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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Abigail Davis

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Journal Articles

Padley, M and Davis, A (2025) A life in dignity for all? UK social security support, income adequacy and minimum living standards under austerity, 2008–2023, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, ISSN: 1759-8273. DOI: 10.1332/17598273Y2024D000000036.

Hecht, K, Burchardt, T, Davis, A (2022) Richness, insecurity and the welfare state, Journal of Social Policy, 53(3), pp.573-594, ISSN: 0047-2794. DOI: 10.1017/S0047279422000617.

Hill, K, Hirsch, D, Davis, A (2020) The role of social support networks in helping low income families through uncertain times, Social Policy and Society, 20(1), pp.17-32, ISSN: 1474-7464. DOI: 10.1017/S1474746420000184.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M (2017) The minimum income standard as a benchmark of a 'participatory social minimum', Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26(1), pp.19-34, ISSN: 1759-8273. DOI: 10.1332/175982717X15087736009278.

Davis, AAI, Hirsch, D, Iwanaga, R, Iwata, M, Shigekawa, J, Uzuki, Y, Yamada, A (2013) Comparing the Minimum Income Standard in the UK and  Japan: Methodology and Outcome, Social Policy and Society, DOI: 10.1017/S147474641300033X, pp.1-13, DOI: 10.1017/S147474641300033X.

Smith, N, Hirsch, D, Davis, AAI (2012) Accessibility and capability: the minimum transport needs and costs of rural households, Journal of Transport Geography, 21, pp.93-101.

Greenberg, D and Davis, AAI (2010) Learning from cost analyses: an illustration from the UK's New Deal for Disabled People (NDDP), Public Money & Management, Vol. 30(No. 3), pp.189-196, ISSN: 0954-0962. DOI: 10.1080/09540961003794402.

Smith, ND, Cebulla, A, Cox, LAM, Davis, AAI (2006) Risk Perception and the Presentation of Self: Reflections from Fieldwork on Risk, Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Vol. 7,(No. 1, Art. 9), pp.1-11, ISSN: 1438-5627.

Smith, N, Cebulla, A, Cox, L, Davis, A (2006) Risk perception and the presentation of self: Reflections from fieldwork on risk, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 7(1), ISSN: 1438-5627.


Padley, M and Davis, A (2020) Applying the Minimum Income Standard in diverse national contexts. In Deeming, C (ed) Minimum Income Standards and Reference Budgets: International and Comparative policy perspectives, Policy Press, pp.241-253, ISBN: 9781447352952.

Davis, A and Padley, M (2017) What the minimum income standard tells us about living standards in the United Kingdom. In Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions, Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp.85-101, ISBN: 9781787144804. DOI: 10.1108/978-1-78714-479-820171004.

Davis, A and Padley, M (2017) WHAT THE MINIMUM INCOME STANDARD TELLS US ABOUT LIVING STANDARDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. In Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions, pp.101-118, DOI: 10.1108/978-1-78714-479-820171004.

School/Dept Working Papers

Davis, AAI, Pound, E, Stafford, BR (2006) New Deal for Disabled People Extensions: examining the Role and Operation of New Job Brokers'.

Davis, AAI and Roberts, SJM (2004) Evaluation of the School Sports Co-ordinator Programme: Case Study Report (Partnership K).

Hill, KR, Davis, AAI, Stafford, BR (2003) New Deal for Disabled People National Extension: Documentary Analysis of Job Broker Contracts.

Kellard, KV, Cox, LAM, Davis, AAI (2003) Saffron SureStart Baseline Satisfaction Report.

Stafford, BR, Greenberg, D, Davis, AA (2001) A Review of the Use of Social Experiments.

Ashworth, KR, Cebulla, AJ, Davis, AAI (2001) Welfare-to-Work: Establishing a Basis in Evidence.

Internet Publications

Stone, J, Padley, M, Davis, A, Blackwell, C, Ellis, W, Balchin, E (Accepted for publication) Minimum Income Standard Calculator 2024.


Davis, A, Blackwell, C, Padley, M, Ellis, W, Stone, J, Balchin, E (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2024, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Yates, S, Ye, Z, Singleton, A, Hill, K, Blackwell, C, Davis, A, Padley, M, Stone, E, Polizzi, G, D’Arcy, J, Harris, R, Sheppard, P, Carmi, E, Garikipati, S, Barrera, P (2024) A Minimum Digital Living Standard for households with children: Survey findings report,ISBN: 9781738573615.

Yates, S, Hill, K, Blackwell, C, Davis, A, Padley, M, Stone, E, Polizzi, G, D’Arcy, J, Harris, R, Sheppard, P, Singleton, A, Ye, Z, Carmi, E, Garikipati, S, Barrera, P (2024) A Minimum Digital Living Standard for households with children: Overall findings report,ISBN: 9781738573608.

Padley, M, Blackwell, C, Davis, A, Hill, K, Stone, J (2024) Retirement living standards in the UK in 2023, Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association.

Padley, M, Davis, A, Blackwell, C, Shepherd, C, Stone, J (2023) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2022, Trust for London.

Blackwell, C, Davis, A, Hill, K, Padley, M, Yates, S (2023) A UK minimum digital living standard for households with children,ISBN: 9780946831609.

