Publications for Line Nyhagen
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Journal Articles
Newman, H,
Nyhagen, L, Thurnell-Read, T (2025)
Moral, health, and aesthetic risks: performance-enhancing drug use and the culture of silence in the UK Strongwoman community,
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, ISSN: 2159-676X. DOI:
Orphanides, R,
Nyhagen, L, Keightley, E (2022)
Constructions of self and the pursuit of ‘authenticity’ in women’s magazines: A study of British and Greek discourses,
European Journal of Cultural Studies, 26(6), pp.822-839, ISSN: 1367-5494. DOI:
Errichiello, G and
Nyhagen, L (2021)
“Dubai is a transit lounge”: Migration, temporariness and belonging among Pakistani middle-class migrants,
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 30(2), pp.119-142, ISSN: 0117-1968. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2020)
“It’s not macho, is it?”: contemporary British Christian men’s constructions of masculinity,
The Journal of Men’s Studies, 29(3), pp.259-277, ISSN: 1060-8265. DOI:
Li, X,
Nyhagen, L, Klein, T (2020)
Encounter, initiation, and commitment: Christian conversion among new Chinese migrants in Britain, pp.77-96, ISSN: 1877-5233. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2019)
Contestations of feminism, secularism and religion in the West: the discursive othering of religious and secular women,
Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 32(1/2019), pp.4-21, ISSN: 0809-7291. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2019)
Mosques as Gendered Spaces: The Complexity of Women’s Compliance with, And Resistance to, Dominant Gender Norms, And the Importance of Male Allies,
Religions, 10(5), pp.1-15, DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2018)
Citizenship, religion, gender and the politics of belonging: A case study of white, middle-class christian men in the East Midlands, United Kingdom,
Culture and Religion, 19, ISSN: 1475-5610. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2017)
Gender equality, intersectionality and gender diversity in Europe [review],
Nora: Nordic journal of women's studies, 24(4), pp.288-291, ISSN: 0803-8740. DOI:
Antonsich, M, Mavroudi, E, Mihelj, S (2017)
Building inclusive nations in the age of migration,
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 2016, ISSN: 1547-3384. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2017)
Book review: Profit and gift in the digital economy,
The Sociological Review, ISSN: 1467-954X. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2017)
The lived religion approach in the sociology of religion and its implications for secular feminist analyses of religion,
Social Compass: international review of sociology of religion, ISSN: 0037-7686. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2015)
Conceptualizing lived religious citizenship: a case-study of Christian and Muslim women in Norway and the United Kingdom,
Citizenship Studies, 19(6-7), ISSN: 1469-3593. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2014)
International migration and social theory (book review),
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(12), pp.2060-2061, ISSN: 1469-9451. DOI:
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2012)
Recognising place, space and nation in researching women's movements: FEMCIT,
Women's Studies International Forum, 35(3), pp.141-143, ISSN: 0277-5395. DOI:
Predelli, LN and Cebulla, A (2011)
Perceptions of labour market risks: Shifts and continuities across generations,
Current Sociology, 59(1), pp.24-41, ISSN: 0011-3921. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2009)
Book Reviews,
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 17(3), pp.468-471, ISSN: 1478-2804. DOI:
Predelli, LN, France, A, Dearden, C (2008)
Introduction: The Poverty of Policy? Gaps in Anti-Poverty Policy for Children and Young People,
Social Policy and Society, 7(4), pp.471-477, ISSN: 1474-7464. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2008)
Political and cultural ethnic mobilisation: The role of immigrant associations in Norway,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34(6), pp.935-954, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2008)
Religion, citizenship and participation: A case study of immigrant Muslim women in Norweigian mosques,
European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(3), pp.241-260.
Predelli, LN, France, AP, Dearden, C (2008)
Introduction: The poverty of policy? Gaps in anti-poverty policy for children and young people,
Social Policy and Society, 7(4), pp.471-477.
Predelli, LN (2008)
Democratic community: Political inclusion and ethnic mobilisation,
Predelli, LN (2005) Religion og Deltakelse: Moskeen Som Kjoennet Arena,
kvinder, Koen & Forskning, 14(1 - 2), pp.47-60, ISSN: 0907-6182.
Predelli, LN (2004)
Interpreting gender in Islam. A case study of Immigrant Muslim Women in Oslo, Norway,
Gender and society, 18(4), pp.473-493, ISSN: 0891-2432. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2004)
Missionary Women and Feminism in Norway, 1906-1910,
North south. Gendered Views from Norway. Journal of Gender Research in Norway, Special edition, pp.1-24.
Predelli, LN (2004) Fortolkninger av kjoenn i Islam. En case-studie av mulimske kvinner i Oslo. (Interpretations of gender in Islam. A case-studie of Muslim women in Oslo.),
Kvinneforskning (Journal of Gender Research in Norway), Vol 28(3), pp.24-43.
Predelli, LN (2003)
Karin Sarja,“Ännu en syster till Afrika”. Trettiosex kvinnliga missionärer i Natal och Zululand 1876–1902. With English summary [“Yet Another Sister for Africa”. Thirty-six Female Missionaries in Natal and Zululand 1876–1902] (Uppsala: Studia Missionalia Svecana, 2002).ISBN 91-85424-77-3.,
Scandinavian Journal of History, 28(3-4), pp.301-303, ISSN: 0346-8755. DOI:
Predelli, LN and Baklien, B (2003)
Autonomy and Dependence in State Cultural Policy: A Case Study of the Foundation Culture of the Future in Sweden,
International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9(3), pp.299-317, ISSN: 1028-6632. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2003)
Emma Dahl: Contesting the patriarchal gender regime of the Norwegian missionary society in madagascar,
Scandinavian Journal of History, 28(2), pp.103-120, ISSN: 0346-8755. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2003) Kjonn, Religion Og Deltakelse: En Case-Studie Av Muslimske Kvinner I Oslo (Gender, Religion and Participation: A Case - Study of Muslim Women in Oslo),
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Sociology), Vol 11(4), pp.369-393, ISSN: 0804-0486.
Predelli, LN (2002) Marriage and Race in Early Twentieth Century Missionary Practice and Discourse in Norway and Madagascar,
Tidsskrift for kirke, religion og samfunn, Vol.15,(No.1), pp.43-65.
Predelli, LN (2001)
Missionary women an feminism in Norway, 1906-1910,
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 9(1), pp.37-52, ISSN: 0803-8740. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2001)
Marriage in Norwegian Missionary Practice and Discourse in Norway and Madagascar, 1880-1910,
Journal of Religion in Africa, 31(1), pp.4-4, ISSN: 0022-4200. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2001)
Marriage in Nineteenth Century Protestant Mission Practice and Discourse: The Case of the Norwegian Missionary Society,
Journal of religion in Africa, 31(1), pp.4-48.
Predelli, LN (2001)
Missionary Women and Feminism in Norway, 1906 - 1910,
Nora - Nordic Journal of Women's Studies, 9(1), pp.37-52.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2001)
Marriage in Norwegian Missionary Practice and Discourse in Norway and Madagascar, 1880-1910,
Journal of Religion in Africa, 31(1), pp.4-48, DOI:
Predelli, LN (2000)
Sexual Control and the Remaking of Gender: The Attempt of Nineteenth-Century Protestant Norwegian Women to Export Western Domesticity to Madagascar,
Journal of Women's History, 12(2), pp.81-103, DOI:
Predelli, LN (2000)
Processes of gender democratization in evangelical missions: The case of the Norwegian Missionary Society,
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 8(1), pp.33-46, ISSN: 0803-8740. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2000)
Sexual Control and the Remaking of Gender: The Attempt of Nineteenth Century Protestant Women to Export Western Domesticity,
Journal of Women's History, 12(2), pp.81-103.
Predelli, LN (2000)
Processes of Gender Democratisation in Evangelical Missions: The Case of the Norwegian Missionary Society,
Nora-Nordic Journal of Womens Studies, 8(1), pp.33-46.
Predelli, LN (1999) Norske Kvinners Forsok Paa aa Eksportere Vestlig Femininitet Til Madagaskar (The Attempt of Norwegian Missionary Women to Export Western Femininity to Madagascar),
Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon, 53(3), pp.209-228.
Predelli, LN (1999) Emma Dahl: Kvinner Maa Faa Forkynne (Emma Dahl: Women must be allowed to Preach,
Historie, Vol 9(4), pp.22-29.
Predelli, LN (1998) Emansipasjon Av Kvinner Ute Og Hjemme: Misjons Feminisme Og Dens Mottakelse Blant Misjonsbevegelse Og Kvinnebevegelse (Emancipation of Women at Home and Abroad:Missionary Feminism and its Reception by the Missionary Movement and the Womens Movement,
Kvinneforskning, (3-4), pp.37-51.
Predelli, LN (1995) Ideological Conflict in the Radical Environmental Group Earth First!,
Environmental Politics, 4(1), pp.123-129.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2011) Does it Make Sense to Talk about 'Religious Citizenship'? An Exploration of the Concept through Case Studies of Christian and Muslim Women in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. In Centre, WQS (ed) Paper presented at the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, Annual Conference, Birmingham (11-13th), tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2011) Remaking multicultural and religious citizenship: Intersections between gender. In Paper presented at the final FEMCIT, Oslo, Norway, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Researching women's movements: Understanding the significance of place, space and nation. In Paper presented at the closed conference 'Researching women's movements: Four troubling questions', organised jointly by the research projects FEMCIT and Sisterhood and After, British Library, London, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Recognition, equality and participation: Monority women inside and/or outside the women's movement?. In Paper presented at the open Nordic FEMCIT conference, Oslo, Norway, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Does it make sense to talk about 'religious citizenship'?. In Paper presented at the open seminar 'Religion, women and citizenship' organised by the Department of Social Sciences and the Centre for Faith and Spirituality, Loughborough University, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Ethnic and religious citizenship: Intersections between feminism, ethnic identity and religion. In Paper presented at the FEMCIT open dissemination conference, Brussels, Belgium, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Religion, gender and citizenship' Panel chaired by Line Nyhagen Predelli with presentations from Nyhagen Predelli, Esmeranda Manful, Beatrice Halsaa and Cecilie Thun. In Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the transformation of belonging, Birkbeck University of London, Rokkan Centre University of Bergen, and FEMCIT, Birkbeck, London June 30th - July 2nd, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Majority-minority relations within women's movements in Norway, Spain and the UK. In Paper presented at the conference Shifting Agenda, the PSA Women & Politics Conference, University of Manchester, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2009) Flerstemt feminisme eller soesterskap til besvaer? (A plurality of feminist voices, or restrained sisterhood?). In Paper delivered at the Norwegian Women's Rights Organisation's 125th Anniversary Conference. Available at, Oslo, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2009) Women's organisations and claims-making in the United Kingdom, with a focus on policies addressing violence against women. In Presented at the CRSP 25th Anniversary International Conference 'Beyond Social Inclusion: Towards a More Equal Society, Loughborough University, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2009) Women's organisations and claims-making in the United Kingdom, with a focus on policies addressing violence against women. In Presented at the First European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), Queen's University Belfast, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2008) Women's movements in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom: Common themes and theoretical approaches. In Paper presented at the 10th international interdisciplinary congress on women, Women's Worlds, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, tba.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2007) The Individulisation of risk: An analysis of intergenerational perspectives on the labour market. In Presented at the International SCARR (Social Contexts and Responses to Risk) Conference, Cambridge, tba.
Predelli, LN (2006) Ethnic Minority Women and Political Influence in Norway. In 6th European Gender Research Conference, Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Europe, University of Lodz, Poland.
Predelli, LN (2004) Uformelle veier til makt. Om minoritets - Kvinners politiske innflytelse. (Informal ways to power. On minority women's political influence.). In Llandskinferanse for innvandrer - Organisasjoner, Proceedings of Landskonferanse for innvandrer - organisasjoner, Trondheim, pp.1-20.
Predelli, LN (2003) Uformelle veier til makt. Om minoritetskvinners politiske innflytelse. In Kjuonnsmakt. Conference Report, Proceedings of Kjuonnsmakt. Konferanserapport (Gender & Power), Kjuonnsmakt i Norden, Oslo, pp.1-10.
