Journal Articles
Rodrigo‑Jusué, I, Liston, K,
Doidge, M, Black, J, Sinclair, G, Fletcher, T, Kearns, C, Kilvington, D, Lynn, T (2025)
Feminist Media Studies, ISSN: 1468-0777. DOI:
Sinclair, G, Kearns, C, Liston, K, Kilvington, D, Black, J,
Doidge, M, Fletcher, T, Lynn, T (2024)
Online Abuse, Emotion Work and Sports Journalism,
Journalism Studies, ISSN: 1461-670X. DOI:
Doidge, M, Rodrigo‑Jusué, I, Black, J, Fletcher, T, Sinclair, G, Rosati, P, Kearns, C, Kilvington, D, Liston, K, Lynn, T (2024)
‘[K]neeling only goes to highlight your ignorance. England is NOT! a #racist country’: aversive racism, colour-blindness, and racist temporalities in discussions of football online,
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(20), pp.5067-5084, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI:
Amann, J and
Doidge, M (2023)
‘I Hadn’t Realised That Change Is Not a Difficult Thing’: Mobilising Football Fans on Climate Change,
Sociology, 57(6), pp.1339-1355, ISSN: 0038-0385. DOI:
Kearns, C, Sinclair, G, Black, J,
Doidge, M, Fletcher, T, Kilvington, D, Liston, K, Lynn, T, Santos, GL (2023)
‘Best run club in the world': Manchester City fans and the legitimation of sportswashing?,
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI:
Black, J, Fletcher, T,
Doidge, M, Kearns, C, Kilvington, D, Liston, K, Lynn, T, Rosati, P, Sinclair, G (2023)
“Let the tournament for the woke begin!”: Euro 2020 and the reproduction of Cultural Marxist conspiracies in online criticisms of the “take the knee” protest,
Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN: 0141-9870. DOI:
Kearns, C, Sinclair, G, Black, J,
Doidge, M, Fletcher, T, Kilvington, D, Liston, K, Lynn, T, Rosati, P (2023)
A Scoping Review of Research on Online Hate and Sport,
Communication and Sport, 11(2), pp.402-430, ISSN: 2167-4795. DOI:
Doidge, M, Nuhrat, Y, Kossakowski, R (2023)
Introduction: ‘A spectre is haunting European football–the spectre of a European Super League’,
Soccer and Society, 24(4), pp.451-462, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI:
Koopmans, B and
Doidge, M (2022)
“They play together, they laugh together’: Sport, play and fun in refugee sport projects,
Sport in Society, 25(3), pp.537-550, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI:
Doidge, M, Keech, M, Sandri, E (2020)
‘Active integration’: sport clubs taking an active role in the integration of refugees,
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(2), pp.305-319, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI:
Abbas, A, Abel, G, Abreu, A, Adam, A, Adamek, M, Adiletta, G, Adusei-asante, KA, Romeo, MDM, Alderson, A, Alfaro, E, Aliverti, A, Almeida, F, Álvarez-gonzález, LI, Amelina, A, Anand, C, Anderson, G, Andreasson, J, Ang, I, Aragon, J, Arcidiacono, C, Arcuri, S, Assante, D, Atukeren, E, Avery, H, Ayeb-karlsson, S, Azadi, H, Bachman, R, Bader, M, Badulescu, A, Bahmanteymouri, E, Baines, S, Baker, T, Baker‐beall, C, Bañón, L, Bar‐am, N, Barbier‐greenland, K, Barnett, R, Barragán‐escandón, A, Barreto, AM, Barrett, E, Bartkowski, J, Bartram, R, Bartzas, G, Bates, D, Baviera‐puig, A, Bayley, A, Beazley, H, Beer, C, Behr, H, Beier, G, Belford, N, Bencivenga, R, Benli, AE, Benton‐short, L, Berei, JM, Berbel‐pineda, E, Bernstein, Berntzen, ER, Bertella, L, Birney, G, Bittle, M, Black, S, Rivero, LB, Blattner, JJ, Blok, C, Blount, A, Boas, Y, Bockarie, I, Bockerman, A, Bodén, P, Bönisch‐brednich, L, Bontje, B, Bontje, M, Borsellino, V, Bostan, I, Bowl, M, Bowman, B, Bracci, E, Bracken, CM, Bradley, H, Brereton, P, Brewer, J, Bridge, D, Brooks, S, Brown, A, Brzoska, M, Brzozowski, W, Buckley, G, Buente, W, Bullaro, GR, Burke, MD, Burlacu, S, Busu, M, Butler, S, Byrne, J, Cabral, L, Cai, Y, Cajias, M, Calin, AC, Callegari, C (2020)
Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019,
Social Sciences, 9(1), DOI:
Doidge, M, Claus, R, Gabler, J, Irving, R, Millward, P, Silvério, J (2019)
The impact of international football events on local, national and transnational fan cultures: a critical overview,
Soccer & Society, 20(5), pp.711-720, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI:
Doidge, M and Sandri, E (2019)
‘Friends that last a lifetime’: the importance of emotions amongst volunteers working with refugees in Calais,
The British Journal of Sociology, 70(2), pp.463-480, ISSN: 0007-1315. DOI:
Doidge, M and Lieser, M (2018)
The importance of research on the ultras: introduction,
Sport in Society, 21(6), pp.833-840, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI:
Doidge, M (2018)
“Either Everyone Was Guilty or Everyone Was Innocent”1: The Italian Power Elite, Neopatrimonialism, and the Importance of Social Relations,
Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 42(2), pp.115-131, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI:
Doidge, M and de Almeida, BS (2017)
From goalscorer to politician: The case of Romário and football politics in Brazil,
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(3), pp.263-278, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI:
Doidge, M (2015)
‘If you jump up and down, Balotelli dies’: Racism and player abuse in Italian football,
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(3), pp.249-264, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI:
Doidge, M (2013)
‘The birthplace of Italian communism’: political identity and action amongst Livorno fans,
Soccer & Society, 14(2), pp.246-261, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI: