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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Cunjia Liu

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Journal Articles

Ma, S, Liu, C, Harvey, C, Bucknall, R, Liu, Y (2025) Adaptive informative path planning for active reconstruction of spatio-temporal water pollution dispersion using Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Applied Ocean Research, 156, pp.104458-104458, ISSN: 0141-1187. DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2025.104458.

Wang, X, Yang, J, Liu, C, Yan, Y, Li, S (2024) Safety-critical Disturbance Rejection Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unmatched Disturbances, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp.1-8, ISSN: 0018-9286. DOI: 10.1109/tac.2024.3496572.

Barros, T, Garrote, L, Conde, P, Coombes, M, Liu, C, Premebida, C, Nunes, UJ (2024) PointNetPGAP-SLC: a 3D LiDAR-based place recognition approach with segment-level consistency training for mobile robots in horticulture, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(11), pp.10471-10478, DOI: 10.1109/lra.2024.3475044.

Daniyan, A, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2024) Probability hypothesis density filter for parameter estimation of multiple hazardous sources, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 361(17), 107198, ISSN: 0016-0032. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2024.107198.

Nanavati, R, Coombes, M, Liu, C (2024) Distributed multi-robot source term estimation with coverage control and information theoretic based coordination, Information Fusion, 111(2024), 102503, ISSN: 1566-2535. DOI: 10.1016/j.inffus.2024.102503.

Cao, H, Shen, J, Liu, C, Zhu, B, Zhao, S (2024) Motion planning for aerial pick-and-place with geometric feasibility constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 22, pp.2577-2594, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI: 10.1109/tase.2024.3382296.

Li, Z, Chen, W-H, Yang, J, Liu, C (2024) Cooperative active learning-based dual control for exploration and exploitation in autonomous search, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, ISSN: 2162-237X. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3349467.

Li, Z, Deng, X, Lan, Y, Liu, C, Qing, J (2023) Fruit tree canopy segmentation from UAV orthophoto maps based on a lightweight improved U-Net, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 217, 108538, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2023.108538.

Liu, Y, Harvey, C, Hamlyn, FE, Liu, C (2023) Bayesian estimation and reconstruction of marine surface contaminant dispersion, Science of the Total Environment, 907(2024), 167973, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167973.

Yan, Y, Wang, X, Marshall, B, Liu, C, Yang, J, Chen, W-H (2023) Surviving disturbances: a predictive control framework with guaranteed safety, Automatica, 158, 111238, ISSN: 0005-1098. DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111238.

Hu, J, Li, J, Hou, Z, Jiang, J, Liu, C, Chu, L, Huang, Y, Zhang, Y (2023) Potential auto-driving threat: Universal rain-removal attack, iScience, 26(9), DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107393.

Liu, Y, Coombes, M, Liu, C (2023) Mesh-based consensus distributed particle filtering for sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 9, pp.346-356, DOI: 10.1109/tsipn.2023.3278469.

Cao, H, Li, Y, Liu, C, Zhao, S (2023) ESO-based robust and high-precision tracking control for aerial manipulation, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(2), pp.2139-2155, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI: 10.1109/tase.2023.3260874.

Nanavati, R, Meng, Y, Coombes, M, Liu, C (2023) Generalized data-driven optimal path planning framework for uniform coverage missions using crop spraying UAVs, Precision Agriculture, 24(4), pp.1497-1525, ISSN: 1385-2256. DOI: 10.1007/s11119-023-09999-3.

Hu, Y, Deng, X, Lan, Y, Chen, X, Long, Y, Liu, C (2023) Detection of Rice Pests Based on Self-Attention Mechanism and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, Insects, 14(3), pp.280-280, DOI: 10.3390/insects14030280.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2023) Structurally aware 3D gas distribution mapping using belief propagation: A real-time algorithm for robotic deployment, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(2), pp.1623-1637, ISSN: 1545-5955. DOI: 10.1109/tase.2023.3249651.

