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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Paul Wells

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Journal Articles

Wells, P (2021) ‘Do animals talk in this dimension? ’Cos I don’t wanna freak anyone out’: Writing for children’s animation, Journal of Screenwriting, 12(3), pp.371-388, ISSN: 1759-7137. DOI: 10.1386/josc_00073_1.

Wells, P (2018) After Hitchcock: Animation - "The Bastard Form of Writing', Journal of Screenwriting Special Issue: Animation, 9(3), pp.257-264, ISSN: 1759-7137. DOI: 10.1386/josc.9.3.257_2.

Wells, P (2018) Yesteryear to Yuri: Tracing the Olympic Ideal in Animation, Olympics and Culture - Tracings, Projections and Intersections, pp.98-107.

Wells, P (2018) The New Needs Friends: On the academic as critic and as a public voice, Animation Practice, Process and Production, 6, pp.71-92, ISSN: 2042-7875.

Wells, P (2018) Zepo: Frames of reference in sand animation, Short Film Studies, 8(1), pp.37-40, ISSN: 2042-7824. DOI: 10.1386/sfs.8.1.37_1.

Wells, P (2018) Playing on the Animation Spectrum: Sport and Visualisation, Imago: studi di cinema e media, 16, pp.79-95, ISSN: 2038-5536.

Wells, P (2017) 'Surely I should get a script credit, shouldn't I?: Creative, Consultative, and Collaborative Script Development - The Oil Kid', Journal of Screenwriting, Vol 8(3), pp.303-318, ISSN: 1759-7137. DOI: 10.1386/josc.8.3.303_1.

Wells, P (2017) Karen Beckman (ed) Animating Film Theory, Animation: an interdisciplinary journal, 12(2), pp.198-202, ISSN: 1746-8477.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Writing Animated Documentary: A Theory of Practice’, International Journal of Film and Media Arts, Vol 1(No 1), 1.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Screenwriting in the Digital Era by Kathryn Millard’, Journal of Screenwriting, 7(2), pp.225-228, ISSN: 1759-7137.

Wells, P (2016) ‘The Animation Manifesto. Or What’s Animation Ever Done for Us ?’, Metro, (188), pp.94-101, ISSN: 0312-2654.

Wells, P (2015) Jonathan Myers's 'The Canterbury Tales': The Screenwriting Sovereignty of Animation, Journal of Screenwriting, 7(1), pp.65-81, ISSN: 1759-7137.

Lyons, G and Wells, P (2014) Words & Images, The Fifth Screenwriting Research Network Conference Macquarie University and The University of Technology, Sydney, 14–16 September 2012, Journal of Screenwriting, 5(1), pp.157-161, ISSN: 1759-7137. DOI: 10.1386/josc.5.1.157_7.

Wells, P (2014) 'I can't abide cartoons !': animation, gravity and the five degree space, Animation Practice Process and Production, 3(Edition 1 & 2), pp.3-15, ISSN: 2042-7875.

Wells, P (2014) Chairy Tales: Objects and Materiality in Animation, Alphaville : Journal of Film and Screen Media, 1(8), pp.Unpaginated-Unpaginated, ISSN: 2009-4078.

Wells, P (2014) Breadcrumbs the size of Volkswagens: legacies and languages, Animation Practice, Production and Process, 4(1), pp.3-11, ISSN: 2042-7875. DOI: 10.1386/ap3.4.1.3_2.

Wells, P (2012) Laughter is Ten Times More Powerful than a Scream: The Case of Animated Comedy, pp.495-520, DOI: 10.1002/9781118327821.ch23.

Wells, P (2012) ‘Validating the Animated Film: Toys Stories, Trade Tattoos and Taiwan Tigers: Or What’s Animation Ever Done for Us ? Themanummer Animatie, Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis (Journal for Media History), 15(1), pp.5-24.

Wells, P (2011) The Chaplin effect: Ghosts in the machine and animated gags, pp.15-28.

Wells, P (2011) 'Picture by Picture, Movement by Movement': Melbourne-Cooper, Shiryaev and the Symbolic Body, ANIMATION-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 6(2), pp.149-162, ISSN: 1746-8477. DOI: 10.1177/1746847711407406.

