Journal Articles
Lawson, B,
Chadwick, A, Hall, N-A, Vaccari, C (2024)
The trustworthiness of peers and public discourse: exploring how people navigate numerical dis/misinformation on personal messaging platforms,
Information, Communication and Society, ISSN: 1369-118X.
Hall, N-A,
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C (2023)
Online misinformation and everyday ontological narratives of social distinction,
Media, Culture and Society, 46(3), pp.572-590, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, Hall, N-A (2023)
What explains the spread of misinformation in online personal messaging networks? Exploring the role of conflict avoidance,
Digital Journalism, ISSN: 2167-0811. DOI:
Chadwick, A, Hall, N-A, Vaccari, C (2023)
Misinformation rules!? Could “group rules” reduce misinformation in online personal messaging?,
New Media and Society, 27(1), pp.106-126, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Ross, ARN, Vaccari, C,
Chadwick, A (2022)
Russian meddling in U.S. elections: How news of disinformation’s impact can affect trust in electoral outcomes and satisfaction with democracy,
Mass Communication and Society, 25(6), pp.786-811, ISSN: 1520-5436. DOI:
Vaccari, C,
Chadwick, A, Kaiser, J (2022)
The campaign disinformation divide: believing and sharing news in the 2019 UK general election,
Political Communication, 40(1), pp.4-23, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI:
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, Kaiser, J (2022)
The amplification of exaggerated and false news on social media: the roles of platform use, motivations, affect, and ideology,
American Behavioral Scientist, 69(2), pp.113-130, ISSN: 0002-7642. DOI:
Kaiser, J, Vaccari, C,
Chadwick, A (2022)
Partisan blocking: Biased responses to shared misinformation contribute to network polarization on social media,
Journal of Communication, 72(2), pp.214-240, ISSN: 0021-9916. DOI:
Chadwick, A and Stanyer, J (2021)
Deception as a bridging concept in the study of disinformation, misinformation, and misperceptions: Toward a holistic framework,
Communication Theory, 32(1), pp.1-24, ISSN: 1050-3293. DOI:
Freeman, D, Lambe, S, Yu, L-M, Freeman, J,
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, Waite, F, Rosebrock, L, Petit, A, Vanderslott, S, Lewandowsky, S, Larkin, M, Innocenti, S, McShane, H, Pollard, AJ, Loe, BS (2021)
Injection fears and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy,
Psychological Medicine, pp.1-24, ISSN: 0033-2917. DOI:
Freeman, D, Loe, BS, Yu, L-M, Freeman, J,
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, Shanyinde, M, Harris, V, Waite, F, Rosebrock, L, Petit, A, Vanderslott, S, Lewandowsky, S, Larkin, M, Innocenti, S, Pollard, AJ, McShane, H, Lambe, S (2021)
Effects of different types of written vaccination information on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK (OCEANS-III): a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial,
The Lancet Public Health, ISSN: 2468-2667. DOI:
Chadwick, A, Kaiser, J, Vaccari, C, Freeman, D, Lambe, S, Loe, BS, Vanderslott, S, Lewandowsky, S, Conroy, M, Ross, ARN, Innocenti, S, Pollard, AJ, Waite, F, Larkin, M, Rosebrock, L, Jenner, L, McShane, H, Giubilini, A, Petit, A, Yu, L-M (2021)
Online social endorsement and Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in the United Kingdom,
Social Media and Society, 7(2), pp.1-17, ISSN: 2056-3051. DOI:
Freeman, D, Loe, BS,
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, Waite, F, Rosebrock, L, Jenner, L, Petit, A, Lewandowsky, S, Vanderslott, S, Innocenti, S, Larkin, M, Giubilini, A, Yu, L-M, McShane, H, Pollard, AJ, Lambe, S (2020)
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK: the Oxford coronavirus explanations, attitudes, and narratives survey (Oceans) II,
Psychological Medicine, 52(14), pp.3127-3141, ISSN: 0033-2917. DOI:
Russell, A and
Chadwick, A (2020)
Coming to terms with dysfunctional hybridity: A conversation with Andrew Chadwick on the challenges to liberal democracy in the second-wave networked era,
Studies in Communication Sciences, 20(2), pp.211-225, ISSN: 1424-4896. DOI:
Vaccari, C and
Chadwick, A (2020)
Deepfakes and Disinformation: Exploring the Impact of Synthetic Political Video on Deception, Uncertainty, and Trust in News,
Social Media + Society, 6(1), pp.205630512090340-205630512090340, ISSN: 2056-3051. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2019)
Misinformation and Mass Audiences,
Chadwick, A (2018)
Book Review: Misinformation and Mass Audiences,
International Journal of Press/Politics, ISSN: 1940-1620. DOI:
Bruns, A, Bechmann, A, Burgess, J,
Chadwick, A, Schofield Clark, L, Dutton, WH, Ess, CM, Gruzd, A, Halford, S, Hermida, A, Hofmann, J, Howard, PN, Katzenbach, C, Liang, H, Lewis, SC, Peng, W, Puschmann, C, Qiu, J, Quinn, K, Rogers, R, Rossi, L, Russell, A, Stromer-Galley, J, van Dijck, J, Weller, K, Westlund, O, Zhu, JJH, Zimmer, M (2018)
Facebook shuts the gate after the horse has bolted, and hurts real research in the process,
Internet Policy Review.
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C, O'Loughlin, B (2018)
Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing,
New Media and Society, 20(11), pp.4255-4274, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI:
Chadwick, A, McDowell-Naylor, D, Smith, AP, Watts, E (2018)
Authority signaling: How relational interactions between journalists and politicians create primary definers in U.K. broadcast news,
Journalism, ISSN: 1464-8849. DOI:
Anstead, N and
Chadwick, A (2018)
A Primary Definer Online: The Construction and Propagation of a Think Tank’s Authority on Social Media,
Media, Culture & Society, 40(2), pp.246-266, ISSN: 0163-4437. DOI:
Chadwick, A, O’Loughlin, B, Vaccari, C (2017)
Why People Dual Screen Political Debates and Why It Matters for Democratic Engagement,
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61(2), pp.220-239, ISSN: 0883-8151. DOI:
Chadwick, A and Dennis, J (2017)
Social Media, Professional Media and Mobilisation in Contemporary Britain: Explaining the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Citizens’ Movement 38 Degrees,
Political Studies, 65(1), pp.42-60, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI:
Chadwick, A and Stromer-Galley, J (2016)
Digital Media, Power, and Democracy in Parties and Election Campaigns: Party Decline or Party Renewal?,
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 21(3), pp.283-293, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI:
Vaccari, C,
Chadwick, A, O'Loughlin, B (2015)
Dual Screening the Political: Media Events, Social Media, and Citizen Engagement,
Journal of Communication, 65(6), pp.1041-1061, ISSN: 0021-9916. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2015)
The “social media” maneuver,
Social Media + Society, 1(1), pp.205630511557813-205630511557813, ISSN: 2056-3051. DOI:
Valeriani, A and
Chadwick, A (2014)
All political communication is hybrid: A conversation with Andrew Chadwick about his latest book "The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power",
Mediascapes Journal, 3, pp.124-129, ISSN: 2282-2542.
Chadwick, A and Collister, S (2014)
Boundary-drawing power and the renewal of professional news organizations: The case of The Guardian and the Edward Snowden National Security Agency leak,
International Journal of Communication, 8, pp.2420-2441, ISSN: 1932-8036.
Chadwick, A (2014)
From "Building the Actions" to "Being in the Moment": Older and newer media logics in political advocacy,
The Nonprofit Quarterly, pp.54-61, ISSN: 1934-6050.
Chadwick, A (2011)
Explaining the Failure of an Online Citizen Engagement Initiative: The Role of Internal Institutional Variables,
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 8(1), pp.21-40, ISSN: 1933-1681. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2011)
The Political Information Cycle in a Hybrid News System: The British Prime Minister and the “Bullygate” Affair,
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(1), pp.3-29, ISSN: 1940-1612. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2011)
Britain's First Live Televised Party Leaders' Debate: From the News Cycle to the Political Information Cycle,
Parliamentary Affairs, 64(1), pp.24-44, ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2009)
The Internet and Politics in Flux,
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 6(3-4), pp.195-196, ISSN: 1933-1681. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2009)
Web 2.0: New Challenges for the Study of E-Democracy in an Era of Informational Exuberance,
I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 5(1), pp.9-41.
Chadwick, A (2008)
Book Review: Post-Broadcast Democracy: How Media Choice Increases Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections, by Markus Prior,
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 5(2), pp.255-257, ISSN: 1933-1681. DOI:
Anstead, C and
Chadwick, A (2008) The 2008 Digital Campaign in the United States: The Real Lesson for British Parties,
Renewal, 16(3), pp.86-98.
Chadwick, A (2007)
Book Review: Public Information Technology and E-Governance: Managing the Virtual State, by G. David Garson and Implementing and Managing E-Government: An International Text, by Richard Heeks,
Public Administration, 85(3), pp.857-860, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2007)
Digital Network Repertoires and Organizational Hybridity,
Political Communication, 24(3), pp.283-301, ISSN: 1058-4609. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2007)
Book Review: New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen, by Philip N. Howard,
European Journal of Communication, 22(2), pp.239-241, ISSN: 0267-3231. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2006)
Book Review: E-Governance: Styles of Political Judgement in the Information Age Polity, by Perri 6,
Public Administration, 84(3), pp.786-788, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2006)
Author Response to Vivian Serfaty’s review of "Internet Politics: States, Citizens, and New Communication Technologies",
Resource Centre for Cybercultural Studies, December.
Chadwick, A (2005)
Book Review: Information and American Democracy: Technology in the Evolution of Political Power, by Bruce Bimber,
Public Administration, 83(1), pp.262-264, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2004)
Review Article: Hall, R. B. and Biersteker, T. J. (2003) "The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance" (Cambridge University Press) and Paré, D. J. (2003) "Internet Governance in Transition: Who Is The Master of This Domain?" (Rowman and Littlefield),
Governance, 17(4), pp.593-596, ISSN: 1468-0491. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2003)
Bringing E-Democracy Back In: Why It Matters for Future Research on E-Governance,
Social Science Computer Review, 21(4), pp.443-455, ISSN: 0894-4393. DOI:
Chadwick, A and May, C (2003)
Interaction between States and Citizens in the Age of the Internet: “e‐Government” in the United States, Britain, and the European Union,
Governance, 16(2), pp.271-300, ISSN: 0952-1895. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2003)
Book Review: Net Loss: Internet Prophets, Private Profits and thre Costs to Community, by Nathan Newman,
Political Studies Review, 1(2), pp.239-240, ISSN: 1478-9302. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2001)
The Electronic Face of Government in the Information Age: Borrowing from Murray Edelman,
Information, Communication and Society, 4(3), pp.435-457, ISSN: 1369-118X.
Chadwick, A (2000)
Studying Political Ideas: A Public Political Discourse Approach,
Political Studies, 48(2), pp.283-301, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI:
Chadwick, A (1999)
Aristocracy or the people? Radical constitutionalism and the progressive alliance in Edwardian Britain,
Journal of Political Ideologies, 4(3), pp.365-390, ISSN: 1356-9317. DOI:
Chadwick, A (1999)
Book Review: New Labour in Power: Precedents and Prospects, edited by Brian Brivati and Tim Bale,
Political Studies, 47(1), pp.176-177, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI:
Chadwick, A (1998)
Book Review: A History of the British Labour Party, by Andrew Thorpe,
Political Studies, 46(5), pp.991-992, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI:
Chadwick, A (1997)
A Communication on Ricardo Blaug "Between Fear and Disappointment: Critical, Empirical and Political Uses of Habermas",
Political Studies, 45(4), pp.661-662, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI:
Chadwick, A (1997) Book Review: Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles 1865-1931, by Eugenio F. Biagini,
Political Studies, 45(4), pp.806-806.
Chadwick, A (1997) Book Review: Charter 88: A Successful Challenge to the British Political Tradition, by Mark Evans,
Political Studies, 45(1), pp.143-144, ISSN: 0032-3217.
Chadwick, A (1996) The Past in the Present? National Identity and the Language of Constitutional Reform in Britain,
The ASEN Bulletin (now Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism), Winter.
Ross, ARN,
Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C (2021)
Digital media and the proliferation of public opinion cues online: biases and vulnerabilities in the new attention economy. In Morrison, J, Birks, J, Berry, M (ed)
The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, Routledge, pp.241-251, ISBN: 9780367248222. DOI:
Ross, ARN, Chadwick, A, Vaccari, C (Accepted for publication) Digital Media and the Proliferation of Public Opinion Cues Online: Biases and Vulnerabilities in the New Attention Economy. In Morrison, J, Birks, J, Berry, M (ed) The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, Routledge, 22, ISBN: 9780367248222.
Baker, CR and
Chadwick, A (2021)
Corrupted infrastructures of meaning: post-truth identities online. In Tumber, H and Waisbord, S (ed)
The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism, Routledge, pp.312-322, ISBN: 9780367435769. DOI:
Watts, E and
Chadwick, A (2020)
“With and between you all”: Celebrity status, user-audience networks, and representative claims in Emma Watson’s feminist politics. In Lind, RA (ed)
Produsing Theory in a Digital World 3.0: The Intersection of Audiences and Production in Contemporary Theory, Peter Lang, pp.1-29, ISBN: 9781433153402. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2020)
Four challenges for the future of digital politics research. In Dutton, WH (ed)
A Research Agenda for Digital Politics, Edward Elgar, pp.2-12, ISBN: 9781789903089. DOI:
Chadwick, A (2017)
Corbyn, Labour, digital media, and the 2017 UK election. In
UK Election Analysis 2017: Media, Voters and the Campaign: Early Reflections from Leading Academics, Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (Bournemouth University); Centre for Politics and Media Research (Bournemouth University); Political Studies Association, pp.89-90, ISBN: 978-1-910042-15-1.
Chadwick, A, Dennis, J, Smith, AP (2016)
Politics in the age of hybrid media: power, systems, and media logics. In
The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics, Routledge © Taylor & Francis, pp.7-22, ISBN: 9781138860766.
Chadwick, A and Vaccari, C (2015)
Citizen Engagement in the Dual-Screened Election Campaign. In Jackson, D and Thorsen, E (ed)
UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign: Early Reflections from Leading UK Academics, Political Studies Association, pp.69-69, ISBN: 9781910042076.
Ampofo, L, Collister, S, O'Loughlin, B,
Chadwick, A (2015)
Text mining and social media: when quantitative meets qualitative, and software meets people. In
Innovations in Digital Research Methods, © SAGE, pp.161-191, ISBN: 9781446203095.
Chadwick, A (2012)
Recent Shifts in the Relationship Between the Internet and Democratic Engagement in Britain and the United States: Granularity, Informational Exuberance, and Political Learning. In Anduiza, E, Jensen, M, Jorba, L (ed)
Digital Media and Political Engagement Worldwide
A Comparative Study, Cambridge University Press, pp.39-55, ISBN: 9781107668492.
Chadwick, A (2012)
Web 2.0: New Challenges for the Study of E-Democracy in an Era of Informational Exuberance. In Coleman, S and Shane, PM (ed)
Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Flow of Political Communication, MIT Press, pp.45-73, ISBN: 9780262516464.
Chadwick, A and Stanyer, J (2011)
The Changing News Media Environment. In Heffernan, R, Cowley, P, Hay, C (ed)
Developments in British Politics 9, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.215-237, ISBN: 9780230221741.
Howard, PN and
Chadwick, A (2009)
Conclusion: Political Omnivores and Wired States. In
Chadwick, A and Howard, PN (ed)
The Handbook of Internet Politics, Routledge, pp.424-434, ISBN: 0415780586.
Chadwick, A and Howard, PN (2009)
Introduction: New Directions in Internet Politics Research. In
Chadwick, A and Howard, PN (ed)
The Handbook of Internet Politics, Routledge, pp.1-9, ISBN: 0415780586.
Anstead, N and
Chadwick, A (2009)
Parties, Election Campaigning and the Internet: Toward A Comparative Institutional Approach. In
Chadwick, A and Howard, PN (ed)
The Handbook of Internet Politics, Routledge, pp.56-71.
Chadwick, A (2007) E-Democracy: Social Capital, the Public Sphere and Citizen Engagement. In
Mass Communication Course Reader, Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, pp.1-30.
Chadwick, A (2006)
“Citizen-Centric Government,” “Disintermediation,” “E-Democracy,” “E-Government,” “Internet Governance,” and “Virtual Agency.” (The articles “E-Democracy,” “E-Government” and “Disintermediation” were later reprinted in Encyclopedia Britannica). In
Sage Encyclopedia of Governance, Sage, pp.79, 232-233, 256-257, 261-262, 484-485, 1011-79, 232-233, 256-257, 261-262, 484-485, 1011, ISBN: 1412905796.
Anstead, N and
Chadwick, A (2006) The Anti-war Movement, the Internet and Political Mobilization. In Drewry, G and Haines, S (ed)
Politics and Conflict: Domestic and International Implications of the Iraq War, Royal Holloway, University of London, pp.1-10.
Chadwick, A (2003)
E-Government. In Feather, J and Sturges, P (ed)
International Encyclopaedia of Information and Library Science, Routledge, pp.152-154.
Chadwick, A and Heffernan, R (2003) New Labour in the International Arena: Britain and the Iraq War (Supplementary Online Chapter). In
Chadwick, A and Heffernan, R (ed)
The New Labour Reader, Polity, pp.1-20.
Chadwick, A and Heffernan, R (2003) The New Labour Phenomenon. In
Chadwick, A and Heffernan, R (ed)
The New Labour Reader, Polity, pp.1-25.
Chadwick, A (2003) The Electronic Face of Government in the Internet Age. In
Chadwick, A and Heffernan, R (ed)
The New Labour Reader, Polity, pp.313-317.
Chadwick, A (2002)
Murray Edelman. In May, C (ed)
Key Thinkers for the Information Society, Routledge, pp.43-64, ISBN: 0415296730.
Chadwick, A (2000)
A "Miracle of Politics": The Rise of Labour, 1900-1945. In Brivati, B and Heffernan, R (ed)
The Labour Party: A Centenary History, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.322-345, ISBN: 0333746503.
Chadwick, A (1997) Ideologies, Communication and Public Discourse. In Stoker, G and Stanyer, J (ed)
Contemporary Political Studies 1997, Political Studies Association, pp.62-73, ISBN: 0952315084.
Chadwick, A (1996) State and Constitution: Ideologies of the Left and Proportional Representation in Britain, 1900-1924. In Hampsher-Monk, I and Stanyer, J (ed)
Contemporary Political Studies 1996, Political Studies Association, pp.1551-1565, ISBN: 0952315068.
Chadwick, A (1996)
The British Left and Constitutional Reform. In Navari, C (ed)
British Politics and the Spirit of the Age: Political Concepts in Action, Keele University Press, pp.237-260, ISBN: 1853311383.