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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for David Deacon

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Journal Articles

Deacon, D, Smith, D, Wring, D (2024) Why mainstream news media still matter, Media, Culture & Society, 46(4), pp.874-885, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/01634437241228765.

Deacon, D and Stanyer, J (2021) Media diversity and the analysis of qualitative variation, Communication and the Public, 6(1-4), pp.19-32, DOI: 10.1177/20570473211006481.

Smith, D, Deacon, D, Downey, J (2020) Inside out: The UK press, Brexit and strategic populist ventriloquism, European Journal of Communication, 36(1), pp.21-37, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323120940917.

Deacon, D and Harmer, E (2019) The present in retrospect: Press reporting of UK General Elections, 1918–2015, Journalism, 20(8), pp.994-1013, ISSN: 1464-8849. DOI: 10.1177/1464884919845445.

Smith, D and Deacon, D (2018) Immigration and the British news media: Continuity or change?, Sociology Compass, ISSN: 1751-9020. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12618.

Deacon, D and Smith, D (2017) The politics of containment: Immigration coverage in UK general election news coverage (1992 to 2015), Journalism, 21(2), pp.151-171, ISSN: 1464-8849. DOI: 10.1177/1464884917715944.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2016) The UK Independence Party, populism and the British news media: Competition, collaboration or containment?, European Journal of Communication, 31(2), pp.169-184, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323115612215.

Deacon, D and Stanyer, J (2015) 'Mediatization and' or 'Mediatization of'? A response to Hepp et al, MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY, 37(4), pp.655-657, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443715580761.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) Britain’s famous red top newspapers struggle to find their voice in general election, The Conversation.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) Pints and pratfalls: for UKIP, all publicity is good publicity, The Conversation.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) The leaders' debates: three into seven might not go, The Conversation.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) Leader debates 2015: don’t hold your breath for a repeat of 2010, The Conversation.

Deacon, D and Stanyer, J (2014) Mediatization: key concept or conceptual bandwagon?, Media, Culture and Society, 36(7), pp.1032-1044, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443714542218.

Deacon, D (2012) A quietening effect?: The BBC and the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Media History, 18(2), pp.143-158, ISSN: 1368-8804. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2012.663866.

Wring, D and Deacon, D (2010) Patterns of press partisanship in the 2010 general election, British Politics, 5(4), pp.436-454, ISSN: 1746-918X. DOI: 10.1057/bp.2010.18.

Deacon, D (2008) Images at war: Illustrated periodicals and constructed nations, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 23(2), pp.253-255, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/02673231080230020611.

Deacon, DN (2008) Elective and Experiential Affinities: British and American Foreign Correspondents and the Spanish Civil War, Journalism Studies, 9(3), pp.392-408, ISSN: 1461-670X.

Deacon, D (2007) Yesterday's papers and today's technology: Digital newspaper archives and 'push button' content analysis, European Journal of Communication, 22(1), pp.5-25, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323107073743.

Deacon, D, Wring, D, Golding, P (2006) Same campaign, differing agendas: Analysing news media coverage of the 2005 general election, British Politics, 1(2), pp.222-256, ISSN: 1746-918X. DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.bp.4200020.

Billig, M, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Richardson, JE, Golding, P (2006) Chilly Britannia? Catalyst, Not known.

Deacon, D (2005) How to get a 2 : 1 in media, communication and cultural studies, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 20(4), pp.553-555, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/026732310502000412.

Deacon, DN (2004) Journalists and Quasi-government in the UK: Conflict, co-operation or co-option?, Journalism Studies, 5(3), pp.339-352, ISSN: 1469-9699. DOI: 10.1080/1461670042000246098.

Deacon, D (2004) Politicians, Privacy and Media Intrusion in Britain, Parliamentary Affairs, 57(1), ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsh002.

Deacon, D (2003) Holism, communion and conversion: Integrating media consumption and production research, Media, Culture and Society, 25(2), ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI: 10.1177/0163443703025002636.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (2002) Politics and the media: the 2001 British General Election, Sociology Review, 12(2), pp.2-5.

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (2002) News Management and New Managerialism: Quangos and their Media Relations, Journal of Political Marketing, 1(2/3), pp.25-43, ISSN: 1537-7857.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (2001) Press and Broadcasting: 'Real Issues' and Real Coverage, Parliamentary Affairs, 54(4), pp.666-678, ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI: 10.1093/parlij/54.4.666.