Wells, P (2011) Animating Space: from Mickey to WALL-E, SCREEN, 52(1), pp.133-136, ISSN: 0036-9543. DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjq058.

Wells, P (2011) From Melbourne Cooper to Match of the Day and Mo-Cap: Motion as Metaphor and Metaphysics in Animated Sport, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT, 28(8-9), pp.1219-1234, ISSN: 0952-3367. DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2011.567774.

Wells, P (2010) Christine Bolewski: Mountain-water-painting: A critical Commentary, Aspect: The Chronicle of New Media Art, 15.

Wells, P (2010) 'They Thought It Was a Marvel': Arthur Melbourne Cooper (1874-1961) Pioneer of Puppet Animation, JOURNAL OF BRITISH CINEMA AND TELEVISION, 7(3), pp.502-504, ISSN: 1743-4521. DOI: 10.3366/jbctv.2010.0113.

Wells, P (2008) In Through the Revolving Door: Dave and Alex Beasley's Address of the Oldest Profession, FF Dossier, 037, pp.1-3.

Wells, P (2008) 'Swing for Sale': The Golden Age of Jazz 'Toons', Electric Sheep (Wallflower Press), 2, pp.28-31.

Wells, P (2007) I'll Teach You to Laugh at Something Funny, Archive (Magazine of National Media Museum Bradford), 10, pp.32-33.

Wells, P (2007) DVD Review: The British Animation Awards DVD set, Animation, 2(1), pp.94-99, ISSN: 1746-8477. DOI: 10.1177/1746847707074712.

Wells, P (2007) No more heroes (British films), SIGHT AND SOUND, 17(2), pp.88-88, ISSN: 0037-4806.


Wells, P (Accepted for publication) Using the Animation 'Bible': Devising and Development. In 11th Screenwriting Research Network International Conference; Writing for Cinema, Writing for Television, University Cattolica, Milan.

Harland, RG, Du, Q, Selby, A, Wells, P, Xu, J, Yonghi, L, Zhang, X (2019) Defining urban graphic heritage for economic development in the UK and China. In International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 (IASDR 2019), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Wells, P (2018) ‘The Beautiful Frame: Publics, Producers, Protagonists’ [Keynote: APES Symposium, Leicester, UK. In APES Symposium, Leicester.

Wells, P (2018) Keynote; The Beautiful Frame Re-Mounted: Animation, Sport and Reminiscence. In 3rd Annual International Conference of Chinese Animation Research, Chengdou University, Chengdu, China.

Wells, P (2018) Yesteryear to Yuri: Tracing the Olympic Ideal in Animation. In Olympics and Culture, Joshibi University, Tokyo, Japan.

Wells, P (2018) Keynote: 'Playing on the Animation Spectrum; Sport and Visualisation. In Animafest Scanner Symposium, Zagreb, Zagreb Centre for the Moving Image.

Wells, P (2017) Satoshi Kon and Paprika. In Re-Thinking Film Genres: East Asian Cinema and Beyond, University of Hull, Hull.

Wells, P (2017) The Beautiful Frame: Curating TV Sporting Animation. In Sporting Heritage Conference, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford UK.

Wells, P (2017) Hey-lp! Hey-lp! - "I'm behind that phoney front that Penelope fell for": Paul, Pitstop and the Permissive Permission. In Queering Animation Conference, University of Hull, Hull.

Wells, P (2017) For Liberals, Limeys and Ladies: A Political Guide to Animation and Sport. In International Scientific Conference, Animated Politics from Melies to Mulloy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.

Wells, P (2017) Reconsidering the Animation Spectrum. In Seoul Creative Dream, Seoul South Korea.

Wells, P (2017) ‘Woody, Buzz and the Koons Corollary…or Why ‘Toy Story’ is art’. In ‘Toy Story at 20’ Conference, University of Sunderland, UK, University of Sunderland.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Children’s Animation Masterclass: ‘Storyboarding: In the Picture’ + Panel Convenor with Jean-Christophe Roger, Vincent Bal, and Remy Chaye + European Film Forum Panel contributor. In Keynote Speaker + Convenor, Cinekid for Professionals, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Life, Animated: Crossing Distance and Discipline in Animated Media’. In Keynote Speaker, Asia Animation International Forum, Buncheon, Seoul, South Korea,, Buncheon, Seoul, South Korea.