Liu, Y, Wang, Z, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Chen, W-H (2022) Auxiliary particle filtering over sensor networks under protocols of amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward relays, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 8, pp.883-893, DOI: 10.1109/tsipn.2022.3212318.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Westoby, P, Chen, W-H (2022) Autonomous search of an airborne release in urban environments using informed tree planning, Autonomous Robots, 47(1), pp.1-18, ISSN: 0929-5593. DOI: 10.1007/s10514-022-10063-8.

Zhang, Z, Chen, J, Xu, X, Liu, C, Han, Y (2022) Hawk‐eye‐inspired perception algorithm of stereo vision for obtaining orchard 3D point cloud navigation map, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 8(3), pp.987-1001, DOI: 10.1049/cit2.12141.

Li, Z, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2022) Review of UAV-based autonomous search algorithms for hazardous sources, SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 52(9), pp.1579-1597, ISSN: 1674-7267. DOI: 10.1360/SSI-2022-0044.

Liu, Y, Wang, Z, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Chen, W-H (2022) A novel algorithm for quantized particle filtering with multiple degrading sensors: degradation estimation and target tracking, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(4), pp.5830-5838, ISSN: 1551-3203. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2022.3176910.

Meng, Y, Zhong, W, Liu, C, Su, J, Su, J, Lan, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, M (2022) UAV spraying on citrus crop: impact of tank-mix adjuvant on the contact angle and droplet distribution, PeerJ, 10, e13064, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13064.

Wang, Y, Su, J, Zhai, X, Meng, F, Liu, C (2022) Snow Coverage Mapping by Learning from Sentinel-2 Satellite Multispectral Images via Machine Learning Algorithms, Remote Sensing, 14(3), pp.782-782, DOI: 10.3390/rs14030782.

Zuo, Z, Liu, C, Han, Q-L, Song, J (2022) Unmanned aerial vehicles: control methods and future challenges, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 9(4), pp.601-614, ISSN: 2329-9266. DOI: 10.1109/jas.2022.105410.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2022) Autonomous source term estimation in unknown environments: From a dual control concept to UAV deployment, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, pp.1-1, DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3143890.

Su, J, Yi, D, Coombes, M, Liu, C, Zhai, X, McDonald-Maier, K, Chen, W-H (2021) Spectral analysis and mapping of blackgrass weed by leveraging machine learning and UAV multispectral imagery, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 192, 106621, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2021.106621.

Yan, Y, Liu, C, Oh, H, Chen, W-H (2021) Dual-layer optimization-based control allocation for a fixed-wing UAV, Aerospace Science and Technology, 119, 107184, ISSN: 1270-9638. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2021.107184.

Dong, Z, Jiang, J, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Chen, W-H (2021) Economic model-predictive control for aircraft forced landing: Framework and two-level implementation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(2), pp.1119-1132, ISSN: 0018-9251. DOI: 10.1109/taes.2021.3117376.

Zhang, T, Xu, Z, Su, J, Yang, Z, Liu, C, Chen, W-H, Li, J (2021) Ir-UNet: Irregular segmentation U-shape network for wheat yellow rust detection by UAV multispectral imagery, Remote Sensing, 13(19), 3892, DOI: 10.3390/rs13193892.

Chen, W-H, Rhodes, C, Liu, C (2021) Dual Control for Exploitation and Exploration (DCEE) in autonomous search, Automatica, 133, 109851, ISSN: 0005-1098. DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109851.

Zhang, T, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2020) State and parameter estimation of the AquaCrop model for winter wheat using sensitivity informed particle filter, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 180, 105909, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105909.

Hutchinson, M, Liu, C, Thomas, P, Chen, W-H (2020) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hazardous Materials Response: Information-Theoretic Hazardous Source Search and Reconstruction, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 27(3), pp.108-119, ISSN: 1070-9932. DOI: 10.1109/mra.2019.2943006.

Yang, J, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Yan, Y, Chen, W-H (2020) Optimal path following for small fixed-wing UAVs under wind disturbances, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(3), pp.996-1008, ISSN: 1063-6536. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2020.2980727.

