Publications for Robert Flint
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Journal Articles
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Roberts, JA, Schultheiss, PJ, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, Wood, A, Holmes, R, Frederichs, T (2006)
Rapid non-contacting resistivity logging of core,
Geological Society Special Publication, 267, pp.209-217, ISSN: 0305-8719. DOI:
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK,
Flint, RC (2006)
High-resolution petrophysical characterization of samples from an aeolian sandstone: The Permian Penrith sandstone of NW England,
Geological Society Special Publication, 263, pp.49-63, ISSN: 0305-8719. DOI:
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Roberts, JA, Schultheiss, PJ, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, Wood, A, Holmes, R, Frederichs, T (2006) Rapid Non-contacting Resistivity Logging of Core,
Geological Society Special Publication, SP267, pp.119-137.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK,
Flint, RC (2006) High Resolution Petrophysical Characterisation of Samples from an Aeolian Sandstone: the Penrith Sandstone of NW England. In Fluid Flow and Solute Movement in Sandstones: the Onshore UK Permo-Triassic Red Bed Sequence,
Geological Society of London Special Publication, 263, tba.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, P,
Flint, RC, Harvey, PK (2005) Fracture Mapping with Electrical Core Images,
Petrophysics of Crystalline Rocks. The Geological Society of London (paper accepted), 240, pp.1-10.
Donnelly, LJ, Culshaw, MG, Hobbs, PRN,
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD (2005) Engineering Geological and Geophysical Investigations of a Slope Failure at Edinburgh Castle, Scotland,
British Geological Society, Engineering Geology, 64, pp.119-137.
Jackson, PD, Briggs, KB,
Flint, RC, Holyer, RJ, Sandidge, JC (2002) Two- and Three-dimensional Heterogeneity in Carbonate Seidments using Resistivity Imaging,
Marine Geology, 182, pp.55-76.
Jackson, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, McCann, D, Bent, M, Howes, D (2001) Cross-hole Seismic Measurements for Detection of Disturbed Ground Beneath Existing Structures,
NDT & E International, 34(2), pp.155-162.
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, McCann, DM (1999) Geophysical Imaging Inside Masonry Structures,
NDT & E International, 32(8), pp.469-479.
Jackson, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, Bent, MK, Howes, D (1999) Subsidence in Chalk using Seismic Tomography,
Earthwise, 4, p.13.
Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Lovell, MA, Gunn, DA, Williams, CG,
Flint, RC (1998) Measurement Scale and Formation Heterogeneity: Effects on the Integration of Resistivity Data,
Core-log Integration, Geological Society, 136, pp.261-272.
Briggs, KB, Jackson, PD, Holyer, R,
Flint, RC, Sandige, J, Young, D (1998) Two-dimensional Variability in Porosity, Density and Electrical Resistivity of Eckernforde Bay Sediment,
Continental Shelf Research, 18, pp.1939-1964.
Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Williams, CG, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA (1998) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging: A Petrophysical Link to Borehole Images,
The Log Analyst, 38(6), pp.45-53.
Jackson, PD, Gunn, DG,
Flint, RC, Beamish, D, Meldrum, PI, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Peyton, A (1997) A Non-contacting Resistivity Imaging Method for Characterising Whole Round Core at the Well Site,
In: Developments in Petrophysics, pp.1-10.
Jackson, P, Briggs, K,
Flint, RC (1996) Evaluation of Sediment Heterogeneity using Micro-resistivity Imaging and X-radiography,
Geo-Marine Letters, 16, pp.219-225.
Harvey, PK, Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Ashu, AP, Williamson, G, Smith, AS, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC (1995) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging III: Characterisation of an Aeolian sandstone,
Scientific Drilling, 5(4), pp.164-176.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Ball, JK, Williams, C,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Ashu, AP, Meldrum, PI (1995) Electrical Resenstivity Core Imaging I: A New Technology for High Resolution Investigation of Petrophysical Properties,
Scientific Drilling, 5(2), pp.139-151.
Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Williamson, G, Ball, JK, Ashu, AP, Williams, C (1995) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging II: Investigation of Fabric and Fluid Flow Characteristics,
Scientific Drilling, 5(4), pp.153-164.
Ogilvy, R, Jackson, P,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P (1995) Rock Mass Characterisation by 3D Resistive Tomography,
Ground Engineering, 29, p.23.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Roberts, J, Schultheiss, P, Gunn, DA,
Flint, RC, Wood, A, Holmes, R (2004) Rapid Non-Contacting Resistivity Logging of Core. In
Proceedings of the SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, UK, pp.1-10.
Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Roberts, J, Schultheiss, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, Wood, A (2003) Rapid Porosity/Lithology Logging of Soft Sediment Core using a Novel Non-contacting Resistivity Technique, New Ways of Looking at Sediment Cores and Core Data. In
Proceedings of the Geological Society International Conference and Workshop, Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, pp.1-6.
Lovell, M, Jackson, P,
Flint, RC, Harvey, P, Roberts, J (2003) Electrical Imaging of Fractured Core using a Novel Electrode Approach, New Ways of Looking at Sediment Cores and Core Data. In
Proceedings of the Geological Society International Conference and Workshop, Oceanography Centre, Southampton UK, pp.1-6.
Jackson, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, McCann, D, Bent, M, Howes, D (1999) Cross-hole Seismic Measurements for Detection of Hazards Beneath Exisiting Structures. In
proceedings of the '99 International Conference and Exhibition on Structural Faults and Repair, Commonwealth Institute, Kensington, London UK, pp.1-6.
Jackson, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, McGann, D, Bent, M, Howes, D (1999) Cross-hole Seismic Measurements for Detection of Hazards Beneath Exisiting Structures. In
Proceedings of the International Confrence and Exhibition, Structural Faults and Repair, Commonwealth Institute, Kensington, London UK, pp.CD-ROM.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC (1999) Application of Electrical Imaging to the Mapping of Fine-scale Connected Fractures in Core and Downhole. In
The Edinburgh Anisotropy Project Applied Seismic Anisotropy Workshop on Fracture Evaluation for Reservoir Description and Management, Edinburgh, Scotland UK, pp.1-20.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC (1999) Application of Electrical Imaging to the Mapping of Fine Scale Connected Fractures in Core and Downhole. In
London Petrophysical Society, Fracture and Insitu Stress Characterisation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Proceedings of the Geological Society, London Petrophysical Society, London, pp.1-6.
Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Briggs, KB (1998) Two and Three -dimensional heterogeneity in Carbonate Sediments using Resitivity Imaging. In
Proceedings of the 136th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Session 3pAO Invited Paper, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, p.1812.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Williams, CG,
Flint, RC, Williamson, G, Gunn, DA (1998) Improved Characterisation of Fine Scale Structure: Inegration of Downhole and Core Electrical Image Data. In
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Core Analysts, UK, pp.1-4.
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, McCann, DM (1998) Geophysical Imaging of Masonry Structures. In
Railway Engineering '98 1st International Conference, Brunel University, London, pp.1-6.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA,
Flint, RC, Harvey, PK (1998) Mapping Fine-scale Connected Open Fractures in Low Porosity Core using Microresistivity Measurements. In
Proceedings of Geoscience '98, Keele University, UK, pp.1-12.
Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Lovell, MA, Gunn, DA, Williams, CG,
Flint, RC (1996) Measurement Scale and Formation Heterogeneity: Effects on the Integration of Resisitivity Data. In
Proceedings of the Core-log Integration, Borehole Research Group of the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK, pp.1-8.
Jackson, PD, Gunn, DG,
Flint, RC, Beamish, D, Meldrum, PI, Lovell, MA (1995) A non-contracting Resistivity Imaging Method for Characterising Whole Round Core at the Well Site. In
Proceedings of Developments in Petrophysics, Borehole Research Group of the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK, pp.1-8.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Ball, JK, Williams, C,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Ashu, AP, Meldrum, PI (1994) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging: A New Technology for a High Resolution Investigation of Tetrophysical Properties. In
Proceedings of the 16th European Formation Evaluation Symposium, Aberdeen, Scotland, pp.10-13.
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK (1994) Micro-resistivity Imaging of Very High Porosity Sediments: An aid to the Evaluation of Heterogeneity. In
Proceedings of the Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting. Session 006 Coastal Benthic Boundary Layers, San Diego, USA, pp.1-16.
Jackson, PD, Briggs, KB,
Flint, RC, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK (1994) Evaluation f the Porosity Structure of Coastal Benthic Layers. In
Proceedings of the Ocean Sciences Meeting. Session 006 Coastal Benthic Boundary Layers, San Diego, pp.1-6.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Williamson, G, Ball, JK, Ashu, AP, Smith, AS,
Flint, RC (1994) Structural Implications from Fluid Flow and Electrical Resistivity Images in Aeolian Sandstones. In
Proceedings of the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa, OK, USA, pp.1-7.
