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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Veronica Varela-Mato

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Journal Articles

Sayyah, M, Clemes, S, Maylor, BD, Edwardson, CL, Sherry, AP, Ruettger, K, Chen, Y-L, Varela-Mato, V, Guest, AJ, King, J, Paine, N, Rowlands, AV (2024) The Effect of Vehicle Motion (Cab Vibration) on Accelerometer Cut-Point Determined Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers, Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 7(1), jmpb.2024-0027, ISSN: 2575-6605. DOI: 10.1123/jmpb.2024-0027.

Sayyah, M, Clemes, S, Maylor, B, Edwardson, C, Sherry, A, Ruettger, K, Chen, Y-L, Varela-Mato, V, Guest, A, Paine, N, King, J, Rowlands, A (2024) The effect of vehicle motion (cab vibration) on accelerometer-cut-point determined MVPA in Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) drivers, Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, ISSN: 2575-6605.

Phillips, OR, Harries, C, Leonardi-Bee, J, Knight, H, Sherar, LB, Varela-Mato, V, Morling, JR (2024) What are the strengths and limitations to utilising creative methods in public and patient involvement in health and social care research? A qualitative systematic review, Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), 48, DOI: 10.1186/s40900-024-00580-4.

Varela-Mato, V, Blake, H, Yarker, J, Godfree, K, Daly, G, Hassard, J, Meyer, C, Kershaw, C, Marwaha, S, Newman, K, Russell, S, Thomson, L, Munir, F (2023) Using intervention mapping to develop evidence-based toolkits that support workers on long-term sick leave and their managers, BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 942, DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-09952-0.

Sherry, A, Clemes, S, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, CL, Gray, LJ, Guest, A, King, J, Rowlands, AV, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Varela-Mato, V, Hartescu, I (2023) Sleep variability in UK long distance heavy goods vehicle drivers, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65(1), pp.67-73, ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002687.

Ruettger, K, Clemes, S, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, C, Guest, A, Gilson, N, Gray, L, Johnson, V, Paine, N, Sherry, A, Sayyah, M, Troughton, J, Varela-Mato, V, Yates, T, King, J (2022) Drivers with and without obesity respond differently to a multi-component health intervention in heavy goods vehicle drivers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15546, ISSN: 1660-4601. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192315546.

Clemes, S, Varela-Mato, V, Bodicoat, DH, Brookes, CL, Chen, Y-L, Cox, E, Edwardson, CL, Gray, LJ, Guest, A, Johnson, V, Munir, F, Paine, N, Richardson, G, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Sherry, A, Paola, ASD, Troughton, J, Walker, S, Yates, T, King, J (2022) A multicomponent structured health behaviour intervention to improve physical activity in long-distance HGV drivers: the SHIFT cluster RCT, Public Health Research, 10(12), pp.1-174, ISSN: 2050-4381. DOI: 10.3310/pnoy9785.

Guest, A, Clemes, S, King, J, Chen, Y-L, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Sherry, A, Varela-Mato, V, Paine, N (2022) Attenuated cardiovascular reactivity to acute psychological stress predicts future fatigue symptoms in truck drivers, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65(3), pp.228-234, ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002715.

Varela-Mato, V, Godfree, K, Adem, A, Blake, H, Bartle, C, Daly, G, Hassard, J, Kneller, R, Meyer, C, Russell, S, Marwaha, S, Kershaw, C, Newman, K, Yarker, J, Thomson, L, Munir, F (2022) Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK, Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8, 188, DOI: 10.1186/s40814-022-01143-8.

Guest, A, Paine, N, Chen, Y-L, Chalkley, A, Munir, F, Edwardson, CL, Gray, L, Johnson, V, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Sherry, A, Troughton, J, Varela-Mato, V, Yates, T, King, J, Clemes, S (2022) The structured health intervention for truckers (SHIFT) cluster randomised controlled trial: a mixed methods process evaluation, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19, 79, DOI: 10.1186/s12966-022-01316-x.