Yan, Y, Yang, J, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Li, S, Chen, W (2020) On the Actuator Dynamics of Dynamic Control Allocation for a Small Fixed-wing UAV with Direct Lift Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, ISSN: 1063-6536. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2019.2945909.

Su, J, Yi, D, Su, B, Mi, Z, Liu, C, Hu, X, Xu, X, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2020) Aerial Visual Perception in Smart Farming: Field Study of Wheat Yellow Rust Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp.1-1, ISSN: 1551-3203. DOI: 10.1109/tii.2020.2979237.

Yang, J, Li, T, Liu, C, Li, S, Chen, W-H (2020) Nonlinearity Estimator-Based Control of A Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp.1-1, ISSN: 0018-9286. DOI: 10.1109/tac.2019.2940567.

Yi, D, Su, J, Hu, L, Liu, C, Quddus, M, Dianati, M, Chen, W-H (2019) Implicit personalization in driving assistance: State-of-the-art and open issues, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 5(3), pp.397-413, ISSN: 2379-8858. DOI: 10.1109/tiv.2019.2960935.

Coombes, M, Fletcher, T, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2019) Decomposition-based mission planning for fixed-wing UAVs surveying in wind, Journal of Field Robotics, 37(3), pp.440-465, ISSN: 1556-4959. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21928.

Ren, J, Quan, Q, Liu, C, Cai, K-Y (2019) Docking control for probe-drogue refueling: An additive-state-decomposition-based output feedback iterative learning control method, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, ISSN: 1000-9361. DOI: 10.1016/j.cja.2019.11.007.

Hutchinson, M, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2019) Information-Based Search for an Atmospheric Release Using a Mobile Robot: Algorithm and Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27(6), pp.2388-2402, ISSN: 1063-6536. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2018.2860548.

Zhang, T, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2019) Bayesian calibration of AquaCrop model for winter wheat by assimilating UAV multi-spectral images, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167, 105052, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105052.

Su, J, Liu, C, Hu, X, Xu, X, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2019) Spatio-temporal monitoring of wheat yellow rust using UAV multispectral imagery, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167, 105035, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105035.

Su, J, Coombes, M, Liu, C, Zhu, Y, Song, X, Fang, S, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2019) Machine learning-based crop drought mapping system by UAV remote sensing RGB imagery, Unmanned Systems, 8(1), pp.71-83, ISSN: 2301-3850. DOI: 10.1142/S2301385020500053.

Yi, D, Su, J, Liu, C, Quddus, M, Chen, WH (2019) A Machine Learning Based Personalized System for Driving State Recognition, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, ISSN: 0968-090X.

Hutchinson, M, Liu, C, Chen, W (2019) Source term estimation of a hazardous airborne release using an unmanned aerial vehicle, Journal of Field Robotics, 36(4), pp.797-817, ISSN: 1556-4959. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21844.

Yan, Y, Zhang, C, Liu, C, Yang, J, Li, S (2019) Disturbance rejection for nonlinear uncertain systems with output measurement errors: Application to a helicopter model, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(5), pp.3133-3144, ISSN: 1941-0050. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2019.2910841.

Liu, C, Li, B, Chen, W-H (2019) Particle filtering with soft state constraints for target tracking, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(6), pp.3492-3504, ISSN: 0018-9251. DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2019.2908292.

Zhang, TX, Su, JY, Liu, CJ, Chen, WH (2019) Potential Bands of Sentinel-2A Satellite for Classification Problems in Precision Agriculture, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 16(1), pp.16-26, ISSN: 1476-8186. DOI: 10.1007/s11633-018-1143-x.

Yi, D, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2019) Personalized driver workload inference by learning from vehicle related measurements, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 49(1), pp.159-168, ISSN: 2168-2216. DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2764263.

Yi, D, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2019) New driver workload prediction using clustering-aided approaches, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 49(1), pp.64-70, ISSN: 2168-2216. DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2871416.

Yi, D, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2018) Trajectory clustering aided personalized driver intention prediction for intelligent vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(6), pp.3693-3702, ISSN: 1551-3203. DOI: 10.1109/tii.2018.2890141.

Su, J, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Hu, X, Wang, C, Xu, X, Li, Q, Guo, L, Chen, WH (2018) Wheat yellow rust monitoring by learning from multispectral UAV aerial imagery, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 155, pp.157-166, ISSN: 0168-1699. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2018.10.017.

Li, Z, Zhang, L, Liu, H, Zuo, Z, Liu, C (2018) Nonlinear robust control of tail-sitter aircrafts in flight mode transitions, Aerospace Science and Technology, 81, pp.348-361, ISSN: 1270-9638. DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.08.021.

Coombes, M, Fletcher, T, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2018) Optimal polygon decomposition for UAV survey coverage path planning in wind, Sensors, 18(7), pp.2132-2132, DOI: 10.3390/s18072132.

Zhao, Z, Yang, J, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2018) Nonlinear composite bilateral control framework for n-DOF teleoperation systems with disturbances, Science China Information Sciences, 61(7), ISSN: 1674-733X. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-017-9341-y.

Smith, J, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2017) Disturbance Observer Based Control with Anti-Windup Applied to a Small Fixed Wing UAV for Disturbance Rejection, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 88(2-4), pp.329-346, ISSN: 0921-0296. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-017-0534-5.

Su, J, Yi, D, Liu, C, Guo, L, Chen, WH (2017) Dimension reduction aided hyperspectral image classification with a small-sized training dataset: Experimental comparisons, Sensors (Switzerland), 17(12), ISSN: 1424-8220. DOI: 10.3390/s17122726.

Li, B, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2017) An Auxiliary Particle Filtering Algorithm with Inequality Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(9), pp.4639-4646, ISSN: 0018-9286. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2016.2624698.

Lu, H, Liu, C, Coombes, M, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2017) Online optimisation-based backstepping control design with application to quadrotor, IET Control Theory & Applications, ISSN: 1751-8644. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2015.0976.

Liu, C and Chen, W-H (2016) Disturbance rejection flight control for small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, ISSN: 1533-3884. DOI: 10.2514/1.G001958.

Chen, J, Li, Q, Liu, C, Li, P, Ren, Z (2016) Integrated guidance and control design based on a reference model, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 14(5), pp.1299-1308, ISSN: 1598-6446. DOI: 10.1007/s12555-015-0048-5.

Yu, M, Liu, C, Li, B, Chen, W-H (2016) An Enhanced Particle Filtering Method for GMTI Radar Tracking, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 52(3), pp.1408-1420, ISSN: 0018-9251. DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2016.140561.

Liu, C, Coombes, M, Li, B, Chen, W-H (2016) Enhanced situational awareness for unmanned aerial vehicle operating in terminal areas with circuit flight rules, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISSN: 0954-4100. DOI: 10.1177/0954410016636156.

Lu, H, Liu, C, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2016) Constrained anti-disturbance control for a quadrotor based on differential flatness, International Journal of Systems Science, ISSN: 0020-7721. DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2016.1244307.

Lu, H, Liu, C, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2015) Flight control design for small-scale helicopter using disturbance observer based backstepping, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (AIAA), ISSN: 0731-5090. DOI: 10.2514/1.G001196.

Zhao, D, Liu, C, Stobart, R, Deng, J, Winward, E, Dong, G (2014) An explicit model predictive control framework for turbocharged diesel engines, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61(7), pp.3540-3552, ISSN: 0278-0046. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2013.2279353.

Liu, C, McAree, O, Chen, WH (2013) Path-following control for small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles under wind disturbances, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 23(15), pp.1682-1698, ISSN: 1049-8923. DOI: 10.1002/rnc.2938.

Liu, C, Chen, WH, Andrews, J (2012) Explicit non-linear model predictive control for autonomous helicopters, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 226(9), pp.1171-1182, ISSN: 0954-4100. DOI: 10.1177/0954410011418585.

Liu, C, Chen, WH, Andrews, J (2012) Tracking control of small-scale helicopters using explicit nonlinear MPC augmented with disturbance observers, Control Engineering Practice, 20(3), pp.258-268, ISSN: 0967-0661. DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.10.015.

Srikanthakumar, S, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2012) Optimization-based safety analysis of obstacle avoidance systems for unmanned aerial vehicles, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 65(1-4), pp.219-231, ISSN: 0921-0296. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-011-9586-0.

Liu, C, Chen, WH, Andrews, J (2011) Piecewise constant model predictive control for autonomous helicopters, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59(7-8), pp.571-579, ISSN: 0921-8890. DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2011.04.004.

Liu, C, Clarke, J, Chen, WH, Andrews, J (2011) Rapid prototyping flight test environment for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 12(3), pp.200-209, ISSN: 1746-6172. DOI: 10.1504/IJMIC.2011.039699.

Liu, C, Chen, WH, Andrews, J (2010) Experimental Tests of Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Preview, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 7(3), pp.342-348, ISSN: 1476-8186. DOI: 10.1007/s11633-010-0513-9.


Tang, S, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2024) Dual control of exploration and exploitation for wave energy converters. In 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL); 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), Winchester, United Kingdom,ISBN: 9798350374261. DOI: 10.1109/CONTROL60310.2024.10531894.

Glover, T, Nanavati, R, Coombes, M, Liu, C, Chen, W-H, Perree, N, Hiscocks, S (2024) A Monte Carlo tree search framework for autonomous source term estimation in stone soup. In 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Venice, Italy.

Nanavati, R, Rhodes, C, Coombes, M, Liu, C (2024) Low-to-high resolution path planner for robotic gas distribution mapping. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2024, Yokohama, Japan.

Shi, Y, McAreavey, K, Liu, C, Liu, W (2024) Reinforcement Learning for Source Location Estimation: A Multi-Step Approach. In , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. DOI: 10.1109/ICIT58233.2024.10540860.

Li, N, Chen, H, Sun, Z, Gao, J, Yi, D, Liu, C, Su, J (2024) Real-time Semantic Segmentation of Solar Photovoltaic Arrays for Autonomous UAV Flights. In , Chinese Control Conference, CCC, pp.7292-7297, DOI: 10.23919/CCC63176.2024.10662016.

Sampath, SK, Wang, N, Wu, H, Liu, C, Jiang, J, Yang, C (2024) Integrating Vision and Learning-based Method for Dexterous Grasping. In , ICAC 2024 - 29th International Conference on Automation and Computing. DOI: 10.1109/ICAC61394.2024.10718846.

Glover, T, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2023) Dual control inspired active sensing for bearing-only target tracking. In 2023 26th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Charleston, USA,ISBN: 9798890344854. DOI: 10.23919/FUSION52260.2023.10224202.

Tang, S, Chen, WH, Liu, C, Li, Z (2023) New Formulation of Wave Energy Converter Control Using Extremum Seeking. In , IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp.11705-11710, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.531.

Marshall, B, Knowles, J, Yan, Y, Liu, C (2023) A novel disturbance device for aerial manipulation experiments. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM); 2023 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM),, ISBN: 9781665466615. DOI: 10.1109/ICM54990.2023.10101979.

Liu, Y, Coombes, M, Liu, C (2023) Consensus-Based Distributed Source Term Estimation with Particle Filter and Gaussian Mixture Model. In , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, pp.130-141, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21062-4_11.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2022) Scalable probabilistic gas distribution mapping using Gaussian belief propagation. In 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022); 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, pp.9459-9466, ISBN: 9781665479271. DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981901.

Chen, T, Meng, Y, Su, J, Liu, C (2022) Deep CNN based droplet deposition segmentation for spray distribution assessment. In 2022 27th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC2022); 2022 27th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), Bristol, United Kingdom,ISBN: 9781665498074. DOI: 10.1109/ICAC55051.2022.9911061.

