Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Yasmin Elsahar

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Journal Articles

Elsahar, Y, Hu, S, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Kerr, D, Wade, W, Hewett, P, Gaur, A, Kaushik, V (2020) A study of decodable breathing patterns for augmentative and alternative communication, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 65, 102303, ISSN: 1746-8094. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2020.102303.

Elsahar, Y, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Kerr, D, Gaur, A, Kaushik, V, Hu, S (2018) Breathing pattern interpretation as an alternative and effective voice communication solution, Biosensors, 8(48), pp.1-11, DOI: 10.3390/bios8020048.

Alharbi, S, Hu, S, Mulvaney, D, Barrett, L, Yan, L, Blanos, P, Elsahar, Y, Adema, S (Accepted for publication) Oxygen Saturation measurements from Green and Orange Illuminations of Multi-Wavelength Optoelectronic Patch Sensor, DOI: 10.20944/preprints201810.0578.v1.

Elsahar, Y, Hu, S, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Kerr, D, Mansor, A (Accepted for publication) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Advances: A Review of Configurations for Speech Disabled Individuals, DOI: 10.20944/preprints201903.0033.v1.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453