Journal Articles
Kirkman, G,
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D (2025)
The impact of adolescent dating violence and abuse on victims’ mental health and social isolation: a thematic empirical evidence review,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, ISSN: 2042-8316.
Mojtahedi, D,
Willmott, D, Ruddick, L, Hillier, M (2025)
Personality and attitudinal predictors of match official abuse: a survey of football players, spectators and coaches,
Polish Psychological Bulletin, ISSN: 0079-2993.
Li, E,
Willmott, D, Trivedi-Bateman, N (2024)
Examining the mental health consequences of childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner sexual violence in China: A brief review,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, ISSN: 2042-8308.
Phillips, C, Peebles, D,
Willmott, D (2024)
Emotional versus neutral trial language on mock jury recall, moral disengagement and verdict harshness ratings within an acquaintance rape trial,
Polish Psychological Bulletin, ISSN: 0079-2993.
Weare, S and
Willmott, D (2024)
The Forced-to-Penetrate Myth Acceptance Scale (FTP-MAS): A new attitudinal tool for assessing myths that surround female perpetrated sexual violence against men,
Behavioral Sciences and the Law, ISSN: 0735-3936.
Kirkman, G,
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D, Debowska, A (2024)
Introduction and validation of the Modern Adolescent Dating Violence Attitude (MADVA) scale: A contemporary tool for assessing adolescent attitudes towards dating violence in offline and online environments,
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, ISSN: 1756-0616.
Willmott, D, Long, M, Agneswaran, A, Labhardt, D (2024)
Why do people riot? Examining rioter motivations and the role of the police,
The Police Journal, ISSN: 0032-258X.
Lee, H, Labhardt, D,
Willmott, D (2024) GHB, Chemsex and Chemical Submission: Investigating the role of sexuality on victim empathy and blame attribution in drug-facilitated sexual assault against men,
Behavioral Sciences, ISSN: 2076-328X.
Pisano, G, Widanaralalage, BK,
Willmott, D (2024)
“We have to fight for our existence in the system”: exploring service providers’ experiences with male victims and female perpetrators of intimate partner violence,
Journal of Criminal Psychology, ISSN: 2009-3829. DOI:
Hudspith, L, Wager, N,
Willmott, D, Gallagher, B (2024)
The impact of rape myth education on jury decision-making: A systematic review,
Trauma, Violence and Abuse, ISSN: 1524-8380.
Willmott, D, Rafique, A, Widanaralalage, BK, Agneswaran, A (2024)
Investigating the role of psychopathic personality traits, gender, and ethnicity in Rape Myth Acceptance,
Psychiatry Psychology and Law, ISSN: 1321-8719. DOI:
Metson, J and
Willmott, D (2024)
Victim care or defendant rights? Assessing public attitudes towards special measures designed to support vulnerable witnesses at trial,
Social Sciences, 13(4), 198, ISSN: 2076-0760. DOI:
Ioannides, A and
Willmott, D (2024)
Do psychopathic traits, sexual victimisation experiences and emotional intelligence predict attitudes towards rape? Examining the psychosocial correlates of rape myth beliefs among a cross-sectional community sample,
Polish Psychological Bulletin, 54(3), pp.217-228, ISSN: 0079-2993. DOI:
Willmott, D and Widanaralalage, BK (2023)
Male rape myths: examining the role of victim empathy and socio-demographics in a cross-sectional sample of UK adults,
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 76, 100645, ISSN: 1756-0616. DOI:
Stewart, S,
Willmott, D, Murphy, A, Phillips, C (2023)
“I thought I’m better off just trying to put this behind me” – a contemporary approach to understanding why women decide not to report sexual violence,
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 35(1), pp.85-101, ISSN: 1478-9949. DOI:
Lindsay, J,
Willmott, D, Richardson, E (2023)
Football culture and domestic violence: dissecting the link among a focus group of non-abusive youth football fans,
Youth, 3(3), pp.1078-1100, DOI:
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D, Fray-Aiken, C, Ochen, EA, Powell-Booth, K, Kalule, EN, Harvey, R, Turyomurugyendo, F, Nelson, K,
Willmott, D, Mason, S (2023)
Child abuse and neglect and associated mental health outcomes: a large, population-based survey among children and adolescents from Jamaica and Uganda,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(1), pp.42-65, ISSN: 2042-8308. DOI:
Thornton, G,
Willmott, D, Richardson, E, Hudspith, L (2023)
Examining the immediate and enduring psychological impact of street harassment on women’s mental health,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(5), pp.734-744, ISSN: 2042-8308. DOI:
Woodfield, R, Boduszek, D,
Willmott, D, Webster, L (2023)
The moderating role of prison personnel years of service in the relationship between trauma and PTSD,
European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 7(3), 100333, DOI:
Conroy, E,
Willmott, D, Murphy, A, Widanaralalage, BK (2023)
Does perpetrator gender influence attitudes towards intimate partner violence (IPV)? Examining the relationship between male-perpetrated and female-perpetrated IPV attitudes among a sample of UK young adults,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(5), pp.617-627, ISSN: 2042-8308. DOI:
Williams, S,
Willmott, D, Murphy, A (2023)
The court of social media opinion: Examining how Twitter users respond to the retrial of footballer Ched Evans,
Internet Journal of Criminology, ISSN: 2045-6743.
Lilley, C,
Willmott, D, Mojtahedi, D (2023)
Juror characteristics on trial: Investigating how psychopathic traits, rape attitudes, victimization experiences, and juror demographics influence decision-making in an intimate partner rape trial,
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 1086026, ISSN: 1664-0640. DOI:
Lilley, C,
Willmott, D, Mojtahedi, D, Labhardt, D (2023)
Intimate partner rape: A review of six core myths surrounding women’s conduct and the consequences of intimate partner rape,
Social Sciences, 12(1), DOI:
Fray, C, Powell-Booth, K, Nelson, K, Harvey, R, Reid, PA, Wager, N,
Willmott, D, Mason, S, Jones, A (2022)
The prevalence, contexts, and impact of children's exposure to domestic violence in Jamaica,
Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 15(2), pp.132-162, ISSN: 0799-1401. DOI:
Sowersby, C-J, Erskine-Shaw, M,
Willmott, D (2022)
Masochist or murderer? A discourse analytic study exploring social constructions of sexually violent male perpetrators, female victims-survivors and the rough sex defence on Twitter,
Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 867991, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI:
Filkin, S, Mojtahedi, D,
Willmott, D (2022)
Motivations for adolescent offending and truancy from school: Retrospective interviews with adults recently released from a custodial prison sentence in England,
Heliyon, 8(6), e09762, DOI:
Sharratt, K, Mason, SJ, Kirkman, G,
Willmott, D, McDermott, D, Timmins, S, Wager, N (2022)
Childhood abuse and neglect, exposure to domestic violence and sibling violence: profiles and associations with sociodemographic variables and mental health indicators,
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1-2), ISSN: 0886-2605. DOI:
Woodfield, R, Boduszek, D, Willmott, D (Accepted for publication) Latent profiles of PTSD, anxiety and depression and association with trauma exposure within prison personnel, European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(3), DOI: 10.1016/j.ejtd.2022.100268.
Daly, E, Smith, O, Bows, H, Brown, J, Chalmers, J, Cowan, S, Horvath, M, Leverick, F, Lovett, J, Munro, V,
Willmott, D (2022)
Myths about myths? A commentary on Thomas (2020) and the question of jury rape myth acceptance,
Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7(1), pp.189-200, ISSN: 2398-6808. DOI:
Willmott, D, Hunt, D, Mojtahedi, D (2021)
Criminal geography and geographical profiling within police investigations - a brief introduction,
Internet Journal of Criminology, ISSN: 2045-6743.