Glover, T, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2022) Visibility informed Bernoulli filter for target tracking in cluttered environments. In 2022 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION); 2022 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Linköping, Sweden,ISBN: 9781737749721. DOI: 10.23919/fusion49751.2022.9841344.

Tyagi, P, Liu, C, Sujit, PB (2022) Energy optimal 3D target tracking using fixed-wing UAV. In , 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2022, pp.1404-1410, DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS54217.2022.9836170.

Guo, Y, Liu, C, Coombes, M (2021) Spraying Coverage Path Planning for Agriculture Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In , 2021 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing: System Intelligence through Automation and Computing, ICAC 2021. DOI: 10.23919/ICAC50006.2021.9594271.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2020) Informative path planning for gas distribution mapping in cluttered environments. In IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, USA, pp.6726-6732, ISBN: 9781728162126. DOI: 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341781.

Coombes, M, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2019) Flight testing Boustrophedon coverage path planning for fixed wing UAVs in wind. In 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, pp.711-717, ISBN: 9781538660270. DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793943.

Hutchinson, M, Ladosz, P, Liu, C, Chen, WH (2019) Experimental assessment of plume mapping using point measurements from unmanned vehicles. In 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, QC, Canada, pp.7720-7726, ISBN: 9781538660263. DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793848.

Rhodes, C, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2019) An information theoretic approach to path planning for frontier exploration. In UK-RAS19 Conference: "Embedded Intelligence: Enabling and Supporting RAS Technologies"; UK-RAS19 Conference: “Embedded Intelligence: Enabling & Supporting RAS Technologies” Proceedings, pp.40-43, DOI: 10.31256/ukras19.11.

Zhang, T, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2019) Integration of calibration and forcing methods for predicting timely crop states by using AquaCrop-OS model. In 2nd UK-RAS Robotics and Autonomous Systems Conference, Loughborough, 2019; UK-RAS19 Conference Proceedings "Embedded Inteligence: Enabling & Supporting RAS Technologies", Loughborough, UK, pp.108-111, DOI: 10.31256/ukras19.29.

Yang, J, Liu, C, Zuo, Z, Chen, WH (2018) A Simple Optimal Planer Path Following Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In European Control Conference 2018, 2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018, Limassol Cyprus, pp.1809-1814, ISBN: 9783952426982. DOI: 10.23919/ECC.2018.8550125.

Zhang, T, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2018) Bayesian calibration of AquaCrop model. In 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC); 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Wuhan, China, pp.10334-10339, ISBN: 9789881563958. DOI: 10.23919/chicc.2018.8482859.

Liu, D, Liu, H, Liu, C, Zhu, B, Li, Z (2018) Robust Optimal Attitude Controller Design for Tail-Sitters. In , Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp.4233-4237, DOI: 10.23919/ACC.2018.8431535.

Smith, J, Yang, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2018) Actuator dynamics augmented DOBC for a small fixed wing UAV. In IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Lyon, France. DOI: 10.1109/ICIT.2018.8352149.

Hutchinson, M, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2018) Information based mobile sensor planning for source term estimation of a non-continuous atmospheric release. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Australia,ISBN: 9781538630815. DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8460686.

Hu, LCS, Su, J, Hutchinson, M, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2018) Bayesian estimation of a periodically-releasing biochemical source using sensor networks. In UKACC, Sheffield. DOI: 10.1109/CONTROL.2018.8516751.

Su, J, Coombes, M, Liu, C, Guo, L, Chen, W-H (2018) Wheat drought assessment by remote sensing imagery using unmanned aerial vehicle. In , Wuhan, China,ISBN: 9789881563958. DOI: 10.23919/chicc.2018.8484005.

Coombes, M, Chen, W-H, Liu, C (2018) Fixed wing UAV survey coverage path planning in wind for improving existing ground control station software. In , Wuhan, China, pp.9820-9825, ISBN: 9789881563958. DOI: 10.23919/ChiCC.2018.8482722.