Predelli, LN (2002) Oekt Kvinnemakt? Minoritelskvinners Organisering, deltakelse Og Innflytelse pa offentlig politikk (Increased Women Powers). In Nordic Migration Conference, Helsinki, Finland, pp.1-18.
Predelli, LN (2001) Variations in ideals of Gender Relations among Muslims in Oslo. In American Sociological Association, Anaheim, California.
Predelli, LN (2001) Two wheels on a bike? Variation in ideals of Gender Relations among Muslim Women in Oslo. In Contested Identities: Religion and 'Difference' in Europe, Bergen, Norway.
Predelli, LN (2000) Two wheels on a bike? Ideals of gender relations among muslim women in Oslo. In SSSR Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Houston, Texas, pp.1-27.
Predelli, LN (2000) Emansipasjon Av Kvinner Hjemme Og Ute. In Anette Warring, (ed) 4th Nordic Meeting of Women Historians, Koen Religion Og Kvinder i Bevaegelse, Tisvildeleje, Denmark, pp.48-54.
Predelli, LN (1999) Evaluation of Cultural Policy: The Foundation Culture of the Future in Sweden. A Work in Progress. In International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. Conference Papers, Bergen, Norway, N/A.
Predelli, LN (1998) Norwegian Missionaries in C19 Madagascar: Marriage as Structure of Opportunity, Regulation of Sexuality and Example of Christian Life. In North Atlantic Missiology Project Research Forum, North Atlantic Missiology Project, Cambridge, pp.1-29.
Predelli, LN (1997) Gender, Race and Sexuality in a Nineteenth Century Religious Mission. Challenges, Conflicts and Changes. In Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California, N/A.
Predelli, LN (1995) How we know what we know: The Debate on Feminist Epistemology and Standpoint Theory. In Thinking Gender, University of Calafornia, Los Angeles, pp.1-14.
Predelli, LN (1995) Independent Woman or Spouse's Helpmate? An analysis of the experiences of missionary women today. In SSSR/RRA Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, St Louis, Missouri, pp.1-28.
Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (ed) (2024)
Intersectional feminist research methodologies: applications in the social sciences and humanities, Routledge, ISBN: 9781032507699. DOI:
Nyhagen, L and Halsaa, B (2016)
Religion, Gender and Citizenship: Women of Faith, Gender Equality and Feminism, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137405333. DOI:
Nyhagen Predelli, L, and Halsaa, B, (2012)
Majority-minority relations in contemporary women's movements: Strategic sisterhood, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-0230246584.
OReilly, K (2012)
International migration and social theory, Palgrave Macmillan © Karen O'Reilly, ISBN: 9780230221314.
Predelli, LN, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Perren, K, Sandu, A (2012)
Majority-Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements, Palgrave Macmillan UK, ISBN: 9781349319671. DOI:
Predelli, LN (2003)
Issues of Gender, Race, and Class in the Norwegian Missionary Society in Nineteenth-Century Norway and Madagascar, The Edwin Mellen Press, ISBN: 0773466401.
Predelli, LN (2003)
Uformelle Veier Til Makt: Om Minoritetskvinners Politiske Innflytelse (Informal Ways to Power: On Minority Womens Political Influence, Norwegian Research Programme on Power and Democracy and Unipub, ISBN: 82-92028-66-8.
Baklien, B, Franzen, M, Predelli, LN (2002)
Utvardering av Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur (Evaluation of the Foundation Culture of the Future), Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur, Centrum For Kulturpolitisk Forskning and NIBR, ISBN: 91-631-2011-9.
Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (2024)
Introduction [to Intersectional Feminist Research Methodologies: Applications in the Social Sciences and Humanities]. In Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (ed)
Intersectional Feminist Research Methodologies: Applications in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Routledge, pp.1-12, ISBN: 9781032507699. DOI:
Nyhagen, L and Goode, J (2024)
Memory work as a collaborative intersectional feminist research method. In Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (ed)
Intersectional Feminist Research Methodologies: Applications in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Routledge, pp.98-113, ISBN: 9781032507699. DOI:
Mirza, HS and
Nyhagen, L (2024)
Living and researching embodied intersectionality. In Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (ed)
Intersectional Feminist Research Methodologies: Applications in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Routledge, pp.13-28, ISBN: 9781032507699. DOI:
Cooke, J and Wilton, D (2024)
Aging, care, and women’s work: a world-systems feminist approach to Filipina literature. In Cooke, J and
Nyhagen, L (ed)
Intersectional Feminist Research Methodologies: Applications in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Routledge, pp.114-128, ISBN: 9781032507699. DOI:
Nyhagen, L and Halsaa, B (2024)
Gender, religion and citizenship. In Siim, B and Stoltz, P (ed)
The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Citizenship: Intersectional and Transnational Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN: 9783031571435. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2021)
Oppression or liberation? Moving beyond binaries in religion and gender studies. In Starkey, C and Tomalin, E (ed)
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society, Routledge,ISBN: 9781138601901. DOI:
Nyhagen, L (2021)
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Gender and Society, pp.52-66, DOI:
Aune, K and
Nyhagen, L (2016)
Religion, politics and gender. In
Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics: Second Edition, pp.335-351, DOI:
Nyhagen, L and Halsaa, B (2016)
Religion, gender and citizenship: faithful women, gender equality and Feminism. In
Citizenship, Gender and Diversity, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN: 9781137405333.
Aune, K and
Nyhagen, L (2016)
Religion, politics and gender. In
Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics, pp.335-351, DOI:
Aune, K and
Nyhagen, L (2015)
Religion, politics and gender. In
Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics, Routledge, pp.1-33, ISBN: 9781138826991.
Predelli, LN (2013)
"Frontstage" and "Backstage" Managerial and Emotional Labor in a Comparative International Research Project. In Griffin, G, Hamberg, K, Lundgren, B (ed)
The Social Politics of Research Collaboration, Routledge, pp.57-73, ISBN: 978-0-415-85701-7.
Nyhagen Predelli, L, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, (2012)
'Citizenship is not a word I use': How women's movement activists understand citizenship. In Halsaa, B, Roseneil, S, Sumer, S, (ed)
Remaking citizenship in multicultural Europe: WOmen's movements, gender and diversity, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.188-212.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2011) Ethnic minority women and political influence in Norway. In Oleksy, E, Golanska, D, Hearn, J, (ed)
The limits of gendered citizenship: contexts and complexities, Routledge, pp.197-211.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010) Ethnic Minority Women and Political Influence in Norway. In Oleksy, EH, Golanska, D, Hearn, J (ed)
The Limits of Gendered Citizenship, Routledge, (forthcoming).
Predelli, LN (2008) Wplyw kobiet z mniejszosci etniczych na polityke w Norwegii. In ed, EHO (ed)
Tozsamosc i obywatelstwo. W spoleczenstwie wielokulturowym, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, tba.
Predelli, LN (2006)
Innvandrerorganisasjoner i Norge. Utforming, aktiviteter og politisk deltakelse (Immigrant Organisations in Norway. Structures, activities and political participation - with English Summary). In
Unknown Parent Title, NIBR (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research), pp.1-72, ISBN: 82-7071-640-5.
Predelli, LN (2004) Missionary Women and feminism in Norway, 1906 - 1910. In Ricciutelli, L, Miles, A, McFadden, MH (ed)
Feminist Politics, Activism and Vision: Local and Global Challenges, Zed Books, pp.248-264, ISBN: 1-84277-350-X.
Predelli, LN (2003) Contesting the mission's patriarchal gender regime: Single Norwegian missionary women in nineteenth century Madagascar. In Okkenhaug, IM (ed)
Gender, Race and Religion: Nordic missions 1860-1940, Uppsala: Studia Missionalia Svecana, pp.53-80.
Predelli, LN (2003) Kvinneorganisasjonenes Rolle i Integrasjonsprosessen (The Role of Women's Organisations in the Integration Process). In Hjaere, M and Mikkelsen, F (ed)
Den Frivillige Sektors Bidrag Til Integration af Flygtninge Og Indvandrere i Norden, Nordisk Ministerrad (Nordic Council of Ministers), pp.59-69.
Predelli, LN (2003) Oekt Kvinnemakt? Minoritetskvinners Organisering, Deltakelse Og Innflytelse Paa Offentlig Politikk. In Forsander, A and Similaa, M (ed)
Cultural Diversity and Integration in the Nordic Welfare States, Svenska Social-Och Kommunal-Hogskolan Vid Helsingfors Universitet, pp.71-82, ISBN: 952-10-0361-8.
Predelli, LN (2001)
Mellom Konflikt Og Integrasjon. En Evaluering Av Kontaktutualget Mellom Innvandrere Og Myndighetene (Between Conflict and Integration. An Evaluation of the Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities. In
Unknown Parent Title, NIBR, pp.1-115, ISBN: 82-7-071-320-1.
Predelli, LN (2000) Feminist Standpoint Theory: Epistemology or Methodology. In Saarinen, A, Christensen, HR, Halsaa, B (ed)
Womens Movement and Internationalisation: The 'Third Wave'?, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland, pp.104-119.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2000) Emansipasjon av kvinner hjemme og ute (Emancipation of women at home and abroad). In Anette Warring, (ed)
In Anette Warring, ed, Kon, religion og Kvinder i bevaegelse (Gender, religion and women in movement), Roskilde, Roskilde Universitetscenter, pp.48-54.
Predelli, LN (1999) Visjoner Og Realiteter: En Vanskelig Balanse. Evaluering Av Senter For Natur-Kultur-Helse (Visions and Realities: A Difficult Balance. An Evaluation of the Centre for Nature-Culture-Health. In
Unknown Parent Title, NIBR, pp.1-67, ISBN: 82-7071-135-7.
Predelli, LN (1999) Piety and Patriarchy: Contested Gender Regimes in Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Missions. In Huber, MT and Lutkehaus, N (ed)
Gendered Missions: Men and Women in Missionary Discourse and Practice, University of Michigan Press, pp.67-111.
Predelli, LN (1998) Kommunal Boligpolitikk. Variasjoner Og Konsekvenser (Municipal Housing Policy. Variations and Consequences. In
Unknown Parent Title, NIBR, pp.1-93, ISBN: 82-7071-126-8.
Predelli, LN (1993) Helsefremmende Og Sykdomsfore-Byggende Arbeid. En Status Rapport (Health Promotion and Sickness Prevention. A Status Report). In
Unknown Parent Title, Rogalind Research, pp.1-65.
Predelli, LN (1993) Radical Enviromentalism in the United States. Earth First - A Case Study. In
Unknown Parent Title, Department of Administration and Organisation Theory, University of Bergen, pp.1-185.
Predelli, LN, Halsaa, B, Thun, C (Accepted for publication) âCitizenship Is Not a Word I Useâ. In Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN: 9781137272157. DOI: 10.1057/9781137272157.0013.
School/Dept Working Papers
Predelli, LN (2004) Evaluation of the School Sports Co-ordinator Programme. Case Study Report (Partnership H).
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2004) Evaluation of the School Sports Co-ordinator Programme.
Predelli, LN (2004) Evaluation of the School Sports Co-ordinator Programme. Case Study Report (Partnership Q).
Dhillon, C, Ebende, JK, Esson, J,
Nyhagen, L, Sherred, A (2018)
Experiences in the classroom and beyond: the role of race and ethnicity, pp.1-51.
Nyhagen Predelli, L, Manful, E, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Quintero, E (2010)
Christian and Muslim Women in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study of Religion, Gender and Citizenship: Summary of Key Findings, pp.1-7, European Commission.
Nyhagen, L and Manful, E (2010)
Religion, gender and citizenship: a case study of Christian and Muslim women in the United Kingdom, pp.1-194.
Quintero, E and
Nyhagen, L (2010)
Religion, gender and citizenship: a case study of Christian and Muslim women in Spain, pp.1-178.
Halsaa, B, Thun, C,
Nyhagen, L (2010)
Religion, gender and citizenship: a case study of Christian and Muslim women in Norway, pp.1-202.
Nyhagen, L, Halsaa, B, Manful, E, Thun, C, Quintero, E (2010)
Christian and Muslim Women in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom: a qualitative study of religion, gender and citizenship, pp.1-261.
Sandu, AI, Nyhagen Predelli, L, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Manful, E (2009)
Women's Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Resonance. The Case of Spain, pp.1-180, European Commission.
Nyhagen, L, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Sandu, A (2009)
Issues of problem-representations, framing, claims-making and resonance in women's movements in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom, pp.1-388.
Nyhagen Predelli, L, Perren, K, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Perren, K, Manful, E (2008)
Women's Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Reasonance. The Case of the United Kingdom, pp.1-306, European Commission.
Halsaa, B, Thun, C,
Nyhagen, L (2008)
Women's movements: constructions of sisterhood, dispute and resonance: the case of Norway.
Legge, KE, Hartfree, YF, Stafford, BR, Magadi, MA, Beckhelling, J, Nyhagen Predelli, L, Middleton, S (2006)
The Social Fund: Current role and future direction, pp.1-133, ISBN: 978 1 85935 472 8.
Johnson, S, Bickerstaffe, T, Darlow, A, Hanson, S, Rudd, M, Walton, F, Breen, E, Dove, L, Hahn, R, House, S, Ryzmann, I, Walmsley, J, Cebulla, AJ, Predelli, LN, Reyes, DBS (2004)
Delivering Labour Market Policies through Local and Regional Partnerships, pp.1-80, Department for Work and Pensions.
Nyhagen, L (2018)
Athena SWAN Bronze Award Application, School of Social Sciences Athena SWAN Bronze Award Application, including Action Plan, November 2018..
Nyhagen, L (2017)
The role of religious faith in the understanding and practicing of citizenship and civic engagement among religious women, with an emphasis on Muslim and Christian women, The role of religious faith in the understanding and practicing of citizenship and civic engagement among religious women, with an emphasis on Muslim and Christian women.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2010)
Religion, gender, feminism and citizenship.
Nyhagen Predelli, L (2009)
An invited review of "Civil Society and Gender Justice. Historical and Comparative Perspectives".
Nyhagen Predelli, L, Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Sandu, AI (2009)
Issues of problem-representations, framing, claims-making and resonance in women's movement in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Predelli, LN (2008)
An invited review of "Demokratisk fellesskap: Politisk inkludering og etnisk mobilisering (Democratic community: Political inclusion and ethnic mobilisation) by Jon Rogstad.
Predelli, LN, Dearden, C, France, AP (2008)
The poverty of policy? Gaps in anti-poverty policy for children and young people.
Halsaa, B, Thun, C, Nyhagen Predelli, L (2008)
Women's Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Resonance. The Case of Norway.
Sandu, AI, Nyhagen Predelli, L, Halsaa, B, Thun, C (2008)
Women's Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Resonance. The Case of Spain.
Predelli, LN (2007)
The Diversity of Women's Movements, an invited review of "Crossing Boarders. Remapping Women's Movements at the Turn of the 21st Century" eds. H.R. Christensen, B. Halsaa and A. Saarinen.
Predelli, LN (2007)
Evangelia Tastsoglou and Alexandra Dobrowolsky (eds.) Women, Migration and Citizenship. Making Local, National and Transnational Connections (Ashgate 2006).
Predelli, LN (2005)
Crossing Borders. Remapping Women's Movements at the turn of the 21st Century Edited by H R Christensen, B Halsaa and A Saarinen.
Predelli, LN (2004)
Crossing Borders. Remapping Women's Movements at the turn of the 21st Century Edited by H R Christensen, B Halsaa and A Saarinen.
Predelli, LN (2003)
Frivillig Organisering Som Kanal for Kvinners Politiske Innflytelse (Voluntary Organising as a Channel for Political Influence by Women) Review of Nina Berven and Per Selle, Svekket Kvinnemakt? De Frivillige Organisasjonene Og Velferdsstaten.
Predelli, LN (2003)
Karin Sarja: "Yet Another Sister for Africa" Thirty-Six Female Missionaries in Natal and Zululand 1876-1901.