Wells, P (2016) ‘A History of Animation in 100 Objects: An Epic Poem’ + Screening of ‘Mackinnon & Saunders: A Model Studio’. In Keynote, ‘Lurching Charm: Smallfilms Animation Exhibition and Symposium’, V&A Museum of Childhood, London, UK, V&A Museum of Childhood, London.

Wells, P (2016) ‘From Punch to Pho: The Comfort of Caricature in British Comics and Cartoons’. In Keynote; Animation and Comic Books: A Symposium, Anifest Canterbury, University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, UK, University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, UK.

Wells, P (2016) ‘”Surely, I Should get a script credit, shouldn’t I?” - Creative, Consultative and Collaborative Script Development: The Oil Kid’. In 9th Annual International Screenwriting Research Network Conference, University of Leeds / Leeds Beckett University, UK, University of Leeds / Leeds Beckett University, UK.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Inter-animating Life, Love and the Universe, or How we learned to multi-mediate, and why animation can save the world…’. In Keynote, Screen Futures: Education, Innovation, Industry, Association of the Teachers of Media (ATOM) and Australia Centre for Moving Image (ACMI) Conference, Melbourne, Australia,, Melbourne Australia.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Making It Up As We Go Along’: The Future of Animation Archives. In 3rd Connected Communities Heritage Network Conference, University of Lincoln.], University of Lincoln, UK.

Wells, P (2015) ‘Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Animated Literacy of Techno-cultural Velocity’. In Keynote Speaker: Contemporary Innovations: The Arts, Technology and Culture Conference, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Wells, P (2015) ‘Writing TV Animation for Children’. In Keynote + Moderation, Cinekid for Professionals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Wells, P (2015) ‘A Disappointing Effort from the Singing Centre Forward: Sporting Choreography and Animated Performance’. In 8th Annual International Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Senate House, University of London, Senate House, University of London.

Wells, P (2015) ‘Left Turns at Alburqueque ? Animation - Theories of Practice, Practices of Theory’. In Keynote, Animation-An Interdisciplinary Summer School Symposium, University of Tubingen, Germany,, University of Tubingen, Germany.

Wells, P (2015) ‘Never Closing the Castle Gates Again: Frozen, Radial Radicalism and the Magic Kingdom’. In ‘Symfrozium’, University of East Anglia, UK, UEA Norwich, UK.

Wells, P (2015) ‘Chairy tales: Objects and materiality in animation’. In Keynote: ‘Under the Radar’ Symposium, Webster University and Wien Culture, MuseumQuartier, Vienna, Austria, March 2015, Vienna.

Wells, P (2015) Wonderlands, slumberlands & plunderlands: Fantasy in the animated film. In Keynote, Fantasy / Animation Conference, Kings College London, Kings College, London.

Wells, P (2014) Machines, micro-narratives, McLaren & me: Writing ‘industrial animation’. In Keynote: The Animator, 26th Annual Society of Animation Studies International Conference, Corus Entertainment / Sheridan College, Toronto, Canada,, Toronto, Canada.

Wells, P (2014) The animated citizen: A travelogue of theories and practices. In Keynote: Creative Animation Knowledge Exchange, British Council & CICAF, Symposium and Festival, Edge Hill University, UK, Edge Hill University.

Wells, P (2013) ‘Between Documentary and the Deep Blue Sea – The Case of Industrial Animation Re-Visited’. In Keynote: 2CO Communicating Complexity, International Design Conference, UNISS, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, Sardinia, Italy.

Wells, P (2013) ‘Queneau, Madden and Screenwriting for Animation’. In Keynote: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Animation, Comics and Literature: Change and Continuity – A Symposium of the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film convened by the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Eberhard Karls University, Tuebingen, AG Animation, the Literaturhaus, Stuttgart, and the SAS, April 2013], Stuttgart.

Wells, P (2013) Comfort in caricature: Adapting British comics into animation. In Keynote: SAS Symposium: Adaptation: Animation, Comics and Literature, Literaturhaus, Stuttgart,, Stuttgart.