Zhang, T, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H, Liu, H, Liu, G (2017) Band selection in Sentinel-2 satellite for agriculture applications. In 23rd International Conference on Automation & Computing, Huddersfield,ISBN: 9780701702601. DOI: 10.23919/IConAC.2017.8081990.

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Wang, X, Zuo, Z, Liu, C (2016) Three dimensional path-following control of an under-actuated airship. In 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chinese Control Conference, CCC, Chendu, China, pp.4627-4632, ISBN: 9789881563910. DOI: 10.1109/ChiCC.2016.7554070.

Meng, F, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2016) Dynamic decision making in lane change: game theory with receding horizon. In 11th UKACC International Conference on Control, Belfast,ISBN: 9781467398916. DOI: 10.1109/CONTROL.2016.7737643.

Coombes, M, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2016) Situation awareness for UAV operating in terminal areas using bearing-only observations and circuit flight rules. In The 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, USA,ISBN: 9781467386821. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2016.7524960.

Yi, D, Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2016) Data-driven situation awareness algorithm for vehicle lane change. In 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio,ISBN: 9781509018895. DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795677.

Smith, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2016) Disturbance observer based control for gust alleviation of a small fixed-wing UAS. In International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, 22209, United States,ISBN: 9781467393348. DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS.2016.7502575.

Oh, H, Liu, C, Kim, S, Shin, H-S, Chen, W-H (2015) Coordinated standoff tracking of in- and out-of-surveillance targets using constrained particle filter for UAVs. In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Seoul, South Korea,ISBN: 9781467372671. DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2015.7225734.

Liu, C, Lu, H, Chen, W-H (2015) An explicit MPC for quadrotor trajectory tracking. In The 34th Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China. DOI: 10.1109/ChiCC.2015.7260264.

Chen, J, Li, Q, Liu, C, Ren, Z, Bai, C (2014) Guaranteed cost control of uncertain impulsive switched systems with nonlinear disturbances. In 2014 UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL), pp.151-156, DOI: 10.1109/control.2014.6915131.

Yu, M, Liu, C, Chen, W-H, Chambers, J (2014) A Bayesian framework with an auxiliary particle filter for GMTI-based ground vehicle tracking aided by domain knowledge. In Kadar, I (ed) SPIE Defense + Security, SPIE Proceedings, pp.90911I-90911I, DOI: 10.1117/12.2050160.

Liu, C and Chen, WH (2013) Hierarchical path planning and flight control of small autonomous helicopters using MPC techniques. In , IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, pp.417-422, DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2013.6629504.

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Liu, C, Li, B, Chen, W-H (2013) Road network based vehicle navigation using an improved IMM particle filter. In , IFAC Proceedings Volumes, pp.193-198, DOI: 10.3182/20130626-3-au-2035.00056.

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Deng, J, Stobart, R, Liu, C, Winward, E (2012) Explicit model predictive control of the diesel engine fuel path. In , SAE Technical Papers. DOI: 10.4271/2012-01-0893.

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Su, J, Liu, C, Chen, W-H (2022) UAV multispectral remote sensing for yellow rust mapping: opportunities and challenges. In Zhang, Z, Liu, H, Yang, C, Ampatzidis, Y, Zhou, J, Jiang, Y (ed) Unmanned Aerial Systems in Precision Agriculture: Technological Progresses and Applications, Springer, pp.107-122, ISBN: 9789811920264. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2027-1_7.

Liu, C and Chen, W (2017) Dynamics Modelling and System Identification of Small Unmanned Helicopters. In Unknown Parent Title, Wiley, pp.255-282, ISBN: 9781118928684. DOI: 10.1002/9781118928691.ch7.

Oh, H, Kim, S, Liu, C, Tsourdos, A (2015) Airborne Monitoring of Ground Traffic Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In Engineering & Technology Reference, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp.1-11.


Liu, C, Li, B, Chen, W-H (Accepted for publication) Particle Filtering with Soft State Constraints (Matlab code).

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