Clemes, S, Varela-Mato, V, Bodicoat, DH, Brookes, CL, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, CL, Gray, LJ, Guest, A, Johnson, V, Munir, F, Paine, N, Richardson, G, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Sherry, A, Paola, ASD, Troughton, J, Yates, T, King, J (2022) The effectiveness of the Structured Health Intervention For Truckers (SHIFT): a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT), BMC Medicine, 20, 195, ISSN: 1741-7015. DOI: 10.1186/s12916-022-02372-7.

Ruettger, K, Varela-Mato, V, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, C, Guest, A, Gilson, N, Gray, L, Paine, N, Sherry, A, Sayyah, M, Yates, T, King, J, Clemes, S (2022) Physical activity, sedentary time and cardiometabolic health in heavy goods vehicle drivers: a cross-sectional analysis, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(4), ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002484.

Munir, F, Yarker, J, Duckworth, J, Chen, Y-L, Brinkley, A, Varela-Mato, V, Lewis, R, Clemes, S (2021) Evaluation of a natural workspace intervention with active design features on movement, interaction and health, Work, 70(4), pp.1229-1241, ISSN: 1051-9815. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-205180.

Ollier, J, Neff, S, Dworschak, C, Sejdiji, A, Santhanam, P, Keller, R, Xiao, G, Asisof, A, Rüegger, D, Bérubé, C, Hilfiker Tomas, L, Neff, J, Yao, J, Alattas, A, Varela-Mato, V, Pitkethly, A, Vara, MD, Herrero, R, Baños, RM, Parada, C, Agatheswaran, RS, Villalobos, V, Keller, OC, Chan, WS, Mishra, V, Jacobson, N, Stanger, C, He, X, von Wyl, V, Weidt, S, Haug, S, Schaub, M, Kleim, B, Barth, J, Witt, C, Scholz, U, Fleisch, E, Wangenheim, FV, Car, LT, Müller-Riemenschneider, F, Hauser-Ulrich, S, Asomoza, AN, Salamanca-Sanabria, A, Mair, JL, Kowatsch, T (2021) Corrigendum: Elena+ Care for COVID-19, a Pandemic Lifestyle Care Intervention: Intervention Design and Study Protocol, Frontiers in Public Health, 9, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.809278.

Ollier, J, Neff, S, Dworschak, C, Sejdiji, A, Santhanam, P, Keller, R, Xiao, G, Asisof, A, Rüegger, D, Bérubé, C, Hilfiker Tomas, L, Neff, J, Yao, J, Alattas, A, Varela-Mato, V, Pitkethly, A, Vara, MD, Herrero, R, Baños, RM, Parada, C, Agatheswaran, RS, Villalobos, V, Keller, OC, Chan, WS, Mishra, V, Jacobson, N, Stanger, C, He, X, von Wyl, V, Weidt, S, Haug, S, Schaub, M, Kleim, B, Barth, J, Witt, C, Scholz, U, Fleisch, E, Wangenheim, FV, Car, LT, Müller-Riemenschneider, F, Hauser-Ulrich, S, Asomoza, AN, Salamanca-Sanabria, A, Mair, JL, Kowatsch, T (2021) Elena+ Care for COVID-19, a Pandemic Lifestyle Care Intervention: Intervention Design and Study Protocol, Frontiers in Public Health, 9, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.625640.

Sherry, A, Clemes, S, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, C, Gray, L, Guest, A, King, J, Rowlands, A, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Varela-Mato, V, Hartescu, I (2021) Sleep duration and sleep efficiency in UK long distance heavy goods vehicle drivers, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 79(2), pp.109-115, ISSN: 1351-0711. DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2021-107643.

Guest, A, Clemes, S, King, J, Chen, Y-L, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Sherry, A, Varela-Mato, V, Paine, N (2021) Attenuated cardiovascular reactivity is related to higher anxiety and fatigue symptoms in truck drivers, Psychophysiology, 58(9), e13872, ISSN: 0048-5772. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13872.

Longman, D, Shaw, CN, Varela-Mato, V, Sherry, A, Ruettger, K, Sayyah, M, Guest, A, Chen, Y-L, Paine, N, King, J, Clemes, S (2021) Time in nature associated with decreased fatigue in UK truck drivers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), 3158, ISSN: 1660-4601. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18063158.