Wells, P (2012) ‘Toy Stories, Trade Tattoos and Taiwan Tigers, Or What’s Animation Ever Done for Us ? – Validating the Animated Film’. In Keynote: Anima: 7th International Festival of Animation, Ill Foro Academico Internacional sobre Animacion, Cordoba, Argentina,, Cordoba, Argentina, pp.5-24.

Kavanagh, TJ, Wells, P, Chong, A (2005) Drawing Walking. In Designs on eLearning, Conference Proceedings, University of the Arts, London, pp.1-9, ISBN: 1 903455 09 X.


Wells, P (2017) The Beautiful Frame: Animation & Sport, Animation Academy, ISBN: 9781788081290.

Wells, P and Moore, S (2016) The fundamentals of animation, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, ISBN: 978-1-4725-7526-5.

Wells, P (2014) Animation, sport and culture, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-1-137-02762-7. DOI: 10.1057/9781137027634.

Wells, P (2009) The Animated Bestiary: Animals, Cartoons and Culture, Rutgers University Press, ISBN: 9780813544151.

Wells, P, Quinn, J, Mills, L (2008) Basics Animation: Drawing for Animation, AVA, ISBN: 9782940373703.

Wells, P and Hardstaff, J (2008) Re-imagining Animation: Contemporary Moving Image Cultures, AVA, ISBN: 9782940373697.

Wells, P (2007) Basics Animation: Scriptwriting, AVA, ISBN: 9782940373161.

Wells, P and Halas, V (2006) Halas & Batchelor Cartoons: An Animated History, Southbank Publishing, ISBN: 1904915175.

Wells, P (2005) The Fundamentals of Animation, AVA Publishing SA, ISBN: 978-2-940-37302-4.

Wells, P and Davies, PJ (ed) (2002) American Film and Politics from Reagan to Bush Jnr, Manchester University Press, ISBN: 0-7190-5865-1.

Wells, P (2002) Animation: Genre and Authorship (Short Cuts), Wallflower Press, ISBN: 1903364205.

Wells, P (2002) Animation and America, Rutgers University Press, ISBN: 0813531608.

Wells, P, O'Sullivan, T, Burton, A (ed) (2000) The Family Way: The Boulting Brothers and British Film Culture, Flicks Books, ISBN: 0948911 59 X.

Wells, P (2000) The Horror Genre: from Beelzebub to Blair Witch, Wallflower Press, ISBN: 1-90336-400-0.

Wells, P (1998) Understanding Animation, Routledge, ISBN: 0415115973.

Wells, P, O'Sullivan, T, Burton, A (ed) (1997) Liberal Directions: Basil Dearden and Postwar British Film Culture, Flicks Books, ISBN: 0-948911 29 8.

Wells, P (ed) (1997) Art and Animation, Academy Group / John Wiley, ISBN: 1-85490-525-2.

CD Objects

Wells, P (2016) The Halas & Batchelor Short Film Collection,Netwerk.

Kavanagh, TJ, Wells, P, Chong, A (2005) Drawing Walking,, ISBN: 1 903455 09 X.


Pallant, C and Wells, P (2023) "Everybody chips in ten cents, and somehow it seems to add up to a dollar": Exploring the visual toolbox of animation story design. In The Palgrave Handbook of Screenwriting Studies, pp.563-585, DOI: 10.1007/9783031207693_30.

Wells, P (2020) The Disruptive Metamorphoses of an Impish God: Gilliam's Satiric Animation. In Egan, K and Weinstock, A (ed) And Now for Something Completely Different Critical Approaches to Monty Python, EUP, pp.91-106, ISBN: 9781474475150.

Wells, P (2020) Just Do It, Impossible is Nothing: Animation and Sports Commercials. In Cook, M and Thompson, KM (ed) Animation and Advertising, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.179-194, ISBN: 9783030279387.

Wells, P (2020) 'Yahoo ! My LastMoment Has Come" - Peter Lord and the Literacy of Wit and Nostalgia. In Honess Roe, A (ed) Aardman Animations: Beyond Stop Motion, Bloomsbury Academic, pp.53-70, ISBN: 978-1-3501-1455-5.

Wells, P (2019) Animation. In The Cinema Book, Third Edition, pp.87-89.

Brown, G and Wells, P (2019) SPEED, Lancelot (1860-1931). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.563-564.

