Publications for Thomas Thurnell-Read
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Journal Articles
Newman, H, Nyhagen, L,
Thurnell-Read, T (2025)
Moral, health, and aesthetic risks: performance-enhancing drug use and the culture of silence in the UK Strongwoman community,
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, ISSN: 2159-676X. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2024)
Alcohol, adaptation and (in)activity in the narratives of older consumers,
Consumption and Society, pp.1-18, DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2024)
Book Review: Intoxication: An Ethnography of Effervescent Revelry,
Acta Sociologica, 67(2), pp.260-261, ISSN: 0001-6993. DOI:
Thomas, GM and
Thurnell-Read, T (2024)
Later-Life Masculinities: (Re)forming the Gendered Lives of Older Men,
Men and Masculinities, 27(2), pp.190-209, ISSN: 1097-184X. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2023)
‘It’s a small little pub, but everybody knew everybody’: pub culture, belonging and social change,
Sociology, 58(2), pp.420-436, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI:
Thurnell‐Read, T (2022)
Gender and craft drinks,
Sociology Compass, ISSN: 1751-9020. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2021)
‘A couple of these videos is all you really needed to get pumped to skate’: Subcultural media, nostalgia and re-viewing 1990s skate media on YouTube,
YOUNG, 30(2), pp.165-182, ISSN: 1103-3088. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2021) Foreword for Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in an Evolving Sector,
Researching Craft Beer: Understanding Production, Community and Culture in An Evolving Sector, pp.xiii-xv.
Thurnell-Read, T, Robinson, D, Herbst, J-P, Spracklen, PK (2020)
Rhythm and booze: Contesting leisure mobilities on the Transpennine Real Ale Trail,
Mobilities, pp.1-17, ISSN: 1745-0101. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2020)
‘If they weren’t in the pub, they probably wouldn’t even know each other’: alcohol, sociability and pub based leisure,
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 4(1), pp.61-78, ISSN: 2520-8683. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2020)
Book Review: From Taverns to Gastropubs: Food, Drink, and Sociality in England,
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, 125(6), pp.1698-1700, ISSN: 0002-9602. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2020)
Kindred spirits: Doing family through craft entrepreneurship,
The Sociological Review, pp.003802612091613-003802612091613, ISSN: 0038-0261. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2019)
‘You won't see anyone promoting a Bronze’: Awards and ambivalence amongst craft gin producers,
Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 4(2), DOI:
Ward, MRM and
Thurnell-Read, T (2019)
Boyhood and belonging,
Boyhood Studies, 12(2), pp.1-10, ISSN: 2375-9240. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2019)
A thirst for the authentic: craft drinks producers and the narration of authenticity,
The British Journal of Sociology, 70(4), pp.1448-1468, ISSN: 0007-1315. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T, Brown, L, Long, P (2018)
International students’ perceptions and experiences of British drinking cultures,
Sociological Research Online, ISSN: 1360-7804. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2017)
‘What’s on your bucket list?’: Tourism, identity and imperative experiential discourse,
Annals of Tourism Research, ISSN: 0160-7383. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2016)
'Did you ever hear of police being called to a beer festival?' Discourses of merriment, moderation and 'civilized' drinking amongst real ale enthusiasts,
Sociological Review, ISSN: 0038-0261. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2016)
The embourgeoisement of beer: changing practices of ‘real ale’ consumption,
Journal of Consumer Culture, ISSN: 1469-5405. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
‘Real Ale’ Enthusiasts, Serious Leisure and the Costs of Getting ‘Too Serious’ About Beer,
Leisure Sciences, 38(1), pp.68-84, ISSN: 0149-0400. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2014)
Craft, tangibility and affect at work in the microbrewery,
Emotion, Space and Society, 13, pp.46-54, ISSN: 1755-4586. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2013)
'Yobs' and 'Snobs': Embodying drink and the problematic male drinking body,
Sociological Research Online, 18(2), DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2012)
What Happens on Tour,
Men and Masculinities, 15(3), pp.249-270, ISSN: 1097-184X. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2012)
Tourism place and space,
Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2), pp.801-819, ISSN: 0160-7383. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2011)
Off the Leash and Out of Control: Masculinities and Embodiment in Eastern European Stag Tourism,
Sociology, 45(6), pp.977-991, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2011)
‘Common-sense’ research: Senses, emotions and embodiment in researching stag tourism in Eastern Europe,
Methodological Innovations Online, 6(3), pp.39-49, ISSN: 2059-7991. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T and Parker, A (2008)
Men, masculinities and firefighting: Occupational identity, shop-floor culture and organisational change,
Emotion, Space and Society, 1(2), pp.127-134, ISSN: 1755-4586. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2008)
Book Review: H. Campbell, M. Mayerfeld and M. Finney (eds). Country Boys: Masculinity and Rural Life University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, no price stated hbk, no price stated pbk (ISBN 0 271 02875 0), xi + 324 pp,
Sociology, 42(2), pp.387-389, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T and Monaghan, M (2023)
Intoxication Self, State and Society, Springer Nature, ISBN: 9783031191718.