Galmes-Panades, AM, Konieczna, J, Varela-Mato, V, Abete, I, Babio, N, Fiol, M, Antonio de Paz, J, Casas, R, Olbeyra, R, Ruiz-Canela, M, Palau-Galindo, A, Castañer, O, Martín-García, A, Estruch, R, Vidal, J, Buil-Cosiales, P, Wärnberg, J, Salas-Salvadó, J, Martínez, JA, Romaguera, D, Martin, V, Pedret-Llaberia, R, Gonzalez, R, Sagarra-Álamo, R, París-Palleja, F, Balsells, J, Roca, JM, Basora-Gallisa, T, Vizcaino, J, Llobet-Alpizarte, P, Anguera-Perpiñá, C, Llauradó-Vernet, M, Caballero, C, Garcia-Barco, M, Morán-Martínez, MD, García-Rosselló, J, del Pozo, A, Poblet-Calaf, C, Arcelin-Zabal, P, Floresví, X, Ciutat-Benet, M, Cabré-Vila, JJ, Dolz-Andrés, F, Soler, M, Garcia-Vidal, M, Vilalta, J, Boj Casajuana, J, Ricard, M, Saiz, F, Isach, A, Sanchez-Marin Martinez, M, Granado-Font, E, Lucena-Luque, C, Mestres-Sola, C, Becerra-Tomás, N, Mestres, G, Basora, J, Mena-Sánchez, G, Barrubés-Piñol, L, Gil-Segura, M, Rosique-Esteban, N, Chig, S, Abellán-Cano, I, Ruiz-García, V, Gomez-Martinez, C, Lopez-Gonzalez, L, Salas-Huetos, A, Paz-Graniel, I, Roig-Vallverdú, J, Miñana-Garcia, C, Sánchez-Niembro, L, Hernandez-Alonso, P, Canudas, S, Díaz-López, A, Toledo, E, Martínez-González, MA, Vázquez, Z, Razquin, C, Bes-Rastrollo, M, Gea, A, Sanchez-Tainta, A, Sanjulián-Aranguren, B, Goñi, E, Goñi, L, Cobo, MJ, Rico-Campa, A, Basterra-Gortari, FJ, Garcia-Arellano, A, Diez-Espino, J, Lecea-Juarez, O, Cenoz-Osinaga, JC, Alvarez-Alvarez, I, Sayon-Orea, MC, Fernandez-Lázaro, CI, Ruiz-Estigarribia, L, Bartolome-Resano, J, Sola-Larraza, A, Lozano-Oloriz, E, Cano-Valles, B, Eguaras, S, Roquet-Jalmar, EP, Galilea-Zabalza, I, Lancova, H, Ramallal, R, Garcia-Perez, ML, Estremera-Urabayen, V, Ariz-Arnedo, MJ, Hijos-Larraz, C, Fernandez-Alfaro, C, Iñigo-Martinez, B, Villanueva-Moreno, R, Martin-Almendros, S, Barandiaran-Bengoetxea, L, Fuertes-Goñi, C, Lezaun-Indurain, A, Guruchaga-Arcelus, MJ, Olmedo-Cruz, O, Escriche-Erviti, L, Ansorena-Ros, R, Sanmatin-Zabaleta, R, Apalategi-Lasa, J, Villanueva-Telleria, J, Hernández-Espinosa, MM, Herrera-Valdez, L, Dorronsoro-Dorronsoro, L, Echeverria-Lizarraga, L, Cabeza-Beunza, JA, Fernández-Urretavizcaya, P, Gascó-García, P, Royo-Jimenez, C, Moran-Pí, J, Salazar-Fernández, F, Chasco-Ros, FJ, Cortés-Ugalde, F, Jurio-Burgui, JJ, Pascual-Pascual, P, Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, AI, Esparza-Cáceres, M, Arroyo-Azpa, C, Rodríguez-Sanz de Galdeano, M, Forcen-Alonso, T, Armendariz-Marcotegui, M, Brugos-Larumbe, A, Arillo, A, López-Aisa, B, Moñino, M, Colom, A, Morey, M, Martín, MA, Rayó, E, Llobera, J, Fernández-Palomeque, C, Fortuny, E, Noris, M, López, L, Rosselló, X, Munuera, S, Tomás, F, Fiol, F, Jover, A, Janer, JM, Vallespir, C, Mattei, I, Feuerbach, N, Sureda, MM, Vega, S, Quintana, L, Fiol, A, Amador, M, González, S, Coll, J, Moyá, A, Piqué-Sistac, T, Sanmartín-Fernández, MD, Piña-Valls, MC, Llorente