Publications for John Downey
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Journal Articles
Ravikumar, M, Downey, J, Bhargav, N, Deb, D, Dasgupta, RK, Pavarala, V (2024) Media and citizenship in India: heteronomy and autonomy in the Indian journalistic field, Journalism Studies, 25(15), pp.1813-1833, ISSN: 1461-670X. DOI: 10.1080/1461670x.2024.2397679. Ravikumar, M and Downey, J (2024) Dropping ‘truth bombs’? The framing of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Indian broadcast news, European Political Science, ISSN: 1680-4333. DOI: 10.1057/s41304-024-00481-w. Oh, D and Downey, J (2024) Does algorithmic content moderation promote democratic discourse? Radical democratic critique of toxic language AI, Information, Communication and Society, ISSN: 1369-118X. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2346531. Bhargav, N and Downey, J (2024) Survival Games: Understanding Journalistic and Extra-Journalistic Practices and Pursuits of Small-Town Stringers in South India, Journalism Studies, 25(7), pp.759-775, ISSN: 1461-670X. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2024.2340572. Wang, W, Downey, J, Yang, F (2023) AI anxiety? Comparing the sociotechnical imaginaries of artificial intelligence in UK, Chinese and Indian newspapers, Global Media and China, ISSN: 2059-4364. DOI: 10.1177/20594364231196547. Wang, W and Downey, J (2023) Becoming cosmopolitan? Comparing climate change coverage in newspapers across countries, Journalism Practice, ISSN: 1751-2786. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2023.2185657. Brüggemann, M, Carvalho, A, Brevini, B, Downey, J (2023) Still Watching from the Sidelines? The Case for Transformative Environmental Communication Scholarship, International Journal of Communication, 17, pp.5039-5052, ISSN: 1932-8036. Wang, W and Downey, J (2022) Anniversary journalism in China: Mediated memories of the Second World War, Journalism Studies, 24(2), pp.190-208, ISSN: 1461-670X. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2022.2150875. Sarda, T, Natale, S, Downey, J (2022) Inventing the dark Web: Criminalization of privacy and the apocalyptic turn in the imaginary of the Web, First Monday, 27(11), DOI: 10.5210/fm.v27i11.12691. Però, D and Downey, J (2022) Advancing workers’ rights in the gig economy through discursive power: the communicative strategies of indie unions, Work, Employment and Society, 38(1), pp.140-160, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI: 10.1177/09500170221103160. Leguina, A and Downey, J (2021) Getting things done: Inequalities, Internet use and everyday life, New Media and Society, 23(7), pp.1824-1849, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/14614448211015979. Leguina, A, Mihelj, S, Downey, J (2021) Public libraries as reserves of cultural and digital capital: addressing inequality through digitalization, Library and Information Science Research, 43(3), 101103, ISSN: 0740-8188. DOI: 10.1016/j.lisr.2021.101103. Oh, D, Elayan, S, Sykora, M, Downey, J (2021) Unpacking uncivil society: incivility and intolerance in the 2018 Irish abortion referendum discussions on Twitter, Nordicom Review, 42(s1), pp.103-118, ISSN: 1403-1108. DOI: 10.2478/nor-2021-0009. Downey, J (2020) Comparative communication research: why we really need some more fuzzy thinking, International Journal of Communication, 14, pp.5787-5798, ISSN: 1932-8036. Smith, D, Deacon, D, Downey, J (2020) Inside out: The UK press, Brexit and strategic populist ventriloquism, European Journal of Communication, 36(1), pp.21-37, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323120940917. Weedon, A, Saukko, P, Downey, J, Orme, MW, Esliger, D, Singh, S, Sherar, L (2019) Meanings of sitting in the context of chronic disease: Critical reflection on sedentary behaviour, health, choice and enjoyment, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 12(3), pp.363-376, ISSN: 1939-845X. DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2019.1595105. Mihelj, S, Leguina, A, Downey, J (2019) Culture is digital: Cultural participation, diversity and the digital divide, New Media and Society, 21(7), pp.1465-1485, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/1461444818822816. Orme, MW, Weedon, A, Saukko, P, Esliger, D, Morgan, M, Steiner, M, Downey, J, Sherar, L, Singh, S (2018) Findings of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Sitting and Exacerbations Trial (COPD-SEAT) in reducing sedentary time using wearable and mobile technologies with educational support: Randomized controlled feasibility trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research: mHealth and uHealth, 6(4), ISSN: 2291-5222. DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.9398. Downey, J (2017) For public communication: Promises and perils of public engagement, Javnost - The Public, 24(2), pp.173-185, ISSN: 1318-3222. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2017.1288779. Keightley, E and Downey, J (2017) The intermediate time of news consumption, Journalism: theory, practice and criticism, pp.146488491668915-146488491668915, ISSN: 1741-3001. DOI: 10.1177/1464884916689155. Orme, MW, Weedon, A, Esliger, D, Saukko, P, Morgan, M, Steiner, M, Downey, J, Singh, S, Sherar, L (2016) Study protocol for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Sitting and ExacerbAtions Trial (COPD-SEAT): a randomised controlled feasibility trial of a home-based self-monitoring sedentary behaviour intervention, BMJ Open, 6(10), DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013014. Downey, J and Toynbee, J (2016) Ideology: towards renewal of a critical concept, Media, Culture and Society, 38(8), pp.1261-1271, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443716671494. Downey, J (2015) Book Review: Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice, Media, Culture & Society, 37(6), pp.951-953, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443715594581a. Mihelj, S and Downey, J (2015) A response to Anders Todal Jenssen's, Sandra B. Hrvatin's and Brankica Petković's comments on central and eastern European media in a comparative perspective. Politics, economy and culture: Complex causality and the value of quantitative indicators in comparative media research, Southeastern Europe, 39(1), pp.113-121, ISSN: 0094-4467. DOI: 10.1163/18763332-03901007. Downey, J and Neyazi, TA (2014) Complementary and competitive logics of mediatization: political, commercial, and professional logics in Indian media, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESS-POLITICS, 19(4), pp.476-495, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI: 10.1177/1940161214545809. Downey, J, Titley, G, Toynbee, J (2014) Ideology critique: the challenge for media studies, MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 36(6), pp.878-887, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443714536113. Downey, J (2014) Flux and the public sphere, Media, Culture and Society, 36(3), pp.367-379, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443713517732. Downey, J and Stanyer, J (2013) Exposing Politicians' Peccadilloes in Comparative Context: Explaining the Frequency of Political Sex Scandals in Eight Democracies Using Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Political Communication, 30(3), pp.495-509, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI: 10.1080/10584609.2012.737434. Downey, J, Mihelj, S, König, T (2012) Comparing public spheres: Normative models and empirical measurements, European Journal of Communication, 27(4), pp.337-353, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323112459447. Downey, JW (2012) The ‘sluice-gate’ public sphere and the national DNA database in the UK, Media Culture Society, 34, pp.439-456. Downey, J and Stanyer, J (2010) Comparative media analysis: Why some fuzzy thinking might help. applying fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to the personalization of mediated political communication, European Journal of Communication, 25(4), pp.331-347, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323110384256. Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Downey, J, Stetka, V (2008) Ideoscapes and lifeworlds in Europe mapping European ideoscapes: Examining newspaper debates on the EU Constitution in seven European countries, European Societies, 10(2), pp.275-301, ISSN: 1461-6696. DOI: 10.1080/14616690701722071. Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Downey, JW, Stetka, V (2008) Mapping European Ideoscapes: Examining Newspaper Debates on the EU Constitution in Seven European Countries, European Societies, 10(2), pp.275-301. Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Downey, J, Stetka, V (2008) Examining newspaper debates on the EU constitution in seven European countries, EUROPEAN SOCIETIES, 10(2), pp.275-301, ISSN: 1461-6696. DOI: 10.1080/14616690701722071. Downey, J and Fenton, N (2007) Global capital, local resistance?: Trade unions, national newspapers and the symbolic contestation of 'offshoring' in the UK, Current Sociology, 55(5), pp.651-673, ISSN: 0011-3921. DOI: 10.1177/0011392107079921. Koenig, T (2006) Is there a European public sphere? The Berlusconi-Schulz case, European Journal of Communication, 21(2), pp.165-187, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323105064044. Billig, M, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Richardson, JE, Golding, P (2006) Chilly Britannia? Catalyst, Not known. Downey, JW and Koenig, T (2006) Is there a European public sphere? The Berlusconi-Schulz case, European Journal of Communication, 21(2), pp.165-187. Koenig, T, Mihelj, S, Downey, JW, Gencel Bek, M (2006) Media Framings of the Issue of Turkish Accession to the EU: A European or National Process?, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences, 19(3), pp.149-169, ISSN: 1351-1610. Downey, JW (2005) Dog-whistle or fog-horn? Nasty or nice? Immigration as an issue in the 2005 UK General Election, COMPOL: Communicazione Politica, 5(2), pp.255-274, ISSN: 1594-6061. Downey, JW and Fenton, N (2003) New media, counter publicity and the public sphere, New Media & Society, 5(2), pp.185-202, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/1461444803005002003. Fenton, N and Downey, JW (2003) Counter Public Spheres and Global Modernity, Javonost - the Public, 10(1), pp.15-32, ISSN: 1318-3222. Downey, J (2001) Emancipation, the media and modernity, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 16(1), pp.116-117, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323101016001011. Downey, JW (2001) In Search of the Net Election, Journalism Studies, 2(4), pp.64-101, ISSN: 1461-670X. Downey, J (2000) Representing 'race': Ideology, identity and the media, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 15(3), pp.429-430, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323100015003010. Downey, JW (2000) Inequality in the Information Age: the recent work of Manuel Castells, Key Words: a journal of cultural materialism, (3), pp.45-58, ISSN: 1369-9725.Conferences
Downey, JW and Stanyer, J (2011) Politicians' Peccadilloes in Comparative Context. In ICA Annual Conference, Boston (May 26-30th, tba. Downey, JW (2010) From Clash of Civilisations to Dialogue of Civilisations: US Public Diplomacy Broadcasting from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. In Al-Babtain Foundation, Sarajevo, Bosnia, tba. Downey, JW, Stephens, MR, Flaherty, J (2010) How do the sluice-gates open? The DNA database and the public sphere in the UK. In European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece, tba. Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British press coverage of health inequalities (1998-2009). In IAMCR conference, Braga, Portugal, pp.tba-tba. Downey, JW, Stephens, MR, Flaherty, J (2010) How do the sluice-gates open? The DNA database and the public sphere in the UK. In International Association for Media and Communication Research, Braga, Portugal, tba. Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British Press Coverage of Health Inequalities (1998-2009). In International Association for Media and Communication Research World Congress, Braga University, Portugal, pp.tba-tba. Downey, JW and Stanyer, J (2009) Comparative media analysis: why some fuzzy thinking might help. In ICA, Chicago, tba. Downey, J (2008) Recognition and the renewal of ideology critique. In Hesmondhalgh, D and Toynbee, J (ed) International Conference on Media Change and Social Theory, MEDIA AND SOCIAL THEORY, St Hugh Coll, Oxford, ENGLAND, pp.59-74. Downey, JW and Wring, DJ (2006) Reporting the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: National News and Impartiality. In UK Political Studies Association Media Politics Group, University of Sunderland, tba. Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Downey, JW, Stetka, V (2006) Mapping European Ideoscapes: Examining Newspaper Debates on the EU Constitution in Seven European Countries. In Association for the study of Nationalities Conference, Belgrade, tba. Koenig, T, Downey, JW, Mihelj, S (2006) Talking in Tongues about Europe? Discourses on the EU Constitutional Treaty in Six EU Countries. In Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilization, Mowcow, Russia, tba. Downey, JW, Koenig, T, Mihelj, S, Gencel Bek, M (2005) Is there a European Public Sphere? Newspaper Framing of the Issue of Turkey's Accession to the European Union. In First European Communication Conference, Paper, Amsterdam, not known. Downey, JW, Koenig, T, Mihelj, S, Gencel Bek, M (2005) Is there a European Public Sphere? Newspaper Framing of the Issue of Turkey's Accession to theEuropean Union. In 7th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Paper, Torun, Poland, not known.Books
Downey, J and Mihelj, S (2016) Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture. DOI: 10.4324/9781315571126. Mihelj, S and Downey, J, (ed) (2012) Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy, Culture, Ashgate. Downey, J and Mihelj, S (2012) Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective, Ashgate Publishing, ISBN: 9781409435426. Downey, J and Mihelj, S (ed) (2012) Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy Culture, Ashgate, ISBN: 978-1-4094-3542-6. Downey, JW (ed) (2003) Technocities: the culture and political economy of the digital revolution (Chinese Translation), Weber, ISBN: 9578258992. Downey, JW and McGuigan, JT (ed) (1999) Technocities, Sage, ISBN: 0 7619 5555 0. McGuigan, JT and Downey, JW (ed) (1999) Technocities, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage. Downey, JW (1999) Technocities: the culture and political economy of the digital revolution.Chapters
Leguina, A, Ørmen, J, Skovhøj, FHZ, Lai, SS, Pagh, J, Downey, J, Helles, R, Jensen, KB (2022) How to do things with media. In Jensen, KB and Helles, R (ed) Comparing Communication Systems: The Internets of China, Europe, and the United States, Routledge, pp.108-140, ISBN: 9780367522339. DOI: 10.4324/9781003057055. Coppens, T and Downey, J (2021) United Kingdom. In Century, pp.331-362. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2019) A tale of two parties: Press and television coverage of the campaign. In Political Communication in Britain Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan © The Authors, pp.23-41, ISBN: 9783030008222. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00822-2. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, D, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2018) A Tale of Two Parties: Press and Television Coverage of the Campaign. In Political Communication in Britain: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election, pp.23-41, DOI: 10.1007/9783030008222_2. Deacon, DN, Wring, D, Stanyer, Downey, J (2017) The Media Campaign: The Issues and Personalities Who Defined the Election. In Wring, D, Mortimore, R, Atkinson, S (ed) Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.183-196, ISBN: 978-3-319-40933-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40934-4. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2017) Two parts policy, one part process: News media coverage of the 2017 election. In Brexit, Trump and the Media, Abramis, pp.367-371, ISBN: 978-1845497095. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) The media campaign: The issues and personalities who defined the election. In Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, pp.183-196, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40934-4_15. Downey, J (2016) Transnational Capital, Media Differentiation, and Institutional Isomorphism in Central and Eastern European Media Systems. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.113-135, DOI: 10.4324/9781315571126-6. Downey, J and Mihelj, S (2016) Conclusion. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.189-195, DOI: 10.4324/9781315571126-9. Mihelj, S and Downey, J (2016) Introduction: Comparing Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Politics, Economy, Culture. In Unknown Parent Title, pp.1-13, DOI: 10.4324/9781315571126-1. Birks, J and Downey, J (2015) 'Pay Your Tax!' How Tax Avoidance Became a Prominent Issue in the Public Sphere in the UK. In Media, Margins and Civic Agency, pp.166-181, DOI: 10.1057/9781137512642_12. Deacon, DN, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) News media performance in the 2015 General Election campaign. In Jackson, D and Thorsen, E (ed) UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign, Centre for Study of Journalism, Culture and Community, pp.12-14, ISBN: 978-1-910042-07-6. Downey, JW and Birks, J (2015) Pay Your Tax! How tax avoidance became a prominent issue in the public sphere in the UK. In Thorsen, E (ed) Media, Margins and Civic Agency, pp.1-16. Birks, J and Downey, J (2015) ‘Pay your tax!’ how tax avoidance became a prominent issue in the public sphere in the UK. In Media, Margins and Civic Agency, pp.166-181, DOI: 10.1057/9781137512642.0018. Stanyer, J and Downey, J (2014) Using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in comparative political communication research: applying fuzzy set theoretic thinking in small and medium-N case oriented research. In Canel, MJ and Voltmer, K (ed) Political Communication in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan. Downey, JW (2013) State policy and practice in the digital cultural industries in the UK. In Report on the International Competitiveness of Chinese Media, pp.380-393. Downey, J (2013) Transnational capital, media differentiation, and institutional isomorphism in central and Eastern European media systems. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.113-137. Mihelj, S and Downey, J (2013) Introduction comparing media systems in central and Eastern Europe: Politics, economy, culture. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.1-14. Downey, J, Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Stetka, V (2013) New and ‘old’ Europe: Explaining competing ideologies across Europe. In Mapping the European Public Sphere: Institutions, Media and Civil Society, pp.159-174. Downey, J and Mihelj, S (2013) Conclusion. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.189-197. Downey, J (2012) Transnational capital, media differentiation, and institutional isomorphism in central and Eastern European media systems. In Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture, pp.113-135. Mihelj, S and Downey, J (2012) Introduction: Comparing Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Politics, Economy, Culture. In Downey, J and Mihelj, S (ed) Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy Cultur, Ashgate, pp.1-14. Downey, JW, Mihelj, S, Koenig, T, Stetka, V (2010) "New' and 'Old' Europe: Explaining Competing Ideologies across Europe. In Bee, C and Bozzini, EE (ed) Mapping the European :Public Sphere: institutions, media and civil society, Ashgate, pp.159-176, ISBN: 9780754673767. Downey, JW (2008) Recognition and the renewal of ideology critique. In Hesmondhalgh, D and Toynbee, JE (ed) The Media and Social Theory, Routledge, tba, ISBN: 9780415448000. Downey, J (2008) Recognition and the renewal of ideology critique. In The Media and Social Theory, pp.59-74, DOI: 10.4324/9780203930472-10. Downey, JW and Davidson, S (2007) The Internet and the 2005 General Election. In Wring, D, Green, J, Mortimore, R, Atkinson, eds, S (ed) Political Communications: the British General Election of 2005, Macmillan, pp.93-108, ISBN: 9780230001305. Downey, JW (2007) Participation and/or Deliberation? The Internet as a tool for achieving radical democratic aims. In Dahlberg, L and eds, ES (ed) Radical Democracy and the Internet: Interrogating theory and practice, Palgrave MacMillan, pp.108-127. Downey, JW (2006) Surveillance from below? The Electronic Intifada. In Thussu, D and Sarikakis, KE (ed) The IDeology of the Internet: Concepts, Policy, Uses, Hampton Press, pp.147-162, ISBN: 157273597X. Downey, JW (2006) UK Broadcasting in Transition: from analogue to digital, from public service to media markets. In Broadcasting in the Digital Age, Mouton de Gruyter, tba, ISBN: 3110173638. Downey, JW (2005) The media industries: do size, ownership and internationalisation matter?. In Hesmondalgh, DE (ed) Media Production, McGraw-Hill OUP, pp.7-48, ISBN: 0 335 21884 9. Couldry, N and Downey, JW (2004) War or Peace? Legitimation, Dissent & Rhetorical Closure in Press Coverage of the Iraq War Build-up. In Allan, S and Zelizer, BE (ed) Reporting War, Routledge, pp.266-282, ISBN: 0415339987. Downey, JW and Murdock, G (2003) The Counter-Revolution in Military Affairs: The Globalization of Guerrilla Warfare. In Thussu, DK and Freedman, D (ed) War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24/7, Sage Publications, pp.70-86, ISBN: 0761943129. Coppens, T and Downey, JW (2001) Recent Developments in UK Broadcasting. In D'Haenens, L and Saeys, FE (ed) Western Broadcasting at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Mouton de Gruyter, pp.331-362, ISBN: 3110173638. Downey, JW (1999) XS 4 All? Information Society Policy and Practice in the European Union. In Downey, J and McGuigan, JE (ed) Technocities, Sage, pp.121-138, ISBN: 0 7619 5555 0. Coppens, T and Downey, JW (1999) British Public Service Broadcasting in the Digital Age. In D'Haenens, L and Saeys, FE (ed) Media Dynamics and Regulatory Concerns in the Digital Age, Quintessenz Verlag, pp.240-285. Downey, JW (1999) Afterword. In Downey, J and McGuigan, JE (ed) Technocities: the culture and political economy of the digital revolution, Sage, pp.205-209. Downey, JW (1998) Full of Eastern Promise? Central and Eastern European media after 1989. In Thussu, DE (ed) Electronic Empires: Global Media and Local Resistance, Arnold, pp.47-62, ISBN: 034 07 18951. Downey, JW (1998) Ugly to Ourselves? Germans, Gypsies and Good Europeans. In Szalo, CE (ed) On European Identity: Nationalism, Culture and History, Masaryk University Press, pp.197-215, ISBN: 80 210 1839 9.Reports
Stanyer, J, Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Wring, D (2016) UK News Coverage Of The 2016 EU Referendum. Report 2 (19 May – 1 June ), 2, Loughborough University. Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Wring, D, Stanyer, J (2016) UK News Coverage of The 2016 EU Referendum. Report 1 (6- 18 May), 1, Loughborough Univeristy. Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 3 (6 May – 8 June 2016). Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 4 (6 May – 15 June 2016 ). Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 5 (6 May – 22 June 2016). Deacon, DN, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, DJ (2015) Media Coverage of the UK General Election 2015 (Report 1), 1, British Academy/ Leverhulme Trust. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 2 covering 30th March - 15th April]. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 3 covering 30th March- 22nd April]. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 4 covering 30th March- 29th April]. Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 5 covering 30th March- 7th May]. Stanyer, J, Deacon, D, Downey, J, Wring, D (2014) Rural areas in the UK impartiality review: a content analysis for the BBC Trust, pp.1-94. Downey, JW, Deacon, D, Stanyer, J, Wring, J (2012) Content Analysis of the BBC's reporting of the Arab Spring, pp.1-94, BBC Trust. Stanyer, J, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) Representations of Drug Use and Drug users in the Press, tba, A report produced for the UK Drugs Policy Commission ISBN 978-1-906246-28-0. Dajani, D, Downey, JW, Golding, P (2010) The Evidence on Digital Participation in the UK, tba, Ofcom. Stanyer, J, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2009) Reporting Health Inequalities in the British Media, p.69, A report produced for National Social Marketing Centre, UK. Downey, JW, Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Oldfield, B, Wring, DJ (2006) The BBC's Reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, p.104, BBC Board of Governors. Billig, M, Downey, JW, Richardson, JE, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2006) Britishness in the last three General Elections: from ethnic to civic nationalism, p.124, Commission for Racial Equality. Downey, JW, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2006) The BBC's reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, p.103, unknown. Downey, JW, Koenig, T, Mihelj, S (2006) The EU Constitution: National or Transnational Debates on a Supranational Issue? (Project Report), tba, Economic and Social Research Council. Deacon, DN, Wring, DJ, Billig, M, Downey, JW, Golding, P, Davidson, S (2005) Reporting the 2005 UK General Election for the UK Electoral Commission, p.75, UK Electoral Commission.Other
Orme, MW, Weedon, AE, Saukko, PM, Esliger, DW, Morgan, MD, Steiner, MC, Downey, JW, Sherar, LB, Singh, SJ (2017) Findings of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Sitting and Exacerbations Trial (COPD-SEAT) in Reducing Sedentary Time Using Wearable and Mobile Technologies With Educational Support: Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial (Preprint),Targeting sedentary time post exacerbation may be more relevant than targeting structured exercise for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Focusing interventions on sitting less and moving more after an exacerbation may act as a stepping stone to increase uptake to pulmonary rehabilitation.
The aim of this paper was to conduct a randomized trial examining trial feasibility and the acceptability of an education and self-monitoring intervention using wearable technology to reduce sedentary behavior for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admitted to hospital for an acute exacerbation.
Participants were recruited and randomized in hospital into 3 groups, with the intervention lasting 2 weeks post discharge. The Education group received verbal and written information about reducing their time in sedentary behavior, sitting face-to-face with a study researcher. The Education+Feedback group received the same education component along with real-time feedback on their sitting time, stand-ups, and steps at home through a waist-worn inclinometer linked to an app. Patients were shown how to use the technology by the same study researcher. The inclinometer also provided vibration prompts to encourage movement at patient-defined intervals of time. Patients and health care professionals involved in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation care were interviewed to investigate trial feasibility and acceptability of trial design and methods. Main quantitative outcomes of trial feasibility were eligibility, uptake, and retention, and for acceptability, were behavioral responses to the vibration prompts.
In total, 111 patients were approached with 33 patients recruited (11 Control, 10 Education, and 12 Education+Feedback). Retention at 2-week follow-up was 52% (17/33; n=6 for Control, n=3 for Education, and n=8 for Education+Feedback). No study-related adverse events occurred. Collectively, patients responded to 106 out of 325 vibration prompts from the waist-worn inclinometer (32.62%). Within 5 min of the prompt, 41% of responses occurred, with patients standing for a mean 1.4 (SD 0.8) min and walking for 0.4 (SD 0.3) min (21, SD 11, steps). Interviews indicated that being unwell and overwhelmed after an exacerbation was the main reason for not engaging with the intervention. Health care staff considered reducing sedentary behavior potentially attractive for patients but suggested starting the intervention as an inpatient.
Although the data support that it was feasible to conduct the trial, modifications are needed to improve participant retention. The intervention was acceptable to most patients and health care professionals.
International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) 13790881; (Archived by WebCite at