Deacon, D (2001) News and news sources: A critical introduction, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 16(3), pp.392-394, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323101016003011.

Deacon, D and Monk, W (2001) Quangos and the News Media: 'Promotionalism' and Higher Education in Context, Higher Education Review, 33(2), pp.44-66, ISSN: 0018-1609.

Deacon, D and Monk, W (2001) Quangos and the Communications Dependent Society: Part of the Process of Exceptions to the Rule? European Journal of Communication, 16(1), pp.15-50, ISSN: 0267-3231.

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (2001) New Managerialism in the News: Media Coverage of Quangos in Britain, Journal of Public Affairs, 1(2), pp.153-166, ISSN: 1472-3891.

Deacon, D and Monk, W (2001) Quangos and the 'communications dependent society' part of the process or exceptions to the rule?, European Journal of Communication, 16(1), pp.25-49, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323101016001002.

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (2000) Executive Stressed. News Reporting of Quangos in Britain, Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics, 5(3), pp.45-66, ISSN: 1081-180X.

Deacon, DN (1999) Young Carers and Old Hacks, Journal of Young Carers Work, 2, pp.9-11.

Deacon, DN, Fenton, ND, Bryman, AE (1999) From inception to reception: the natural history of a news item, Media, Culture and Society, 21(1), pp.5-31, ISSN: 0163-4437.

Deacon, DN, Bryman, AE, Fenton, ND (1998) Collision or collusion: A discussion and case study of the unplanned triangulation of quantitative and qualitative research methods, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1(1), pp.47-63.

Deacon, D, Bryman, A, Fenton, N (1998) Collision or collusion? A discussion and case study of the unplanned triangulation of quantitative and qualitative research methods, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1(1), pp.47-63, ISSN: 1364-5579. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.1998.10846862.

Deacon, D (1997) The crisis of public communication - Blumler,J, Gurevitch,M, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 12(1), pp.124-127, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI: 10.1177/0267323197012001008.

Fenton, ND, Bryman, AE, Deacon, DN, Birmingham, P (1997) Sod off and find us a boffin: Journalists and the social science conference, The Sociological Review, 45(1), pp.1-23, ISSN: 0038-0261.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (1997) Loss of Faith or Losing Face? The Defection of the Conservative Press in the 1997 British General Election, Bulletin of the European Institute of Media, 14(2), pp.8-9, ISSN: 1021-5719.

Deacon, DN (1997) Reorientation or Disorientation: National Press Coverage of the 1997 General Election, PSA News: Newsletter of the Political Studies Association, 9(4), pp.6-7, ISSN: 0955-6281.

Deacon, DN and Walker, B (1996) How they see you, Voluntary Action Leicester News, 3(10), p.4.

Deacon, DN (1996) The Voluntary Sector in a Changing Communication Environment. A Case Study of Non-Official News Sources, European Journal of Communication, 11(2), pp.173-199, ISSN: 0267-3231.

Deacon, DN and Walker, B (1995) How they see you, Charity Magazine, 12(1), pp.19-21.

Deacon, DN and Walker, B (1995) Working with the Media, The Third Sector, (70), p.10, ISSN: 1355-6371.

Deacon, DN, Fenton, ND, Walker, B (1995) Communicating Philanthropy: the media and the voluntary sector in Britain, Voluntas: international journal of voluntary and non profit organisations, 6(2), pp.119-139, ISSN: 0957-8765.

Deacon, DN and Golding, P (1993) Barriers to Centralism: Local Government, Local Media and the Charge on the Community, Local Government Studies, 19(2), pp.176-189, ISSN: 0300-3930.

Deacon, D and Golding, P (1992) Media and the Poll Tax, LGIU Briefing No. 61, (7), p.6.

Deacon, D and Golding, P (1992) The Media and the Poll Tax, Association of District Councils Review, pp.22-23.

Golding, P, Billig, M, Deacon, D, Middleton, S (1992) The Election Campaign: Two Shows for the Price of One, British Journalism Review, 3(2), pp.6-10.

Deacon, DN and Golding, P (1991) When Ideology Fails: the flagship of Thatcherism and British Local and National Media, European Journal of Communication, 6(3), pp.291-314, ISSN: 0267-3231.

Deacon, DN and Golding, P (1991) The Voluntary Sector in the Information Society: a Study in Division and Uncertainty, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non Profit Organisations, 2(2), pp.69-88, ISSN: 1355-6371.


Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British press coverage of health inequalities (1998-2009). In IAMCR conference, Braga, Portugal, pp.tba-tba.

Deacon, DN, Stanyer, J, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) 'Self Health' and Societal Health: British Press Coverage of Health Inequalities (1998-2009). In International Association for Media and Communication Research World Congress, Braga University, Portugal, pp.tba-tba.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2007) British Press Partisanship over the Twentieth Century: An Analysis of Election Editorials. In UK Political Studies Association Media Politics Group, Staffordshire University, tba.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2006) Political Communication and the 2005 British General Election. In International Political Science Association World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, tba.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2006) From Tory to Tony but what now? Press partisanship in British general elections. In UK Political Studies Association Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Group, University of Nottingham, tba.

Deacon, DN, Wring, DJ, Golding, P, Billig, MG (2005) More Megaphone than Dog Whistle: the Mediation of the 2005 General Election. In UK Political Studies Association Elections Public Opinion and Parties Group Conference on the General Election, Essex University, tba.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2005) From Tory Press to Tony Press? The Changing Dynamics of Press Partisanship in Britain. In Institute of Historical Research's Centre for Contemporary British History Conference on 'The History of the Media, London June, tba.

Deacon, DN (2001) News Management and New Managerialism. In Proceedings of the 8th International Public Relations Symposium, Bled, p.22.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (1997) Between Fear and Loathing: National Press Coverage of the 1997 British General Election. In Denver, D, Fisher, J, Cowley, P, Pattie, eds, C (ed) Elections, Public Opinion & Parties Specialist Group, Political Studies Association, British Elections and Parties Review, Essex University, pp.135-149.

Deacon, DN, Fenton, ND, Bryman, AE (1996) From Inception to Reception: The Natural History of a News Item. In International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR), Sydney, 24pp.


Deacon, DN (2008) British News Media and the Spanish Civil War: Tomorrow May be Too Late, Edinburgh University Press, ISBN: 9780748627486.

Deacon, DN, Pickering, MJ, Golding, P, Murdock, G (2007) Researching Communications: A Practical Guide to Media and Cultural Analysis, Arnold, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-340-92699-4.

Deacon, DN, Pickering, MJ, Golding, P, Murdock, G (1999) Researching Communications: A Practical Guide to Methods in Media and Cultural Analysis, Edward Arnold, ISBN: 0340 59685 6.

Fenton, ND, Bryman, AE, Deacon, DN, Birmingham, P (1998) Mediating Social Science, Sage, ISBN: 0 8039 75767.

Deacon, DN and Golding, P (1994) Taxation and Representation: the Media, Political Communication and the Poll Tax, John Libbey, ISBN: 0 86196 390 3.

CD Objects

Deacon, DN (2001) News Management and New Managerialism,.


Deacon, D, Smith, D, Wring, D (2021) Enduring Brands: The Press. In The British General Election of 2019, pp.347-385, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74254-6_10.

Wring, D and Deacon, D (2021) PARTIAL NEWS: ELECTION EDITORIALIZING IN INTER-WAR BRITAIN. In The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, pp.26-41, DOI: 10.4324/9780429284571-2.

Wring, D, Deacon, D, Smith, D (2021) Knocking Copy:How the National Press Covered the Campaign. In Political Communication in Britain: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2019 General Election, pp.117-135, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-81406-9_10.

Deacon, D, Wring, D, Smith, D, Vaccari, C (2020) Here, There and Everywhere: Brexit and the Mainstream News Coverage During the 2019 General Election. In Mair, J, Clark, T, Fowler, N, Snoddy, R, Tait, R (ed) Brexit, Boris and the Media, Theschoolbook.com, pp.1-14, ISBN: 9781845497644.

Wring, D, Deacon, D, Smith, D (2020) The Loughborough University 2019 General Election Survey. In Williams, G (ed) It's the Media, Stupid!: The Media, the 2019 Election and the Aftermath, Campaign For Press and Broadcasting Freedom (North), pp.22-32, ISBN: 9781898240006.

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2019) A tale of two parties: Press and television coverage of the campaign. In Political Communication in Britain Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan © The Authors, pp.23-41, ISBN: 9783030008222. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00822-2.

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, D, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2018) A Tale of Two Parties: Press and Television Coverage of the Campaign. In Political Communication in Britain: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election, pp.23-41, DOI: 10.1007/9783030008222_2.

Wring, D and Deacon, D (2018) A bad press: newspapers. In The British General Election of 2017, Palgrave Macmillan © The Authors, pp.347-384, ISBN: 9783319959368. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95936-8.

Deacon, DN, Wring, D, Stanyer, Downey, J (2017) The Media Campaign: The Issues and Personalities Who Defined the Election. In Wring, D, Mortimore, R, Atkinson, S (ed) Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.183-196, ISBN: 978-3-319-40933-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40934-4.

Wring, D, Grill, C, Merkovity, N, Deacon, D (2017) Populist politics and the ‘radical right’ in 2014 elections. In Political Advertising in the 2014 European Parliament Elections, © The Editors/ authors. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, pp.97-117, ISBN: 9781137569813.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2017) One party, two issues: UK news media reporting of the EU Referendum. In Brexit, Trump and the Media, Abramis, pp.36-44, ISBN: 9781845497095.

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Smith, DSS, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2017) Two parts policy, one part process: News media coverage of the 2017 election. In Brexit, Trump and the Media, Abramis, pp.367-371, ISBN: 978-1845497095.

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) The media campaign: The issues and personalities who defined the election. In Political Communication in Britain: Polling, Campaigning and Media in the 2015 General Election, pp.183-196, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40934-4_15.

Deacon, DN, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) News media performance in the 2015 General Election campaign. In Jackson, D and Thorsen, E (ed) UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign, Centre for Study of Journalism, Culture and Community, pp.12-14, ISBN: 978-1-910042-07-6.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) Still life in the old attack dogs: the press. In The British General Election of 2015, Palgrave Macmillan (individual chapters © respective authors), pp.302-336, ISBN: 9781137366108. DOI: 10.1057/9781137366115.

Deacon, D and Wring, D (2015) The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and the British press: integration, immigration and integrity. In Political Parties in the Digital Age The Impact of New Technologies in Politics, © Walter de Gruyter, pp.129-151, ISBN: 9783110404081.

Deacon, DN (2012) Hello to All That: 'Credit Crunches', 'Great Crashes' and Journalist Retrojection. In Time, Media and Modernity, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.102-122, ISBN: 9780230276703.

Deacon, D (2012) 'Going to Spain with the boys': Women correspondents and the Spanish Civil War. In Narrating Media History, pp.66-78, DOI: 10.4324/9780203892954-7.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2011) Reporting the 2010 General Election: Old Media, New Media - Old Politics, New Politics. In Wring, D, Mortimore, R, eds, SA (ed) Political Communication in Britain: the Leader Debates, the Campaign and the Media in the 2010 General Election, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.281-303, ISBN: 9780230301450.

Deacon, DN and Keightley, E (2011) Quantitative Audience Research: Embracing the Poor Relation. In Nightingale, VE (ed) The Handbook of Media Audiences, Blackwell, pp.302-319.

Deacon, DN (2008) Why Counting Counts. In ed, MP (ed) Research Methods for Cultural Studies, Edinburgh University Press, pp.89-104, ISBN: 978 0 7486 2578 9.

Deacon, DN (2008) Going to Spain with the Boys: Women Correspondents and the Spanish Civil War. In ed, MB (ed) Narrating Media History, Routledge, pp.66-78, ISBN: 0-415-41916-6.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2006) Les Politiques et les medias en Grande-Bretagne. In Antoine, F, Lits, M, Desterbecq, J, Sepulchre, eds, S (ed) La Spectacularisation des personnalités Politiques dans les programmes de télévision de la communauté Française, Consiel Superieur de l'audiovisuel, pp.145-154.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2005) Election unspun? The mediation of the campaign. In Deacon, DN and Wring, DE (ed) Britain Decides: the UK General Election 2005, Palgrave, pp.208-233.