San Martín, MA, Pou-Bordoy, J, Cantero, I, Cristobo, C, Ibero-Baraibar, I, Zulet, M, Ágreda-Peiró, J, Lezáun-Burgui, MD, Goñi-Ruiz, N, Bartolomé-Resano, R, Cano-Cáceres, E, Elcarte-López, T, Echarte-Osacain, E, Pérez-Sanz, B, Blanco-Platero, I, Andueza-Azcárate, A, Gimeno-Aznar, A, Ursúa-Sesma, E, Ojeda-Bilbao, B, Martinez-Jarauta, J, Ugalde-Sarasa, L, Rípodas-Echarte, B, Güeto-Rubio, MV, Napal-Lecumberri, C, Martínez-Mazo, MD, Arina-Vergara, E, Parra-Osés, A, Artal-Moneva, F, Bárcena-Amigo, F, Calle-Irastoza, F, Abad-Vicente, J, Armendáriz-Artola, JI, Iñigo-Cibrian, P, Escribano-Jarauta, J, Ulibarri-delportillo, J, Churio-Beraza, B, Monzón-Martínez, Y, Madoz-Zubillaga, E, Arroniz, C, Viñas, C, Castro-Barquero, S, Ruiz-León, AM, Losno, R, Tarés, L, Jordán, A, Soriano, R, Camafort, M, Sierra, C, Sacanella, E, Cots, JM, Sarroca, I, García, M, Bermúdez, N, Pérez, A, Duaso, I, de la Arada, A, Hernández, R, Simón, C, de la Poza, MA, Gil, I, Vila, M, Iglesias, C, Assens, N, Amatller, M, Rams, LL, Benet, T, Fernández, G, Teruel, J, Azorin, A, Cubells, M, López, D, Llovet, JM, Gómez, ML, Climente, P, de Paula, L, Soto, J, Carbonell, C, Llor, C, Abat, X, Cama, A, Fortuny, M, Domingo, C, Liberal, AI, Martínez, T, Yañez, E, Nieto, MJ, Pérez, A, Lloret, E, Carrazoni, C, Belles, AM, Olmos, C, Ramentol, M, Capell, MJ, Casas, R, Giner, I, Muñoz, A, Martín, R, Moron, E, Bonillo, A, Sánchez, G, Calbó, C, Pous, J, Massip, M, García, Y, Massagué, MC, Ibañez, R, Llaona, J, Vidal, T, Vizcay, N, Segura, E, Galindo, C, Moreno, M, Caubet, M, Altirriba, J, Fluxà, G, Toribio, P, Torrent, E, Anton, JJ, Viaplana, A, Vieytes, G, Duch, N, Pereira, A, Moreno, MA, Sant, E, Gené, J, Calvillo, H, Pont, F, Puig, M, Casasayas, M, Garrich, A, Senar, E, Martínez, A, Boix, I, Sequeira, E, Aragunde, V, Riera, S, Salgado, M, Fuentes, M, Martín, E, Ubieto, A, Pallarés, F, Sala, C, Abilla, A, Moreno, S, Mayor, E, Colom, T, Gaspar, A, Gómez, A, Palacios, L, Garrigosa, R, Martín, V, Abajo-Olea, S, Álvarez-Álvarez, L, Rubín-García, M, Torres, A, Farias, P, Cubelos, N, Adlbi Sibai, A, Ajenjo, M, Carriedo-Ule, E, Escobar-Fernández, M, Ferradal-García, JI, Fernández-Vázquez, JP, González-Quintana, C, González-Rivero, F, Lavinia-Popescu, M, López-Gil, JI, López de la Iglesia, J, Marcos-Delgado, A, Merino-Acevedo, C, Reguero-Celada, S, Rodríguez-Bul, M, Fernández-Mielgo, E, Altés, A, Vinagre, I, Mestre, C, Viaplana, J, Serra, M, Vera, J, Freitas, T, Ortega, E, Pla, I (2021) Targeting body composition in an older population: do changes in movement behaviours matter? Longitudinal analyses in the PREDIMED-Plus trial, BMC Medicine, 19(1), 3, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-020-01847-9.

Galmes-Panades, AM, Konieczna, J, Varela-Mato, V, Abete, I, Babio, N, Fiol, M, Paz, JAD, Casas, R, Olbeyra, R, Ruiz-Canela, M, Galindo, AP, Castañer, O, Martín-García, A, Estruch, R, Vidal, J, Buil-Cosiales, P, Wärnberg, J, Salas-Salvado, J, Martinez, JA, Romaguera, D (2020) Changes in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and body composition: longitudinal analysis in the PREDIMED-Plus trial, DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-44115/v1.

Willis, S, Sargeant, J, Yates, T, Takamura, T, Takayama, H, Gupta, V, Brittain, E, Crawford, J, Parry, S, Thackray, A, Varela-Mato, V, Stensel, D, Woods, R, Hulston, C, Aithal, G, King, J (2020) Acute hyper-energetic, high-fat feeding increases circulating FGF21, LECT2 and fetuin-A in healthy men, The Journal of Nutrition, 150(5), pp.1076-1085, ISSN: 0022-3166. DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxz333.

Galmes-Panades, AM, Varela-Mato, V, Konieczna, J, Wärnberg, J, Martínez-González, M, Salas-Salvadó, J, Corella, D, Schröder, H, Vioque, J, Alonso-Gómez, Á, Martínez, JA, Serra-Majem, L, Estruch, R, Tinahones, FJ, Lapetra, J, Pintó, X, Tur, JA, Garcia-Rios, A, Riquelme-Gallego, B, Gaforio, JJ, Matía-Martín, P, Daimiel, L, Pérez, RMM, Vidal, J, Vázquez, C, Ros, E, Garcia-Arellano, A, Díaz-López, A, Asensio, EM, Castañer, O, Fiol, F, Mira-Castejón, LA, Rodríguez, AM, Benavente-Marín, JC, Abete, I, Tomaino, L, Casas, R, López, FJB, Fernández-García, JC, Santos-Lozano, JM, Galera, A, Mascaró, CM, Razquin, C, Papandreou, C, Portoles, O, Pérez-Vega, KA, Fiol, M, Compañ-Gabucio, L, Vaquero-Luna, J, Ruiz-Canela, M, Becerra-Tomás, N, Fitó, M, Romaguera, D (2019) Isotemporal substitution of inactive time with physical activity and time in bed: Cross-sectional associations with cardiometabolic health in the PREDIMED-Plus study, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16(1), 137, DOI: 10.1186/s12966-019-0892-4.

Clemes, S, Varela-Mato, V, Munir, F, Edwardson, C, Chen, Y-L, Hamer, M, Gray, L, Jaicim, NB, Richardson, G, Johnson, V, Troughton, J, Yates, T, King, J (2019) Cluster randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a Structured Health Intervention For Truckers (the SHIFT study): a study protocol, BMJ Open, 9, e030175, ISSN: 2044-6055. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030175.

Goltz, FR, Thackray, A, Varela-Mato, V, King, J, Dorling, JL, Dowejko, M, Mastana, S, Thompson, J, Atkinson, G, Stensel, D (2019) Exploration of associations between the FTO rs9939609 genotype, fasting and postprandial appetite-related hormones and perceived appetite in healthy men and women, Appetite, 142, 104368, ISSN: 1095-8304. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104368.

Varela-Mato, V, Clemes, S, King, J, Munir, F (2019) Associations between musculoskeletal conditions risk, sedentary behaviour, sleep and markers of mental health: A cross-sectional observational study in Heavy Goods Vehicle drivers: Musculoskeletal conditions risk in HGV drivers, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001587.

Varela-Mato, V, Caddick, N, King, J, Johnson, V, Edwardson, CL, Yates, TE, Stensel, D, Daly, H, Nimmo, MA, Clemes, S (2018) The impact of a novel Structured Health Intervention for Truckers (SHIFT) on physical activity and cardio-metabolic risk factors, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001128.