Jackson, PD, Briggs, KB,
Flint, RC, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK (1994) The Investigation of Millimetre Scale Heterogeneity in Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer Sediments using Micro Resistivity and X-Ray Imaging of "Diver Cores". In
Proceedings of the 128th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America: Moderate-to-High Frequency Bottom Interacting Acoustics. Paper No. 2aUW1, Austin, Texas, USA, pp.1-10.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Ball, JK, Williams, C,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, PI (1994) Advances in Resistivity Core Imaging. In
Proceedings of the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa, OK, USA, pp.1-5.
Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Jackson, PD, Ball, JK, Ashu, AP,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA (1994) Electrical Resitivity Core Imaging: Towards a 3-Dimensional Solution. In
Proceedings of the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium, Tulsa, OK, USA, pp.1-5.
Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA (1994) Characterisation of Thinly Bedded Reservoirs: A Role for Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging?. In
Proceedings of the 16th European Formation Elvaluation Symposium, Aberdeen, Scotland, pp.1-6.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Ball, JK, Williams, C, Ashu, P,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P, Reece, G, Zheng, G (1992) Electrical Resistivity Core Imaging: - Theoretical and Practical Experiments as an Aid to Reservoir Characterisation. In
SPWLA 33rd Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma, USA, pp.1-6.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Cuellar, V, Ogilvy, RD, Meldrum, P, Hallam, JR, Green, CA, Evans, CJ, Pitcher, C,
Flint, RC (1991) Resistivity Imaging of Geological Structures at Site and Core Scales, Geophysical Imaging of the Rockmass. In
Proceedings of the Borehole Research Group of the Geological Society, Burlington House, London, England, pp.1-8.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Pitcher, C, Green, CA, Evans, CJ,
Flint, RC, Forster, A (1990) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Core Samples. Advances in Core Evaluation, Accuracy and Precision in Reserves Estimation. In Analysts, SOC (ed)
Proceedings of the European Core Analysis Symposium (EUROCAS I), London, England, pp.365-378.
Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Pitcher, C, Green, CA, Evans, CJ,
Flint, RC, Forster, A (1990) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Core Samples. In
Proceedings of the European Core Analysis Symposium (EUROCAS I), London, England, pp.1-10.
CD Objects
Jackson, P, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, McGann, D, Bent, M, Howes, D (1999)
Cross-hole Seismic Measurements for Detection of Hazards Beneath Exisiting Structures,Technics Press 1999.
Gunn, DA,
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD (1998)
Computer Programs to Process Cross-hole Seismic Data, p.60, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/98/18C.
Gunn, DA,
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, Hallam, J (1998)
Cross-hole Seismic Tomography Survey at the Old Vicaridge, Finings Road, Lane End, High Wycombe, p.41, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/98/17C.
Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Entwistle, DE (1997)
Micro-resistivity Imaging of Opalinus Marl, p.18, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/97/20C.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD, Harvey, PK, Williams, CW,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Hallam, JR (1996)
LAMBDA 2: Laboratory Resistivity Imaging: Core-log Calibration. Interim Report, p.34, Leicester University and the British Geological Survey.
Jackson, PD, Beamish, D, Busby, JP, Donelly, LJ,
Flint, RC, Greenwood, PG, Gunn, DA, Hallam, JR, Jackson, PD, Meldrum, PI, Raines, MG, Ogilvy, RD, Shedlock, SL (1996)
Technology Foresight & Capability Development - Development of Geotechnical Capability, Project 77BH 1995 to 1996, p.32, British Gelogical Survey, Engineering Geology Series, Project Note PN No. PN/96/9C.
Jackson, PD, Gunn, D,
Flint, RC, Beamish, D, Meldrum, PI, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK, Peyton, A (1996)
A Non-contacting Resistivity Imaging Method for Characterising Whole Round core While in its Liner, p.38, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/96/19C.
Ogilvy, RD, Straub, A, Sideris, GN, Jackson, PD, Shedlock, SL, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC (1995)
Development of Electrical Resistivity Tomographic Imaging and Inversion Techniques for Mineral Exploraton, p.32, British Geological Survey and Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration.
Ogilvy, RD, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC (1995)
Processing and Interpretation of 3D RESCAN Resistivity Datasets, Sellafield, Cumbria, p.25, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/95/27C.
Ogilvy, RD, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, PI (1995)
3D RESCAN Resistivity Mapping of Quaternary Geology, Sellafield, Cumbria, p.28, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/95/30C.
Ogilvy, RD, Straub, A, Sideris, GN, Jackson, PD, Hallam, JR, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC, Shedlock, SL (1995)
Development of Electrical Tomographic Imaging and Inversion Techniques for Mineral Exploration, p.38, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/96/1C.