Brown, G and Wells, P (2019) DE VERE, Alison (1927-2001). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.147.

Wells, P (2019) WILLIAMS, Richard (1933-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.620.

Wells, P (2019) QUINN, Joanna (1962-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.499-500.

Wells, P (2019) NEUBAUER, Vera (1948-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.453-454.

Brown, G and Wells, P (2019) GROSS, Anthony (1905-1984) and Hector HOPPIN. In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.256.

Wells, P (2019) GRABER, Sheila (1940-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.242.

Wells, P (2019) GODFREY, Bob (1921-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.237-238.

Wells, P (2019) VESTER, Paul (1941-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.601.

Wells, P (2019) HERMAN, Mark (1954-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.290.

Wells, P (2019) HALAS, John (1912-1995) and Joy BATCHELOR (1914-1991). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.265-266.

Wells, P (2019) HAND, David (1900-1986). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.274-275.

Wells, P (2019) STUDDY, G. E. (1878-1948). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion,p.573.

Wells, P (2019) LINGFORD, Ruth (1953-). In Directors in British and Irish Cinema: a Reference Companion, pp.380-381.

Wells, P (2018) Never Mind the Bollackers: Here's the Repositories, Sites and Archives in Non-Fiction Animation. In Murray, J and Ehrlich, N (ed) Drawn from Life: Issues and Themes in Animated Documentary Cinema, Edinburgh University Press, pp.106-128, ISBN: 978-0748694112.

Wells, P (2018) Woody, Buzz and the Koons Corollary..Or Why Toy Story is Art. In Shaw, S, Brown, N, Summers, S (ed) Toy Story: How Pixar Re-Invented the Animated Feature, Bloomsbury, pp.167-180, ISBN: 978-1-5013-2491-8.

Wells, P (2018) Wonderlands, slumberlands and plunderlands: Considering the animated fantasy. In Fantasy/Animation: Connections between Media, Mediums and Genres, pp.23-40, DOI: 10.4324/9781315166919.

Wells, P (2018) Re-Splitting, De-Synchronising, Re-animating: (E)motion, Neo-Spectacle and Innocence in the Film Works of John Stezaker. In Smith, V and Hamlyn, N (ed) Experimental and Expanded Animation: New Perspectives and Practices, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.163-182, ISBN: 978-3-319-73872-7.

Wells, P (2018) Wonderlands, Slumberlands, and Plunderlands: Considering the Animated Fantasy. In Holliday, C and Sergeant, A (ed) Fantasy / Animation: Connections between Media, Mediums & Genres, Routledge, pp.23-40, ISBN: 978-1-138-05437-0.

Wells, P (2018) ‘Perfect bridge over the crocodiles’: Tacit contracts, listen thieves, and emotional labor in the animated fago. In Emotion in Animated Films, pp.15-34, DOI: 10.4324/9780203731253.

Wells, P (2018) 'Perfect Bridge over the Crocodiles' - Tacit Contracts, Listen Thieves and Emotional Labor in the Animated FAGO. In Uhrig, M (ed) Emotions in Animated Films, Routledge, pp.15-34.

Wells, P (2016) Automania: Animated automobiles 1950 -1968. In The Motor Car and Popular Culture in the Twentieth Century, pp.84-95.

Wells, P (2016) ‘Perception in terms of Movement’ : Kovásznai – An Animated Soul. In Kovasznai: A Cold War Artist - Animation, Painting, Freedom, Kovasznai Research Centre Foundation, pp.8-12.

Wells, P (2016) British animation and the fairytale tradition: housetraining the Id. In Fairy-tale Films Beyond Disney: International Perspectives, © Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp.48-63, ISBN: 978-0-415-70930-9.

Wells, P (2016) 'Britannia - the Musical': scores, songs and soundtracks in British animation. In The Cambridge Companion to Film Music, © Cambridge University Press, pp.247-263, ISBN: 9781107476493.

Wells, P (2015) Plasmatic Pitches, Temporal Tracks and Conceptual Courts: The Landscapes of Animated Sport. In Animated Landscapes: History, Form and Function, Bloomsbury, pp.215-232, ISBN: 978-1-62892-351-3.

