Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 263171
Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Katarina Dimitrijevic

From (year): To (year):

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Dimitrijevic, K (2024) Material-led conversations: metaphorically narrating the life of discarded plastic material in aquatic space. In RSD13:Rivers of Conversations; Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design 13, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

Dimitrijevic, K (2023) Plastic entanglement - a visual narrative with single-use plastics. In Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design; Proceedings Of Relating Systems Thinking And Design, RSD12: Possibilities and Practices of Systemic Design, Georgetown University and Online.

Dimitrijevic, K and Harland, RG (2023) The relational space collage: sea PET scenario and participatory plastic waste workshop bricolage. In Opening the Bin 3 – Waste, economy, culture and society; Opening the Bin 3 – Waste, Economy, Culture and Society: 'One word, one bin?', Lancaster University Management School, 15th – 17th June 2023, Lancaster University Management School, UK.


Dimitrijevic, K (2024) Waste Safari XMass : a visual narrative with single-use plastics. In Stowell, A, Gutberlet, J, Valenzuela, F, Zapata, P, Campos, MJZ (ed) Waste Research from the Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives: Reopening the Bin, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.274-299, ISBN: 9781036406387.


Dimitrijevic, K (2023) Plastic Entanglement - visual narrative with single-use plastics, RSD12-Loughborough: Synergy between sciences, 1 x video works compilation pieces (video works compilation), 13-10-2023 to 14-10-2023.

Dimitrijevic, K Studio: Unmapped, pieces , to .

Internet Publications

Dimitrijevic, K and Harland, RG (Accepted for publication) The relational space collage: sea PET scenario and participatory plastic waste workshop bricolage.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453