Hudspith, LF, Wager, N,
Willmott, D, Gallagher, B (2021)
Forty years of rape myth acceptance interventions: a systematic review of what works in naturalistic institutional settings and how this can be applied to educational guidance for jurors,
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(2), pp.981-1000, ISSN: 1524-8380. DOI:
Barnett, G, Boduszek, D,
Willmott, D (2021)
What works to change identity? A rapid evidence assessment of interventions,
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(7), pp.698-719, ISSN: 0021-9029. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, McDermott, D,
Willmott, D, Sharratt, K (2021)
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale– Revised (PPTS-R): empirical investigation of construct validity and dimensionality in a forensic and non-forensic sample,
Deviant Behavior, 43(7), pp.821-828, ISSN: 0163-9625. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Ochen, EA, Fray, C, Nanfuka, EK, Powell-Booth, K, Turyomurugyendo, F, Nelson, K, Harvey, R,
Willmott, D, Mason, SJ (2021)
Prevalence and correlates of non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt among children and adolescents: Findings from Uganda and Jamaica,
Journal of Affective Disorders, 283, pp.172-178, ISSN: 0165-0327. DOI:
Smith, O, Daly, E, Herriott, C,
Willmott, D (2021)
State compensation as rape justice: are public attitudes a legitimate foundation for reform of the UK’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme?,
Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6(1), pp.79-97, ISSN: 2398-6808. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Sharratt, K, McDermott, D, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D, Popiolek, K, Hyland, P (2020)
Pathways between types of crime and criminal social identity: A network approach,
Journal of Criminal Justice, 72, 101750, ISSN: 0047-2352. DOI:
Woodfield, R, Boduszek, D,
Willmott, D (2019)
Introduction and psychometric validation of the prison personnel trauma measure (PPTM),
European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 3(4), pp.257-262, ISSN: 2468-7499. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D, Boulton, M, Kielkiewicz, K, Popiolek, K, Hyland, P (2019)
Are prisoners more psychopathic than non-forensic populations? Profiling psychopathic traits among prisoners, community adults, university students, and adolescents,
Deviant Behavior, 42(2), pp.232-244, ISSN: 0163-9625. DOI:
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D,
Willmott, D, Jones, AD (2019)
The None in Three Victim Responsiveness Assessment (Ni3: VRA): a new outcome measure for intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention programs,
Journal of Children's Services, 14(2), pp.97-106, ISSN: 1746-6660. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A,
Willmott, D, Jones, AD, DeLisi, M, Kirkman, G (2019)
Is female psychopathy linked with child abuse? An empirical investigation using a person-centered approach,
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 28(6), pp.708-725, ISSN: 1053-8712. DOI:
Booth, N,
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D (2018)
Rape myths and misconceptions [Commentary and Opinion],
The Law Society Gazette.
Thew, H, McDermott, D,
Willmott, D (2018)
Mindfulness as a psychological approach to managing self-harming behaviours: application and review within clinical settings,
Crime, Security, & Society, 1(2), pp.5-13, ISSN: 2398-130X. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Jones, AD, Ma, M, Smith, D,
Willmott, D, Jemmott, ET, Da Breo, H, Kirkman, G (2018)
Prosocial video game as an intimate partner violence prevention tool among youth: A randomised controlled trial,
Computers in Human Behavior, 93, pp.260-266, ISSN: 0747-5632. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D (2018)
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale (PPTS): Construct validity of the instrument in a sample of U.S. prisoners,
Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1596, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI:
Willmott, D, Ryan, S, Sherretts, N, Woodfield, R, McDermott, D (2018)
Motivation: A critical consideration of Freud and Rogers' seminal conceptualisations,
Polish Psychological Bulletin, 49(2), pp.229-234, ISSN: 0079-2993. DOI:
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D, Debowska, A, Woodfield, R (2018)
Introduction and validation of the Juror Decision Scale (JDS): An empirical investigation of the Story Model,
Journal of Criminal Justice, 57, pp.26-34, ISSN: 0047-2352. DOI:
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D, Jones, AD (2018)
Profiles and behavioral consequences of child abuse among adolescent girls and boys from Barbados and Grenada,
Child Abuse & Neglect, 79, pp.245-258, ISSN: 0145-2134. DOI:
McDermott, D and
Willmott, D (2018)
Self-harm and violence ‘at an all-time high’ in the male prison estate – what are we doing so wrong?,
Custodial Review, (86).
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D, Robinson, R (2017)
A psychodynamic-behaviourist investigation of Russian sexual serial killer Andrei Chikatilo,
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 29(3), pp.498-507, ISSN: 1478-9949. DOI:
Ryan, S, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D, Mojtahedi, D, Baughman, BM (2017)
The missing link in training to detect deception and its implications for justice,
Safer Communities, 17(1), pp.33-46, ISSN: 1757-8043. DOI:
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D, Jones, AD,
Willmott, D, Sherretts, N (2017)
Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: the function of violence exposure and victimization,
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), pp.1233-1255, ISSN: 0886-2605. DOI:
Booth, N,
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D (2017)
Juries in rape trials: Balanced or biased?,
Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 181(37), pp.662-663, ISSN: 1759-7943.
Debowska, A,
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D, Jones, AD (2017)
What do we know about child abuse and neglect patterns of co-occurrence? A systematic review of profiling studies and recommendations for future research,
Child Abuse & Neglect, 70, pp.100-111, ISSN: 0145-2134. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A,
Willmott, D (2017)
Latent profile analysis of psychopathic traits among homicide, general violent, property, and white-collar offenders,
Journal of Criminal Justice, 51, pp.17-23, ISSN: 0047-2352. DOI:
Sherretts, N, Boduszek, D, Debowska, A,
Willmott, D (2017)
Comparison of murderers with recidivists and first time incarcerated offenders from U.S. prisons on psychopathy and identity as a criminal: An exploratory analysis,
Journal of Criminal Justice, 51, pp.89-92, ISSN: 0047-2352. DOI:
Willmott, D, Mojtahedi, D, Ryan, S, Sherretts, N, Simpson, O, Dlamini, T (2017)
Psychometric tests as a measure of personality: A critical assessment of Trait versus situationalist positions and the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R),
EC Psychology and Psychiatry, 3(1), pp.13-18.
Willmott, D and Ioannou, M (2017)
A Narrative Based Model of Differentiating Rioters,
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 56(1), pp.105-124, ISSN: 2059-1098. DOI:
Boduszek, D, Debowska, A,
Willmott, D (2017)
A new model of psychopathy,
Custodial Review, 81, pp.16-17.
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D,
Willmott, D (2017)
Psychosocial correlates of attitudes toward male sexual violence in a sample of financial crime, property crime, general violent, and homicide offenders,
Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment, 30(6), pp.705-727, ISSN: 1079-0632. DOI:
Willmott, D, Boduszek, D, Booth, N (2017)
The English jury on trial,
Custodial Review, 82, pp.12-14.
Debowska, A, Boduszek, D, Dhingra, K, Sherretts, N,
Willmott, D, DeLisi, M (2017)
Can we use Hare’s psychopathy model within forensic and non-forensic populations? An empirical investigation,
Deviant Behavior, 39(2), pp.224-242, ISSN: 0163-9625. DOI:
Dlamini, T,
Willmott, D, Ryan, S (2017)
The Basis and Structure of Attitudes: A Critical Evaluation of Experimental, Discursive, and Social Constructionist Psychological Perspectives,
Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal, 6(1), DOI:
Willmott, D and Sherretts, N (2016)
Individual differences in eyewitness identification accuracy between sequential and simultaneous line-ups: consequences for police practice and jury decisions,
Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 4(4), pp.228-239, ISSN: 2353-4192. DOI:
Sherretts, N and
Willmott, D (2016)
Construct validity and dimensionality of the measure of criminal social identity using data drawn from American, Pakistani, and Polish inmates,
Journal of Criminal Psychology, 6(3), pp.134-143, ISSN: 2009-3829. DOI:
Willmott, D (2016)
Is jury bias preventing justice for rape victims?,
The Conversation.