Wells, P (2015) 'Moral Panics in Children's TV' and 'Children's TV Animation'. In The Television Genre Book, BFI Palgrave, pp.122 /176-124/186, ISBN: 978-1-84457-526-8.

Wells, P (2015) ‘I Quite Deliberately Dressed Wild Animals in the Tame Costumes of My Imagination’: Animals as Special Effects. In Manley, S and Irving, K (ed) Lives Beyond Us: Poems and Essays on the Film Reality of Animals, Sidekick Books, pp.19-38, ISBN: 9781909560208.

Wells, P (2015) ‘You Can See What Species I Belong to but Don’t treat me lightly’: Rhetorics of Representation in Animated Animal Narratives’. In Animal Life and the Moving Image, BFI, pp.95-107.

Wells, P (2015) British animation and the fairy-tale tradition: Housetraining the id. In Fairy-Tale Films Beyond Disney: International Perspectives, pp.48-63, DOI: 10.4324/9781315885629-10.

Wells, P (2014) 'Sorry Blondie, I don't do backstory!' script editing: The invisible craft. In Screenwriters and Screenwriting: Putting Practice into Context, pp.151-169, DOI: 10.1057/9781137338938.

Wells, P (2014) Joy, Britain Needs You. In A Moving Image: Joy Batchelor 1914-91 Artist, Writer and Animator, Southbank Publishing, pp.59-79, ISBN: 978-1-904915-41-6.

Wells, P (2014) Dusan Vukotic: The Forgotten Visionary. In Dusan Vukotic: The Forgotten Visionary, Nacionalna Zajednica Crnogoraca Hrvatske / Skaner Studio, pp.13-20, ISBN: 978-953-7239-48-0.

Wells, P (2014) Animation. In The Oxford Book of Science Fiction, Oxford University Press, pp.184-196, ISBN: 978-0-19-983884-4.

Wells, P (2013) 'Thou art translated': Analysing animated adaptation. In Adaptations: From Text to Screen, Screen to Text, pp.199-213.

Wells, P (2013) ‘Laughter is Ten Times More Powerful Than a Scream: The Case of Animated Comedy”. In A Companion to Film Comedy, Wiley Blackwell, pp.497-520.

Wells, P (2013) ‘Pronoun Troubles and Factual Conversations: Dialogue in Animated Film’. In Film Dialogue, Wallflower Press / Columbia University Press, pp.56-69.

Wells, P (2013) ‘The Abnormal Cinema: The Post Millennial Animated Feature’. In Animatopia: New Paths of Animation Cinema, Graficas Lizarra: Festival Internacional de Cine de Donostia- San Sebastian, pp.193-210, ISBN: 978-84-88452-72-6.

Wells, P (2012) ‘”The sight of 40 year old genitalia too disgusting, is it ?”: Wit, Whimsy and Wishful Thinking in British Animation 1900-Present’. In British Comedy Cinema,, Routledge, pp.196-208.

Wells, P (2012) ‘Computer Animation’. In The Wiley Blackwell History of American Film Vol iV: 1976-Present,, Wiley Blackwell, pp.448-471.

Wells, P (2011) The Toolbox of Technology and Technique: Animation in 100 Objects. In Hilty, G (ed) Watch Me Move, Merrell Publishers,ISBN: 9781858945583.

Wells, P (2011) ‘The Chaplin Effect: Ghosts in the Machine and Animated Gags’ in D.Goldmark & C.Keil (eds) Funny Pictures; Animation and Comedy in Studio-Era Hollywood, Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press, 2011, pp 15-28. In Funny Pictures; Animation and Comedy in Studio-Era Hollywood, University of California Press, pp.15-28, ISBN: 978-0-520-26724-4.

Wells, P (2011) ‘WALL-E’. In Il Cinema Americano Attraverso I Film, Carocci Editore, pp.185-198, ISBN: 978-88-430-6096-2.

Wells, P (2010) Boards, Beats, Binaries and Bricolage: Appriaches to the Animated Script. In Nelmes, J (ed) Analysing the Screenplay, Routledge, pp.89-105, ISBN: 9780415556347.

Wells, P (2010) Halas & Batchelors Sound Decisions: Musical Approaches in the British Context. In Coyle, R (ed) Draw to Sound: Music, Sound and Animation Cinema, Equinox, pp.40-59.