Varela-Mato, V, Caddick, N, King, J, Yates, TE, Stensel, D, Nimmo, MA, Clemes, S (2018) A structured health intervention for truckers (SHIFT): A process evaluation of a pilot health intervention in a transport company, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(4), pp.377-385, ISSN: 1076-2752. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001258.

Caddick, N, Varela-Mato, V, Nimmo, MA, Clemes, S, Yates, TE, King, J (2017) Understanding the health of lorry drivers in context: a critical discourse analysis, Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine, ISSN: 1461-7196. DOI: 10.1177/1363459316644492.

Varela-Mato, V, O'Shea, O, King, J, Yates, TE, Stensel, D, Biddle, SJH, Nimmo, MA, Clemes, S (2017) Cross-sectional surveillance study to phenotype lorry drivers’ sedentary behaviours, physical activity and cardio-metabolic health, BMJ Open, ISSN: 2044-6055.

Ayán Pérez, C, Molina, AJ, Varela Mato, V, Cancela Carral, JM, Barrio Lera, JP, Martín Sánchez, V (2017) Relationship between tobacco consumption and sport practice among health and education science university students, Enfermeria Clinica, 27(1), pp.21-27, ISSN: 1130-8621. DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2016.08.008.

Varela-Mato, V, Yates, TE, Stensel, D, Biddle, SJH, Clemes, S (2017) Concurrent validity of ActiGraph-determined sedentary time against the activPAL under free-living conditions in a sample of bus drivers, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, ISSN: 1091-367X. DOI: 10.1080/1091367X.2017.1335204.

Varela-Mato, V, Yates, TE, Stensel, D, Biddle, SJH, Clemes, S (2016) Time spent sitting during and outside working hours in bus drivers: a pilot study, Preventive Medicine Reports, 3, pp.36-39, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.11.011.

Varela-Mato, V (2013) Response to Crespo et al. Comments on: Varela-Mato, V.; et al. Lifestyle and Health among Spanish University Students: Differences by Gender and Academic Discipline. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9, 2728–2741, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(8), pp.3593-3595, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10083593.

Varela-Mato, V, Cancela, JM, Ayan, C, Molina, A, Martin, V (2013) Lifestyle and Health among Spanish University Students: Differences by Gender and Academic Discipline (vol 9, pg 2728, 2012), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 10(8), pp.3590-3590, ISSN: 1660-4601. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10083590.

Crespo-Salgado, JJ and Blanco-Moure, A (2013) Comments on Varela-Mato, V.; Cancela, J.M.; Ayan, C.; Martín, V.; Molina, A. Lifestyle and health among Spanish university students: differences by gender and academic discipline. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9, 2728-2741, International journal of environmental research and public health, 10(8), pp.3591-3592, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10083591.

Varela-Mato, V, Cancela, JM, Ayan, C, Martín, V, Molina, A (2012) Lifestyle and health among spanish university students: Differences by gender and academic discipline, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(8), pp.2728-2741, ISSN: 1661-7827. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph9082728.

Molina, AJ, Varela, V, Fernández, T, Martín, V, Ayán, C, Cancela, JM (2012) Unhealthy habits and practice of physical activity in Spanish college students: The role of gender, academic profile and living situation, Adicciones, 24(4), pp.319-327, ISSN: 0214-4840. DOI: 10.20882/adicciones.82.


Ruettger, K, Clemes, S, Varela-Mato, V, Chen, Y, Edwardson, CL, Guest, A, Gilson, ND, Gray, L, Paine, N, Sherry, A, Sayyah, M, Yates, T, King, J (2022) Obesity mediates physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factor responses to a multi-component behaviour change intervention [Abstract]. In 29th annual European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2022); Obesity Facts, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp.164-164, DOI: 10.1159/000524469.


Willis, S, Sargeant, J, Varela-Mato, V, Ruttger, K, Takayama, H, Takamura, T, Parry, S, Woods, R, Aithal, GP, Stensel, D, Hulston, C, King, J (2019) Influence of hyper-energetic, high-fat feeding on circulating hepatokines in healthy men: a randomised crossover study [Abstract]. In 26th European Congress on Obesity, Obesity Facts: The European Journal of Obesity, Glasgow, pp.7-8, DOI: 10.1159/000497797.

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