Skey, M, Thurnell-Read, T, Heřmanová, M (ed) (2022)
Introduction: Cultures of authenticity, Emerald Publishing Ltd, ISBN: 9781801179379. DOI:
Heřmanová, M, Skey, M,
Thurnell-Read, T (2022)
Cultures of authenticity. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T and Fenton, L (2022)
Alcohol, Age, Generation and the Life Course, Springer Nature, ISBN: 9783031040177.
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
An introduction to drinking dilemmas: space culture and identity, © Routledge, ISBN: 9781138931145.
Casey, M and
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
Introduction. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T and Casey, M (2014)
Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism, Springer, ISBN: 9781137341464.
Thurnell-Read, T and Monaghan, M (2023)
Introduction to Intoxication: self, state and society. In
Intoxication: Self, State and Society, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-18, ISBN: 9783031191701. DOI:
Hu, J and
Thurnell-Read, T (2022)
Authenticity, distinction and value in the narratives of Chinese consumers of vintage costume jewellery. In
Cultures of Authenticity, pp.137-152, DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T and Fenton, L (2022)
Introduction: Alcohol, age, generation and the life course. In
Alcohol, Age, Generation and the Life Course, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-25, ISBN: 9783031040160. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2022)
Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication, pp.113-126, DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (Accepted for publication) Beer Consumption, Embodied Distaste and Anti-Corporate Consumer Identities. In Falconer, E (ed) Space, Taste and Affect, pp.0-0.
Thurnell-Read, T (2017) Atmosphere and Activism at the Great British Beer Festival. In
Untapped Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Craft Beer, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9781943665686.
Thurnell-Read, T (2017) Atmosphere and activism at the Great British beer festival. In
Untapped: Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Craft Beer, pp.137-154.
Thurnell-Read, T (2016)
Masculinity, age and rapport in qualitative research. In
Gender Identity and Research Relationships, Emerald, pp.23-41, ISBN: 9781786350268. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2016)
Identity, friendship and sociality. In
The SAGE Handbook of Drug & Alcohol Studies Volume 1 Social Science Approaches, SAGE Publications Limited, pp.1-1, ISBN: 9781446298664.
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
Beer and belonging: real ale consumption, place and identity. In
Drinking Dilemmas: Space, culture and identity, © Routledge, pp.45-61, ISBN: 9781138931145.
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
An introduction to drinking dilemmas: Space, culture and identity. In
Drinking Dilemmas: Space, Culture and Identity, pp.1-12, DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2015)
‘Just Blokes Doing Blokes’ Stuff’: Risk, Gender and the Collective Performance of Masculinity during the Eastern European Stag Tour Weekend. In
Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences, pp.43-57, DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2014)
‘Just blokes doing blokes’ stuff’: Risk, gender and the collective performance of masculinity during the Eastern European stag tour weekend. In
Unknown Parent Title, © Palgrave Macmillan, pp.43-57, ISBN: 9781137341457. DOI:
Thurnell-Read, T (2011) ‘Here comes the drunken cavalry’: Managing and negotiating the Britishness of all-Male Stag tours in Eastern Europe’. In McGlynn, C, Mycock, A, McAuley, J (ed)
Britishness, Identity and Citizenship: the View from Abroad, Peter Lang, pp.215-231, ISBN: 978-3034302265.