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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Alan Bairner

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Journal Articles

Bairner, A (2025) Athletics in the Nordic countries: History and developments [Book review], Idrott, Historia & Samhalle / Sports, History & Society, (2024), pp.146-149, ISSN: 0280-2775.

Leng, T-Y, Yang, S, Bairner, A (2024) The redefinition of a Chinese sports hero's public image: evidence from the reactions on Chinese social media to Sun Yang's international trial, Sport in Society, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2024.2424560.

Inal, R and Bairner, A (2024) Football, diaspora, and Turkish Cypriot identity in London, Sport in Society, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2024.2344783.

Jiang, K and Bairner, A (2024) Becoming a Chinese football fan: an examination of the influence of national and local identities on the development of Chinese football fandom, Soccer & Society, 25(4-6), pp.487-504, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2024.2332102.

Bairner, A, Kitching, N, Whigham, S, Bowes, A (2023) National identities, European identity and cosmopolitanism: the case of female golf fans at the 2019 Solheim Cup, Nations and Nationalism, 30(1), pp.197-210, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12988.

Han, P, Tang, S, Bairner, A (2023) Citizenship without identity? Instrumentalism, nationalism and naturalization in Chinese men's football, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59(2), pp.258-277, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/10126902231199580.

Bairner, A (2023) Guest editorial, National Identities, 25(4), pp.299-304, ISSN: 1460-8944. DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2023.2236556.

Kitching, N, Bowes, A, Whigham, S, Bairner, A (2023) 'Didn't know she could shout that loud': the performance of fandom amongst followers of women's golf, Leisure Studies, 42(2), pp.203-217, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2022.2088835.

Kim, L, Tan, T-C, Bairner, A (2023) A beautiful game: interpreting football videogame experiences, Leisure Sciences, ISSN: 0149-0400. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2023.2170497.

Hu, X, Zhao, J, Li, J, Bairner, A (2022) Why join the navy when you can be a pirate? A study of Chinese audience's willingness to pay for the live streaming of the premier league, Sport in Society, 26(3), pp.454-473, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2022.2137406.

Li, Y, Bairner, A, Kawashima, K (2022) ‘Tiyu (体育)’ for development and peace? An examination of attitudes and possibilities of the People’s Republic of China regarding the Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) movement, Sustainability, 14(21), 13734, DOI: 10.3390/su142113734.

Cho, W-C, Tan, T-C, Bairner, A (2022) Managing the compliance of national federations: an examination of the strategies of international Olympic sports federations, European Sport Management Quarterly, 24(2), pp.303-322, ISSN: 1618-4742. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2022.2116069.

Shi, P and Bairner, A (2022) Sustainable development of Olympic sport participation legacy: A scoping review based on the PAGER framework, Sustainability, 14(13), pp.1-17, DOI: 10.3390/su14138056.

Lee, C and Bairner, A (2022) 'It's all about self-reliance': North Korean adolescents' menstruation experiences and management, Journal of Student Research - High School Edition, 11(2), ISSN: 2167-1907. DOI: 10.47611/jsrhs.v11i2.2552.

Tzeng, C-C, Tan, T-C, Bairner, A (2022) Responder or promoter? Investigating the role of nation-state in globalization: The case of China's strategies in the global wushu movement, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58(2), pp.308-327, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/10126902221096947.

Bairner, A (2021) From Old Tom Morris to Andy Murray: an examination of the Scottishness of Scotland’s sporting celebrities, Celebrity Studies, 14(3), pp.350-365, ISSN: 1939-2397. DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2021.2006729.

Hu, XR, Liang, J, Bairner, A (2021) A rebel and a giant: change and continuity in the discursive construction of Chinese sport heroes, Sport in Society, 24(12), pp.2199-2221, ISSN: 1461-0981. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2021.1991319.

Leng, T, Bairner, A, Hu, J, Yang, S (2021) 我国足球归化运动员社会认同问题研究:基于社交媒体内容的 情感与主题分析 (The social identity of naturalized footballers in China: social media contents based sentiment and thematic analysis), China Sport Science, 41(2), pp.59-68, ISSN: 1000-677X. DOI: 10.16469/j.css.202102006.

Bairner, A and May, A (2021) Sport, British national identities and the land: reflections on primordialism, Sport in Society, 24(11), pp.1849-1862, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2021.1887142.

Whigham, S, Bowes, A, Kitching, N, Bairner, A (2021) Selling Scotland? Selling women's golf? The 2019 Solheim Cup in the 'Home of Golf', Journal of Sport and Tourism, 25(3), pp.201-216, ISSN: 1477-5085. DOI: 10.1080/14775085.2021.1883096.

Bairner, A and Jiang, K (2020) Chinese football fandom and civic identities: a study of the fans of Shanghai Shenhua and Beijing Guoan, Sport in Society, 23(12), pp.2078-2098, ISSN: 1461-0981. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2020.1835859.

Bowes, A, Bairner, A, Whigham, S, Kitching, N (2020) Women, war and sport: The battle of the 2019 Solheim cup, Journal of War and Culture Studies, 13(4), pp.424-443, ISSN: 1752-6272. DOI: 10.1080/17526272.2020.1829788.

Bairner, A and Xiong, H (2020) 体育、运动场与国家表征 ——英国国家体育场的政治学诠释 (Sport, Place and Nationhood - The Politics of the National Stadia of the United Kingdom), Journal of Chengdu Sport University, 46(5), pp.120-126, DOI: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.05.019.

Xiong, H, Bairner, A, Tang, Z (2020) Embracing city life: physical activities and the social integration of the new generation of female migrant workers in urban China, Leisure Studies, 39(6), pp.782-796, ISSN: 0261-4367. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2020.1800802.

Whigham, S, Kelly, J, Bairner, A (2020) Politics and football fandom in post-'indyref' Scotland: nationalism, unionism and stereotypes of the 'Old Firm', British Politics, 16(4), pp.414-435, ISSN: 1746-918X. DOI: 10.1057/s41293-020-00142-8.

Bairner, A (2020) Nation and sporting places: exploring the national stadia of a (dis)United Kingdom, Review of Nationalities, 9(1), pp.1-15, ISSN: 2543-9391. DOI: 10.2478/pn-2019-0001.

Vaczi, M, Bairner, A, Whigham, S (2019) Where extremes meet: Sport, nationalism, and secessionism in Catalonia and Scotland, Nations and Nationalism, 26(4), pp.943-959, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12569.

Bairner, AES, Zheng, J, Tan, TC (2019) Responding to globalisation: The case of elite artistic gymnastics in China, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(5), pp.536-556.

Cho, W-C, Cheng, C-F, Bairner, A, Tan, T-C (2019) Leaning towards China: Taiwanese basketball talent migration to the PRC, International Journal of the History of Sport, 35(12-13), pp.1390-1406, ISSN: 0952-3367. DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1584188.

Chang, Y and Bairner, A (2019) Beautiful and good woman: gender role negotiation among Taiwanese women who belly dance, Sport in Society, 22(8), pp.1326-1345, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2019.1621843.

Bowes, A and Bairner, A (2019) Three lions on her shirt: Hot and banal nationalism for England’s sportswomen, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(6), pp.531-550, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI: 10.1177/0193723519850878.

Bowes, AK and Bairner, A (2019) Three lions on her shirt: Hot and banal nationalism for England's sportswomen, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(6), pp.531-550, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI: 10.1177/0193723519850878.

Jiang, K and Bairner, A (2019) Paolo Rossi and the origins of football fandom in China, Asia Dialogue.

Blanco, DV and Bairner, A (2018) College basketball governance in the Philippines: actors, stakeholders, issues, and challenges, Sport in Society, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2018.1490265.

Tan, T-C, Bairner, A, Chen, Y-W (2018) Managing compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code: China's strategies and their implications, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55(3), pp.251-271, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690218805402.

Carroll, G and Bairner, A (2018) In from the side: exile international rugby union players in Britain, blood ties and national identities, National Identities, 21(4), pp.417-433, ISSN: 1460-8944. DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2018.1491542.

Whigham, S and Bairner, A (2018) Analysing sport policy and politics: the promises and challenges of synthesising methodological approaches, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10(4), pp.721-740, ISSN: 1940-6940. DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2018.1450773.

Piggin, J and Bairner, A (2018) What counts as ‘the evidence’? A need for an urgent review of injury risk in school rugby, British Journal of Sports Medicine, ISSN: 1473-0480. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098484.

Bairner, A (2018) Baseball and Cuban national identity in Leonardo Padura's Havana quartet, Studia Iberica et Americana. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies, 4, pp.217-237, ISSN: 2327-4751.

Kelly, J and Bairner, A (2017) The 'talk o' the toon'? An examination of the Heart of Midlothian and Hibernian football rivalry in Edinburgh, Scotland, Soccer and Society, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2017.1399610.

Manoli, AE, Antonopoulos, GA, Bairner, A (2017) The inevitability of corruption in Greek football, Soccer & Society, 20(2), pp.199-215, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2017.1302936.

Trotier, F and Bairner, A (2017) Sport and body cultures in east and south-east Asia, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 6(1), pp.1-2, ISSN: 2164-0599. DOI: 10.1080/21640599.2017.1293898.

Tan, T-C, Huang, HC, Bairner, A, Chen, Y-W (2017) Xi Jin-Ping's world cup dreams: from a major sports country to a world sports power, International Journal of the History of Sport, ISSN: 0952-3367. DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2016.1243103.

Bowes, AK and Bairner, A (2016) England’s proxy warriors? Women, war and sport, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690216669491.

Bairner, A and Chen, S-H (2016) An analysis of the policy used to develop elite performance in taekwondo in Taiwan from 1997-2012, Physical Education Journal(Taiwan), 49(2), pp.223-246, ISSN: 1024-7297.

Bairner, A (2016) Book review: Soccer, culture and society in Spain. An ethnography of Basque Fandom, Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(4), pp.369-370, ISSN: 1543-2785. DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2015-0123.

Bairner, A (2016) Sport, fiction and sociology: novels as data sources, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690215617758.

Bairner, A (2016) The Irish Soccer Split [Book review], Sport in Society, 19(2), pp.285-286, ISSN: 1743-0445. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2015.1093800.

Bairner, A (2016) Book Review: The Bloomsbury companion to the philosophy of sport, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 5(1), pp.85-86, ISSN: 2164-0599. DOI: 10.1080/21640599.2016.1172407.

Bairner, A (2016) 'My first victim was a hurling player..': sport in the lives of Northern Ireland's political prisoners, American Behavioral Scientist, 60(9), ISSN: 1552-3381. DOI: 10.1177/0002764216632842.

Bairner, A (2016) Book Review: Embodied Nation: Sport, Masculinity and the Making of Modern Laos, International Journal of Asian Studies, 13(2), pp.254-256, ISSN: 1479-5922. DOI: 10.1017/S1479591416000061.

Bairner, AES, Kitching, N, MacPhail, A, (2015) Storying golf club culture: ‘Shirts, Ties, Prawns and Associates’, Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies, 9 (1), 2015, 177-194 ISSN1754-2375, Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies, 9(1), pp.177-194.

Bairner, AES (2015) Assessing the sociology of sport: On national identity and nationalism, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(4/5), pp.375-379, ISSN: 1461-7218.

Bairner, AES (2015) Bigotry, football and Scotland, Soccer and Society, 16(4), pp.573-575, ISSN: 1743-9590.

Parsons, T and Bairner, A (2015) ‘You want the buzz of having done well in a game that wasn’t easy’: a sociological examination of the job commitment of English football referees, Science & Motricité (Movement & Sport Sciences), 87(1), pp.41-52, ISSN: 2118-5735. DOI: 10.1051/sm/2014017.

Bairner, A (2015) Asia's land down under: the socceroos and the 2015 Asian Cup, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 4(1), pp.1-6, ISSN: 2164-0599. DOI: 10.1080/21640599.2015.1021437.

Chiang, Y, Bairner, A, Hwang, D-J, Chen, T-H (2015) Multiple margins: sport, gender and nationalism in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, pp.19-33, ISSN: 2164-0599. DOI: 10.1080/21640599.2014.1000646.

Bairner, A (2015) Assessing the sociology of sport: on national identity and nationalism, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(4/5), pp.375-379, ISSN: 1461-7218. DOI: 10.1177/1012690214538863.

Bairner, A (2015) Sport as a critique of politics: Everest climbing, nationalism and the failure of politics in Bangladesh [Reply], Global Discourse / Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 5(4), pp.553-555, ISSN: 2326-9995. DOI: 10.1080/23269995.2015.1021195.

Bairner, AES (2014) Conservative Physical Education for Radical Politics: the example of Fidel Castro, Movimento, 20(Esp), pp.57-66, ISSN: 0104-754X.

Bairner, AES (2014) The quest for interdisciplinarity will have to wait, Idrottsforum.org (Nordic Sport Science Forum) http://idrottsforum.org/baiala_maguire140930/, N/A, pp.1-2.

Bairner, AES (2014) Sport on a variety of levels, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 3(2), pp.93-94.

Bairner, A (2014) A Companion to Sport, Idrottsforum.org (Nordic Sport Science Forum), http://idrottsforum.org/baiala_andrews-carrington140425, pp.1-2.

Bairner, AES and Piggin, J (2014) The global physical inactivity pandemic: an analysis of knowledge production, Sport, Education and Society, 21(2), pp.131-147, ISSN: 1470-1243.

Bairner, A (2014) Auf in den Kampf. Von Raumgewinn bis Siegestreffer: Wir reden über Sport wie über Krieg, Kulturaustausch. Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven, 65(1), pp.46-46.

Bairner, A and Piggin, J (2014) The global physical inactivity pandemic: An analysis of knowledge production, Sport, Education and Society, 1(23), pp.1-18, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.882301.

Bairner, A (2014) Challenges for the social sciences of sport: revisiting 'the two cultures', Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 3(1), pp.1-5.

Chiu, WC, Hwang, DJ, Bairner, A (2014) “In the Shadow of National Glory: Taiwan Aboriginal Baseball in the Politics of Identity”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 31(3), pp.347-362.

Bairner, A (2014) Sport and Politics in Modern Britain. The Road to 2012, Journal of Contemporary European Stidies, 22(1), pp.76-77.

Burkett, S and Bairner, A (2014) Reading football in Brazil through a boy’s own story, Qualitative Research on Sport, Exercise and Health, 6(3/4), pp.317-328, ISSN: 2159-676X. DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2013.877962.

Bairner, A (2014) Emotional grounds: stories of football, memories, and emotions, Emotion, Space and Society, 12, pp.18-23, ISSN: 1755-4586. DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2013.11.005.

Bairner, A (2013) Basque Pelota. A Ritual, an Aesthetic, Sociology of Sport Journal, 30(4), pp.525-528, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Bowes, A and Bairner, A (2013) Sport, War, Gender and Nationhood, East Asian Sport Thoughts. The International Journal of the Sociology of Sport, 3, pp.7-23, ISSN: 2221-9358.

Chiu, W, Hwang, DJ, Bairner, A (2013) ‘Muffled Identity: Taiwanese Aborigines, National Sport and Identity, East Asian Sport Thoughts. The International Journal of the Sociology of Sport, 3, pp.187-206, ISSN: 2221-9358.

Bairner, A (2013) Sport under Communism. Behind the East German “Miracle”, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 5(1), pp.161-162.

Ho, G and Bairner, A (2013) One Country, Two Systems, Three Flags: Imagining Olympic Nationalism in Hong Kong and Macao, International Review for the Sociology of Sport,, 48(3), pp.349-365.

Bairner, A (2013) Sport, the Northern Ireland peace process, and the politics of identity, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 5(4), pp.220-229, ISSN: 1759-6599.

Bairner, A (2013) Sport, War, and Rumours of War, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 2(2), pp.73-76, ISSN: 2164-0599.

Bairner, A (2013) London 2012. How Was It For Us? Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 2(2), pp.138-140, ISSN: 2164-0599.

Bairner, A (2013) Politics, the British and the Olympic Games, ЖУРНАЛ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ АНТРОПОЛОГИИ (Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), XVI(5 (70), pp.8-20.

Bairner, AES and McMaster, A (2012) Junior Ministers in the UK:The Role of the Minister for Sport, Parliamentary Affairs: devoted to all aspects of parliamentary democracy, 65(1), pp.214-237, ISSN: 0031-2290.

Bairner, AES (2012) Between flânerie and fiction: ways of seeing exclusion nd inclusion in the contemporary city, Leisure Studies, 31(1), pp.3-19, ISSN: 0261-4367.

Bairner, AES (2012) For a Sociology of Sport, Sociology of Sport Journal, 29, pp.102-117, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Cho, JH and Bairner, A (2012) The Socio-Cultural Legacy of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, Leisure Studies, 31(3), pp.271-289, ISSN: 0261-4367.

Bairner, A (2012) Sport, Social Science and the Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 1(1), pp.1-7, ISSN: 2164-0599.

Yu, JW and Bairner, A (2012) Confucianism, baseball and ethnic stereotyping in Taiwan, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 47(6), pp.690-704, ISSN: 1012-6902.

Bairner, A (2012) When ‘east’ meets ‘west’: reflections on cultural exchange, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 1(2/3), pp.87-96, ISSN: 2164-0599.

Bairner, A (2012) Pattana Kitiarsa Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 1(2-3), 166-168, 2012 ISSN2164-0599, Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 1(2/3), pp.166-168, ISSN: 2164-0599.

Bairner, A (2012) Rugby in Munster, Journal of Sport History, 39(3), pp.556-557.

Bairner, AES and Hwang, DJ (2011) Representing Taiwan: International sport, ethnicity and national identity in the Republic of China, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(3), pp.231-248, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/1012690210378460.

Tan, TC and Bairner, AES (2011) Managing Globalization: The Case of Elite Basketball Policy in the People's Republic of China, Journal of Sport Management, 25(5), pp.408-422, ISSN: 0888-4773.

Yu, JW and Bairner, AES (2011) The Confucian legacy and its implications for physical education in Taiwan, European Physical Education Review, 17(2), pp.219-230, ISSN: 1356-336X. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X11413169.

Bairner, AES (2011) Soccer and Society in Eva Menasse's Vienna, Sport in History, 31(1), pp.32-48, ISSN: 1746-0263. DOI: 10.1080/17460263.2011.554717.

Bairner, AES (2011) Gaming the World. How sports are reshaping global politics and culture, Social History, 36(2), pp.218-220, ISSN: 0307-1022.

Bairner, AES (2011) Sport in the UK, Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(7), pp.769-770, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.552224.

Bairner, AES (2011) Urban walking and the pedagogies of the street, Sport, Education and Society, 16(3), pp.371-384, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2011.565968.

Bairner, A (2011) Sport, Leisure and Culture in the Postmodern City, Managing Leisure, 16, pp.328-329.

Bairner, A (2011) The Essentials of Sports Reporting and Writing, Journalism Studies, 12(5), pp.709-710.

Bairner, A (2011) Observing Sport, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3(3), pp.417-418.

Tan, TC and Bairner, AES (2010) Globalization and Chinese Sport Policy: The Case of Elite Football in the People's Republic of China, The China Quarterly, 203, pp.581-600, ISSN: 0305-7410. DOI: 10.1017/S0305741010000603.

Harkin, C and Bairner, AES (2010) Sky blue and green: Manchester City and the Manchester Irish, Soccer and Society, 11(3), pp.213-228, ISSN: 1466-0970. DOI: 10.1080/14660971003619479.

Bairner, AES (2010) What's Scandinavian about Scandinavian sport?, Sport in Society, 13(4), pp.734-743, ISSN: 1743-0437. DOI: 10.1080/17430431003616555.

Malcolm, DE, Bairner, AES, Curry, G (2010) 'Woolmergate': Cricket and the Representation of Islam and Muslims in the British Press, Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 34(2), pp.215-235, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI: 10.1177/0193723510367768.

Yu, J and Bairner, AES (2010) Schooling Taiwan's aboriginal baseball players for the nation, Sport, Education and Society, 15(1), pp.63-82, ISSN: 1357-3322. DOI: 10.1080/13573320903461079.

Bairner, AES and Uchiumi, K (2010) Sport, Nationalism and Globalization revisited, Japan Journal of Sport Sociology, 18(1), pp.116-123.

Bairner, AES (2010) Sport, Space and Memory: Extending the Sociology of Sport, East Asian Sport Thoughts: the International Journal for the Sociology of Sport, 1, pp.21-37.

Bairner, AES (2010) Football and community in the global context, Leisure Studies, 29(3), p.346.

Lee, JW and Bairner, AES (2009) The Difficult Dialogue: Communism, Nationalism, and Political Propaganda in North Korean Sport, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 33(4), pp.390-410, ISSN: 0193-7235. DOI: 10.1177/0193723509350609.

Bairner, A (2009) Memory and the Literary Imagination: Religion, Politics and Football in Robin Jenkins's The Thistle and the Grail, Sport in History, 29(2), pp.171-189, ISSN: 1746-0263.

Bairner, A (2009) Irish Australians, postcolonialism and the English game, Sport in Society, 12(4/5), pp.482-495, ISSN: 1743-0437.

Bairner, A (2009) Sport, Intellectuals and Public Sociology: Obstacles and opportunities, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 44(3/4), pp.115-130, ISSN: 1012-6902.

Bairner, A (2009) National sports and national landscapes: In defence of primordialism, National Identities, 11(3), pp.223-239, ISSN: 1460-8944.

Bairner, A (2009) Sports Mania: Essays on fandom and the Media in the 21st Century, Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(3), pp.307-308.

Bairner, AES (2009) Football With The Foe: Danish sport under the swastika, International Journal of Sport Policy, 1(1), pp.115-117.

Bairner, AES (2009) Olympic Industry Resistance, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34(3), pp.969-972.

Bairner, A (2008) Heroes of Beijing: the Triumph of the West, Foreign Policy in Focus.

Yu, J and Bairner, A (2008) Proud to be Chinese: Little League Baseball and national identities in Taiwan during the 1970s, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 15(2), pp.216-239, ISSN: 1070-289X.

Bairner, A (2008) Legends of the First Americans, Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(7), pp.787-788, ISSN: 0264-0414.

Bairner, A (2008) The Cultural Politics of Remembrance: Sport, Place and Memory in Belfast and Berlin, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 14(4), pp.417-430, ISSN: 1028-6632.

Bairner, A (2008) Sport, Nationalism and Globalization: Relevance, impact, consequences, Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences, 49(1), pp.43-53, ISSN: 0073-2788.

Bairner, A (2007) Back to Basics: Class, Social Theory, and Sport, Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(1), pp.20-36, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Bairner, A (2007) Rebuttal [of David Andrews], Sociology of Sport Journal, 24(1), pp.46-48, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Bairner, A (2007) Wearing the Baggie Green: the Irish and cricket in Australia, Sport in Society, 10(3), pp.457-475, ISSN: 1743-0445.

Fulton, G and Bairner, A (2007) Sport, Space and National Identity in Ireland: the GAA, Croke Park and Rule 42, Space and Polity, 11(1), pp.55-74, ISSN: 1356-2576.

Bairner, A (2007) From Sands to Sanchez: The Making of a 'National' Sports Stadium for Northern Ireland, Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 5(1), p.9, ISSN: 1748-944X.

Bairner, A (2006) The Leicester School and the Study of Football Hooliganism, Sport in Society, 9(4), pp.583-598, ISSN: 1743-0445.

Bairner, A (2006) The Flâneur and the City: reading the 'new' Belfast's leisure spaces, Space and Polity, 10(2), pp.121-134, ISSN: 1356-2576.

Bairner, A (2006) Titanic Town: sport, sporting space and the re-imag(in)ing of Belfast, City and Society, 18(2), pp.159-179, ISSN: 0893-0465.

Bairner, A (2006) 'In balance with this life, this death': Mourning George Best, International Review for Modern Sociology, 32(2), pp.293-308, ISSN: 0973-2047.

Bairner, A (2006) United We Stand: arguements for and against amalgamation in Scottish football, Soccer Review, pp.32-36.

Bairner, A (2006) Simply the (George) Best. Ulster Prostestantism, Conflicted Identity and 'The Belfast Boy(s)', Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 32(2), pp.34-41, ISSN: 0703-1459.

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Bairner, A and Barbour, D (2005) Where the grass is greener: Irish Rugby Union, migrant coaches and the globalisation debate, Football Studies, 8(1), pp.27-41, ISSN: 1442-3146.

Bairner, AES (2004) Inclusive Soccer - Exclusive Politics? Sports Policy in Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement, Sociology of Sport Journal, 21(3), pp.270-286, ISSN: 0741-1235.

Bairner, AES (2004) Creating a Soccer Strategy for Northern Ireland: Reflections on Football Governance in Small European Countries, Soccer and Society, 5(1), pp.37-42, ISSN: 1466-0970.

Bairner, AES (2004) Urheilu, nationalismi ja paikallistunne Brittein saarilla, Suomen Urheiluhistoriallisen Seuran Vuosikirja (Finnish Sports History Society Yearbook), pp.171-188, ISSN: 1237-3133.

Bairner, AES (2004) Örgryte's Scots - Swedish Football and the Scottish Connection, Soccer History, 8, pp.26-30.

O'Donoghue, PG, Dubitzky, W, Lopes, P, Berrar, D, Lagan, K, Hassan, D, Bairner, A, Darby, P (2004) An evaluation of qualitative and quantitative methods of predicting the 2002 FIFA World Cup, Journal of Sport Sciences, 22(6), pp.513-514, ISSN: 0264-0414.

Bairner, A and Shirlow, P (2003) When leisure turns to fear: Fear, mobility, and ethno-sectarianism in Belfast, Leisure Studies, 22(3), pp.203-221, ISSN: 1466-4496. DOI: 10.1080/026143603200075470.

Bairner, A (2003) On thin ice? The odyssey, the giants and the sporting transformation of Belfast, American Behavioral Scientist, 46(11), pp.1519-1532.

Bairner, A (2003) Political unionism and sporting nationalism: An examination of the relationship between sport and national identity within the Ulster Unionist tradition, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 10(4), pp.517-535.

Bairner, AES (2003) Soccer and society. South Wales, Sociology of Sport Journal, 20(3), pp.291-294.

Bairner, AES (2003) Globalization and Sport: The Nation Strikes Back, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 83(4), pp.34-37.

Bairner, AES (2003) Football in Northern Ireland: The cross-channel dimension, Soccer Review, pp.33-37.

Bairner, A (2002) Wearing the World Cup: Gender, fashion and football in Northern Ireland, M/C Reviews, p.3.

Bairner, A and Darby, P (2001) The Swedish model and International sport: Lennart Johansson and the governance of World football, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 36(3), pp.337-359, ISSN: 1012-6902. DOI: 10.1177/101269001036003006.

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Bairner, A (2001) Gender, class and nation, Peace Review, 13(1), pp.21-26.

Bairner, A and Walker, G (2001) Football and society in Northern Ireland: Linfield Football Club and the case of Gerry Morgan, Soccer and Society, 2(1), pp.81-98.

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Bairner, A (2016) Flawed heroes: exploring biographies of Scottish footballers. In International Sociology of Sport Association Annual Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

Bairner, A (2016) Sport for all: a utopian dream?. In Sport-For-All Conference, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.

Bairner, AES (2015) Sport, Nationalism and Scotland after 2014. In British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Bairner, A (2015) Sports mega-events – what are they good for?. In International Joint Conference on Physical Activity, Exercise Science and Sport Sociology, Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.

Bairner, AES (2014) ‘Some sports for some: sport and social class in the United Kingdom’. In 6th International Forum on Sport for Al, Hubei University, Wuhan, China, pp.1-10.

Bairner, AES (2014) Sports fiction as a sociological resource. In Intenational Sociology of Sport Association, Peking University, People's Republic of China, pp.1-15.

Bairner, A (2013) ‘Sport, the Northern Ireland peace process, and the politics of identity’, National Identity and Sport in Post-Conflict/Fractured Societies Conference, Centre for the Study of International Governance, Loughborough University, July, 2013. In National Identity and Sport in Post-Conflict/Fractured Societies Conference, Centre for the Study of International Governance, Loughborough UNiversity, pp.0-0.

Chen, SH and Bairner, A (2013) ‘Evaluating the Development of Elite Sport Policy in Taiwan’. In European College of Sport Science Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2013) ‘Sport, Music and Song: ways of seeing aboriginal identities in Taiwan’. In International Sociology of Sport Association World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp.0-0.

Piggin, JJ and Bairner, A (2013) The Global Physical Inactivity Pandemic: An analysis of Knowledge Production. In World Congress for the Sociology of Sport, Vancouver, Canada.

Bairner, A (2013) The Ambivalent Olympians: from Much Wenlock to London. In The Political Games: The Olympic Agenda international conference, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2012) Politics and the Olympics. In British Sociological Association, Social Sciences and the Olympic Games symposium, British Library, London, pp.0-0.

Bowes, A and Bairner, A (2012) Exploring the National Identities of England’s Sporting Heroines. In 6th International Sport Sciences Symposium on “Active Life”, Waseda University, Tokyo, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A and Bowes, A (2012) Was George Orwell Right?. In 3rd International Conference, Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology, National Taiwan Sport University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, pp.0-0.

Chiang, Y, Bairner, A, Hwang, DJ, Chen, TH (2012) Multiple Margins: Sport, Gender and Nationalism in Taiwan. In 3rd International Conference, Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology,, National Taiwan Sport University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2012) The role of national sports and international sport in nation-building. In Round Table on Sport and Nation Building, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2012) Baseball, the Olympic Games and the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan. In 4th Biannual Sport, Race and Ethnicity conference, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2012) Becoming Japanese: Colonialism, Baseball and Identity Politics in Taiwan. In Japan and Sport Symposium, Centre for Sports History and Culture, De Montfort University, Leicester, pp.0-0.

Chiu, W, Bairner, A, Hwang, DJ (2012) Muffled identity – Taiwan aborigines in the conjunction between national sport and identity construction. In International Sociology of Sport Association World Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.0-0.

Bairner, A (2012) Assessing the Seoul Olympics. In Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events Workshops, University of Birmingham, pp.0-0.

Bairner, AES and Shirlow, P (2011) Walls minus the shooting: sport, public art and conflict transformation in Northern Ireland. In Social Relations in Turbulent Times, European Sociological Association 10th conference, Geneva, Switzerland, pp.371-384.

Bowes, A and Bairner, AES (2011) Women, Sport and National Identities: on the neglect of national heroines of sport. In International Sociology of Sport Association world congress, Havana, Cuba, pp.371-384.

Bairner, AES (2010) Sport, Politics and the Political. In IRiSS Symposium in Sport Studies, University of Central Lancashire, pp.769-770.

Bairner, AES (2010) The Visible City and What Lies Beneath. In Diversity and Equality in Leisure, Sport and Tourism, Leisure Studies Association annual conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, pp.371-384.

Bairner, A (2009) Sport and the Idea of Northern Ireland. In European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, pp.482-495.

Bairner, A (2009) The GAA in a Global Sporting World. In For Community, County and Country: 125 Years of the GAA conference, Cardinal Ó Fiaich Library and Archive, Armagh, pp.482-495.

Bairner, AES (2009) Sport, Space and Memory. In Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology Conference, National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan, p.245.

Malcolm, DE, Bairner, AES, Curry, G (2008) Cricket, Islam and the Postcolonial: The death of Bob Woolmer. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Meeting, Denver, USA.

Bairner, A (2008) Sport, the Nation State and Political Identities. In Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, Olympism: Humanism and Olympic Movement Conference, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, pp.285-296.