Wells, P (2009) Stop Writing or Write like a rat: Becoming Animal in Animated Literary Adaptions. In Carroll, R (ed) Adaption in Contemporary Culture: Textual Infedelities, Continuum, pp.96-110, ISBN: 9780826424648.

Wells, P (2009) The Beautiful Village Re-Visited: Animated Documentary - Contemporary Contexts and Conditions. In Brendstraup, R (ed) Kosmorama, Nr 242, Winter 2008/Spring 2009, Danish Film Institute & Cinematek, pp.62-73.

Wells, P (2009) Animation and digital culture. In American thought and Culture in the 21st Century, pp.291-306.

Wells, P (2008) Animation and Digital Culture. In Halliwell, M and Morley, C (ed) American Thought and Culture in the 21st Century, Edinburgh University Press, pp.291-305, ISBN: 9780748626021.

Wells, P (2007) 'Animation + 'Ryan' and 'Dreams and Desires: Family Ties'. In Pam Cook, (ed) The Cinema Book, British Film Institute, pp.87-89, ISBN: 9781844571932.

Wells, P (2007) Contrepoint, interface, immersion: animation et cinéma direct revisités. In Pierre Floquet, (ed) CinémAnimationS, Corlet Publications, pp.221-229, ISBN: 978-2-84706-128-4.

Wells, P (2007) All Adaptations Are Equal But Some Are More Equal Than Others: Animating the Classics. In Whelehan, I and Cartmell, D (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen, Cambridge University Press, pp.199-211, ISBN: 9780521614863.

Wells, P (2007) Classic literature and animation: All adaptations are equal, but some are more equal than others. In The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen, pp.199-211, DOI: 10.1017/CCOL0521849624.014.

Wells, P (1996) Around the World in Animation. In Unknown Parent Title, BFI Education, pp.s 1-20.

Wells, P (1994) MOMI SFX : Special Effects in the Cinema. In Unknown Parent Title, BFI Education, pp.s 1-30.

Digital/Visual Products

Wells, P (2014) Whispers and Wererabbits: Clare Jennings- Producer, National Media Museum.

Wells, P (2014) Mackinnon & Saunders: A Model Studio, Animation Academy, Bradford Animation Festival, National Media Museum.

Wells, P (2012) An Animated Utopia: The Life and Achievement of John Halas, Animation Academy, Bradford Animation Festival, National Media Museum.

Wells, P (2011) Inside the Green Book: The Life and Work of Geoff Dunbar, Animation Academy, Bradford Animation Festival, National Media Museum.


Dennis, L and Selby, A (2018) Olympics and Culture: Tracings, Projections and Intersections, Joshibi Art Museum, Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokyo, Japan, 12 pieces (Images), 04-07-2018 to 01-08-2018.

Wells, P (2017) The Beautiful Frame: Animation & Sport, National Football Museum, Manchester, 280 pieces , 11-11-2017 to 28-02-2018.

Scholarly Editions

Bendazzi, G (2016) British Animation, Taylor & Francis.


Wells, P (2014) Whispers and Wererabbits: Claire Jennings, 60 min documentary about animation producer, Claire Jennings.

Wells, P (2011) Animation Practice Process and Production (AP3).

Wells, P (2009) Taking the Country Road: The Film Craft of Tony Fish, 25 minute Documentary Commissioned by Bradford Animation Festival.

Wells, P (2008) Fab Four to Ethel & Ernest: A Tribute to John Coates & TVC, 25 minute Documentary commissioned by Bradford Animation Festival.

Wells, P and Bristol, BBC (2005) Animation Nation, Consultancy (Research, Script, Interview). 3x60 mins BBC Television Programmes (Exec Producer: Tom Ware).

Wells, P, Halas, Batchelor, Blue, DP (2005) Ruddigore / Tales of Hoffnung, Consultancy (Research, Script, Commentary). DVD. (Exec Producer: Vivien Halas).

Wells, P, Disney, S, Aardman, A, Brownbag, F, Purves, B (2002) Animation at the Ark, Group exhibition, Dublin Feb-Mar 2002; touring Apr-Jun 2002. Curation. All contextual exhibition materials for exhibited Animation process artworks; production script for school's exhibition tour.

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LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453