Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Robert Flint

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Journal Articles

Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Roberts, JA, Schultheiss, PJ, Gunn, D, Flint, RC, Wood, A, Holmes, R, Frederichs, T (2006) Rapid non-contacting resistivity logging of core, Geological Society Special Publication, 267, pp.209-217, ISSN: 0305-8719. DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.267.01.15.

Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Flint, RC (2006) High-resolution petrophysical characterization of samples from an aeolian sandstone: The Permian Penrith sandstone of NW England, Geological Society Special Publication, 263, pp.49-63, ISSN: 0305-8719. DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2006.263.01.02.

Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Roberts, JA, Schultheiss, PJ, Gunn, D, Flint, RC, Wood, A, Holmes, R, Frederichs, T (2006) Rapid Non-contacting Resistivity Logging of Core, Geological Society Special Publication, SP267, pp.119-137.

Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Flint, RC (2006) High Resolution Petrophysical Characterisation of Samples from an Aeolian Sandstone: the Penrith Sandstone of NW England. In Fluid Flow and Solute Movement in Sandstones: the Onshore UK Permo-Triassic Red Bed Sequence, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 263, tba.

Lovell, MA, Jackson, P, Flint, RC, Harvey, PK (2005) Fracture Mapping with Electrical Core Images, Petrophysics of Crystalline Rocks. The Geological Society of London (paper accepted), 240, pp.1-10.

Donnelly, LJ, Culshaw, MG, Hobbs, PRN, Flint, RC, Jackson, PD (2005) Engineering Geological and Geophysical Investigations of a Slope Failure at Edinburgh Castle, Scotland, British Geological Society, Engineering Geology, 64, pp.119-137.

Jackson, PD, Briggs, KB, Flint, RC, Holyer, RJ, Sandidge, JC (2002) Two- and Three-dimensional Heterogeneity in Carbonate Seidments using Resistivity Imaging, Marine Geology, 182, pp.55-76.

Jackson, P, Gunn, D, Flint, RC, McCann, D, Bent, M, Howes, D (2001) Cross-hole Seismic Measurements for Detection of Disturbed Ground Beneath Existing Structures, NDT & E International, 34(2), pp.155-162.

Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, McCann, DM (1999) Geophysical Imaging Inside Masonry Structures, NDT & E International, 32(8), pp.469-479.

Jackson, P, Gunn, D, Flint, RC, Bent, MK, Howes, D (1999) Subsidence in Chalk using Seismic Tomography, Earthwise, 4, p.13.

Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Lovell, MA, Gunn, DA, Williams, CG, Flint, RC (1998) Measurement Scale and Formation Heterogeneity: Effects on the Integration of Resistivity Data, Core-log Integration, Geological Society, 136, pp.261-272.

Briggs, KB, Jackson, PD, Holyer, R, Flint, RC, Sandige, J, Young, D (1998) Two-dimensional Variability in Porosity, Density and Electrical Resistivity of Eckernforde Bay Sediment, Continental Shelf Research, 18, pp.1939-1964.

Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Williams, CG, Jackson, PD, Flint, RC, Gunn, DA (1998) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging: A Petrophysical Link to Borehole Images, The Log Analyst, 38(6), pp.45-53.

Jackson, PD, Gunn, DG, Flint, RC, Beamish, D, Meldrum, PI, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Peyton, A (1997) A Non-contacting Resistivity Imaging Method for Characterising Whole Round Core at the Well Site, In: Developments in Petrophysics, pp.1-10.

Jackson, P, Briggs, K, Flint, RC (1996) Evaluation of Sediment Heterogeneity using Micro-resistivity Imaging and X-radiography, Geo-Marine Letters, 16, pp.219-225.

Harvey, PK, Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Ashu, AP, Williamson, G, Smith, AS, Ball, JK, Flint, RC (1995) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging III: Characterisation of an Aeolian sandstone, Scientific Drilling, 5(4), pp.164-176.

Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Ball, JK, Williams, C, Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Ashu, AP, Meldrum, PI (1995) Electrical Resenstivity Core Imaging I: A New Technology for High Resolution Investigation of Petrophysical Properties, Scientific Drilling, 5(2), pp.139-151.

Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Jackson, PD, Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Williamson, G, Ball, JK, Ashu, AP, Williams, C (1995) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging II: Investigation of Fabric and Fluid Flow Characteristics, Scientific Drilling, 5(4), pp.153-164.

Ogilvy, R, Jackson, P, Flint, RC, Meldrum, P (1995) Rock Mass Characterisation by 3D Resistive Tomography, Ground Engineering, 29, p.23.

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Research Office
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