Publications for Rachel Sandford
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Journal Articles
Gray, S, Stirrup, J, Hooper, O, Bryant, A,
Sandford, R, Carse, N, Hardley, S (2024)
A critical endeavour? Supporting teachers’ journeys towards critical engagement with curriculum in physical education through cross-border dialogue,
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, ISSN: 2574-2981. DOI:
Kettley-Linsell, H,
Sandford, R, Coates, J (2024)
‘Like putting a puzzle piece in the wrong spot’: transgender and non-binary experiences of physical education,
Gender and Education, 36(5), pp.453-469, ISSN: 0954-0253. DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Gray, S, Hooper, O (2023)
Working with trauma-affected young people in secondary schools: exploring ‘self-care’ with pre-service physical education teachers,
European Physical Education Review, 30(3), pp.511-526, ISSN: 1356-336X. DOI:
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Hooper, O (2023)
Theorising the potential of physical education and school sport to support the educational engagement, transitions and outcomes of care-experienced young people,
British Educational Research Journal, 50(2), pp.580-598, ISSN: 0141-1926. DOI:
Stirrup, J, Aldous, D, Gray, S,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Hardley, S, Bryant, AS, Carse, NR (2023)
Exploring the re-legitimisation of messages for health and physical education within contemporary English and Welsh curricula reform,
Sport, Education and Society, 29(8), pp.939-951, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Dyer, J and
Sandford, R (2023)
‘Just Another Outing in a Boat’: Findings from the Evaluation of the Mixed Ability Sport Development Programme,
Disabilities, 3(3), pp.335-351, DOI:
Gray, S,
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Hooper, O (2023)
Exploring pre-service physical education teachers' trauma-related learning experiences in schools,
Teaching and Teacher Education, 132, 104212, ISSN: 0742-051X. DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Gray, S (2023)
Co-creating strategies for enacting trauma-aware pedagogies with pre-service physical education teachers,
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, ISSN: 1740-8989. DOI:
Gray, S, Hardley, S, Bryant, A, Hooper, O, Stirrup, J,
Sandford, R, Aldous, D, Carse, N (2023)
Exploring physical education teachers’ conceptualisations of health and wellbeing discourse across the four nations of the UK,
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(1), pp.1-23, ISSN: 2574-2981. DOI:
Hobson, MR,
Sandford, R, Stirrup, J, Wiltshire, G (2022)
Social class and the cultivation of capital: undergraduate PE students’ socialisation in sport and physical activity,
Sport, Education and Society, 29(3), pp.267-281, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Skouteris, H, Green, R, Chung, A, Bergmeier, H, Amir, LH, Baidwan, SK, Chater, AM, Chamberlain, C, Emond, R, Gibbons, K, Gooey, M, Hatzikiriakidis, K, Haycraft, E, Hills, AP, Higgins, DJ, Hooper, O, Hunter, S-A, Kappelides, P, Kleve, S, Krakouer, J, Lumeng, JC, Manios, Y, Mansoor, A, Marmot, M, Mâsse, LC, Matvienko-Sikar, K, Mchiza, ZJ-R, Meyer, C, Moschonis, G, Munro, ER, O'Connor, TM, O'Neil, A, Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Schneiderman, JU, Sherriff, S, Simkiss, D, Spence, A, Sturgiss, E, Vicary, D, Wickes, R, Wolfenden, L, Story, M, Black, MM (2022)
Nurturing children’s development through healthy eating and active living: Time for policies to support effective interventions in the context of responsive emotional support and early learning,
Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), ISSN: 0966-0410. DOI:
Gray, S, Hooper, O, Hardley, S,
Sandford, R, Stirrup, J, Aldous, D, Carse, N, Bryant, A (2022)
A health(y) subject? Examining discourses of health in physical education curricula across the UK,
British Educational Research Journal, 48(6), pp.1161-1182, ISSN: 0141-1926. DOI:
Gray, S,
Sandford, R, Stirrup, J, Aldous, D, Hardley, S, Carse, N, Hooper, O, Bryant, A (2021)
A comparative analysis of discourses shaping physical education provision within and across the UK,
European Physical Education Review, 28(3), pp.575-593, ISSN: 1356-336X. DOI:
Camacho-Miñano, MJ, Gray, S,
Sandford, R, MacIsaac, S (2021)
Young women, health and physical activity: tensions between the gendered fields of Physical Education and Instagram,
Sport, Education and Society, 27(7), pp.803-815, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Sandford, R, Beckett, A, Giulianotti, R (2021)
Sport, disability and (inclusive) education: critical insights and understandings from the Playdagogy programme,
Sport, Education and Society, 27(2), pp.150-166, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Hooper, O,
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Duncombe, R (2021)
Let me tell you a story: concept cartoons as a tool for representing young people’s voices in physical education and youth sport,
Physical Education Matters, 2021(Spring Edition), ISSN: 1751-0988.
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Green, R, Hooper, O, Avery, J (2021)
Developing evidence-informed principles for trauma-aware pedagogies in physical education,
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27(4), pp.440-454, ISSN: 1740-8989. DOI:
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Hooper, O, Duncombe, R (2020)
Exercising their 'Right to Be Active'? Care experienced young people's perspectives on physical education and school sport,
Physical Education Matters, ISSN: 1751-0988.
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Duncombe, R (2020)
Narratives and marginalised voices: Storying the sport and physical activity experiences of care-experienced young people,
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13(3), pp.426-437, ISSN: 2159-676X. DOI:
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Hooper, O, Duncombe, R (2019)
Navigating complex social landscapes: Examining care experienced young people’s engagements with sport and physical activity,
Sport, Education and Society, 26(1), pp.15-28, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
O'Donnell, C,
Sandford, R, Parker, A (2019)
Physical education, school sport and looked-after-children: Health, wellbeing and educational engagement,
Sport, Education and Society, 25(6), pp.605-617, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Pickering, K (2018)
Care-experienced youth and positive development: an exploratory study into the value and use of leisure-time activities,
Leisure Studies, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI:
Chambers, F and
Sandford, RA (2018)
Learning to be human in a digital world: a model of values fluency education for physical education,
Sport, Education and Society, pp.1-14, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Elliot, E (2018)
‘I actually used to like PE, but not now’: understanding care-experienced young people’s (dis)engagement with physical education,
Sport, Education and Society, 24(7), pp.714-726, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Harris, L,
Sandford, R, Hooper, OR (2018)
This Girl.. Can? Exploring the potential impact of This Girl Can in secondary schools,
Physical Education Matters, 13(1), pp.51-54, ISSN: 1751-0988.
Williamson, R and
Sandford, R (2018)
"School is already difficult enough..": Examining transgender issues in physical education,
Physical Education Matters, (Autumn 2018), pp.57-61, ISSN: 1751-0988.
Butler, C, Duncombe, R, Mason, C,
Sandford, R (2016)
Recruitments, engagements and partitions: managing participation in play,
International Journal of Play, 5(1), pp.47-63, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
Hill, J,
Sandford, RA, Enright, E (2015)
‘It has really amazed me what my body can now do’: boundary work and the construction of a body-positive dance community,
Sport in Society, 19(5), pp.667-679, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI:
Sandford, R, Duncombe, R, Mason, C, Butler, C (2015)
Ability to be active: exploring children’s active play in primary schools,
International Journal of Play, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
Edwardson, C, Gorely, T, Musson, H, Duncombe, R,
Sandford, RA (2014)
Does Activity-Related Social Support Differ by Characteristics of the Adolescent?,
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, **, **.
