Journal Articles
Maeo, S,
Balshaw, TG, Nin, DZ, Mc Dermott, EJ, Osborne, T, Cooper, NB, Massey, GJ, Kong, PUIW, Pain, MTG, Folland, JP (2024)
Hamstrings Hypertrophy Is Specific to the Training Exercise: Nordic Hamstring versus Lengthened State Eccentric Training,
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 56(10), pp.1893-1905, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI:
Skarabot, J, Ammann, C,
Balshaw, T, Divjak, M, Urh, F, Murks, N, Foffani, G, Holobar, A (2023)
Decoding firings of a large population of human motor units from high-density surface electromyogram in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation,
The Journal of Physiology, 601(10), pp.1719-1744, ISSN: 0022-3751. DOI:
Balshaw, TG, Funnell, MP, McDermott, E, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Abela, S, Quteishat, B, Edsey, M, James, LJJ, Folland, JPP (2023)
The effect of specific bioactive collagen peptides on function and muscle remodeling during human resistance training (vol 237, e13903, 2023),
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, 237(4), ARTN e13952, ISSN: 1748-1708. DOI:
Casolo, A, Maeo, S,
Balshaw, T, Lanza, MB, Martin, N, Nuccio, S, Moro, T, Paoli, A, Felici, F, Maffulli, N, Eskofier, B, Kinfe, TM, Folland, J, Farina, D, Vecchio, AD (2023)
Non-invasive estimation of muscle fibre size from high-density electromyography,
The Journal of Physiology, 601(10), pp.1831-1850, ISSN: 0022-3751. DOI:
Balshaw, TG, Funnell, MP, McDermott, E, Maden‐Wilkinson, TM, Abela, S, Quteishat, B, Edsey, M, James, LJ, Folland, JP (2022)
The effect of specific bioactive collagen peptides on function and muscle remodeling during human resistance training,
Acta Physiologica, 237(2), ISSN: 1748-1708. DOI:
Miller, R,
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Maeo, S, Lanza, MB, Haug, B, Johnston, M, Allen, S, Folland, J (2022)
The muscle morphology of elite female sprint running,
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(12), pp.2138-2148, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI:
de Oliveira, DS, Casolo, A,
Balshaw, T, Maeo, S, Lanza, MB, Martin, N, Maffulli, N, Kinfe, TM, Eskofier, BM, Folland, J, Farina, D, Vecchio, AD (2022)
Neural decoding from surface high-density EMG signals: influence of anatomy and synchronization on the number of identified motor units,
Journal of Neural Engineering, 19(4), 046029, ISSN: 1741-2560. DOI:
McDermott, E,
Balshaw, T, Brooke-Wavell, K, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Folland, J (2022)
Fast and ballistic contractions involve greater neuromuscular power production in older adults during resistance exercise,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 122(7), pp.1639-1655, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Maden-Wilkinson, T, Lanza, MB, Folland, J (2022)
Effect of long‐term maximum strength training on explosive strength, neural, and contractile properties,
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 32(4), pp.685-697, ISSN: 0905-7188. DOI:
Casolo, A, Vecchio, AD,
Balshaw, T, Maeo, S, Lanza, MB, Felici, F, Folland, J, Farina, D (2021)
Behavior of motor units during submaximal isometric contractions in chronically strength-trained individuals,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 131(5), pp.1584-1598, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Folland, J and
Balshaw, T (2021)
Muscle growth does contribute to the increases in strength that occur after resistance training,
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(9), pp.2006-2010, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI:
Skarabot, J,
Balshaw, T, Maeo, S, Massey, G, Lanza, M, Maden-Wilkinson, T, Folland, J (2021)
Neural adaptations to long-term resistance training: evidence for the confounding effect of muscle size on the interpretation of surface electromyography,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 131(2), pp.702-715, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Balshaw, T, Maden-Wilkinson, T, Massey, GJ, Folland, J (2021)
The human muscle size and strength relationship: effects of architecture, muscle force, and measurement location,
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(10), pp.2140-2151, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI:
Maeo, S,
Balshaw, T, Lanza, MB, Hannah, R, Folland, J (2021)
Corticospinal excitability and motor representation after long-term resistance training,
European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(10), pp.3416-3432, ISSN: 0953-816X. DOI:
Maden-Wilkinson, TM,
Balshaw, TG, Massey, GJ, Folland, J (2021)
Muscle architecture and morphology as determinants of explosive strength,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121, pp.1099-1110, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Miller, R,
