Journal Articles
Downward, P and Wicker, P (2025)
The correlates of women’s versus men’s football participation in Europe: gender insights and policy implications,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940.
Dawson, P,
Downward, P, Hogan, V, Massey, P (2025)
Official bias and match results in the United Rugby Championship: Much ado about nothing?,
Journal of Sports Sciences, ISSN: 0264-0414.
Hancock, K, Sherar, L,
Downward, P (2025)
Sustaining life satisfaction and worthwhileness in older age: the role of diversity of social and leisure activity engagement,
Leisure Studies, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI:
Guan, J and
Downward, P (2024)
Government support, community recreation facilities and physical activity in China: a cross-sectional socioecological analysis,
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, ISSN: 1543-3080. DOI:
Downward, P, Inou, Y, Kumar, H, Widdop, P (2024)
The locality challenges facing the 'levelling up' of sport participation and health inequality in England,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Downward, P, Wicker, P, Thorman, T (2024)
The well-being and social value of playing soccer for men and women,
Journal of Sports Economics, ISSN: 1527-0025. DOI:
Dawson, P,
Downward, P, Hogan, V, Massey, P (2023)
Re-evaluating the role of attendance on home advantage: evidence from an international rugby tournament,
International Journal of Sport Finance, 18(4), pp.209-221, ISSN: 1558-6235. DOI:
Hie, J, Kenyon, JA,
Downward, P, Manoli, AE (2023)
A digital ethnography of association football fandom responses to corruption,
Managing Sport and Leisure, pp.1-20, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI:
Downward, P, Webb, T, Dawson, P (2023)
Referee abuse, intention to quit, and well-being,
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 95(1), pp.207-217, ISSN: 0270-1367. DOI:
Rasciute, S,
Downward, P, Simmons, N (2023)
Valuation of subjective wellbeing and the role of marital status: Linear versus ordinal estimators,
Economic Modelling, 123, 106260, ISSN: 0264-9993. DOI:
Manoli, AE, Bandura, C,
Downward, P, Constandt, B (2022)
Does corruption in sport corrode social capital? An experimental study in the United Kingdom,
Managing Sport and Leisure, 29(6), pp.960-976, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI:
Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2022)
Mental health and satisfaction with partners: a longitudinal analysis in the UK,
BMC Psychology, 10, 15, ISSN: 2050-7283. DOI:
Hancock, KE, Sherar, LB,
Downward, P (2021)
Life satisfaction, worthwhileness of life and leisure activities among older people: assessing the mediating effect of self-reported health limitations, DOI:
Dawson, P, Webb, T,
Downward, P (2021)
Abuse is not a zero-sum game! The case for zero tolerance of match official physical and verbal abuse,
European Journal of Sport Science, 22(3), pp.417-424, ISSN: 1746-1391. DOI:
Castellanos-García, P, Kokolakakis, T, Shibli, S,
Downward, P, Bingham, J (2021)
Membership of English sport clubs: a dynamic panel data analysis of the trickle-down effect,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13(1), pp.105-122, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Hancock, K,
Downward, P, Sherar, L (2021)
Exploring feelings of pleasure and purpose associated with older people’s activities using ecological momentary analysis: an observational study,
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(4), pp.670-677, ISSN: 1063-8652. DOI:
Wicker, P,
Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2020)
Leisure trips to the natural environment: examining the tradeoff between economic and environmental impact,
Leisure Sciences, 45(3), pp.221-239, ISSN: 0149-0400. DOI:
Wicker, P and
Downward, P (2020)
The causal effect of voluntary roles in sport on subjective well-being in European countries,
Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), pp.303-315, ISSN: 0888-4773. DOI:
Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2020)
Health, subjective financial situation and well-being: a longitudinal observational study,
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18, 203, ISSN: 1477-7525. DOI:
Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Muniz, C (2020)
Exploring the contribution of activity sports tourism to same-day visit expenditure and duration,
Journal of Sport and Tourism, 24(2), pp.111-126, ISSN: 1477-5085. DOI:
Downward, P, Rasciute, S, Kumar, H (2020)
The effect of health on social capital; a longitudinal observation study of the UK,
BMC Public Health, 20, 466, ISSN: 1471-2458. DOI:
Manoli, E, Bandura, C,
Downward, P (2020)
Perceptions of integrity in sport: insights into people’s relationship with sport,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Downward, P, Hallmann, K, Rasciute, S (2020)
Volunteering and leisure activity in the UK: A longitudinal analysis of males and females,
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(4), pp.757-775, ISSN: 0899-7640. DOI:
Rasciute, S,
Downward, P, Simmons, N (2020)
Intrinsic versus instrumental benefits of higher education: The challenge from self-funded higher education,
Applied Economics, 52(31), pp.3379-3390, ISSN: 0003-6846. DOI:
Houlihan, B,
Downward, P, Yamamoto, Y, Rasciute, S, Takasu, K (2019)
Public opinion in Japan and the UK on issues of fairness and integrity in sport: implications for anti-doping policy,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(1), pp.1-24, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Dawson, P, Massey, P,
Downward, P (2019)
Television match officials, referees and home advantage: Evidence from the European Rugby Cup,
Sport Management Review, 23(3), pp.443-454, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI:
Hong, E, Jeong, Y,
Downward, P (2019)
Perceived organizational support, internal motivation, and work–family conflict among soccer referees,
Managing Sport and Leisure, 24(1-3), pp.141-154, ISSN: 2375-0472. DOI:
Kumar, H (2018)
Means as well as ends: some critical insights for UK sport policy on the impact of facility ownership and configuration on sports participation,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(3), pp.415-432, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Hallmann, K,
Downward, P, Dickson, G (2018)
Factors influencing time allocation of sport event volunteers,
International Journal of Event and Festival Management, ISSN: 1758-2954. DOI:
Kumar, H, Manoli, AE, Hodgkinson, I,
Downward, P (2018)
Sport participation: From policy, through facilities, to users’ health, well-being, and social capital,
Sport Management Review, 21(5), pp.549-562, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI:
Wicker, P,
Downward, P, Lera-Lopez, F (2017)
Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour,
Europeam Journal of Sport Science, 17(10), pp.1350-1359, ISSN: 1746-1391. DOI:
Schuttoff, U, Pawlowski, T,
Downward, P, Lechner, M (2017)
Sports participation and social capital formation during adolescence,
Social Science Quarterly, 99(2), pp.683-698, ISSN: 0038-4941. DOI:
Downward, P, Hallmann, K, Rasciute, S (2017)
Exploring the interrelationship between sport, health and social outcomes in the UK: Implications for health policy,
European Journal of Public Health, 28(1), pp.99-104, ISSN: 1101-1262. DOI:
Rasciute, S and
Downward, P (2016)
Explaining variability in the investment location choices of MNEs: an exploration of country, industry and firm effects,
International Business Review, 26(4), pp.605-613, ISSN: 1873-6149. DOI:
Wicker, P and
Downward, P (2016)
Exploring spillovers between government quality and individual health production through sport and physical activity,
European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(2), pp.244-264, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI:
Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2016)
‘No man is an island entire of itself.’ The hidden effect of peers on physical activity: John Donne, Meditation XVII,
Social Science and Medicine, 169, pp.149-156, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI:
Pawlowski, T, Schuttoff, U,
Downward, P, Lechner, M (2016)
Can sport really help to meet the Millennium Development Goals? Evidence from children in Peru,
Journal of Sports Economics, ISSN: 1527-0025.
Lechner, M and
Downward, P (2016)
Heterogeneous sports participation and labour market outcomes in England,
Applied Economics, 49(4), pp.335-348, ISSN: 0003-6846. DOI:
Downward, P, Dawson, P, Mills, T (2015)
Sports participation as an investment in (subjective) health: a time series analysis of the life course,
Journal of Public Health, 38(4), pp.504-510, ISSN: 1741-3850. DOI:
Koutrou, N and
Downward, PM (2015)
Event and Club Volunteer Potential: The Case of Women’s Rugby in England,
International Journal of Sports Policy and Politics, 8(2), pp.207-230, DOI:
Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2015)
Assessing the impact of the National Cycle Network and physical activity lifestyle on cycling behaviour in England,
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, pp.425-437, ISSN: 0965-8564. DOI:
Downward, P and Dawson, P (2015)
Is it pleasure or health from leisure that we benefit from most? An analysis of well-being alternatives and implications for policy,
Social Indicators Research, 126, ISSN: 0303-8300. DOI:
Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2015)
Exploring the covariates of sport participation for health: an analysis of males and females in England,
Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(1), pp.67-76, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI:
Rasciute, S,
Downward, P, Greene, W (2015)
Do relational goods raise well-being? An econometric analysis,
Eastern Economic Journal, 000(000), pp.000-000, ISSN: 0044-2267. DOI:
Lera-Lopez, F, Wicker, P,
Downward, P (2015)
Does government spending help to promote healthy behavior in the population? Evidence from 27 European countries,
Journal of Public Health, pp.1-8, ISSN: 1741-3842. DOI:
Downward, PM, Parrish, R, Pearson, G, Semens, A (2014)
An Assessment of the Compatibility of UEFA’s Home Grown Player Rule with Article 45 TFEU,
European Law Review, 39(4), pp.493-510.
Dawson, P,
Downward, PM, Mills, TC (2014)
Olympic news and attitudes towards the Olympics: A compositional time-series analysis of how sentiment is affected by events,
Journal of Applied Statistics, 41(6), pp.1307-1314, DOI:
Downward, PM, Lera-Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2014)
The correlates of sports participation in Europe,
European Journal of Sport Science, 14(6), pp.592-602.
Pawlowski, T,
Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2014)
Does national pride from international sporting success contribute to well-being? An international investigation,
Sport Management Review, 17(2), pp.121-132, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI:
Downward, P, Lera-López, F, Rasciute, S (2014)
The correlates of sports participation in Europe,
European journal of sport science, 14(6), pp.592-602, DOI:
Downward, PM, Pawlowski, T, Rasciute, S (2013)
Does associational behaviour raise social capital? ,
Eastern Economic Journal, Forthcoming, pp.000-000, DOI:
Dawson, P and
Downward, PM (2013)
The Relationship Between Participation in Sport and nSport Volunteering: An Economic Analysis,
International Journal of Sports Finance, 8(1), pp.75-92.
Downward, PM, Hallmann, K, Pawlowski, T (2013)
Assessing parental impact on the sports participation of children: A socio-economic analysis of the UK,
European Journal of Sport Science, forthcoming, pp.000-000, DOI:
Downward, PM, Lera Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2011)
The Zero-Inflated ordered probit approach to modelling sports participation,
Economic Modelling, 28(6), pp.2469-2477, DOI:
Pawlowski, T,
Downward, P, Rasciute, S (2011)
Subjective well-being in European countries-on the age-specific impact of physical activity,
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 8(2), pp.93-102, ISSN: 1813-7253. DOI:
Downward, P and Rasciute, S (2011)
An Economic Analysis of the Subjective Health and Well-being of Physical Activity, DOI:
Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011)
Does sport make you happy? An analysis of the well-being derived from sports participation,
International Review of Applied Economics, 25(3), pp.331-348, DOI:
Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011)
Does Sport Make You Happy? An Analysis of the Well-being Derived from Sports Participation,
International Review of Applied Economics, 25(3), pp.331-348, ISSN: 0269-2171. DOI:
Pawlowski, T,
Downward, PM, Rasciute, S (2011)
Subjective well-being in European countries: On the age specific impact of physical activity,
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 8(2), pp.93-102, DOI:
Rasciute, S and
Downward, PM (2010)
Health or Happiness? What is the Impact of Physical Activity on the Individual?,
Kyklos, 63(2), pp.256-270, DOI:
Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2010)
The Relative Demands for Sports and Leisure in England,
European Sports Management Quarterly, 10(2), pp.189-214, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI:
Downward, PM, Lim, C, Nishio, T (2010) Olympics Host City Selection and its Impact on Stock Markets,
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8(1), pp.35-50.
Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Weston, R (2009) Visitor Expenditure: The Case of Cycle Recreation and Tourism,
Journal of Sport and Tourism, 14(1), pp.25-42.
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2008) Decision Making at the Bank of England: a critical appraisal,
Oxford Economic Papers, 60(.), pp.385-409.
Downward, PM and Jones, M (2007)
Effects of crowd size on referee decisions: Analysis of the FA Cup,
Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(14), pp.1541-1545, ISSN: 1466-447X. DOI:
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2007)
Retroduction as mixed-methods triangulation in economic research: reorienting economics into social science,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31(1), pp.77-99, ISSN: 1464-3545. DOI:
Downward, PM and Riordan, J (2007) Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: An Economic Analysis,
Contemporary Economic Policy, 25(4), pp.518-537.
Downward, PM (2007) Exploring the Economic Choice to Participate in Sport: Results from the 2002 General Household Survey,
The International Review of Applied Economics, 21(5), pp.633-653.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (2007) Exploring Price and Non Price decision making in the UK Package Tour Industry: Insights from small scale travel agents and tour operators,
Tourism Management, 28(.), pp.1236-1261.
Downward, PM and Ralston, R (2006)
The Sports Development Potential of Sports Event Volunteering: Insights from The XVII Manchester Commonwealth Games,
European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(4), pp.333-351, ISSN: 1746-031X. DOI:
Downward, PM (2006) Transforming Economics through Critical Realism: Themes and Issues,
The Journal of Critical Realism, 5(1), pp.139-182.
Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Rhoden, S (2006) Transport and Tourism: Can Public Transport encourage a modal shift in the day-travel market?
The Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 14(2), pp.139-156.
Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Ralston, R (2005) The Third Force in Events Tourism: Volunteers at the XV11 Commonwealth Games,
The Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13(5), pp.504-519, ISSN: 0966-9582.
Downward, PM, Lumsdon, L, Ralston, R (2005) Gender Differences in Sports Event Volunteering: Insights from Crew 2002 at the XVII Commonwealth Games,
Managing Leisure: An International Journal, 10, pp.219-256.
Downward, PM and Ralston, R (2005) Volunteer motivation and expectations prior to the XV Commonwealth Games in Manchester, UK,
Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Devlopment, 2(1), pp.17-26.
Downward, PM and Dawson, A (2005) Measuring Short-run uncertainty of outcome in sporting leagues: A comment,
Journal of Sports Economics, 6(3), pp.303-313.
Downward, PM and Burgham, M (2005) Why Volunteer, Time to Volunteer? A Case Study from Swimming,
Managing Leisure, 10(2), pp.1-15.
Downward, PM (2005) Critical (Realist) Reflection on Policy and Management Research in Sport, Tourism and Sports Tourism,
European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(3), pp.303-320.
Downward, PM (2004) On Leisure Demand: A Post Keynesian Perspective of Neoclassical Theory,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 26(3), pp.371-394, ISSN: 0160-3477.
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2004) On Tourism and Hospitality management Research: A Crtitical Realist proposal,
Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 1(2), pp.107-122.
Downward, PM, Cope, A, Lumsdon, L (2004) Monitoring Long Distance Trails: The North Sea Cycle Route,
Journal of Transport Geography, 12(1), pp.13-22.
Downward, PM (2004) Post Keynesian Pricing Theory: Alternative Foundations and Prospects for Future Research,
The Journal of Economic Psychology, 25(5), pp.661-670.
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2004) Tourism Transport and Visitor Spending: A study in The North York Moors National Park, UK,
Journal of Travel Research, 42(4), pp.415-420.
Downward, PM (2004) Assessing Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory via Leisure Demand: A Post Keynesian Perspective,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 26(3), pp.371-395.
Downward, PM, Ralston, R, Lumsdon, L (2004) The Expectations of Volunteers Prior to the XVII Commonwealth Games, 2002: A Qualitative Study,
Event Management, 9(.), pp.13-26.
Downward, PM and Bougheas, S (2003)
The Economics of Professional Team Sports Leagues,
The Journal of Sports Economics, 4(2), pp.87-107, ISSN: 1527-0025. DOI:
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2003) Beyond the Demand for Day Visits, An Analysis of Visitor Spending,
Tourism Economics, 9(1), pp.67-76.
Downward, PM, Finch, J, Ramsay, J (2002)
Critical Realism, empirical methods and inference: a critical discussion,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 26(4), pp.481-500, ISSN: 1464-3545. DOI:
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2002) Critical Realism and Econometrics: Constructive Dialogue with Post Keynesian Economics,
Metroeconomica, 53(4), pp.391-415.
Downward, PM (2002) Revisiting a Historical Debate on Pricing Dynamics in the UK: Further Confirmation of Post Keynesian Pricing Theory,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 24(2), pp.329-344.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (2001) The Industrial Organisation of the Package Tour Industry: Some Implications for Practitioners,
Tourism Economics, 7(2), pp.149-161.
Downward, PM and Lee, FS (2001) Post Keynesian Pricing Theory Reconfirmed (?) A Critical Review of 'Asking about Prices',
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 23(3), pp.465-483.
Downward, PM (2001) A Post Keynesian Microeconomic exposition of Price Stickiness,
Eastern Economic Journal, 27(2), pp.165-182.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (2001) Industrial Organisation and Competition in the UK Tour Operator/Travel Agency Business: An Econometric Investigation,
The Journal of Travel Research, 39(4), pp.411-425.
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2001) The Development of Recreational Cycle Routes: An Evaluation of User Needs,
Managing Leisure: An International Journal, 6(.), pp.50-60.
Downward, PM and Lee, FS (2000) Retesting Gardiner Means' Evidence on Administered Prices,
Journal of Economic Issues, XXXIII(4), pp.861-886.
Downward, PM (2000) A Realist Appraisal of Post Keynesian Pricing Theory,
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24(2), pp.211-224.
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (2000) The Demand for Day Visits: An Analysis of Visitor Spending,
Tourism Economics, 6(3), pp.251-261.
Dawson, A and
Downward, PM (2000) Measuring Habit Persistence Effects in Attendance at Professional Team Sports Encounters: A Cautionary Note,
Economic Issues, 5(Part 1), pp.37-40.
Downward, PM and Reynolds, PJ (1999) The Contemporary Relevance of Post Keynesian Economics,
Editors Introduction to Special Edition of Economic Issues, 4(Part 1), pp.37-40.
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (1999) The Determinants of Day-Excursion Coach Travel: A Multivariate Qualitative Marketing Analysis,
The Service Industries Journal, 19(4), pp.158-168.
Downward, PM and Lumsdon, L (1998) Cycle and See: Developing a Cycling Package for Visitors,
Insights, pp.241-253.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (1998) Competition and Contestability in the UK Package Tour Industry: Some Empirical Observations,
Tourism Economics, 4(3), pp.241-253.
Downward, PM, Lavoie, M, Reynolds, P (1996) Realism, Simulations and Post Keynesian Pricing Models,
Review of Political Economy, 8(4), pp.427-433.
Downward, PM and Reynolds, P (1996) Alternative Perspectives on Post Keynesian Pricy Theory,
Review of Political Economy, 8(1), pp.101-112.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (1996) The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm applied to Services: The Case of Hotels,
Tourism Economics, 2(2), pp.151-158.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (1996) The Applicability of Industrial Organisation Theory to the Service Sector: Initial Tests from the UK Hotel Industry,
Applied Economics Letters, 3, pp.733-755.
Downward, PM (1995) A Post Keynesian Perspective of UK Manufacturing Pricing,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17(3), pp.403-426.
Downward, PM, Davies, B, Jackson, I (1995) The Demand for Rugby League: Evidence from Causality Tests,
Applied Economics, 27, pp.1003-1007.
Downward, PM (1994) A Reappraisal of Case-Study Evidence on Business Pricing: A Comparison of Neoclassical and Post Keynesian Perspectives,
British Review of Economic Issues, 16(39), pp.23-43.
Downward, P (2023)
Overview of the challenges and benefits of mixed methods designs in sport research and their ontological and epistemological tensions. In Girginov, V and Anagnostopoulos, C (ed)
Routledge Resources Online - Sport Studies, Routledge. DOI:
Dawson, P, Massey, P,
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On and off-field behaviour of match officials in professional team sports. In Butler, R (ed)
Advances in Sports Economics, Agenda Publishing, pp.213-226, ISBN: 9781788213547.
Downward, P, Wicker, P, Rasciute, S (2021)
Exploring the role of sport as physical activity for health promotion in Europe. In Koning, RH and Kesenne, S (ed)
A Modern Guide to Sports Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.241-257, ISBN: 9781789906523. DOI:
Muniz, C and
Downward, P (2019)
The outcomes related to sport and physical activity: a better understanding of health, social, labour and academic impacts. In
Sports (and) Economics, © FUNCAS, pp.393-423, ISBN: 9788417609238.
Downward, PM (2017) Sport and Physical Activity for Health and Wellbeing: Choice and Competing Outcomes. In
Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, Routledge, pp.61-78, ISBN: 9781317374169.
Downward, PM (2016) Regression Analysis: A Review. In Lee, FS (ed)
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics, pp.210-221.
Downward, PM (2014) English Professional Football. In Goddard, J and Sloane, P (ed)
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Inclusion and Exclusion Through Youth Sport. In Dagkas, S and Armour, K (ed)
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Downward, PM, Lera-Lopez, F, Rasciute, S (2012) The Economic Analysis of Sport Participation. In Robinson, L, Chelladurai, P, Bodet, G,
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Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) Sport and Social Exclusion: An Economic Perspective. In Bailey, R and Dagkas, S (ed)
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Downward, PM and Rasciute, S (2011) An economic analysis of the subjective health and well-being of physical activity. In Rodrigues, P, Kesenne, S, Humphreys, B (ed)
The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-being Through Sporting Activities, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.
Downward, PM and Dawson, P (2011) Participation, spectatorship and media coverage in sport: Some initial insights. In Andreff, W (ed)
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Downward, PM (2011) Market Segmentation and the Role of the Public Sector in Sports Development. In Houlihan, B (ed)
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Downward, PM (2009) Prices. In Peil, J and van Staveren, I (ed)
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Downward, PM and Riordan, J (2009) Social Interactions and the Demand for Sport: Cluster Analysis in Economics. In Byrne, D and Ragin, C (ed)
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Downward, PM (2008) The Economics of Sports Participation: Some Longitudinal Analysis. In Rodriguez, P, Kesenne, S, Garcia, J (ed)
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Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2008) Reorienting economics through triangulation of methods. In Fullbrook, E (ed)
Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his Critics, Routledge, pp.?-?.
Downward, PM (2007) Empirical Analysis and Critical Realism. In Ed, MH (ed)
A Dictionary of Critical Realism, Routledge, pp.219-256.
Downward, PM and Davies, B (2006) The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm in Tourism. In Ed, LD (ed)
The International Handbook of Tourism Economics, Edward Elgar, pp.219-256.
Downward, PM (2005) Understanding Sport, Leisure and Tourism Participation. In
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Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2004) Presenting ‘Demi-Regularities’ of pricing behaviour: the need for triangulation. In Wray, LR and Forstater, M (ed)
Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis, Edward Elgar, pp.?-?.
Downward, PM (2003) Econometrics. In Ed, JK (ed)
Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar, pp.411-425.
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2003) Critical Realism and Econometrics: Interaction between Philosophy and Post Keynesian Practice. In Ed, PMD (ed)
Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique, Routledge, pp.411-425.
Downward, PM and Mearman, A (2003) Presenting Demi-Regularities: The Case of Post Keynesian Pricing. In Ed, PMD (ed)
Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique, Routledge, pp.411-425.
Downward, PM (2003) Common origins, Common Future? A Comparative Analysis of Association and Rugby League Football in the UK. In Forts, R, eds, FJ (ed)
International Comparisons in the Economics of Sports, Praeger, pp.158-168.
Downward, PM (2003) Sport and Sport Constructions in the Regional Competition of Cities: Some Observations from the USA and UK. In Buch, MP, Maennig, W, Schulke, HJ (ed)
Nachhaltigkeit von Sportstatten, Bundesinstitut fur Sportwissenschaft, pp.?-?.
Downward, PM (2002) The Demand for Professional Team Sports: Critical Reflection on Economic Enquiry. In Lawrence, L and Parker, SE (ed)
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