Enright, E, Hill, J,
Sandford, RA, Gard, M (2014)
Looking beyond what's broken: towards an appreciative research agenda for physical education and sport pedagogy,
Sport, Education and Society, 19(7), pp.912-926, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Edwardson, CL, Gorely, T, Musson, H, Duncombe, R,
Sandford, R (2014)
Does Activity-Related Social Support Differ by Characteristics of the Adolescent?,
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(3), pp.574-580, ISSN: 1543-3080. DOI:
Stirrup, J, Duncombe, R,
Sandford, R (2014)
‘Intensive mothering’ in the early years: the cultivation and consolidation of (physical) capital,
Sport, Education and Society, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI:
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R (2013)
Positive Youth Development and Physical Activity/Sport Interventions: Mechanisms Leading to Sustained Impact,
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(3), pp.256-281, DOI:
Armour, KM and
Sandford, RA (2013)
Positive Youth Development through an Outdoor Physical Activity Programme: Evidence from a Four-Year Evaluation,
Educational Review, 65(1), pp.85-108, ISSN: 0013-1911. DOI:
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Stanton, DJ (2010)
Volunteer mentors as informal educators in a youth physical activity program,
Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18(2), pp.135-153, ISSN: 1361-1267. DOI:
Bailey, R, Armour, K, Kirk, D, Jess, M, Pickup, I,
Sandford, R (2009)
The educational benefits claimed for physical education and school sport: an academic review,
Research Papers in Education, 24(1), pp.1-27, ISSN: 0267-1522. DOI:
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Armour, KM (2008)
The role of physical activity/sport in tackling youth disaffection and anti-social behaviour,
EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, 60(4), pp.419-435, ISSN: 0013-1911. DOI:
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Warmington, (2006)
Re-engaging disaffected youth through physical activity programmes,
British Educational Research Journal, 32(2), pp.251-271, ISSN: 1469-3518. DOI:
Evans, J, Rich, EJ, Holroyd, R (2004)
Disordered eating and disordered schooling: What schools do to middle class girls,
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(2), pp.123-142, ISSN: 1465-3346. DOI:
Evans, J, Rich, E, Holroyd, R (2004) Disordered Eating and Disordered Schooling: What Schools Do To Middle Class Girls,
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(2), pp.123-142.
Gorely, T, Holroyd, R, Kirk, D (2003) Muscularity, the Habitus and the Social Construction of Gender: Towards a Gender-relevant Physical Education,
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24(4), pp.429-448.
Sandford, RA and Chambers, F (Accepted for publication) Lost in translation? Proposing a model of values fluency for Physical Education. In European Educational Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Mason, C, Butler, C (2015) Ability to be Active: Exploring children’s active play in primary schools. In
AIESEP International Congress, Madrid, Spain.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Mason, C, Stirrup, J (2015) Mapping a Physical Literacy Pathway: Examining early years physical activity/development provision. In
AIESEP International Congress, Madrid, Spain.
Sandford, R (2015)
‘I’m many different people’: examining the influence of space and place on girls’ constructions of embodied identities. In
The Sport Project: Probing the Boundaries (4th Global Meeting), Mansfield College, Oxford.
Hill, J,
Sandford, RA, Enright, E (2014) ‘It's really amazed me what my body can now do’: Creating a body-positive community in and through dance. In Barker-Ruchti, N (ed)
Gender in Physical Culture Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, **.
Hill, J and
Sandford, RA (2014) Appreciative Inquiry In Physical Education Research: A Positive Movement Subculture Case Study. In
American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA, **.
Enright, E, Hill, J,
Sandford, RA, Gard, M (2013) Looking beyond what’s broken: Making a case for Appreciative Inquiry in physical education and sport pedagogy research. In
AIESEP Conference, Warsaw, Poland, pp.1-5.
Sandford, R and Brown, SMN (2012) Increasing Young People’s Physical Activity and Engagement through Alternative Sports: Findings from the Matalan ‘yoUR Activity’ Programme. In
Beyond 2012: 7th Reseaching Youth Sport Conference, Loughborough University.
Duncombe, R,
Sandford, RA, Morris, JG, Maddox, D (2012) Young people’s attitudes towards school and PE in England: Findings from the ‘You, School and PE’ Survey. In
European Educational Research Conference, Cadiz, Spain, pp.1-3.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Gorely, T, Musson, H (2011) Exploring Girls’ Views of Fun and Competition in Sport/Physical Activity. In
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, London, UK.
Sandford, RA and Duncombe, R (2010) Facilitating Inclusion through Physical Activity
Programmes for Disaffected Young People. In
IYS/Brunel University Researching Youth Sport Conference, Loughborough, UK.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R (2009) Youth Disaffection and Anti-Social Behaviour in Education: Physical Activity/Sport Interventions and Sustainable Impact. In
Association for Physical Education National Conference, Gloucestershire, UK.
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Duncombe, R (2009) Putting Words in their Mouths?: Seeking authentic disaffected youth insights on sport/physical activity interventions. In
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Manchester University, UK.
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Duncombe, R (2009) Positive Adults for Positive Youth Development in Physical Activity Interventions: Negotiating Boundaries. In
AIESEP Specialist Symposium, Pensacola FL, US.
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Armour, KM, Stewart, KE (2008) Youth Disaffection and Anti-Social Behaviour in Education: Physical Activity/Sport Interventions and Sustainable Impact. In
American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, US.
Sandford, RA (2007) An Overview of Current Issues, Concerns and Challenges in Evaluation Research. In
British Educational Research Association’s Annual Conference, London, UK.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R (2006) Young people and the role of physical activity in enhancing personal/social development: evaluating sustainable impact. In
BERA, Warwick, pp.251-271.
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Duncombe, R (2006) Physical Activity Programmes and Sustainable Impact on Young People's Personal and Social Development. In
AIESEP International Congress, Finland, pp.123-142.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Crossman, D (2006) 'Additional aides' or 'Informal Educators'? Examining the role of adult mentors in two youth activity programmes. In
AERA, San Francisco, USA, pp.123-142.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Crossman, D (2005) Research on informal education in youth physical activity settings: Lessons for physical education teachers. In
AIESEP International Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.123-142.
Sandford, RA, Armour, KM, Crossman, D (2005) Informal Educators or just 'Additional Adults'?: Examining the Role of Adult Volunteers within Youth Physical Activity Programmes. In
British Education Research Association Annual Conference, Glamorgan University, pp.123-142.
Armour, KM and
Sandford, RA (2004) Evaluating the role of adult mentors in a youth physical activity programme. In
Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Sandford, RA, Armour, K, Bowyer, S (2004) It Might be Fashionable but Does it ‘Work’?: Physical Activity, Behaviour Management And Impact. In
British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.
Chambers, FC,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Schaefer, L (2023)
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, Routledge, DOI:
Chambers, FC, Jones, A, Murphy, O,
Sandford, R (2018)
DESIGN THINKING FOR DIGITAL WELL-BEING: Theory and Practice for Educators. DOI:
Sandford, R, Beckett, A, Giulianotti, R (2024)
Sport, disability and (inclusive) education: critical insights and understandings from the Playdagogy programme. In
Disabled Children and Young People in Sport, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Routledge, pp.22-38, DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O (2024)
Researching with care-experienced young people in sport and physical activity: methodological reflections and the need for a trauma-aware lens. In McMahon, J and McGannon, KR (ed)
Trauma-Informed Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health: Qualitative Methods, Routledge,ISBN: 9781032366104. DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O (2024)
Researching with care-experienced young people in sport and physical activity: Methodological reflections and the need for a trauma-aware lens. In
Trauma-Informed Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health: Qualitative Methods, pp.197-214, DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O (2023)
Trauma-aware pedagogies in physical education. In Girginov, V and Marttinen, R (ed)
Routledge Resources Online - Sport Studies, Routledge. DOI:
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Chambers, FC, Schaefer, L (2023)
Navigating the challenging landscape of research with children and young people. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, Routledge, pp.3-15, DOI:
Schaefer, L,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Chambers, FC (2023)
Create. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, Routledge, pp.203-213, DOI:
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Quarmby, T (2023)
Facilitating conversations and telling stories. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, Routledge, pp.147-163, DOI:
Chambers, FC,
Sandford, R, Schaefer, L, Hooper, O, Moles, J (2023)
Using design thinking to CREATE a framework for research. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, Routledge, pp.16-39, DOI:
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Quarmby, T (2023)
Facilitating conversations and telling stories: Research with and for care-experienced young people. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, pp.147-163, DOI:
Schaefer, L,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Chambers, FC (2023)
CREATE: A reflexive research tool to engage with children and youth. In
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, pp.203-213, DOI:
Chambers, FC,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Schaefer, L (2023) Editors’ Introduction. In
Unknown Parent Title, pp.xii-xiv.
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O (2022)
Coaching care-experienced children and young people in sport. In Toms, M and Jeanes, R (ed)
Routledge Handbook of Coaching Children in Sport, Routledge, pp.204-212, ISBN: 9781003199359. DOI:
Kettley-Linsell, H,
Sandford, R, Coates, J (2022)
Negotiating gender performances in Physical Education and School Sport: Gender diversity and inclusive practices. In Witcomb, G and Peel, E (ed)
Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Increasing Inclusivity, Routledge, pp.97-116, ISBN: 9780367506285. DOI:
Kettley-Linsell, H,
Sandford, R, Coates, J (2022)
Negotiating Gender Performances in Physical Education and School Sport: Gender Diversity and Inclusive Practices. In
Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp.97-116, DOI:
Sandford, R (2021) Introduction. In
Critical Pedagogies in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Health, pp.165-169.
Quarmby, T and
Sandford, R (2021)
The sport and physical activity practices of care-experienced young people: standing out and fitting in. In Trussell, DE and Jeanes, R (ed)
Families, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice, Routledge, pp.139-150, ISBN: 9780367339821. DOI:
Quarmby, T and
Sandford, R (2021)
The sport and physical activity practices of care-experienced young people: Standing out and fitting in. In
Families, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice: From Protest to Progress, pp.139-150, DOI:
Quarmby, T,
Sandford, R, Hooper, O (2020)
Care-experienced youth and before and after-school physical activity. In Marttinen, R, Centeio, EE, Quarmby, T (ed)
Before and After School Physical Activity Programs: Frameworks, Critical Issues and Underserved Populations, Routledge,ISBN: 9780367509361. DOI:
Hooper, O,
Sandford, R, Jarvis, H (2020)
Thinking and feeling within/through physical education: what place for social and emotional learning?. In Chambers, FC, Aldous, D, Bryant, A (ed)
Threshold Concepts in Physical Education: A Design Thinking Approach, Routledge, pp.137-148, ISBN: 9780367358457. DOI:
Hooper, O,
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T (2020)
Piling on the pressure? Negotiating burden/benefit dynamics in social research during times of crisis. In Kara, H and Khoo, S-M (ed)
Researching in the Age of COVID-19, Volume II: Care and Resilience, Policy Press,ISBN: 9781447360407.
Armour, K, Goodyear, V,
Sandford, R (2020)
The digital age challenge: preparing physical and health educators to understand and support ‘online’ youth. In MacPhail, A and Lawson, H (ed)
School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century, Routledge,ISBN: 9780367352462.
Armour, KM, Goodyear, VA,
Sandford, R (2020)
The digital age challenge: Preparing physical and health educators to understand and support “online” youth. In
School Physical Education and Teacher Education: Collaborative Redesign for the 21st Century, pp.92-102, DOI:
Sandford, R and Quarmby, T (2018)
Space, place and identity: New pressures in the lives of young people. In
Young People, Social Media, Health and Wellbeing, © Routledge, pp.100-127, ISBN: 9781138493957.
Sandford, R (2018)
Values fluency as a key skill for young people within the digital age. In
Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators, pp.40-48, DOI:
Jones, A and
Sandford, R (2018)
Safety: Protecting health and well-being. In
Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators, pp.151-166, DOI:
Sandford, R (2018)
Problem-solving: Problems as possibilities for learning. In
Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators, pp.167-184, DOI:
Jones, A,
Sandford, R, Chambers, FC (2018)
Digital well-being. In
Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators, pp.27-39, DOI:
Chambers, FC, Jones, A, Murphy, O,
Sandford, R (2018)
Authors’ introduction. In
Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators, pp.1-4, DOI:
Hill, J,
Sandford, RA, Enright, E (2017) Boundary work and the construction of a body-positive dance community. In Barker-Ruchti, N, Grahn, K, Lindgren, E (ed)
Gender in Physical Culture, Routledge, pp.100-100, ISBN: 978-1138740341.
Sandford, R (2015)
Mentoring youth. In
Mentoring in Physical Education and Sports Coaching, Routledge © Fiona C. Chambers for selection and editorial matter; individual contributors for their contributions, pp.41-48, ISBN: 978-0-415-74578-9.
