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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Barrie Houlihan

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Journal Articles

Peng, Q, Chen, Z, Li, J, Houlihan, B, Scelles, N (2023) The new hope of Chinese football? Youth football reforms and policy conflicts in the implementation process, European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(6), pp.1928-1950, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2022.2083649.

Jedlicka, SR, Harris, S, Houlihan, B (2022) “Policy Analysis in Sport Management” Revisited: A Critique and Discussion, Journal of Sport Management, 36(6), pp.521-533, ISSN: 0888-4773. DOI: 10.1123/JSM.2021-0193.

Charway, D, Antwi, BB, Seippel, Ø, Houlihan, B (2022) Sport and sustainable social development in Ghana: analysing the policy-implementation gap, Sport in Society, 26(8), pp.1319-1339, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2022.2130051.

Houlihan, B (2022) Challenges to globalisation and the impact on the values underpinning international sport agreements, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2022.2100807.

Peng, Q, Skinner, J, Houlihan, B, Kihl, L, Zheng, J (2021) Towards understanding change-supportive organisational behaviours in China: an investigation of the 2015 Chinese national football reform, Journal of Global Sport Management, 8(4), pp.817-837, ISSN: 2470-4067. DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2021.1910059.

Harris, S, Dowling, M, Houlihan, B (2021) An analysis of governance failure and power dynamics in international sport: the Russian doping scandal, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2021.1898443.

Kang, Y and Houlihan, B (2021) Sport as a diplomatic resource: the case of South Korea, 1970-2017, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13(1), pp.45-63, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2021.1877169.

Kristiansen, E, Schnitzer, M, Houlihan, B (2021) Does home location put young athletes under pressure?, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 21(3-4), pp.226-244, ISSN: 1475-8962. DOI: 10.1504/ijsmm.2021.10042357.

Kristiansen, E, Solem, BAA, Dille, T, Houlihan, B (2021) STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT OF TEMPORARY SPORT EVENT ORGANIZATIONS, Event Management, 25(6), pp.619-639, ISSN: 1525-9951. DOI: 10.3727/152599521X16106577965080.

Read, D, Skinner, J, Lock, D, Houlihan, B (2020) Field-configuring events as temporary sites for institutional change in sport: a case study of the Lausanne conference on anti-doping, European Sport Management Quarterly, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1845763.

Read, D, Skinner, J, Lock, D, Houlihan, B (2020) Balancing mission creep, means, effectiveness and legitimacy at the World Anti-Doping Agency, Performance Enhancement & Health, 8(2-3), 100175, ISSN: 2211-2669. DOI: 10.1016/j.peh.2020.100175.

Charway, D and Houlihan, B (2020) Country profile of Ghana: sport, politics and nation-building, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(3), pp.497-512, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2020.1775677.

Houlihan, B, Downward, P, Yamamoto, Y, Rasciute, S, Takasu, K (2019) Public opinion in Japan and the UK on issues of fairness and integrity in sport: implications for anti-doping policy, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(1), pp.1-24, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2019.1615976.

Houlihan, B, Hanstad, DV, Loland, S, Waddington, I (2019) The World Anti-Doping Agency at 20: progress and challenges, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(2), pp.193-201, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2019.1617765.

Read, D, Skinner, J, Lock, D, Houlihan, B (2018) Legitimacy driven change at the World Anti-Doping Agency, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(2), pp.233-245, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1544580.

Houlihan, B and Hanstad, DV (2018) The effectiveness of the World Anti-Doping Agency: developing a framework for analysis, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(2), pp.203-217, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1534257.

Peng, Q, Skinner, J, Houlihan, B (2018) An analysis of the Chinese Football Reform of 2015: why then and not earlier?, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(1), pp.1-18, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1536075.

Kristiansen, E, MacIntosh, EW, Parent, MM, Houlihan, B (2018) The Youth Olympic Games: a facilitator or barrier of the high-performance sport development pathway?, European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(1), pp.73-92, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2017.1383499.

Kristiansen, E and Houlihan, B (2017) Developing young athletes: the role of private sport schools in the Norwegian sport system, International Review of the Sociology of Sport, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690215607082.

Skirstad, B, Parent, MM, Houlihan, B (2017) Young people and sport: from participation to the Olympics – introduction to the special issue, Sport in Society, pp.1-6, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2015.1124560.

Houlihan, B and Chapman, P (2017) Talent identification and development in elite youth disability sport, Sport in Society, pp.1-19, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2015.1124566.

Houlihan, B, Leopkey, B, MacIntosh, E (2017) Introduction: Youth, sport and the Youth Olympic Games, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(4-6), pp.237-241, ISSN: 1475-8962.

Parent, MM, Kristiansen, E, Houlihan, B (2017) Governance and knowledge management and transfer: The case of the Lillehammer 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(4-6), pp.308-330, ISSN: 1475-8962. DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2017.10008118.

Parent, MM, Kristiansen, E, Houlihan, B (2017) Governance and knowledge management and transfer: The case of the Lillehammer 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(4-6), pp.308-330, ISSN: 1475-8962. DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2017.087441.

Harris, S and Houlihan, B (2016) Implementing the community sport legacy: the limits of partnerships, contracts and performance management, European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(4), pp.433-458, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2016.1178315.

Harris, S and Houlihan, B (2016) Competition or coalition? Evaluating the attitudes of National Governing Bodies of Sport and County Sport Partnerships towards School Sport Partnerships, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8(1), pp.151-171, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2015.1024708.

Vidar Hanstad, D and Houlihan, B (Accepted for publication) Strengthening global anti-doping policy through bilateral collaboration: the example of Norway and China, International Journal of Sport Policy, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2015.1014394.

Houlihan, BMJ and Hanstad, DV (2015) Strengthening global anti-doping policy through bilateral collaboration: the example of Norway and China, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7(4), pp.587-604, ISSN: 1940-6959. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2015.1014394.

Grix, J, Brannagan, P, Houlihan, B (2015) Interrogating states’ soft power strategies: a case study of sports mega-events in Brazil and the UK, Global Society, 29(3), pp.463-479, ISSN: 1360-0826. DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2015.1047743.

Grix, J and Houlihan, B (2014) Sports Mega-Events as Part of a Nation's Soft Power Strategy: The Cases of Germany (2006) and the UK (2012), The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16(4), pp.572-596, ISSN: 1369-1481. DOI: 10.1111/1467-856x.12017.

Henry, I and Houlihan, B (2014) Mike Collins, European Sport Management Quarterly, 14(5), pp.571-572, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2014.974306.

Houlihan, B and Zheng, J (2014) Small states: sport and politics at the margin, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7(3), pp.329-344, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2014.959032.

Harris, S and Houlihan, B (2014) Delivery networks and community sport in England, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27(2), pp.113-127, ISSN: 0951-3558. DOI: 10.1108/IJPSM-07-2013-0095.

Tan, TC and Houlihan, B (2013) Chinese Olympic sport policy: Managing the impact of globalisation, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(2), pp.131-152, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690212445169.

Houlihan, B and Zheng, J (2013) The olympics and elite sport policy: Where will it all end?, International Journal of the History of Sport, 30(4), pp.338-355, ISSN: 0952-3367. DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2013.765726.

Houlihan, B (2013) Achieving compliance in international anti-doping policy: An analysis of the 2009 World Anti-Doping Code, Sport Management Review, ISSN: 1441-3523. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2013.10.002.

Houlihan, B and Giulianotti, R (2012) Politics and the London 2012 Olympics: The (in)security Games, International Affairs, 88(4), pp.701-717, ISSN: 0020-5850. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2012.01097.x.

Houlihan, BMJ (2012) Sport policy convergence: A framework for analysis, European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(2), pp.111-135, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2012.669390.

Houlihan, B and McNamee, M (2011) Anti-doping: governance, research and policy, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3(2), pp.149-149, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2011.579864.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, M (2011) Modernisering af sportens organisationer - Sport England og UK Sport, Okonomi og Politik, 84.2, pp.32-41, ISSN: 0030-1906.

Houlihan, B, Bloyce, D, Smith, A (2011) Change made to the title of the journal, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3(1), pp.1-1, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2011.547723.

Houlihan, BMJ, Tan, T-C, Green, M (2010) Policy Transfer and Learning From the West: Elite Basketball Development in the People's Republic of China, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 34(1), pp.4-28, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI: 10.1177/0193723509358971.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, M (2009) Modernization and Sport: the Reform of Sport England and UK Sport, Public Administration, 87(3), pp.678-698, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2008.01733.x.

Watson, B, Horne, J, Kay, T, Houlihan, B (2009) Editorial, Leisure Studies, 28(3), pp.237-238, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI: 10.1080/02614360903102988.

Houlihan, BMJ, Bloyce, D, Smith, A (2009) Developing the research agenda in sport policy, International Journal of Sport Policy, 1(1), pp.1-12, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940802681186.

Houlihan, BMJ (2009) Mechanisms of international influence on domestic elite sport policy, International Journal of Sport Policy, 1(1), pp.51-69, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940902739090.

Houlihan, BMJ (2008) Detection and education in anti-doping policy : a review of current issues and an assessment of future prospects, Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences, 49(1), pp.55-71.

Houlihan, B (2008) Fastest, highest, strongest: a critique of high-performance sport, 1st edition, LEISURE STUDIES, 27(2), pp.234-235, ISSN: 0261-4367.

Houlihan, BMJ and Preece, A (2007) Independence and Accountability: The Case of the Drug Free Sport Directorate, the UK's National Anti-Doping Organisation, Public Policy and Administration, 22(4), pp.381-402, ISSN: 0952-0767.

Houlihan, B (2006) Genetically modified athletes: Biomedical ethics, gene doping and sport, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 12(3), pp.382-384, ISSN: 1356-336X. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X06069281.

Houlihan, B (2006) Sport and society: History, power and culture, SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 54(2), pp.386-388, ISSN: 0038-0261. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00620_3.x.

Green, M and Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Governmentality, Modernisation and the 'Disciplining' of National Sporting Organisations: Athletics in Australia and the United Kingdom, Sociology of Sport Journal, 23(1), pp.47-71, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, MJ (2006) The changing status of school sport and physical education: Explaining policy change, Sport, Education and Society, 11(1), pp.73-92, ISSN: 1470-1243. DOI: 10.1080/13573320500453495.

Green, M and Houlihan, B (2006) Governmentality, modernization, and the "Disciplining" of national sporting organizations: Athletics in Australia and the United Kingdom, Sociology of Sport Journal, 23(1), pp.47-71, ISSN: 0741-1235. DOI: 10.1123/ssj.23.1.47.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) The London Games must not be a prize that we fritter away, Parliamentary Brief, Vol. 9.11, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Public sector sport policy: Developing a framework for analysis, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 40(2), pp.163-185, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690205057193.

Green, M and Houlihan, B (2005) Elite sport development: Policy learning and political priorities, Elite Sport Development: Policy Learning and Political Priorities, pp.1-217, DOI: 10.4324/9780203022245.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Theorising public sector sport policy-making, International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 40(2), pp.387-403.

Green, M and Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Advocacy coalitions and elite sport policy change in Canada and the United Kingdom, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 39(4), pp.387-403, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690204049088.

Houlihan, BMJ, Malfas, M, Theodoraki, E (2004) Impacts of the Olympic Games as mega-events, Municipal Engineer, 157, pp.209-220, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI: 10.1680/muen.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Civil Rights, Doping Control and the World Anti-doping Code, Sport in Society, 7(3), pp.420-437, ISSN: 1743-0437.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Human rights and doping in sport, Sport, Culture and Society, 7(3), pp.387-403.

Penney, D and Houlihan, B (2003) Higher education institutions and specialist schools: Potential partnerships, Journal of Education for Teaching, 29(3), ISSN: 0260-7476. DOI: 10.1080/0260747032000120123.

Penney, D and Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Higher Education Institutions and Specialist Schools: Potential partnerships, Journal of Education for Teaching, 29(3), pp.235-248, ISSN: 0260-7476.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) A great idea, but not at any price, Recreation, July/August, p.17.

Houlihan, BMJ and Penney, D (2003) The politics of collaboration between higher education institutions and specialist sports colleges, Journal of Education for Teaching, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Managing Compliance in International Anti-Doping Policy: The World Anti-Doping Code, European Sport Management Quarterly, 2, pp.188-208.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Citizenship, civil society and the sport and recreation profession, Managing Leisure, pp.1-14, ISSN: 1360-6719.

Houlihan, BM (2000) The Next Few Hurdles facing Champion Kate, Parliamentary Brief, 6(8), p.33, ISSN: 1354-5507.

Houlihan, BM (2000) IOC reform: can the leopard change its spots? Leisure Studies Association Newsletter, 56, pp.20-21.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Drug Abuse in Sport: The Role of the World Anti-Doping Agency, Northwestern Journal of International Affairs, II, pp.4-10.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Sporting excellence, schools and sports development: The politics of crowded policy spaces, European Physical Education Review, 6(2), pp.171-194.

Houlihan, BM (1999) The International Anti-Doping Agency, Sports Law Administration and Practice, 6(2), pp.8-9.

Keech, M and Houlihan, BM (1999) Sport and the End of Apartheid, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 349, pp.109-121.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Policy Harmonization: The Example of Global Antidoping Policy, Journal of Sport Management, 13, pp.197-215, ISSN: 0888-4773.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Anti-Doping Policy in Sport: The Politics of International Policy Co-ordination, Public Administration, 77(2), pp.311-334, ISSN: 0033-3298.

Houlihan, B (1999) Anti-doping policy in sport: The politics of international policy co-ordination, Public Administration, 77(2), pp.311-334, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9299.00156.

Houlihan, BM (1997) Sport, national identity and public policy, Nations and Nationalism, 3(1), pp.113-137, ISSN: 1354-5078.

Houlihan, B (1997) Sport, national identity and public policy, Nations and Nationalism, 3(1), pp.113-137, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI: 10.1111/j.1354-5078.1997.00113.x.

Houlihan, B (1994) Europe's ageing infrastructure. Politics, finance and the environment, Utilities Policy, 4(4), pp.243-252, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI: 10.1016/0957-1787(94)90015-9.

Houlihan, B (1990) The politics of sports policy in Britain: the examples of football hooliganism and drug abuse, Leisure Studies, 9(1), pp.55-69, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI: 10.1080/02614369000390061.

Houlihan, B (1988) The Professionalization of Public Sector Sport and Leisure Management, Local Government Studies, 14(3), pp.69-82, ISSN: 0300-3930. DOI: 10.1080/03003938808433415.

Houlihan, B (1987) Policy implementation and central‐local government relations in England: The examples of the sale of council houses and area improvement, Housing Studies, 2(2), pp.99-111, ISSN: 0267-3037. DOI: 10.1080/02673038708720592.

HOULIHAN, B (1984) THE REGIONAL OFFICES OF THE DOE — POLICEMEN OR MEDIATORS? A STUDY OF LOCAL HOUSING POLICY, Public Administration, 62(4), pp.401-421, ISSN: 0033-3298. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.1984.tb00572.x.

Houlihan, B (1981) Area improvement in Liverpool: two case studies, Salford University, Department of Geography, Discussion Papers in Geography, 15.


Houlihan, BMJ (2007) The internationalisation of domestic policies: forces of change and institutional constraints. In International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS) seminar: The internationalisation of Domestic Policies, Stavanger, Norway, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Independence and accountability: The case of the Drug Free Sport Directorate, the UK's national anti-doping agency. In Political Studies Association Conference, Gregynog, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Modernising or disciplining? The reform of Sport England and UK Sport. In NASSS, Vancouver, Canada, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, M (2006) Modernising or disciplining? The reform of Sport England and UK Sport. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Vancouver, Canada, p.56.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) The Doping Issue. In EU Symosium, Bio-medical side effects of doping: Harmonising the knowledge, Technical University of Munich, Germany, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Olympic/Paralympic Legacies: London 2012. In Conference, Toronto, pp.1-8.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Managing compliance in international anti-doping policy. In PIRES seminar series, Loughborough University, UK, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) The application of social science in anti-doping. In WADA-Council of Europe Conference, Larnaca, Cyprus, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Governmentality, modernisation and the 'disciplining' of national sports organisations: An analysis of athletics in Australia and the UK. In ECPR Sessions, Cyprus, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ and Tan, TC (2006) Globalisation and Chinese sport policy: The case of the Olympic Movement in the People's Republic of China. In Conference, Nicosia, pp.1-8.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, M (2005) The changing status of school sport and physical education: Explaining policy change. In International Sociology of Sport Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p.56.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) The governance of national anti-doping organisations: the case of UK Sport's Drug Free Sport Directorate. In ISSA Conference, Buenos Aries, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ and Wong, C (2005) The operation and impact of specialist sports colleges. In BERA Conference, University of Glamorgan, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Providing information and education about drug-free sport: lessons and models. In ANADO Conference on anti-doping education, London, pp.320-321.

Theodoraki, E, Malfas, M, Houlihan, BMJ (2005) A critical evaluation of the 'Olympic Games Global Impact' programme of the IOC. In International Association for Sport Information, 12th World Congress, Beijing, China, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Putting sport at the heart of the community and nation: risks and opportunities. In SPARC/New Zealand Olympic Committee Public Lecture, Wellington, New Zealand, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) The challenges facing national sports organisations. In New Zealand Olympic Committee NSO Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Olympic studies in a university context. In Victoria University Olympic Studies seminar series, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) London 2012: What's in it for sport?. In Basil Ashford Memorial Lecture, Staffordshire University, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) The governance of national anti-doping organisations: the case of UK Sport's Drug Free Sport Directorate. In BSA Conference, Chester, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ and Collins, SE (2005) Doping prevention in the United Kingdom. In Internationales Expertengesprach Doping-Prävention, Heidelberg University, Germany, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) A framework for the comparative analysis of sport policy. In NASSS Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Elite Sports Development Policy. In Research seminar, University of Stirling, pp.420-437.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) The fragmentation of British sport policy. In NASSS annual conference, Montreal, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Athletes' rights and doping control. In NASSS annual conference, Montreal, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Theorising sport policy analysis. In Telemark University College, Bø, Norway, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Comparing sport policy. In Rogaland Research Institute, Stavanger, Norway, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Theorising sport policy analysis. In Korean Association for the Sociology of Sport annual conference, Busan, pp.420-437.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Sports' fragmenting policy community. In Korean Association for the Sociology of Sport, Busan, pp.420-437.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Conducting small scale research in schools. In Birmingham PE conference, Birmingham, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ and Wong, C (2003) Birmingham Sports Colleges research projects. In Birmingham PE Conference, Birmingham, p.3.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Civil rights, doping control and the World Anti-Doping Code. In ISSA 2nd World Congress, Cologne, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Realising Game Plan Objectives. In CCPR/BISL Conference 'Sport's Game Plan - Delivering the Goods', London, p.17.

Houlihan, BMJ and Penney, D (2003) National survey of specialist sports colleges. What, so what and what next?. In Sports Colleges Conference: Schools of tomorrow, Telford, p.13.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Strategies in comparative research. In Telemark University College, Bo, Norway, p.12.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) An analysis of the results of the first national survey of specialist sports colleges. In Sports Colleges conference, Telford, UK, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Comparative analysis of sport policy: methodological issues. In Norwegian research group on sport, Telemark University College, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2003) Evaluating London's bid for the 2012 Olympic Games. In Observer Conference, Royal Institute of British Architects, London, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Dying to Win: an evaluation of the second draft of the World Anti-Doping Code. In Play the Game Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Evaluating current anti-doping policy. In Telemark University College, Bo, Norway, pp.85-112.

Houlihan, BM (2002) The prospects for progress in the fight against doping in sport. In 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens, p.551.

Robson, H, Taylor, M, Houlihan, BM (2002) Impact of doping on young sportspersons - results of the EU-project "studies to combat doping in sport". In 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens, p.504.

Taylor, M, Robson, H, Houlihan, BM (2002) Effective anti-doping communications - results of the EU-project "studies to combat doping in sport". In 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens, p.505.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Managing compliance in international anti-doping policy. In Sports Science Higher School, Rio Maior Polytechnic Institute, Sport Management and Economics, Santarem, Portugal, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Harmonising anti-doping policy: the role of the World Anti-Doping Agency. In University of Southern Denmark, Odense, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2002) The future of sports development. In Chester University College Seminar, Chester, pp.85-112.

Malfas, M, Theodoraki, E, Houlihan, BMJ (2002) Structural Configurations in the Organising Committees of the Summer Olympic Games: Comparing the start up periods of the Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 Organising Committees. In European Congress of Sport Management, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BMJ (2001) Sport globalisation or internationalisation? The role of the state in shaping world sport. In Telemark University College, Bø, Norway, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Governance, globalisation and sport. In APU LLM Sports Law Seminar, Danbury Conference Centre, p.19.

Houlihan, BMJ (2001) Protecting the interests of young athletes: the policy context. In University of Toronto Colloquium, Toronto, Canada, pp.320-321.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Governance - Whose Sport?. In National Sports Development Conference, Nottingham University, p.6.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Sport policy and doping: a research agenda. In Norwegian University of Sport, Research on Doping in Sport Workshop, Oslo, Norway, pp.23-49.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Sport Policy and Doping: A Research Agenda. In Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education, Workshop: Research on Doping in Sport, Oslo, p.23.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Governance, Anti-Doping Policy and Europe. In Governsport Workshop, Loughborough University, p.19.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Building an International Regime to Combat Doping in Sport. In British International Studies Association, University of Bradford, pp.1-14.

Houlihan, BM (2000) The World Anti-Doping Agency, law and policy regimes. In Anglia Polytechnic University, Sport and Law Seminar, Cambridge, pp.1-3.

Thomas, N and Houlihan, BM (2000) Policy Process in Sport for Disabled People in the UK. In Sydney 2000, 5th Scientific Congress Sydney Paralympic Games, Sydney, Australia, pp.1-4.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Sport in the East Midlands: where do we go from here?. In East Midlands Regional Office, Sport England, Staff Conference, Conference: Planning for the Future, Stanford Hall, Leicestershire, pp.1-7.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Andi-doping political measures: the new approaches after the Lausanne meeting on doping. In The Limits of Sport: doping, Barcelona, p.33.

Houlihan, BM (1999) The value of sport in the UK. In The 8th National Sports Development Seminar, Nottingham, p.11.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Sport for All in the UK and Europe: substance and rhetoric. In Sports for All in Canada: Building on the European Experience, University of Toronto, p.23.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Good Governance in UK sport. In Briefing seminar for Ministers and Civil Servants, Department of Culture, Media and Sport, p.6.

Houlihan, BM (1998) Fairness as a Global Issue in Sport. In Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d'Education Physique, Education for Life, Garden City, New York, pp.287-294.

Houlihan, BM (1998) The World Anti-Doping Agency and the campaign against doping in sport. In Council of Europe Handbook 1998, Council of Europe Publishing, pp.8-21.


Houlihan, B (2021) Foreword.

Hanstad, DV, Parent, MM, Houlihan, B (2014) Conclusion. DOI: 10.4324/9780203794944.

Houlihan, B (2014) The government and politics of sport. DOI: 10.4324/9781315773292.

Houlihan, B and McNamee, M (ed) (2013) Anti-doping: Policy and governance, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415814089.

Houlihan, BMJ and Lindsey, I (2013) Sport policy in Britain, Routledge, ISBN: 9780203094273.

Henry, I and Ko, LM (ed) (2013) Handbook of Sport Policy, Routledge.

Houlihan, BMJ and Green, M (ed) (2010) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Nicholson, M, Hoye, R, Houlihan, BMJ (ed) (2010) Participation in Sport: International Policy Perspective, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-55478-7.

Groeneveld, M, Houlihan, BMJ, Ohl, F (ed) (2010) Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-415-87609-4.

Groeneveld, M, Houlihan, B, Ohl, F (2010) Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe. DOI: 10.4324/9780203846896.

Hoye, R, Nicholson, M, Houlihan, BMJ (2009) Sport and Policy, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 978-0-7506-8594-8.

Hoye, R, Nicholson, M, Houlihan, B (2009) Sport and Policy: Issues and Analysis. DOI: 10.4324/9780080942605.

Bergsgard, NA, Houlihan, B, Mangset, P, Nødland, SI, Rommetvedt, H (2009) Sport Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Stability and Change. DOI: 10.4324/9780080498218.

Houlihan, B and Green, M (ed) (2008) Comparative Elite Sport Development: Systems, Structures and Public Policy, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 9780750682817.

Houlihan, B (2008) Sport and society: A student introduction, second edition. DOI: 10.4135/9781446278833.

Houlihan, BMJ (ed) (2007) Sport and Society: A Student Introduction, 2nd Edition, Sage, ISBN: 978-1412921367.

Houlihan, B and Green, M (2007) Comparative elite sport development. DOI: 10.4324/9780080554426.

Houlihan, BMJ, Bergsgard, NA, Mangset, P, Nødland, SI, Rommetvedt, H (2007) A comparative analysis of stability and change, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Green, MJ and Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Elite sport development: Policy learning and political priorities, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415331838.

Houlihan, BMJ (ed) (2003) Sport and Society: A student introduction, Sage, ISBN: 07619 70339.

Houlihan, BM and White, A (2002) The Politics of Sports Development: Development of sport or development through sport?, Routledge, ISBN: 9780415277488.

Houlihan, BM (2002) Dying to Win: Doping in sport and the development of anti-doping policy (2nd Edition), Council of Europe Publishing, ISBN: 92871 46853.

Buchan, I, Darvell, M, Houlihan, BM, Korkia, P, Mottram, D, Waddington, I (2002) Drugs in Sport, British Medical Association, ISBN: 07279 16068.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Dying to Win translated into Greek, Ekdoseis Papazisi AEBE, ISBN: 960 02 1381 X.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Morire per vincere: sport e doping (Italian Translation 'Dying to win'), Sapere 2000, ISBN: 88 7673 1393.

Houlihan, BM (1999) Dying to Win: Doping in sport and the development of anti-doping policy, Council of Europe Publishing, ISBN: 92 871 3589-4.

Houlihan, BM (1997) Sport, Policy and Politics, Routledge, ISBN: 0 415 12918 4.

CD Objects

Houlihan, BM (2000) Olympic Themes, an educational experience,.


Houlihan, B (2021) The Evolution of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use in Sport. In Emerging Drugs in Sport, pp.3-15, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79293-0_1.

Zheng, J and Houlihan, B (2018) Conclusions. In Sport Policy in China, pp.205-241, DOI: 10.4324/9781315168234.

Kristiansen, E, Parent, MM, Houlihan, B (2016) Elite youth sport policy and management: A comparative analysis. In Unknown Parent Title, pp.1-306, DOI: 10.4324/9781315713700.

Houlihan, B and Zheng, J (2016) The Olympics and elite sport policy: Where will it all end?. In Delivering Olympic and Elite Sport in a Cross Cultural Context: From Beijing to London, pp.1-18.

Malcolm, D and Waldman, D (2016) The politics of international cricket. In Handbook of Sport and Politics, © Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp.150-165, ISBN: 9781138792548.

Houlihan, B and Malcolm, D (2016) Introduction [Sport and Society: A Student Introduction]. In Sport and Society: a student introduction, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp.1-7, ISBN: 9781446276181.

Houlihan, BMJ (2015) Politics, power, policy and sport. In Sport and Society A Student Introduction, Sage Publications Limited, pp.32-56, ISBN: 9781446276174.

Houlihan, (2015) Doping and sport. In Sport and Society A Student Introduction, Sage Publications Limited, pp.342-362, ISBN: 9781446276174.

Houlihan, BMJ (2015) Sport and globalisation. In Sport and Society A Student Introduction, Sage Publications Limited, pp.553-573, ISBN: 9781446276174.

Houlihan, B (2015) Political science, sociology and the study of sport. In Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport, pp.184-193, DOI: 10.4324/9780203404066.

Houlihan, B (2015) The future of antidoping policy. In Routledge Handbook of Drugs and Sport, pp.249-259, DOI: 10.4324/9780203795347.

Houlihan, B, Tan, TC, Park, J (2015) THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT’S PERSPECTIVE. In Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management, pp.289-305, DOI: 10.4324/9780203798386-15.

Houlihan, B (2013) Researching policy change in school sport and physical education. In Doing Real World Research in Sports Studies, pp.183-196.

Houlihan, B (2013) Theorising the analysis of sport policy. In Routledge Handbook of Sport Policy, pp.11-22, DOI: 10.4324/9780203807217.

Houlihan, BMJ, Park, J-W, Yamamoto, MYY (2013) National elite sport policies in preparation for London 2012. In Handbook of the LOndon 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Vol. 1, pp.267-280, ISBN: 9780415671941.

Houlihan, B (2013) Commercial, political, social and cultural factors impacting on the management of high perfornmance sport. In Managing high performance sport, pp.17-29, ISBN: 9780415671958.

Houlihan, BMJ (2013) Researching policy change in school sport and PE. In Doing real world research in sports studies, pp.183-196.

Houlihan, B (2013) Accountability and Good Governance. In Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations, pp.22-24, ISBN: 978-87-92120-61-8.

Houlihan, B (2013) Implementation and compliance of good governance in international sports organisations. In Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations, pp.38-55, ISBN: 978-87-92120-61-8.

Houlihan, B (2013) Stakeholders, stakeholding and good governance in international sport federations. In Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations, pp.185-189, ISBN: 978-87-92120-61-8.

Houlihan, B (2012) Political involvement in sport, physical education and recreation. In Sociology of Sport and Physical Education: An Introduction, pp.190-210, DOI: 10.4324/9780203194119-17.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) Introduction. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) The constraints of history. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) Government and civil society involvement in sport development. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) Socialisation through sport. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) The neglect of adult participation. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) The irresistible priority. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) Managing complexity and fluidity. In Houlihan, B and Green, M (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) The problems of policy evaluation. In Houlihan, B and Green, M (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) England. In Nicholson, M, Hoye, R, eds, BH (ed) Participation in sport: International policy perspectives, Routledge, pp.10-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-55478-7.

Houlihan, B (2010) Introduction. In Sport and Society: A Student Introduction, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp.1-8, DOI: 10.4135/9781446278833.n1.

Houlihan, BMJ (2010) International perspectives on sport structures and policy. In Tokarski, W and eds, KP (ed) Hanhbuch Sportpolitik, Hoffman-Verlag, pp.678-698.

Houlihan, BMJ and Groeneveld, M (2010) Social capital, governance and sport. In Groeneveld, M, Houlihan, B, eds, FO (ed) Social capital and sport governance in Europe, Routledge, pp.1-20, ISBN: 978-0-415-87609-4.

Houlihan, B and Groeneveld, M (2010) Social Capital, Governance and Sport. In Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe, pp.1-20, DOI: 10.4324/9780203846896-7.

Houlihan, BMJ (2009) Mechanisms of international influence on domestic elite sport policy. In Nauright, J and eds, SP (ed) The New Sport Management Reader, FiT Press, pp.51-69.

Houlihan, B and Lindsey, I (2009) Networks and Partnerships in Sports Development. In Management of Sports Development, pp.225-242, DOI: 10.4324/9780080570099-21.

Houlihan, B and Lindsey, I (2008) Networks and partnerships in sports development. In Management of Sports Development, pp.225-241, DOI: 10.4324/9780080570099.

