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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Matthew Roberts

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Journal Articles

Linsley, V, Bishop, N, Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Demashkieh, M, Paine, N (2024) Inflammatory and cardiovascular responses to active and passive acute psychological stress, Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine, ISSN: 0033-3174.

Yang, Y, Thackray, A, Shen, T, Alotaibi, TF, Alanazi, T, Clifford, T, Hartescu, I, King, J, Willis, S, Roberts, M, Lolli, L, Atkinson, G, Stensel, D (2024) A replicate crossover trial on the inter-individual variability of sleep indices in response to acute exercise undertaken by healthy men, Sleep, zsae250, ISSN: 0161-8105.

Roberts, M, Johnson, W, Qooja, S, Moorthy, A, Bishop, N (2024) Combined associations of obesity and physical activity with pain, fatigue, stiffness, and anxiety in adults with spondyloarthropathies: UK Biobank study, Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(4), rkae109, DOI: 10.1093/rap/rkae109.

Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Linsley, V, Moorthy, A, Bishop, N (2024) Exercise as an anti-inflammatory therapy in Axial Spondyloarthritis Therapeutic Intervention (EXTASI) study: a randomized controlled trial, Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(2), rkae062, DOI: 10.1093/rap/rkae062.

Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Wadley, AJ, Bishop, N (2023) Adipose inflammation: South Asian ethnicity and central obesity are independently associated with higher immune cell recruitment to adipose‐specific media: a pilot study in men, Physiological Reports, 11(22), e15883, ISSN: 2051-817X. DOI: 10.14814/phy2.15883.

Shen, T, Thackray, A, King, J, Alotaibi, T, Alanazi, T, Willis, S, Roberts, M, Lolli, L, Atkinson, G, Stensel, D (2023) Are there interindividual responses of cardiovascular disease risk markers to acute exercise? A replicate crossover study, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 56(1), pp.63-72, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003283.

Malaikah, S, Willis, S, Henson, J, Sargeant, J, Yates, T, Thackray, A, Goltz, F, Roberts, M, Bodicoat, D, Aithal, G, Stensel, D, King, J (2023) Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat, International Journal of Obesity, 47(10), ISSN: 0307-0565. DOI: 10.1038/s41366-023-01350-0.

Malaikah, S, Willis, S, Henson, J, Sargeant, J, Yates, T, Thackray, A, Goltz, F, Roberts, M, Bernard-Deshong, D, Aithal, G, Stensel, D, King, J (2023) Circulating leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 2 and fibroblast growth factor 21 are negatively associated with cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy volunteers, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 48(6), pp.436-444, ISSN: 1715-5312. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2022-0445.

Daynes, E, Baldwin, M, Greening, NJ, Yates, T, Bishop, N, Mills, G, Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Plekhanova, T, Vogiatzis, I, Echevarria, C, Nathu, R, McAuley, HJC, Latimer, L, Glennie, J, Chambers, F, Penfold, R, Hume, E, Megaritis, D, Alexiou, C, Potthoff, S, Hogg, MJ, Haighton, C, Nichol, B, Leavy, OC, Richardson, M, Elneima, O, Singapuri, A, Sereno, M, Saunders, RM, Harris, VC, Nolan, CM, Bolton, C, Houchen-Wolloff, L, Harrison, EM, Lone, N, Quint, J, Chalmers, JD, Ho, L-P, Horsley, A, Marks, M, Poinasamy, K, Ramen, B, Wain, LV, Brightling, C, Man, WD-C, Evans, R, Singh, SJ (2023) The effect of COVID rehabilitation for ongoing symptoms post hospitalisation with COVID-19 (PHOSP-R): protocol for a randomised parallel group controlled trial on behalf of the PHOSP consortium, Trials, 24(1), 61, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07093-7.

Hamrouni, M, Roberts, M, Bishop, N (2023) High grip strength attenuates risk of severe COVID-19 in males but not females with obesity: A short communication of prospective findings from UK Biobank, Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 17(1), pp.82-85, ISSN: 1871-403X. DOI: 10.1016/j.orcp.2023.01.001.

Roberts, M, Thackray, A, Wadley, A, Alotaibi, T, Hunter, D, Thompson, J, Fujihara, K, Miyashita, M, Mastana, S, Bishop, N, ODonnell, E, Davies, M, King, J, Yates, T, Webb, D, Stensel, D (2022) Effect of acute walking on endothelial function and postprandial lipemia in South Asians and White Europeans, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 55(5), pp.794-802, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003098.

Hamrouni, M, Roberts, M, Bishop, N (2022) The joint associations of physical activity and TV viewing time with COVID-19 mortality: an analysis of UK Biobank, Journal of Sports Sciences, 40(20), pp.2267-2274, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2022.2150385.

Hamrouni, M, Roberts, M, Bishop, N (2022) Television viewing time, overweight, obesity, and severe COVID-19: a brief report from UK Biobank, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 19(12), pp.837-841, ISSN: 1543-3080. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0294.

Bishop, N, Wadley, AJ, Hamrouni, M, Roberts, M (2022) Inactivity and obesity: consequences for macrophage-mediated inflammation and the development of cardiometabolic disease, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(1), pp.13-21, ISSN: 0029-6651. DOI: 10.1017/s0029665122002671.

Roberts, M, Leonard, A, Bishop, N, Moorthy, A (2022) Lifestyle modification and inflammation in people with axial spondyloarthropathy—A scoping review, Musculoskeletal Care, 20(3), pp.516-528, ISSN: 1478-2189. DOI: 10.1002/msc.1625.

Hamrouni, M, Roberts, M, Thackray, A, Stensel, D, Bishop, N (2021) Associations of obesity, physical activity level, inflammation and cardiometabolic health with COVID-19 mortality: a prospective analysis of the UK Biobank cohort, BMJ Open, 11(11), e055003, ISSN: 2044-6055. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055003.

Wadley, A, Roberts, M, Creighton, J, Thackray, A, Stensel, D, Bishop, N (2021) Higher levels of physical activity are associated with reduced tethering and migration of pro-inflammatory monocytes in males with central obesity, Exercise Immunology Review, 27, pp.54-66, ISSN: 1077-5552.

Alotaibi, T, Thackray, A, Roberts, M, Alanazi, T, Bishop, N, Wadley, A, King, J, O’Donnell, E, Steiner, M, Singh, S, Stensel, D (2020) Acute running and coronary heart disease risk markers in male cigarette smokers and nonsmokers: a randomized crossover trial, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(5), pp.1021-1032, ISSN: 0195-9131. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002560.


Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Wadley, A, Bishop, N (2022) Physical activity is associated with reduced tethering and migration of pro-inflammatory monocytes in White European and South Asian males with and without central obesity. In Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Meeting, Loughborough University.

Malaikah, S, Willis, S, Henson, J, Sargeant, JA, Yates, T, Thackray, AE, Goltz, FR, Roberts, MJ, Bodicoat, DH, Aithal, GP, Stensel, DJ, King, JA (2021) Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat in community volunteers. In European Congress on Obesity, Virtual.

Roberts, MJ, Thackray, A, King, J, Webb, D, Stensel, D (2019) Influence of prior walking on postprandial lipaemia in South Asian and White European women. In British Nutrition Society, London. DOI: 10.1017/S0029665119000089.


Yang, Y, Thackray, A, Shen, T, Alotaibi, TF, Alanazi, T, Clifford, T, Hartescu, I, King, J, Willis, S, Roberts, M, Lolli, L, Atkinson, G, Stensel, D (2024) Supplementary information files for "A replicate crossover trial on the inter-individual variability of sleep indices in response to acute exercise undertaken by healthy men", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.28286933.

Roberts, M, Johnson, W, Qooja, S, Moorthy, A, Bishop, N (2024) Supplementary information files for "Combined associations of obesity and physical activity with pain, fatigue, stiffness, and anxiety in adults with spondyloarthropathies: UK Biobank study", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.26004301.

Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Linsley, V, Moorthy, A, Bishop, N (2024) Supplementary information files for "Exercise as an anti-inflammatory therapy in Axial Spondyloarthritis Therapeutic Intervention (EXTASI) study: a randomized controlled trial", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.28286774.

King, J, Malaikah, S, Willis, S, Henson, J, Sargeant, J, Yates, T, Thackray, A, Goltz, F, Roberts, M, Bodicoat, D, Aithal, G, Stensel, D (2023) Supplementary information files for "Associations of objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and cardiorespiratory fitness with adipose tissue insulin resistance and ectopic fat", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.28239830.

Daynes, E, Baldwin, M, Greening, NJ, Yates, T, Bishop, N, Mills, G, Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Plekhanova, T, Vogiatzis, I, Echevarria, C, Nathu, R, McAuley, HJC, Latimer, L, Glennie, J, Chambers, F, Penfold, R, Hume, E, Megaritis, D, Alexiou, C, Potthoff, S, Hogg, MJ, Haighton, C, Nichol, B, Leavy, OC, Richardson, M, Elneima, O, Singapuri, A, Sereno, M, Saunders, RM, Harris, VC, Nolan, CM, Bolton, C, Houchen-Wolloff, L, Harrison, EM, Lone, N, Quint, J, Chalmers, JD, Ho, L-P, Horsley, A, Marks, M, Poinasamy, K, Ramen, B, Wain, LV, Brightling, C, Man, WD-C, Evans, R, Singh, SJ (2023) Supplementary information files for The effect of COVID rehabilitation for ongoing symptoms post hospitalisation with COVID-19 (PHOSP-R): protocol for a randomised parallel group controlled trial on behalf of the PHOSP consortium, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.22189279.


Daynes, E, Baldwin, M, Greening, NJ, Yates, T, Bishop, N, Mills, G, Roberts, M, Hamrouni, M, Plekhanova, T, Vogiatzis, I, Echevarria, C, Nathu, R, McAuley, HJC, Latimer, L, Glennie, J, Chambers, F, Penfold, R, Hume, E, Megaritis, D, Alexiou, C, Potthof, S, Hogg, MJ, Haighton, C, Nichol, B, Leavy, OC, Richardson, M, Elneima, O, Singapuri, A, Sereno, M, Saunders, RM, Harris, VC, Nolan, CM, Bolton, C, Houchen-Wolloff, L, Harrison, EM, Lone, N, Quint, J, Chalmers, JD, Ho, LP, Horsley, A, Marks, M, Poinasamy, K, Ramen, B, Wain, LV, Brightling, C, Man, WDC, Evans, R, Singh, SJ (2023) Correction: The effect of COVID rehabilitation for ongoing symptoms Post HOSPitalisation with COVID-19 (PHOSP-R): protocol for a randomised parallel group controlled trial on behalf of the PHOSP consortium (Trials, (2023), 24, 1, (61), 10.1186/s13063-023-07093-7), Following publication of the original article [1], it was noticed that the author name Dimitrios Megaritis was incorrectly written as Dimitrios Magaritis. The author group has been updated above and the original article has been corrected. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07132-3.

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