dickenson, P, Krug, L, Saffre, F (2023)
Supplemental information files for The Net Promoter Score interrogated through a services marketing lens: review and recommendations for service organizations, DOI:
Dickenson, P and
Souchon, A (2019)
Supplementary file for :"Sponsees matter! How collective responsibility judgments of sport sponsors affect sponsee equity", DOI: