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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Iris Wigger

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Journal Articles

Wigger, I (2024) Navigating 'race' and challenging racisms in the Academy: the career geographies of a German UK sociologist, Globalisation, Societies and Education, pp.1-14, ISSN: 1476-7724. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2023.2300794.

Wigger, I, Yendell, A, Herbert, D (2021) The end of ‘Welcome Culture’? How the Cologne assaults reframed Germany’s immigration discourse, European Journal of Communication, pp.026732312110121-026732312110121, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/02673231211012173.

Wigger, I and Hadley, S (2020) Angelo Soliman: desecrated bodies and the spectre of Enlightenment racism, Race & Class, 62(2), pp.80-107, ISSN: 0306-3968. DOI: 10.1177/0306396820942470.

Wigger, I (2019) Anti-Muslim racism and the racialisation of sexual violence: ‘intersectional stereotyping’ in mass media representations of male Muslim migrants in Germany, Culture and Religion, ISSN: 1475-5610. DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2019.1658609.

Wigger, I (2010) 'Black Shame' - the campaign against 'racial degeneration' and female degradation in interwar Europe, RACE & CLASS, 51(3), pp.33-46, ISSN: 0306-3968. DOI: 10.1177/0306396809354444.

Wigger, I (2009) The Interconnections of Discrimination. Gender, Class, Nation and Race and the 'Black Shame' on the Rhine, European Societies. Journal of the European Sociological Association (Routledge), 11(4), pp.553-582.

Wigger, I (2002) Against the Laws of Civilisation: Race, Gender and Nation in the International Racist Campaign on the 'Black Shame', Berkeley Journal of Sociology, University of Berkeley, California, 46, pp.113-131, ISSN: 0067-5830.

Wigger, I (2002) Gegen die Kultur und Zivilisation aller Weißen. Die internationale rassistische Kampagne gegen die 'Schwarze Schmach ["Against the Culture and Civilisation of all Whites. The international Racist Campaign against the 'Black Disgrace'"], Jahrbuch Fritz-Bauer-Institut, 6, pp.101-128.


Wigger, I (2010) Constructing the Other: Representations of the Irish in nineteenth century British Academia. In ISA World Congress of Sociology 'Sociology on the Move, Research paper to be presented at the XV11, Gothenburg, Sweden, tba.

Wigger, I (2009) 'White supremacy' under attack?! Anti-African racism in the "Black Horror on the Rhine" campaign. In Goldsmith College, Research paper presented at the interdisciplinary conference "Race in the Modern World", London, tba.

Wigger, I (2008) "The Black Shame on the Rhine' Racist Discrimination in the context of Gender, Class, Nation and 'Race'. In Invited guest lecture and book presentation, Germany, tba.

Wigger, I (2008) Mixed Relations - Interconnected Discriminations. In Research Paper presented at American National Women's Studies Association, Conference "Race and Sexual Politics in Nation, Region, Empire, Cincinnati, US, tba.

Wigger, I (2007) Racialised Bodies - Interlinked Discriminations. Race, Nation, Gender and Class and the 'Black Shame'. In Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association, Research Paper presented at Conference "Whiteness, Race and Reproduction Bodies, Nations, Knowledges", Adelaide, Australia, tba.

Wigger, I (2007) Stereotyping Paddy. The Construction of Whiteness and anti-Irish Racism in the long nineteenth century. In University of Veliko Turnovo, Research Paper presented at Conference "Ireland Across Cultures", Bulgaria, tba.

Wigger, I (2002) "Schwarze Schmach' und 'Weisse Frau': Rassistische, sexistische und nationalististische Diskriminierungsmuster in einer Internationalen Kampagne" [Black Disgrace' and 'White Woman': Racist, sexist and nationalist patterns of discrimination in an International campaign.]. In Cologne, Research Paper presented at the Conference of the Koelner Appell gegen Rassismus e.V, Germany, tba.

Wigger, I (2002) "Unsere Jugend im Rheinland geschaendet, unser Volk verseucht, die Wuerde des Deutschen Volkes und der weissen Rasse zertreten'. Die Kampagne gegen die 'Schwarze Schmach' im Kontext von Rasse, Geschlecht und Nation" ['Our young people in the Rhineland violated, our people contaminated, the dignity of the Germans and the white race crushed': The campaign against the 'Black Disgrace' in the context of Race, Gender and Nation"'] die Wuerde des Deutschen Volkes und der weissen Rasse zertreten'. Die Kampagne gegen die 'Schwarze Schmach' im Kontext von Rasse, Geschlecht und Nation" ['Our young people in the Rhineland. In Paper presented at the History Colloquium, Institute for Europaeische Geschichte, Mainz, Paper presented at the History Colloquium, Germany, tba.

Wigger, I (2001) The Black Horror: Racism in the Context of Nation, Class and Gender. In Centre for Cultural and Social History, Paper presented at the Round Table on History and the Far Right, University of Essex, Great Britain, tba.

Wigger, I (2001) The Black Shame and White Womanhood: An Occidental Racist Discourse in the Context of Race, Nation, Class and Gender. In Research Paper presented at the Tenth Anniversary Conference of the Women's History Network, London, Great Britain, tba.

Wigger, I (2001) Against the Laws of Civilisation: Biological and Cultural Elements in the Racist Campaign on the 'Black Shame'. In NGO-Forum, International Sociological Association Panel on "Otherness" and Gendered Racisms, Research Paper presented at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, South Africa, tba.

Wigger, I (1998) Von 'arbeitsscheu' bis 'ziehende Gauner'. Das Zigeunerstereotyp in der Geschichte deutscher Lexika und Enzyklopaedien [From Idleness to Travelling Crooks: The Gypsy-Stereotype in the History of German Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. In Research paper presented at the conference of the Dokumentations - und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti and Roma, Heidelberg, Germany, tba.


Wigger, I (2017) The 'Black Horror on the Rhine': Intersections of race, nation, gender and class in 1920s Germany, Palgrave Macmillan © The Author, ISBN: 9780230343610. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-31861-9.

Iris, W and Sabine, R (ed) (2011) Racism and modernity. Festschrift for Wulf D. Hund, © LIT Verlag, ISBN: 978-3643901491.

Wigger, I and Schnurmann, C (ed) (2007) Tales of two Cities (second revised edition), Stadtgeschichten aus Hamburg und Chicago. Together with Claudia Schnurmann (eds).

Wigger, I (2007) Die 'Schwarze Schmach' am Rhein. Rassistische Diskriminierung zwischen Geschlecht, Klasse, Nation und Rasse, Verlag Westfaelisches Dampfboot, ISBN: 9783896916518.

Schnurmann, C and Wigger, I (ed) (2006) Tales of two Cities - Stadtgeschichten, LIT Verlag Münster, ISBN: 9783825892548.

Wigger, I (1997) Wohn(t)raeume. 75 Jahre Gemeinnuetzige Baugenossenschaft Hamburg-Nordost ["Imaginations and spaces of housing: 75 years history of the house-building co-operative Hamburg-Nordost"]. Co-author, Erich Schmidt, VSA-Verlag.


Wigger, I (2014) Ein eigenartiges Volk. Die Ethnisierung des Zigeunerstereotyps im Spiegel von Enzyklopädien und Lexika [The racialisation of the gypsy stereotype in encyclopaedias and dictionaries]. In Hund, WD (ed) Faul, fremd und frei. Dimensionen des Zigeunerstereotyps [Lazy, strange and free. Dimensions of the Gypsy Stereotype], Unrast, pp.44-69.

Wigger, I (2011) A 'Race' in the Making. Robert Knox and the Racialisation of the Irish in Nineteenth Century British Anthropology. In Wigger, I and Ritter, S (ed) Racism and Modernity, LIT Berlin, Muenster, London, Vienna, Zurich, pp.131-148, ISBN: 978-3643901491.

Wigger, I (2009) "Die Schwarze Schmach'. Afrikaner in der Propaganda der zwanziger Jahre." [The 'Black Shame'. Africans in the Propaganda of the 1920's]. In Das Jahrhundert der Bilder. Bildatlas 1900-1949, Vol. 1, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp.468-485.

Wigger, I and Klein, K (2009) Bruder Mohr. Angelo Soliman und der Rassismus der Aufklaerung. [Brother Moor. Angelo Soliman and the Racism of the Enlightenment]. In Wulf D. Hund (ed) Entfremdete Koerper. Rassismus als Leichenschaendung, transcript, pp.81-115.

Wigger, I (2006) Die Schwarze Schmach. In Unknown Parent Title, Article for the Bavarian online Encyclopaedia of History, p.44947.

Wigger, I (2004) Wenn 'Wilde wie Herren im Herzen Europas hausen'. Das Dogma weisser Uberlegenheit im Diskurs zur 'Schwarzen Schmach'. ["When 'savages live like masters in the heart of Europe'. The dogma of white supremacy in the discourse on the 'Black Disgrace'"]. In Unknown Parent Title, Zwischen Charleston und Stechschritt. Schwarze im Nationalsozialismus. (ed), pp.137-141.

Wigger, I (2001) "Schwarze Schmach' und Weisse Frau'. Ueber die Logik rassistischer Rhetorik" ["'Black Shame' and 'White Woman'. Regarding the logic of racist rhetoric"]. Schwarzweissheiten. Vom Umgang mit fremden Menschen. In Unknown Parent Title, Landesmuseum Oldenburg. Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg, pp.150-156.

Wigger, I (1998) Stigmatisierung von Sinti und Roma in Lexika und Enzyklopadien ["Watchword 'Gypsy']":. In Anita Awosusi, (ed) The stigmatisation of Sinti and Roma in dictionaries and encyclopaedias, Verlag Wunderhorn, pp.13-43.

Wigger, I (1996) "Ein eigenartiges Volk'. Die Ethnisierung des Zigeunerstereotyps im Spiegel von Enzyklopaedien und Lexika" ["A Strange People'. The racialisation of the gypsy-stereotype in encyclopaedias and dictionaries"]. In Hund, WD (ed) Zigeuner. Geschichte und Struktur einer rassistischen Konstruktion. ["Gypsy. History and Structure of a racist construction"], Duisburger Institut fur Sprach - und Sozialforschung, Duisburg, pp.37-66.

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