Beamish, D,
Flint, RC, Greenwood, P, Jackson, P, Meldrum, P, Peart, R, Raines, M, Williams, C (1995)
Methods for the Recognition of Geological Weakness Zones and other Surface Discontinuities caused by Underground Mining in Caroniferous Terrain, p.35, British Geological Survey, Engineering Geology Series No. WN/95/37.
Flint, RC, Greenwood, PG, Jackson, PD, Peart, RJ (1995)
Methods for Recognition of Geological Weakness and other Surface Discontinuities casued by Underground Mining in Carboniferous Terrain, p.37, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/95/22.
Jackson, PD, Ogilvy, RD,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, PI (1995)
Areal Mapping of Seasonal Changes in Water Content within Surface Sediments by Electrical Resistivity, Sellafield District, Cumbria, p.31, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/95/33C.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA, Meldrum, P, Williams, C (1994)
LAMBDA, Laboratory Measurements and Borehole Data Analysis, Electrical Flow - Fluid Flow Project - Final Report Phase B 1st Apr - 28th Feb, p.69, University of Leicester and the British Geological Survey.
Flint, RC, Meldrum, PI, Gunn, DA, Jackson, PD (1994)
Instrument for Micro-resistivity Imaging, p.20, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/22.
Flint, RC, Meldrum, PI, Gunn, DA, Jackson, PD (1994)
Feasibility Study and Experimentation for the Measurement of Electrical Resistivity using a Non-contacting Core Imaging System, p.22, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/23C.
Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC, Ball, JK (1994)
Feasibility Study into the use of Micro-resistivity core Imaging for the Detection of Faults in Granodiorite, p.15, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/17.
Jackson, PD, Gunn, DA, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC (1994)
Numerical Simulation of 3D Resistivity Surveys with Contstrained Inversion, p.20, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/21.
Jackson, PD, Gunn, DA, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC (1994)
3D RESCAN Data Processing and Tomographic Presentation, p.18, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/20.
Jackson, PD, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC, Gunn, DA (1994)
Resistivity Imaging on the Perimeter of Two Landfill Sites, p.16, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/18.
Meldrum, PI, Jackson, PD, Williams, CG, Gunn, DA,
Flint, RC (1994)
Automatic Data Acquisition for 3D Resistivity Surveys, p.17, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/94/19.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Ashu, PA, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P, Williams, C, Zheng, K (1993)
Electrical Flow - Fluid Flow Project Interim Report (and Addendum) Phase IV 1st Apr - 25th May, p.103, University of Leicester and the British Geological Survey.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Ashu, PA, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P, Williams, C, Zheng, K (1993)
Electrical Flow - Fluid Flow Project Interim Report, Phase V 1st Apr - 30th Sept, p.62, University of Leicester and the British Geological Survey.
Bosworth, N, Bradley, D, Patel, A, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD (1993)
Borehole Logging Digitiser, p.16, British Geological Survey Technical Report WN/93/28.
Ogilvy, RD, Straub, A, Sideris, GN, Jackson, PD, Shedlock, SL, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC (1993)
Development of Electrical Resistivity Tomographic and Inversion Techniques for Mineral Exploration, p.16, British Geological Survey and Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration Technical Report No. WN/93/19C, Contract No. BRE2-CT2-0275, Periodic Report Nov 92 - Apr 93.
Ogilvy, RD, Straub, A, Sideris, GN, Jackson, PD, Shedlock, SL, Meldrum, PI,
Flint, RC (1993)
Development of Electrical Resistivity Tomographic and Inversion Techniques for Mineral Exploration, p.62, British Geological Survey and Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Technical Report wn/93/31C, Contract No. BRE2-CT2-0275, Periodic Report Apr 93 to oct 94.
Zheng, KG,
Flint, RC, Jackson, PD, Lovell, MA, Harvey, PK (1993)
Micro Resistivity Imaging of core Samples for Leg 108 Hole 658C (data report), p.19, British Geological Survey, Technical Report WN/93/23.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P, Williams, C, Zheng, K (1992)
Electrical Flow - Fluid Flow Project - Phase III Interim Report 1st Apr - 30th Sep, p.68, Leicester University.
Harvey, PK, Jackson, P, Lovell, M, Ball, JK,
Flint, RC, Meldrum, P, Williams, C, Zheng, K (1992)
Electrical Flow - Fluid Flow Project, Phase II, Interim Report, p.51, Leicester University.
Lovell, MA, Jackson, PD,
Flint, RC (1998)
Analysis of Porous Materials, UK Patent Application 9806740.8.
Jackson, PD, Pitcher, C, Meldrum, P, Lovell, MA,
Flint, RC (1990)
Apparatus and Method for Assessing the Geophysical Characters of Core Samples, UK Patent Application 9010236.9.