Journal Articles
Pans-Castillo, M and Eames, P (2024)
A study of the benefits of including thermal energy stores in district heating networks,
Renewable Energy, 231, 120887, ISSN: 0960-1481. DOI:
Pans-Castillo, M, Claudio, G, Eames, P (2023)
Theoretical cost and energy optimisation of a 4th generation net-zero district heating system with different thermal energy storage technologies,
Sustainable Cities and Society, 100(2024), 105064, ISSN: 2210-6707. DOI:
Pans-Castillo, M, Claudio, G, Eames, P (2023)
Modelling of 4th generation district heating systems integrated with different thermal energy storage technologies – Methodology,
Energy Conversion and Management, 276, 116545, ISSN: 0196-8904. DOI:
Chi, H, Pans, MA, Sun, C, Liu, H (2022)
Effectiveness of bed additives in abating agglomeration during biomass air/oxy combustion in a fluidised bed combustor,
Renewable Energy, 185, pp.945-958, ISSN: 0960-1481. DOI:
Chi, H, Pans, MA, Bai, M, Sun, C, Hussain, T, Sun, W, Yao, Y, Lyu, J, Liu, H (2021)
Experimental investigations on the chlorine-induced corrosion of HVOF thermal sprayed Stellite-6 and NiAl coatings with fluidised bed biomass/anthracite combustion systems,
Fuel, 288, pp.119607-119607, ISSN: 0016-2361. DOI:
Chi, H, Pans, MA, Sun, C, Liu, H (2019)
An investigation of lime addition to fuel as a countermeasure to bed agglomeration for the combustion of non-woody biomass fuels in a 20kWth bubbling fluidised bed combustor,
Fuel, 240, pp.349-361, ISSN: 0016-2361. DOI:
Sher, F, Pans, MA, Sun, C, Snape, C, Liu, H (2018)
Oxy-fuel combustion study of biomass fuels in a 20 kWth fluidized bed combustor,
Fuel, 215, pp.778-786, ISSN: 0016-2361. DOI:
Sher, F, Pans, MA, Afilaka, DT, Sun, C, Liu, H (2017)
Experimental investigation of woody and non-woody biomass combustion in a bubbling fluidised bed combustor focusing on gaseous emissions and temperature profiles,
Energy, 141, pp.2069-2080, ISSN: 0360-5442. DOI:
Pans, MA, Gayán, P, de Diego, LF, García-Labiano, F, Abad, A, Adánez, J (2015)
Performance of a low-cost iron ore as an oxygen carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion of gaseous fuels,
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 93, pp.736-746, ISSN: 0263-8762. DOI:
Pans, MA, Gayán, P, Abad, A, García-Labiano, F, de Diego, LF, Adánez, J (2013)
Use of chemically and physically mixed iron and nickel oxides as oxygen carriers for gas combustion in a CLC process,
Fuel Processing Technology, 115, pp.152-163, ISSN: 0378-3820. DOI:
Pans, MA, Abad, A, de Diego, LF, García-Labiano, F, Gayán, P, Adánez, J (2013)
Optimization of H2 production with CO2 capture by steam reforming of methane integrated with a chemical-looping combustion system,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(27), pp.11878-11892, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI:
Gayán, P, Pans, MA, Ortiz, M, Abad, A, de Diego, LF, García-Labiano, F, Adánez, J (2012)
Testing of a highly reactive impregnated Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier for a SR–CLC system in a continuous CLC unit,
Fuel Processing Technology, 96, pp.37-47, ISSN: 0378-3820. DOI:
Pans-Castillo, M and Eames, P (2024)
Optimisation of a theoretical district heating system with seasonal thermal energy storage. In Droege, P and Quint, L (ed)
International Renewable Energy Storage and Systems Conference (IRES 2023); Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage and Systems Conference (IRES 2023), Aachen, Germany. DOI:
Pans-Castillo, M and Eames, P (2023)
Optimisation of a theoretical 4th generation district heating network located at the town of Loughborough, UK. In
EuroSun 2022: 14th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry; EuroSun2022 Proceedings, Kassel, Germany. DOI:
Cabello, A, Gayan, P, Pans, MA, Dueso, C, Garcia-Labiano, F, Abad, A, de Diego, LF, Adanez, J (2013)
Evaluation of a highly reactive and sulfur resistant synthetic Fe-based oxygen carrier for CLC using gaseous fuels. In
, Energy Procedia, pp.580-587, DOI:
Ortiz, M, Gayán, P, de Diego, LF, García-Labiano, F, Abad, A, Pans, MA, Adánez, J (2011)
Hydrogen production with CO2 capture by coupling steam reforming of methane and chemical-looping combustion: Use of an iron-based waste product as oxygen carrier burning a PSA tail gas. In
, Journal of Power Sources, pp.4370-4381, DOI: