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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Adrian Leguina

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Journal Articles

Leguina, A, Manninen, K, Misek, R (2023) Beyond the “substitution effect”: the impact of digital experience quality on future cultural participation, Cultural Trends, ISSN: 0954-8963. DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2023.2295883.

Leguina, A, Karademir-Hazir, I, Azpitarte, F (2022) Exploring patterns of children’s cultural participation: parental cultural capitals and their transmission, Consumption and Society, 1(1), pp.170-196, DOI: 10.1332/IOJW2616.

Petric, M, Tomić-Koludrović, I, Zdravković, Ž, Cveticanin, P, Leguina, A (2022) Class in Contemporary Croatian Society: A Post-Bourdieusian Analysis, Sociologija i prostor, 60(1), pp.39-88, ISSN: 1846-5226. DOI: 10.5673/sip.60.1.2.

Cvetičanin, P, Tomić-Koludrović, I, Petrić, M, Zdravković, Ž, Leguina, A (2021) From occupational to existential class: How to analyze class structure in hybrid societies (The case of Serbia), British Journal of Sociology, 72(4), pp.946-973, ISSN: 0007-1315. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12858.

Leguina, A and Downey, J (2021) Getting things done: Inequalities, Internet use and everyday life, New Media and Society, 23(7), pp.1824-1849, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/14614448211015979.

Leguina, A, Mihelj, S, Downey, J (2021) Public libraries as reserves of cultural and digital capital: addressing inequality through digitalization, Library and Information Science Research, 43(3), 101103, ISSN: 0740-8188. DOI: 10.1016/j.lisr.2021.101103.

Purhonen, S, Leguina, A, Heikkilä, R (2021) The space of media usage in Finland, 2007 and 2018: the impact of online activities on its structure and its association with sociopolitical divisions, Nordicom Review, 42(S3), pp.111-128, ISSN: 1403-1108. DOI: 10.2478/nor-2021-0029.

Heikkilä, R, Leguina, A, Purhonen, S (2020) The stratification of media usage in Finland, 2007–2018: signs of socio-political polarization?, New Media and Society, 24(5), pp.1053-1075, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/1461444820971612.

Poblete, C, Leguina, A, Masquiaran, N, Carreno, B (2019) Informal and non-formal music experience: Power, knowledge and learning in music teacher education in Chile, International Journal of Music Education, ISSN: 0255-7614. DOI: 10.1177/0255761419836015.

Mihelj, S, Leguina, A, Downey, J (2019) Culture is digital: Cultural participation, diversity and the digital divide, New Media and Society, 21(7), pp.1465-1485, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/1461444818822816.

Miles, A and Leguina, A (2018) Socio-spatial mobilities and narratives of class identity in Britain, British Journal of Sociology, 69(4), pp.1063-1095, ISSN: 0007-1315. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12624.

Leguina, A and Miles, A (2017) Fields of participation and lifestyle in England: revealing the regional dimension from a reanalysis of the Taking Part Survey using Multiple Factor Analysis, Cultural Trends, 26(1), pp.4-17, ISSN: 0954-8963. DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2017.1274356.

Leguina, A, Widdop, P, Tampubolon, G (2016) The global omnivore: Identifying musical taste groups in Austria, England, Israel and Serbia, Sociological Research Online, 21(3), ISSN: 1360-7804. DOI: 10.5153/sro.4020.

Leguina, A, Arancibia-Carvajal, S, Widdop, P (2015) Musical preferences and technologies: Contemporary material and symbolic distinctions criticized, Journal of Consumer Culture, 17(2), pp.242-264, ISSN: 1469-5405. DOI: 10.1177/1469540515586870.

Leguina, A (2015) Musical distinctions in England – Understanding cultural homology and omnivourism through a methods comparison, BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 126(1), pp.28-45, ISSN: 0759-1063. DOI: 10.1177/0759106315572563.

Widdop, P and Leguina, A (2015) With a little help from my friends: music consumption and networks, Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 32, pp.41-66, ISSN: 0872-3419.

Arancibia-Carvajal, S, Leguina, A, Zamorano, PE (2013) Factores determinantes en la percepcion de la imagen y calidad de servicio y sus efectos en la satisfaccion del cliente. Un caso aplicado a la banca chilena [Determining factors in the perception of image and quality of service and its effect on client satisfaction. A case applied to Chilean banking], Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 19(2), pp.255-267, ISSN: 1315-9518.


Leguina, A, Ørmen, J, Skovhøj, FHZ, Lai, SS, Pagh, J, Downey, J, Helles, R, Jensen, KB (2022) How to do things with media. In Jensen, KB and Helles, R (ed) Comparing Communication Systems: The Internets of China, Europe, and the United States, Routledge, pp.108-140, ISBN: 9780367522339. DOI: 10.4324/9781003057055.

Cunningham, N, Miles, A, Leguina, A (2018) 'The ghosts of class’: Space, waste and hope in the ex-industrial north. In A World Laid Waste? Responding to the Social, Cultural and Political Consequences of Globalisation, © Routledge,ISBN: 9781138244986.

Katz-Gerro, T, Cveticanin, P, Leguina, A (2017) Consumption and social change: Sustainable lifestyles in times of economic crisis. In Social Change and the Coming of Post-consumer Society. Theoretical Advances and Policy Implications, Routledge © The Authors, pp.192-212, ISBN: 9781138642058. DOI: 10.4324/9781315630168.


Misek, R, Leguina, A, Manninen, K (2022) Digital access to arts and culture.

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