O'Donovan, T,
Sandford, R, Kirk, D (2014)
Bourdieu in the changing room. In
Pierre Bourdieu and Physical Culture, pp.57-64, DOI:
O'Donovan, T,
Sandford, RA, Kirk, D (2014) Bourdieu in the Changing Room. In lisahunter, Emerald, E, Smith, W (ed)
Pierre Bourdieu and Physical Culture, pp.1-15.
Sandford, RA and Duncombe, R (2011) Disaffected Youth in Physical Education and Youth Sport. In Armour, K (ed)
Sport Pedagogy: An introduction to teaching and coaching, Prentice Hall, pp.165-177.
Armour, K,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R (2011) Right to be Active: Looked After Children in Physical Education and Sport. In Armour, K (ed)
Sport Pedagogy: An introduction for teaching and coaching, Prentice Hall, pp.214-225.
Sandford, RA, Armour, K, Duncombe, R (2010) Finding their Voice: Disaffected Youth Insights on Sport/Physical Activity Interventions. In O'Sullivan, M and MacPhail, A (ed)
Young People’s Voices in Physical Education and Sport, Routledge, pp.65-87.
Sandford, R, Armour, K, Duncombe, R (2010)
Finding their voice: Disaffected youth insights on sport/physical activity interventions. In
Young People’s Voices in Physical Education and Youth Sport, pp.65-87, DOI:
Sandford, RA, Armour, K, Duncombe, R (2008) Physical Activity and Personal/Social Development for Disaffected Youth: In Search of Evidence. In Holt, N (ed)
Positive Youth Development and Sport, Routledge, pp.97-109.
Sandford, R and Rich, E (2006) Learners and Popular Culture. In Kirk, D, O'Sullivan, M, Eds, DM (ed)
Handbook of Research in Physical Education, Sage, pp.251-271.
Rich, E, Holroyd, R, Evans, J (2004) Hungry to Be Noticed: Young Women, Anorexia and Schooling. In Evans, J, Davies, B, Wright, J (ed)
Body Knowledge and Control, Routledge, pp.173-190.
Sandford, R, Hooper, O, Cale, L, Stirrup, J, Griffiths, P, McLennan, N, Masdeu Yélamos, G, Lüdecke, S (2024)
Global State of Play - Report and Recommendations on Quality Physical Education, UNESCO.
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Duncombe, R, Hooper, O (2020)
Right to Be Active Project Report (Young People's Version), Loughborough Univerisity/Leeds Beckett University.
Sandford, R, Quarmby, T, Duncombe, R, Hooper, O (2020)
Right to Be Active Project Report (Adult Version), Loughborough University/Leeds Beckett University.
Sandford, R and Giulianotti, R (2016)
Evaluation of the Cambridge House Playdagogy Programme: final research report (strand 1).
Sandford, RA, Mason, C, Duncombe, R (2012)
Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the ‘Matalan yoUR Activity’ Programme: Final Research Report, Youth Sport Trust.
Sandford, RA, Mason, C, Duncombe, R (2011)
Evaluation of the ‘Matalan yoUR Activity’ programme: Interim research report, Youth Sport Trust.
Duncombe, R,
Sandford, RA, Barrett, L (2011)
Free your Feet: End of year 1 report, British Heart Foundation.
Gorely, T,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R, Musson, H, Edwardson, C, Kay, T, Jeanes, R (2011)
Understanding psycho-social attitudes towards sport and activity in girls: Final research report, Women's Sport & Fitness Foundation.
Gorely, TJ, Duncombe, R, Edwardson, C, Musson, H, Kay, T,
Sandford, RA, Jeanes, R (2010)
Understanding psycho-social attitudes towards sport and activity in girls: Interim research report, Women's Sport & Fitness Foundation.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Duncombe, R (2009)
Sky Sports Living For Sport (online Y1) End of Year Report, Youth Sport Trust.
Duncombe, R, Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA (2009)
Sky Sports Living For Sport (Year 6): End of Year Report, Youth Sport Trust.
Armour, KM and
Sandford, RA (2008)
HSBC Education Trust Physical Activity Projects, Final Report, HSBC Education Trust.
Armour, KM,
Sandford, RA, Nevill, M (2004)
Evaluation of the HSBC/Outward Bound Partnership Project & Other HSBC Education Trust Projects: Interim Report (6 months), pp.251-271, Report to IYS, Loughborough University.