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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Masahiro Suzuki

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Journal Articles

Suzuki, M, Price, L, McEwan, A, Lorenza, L, Bloomfield, C, Pascoe, V, Power, D, Stanton, L (2025) Young people’s justice-related concerns in regional Australia: Insights from a participatory action research project on youth-led communication on health and justice, Children and Youth Services Review, pp.108192-108192, ISSN: 0190-7409. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2025.108192.

George, A-J, Lowik, V, Suzuki, M, Corbett-Jarvis, N (2024) The "trauma-informed" court: specialist approaches to managing sexual offence proceedings - part 2, Journal of Judicial Administration, 33(2), pp.45-85, ISSN: 1036-7918.

Suzuki, M, Sagara, S, Yamawaki, N, Hashiba, N (2024) A path to tertiary desistance: a qualitative metasynthesis, Punishment & Society, ISSN: 1462-4745. DOI: 10.1177/14624745241264298.

Islam, MJ, Suzuki, M, Mazumder, N (2024) Promoting access to justice in Bangladesh: Towards a hybrid justice model, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 77, pp.100655-100655, ISSN: 1756-0616. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2024.100655.

Suzuki, M and Jenkins, T (2024) Redefining forgiveness in restorative justice, Criminal Justice Studies, 37(3), pp.273-289, ISSN: 1478-601X. DOI: 10.1080/1478601x.2024.2349586.

Suzuki, M (2024) Offender journeys in restorative youth justice conferencing: the overlap between restorative justice and desistance, Deviant Behavior, pp.1-21, ISSN: 0163-9625. DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2024.2352047.

Sagara, S, Suzuki, M, Hashiba, N, Yamawaki, N, Takenaka, Y (2024) Mapping desistance research: a systematic quantitative literature review from 2011 to 2020, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 63(3), pp.171-187, ISSN: 1050-9674. DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2024.2320437.

Wood, WR and Suzuki, M (2024) Getting to accountability in restorative justice, Victims & Offenders, 19(7), pp.1400-1423, ISSN: 1556-4886. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2024.2333304.

Lowik, V, George, A-J, Suzuki, M, Corbett-Jarvis, N (2024) The “trauma-informed” court: specialist approaches to managing sexual offence proceedings - part 1, Journal of Judicial Administration, 33(1), pp.29-41, ISSN: 1036-7918.

Suzuki, M (2023) Victim Recovery in Restorative Justice: A Theoretical Framework, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(12), pp.1893-1908, ISSN: 0093-8548. DOI: 10.1177/00938548231206828.

Lorenza, L, Pascoe, V, Price, L, McCartney, F, McEwan, A, Bloomfield, C, Suzuki, M, Power, D, Stanton, L (2023) No Dramas: Using applied theatre to explore youth health issues in regional Central Queensland, Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(6), pp.1115-1125, ISSN: 1038-5282. DOI: 10.1111/ajr.13043.

Suzuki, M and Jenkins, T (2023) Apology–forgiveness cycle in restorative justice, but how?, International Review of Victimology, 29(2), pp.259-276, ISSN: 0269-7580. DOI: 10.1177/02697580221079994.

Suzuki, M (2023) Revisiting the Real Story of Restorative Justice in the Criminal Justice System: 20 Years On, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 65(2), pp.78-96, ISSN: 1707-7753. DOI: 10.3138/cjccj.2022-0061.

Suzuki, M and Otani, A (2023) Ageing, Institutional Thoughtlessness, and Normalisation in Japan’s Prisons, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, pp.1-12, ISSN: 0192-4036. DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2023.2188236.

Islam, MJ, Suzuki, M, Mazerolle, P (2023) Police responses to intimate partner violence incidents involving children: Exploring variations in actions and concerns in an Australian jurisdiction, Child Abuse & Neglect, 147, pp.106568-106568, ISSN: 0145-2134. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106568.

Suzuki, M and Jenkins, T (2022) The role of (self-)forgiveness in restorative justice: Linking restorative justice to desistance, European Journal of Criminology, 19(2), pp.202-219, ISSN: 1477-3708. DOI: 10.1177/1477370819895959.

Brewster, D, Mukai, T, Takahashi, Y, Takenaka, Y, Sagara, S, Suzuki, M, Aizawa, I (2022) テキストマイニングを用いた都道府県再犯防止推進計画の検討, 実践政策学, 8(2), pp.137-145.

Suzuki, M (2022) Possibility of Sincere Apology in Restorative Justice: When and How?, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, pp.2211322-0306624, ISSN: 0306-624X. DOI: 10.1177/0306624x221132238.

Zakaria, E, Kamarudin, NN, Mohamad, ZS, Suzuki, M, Rathakrishnan, B, Singh, SSB, Rahman, ZA, Sabramani, V, Shaari, AH, Kamaluddin, MR (2022) The Role of Family Life and the Influence of Peer Pressure on Delinquency: Qualitative Evidence from Malaysia, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), pp.7846-7846, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19137846.

Suzuki, M and Yuan, X (2021) How Does Restorative Justice Work? A Qualitative Metasynthesis, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(10), pp.1347-1365, ISSN: 0093-8548. DOI: 10.1177/0093854821994622.

Suzuki, M (2020) From ‘what works’ to ‘how it works’ in research on restorative justice conferencing: the concept of readiness, The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 3(3), pp.356-373, ISSN: 2589-0891. DOI: 10.5553/ijrj.000049.

Suzuki, M and Takeuchi, K (2020) Future of Youth Justice in Japan, Youth Justice, 20(3), pp.183-198, ISSN: 1473-2254. DOI: 10.1177/1473225419869988.

Wood, WR and Suzuki, M (2020) Are Conflicts Property? Re-Examining the Ownership of Conflict in Restorative Justice, Social & Legal Studies, 29(6), pp.903-924, ISSN: 0964-6639. DOI: 10.1177/0964663920911166.

Suzuki, M and Pai, C-F (2019) Towards Culture-Inclusive Criminology in Asia, International Annals of Criminology, 57(1-2), pp.8-24, ISSN: 0003-4452. DOI: 10.1017/cri.2020.2.

Suzuki, M (2019) 修復的司法研究の動向, 犯罪社会学研究, 44, pp.134-140.

Suzuki, M and Wood, WR (2018) Is restorative justice conferencing appropriate for youth offenders?, Criminology & Criminal Justice, 18(4), pp.450-467, ISSN: 1748-8958. DOI: 10.1177/1748895817722188.

Islam, MJ, Suzuki, M, Mazumder, N, Ibrahim, N (2018) Challenges of implementing restorative justice for intimate partner violence: An Islamic perspective, Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 37(3), pp.277-301, ISSN: 1542-6432. DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2018.1440277.

Suzuki, M, Pai, C-F, Islam, MJ (2018) Correction to: Systematic Quantitative Literature Review on Criminological Theories in Asia, Asian Journal of Criminology, 13(2), pp.153-153, ISSN: 1871-0131. DOI: 10.1007/s11417-018-9264-2.

Suzuki, M, Pai, C-F, Islam, MJ (2018) Systematic Quantitative Literature Review on Criminological Theories in Asia, Asian Journal of Criminology, 13(2), pp.129-151, ISSN: 1871-0131. DOI: 10.1007/s11417-017-9262-9.

Suzuki, M and Otani, A (2017) Myths of restorative features in the Japanese justice system and society: the role of apology, compensation and confession, and application of reintegrative shaming, Restorative Justice, 5(2), pp.158-177, ISSN: 2050-4721. DOI: 10.1080/20504721.2017.1339955.

Suzuki, M and Wood, WR (2017) Co-option, coercion and compromise: challenges of restorative justice in Victoria, Australia, Contemporary Justice Review, 20(2), pp.274-292, ISSN: 1028-2580. DOI: 10.1080/10282580.2017.1311194.

Suzuki, M and Wood, WR (2017) Restorative Justice Conferencing as a ‘Holistic’ Process: Convenor Perspectives, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 28(3), pp.277-292, ISSN: 1034-5329. DOI: 10.1080/10345329.2017.12036075.

Suzuki, M (2017) 修復的少年司法の批判的分析ーオーストラリアを事例としてー, 罪と罰, 54(2), pp.76-90.

Wood, WR and Suzuki, M (2016) Four Challenges in the Future of Restorative Justice, Victims & Offenders, 11(1), pp.149-172, ISSN: 1556-4886. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2016.1145610.

Suzuki, M and Hayes, H (2016) Current Debates over Restorative Justice: Concept, Definition and Practice, Prison Service Journal, 228, pp.4-8, ISSN: 0300-3558.

McEwan, A, Price, L, Suzuki, M, Pascoe, V, Lorenza, L, Bloomfield, C, Power, D, Stanton, L (Accepted for publication) Rural Youth Participation in Youth Justice Research: Towards a Rights-Based Approach, Youth Justice, ISSN: 1473-2254. DOI: 10.1177/14732254241310691.


Wood, W, Suzuki, M, Tauri, J (2024) Restorative Justice in Australia and New Zealand: A Faustian Bargain with the State. In G, M, I, M, B, P (ed) Restorative Justice at a Crossroads Dilemmas of Institutionalisation, Taylor & Francis, pp.11-39, ISBN: 9781003850298.

Wood, WR, Suzuki, M, Hayes, H, Bolitho, J (2021) Roadblocks and Diverging Paths for Restorative Justice in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. In Comparative Restorative Justice, Springer International Publishing, pp.197-221, ISBN: 9783030748739. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74874-6_10.

Suzuki, M and Wood, W (2017) Restorative Justice. In A, D and R, S (ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Australian and New Zealand Criminology, Crime and Justice, Springer, pp.393-406, ISBN: 9783319557472.


George, A-J, Lowik, V, Suzuki, M, Corbett-Jarvis, N (2023) Specialist Approaches to Managing Sexual Assault Proceedings: An Integrative Review, Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration.

Lorenza, L, Price, L, Bloomfield, C, Pascoe, V, McEwan, A, Suzuki, M (2023) No Dramas: Participatory Action Research Using Applied Theatre in Regional Queensland to Enable Youth-Led Communication on Health and Justice Priorities, Central Queensland University.

Wood, W, Jeffrey, S, Suzuki, M, Lovann, H, Piggott, E (2019) Analysis of Evidence Relating to Best-Practice in the Delivery of Restorative Justice Conferencing with Adult Offenders and Their Victims, Griffith Criminology Institute.

Wood, W, Wallis, R, Suzuki, M (2017) Surveying Victimization Experiences among Young Detainees: A Report for the Thai Ministry of Justice, Griffith Institute of Criminology.

Suzuki, M (2013) Restorative Justice in Yarra Schools Project: A Report for the Collingwood Neighbourhood Justice Centre, Neighbourhood Justice Centre.


Wood, WR, Suzuki, M, Hayes, H (2022) Restorative Justice in Youth and Adult Criminal Justice, Restorative justice is an innovative justice response to crime and offending that takes many forms such as victim-offender meetings, family group conferencing and youth justice conferencing, and sentencing or peacemaking circles. While restorative practices are used in a wide variety of contexts such as schools and workplaces to respond to and resolve conflict, restorative justice practices are predominantly used within criminal and youth justice. Key goals of restorative justice include (a) meeting victim needs of participation in justice processes and redress for harms caused to them, (b) asking wrongdoers to be accountable and actively responsible for making amends to victims and other they have harmed, and (c) involving primary and community stakeholders in restorative practices that repair harms to victims, promote offender reintegration, and enhance community safety and well-being. Existing research shows that restorative justice consistently meets most of these goals better than conventional court practices. However, restorative justice also appears to work better in some cases than in others, and also faces several limitations and challenges within its use in criminal justice systems. Limitations include dependence of restorative justice on state justice apparatuses for definitions of harm, and lack of fact-finding mechanisms that render most uses of restorative justice as diversionary or postadjudicative responses to offending. Challenges include lack of agreement on the aims and goals of restorative justice theoretically and in practice, administrative dilution and co-option of restorative aims and goals within increased institutionalization in criminal justice agencies, and uncertainty about the ability of restorative justice to redress harms situated within social-structural forms of violence and oppression such as gendered violence and systemic racism. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.658.

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