Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Ozge Onay

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Journal Articles

Onay, Ö (2024) ‘Am I less British?’: Racism, belonging, and the children of refugees and immigrants in North London by Doğuş Şimşek [Book review], Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2379535.

Onay, O (2024) Navigating Racialisation and Whiteness: British Turks’ Struggles for Belonging in Multiscale Public Spaces within the UK, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 11(2), pp.105-122, DOI: 10.29333/ejecs/1964.

Onay, Ö (2024) Living the clash within: secular/conservative divide of immigrant Turkish parents on the identity formations of British Turks, Journal of Family Studies, 30(3), pp.329-345, ISSN: 1322-9400. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2023.2225499.

Onay, Ö (2024) Brexit’s Illusion: Decoding Islamophobia and Othering in Turkey’s EU Accession Discourse among British Turks, Religions, 15(4), pp.498-498, DOI: 10.3390/rel15040498.

Onay, Ö, Millington, G, Onay, Ö (2024) Negotiations with whiteness in British Turkish Muslims’ encounters with Islamophobia, Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp.1-22, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2317955.

Onay, O (2023) The unfinished politics of race: histories of political participation, migration, and multiculturalism, Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp.1-2, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2234015.

Onay, O (2022) Islam on Campus: Contested Identities and the Cultures of Higher Education in Britain, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(8), pp.1602-1604, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1959043.

Onay, O (2022) Islamophobia and surveillance: genealogies of a global order, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(3), pp.558-560, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1892792.

Onay, Ö (2021) The diminishing agency of urbanised Alevis against the rise of political Islam in Turkey, Poligrafi, 26(101 / 102), pp.177-200, ISSN: 1318-8828. DOI: 10.35469/poligrafi.2021.281.

Onay, O (2021) Islamophobic hate crime: a student hand book, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(13), pp.2487-2489, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1864431.

Onay, Ö (2019) Cultural studies: Motivation behind, pp.190-199.

Onay, O (2018) Cultural Studies: Motivation Behind, ŞİDDET VE SOSYAL TRAVMALAR.

Karayalçın, Ö (2016) Pueblos Silenciosos/Silent Comunities: Within the Grain, Against the Grain, CINEJ Cinema Journal, 5(2), pp.147-155, DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2016.142.

Onay, Ö (Accepted for publication) Reading Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining Against the Backdrop of His Cinematic Expression, CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(1), pp.385-405, DOI: 10.5195/cinej.2024.621.


Onay, Ö (Accepted for publication) In the Shadow of Islamophobia Identity and Belonging for British Turks, Routledge, ISBN: 9781032777337.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453