Publications for Cristian Tileaga
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Journal Articles
Plamadeala, C and
Tileaga, C (2021)
The moral career of a suspected legionary: Psychological language in the Securitate archives,
East European Politics and Societies, 36(4), pp.1133-1150, ISSN: 0888-3254. DOI:
Tileaga, C, Popoviciu, S, Aldridge, J (2021)
Short-term ethnography and women’s voices: Insights from fieldwork with Roma communities,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(5), pp.1246-1263, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI:
Demasi, MA and
Tileaga, C (2021)
Rhetoric of derisive laughter in political debates on the EU,
Qualitative Psychology, 8(3), pp.328-342, ISSN: 2326-3601. DOI:
Huma, B, Alexander, M, Stokoe, E,
Tileaga, C (2020)
Introduction to special issue on discursive psychology,
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 17(3), pp.313-335, ISSN: 1478-0887. DOI:
Popoviciu, S and
Tileaga, C (2019)
Subtle forms of racism in strategy documents concerning Roma inclusion,
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 30(1), pp.85-102, ISSN: 1052-9284. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2019)
Communicating misogyny: an interdisciplinary research agenda for social psychology,
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(7), e12491, ISSN: 1751-9004. DOI:
Popoviciu, S and
Tileaga, C (2019)
Romani women’s voices in national strategy documents on social inclusion,
Inovatia Sociala, 11(1), ISSN: 2065-8389.
Tileaga, C and Popoviciu, S (2018)
Where next for migrant Roma communities post-Brexit?,
Byford, JT and
Tileaga, C (2017)
Accounts of a troubled past: psychology, history and texts of experience,
Qualitative Psychology, ISSN: 2326-3598.
Tileaga, C and Byford, JT (2017)
Qualitative psychology and the archive,
Qualitative Psychology, ISSN: 2326-3598. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2014)
Diaspora Online: Identity Politics and Romanian Migrants,
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 29(4), pp.513-515, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI:
Tileaga, C and Byford, JT (2014)
Social psychology, history and the study of the Holocaust: the perils of interdisciplinary ‘borrowing’,
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20(4), pp.349-364, ISSN: 1078-1919. DOI:
Gilbert, K,
Tileaga, C, Cahill, S (2014)
Dilemmas of long-term unemployment: Talking about constraint, self-determination and the future,
International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, 4(1&2), pp.7-33, ISSN: 2069-4695.
Tileaga, C (Accepted for publication) Public apologia, moral transgression and degradation ceremonies, Psihologia Sociala, 30, pp.67-78.
Tileagă, C (2012)
Communism and the meaning of social memory: towards a critical-interpretive approach,
Integr Psychol Behav Sci, 46(4), pp.475-492, DOI:
Augoustinos, M and Tileagă, C (2012)
Twenty five years of discursive psychology,
Br J Soc Psychol, 51(3), pp.405-412, DOI:
Tileaga, C (2012)
The right measure of guilt: Moral reasoning, transgression and the social construction of moral meanings,
Discourse and Communication, 6(2), pp.203-222, ISSN: 1750-4813. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2012)
Communism in retrospect: the rhetoric of historical representation and writing the collective memory of recent past,
Memory Studies, 5, pp.0-0, DOI:
Billig, M, Antaki, C, Butter, C, Cramer, D, Edwards, D, Hepburn, A, Kent, A, Potter, J, Wilkinson, S,
Tileaga, C (2011)
Benchmarking and social psychology,
PSYCHOLOGIST, 24(10), pp.710-711, ISSN: 0952-8229.
Merino, M and
Tileaga, C (2011)
La construcción de identidad de minorías étnicas: un enfoque discursivo psicológico a la autodefinición étnica en acción (the construction of ethnic minority identity: a discursive psychological approach to ethnic self-definition in action),
Discurso & Sociedad, 5(3), pp.569-594, ISSN: 1887-4606.
Tileaga, C (2011)
Re-writing biography: Memory, identity and textually-mediated reality in coming to terms with the past,
Culture & Psychology, Vol 17 (2), pp.197-215.
Potter, J, Hepburn, A,
Tileaga, C (2011)
Inequality in action,
International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community, Vol 1, pp.43-60.
Tileaga, C (2011)
Context, mental models and discourse analysis,
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 15(1), pp.124-134.
Merino, M-E and
Tileaga, C (2011)
The construction of ethnic minority identity: A discursive psychological approach to ethnic self-definition in action,
DISCOURSE & SOCIETY, 22(1), pp.86-101, ISSN: 0957-9265. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2010)
Political Accountability, Public Constitution of Recent Past and the Collective Memory of Socio-Political Events: A Discursive Analysis,
Tileaga, C (2010)
The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration,
MEMORY STUDIES, 3(2), pp.179-183, ISSN: 1750-6980. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2010)
Cautious morality: public accountability, moral order and accounting for a conflict of interest,
Discourse Studies, 12(2), pp.223-239.
Tileaga, C (2009)
The social organization of representations of history: the textual accomplishment of coming to terms with the past,
British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, pp.337-355.
Tileaga, C (2008)
What is a 'revolution'?: National commemoration, collective memory and managing authenticity in the representation of a political event,
Discourse and Society, 19(3), pp.359-382.
Tileaga, C (2007)
Ideologies of moral exclusion: a critical discursive reframing of depersonalization delegitimization and dehumanization,
British Journal of Social Psychology, 46(4), pp.717-737.
Tileaga, C (2006)
Representing the 'other': a discursive analysis of prejudice and moral exclusion in talk about Romanies,
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 16(1), pp.19-41.
Tileaga, C (2006) Beyond prejudice: the rhetoric of extreme difference and moral exclusion,
Quaderns de Filologia (Discourse Studies): An international journal, 11, pp.289-300.
Tileaga, C (2006)
Discourse, dominance and power relations: inequality as a social and interactional object,
Ethnicities, 6(4), pp.476-497.
Tileaga, C (2005)
Accounting for extreme prejudice and legitimating blame in talk about the Romanies,
Discourse and Society, 16(5), pp.603-624.
Tileaga, C (2005) Talking about integration and discrimination: accomplishing 'difference' and 'foreignness' in Romanian talk about the Romanies,
International Journal of Critical Psychology, 14, pp.119-137.
Tileaga, C (2005) Discourse and politics in Romania: Dilemmas of tolerance and prejudice in talk about ethnic minorities,
Scientific Annals of the University of Oradea (Paychology Section), Romania, VII, tba.
Tileaga C, (2005) A szélsőséges előítélet magyarázata és a vádolás legitimációja a romákról szóló beszédben,
Replika, 53(1), pp.35-53.
Tileaga, C (2003) Exploring prejudice. discrimination and racism: a view from discursive social psychology,
Scientific Annals of the University of Oradea (Psychology Section), Romania, III, pp.72-96.
Tileaga, C (2002)
Analiza discursului si studiul atitudinilor: o introducere in psihologia sociala discursiva (Discourse analysis and the study of attitudes: an introduction to discursive social psychology),
Social Psychology (Psihologia Sociala), 10, pp.110-133.
Tileaga, C (2001) Discutie de grup si polarizare: intarirea si extremizarea opiniilor (Group discussion and polarization: strengthening and extremization of opinions),
Journal of Applied Psychology (Revista de Psihologie Aplicata), 2, pp.31-46.
Tileaga, C (1999) Polarizarea colectiva: intre ipoteze si certitudini (Group polarization: between hypotheses and certainy),
Scientific Annals of the University 'Al.l.Cuza' of lasi (Psychology Section), VIII, pp.125-148.
Tileaga, C (1999) Segregatie si educatie speciala (Segregation and special education),
Psyche, no.1, pp.9-15.
Tileaga, C and Cristina, P (Accepted for publication) The rhetoric of ideological transgression: History and psychological language in the archives of the Securitate, Culture and Psychology, ISSN: 1354-067X.
Tileaga, C (2017)
Promises and challenges in the discursive study of social representations of history. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Edinburgh.
Tileaga, C (2016)
Accounts of a troubled past: Discursive psychology, history, and memory. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Warsaw.
Tileaga, C (2015) Prejudice and common sense: social representations and moral worth. In
Social and Developmental Psychology Section Conference, Manchester.
Tileaga, C (2014) "The Roma cannot just go anywhere": Discourse, dignity and moral exclusion. In
International Society of Political Psychology, Rome, p.0.
Tileaga, C (2012) Text, talk and memory: collective memory and discourse analysis. In
Discourse-Communication-Conversation first European conference, Loughborough, Communication Research Centre, p.0.
Tileaga, C (2012) Conceptions of memory, political science, and coming to terms with the past. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, p.0.
Tileaga, C and Gilbert, K (2012) Talking (long-term) unemployment: ideological dilemmas and ideological constraint. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, p.0.
Tileaga, C (2011) You can’t really trust anyone anymore: Trust, moral identity and the social production of coming to terms with the past. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Istanbul, p.0.
Tileaga, C (2010) Michael Billig and the pleasure of the text. In
British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section, Winchester, tba.
Tileaga, C (2010) The scientific production of history. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, San Francisco, tba.
Tileaga, C (2009) Reconciliation, History and Memory in the Tismaneanu Report Condemning Communism in Romania. In
Beyond Reconciliation International Conference, Cape Town, tba.
Tileaga, C (2009) Public discourse, political accountability and the collective memory of socio-political events: A discourse analysis. In
European Sociological Association conference, Lisbon, tba.
Tileaga, C (2009) (Re)constituting biography: the social accomplishment of memory and public confession. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Dublin, tba.
Tileaga, C (2008) The textual accomplishment of social representations of history: coming to terms with the past in an Eastern European context. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual conference, Paris, tba.
Tileaga, C (2007) The public accomplishment of disclosure and reconciliation with the past. In
BPS Social Psychology Section Conference, Canterbury, tba.
Tileaga, C (2007) Mea culpa: the situated production and politics of public disclosure and reconciliation with the past, International Society for Theoretical Psychology. In
Theoretical psychology beyond borders: transdisciplinarity and internationalization, Toronto, tba.
Tileaga, C (2007) Constructing the 'Revolution': Social change, national commemoration and the management of accountability and legitimacy in Romanian political discourse. In
Change and Resistance: An international conference on social transformations and education, Gdansk, tba.
Tileaga, C (2006) Discourses of transition, national commemoration and ideologies of 'freedom'; accountability, entitlement and the management of category membership. In
International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference, Barcelona, tba.
Tileaga, C and Cramer, D (2006) Helpful and unhelpful responses in couples talking about personal upset. In
International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Rethymno, Crete, tba.
Tileaga, C (2005) The rhetoric of comparison / differentiation: accomplishing prejudice and tolerance in talk about ethnic minorities. In
British Psychological Society. Social Psychology Section Conference, Edinburgh, tba.
Tileaga, C (2005) Discourse and Politics: Dilemmas of tolerance and prejudice in talk about ethnic minorities. In
Dilemmas of the post-communist condition, Wolverhampton, tba.
Tileaga, C (2004) National identitiy, stereotyping and place: the case of Hungarians in Romania. In
27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Lund, Sweden, tba.
Tileaga, C (2004) Beyond stereotypes: ideologies of exclusion in Romanian talk about the Romanies. In
1st International Critical Discourse Analysis Conference, Valencia, Spain, tba.
Tileaga, C (2003) Talking about discrimination and integration: accomplishing blame in talk about Romanies. In
British Psychological Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, tba.
Tileaga, C (2003) Accounting for extreme prejudice and legitimating blame in talk about the Romanies. In
International Critical Psychology Conference. Discursive Psychology Symposium, University of Bath, tba.
Tileaga, C (ed) (2021)
Routledge Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, Routledge, ISBN: 9780367223694.
Tileagă, C, Augoustinos, M, Durrheim, K (2021)
The Routledge international handbook of discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping. DOI:
Demasi, M, Burke, S,
Tileaga, C (ed) (2021)
Political Communication Discursive Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9783030602222.
Tileaga, C (2018)
Representing communism after the fall discourse, memory, and historical redress, Palgrave MacMillan, ISBN: 9783319973944.
Tileaga, C (2016)
Political Psychology: Critical Perspectives (Arabic translation), Kuwait National Council of Culture Arts and Letters, ISBN: 978-99906-0-501-3.
Tileaga, C and Byford, J (ed) (2015)
Psychology and History: Interdisciplinary Explorations, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781316502846.
Tileaga, C and Stokoe, E (2015)
Discursive Psychology: Classic and Contemporary Issues, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415721608.
Tileaga, C (2015)
The Nature of Prejudice: Society, Discrimination and Moral Exclusion, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0415839853. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2013)
Political Psychology: Critical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107017689.
Tileaga, C (2012)
Discourse analysis and researching coming to terms with the past: studies in discursive psychology [Analiza discursului si reconcilierea cu trecutul recent: studii de psihologie sociala discursiva], Editura Primus [Primus Publishing], ISBN: 9786068318103.
Edwards, D and Potter, J (1992)
Discursive Psychology, Sage, ISBN: 0 8039 8442 1.
Plamadeala, C and
Tileaga, C (2024)
Telling stories with fragments of experience: Short-term ethnography in the Securitate Archives. In M, S and M, C (ed)
Between the Memory and Post-Memory of Communism in Romania: Fluid Memories, Routledge.
Tileaga, C and Augoustinos, M (2022)
Critical perspectives in political psychology. In Osborne, D and Sibley, CG (ed)
The Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology, Cambridge University Press, pp.640-655, ISBN: 9781108779104. DOI:
Tileagă, C, Durrheim, K, Augoustinos, M (2021)
Future directions of research on prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. In
The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, pp.303-310, DOI:
Tileagă, C, Augoustinos, M, Durrheim, K (2021)
Towards a new sociological social psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. In
The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, pp.3-9, DOI:
Popoviciu, S and Tileagă, C (2021)
Roma prejudices in the European Union: Responses to structural inequality. In
The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, pp.90-103, DOI:
Tileaga, C, Durrheim, K, Augoustinos, M (2021)
Future directions of research on prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. In Tileagă, C, Augoustinos, M, Durrheim, K (ed)
The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, Routledge, pp.303-310, ISBN: 9780367223694. DOI:
Tileaga, C, Augoustinos, M, Durrheim, K (2021)
Toward a new sociological social psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. In
Routledge Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination, Routledge, pp.0-0.
Tileaga, C, Demasi, M, Burke, S (2021)
The discursive psychology of political communication. In Demasi, MA, Burke, S, Tileagă, C (ed)
Political Communication: Discursive Perspectives, Palgrave, pp.1-32, ISBN: 9783030602222.
Tileagă, C (2018)
Introduction: what does coming to terms with the past mean?. In
Representing Communism After the Fall Discourse, Memory, and Historical Redress, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-22, ISBN: 9783319973937.
Tileaga, C (2018)
Troubled pasts, collective memory and collective futures. In
Imagining Collective Futures: Perspectives from Social, Cultural and Political Psychology, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.153-172, ISBN: 9783319760513.
Tileaga, C (2018)
Discursive psychology and social practices of avoidance. In
Discourse, peace and conflict: Discursive psychology perspectives, © Springer, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9783319990941. DOI:
Tileagă, C (2018)
Troubled Pasts, Collective Memory, and Collective Futures. In
Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture, pp.153-172, DOI:
Tileaga, C (2017)
Conception of memory and historical redress. In
Justice, Memory and Redress: New Insights from Romania, © Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9781443831529.
Tileaga, C (2017)
On social memory, paradoxes of opinion and the democratic competence of citizens. In
Social and cultural approaches to democracy, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9781641131759.
Tileagă, C (2016)
Extending the social psychology of racism: A framework for critical analysis. In Hammack, PL (ed)
The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice, Oxford handbooks online, pp.97-111, ISBN: 9780199938735. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2015)
Account giving and soliciting. In
International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction, © Wiley, p.0, ISBN: 9781118611463. DOI:
Tileaga, C and Stokoe, E (2015)
Introduction: The evolution of discursive psychology: From Classic to contemporary themes. In
Unknown Parent Title, © Taylor and Francis (Routledge),ISBN: 9780415721608.
Tileaga, C and Byford, J (2014)
Introduction: psychology and history – themes, debates, overlaps and borrowings [Psychology and history: interdisciplinary explorations]. In
Psychology and History: Interdisciplinary Explorations, Cambridge University Press, pp.1-12, ISBN: 978-1107034310.
Tileaga, C and Byford, J (2014) Psychology and history: themes, debates, overlaps and borrowings. In
Psychology and History: Interdisciplinary Explorations, Cambridge University Press, pp.1-12.
Tileagă, C and Byford, J (2014)
Conclusion: barriers to and promises of the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. In
Psychology and History, Cambridge University Press, pp.284-297, ISBN: 9781316502846. DOI:
Tileaga, C (2014)
“You can’t really trust anyone anymore”: Trust, moral identity and coming to terms with the past. In Linell, P and Markova, I (ed)
Dialogical Approaches to Trust in Communication, Information Age Publishing. Charlotte, NC, pp.51-68.
Tileaga, C (2014)
Prejudice as collective definition: Ideology, discourse and moral exclusion. In
Rhetoric, ideology and social psychology: Essays in honour of Michael Billig, © Routledge, pp.71-82, ISBN: 9780415820677.
Tileaga, C and Byford, JT (2014)
Conclusion: barriers to and promises of the interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. In
Psychology and History: Interdisciplinary Explorations, © Cambridge University Press (CUP), pp.284-297.
Condor, S (2014)
Small words, large circles and the spirit of contradiction: celebrating Michael Billig’s contribution to the social sciences. In
Rhetoric, Ideology and Social Psychology, Routledge / © C. Antaki and S. Condor, pp.1-16, ISBN: 9780415820677.
Tileaga, C (2013)
Introduction: political psychology as an interpretive field. In
Political Psychology Critical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, pp.1-8, ISBN: 9781107017689.
Condor, S,
Tileaga, C, Billig, M (2013)
Political rhetoric. In Huddy, L, Sears, DO, Levy, JS (ed)
Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, Oxford University Press, p.0.
Tileaga, C (2013)
Apologia. In Keightley, E and Pickering, M (ed)
Research Methods in Memory Studies, Edinburgh University Press, pp.185-199.
Tileaga, C (2009)
Mea culpa: the social production of public disclosure and reconciliation with the past. In Galasinska, A and eds, MK (ed)
Discourse and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe, Palgrave (Language and Globalisation series), pp.173-187.
Popoviciu, S and Tileaga, C (Accepted for publication) Roma prejudices in the European Union: responses to structural inequality. In Tileagă, C, Augoustinos, M, Durrheim, K (ed) The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping, Routledge,ISBN: 9780367223694. DOI: 10.4324/9780429274558.
Tileaga, C and Popoviciu, AS (2023)
COVID-19 Impacts, challenges, and risks for Roma communities: An exploratory report, Ruhama Romania.
Aldridge, J,
Tileaga, C, Popoviciu, S (2019)
Drivers of Roma Migration: Understanding migration in politically uncertain times, pp.1-25, Research England.
Tileaga, C, Aldridge, J, Lumsden, K (2019)
Roma community perspectives on migration to the UK, pp.1-22, ISBN: 9781911217237.
Tileaga, C, Aldridge, J, Popoviciu, S (2019)
Drivers of Roma migration: Understanding migration in politically uncertain times.
Mills Powell, D, Spiers, L,
Tileaga, C, Dell, P, Gilbert, K (2008)
Mediation with a Counsellor: Pilot Evaluation Report, pp.tba-tba, Relate Council and Communities and Local Government.
Tileaga, C (2016) Chair and convenor of panel “Discursive psychology: contemporary