Journal Articles
Natale, S, Li, EC-Y, Punathambekar, A, Keightley, E (2025)
Rethinking keywords in media and cultural studies during and beyond COVID-19: Editorial,
Media, Culture & Society, 47(2), pp.412-417, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2024)
Digital media and the banalization of deception,
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, ISSN: 1354-8565. DOI:
Umbrello, S and
Natale, S (2024)
Reframing Deception for Human-Centered AI,
International Journal of Social Robotics, 16(11), pp.2223-2241, ISSN: 1875-4791. DOI:
Bory, P,
Natale, S, Katzenbach, C (2024)
Strong and weak AI narratives: an analytical framework,
AI & SOCIETY, ISSN: 0951-5666. DOI:
Natale, S and Treré, E (2024)
Dreaming of seamless interfaces: media and friction from the feuilleton to personal computing,
Information, Communication & Society, 27(10), pp.1945-1963, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI:
Capraro, V, Lentsch, A, Acemoglu, D, Akgun, S, Akhmedova, A, Bilancini, E, Bonnefon, JF, Brañas-Garza, P, Butera, L, Douglas, KM, Everett, JAC, Gigerenzer, G, Greenhow, C, Hashimoto, DA, Holt-Lunstad, J, Jetten, J, Johnson, S, Kunz, WH, Longoni, C, Lunn, P,
Natale, S, Paluch, S, Rahwan, I, Selwyn, N, Singh, V, Suri, S, Sutcliffe, J, Tomlinson, J, Van Der Linden, S, Van Lange, PAM, Wall, F, Van Bavel, JJ, Viale, R (2024)
The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making,
PNAS Nexus, 3(6), DOI:
Natale, S and Henrickson, L (2024)
The Lovelace effect: Perceptions of creativity in machines,
New Media & Society, 26(4), pp.1909-1926, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Natale, S and Depounti, I (2024)
Artificial Sociality,
Human-Machine Communication, 7, pp.83-98, ISSN: 2638-602X. DOI:
Natale, S (2024)
Introduction: Museums and the history of computing,
Museums and the History of Computing: Objects, Narratives and Practice, pp.1-9, DOI:
Keightley, E, Li, EC-Y,
Natale, S, Punathambekar, A (2023)
Editorial: encounters with Western media theory,
Media, Culture & Society, 45(2), pp.406-412, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Sarda, T,
Natale, S, Downey, J (2022)
Inventing the dark Web: Criminalization of privacy and the apocalyptic turn in the imaginary of the Web,
First Monday, 27(11), DOI:
Depounti, I, Saukko, P,
Natale, S (2022)
Ideal technologies, ideal women: AI and gender imaginaries in Redditors’ discussions on the Replika bot girlfriend,
Media, Culture & Society, 45(4), pp.720-736, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S and Guzman, AL (2022)
Reclaiming the human in machine cultures: Introduction,
Media, Culture & Society, 44(4), pp.627-637, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2021)
What if deception is banal? For a new media theory in the age of disinformation,
Studi Culturali, 18(3), pp.437-448, ISSN: 1824-369X. DOI:
Natale, S and Cooke, H (2020)
Browsing with Alexa: interrogating the impact of voice assistants as web interfaces,
Media, Culture & Society, 43(6), pp.1000-1016, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2020)
Communicating through or communicating with: Approaching Artificial Intelligence from a communication and media studies perspective,
Communication Theory, 31(4), pp.905-910, ISSN: 1050-3293. DOI:
Treré, E,
Natale, S, Keightley, E, Punathambekar, A (2020)
The limits and boundaries of digital disconnection [Editorial],
Media, Culture and Society, 42(4), pp.605-609, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2020)
When art history meets information theory, or on media theory outside media theory,
MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, 1(1), pp.50-53, ISSN: 2691-1566.
Natale, S and Treré, E (2020)
Vinyl won’t save us: reframing disconnection as engagement,
Media, Culture and Society, 42(4), pp.626-633, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2020)
To believe in Siri: A critical analysis of AI voice assistants,
Communicative Figurations Working Papers, 32, ISSN: 2367-2277.
Lesage, F and
Natale, S (2019)
Rethinking the distinctions between old and new media: Introduction,
Convergence: the journal of research into new media technologies, 25(4), pp.575-589, ISSN: 1354-8565. DOI:
Natale, S, Bory, P, Balbi, G (2019)
The rise of corporational determinism: Digital media corporations and narratives of media change,
Critical Studies in Media Communication, 36(4), pp.323-338, ISSN: 1529-5036. DOI:
Sarda, T,
Natale, S, Sotirakopoulos, N, Monaghan, M (2019)
Understanding online anonymity,
Media, Culture and Society, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2018)
If software is narrative: Joseph Weizenbaum, artificial intelligence, and the biographies of ELIZA,
New Media and Society, 21(3), pp.712-728, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Natale, S and Ballatore, A (2017)
Imagining the thinking machine: Technological myths and the rise of artificial intelligence,
Convergence, 26(1), pp.3-18, ISSN: 1354-8565. DOI:
Natale, S (2016)
Unveiling the biographies of media: on the role of narratives, anecdotes and storytelling in the construction of new media’s histories,
Communication Theory, 26(4), pp.431-449, ISSN: 1050-3293. DOI:
Natale, S (2016)
There are no old media,
Journal of Communication, 66(4), pp.585-603, ISSN: 1460-2466. DOI:
Ballatore, A and
Natale, S (2015)
E-readers and the death of the book: or, new media and the myth of the disappearing medium,
New Media & Society, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Balbi, G and
Natale, S (2015)
The double birth of wireless: Italian radio amateurs and the interpretative flexibility of new media,
Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 22(1), pp.26-41, ISSN: 1937-6529. DOI:
Natale, S (2015)
Spreading the spirit word: print media, storytelling, and popular culture in nineteenth-century spiritualism,
Communication+1, 4, pp.1-18.
Natale, S (2015)
The historian and the antiquarian: Erkki Huhtamo’s media archaeology [book review],
Cinémas, 25.2-3, ISSN: 1181-6945. DOI:
Natale, S and Balbi, G (2014)
Media and the imaginary in history: the role of the fantastic in different stages of media change,
Media History, 20(2), pp.203-218, ISSN: 1368-8804. DOI:
Natale, S and Ballatore, A (2014)
The web will kill them all: new media, digital utopia, and political struggle in the Italian 5-Star Movement,
Media, Culture and Society, 36(1), pp.105-121, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Natale, S (2014)
Introduction: new media and the imagination of the future,
Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 8.2 (2014), 8(2), ISSN: 1918-2104.
Natale, S (2013)
Spiritual stars: religion and celebrity in the careers of spiritualist mediums,
Celebrity Studies, 4(1), pp.94-96, ISSN: 1939-2397. DOI:
Natale, S (2013)
Geisterglaube, unterhaltung und showgeschäft im 19 jahrhundert,
Historische Anthropologie, 21(3), ISSN: 0942-8704. DOI:
Von Simone, N (2013)
Belief in Spirits, Entertainment and Show Business in the 19th Century,
Historische Anthropologie, 21(3), pp.324-342, ISSN: 0942-8704. DOI:
Natale, S (2012)
A short history of superimposition: From spirit photography to early cinema,
Early Popular Visual Culture, 10(2), pp.125-145, ISSN: 1746-0654. DOI:
Natale, S (2012)
Photography and communication media in the nineteenth century,
History of Photography, 36(4), pp.451-456, ISSN: 0308-7298. DOI:
Natale, S (2012)
Un dispositivo fantasmatico: cinema e spiritismo,
Bianco e Nero, (573), pp.82-91, ISSN: 0394-008X. DOI:
Natale, S (2012)
Fantasie mediali: la storia dei media e la sfida dell’immaginario,
Studi Culturali, 9(2), pp.269-284, ISSN: 1824-369X. DOI:
Natale, S (2012)
Understanding media archaeology,
Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(3), pp.523-527, ISSN: 1499-6642.
Natale, S (2011)
The medium on the stage: trance and performance in nineteenth-century spiritualism,
Early Popular Visual Culture, 9(3), pp.239-255, ISSN: 1746-0654. DOI:
Natale, S (2011)
The invisible made visible,
Media History, 17(4), pp.345-358, ISSN: 1368-8804. DOI:
Natale, S (2011)
The cinema of exposure: spiritualist exposés, technology, and the dispositif of early cinema,
Recherches sémiotiques, 31(1-2-3), pp.113-113, ISSN: 0229-8651. DOI:
Natale, S (2011)
A cosmology of invisible fluids: wireless, x rays and psychical research around 1900,
Canadian Journal of Communication 36.2 (2011): 263-75, 36(2), pp.263-275, ISSN: 1499-6642.
Natale, S (2010)
Spiritualism exposed: scepticism, credulity and spectatorship in end-of-the-century America,
European Journal of American Culture, 29(2), pp.131-144, ISSN: 1466-0407. DOI:
Natale, S (2024)
The many lives of WeChat: curating histories of the web in museum environments. In Aasman, S, Ben-David, A, Brügger, N (ed)
The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group),ISBN: 9781032497785.
Natale, S (2024)
The many lives of WeChat. In
The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies, Routledge, pp.306-315, DOI:
Natale, S (2024)
Introduction [Museums and the History of Computing: Objects, Narratives and Practice]. In
Natale, S, Foti, P, Parry, R (ed)
Museums and the History of Computing: Objects, Narratives and Practice, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), pp.1-9, ISBN: 9781003424703. DOI:
Natale, S (2024)
THE MANY LIVES OF WECHAT: Curating histories of the web in museum environments. In
The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies, pp.306-315, DOI:
Ballatore, A and
Natale, S (2023)
Technological failures, controversies and the myth of AI. In
Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence, pp.237-244, DOI:
Natale, S (2021)
Introduction [Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the Turing Test]. In
Deceitful Media Artificial Intelligence and Social Life After the Turing Test, Oxford University Press, USA, pp.1-15, ISBN: 9780190080365. DOI:
Natale, S (2021) Specters of the Mind: Ghosts, Illusion, and Exposure in Paul: Leni’s The Cat and the Canary. In
ReFocus: the Films of Paul Leni, pp.158-171.
Natale, S and Ortoleva, P (2020)
Allucinazione e media. In Barra, L and Galvagno, GC (ed)
Media-storie: Lezioni indimenticate di Peppino Ortoleva, Viella, pp.73-77, ISBN: 9788833133263.
Natale, S and Pasulka, DW (2019)
Introduction [Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural]. In
Natale, S and Pasulka, D (ed)
Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural, Oxford University Press, pp.1-18, ISBN: 9780190949983.
Natale, S (2019)
Amazon can read your mind: a media archaeology of the algorithmic imaginary. In
Natale, S and Pasulka, D (ed)
Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural, Oxford University Press, pp.19-36, ISBN: 9780190949990.
Ballatore, A and
Natale, S (2018)
Fallimenti, controversie e il mito tecnologico dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. In
Fallimenti digitali, Edizioni Unicopli, pp.1-15, ISBN: 9788840019765.
Leonardi, N and
Natale, S (2018)
Introduction [Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century]. In
Unknown Parent Title, Pennsylvania State University Press,ISBN: 9780271079158.
Natale, S (2018)
A mirror with wings: Photography and the new era of communications. In
Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century, Pennsylvania State University Press, pp.36-48, ISBN: 978-0-271-07915-8.
Natale, S and Bory, P (2016)
Constructing the biography of the web: an examination of the narratives and myths around the web’s birth. In
Web 25: Histories from the First 25 Years of the World Wide Web, © Peter Lang,ISBN: 9781433132698.
Natale, S (2016)
The spectacular supernatural and the birth of the media entertainment industry. In J, K (ed)
Unknown Parent Title, © Macmillan Reference, pp.249-262, ISBN: 9780028662909.
Natale, S (2016)
Introduction. In
Supernatural entertainments: Victorian spiritualism and the rise of modern media culture, Pennsylvania State University Press, pp.1-17, ISBN: 9780271071046.
Natale, S (2015)
Specters of the mind: ghosts, illusion, and exposure in Paul Leni’s The Cat and the Canary. In
Cinematic Ghosts, Bloomsbury Academic, pp.59-75, ISBN: 9781628922141.
Natale, S (2013)
Mediums and stars: mediumship, show business, and celebrity in nineteenth-century spiritualism. In
The Spiritualist Movement: Speaking with the Dead in America and around the World, Praeger, pp.237-251, ISBN: 978-0-313-39947-3.
Natale, S (2013) Mediums and Stars: Mediumship, Show Business, and Celebrity in Nineteenth-Century Spiritualism. In
The Spiritualist Movement: Speaking with the Dead in America and around the World: Volume 1: American Origins and Global Proliferation, Volume 2: Belief, Practice, and Evidence for Life after Death, Volume 3: Social and Cultural Responses,V3-237-V3-252.
Natale, S (2010)
Spettacoli spettrali: spiritismo, cinema e fantasmi. In
Diversamente Vivi: Zombie, fantasmi, mummie, vampiri, © Editrice Il Castoro, pp.157-162, ISBN: 9788880335627.