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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Ozge Onay

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Journal Articles

Onay, Ö (2025) Security Measures or Islamophobic Policies? A Systematic Review Using the WPR Approach, Journal of Penal Law and Criminology / Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi, 0(0), pp.0-0, ISSN: 2602-3911. DOI: 10.26650/jplc2024-1520359.

Onay, O (2024) The unfinished politics of race: histories of political participation, migration, and multiculturalism, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(13), pp.2904-2905, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2234015.

Onay, Ö (2024) ‘Am I less British?’: Racism, belonging, and the children of refugees and immigrants in North London by Doğuş Şimşek [Book review], Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2379535.

Onay, O (2024) Navigating Racialisation and Whiteness: British Turks’ Struggles for Belonging in Multiscale Public Spaces within the UK, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 11(2), pp.105-122, DOI: 10.29333/ejecs/1964.

Onay, Ö (2024) Living the clash within: secular/conservative divide of immigrant Turkish parents on the identity formations of British Turks, Journal of Family Studies, 30(3), pp.329-345, ISSN: 1322-9400. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2023.2225499.

Onay, Ö (2024) Brexit’s Illusion: Decoding Islamophobia and Othering in Turkey’s EU Accession Discourse among British Turks, Religions, 15(4), pp.498-498, DOI: 10.3390/rel15040498.

Onay, Ö, Millington, G, Onay, Ö (2024) Negotiations with whiteness in British Turkish Muslims’ encounters with Islamophobia, Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp.1-22, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2317955.

Onay, O (2022) Islam on Campus: Contested Identities and the Cultures of Higher Education in Britain, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(8), pp.1602-1604, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1959043.

Onay, O (2022) Islamophobia and surveillance: genealogies of a global order, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(3), pp.558-560, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1892792.

Onay, Ö (2021) The diminishing agency of urbanised Alevis against the rise of political Islam in Turkey, Poligrafi, 26(101 / 102), pp.177-200, ISSN: 1318-8828. DOI: 10.35469/poligrafi.2021.281.

Onay, O (2021) Islamophobic hate crime: a student hand book, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(13), pp.2487-2489, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1864431.

Onay, Ö (2019) Cultural studies: Motivation behind, pp.190-199.

Onay, O (2018) Cultural Studies: Motivation Behind, ŞİDDET VE SOSYAL TRAVMALAR.

Karayalçın, Ö (2016) Pueblos Silenciosos/Silent Comunities: Within the Grain, Against the Grain, CINEJ Cinema Journal, 5(2), pp.147-155, DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2016.142.

Onay, Ö (Accepted for publication) Reading Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining Against the Backdrop of His Cinematic Expression, CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(1), pp.385-405, DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2024.621.


Onay, O (Accepted for publication) Indigenous Heritage and Racialised Extraction: The Environmental Injustices of Gold Mining in Turkey's Ida Mountains. In BSA Annual Conference, Manchester University, UK.

Onay, O (2021) Conceptualising Identities Beyond State Policies: Second-Generation British Turks and the Challenge of Islamophobia in Britain. In PhD Summer School held at the University of Ljubljana in the name of ESA (European Sociological Association), University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Onay, O (2021) Diminishing Agency of Urbanised Alevis Against the Rise of Political Islam in Turkey. In Voices at the Margins?, University of Brighton, UK.

Onay, O (2018) The Affective Interactions Between Turkish-Cypriots and a Ruined Physical Environment: Varosha, the Tale of the Ghost Town. In City (re)shaped, University of Leeds, UK.


Onay, Ö (Accepted for publication) In the Shadow of Islamophobia Identity and Belonging for British Turks, Routledge, ISBN: 9781032777337.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453