Houlihan, BMJ, Malfas, M, Theodoraki, E (2008) La gouvernance d'un comité d'organisation de jeux Olympic: le cas d'Sydney 2000. In Bayle, E and Chantelat, P (ed) La Gouvernance des Organisations Sportives, L'Harmattan, p.356, ISBN: 978-2-296-04656-6.

Houlihan, B (2008) Politics, power, policy and sport. In Sport and Society: A Student Introduction, Second Edition, pp.33-55, DOI: 10.4135/9781446278833.n3.

Houlihan, B (2008) Doping and sport. In Sport and Society: A Student Introduction, Second Edition, pp.375-394, DOI: 10.4135/9781446278833.n17.

Green, M and Houlihan, B (2007) Conclusion. In Comparative Elite Sport Development: Systems, Structures and Public Policy, pp.272-293, DOI: 10.4324/9780080554426.

Houlihan, BMJ (2007) The Doping Issue. In Sarikaya, H, Peters, C, Schulz, T, Schonfelder, M, eds, HM (ed) Biomedical Side Effects of Doping, Technical University of Munich, Munich, pp.16-33, ISBN: 978-3-00-022081-4.

Houlihan, B and Green, M (2007) Comparative elite sport development. In Comparative Elite Sport Development: Systems, Structures and Public Policy, pp.1-25, DOI: 10.4324/9780080554426-1.

Green, M and Houlihan, B (2007) Conclusion. In Comparative Elite Sport Development: Systems, Structures and Public Policy, pp.272-294, DOI: 10.4324/9780080554426-11.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Politics and Sport. In Ed, GR (ed) Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) Government objectives and sport. In Andreff, W and Eds, SS (ed) Handbook on the economics of sport, Edward Elgar, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ (2006) The politics of school sport. In Kennedy, E and Eds, HP (ed) Defining the field: 30 years of the Leisure Studies Association, LSA, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ and Collins, SE (2006) Antidoping-Politik im Vereingten Königreich. In Knörzer, W, Spitzer, W, Eds, GT (ed) Doping Prävention in Europa, Meyer & Meyer Verlag, pp.387-403.

Richardson, JE (2006) Introduction. In Poole, E and Richardson, JEE (ed) Muslims in the Ness Media, I.B. Tauris, pp.1-9.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Sport. In ed, DM (ed) Political Issues in the world today, Manchester University Press, pp.235-248, ISBN: 0719067057.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) The global infrastructure of sport. In ed, TS (ed) The Commercialisation of Sport, Frank Cass, pp.235-248, ISBN: 0714650218.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) Sport and International Politics. In Ed, KY (ed) Issues in Contemporary Sport, Human Kinetics, pp.387-403.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Regime building and doping in sport. In Levermore, R and Budd, AE (ed) Sport and international relations, Routledge, pp.235-248.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Harmonising anti-doping policy: the role of the World Anti-Doping Agency. In Hoberman, J and Moller, VE (ed) Doping and Public Policy, University Press of Southern Denmark, pp.235-248.

Evans, J and Penney, D (2002) Introduction. In Penney, DE (ed) Gender and Physical Education. Contemporary Issues and Future Directions, Routledge, pp.3-12, ISBN: 0415 235766.

Houlihan, BM (2001) The World Anti-Doping Agency: Prospects for Success. In O'Leary, JE (ed) Drugs and Doping in Sport: Socio-Legal Perspectives, Cavendish Publishing Limited, pp.125-145, ISBN: 185941 6624.

Houlihan, BM (2001) Political Involvement in Sport. In Laker, A (ed) PE and Recreation, Routledge, pp.190-210.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Nationalism and politics. In Cashmore, E (ed) Sports Culture: An A-Z, Routledge, pp.304-307.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Sport and Politics. In Dunning, E and Coakley, J (ed) Handbook of Sport and Sociology, Sage, pp.213-227.

Houlihan, BM (1998) National Responses to Global Sports. In ed, LA (ed) Taking Sport Seriously, Meyer and Meyer, pp.77-104, ISBN: 3 89124 479 7.


Houlihan, B and Garcia Garcia, B (Accepted for publication) The use of legislation in relation to controlling the production, movement, importation, distribution and supply of performance-enhancing drugs in sport (PEDS), WADA-UNESCO.

Nevill, ME, Mason, CLJ, Jeanes, R, Waring, A, Armour, KM, Harvey, J, Houlihan, BMJ, Lindsey, IA, Morris, JG (2008) Evaluation of the New Opportunities in PE and Sport Initiative. The Year 5 Report, p.56, Report to the Big Lottery Fund, London.

Padley, MJ and Houlihan, BMJ (2008) Specialist Sports Colleges and the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, tba, Youth Sport Trust.

Nevill, ME, Lindsey, IA, Mason, CLJ, Jeanes, R, Waring, A, Armour, KM, Gibbon, C, Houlihan, BMJ, Jones, R, Harvey, J (2007) Evaluation of the New Opportunities in PE and Sport Initiative. The Year 4 Report, p.56, Report to the Big Lottery Fund, London.

Jeanes, R, Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Trim, V, Nevill, ME, Mutrie, N, Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Active School Managers survey report 2006/7, p.56, Report to SportScotland, Edinburgh.

Jeanes, R, Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Trim, V, Nevill, ME, Mutrie, N, Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Active Schools Coordinator (primary) survey report 2006/7, p.56, Report to SportScotland, Edinburgh.

Jeanes, R, Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Trim, V, Nevill, ME, Mutrie, N, Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Active Schools Coordinator (secondary) survey report 2006/7, p.56, Report to SportScotland, Edinburgh.

Jeanes, R, Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Trim, V, Nevill, ME, Mutrie, N, Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Active Schools Evaluation Year 3 report: pupil impact, p.56, Report to SportScotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Nevill, ME, Mutrie, N, Houlihan, BMJ (2007) Active Schools Evaluation Year 3 report: Management and Delivery, p.56, Report to SportScotland, Edinburgh.

Houlihan, BMJ, Padley, MJ, Waring, AJ, Nevill, ME, Armour, KM (2007) School Sport Partnerships: Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Report for 2006, tba, DfES, DCMS, YST and Sport England.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Tim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active School managers' survey year 2 report 2005/6, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active School coordinators (primary) survey year 2 report 2005/6, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active School coordinators (secondary) survey year 2 report 2005/6, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2005/6: management and delivery, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2005/6: pupil impact, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2005/6: summary and sportscotland response, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Out of School Hours Learning 2005/6, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Trim, V, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2006) Report on pupil focus groups, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Nevill, ME, Armour, KM, Crompton, A, Davis, A, Gibbons, C, Houlihan, BMJ, Jones, R, Lindsey, I, Mason, C, Roberts, S (2006) Evaluation of the New Opportunities for PE and Sport Initiative: Year Three Report, pp.1-8, Research Report to the Big Lottery Fund, Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University.

McKee, R, Jeanes, R, Kay, T, Lyle, J, Nevill, M, Houlihan, BMJ, Mutrie, N (2005) Active Schools Out of School Hours Focus Group Report, pp.1-8, Report to the Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University.

Houlihan, BMJ (2005) School Sport Partnerships: Annual monitoring and evaluation report, pp.420-437, DfES, Youth Sport Trust and Sport England.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2004/5: pupil impact, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2004/5: summary and sportscotland response, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Out of School Hours Learning 2004/5, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active School coordinators (primary) survey year 2 report 2004/5, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active School coordinators (secondary) survey year 2 report 2004/5, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active Schools year 2 evaluation report 2004/5: management and delivery, pp.387-403, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Kay, TA, Lyle, J, Jeanes, R, Houlihan, BMJ, McKee, R, Mutrie, N, Nevill, ME (2005) Active School managers' survey year 2 report 2004/5, pp.1-8, Report to sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Houlihan, BMJ, Padley, MJ, Crompton, AC, Nevill, ME, Armour, KM, Roberts, S (2005) School Sport Partnerships Annual Monitoring and Evaluation report for 2005, pp.1-8, Research Report submitted to DfES, YST and Sport England.

Nevill, ME, Armour, KM, Crompton, A, Davis, A, Gibbons, C, Houlihan, BMJ, Jones, R, Lindsey, I, Mason, C, Roberts, S (2005) Evaluation of the New Opportunities for PE and Sport Initiative: Year Two Report, pp.1-8, Research Report to the Big Lottery Fund, Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University.

Houlihan, BMJ and Wong, CJ (2004) National Survey of Sports Colleges, pp.209-220, Youth Sport Trust.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) New Opportunities for PE and Sport: Self-evaluation handbook, pp.420-437, Big Lottery Fund.

Houlihan, BMJ (2004) Improving and proving: A handbook for PDMs, pp.420-437, DfES, Sport England and Youth Sport Trust.

Houlihan, BMJ, Padley, MJ, Nevill, ME, Armour, KM, Roberts, S (2004) School Sport Partnerships Annual Monitoring and Evaluation report for 2004, pp.1-8, Research report submitted to DfES, YST and Sport England.

Nevill, ME, Almond, L, Armour, KM, Coalter, F, Davis, A, Dobson, B, Houlihan, BMJ, Lindsey, I, Mason, CLJ, Simkin, C, Warmington, P (2004) Evaluation of the New Opportunities for PE and Sport Initiative: Year One Report, pp.1-8, Research Report to the Big Lottery Fund, Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University.

Houlihan, BMJ and Wong, CJ (2003) National Survey of Sports Colleges, pp.209-220, Youth Sport Trust.

Nevill, ME, Almond, L, Armour, KM, Cebulla, A, Houlihan, BMJ, Lindsey, I, Mason, CLJ, Rennison, J, Warmington, P (2003) Evaluation of the New Opportunities for PE and Sport Initiative: Interim report (6 months into year 1), pp.1-8, Research Report to the New Opportunities Fund, Institute of Youth Sport.

Houlihan, BMJ, Penney, D, Eley, DS (2002) National Survey of Sports Colleges, pp.209-220, Youth Sport Trust.

Collins, MF, Henry, IP, Houlihan, BM (1999) Research Report: Sport and Social Exclusion, p.68, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport.


Houlihan, BMJ (2008) Sport and globalisation.

Weed, M, Robinson, L, Downward, P, Green, M, Henry, I, Houlihan, B, Argent, E (2005) Academic review of the role of sports clubs.

Padley, MJ, Almond, L, Armour, KM, Houlihan, BMJ, Nevill, ME (2004) Improving and Proving: A handbook for Partnership Development Managers.

Padley, MJ, Almond, L, Armour, KM, Houlihan, BMJ, Nevill, ME (2004) Improving and Proving: A Handbook for Partnership Development Managers.

Houlihan, BM (2000) Olympic Themes, an educational experience, CD ROM.

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