Yates, S, Hill, K, Blackwell, C, Stone, E, Polizzi, G, Harris, R, D'Arcy, J, Davis, A, Padley, M, Roberts, D, Lovell, J, Lang, H (2023) Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: Final Report, Welsh Government.

Davis, A, Stone, J, Blackwell, C, Padley, M, Shepherd, C, Hirsch, D (2022) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2022,ISBN: 9781915305046.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M, Shepherd, C (2021) A minimum income standard for the UK in 2021, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, ISBN: 9781911581925.

Padley, M, Davis, A, Shepherd, C, Stone, J (2021) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2020.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M, Shepherd, C (2020) A Minimum Income Standard for the United Kingdom in 2020,ISBN: 9781911581819.

Davis, A, Hecht, K, Burchardt, T, Gough, I, Hirsch, D, Rowlingson, K, Summers, K (2020) Living on different incomes in London: can public consensus identify a 'riches line'?.

Padley, M, Davis, A, Shepherd, C, Stone, J (2019) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2018.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M, Shepherd, C (2018) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK 2008-2018: continuity and change,ISBN: 9781911581437.

Hill, K and Davis, A (2018) Making ends meet below the minimum income standard: families experiences over time, pp.1-17.

Padley, M, Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Horsley, N, Valadez, L (2017) A Minimum Income Standard for London 2016/17.

Byaruhanga, C, Davis, A, Mpike, M, Ntshongwana, P, Padley, M, Wright, G, Zembe-Mkabile, W (2017) A decent living level: a pilot of the Minimum Income Standard approach in South Africa.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Hill, K, Padley, M (2016) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2016,ISBN: 9781910783665.

Hill, K, Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Marshall, L (2016) Falling short: the experiences of families living below the minimum income standard,ISBN: 9781910783658.

Hill, K, Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M, Smith, N (2015) Disability and minimum living standards: the additional costs of living for people who are sight impaired and people who are deaf.

Valadez, L, Padley, M, Marshall, L, Hirsch, D, Davis, A (2015) A Minimum Income Standard for London.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M, Marshall, L (2015) How much is enough? Reaching social consensus on minimum household needs,ISBN: 9780946831463.

Davis, A, Hirsch, D, Padley, M (2014) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2014, pp.3-52, ISBN: 978-1-90958-633-8.

Hirsch, D, Bryan, A, Davis, A, Smith, N, Ellen, J, Padley, M (2013) A minimum income standard for remote and rural Scotland.

Davis, A and Padley, M (2013) Household costs and foster care.

Davis, AAI, Hirsch, D, Smith, ND, Beckhelling, J, Padley, M (2012) A minimum income standard for the UK in 2012: keeping up in hard times, pp.3-51, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, ISBN: 978-1-85935-928-0.

Davis, AAI, Hirsch, D, Smith, ND (2010) A minimum income standard for the UK in 2010, pp.1-27, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Smith, ND, Davis, AAI, Hirsch, D (2010) A Minimum Income Standard for Rural Households, pp.1-63, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Commission for Rural Communities.

Smith, ND, Phung, V, Davis, AAI, Hirsch, D (2009) A minimum income standard for Northern Ireland, pp.1-24, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Hirsch, D, Davis, AAI, Smith, ND (2009) A minimum income standard for Britain in 2009, pp.1-34, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Bradshaw, J, Middleton, S, Davis, AAI, Oldfield, N, Smith, ND, Cusworth, L, Williams, J (2008) A minimum income standard for Britain: What people think, pp.1-64, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Stafford, WOBR, Ashworth, KR, Adelman, LPA, Davis, AAI, Hartfree, YF, Hill, KR, Greenberg, D, Kellard, KV, Legge, KE, Magadi, MA, McDonald, S, Phung, V, Pound, E, Reyes, DBS (2007) New Deal for Disabled People: Third synthesis report - key findings from the evaluation, DWP Research Report No. 430, pp.1-198, ISBN: 9781847122117.

Greenberg, D and Davis, AAI (2007) Evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People: The cost and cost-benefit analyses, DWP Research Report No. 431, pp.1-141, ISBN: 9781847122124.

Davis, AAI, Pound, E, Stafford, BR (2006) New Deal for Disabled People Extensions: examining the role and operation of new Job Brokers, pp.1-56, ISBN: 1-84712-0911.

McDonald, S, Davis, AAI, Stafford, BR (2004) Report of the Survey of Job Brokers, pp.1-39, ISBN: 1-84388-308-2.

Stafford, BR, Ashworth, KR, Davis, AAI, Hartfree, YF, Hill, KR, Kellard, KV, Legge, KE, McDonald, S, Reyes, DBS, Aston, J, Atkinson, J, Davis, S, Evans, C, Lewis, J, O'Regan, J, Harries, T, Kazimirski, A, Pires, C, Shaw, A, Woodward, C (2004) New Deal for Disabled People (NDDP): First synthesis report, DWP Research Report No. 199, pp.1-147, ISBN: 1-84388-327-9.

Stafford, BR, Greenberg, D, Davis, AA (2002) A Literature Review of the Use of Random Assignment Methodology in Evaluations of US Social Policy Programmes, pp.1-91, ISBN: 1 85197 975 1.

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