Deacon, DN, Wring, DJ, Golding, P (2005) The 'Take a Break Campaign?: National print media reporting of the election. In Wring, ID, Green, J, Mortimore, R, eds, SA (ed) Political Communications: The General Election Campaign of 2005, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.233-247, ISBN: 9780230001305.

Deacon, DN, Wring, DJ, Golding, P (2005) 'The "Take A Break" Campaign?. In Wring, D, Green, J, Mortimore, R, Atkinson, eds, S (ed) National Print Media Reporting of the Election, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.233-47, ISBN: 9780230001305.

Deacon, DN (2003) Non Governmental Organisations and the Media. In Cottle, S (ed) News, Public Relations and Power, Sage, pp.99-116, ISBN: 0761974954.

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (2002) News Management and New Managerialism: Quangos and their Media Relations. In Newman, B and Vercic, D (ed) Communication of Politics: Cross Cultural Theory Building in the Practice of Public Relations and Political Marketing, The Howarth Press, pp.24-44, ISBN: 0789021595.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2002) Partisan Dealignment and the British Press. In Bartle, J, Crewe, I, Gosschalk, eds, B (ed) Political Communications: the British General Election of 2001, Frank Cass, pp.197-211, ISBN: 07146 52903.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (2001) Press and Broadcasting: 'Real Issues' and Real Coverage. In Norris, PE (ed) Britain Votes 2001, Oxford University Press, pp.102-114, ISBN: 0198510497.

Deacon, DN (2000) Content Analysis of HTV coverage. In Berner, BE (ed) Assessment of the Croatian State Broadcaster HTV, European Institute of Media/European Commission, pp.30-66.

Deacon, DN (1999) Charitable Images: the Construction of Voluntary Sector News. In Franklin, BE (ed) Social Policy, the Media and Misrepresentation, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp.51-68.

Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Billig, M (1998) Between Fear and Loathing: National Press Coverage of the 1997 British General Election. In Denver, D, Fisher, J, Cowley, P, Pattie, eds, C (ed) British General Elections and Parties Review, Frank Cass, pp.135-149.

Billig, M, Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Middleton, S (1993) In the Hands of the Spin-doctors: television, politics and the 1992 General Election. In Miller, N and Allen, RE (ed) It's Live - But Is It Real?, John Libbey, pp.111-121.

School/Dept Working Papers

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (2000) News Management & New Managerialism: Quangos and their media relations.

Deacon, DN and Monk, W (1999) Executive Stressed? News Reporting of Quangos.

Fenton, ND and Deacon, DN (1996) Charities and The Media.

Fenton, ND and Deacon, DN (1996) The Voluntary Sector and the Media.


Stanyer, J, Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Wring, D (2016) UK News Coverage Of The 2016 EU Referendum. Report 2 (19 May – 1 June ), 2, Loughborough University.

Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Wring, D, Stanyer, J (2016) UK News Coverage of The 2016 EU Referendum. Report 1 (6- 18 May), 1, Loughborough Univeristy.

Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 3 (6 May – 8 June 2016).

Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 4 (6 May – 15 June 2016 ).

Deacon, D, Harmer, E, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2016) UK news coverage of the 2016 EU Referendum. Report 5 (6 May – 22 June 2016).

Deacon, DN, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, DJ (2015) Media Coverage of the UK General Election 2015 (Report 1), 1, British Academy/ Leverhulme Trust.

Deacon, DN (2015) A tale of two kitchens, two jobs and two receipts, British Academy/ Leverhulme.

Deacon, DN and Harmer, E (2015) Politicians and Personalisation in Perspective, British Academy/ Leverhulme Trust.

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 2 covering 30th March - 15th April].

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 3 covering 30th March- 22nd April].

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 4 covering 30th March- 29th April].

Deacon, D, Downey, J, Stanyer, J, Wring, D (2015) General Election 2015: the media campaign [report 5 covering 30th March- 7th May].

Stanyer, J, Deacon, D, Downey, J, Wring, D (2014) Rural areas in the UK impartiality review: a content analysis for the BBC Trust, pp.1-94.

Deacon, D and Harmer, E (2014) National press coverage of UK general elections (1918-2010): end of project report for the Leverhulme Trust.

Downey, JW, Deacon, D, Stanyer, J, Wring, J (2012) Content Analysis of the BBC's reporting of the Arab Spring, pp.1-94, BBC Trust.

Stanyer, J, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2010) Representations of Drug Use and Drug users in the Press, tba, A report produced for the UK Drugs Policy Commission ISBN 978-1-906246-28-0.

Stanyer, J, Deacon, DN, Downey, JW, Wring, DJ (2009) Reporting Health Inequalities in the British Media, p.69, A report produced for National Social Marketing Centre, UK.

Downey, JW, Deacon, DN, Golding, P, Oldfield, B, Wring, DJ (2006) The BBC's Reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, p.104, BBC Board of Governors.

Deacon, DN and Wring, DJ (2006) Les politiques et les medias en Grande-Bretagne, in Antoine, F, Lits, M, Desterbecq, J. & Sepulchre, S. (eds) La Spectacularisation des Personnalites Politiques dans les Programmes de Television de la Communaute Francaise, for the Du Conseil Superieur de l' Audiovisuel, pp.145-54, Belgium Parliament.

Deacon, DN (2006) The Spanish Civil War and the British News Media, p.31, Economic and Social Research Council.

Billig, M, Downey, JW, Richardson, JE, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2006) Britishness in the last three General Elections: from ethnic to civic nationalism, p.124, Commission for Racial Equality.

Downey, JW, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2006) The BBC's reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, p.103, unknown.

Wring, DJ, Golding, P, Deacon, DN (2005) Media Analysis of the North East Assembly Referendum, n/a, Report produced for the UK Electoral Commission.

Oldfield, BR, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2005) Press Reporting of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, p.25, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, McGuigan, JT, Purdey, H, Rawson, S (2005) The Case of Great Britain, p.30, Sixth EU Framework Programme.

Deacon, DN, Wring, DJ, Billig, M, Downey, JW, Golding, P, Davidson, S (2005) Reporting the 2005 UK General Election for the UK Electoral Commission, p.75, UK Electoral Commission.

Wring, DJ, Deacon, DN, Golding, P (2002) Response to Consultation Paper on the Reform of Party Political Broadcasting issued by the Electoral Commission, p.4, Loughborough University Communication Research Centre.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (2001) Media Coverage of the 2001 General Election - Report 5, p.11, Guardian Newspaper.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (2001) Media Coverage of the 2001 General Election - Report 4, p.11, Guardian Newspaper.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (2001) Media Coverage of the 2001 General Election - Report 3, p.11, Guardian Newspaper.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (2001) Media Coverage of the 2001 General Election - Report 2, p.11, Guardian Newspaper.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (2001) Media Coverage of the 2001 General Election - Report 1, p.11, Guardian Newspaper.

Deacon, DN (1999) Quasi Autonomous Non Governmental Organisations and the British News Media, End of Project report for the Economic and Social Research Council, p.28, Economic and Social Research Council.

Wring, DJ, Golding, P, Deacon, DN (1998) Response to Consultation paper on the Reform of Party Political Broadcasting, p.10, Loughborough University.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (1997) Media Coverage of the 1997 General Election - Report 5, p.10, London: Guardian Newspaper.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (1997) Media Coverage of the 1997 General Election - Report 4, p.10, London: Guardian Newspaper.

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Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (1997) Media Coverage of the 1997 General Election - Report 1, p.10, London: Guardian Newspaper.

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Deacon, DN (2003) The Creation of Political News: Television and the British Party Political Conferences.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (2001) An Election that Many Watched But Few Enjoyed.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (2001) Broadsheets Soldier on as Tabloids Wilt.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (2001) When What is Unsaid is The News.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (2001) Quick Jab Injects Life Into Campaign.

Deacon, DN (2001) Non Governmental Organisations as News Sources.

Deacon, DN (2001) Manning, P. ``News and Sources''.

Golding, P, Deacon, DN, Billig, M (1997) Dominant press backs 'on message' winner.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (1997) Nailing Colours to a different mast.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (1997) Wartime nostalgia page after page.

Golding, P and Deacon, DN (1997) Campaign fails to hold the front page.

Deacon, DN (1997) Blumler, J. & Gurevitch, M, (eds) ``The Crisis of Public Communication'' Routledge 1995.

Deacon, DN and Fenton, ND (1996) He Who Pays the Piper.

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