Balshaw, TG, Massey, GJ, Maeo, S, Lanza, MB, Johnston, M, Allen, S, Folland, J (2020)
The muscle morphology of elite sprint running,
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(4), pp.804-815, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI:
Maden-Wilkinson, T,
Balshaw, T, Massey, G, Folland, J (2020)
What makes long-term resistance-trained individuals so strong? A comparison of skeletal muscle morphology, architecture, and joint mechanics,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(4), pp.1000-1011, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Behan, FP, Moody, R, Patel, TS, Lattimore, E, Maden-Wilkinson, TM,
Balshaw, TG (2019)
Biceps femoris long head muscle fascicle length does not differ between sexes,
Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(21), pp.2452-2458, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI:
Lanza, MB,
Balshaw, T, Folland, J (2019)
Is the joint-angle specificity of isometric resistance training real? And if so, does it have a neural basis?,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(11-12), pp.2465-2476, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Lanza, MB,
Balshaw, T, Folland, J (2019)
Explosive strength: effect of knee-joint angle on functional, neural, and intrinsic contractile properties,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(8), DOI:
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Lanza, MB, Folland, J (2018)
Neural adaptations after 4 years vs 12 weeks of resistance training vs untrained,
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 29(3), pp.348-359, ISSN: 0905-7188. DOI:
Massey, GJ,
Balshaw, T, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Tillin, NA, Folland, J (2018)
Tendinous tissue adaptation to explosive- vs. sustained-contraction strength training,
Frontiers in Physiology, 9(SEP), DOI:
Lanza, MB,
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Folland, J (2018)
Does normalization of voluntary EMG amplitude to MMAX account for the influence of electrode location and adiposity?,
Scand J Med Sci Sports, ISSN: 0905-7188. DOI:
Massey, GJ,
Balshaw, T, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Folland, J (2017)
Tendinous tissue properties after short and long-term functional overload: Differences between controls, 12 weeks and 4 years of resistance training,
Acta Physiol (Oxf), ISSN: 1748-1708. DOI:
Balshaw, TG, Pahar, M, Chesham, R, Macgregor, LJ, Hunter, AM (2017)
Reduced firing rates of high threshold motor units in response to eccentric overload,
Physiological Reports, 5(2), ISSN: 2051-817X. DOI:
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Morales-Artacho, AJ, McKeown, A, Appleby, CL, Folland, J (2017)
Changes in agonist neural drive, hypertrophy and pre-training strength all contribute to the individual strength gains after resistance training,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, pp.1-10, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Massey, GJ,
Balshaw, T, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Tillin, NA, Folland, J (2017)
The influence of patellar tendon and muscle-tendon unit stiffness on quadriceps explosive strength in man,
Exp Physiol, DOI:
Balshaw, T, Fry, A, Maden-Wilkinson, TM, Kong, PW, Folland, J (2017)
Reliability of quadriceps surface electromyography measurements is improved by two vs. single site recordings,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, pp.1-10, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Lanza, MB,
Balshaw, T, Folland, J (2017)
Do changes in neuromuscular activation contribute to the knee extensor angle-torque relationship?,
Experimental Physiology, ISSN: 0958-0670. DOI:
Balshaw, T, Massey, GJ, Maden-Wilkinson, T, Tillin, NA, Folland, J (2016)
Training-specific functional, neural, and hypertrophic adaptations to explosive-vs. sustained-contraction strength training,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 120(11), pp.1364-1373, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Boyd, DA, Donald, N,
Balshaw, TG (2014)
Comparison of Acute Countermovement Jump Responses After Functional Isometric and Dynamic Half Squats,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(12), pp.3363-3374, ISSN: 1064-8011. DOI:
Balshaw, TG, Bampouras, TM, Barry, TJ, Sparks, SA (2013)
The effect of acute taurine ingestion on 3-km running performance in trained middle-distance runners,
Amino Acids, 44(2), pp.555-561, ISSN: 0939-4451. DOI:
Balshaw, TG and Hunter, AM (2012)
Evaluation of electromyography normalisation methods for the back squat,
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 22(2), pp.308-319, ISSN: 1050-6411. DOI: