Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 263171
Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Robert Deakin

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Journal Articles

Deakin, R and Nicolescu, G (2022) Socialist fragments East and West: Towards a comparative anthropology of global (post-)socialism, Critique of Anthropology, 42(2), pp.114-136, ISSN: 0308-275X. DOI: 10.1177/0308275x221095938.

Deakin, R (Accepted for publication) Ambivalent Decay, Roadsides, 12, DOI: 10.26034/roadsides-202401209.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453