Malcolm, D, Bairner, A, Curry, G (2008) Cricket, Islam and the Postcolonial: Reflections on the death of Bob Woolmer. In Cricket and Globalisation: An international conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, pp.285-296.

Bairner, A (2008) Footballers' Lives: Soccer, Irish Nationalism and Northern Ireland. In Sport and Society at the Crossroads 5th World Congress, ISSA, Kyoto, Japan.

Bairner, A (2008) Sport and the Public Sphere: lessons from Northern Ireland. In Sport and Society at the Crossroads 5th World Congress, ISSA, Kyoto, Japan.

Bairner, A (2008) Representing the North: reflections on the life stories of Northern Ireland's Catholic footballers. In Representing Sport: Forms and Issues International Conference, NUI Galway, Ireland.

Bairner, A (2007) Football, Locality and Community in Scotland: the case of Robin Jenkins's Drumsagart Thistle. In 'Representing Sport' - Exploring the literary turn in sport history, De Montfort University, Leicester, pp.3158-3161.

Bairner, A (2007) From Bobby Sands to Lawrie Sanchez: The making of a 'national' stadium for Northern Ireland. In Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Conference, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, pp.293-308.

Bairner, A, Malcolm, D, Curry, G (2007) Ireland's Other National Sport? Irishness and the Cricket World Cup 2007. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, pp.34-41.

Bairner, A and Malcolm, D (2007) British or English? National Identities and Cricket in the United Kingdom. In ISPHES/ISSA Joint World Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.34-41.

Bairner, A (2006) National sports and national landscapes. In Polish Association for the Study of English Annual Conference, Pulawy, Poland, p.301.

Bairner, A (2006) Marxism, Class and the Sociological Understanding of Sport. In Annual Graduate Conference in the Sociology of Sport, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, p.301.

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Bairner, A (2005) Re-appropriating Gramsci: Marxism, Hegemony and Sport. In Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport Symposium, University of Texas, Austin, p.301.

Bairner, AES (2004) Marxism, Hegemony and Sport: Towards a Re-Appropriation of Gramsci. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, pp.37-42.

Bairner, AES (2004) Inter-Cultural Dialogue: definition and stakes. In The Contribution of Sport to Inter-Cultural Dialogue Conference, Council of Europe, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, pp.37-42.

Bairner, AES (2004) Sport: a force for good in Ireland. In Irish Association Seminar, Belfast, pp.270-286.

Bairner, AES (2004) Sport, the National and the Global: British and Irish Perspectives. In Japan Society of Sport Anthropology Annual Conference, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, pp.37-42.

Bairner, AES (2004) Sport and Community Relations in Northern Ireland: Assimilation or Diversity?. In International Symposium on the Future of Community Development Education, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, pp.37-42.

Bairner, A (2003) Buying time and space: A critical appraisal of sport and leisure consumption in the 'new' Belfast. In Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Surrey Roehampton, p.234.

Bairner, A (2003) Sports Policy in Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, Montreal, p.234.

Bairner, AES (2003) Sport and Sectarianism. In Sport and Social Responsibility Conference, Irish Football Association, Belfast, p.234.

Bairner, A (2003) Sport and the Nation in a Global World. In The Global Politics of Sport Workshop, University of Warwick, p.234.

Bairner, A (2003) Sport and Swedish Identity - an outsider's view. In Sport and the Swedish Symposium, Malmo Sports Museum, Sweden, p.234.

Bairner, A (2003) Sport and the Politics of Difference in Britain and Ireland. In Renvall Institute (British and Irish Studies), University of Helsinki, p.234.

Bairner, AES (2003) Nationalism and Regionalism in Britain and Ireland. In Finland Sport History Society, Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, pp.291-294.

Bairner, A (2002) Sport and National Identity in Scotland and Ireland. In Irish-Scottish Academic Initiative "Ireland (Uslter) Scotland: Concepts, Contexts, Comparisons Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, p.234.

Bairner, A (2002) Creating a soccer strategy for Northern Ireland. In Association Football - British Game, Global Passion Conference, Uinversity of Central Lancashire, p.234.

Bairner, A (2002) National sports and national identitites in a global era: Britain, Ireland and beyond. In Renvall Institute (British and Irish Studies), Heroes in Sport: Fandom, Nationalism, and Identities Conference, University of Helsinki, p.234.

Bairner, A (2002) Sport in divided societies. In Renvall Institute (British and Irish Studies), Heroes in Sport: Fandom, Nationalism, and Identities Conference, University of Helsinki, p.234.

Bairner, A (2002) The Celtic Antisyzygy: Sport, Nationality and Ulster Unionism. In Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages, Sport and the Irish Conference, University of Ulster, p.234.

Bairner, A (2001) The Body Politic: Ulster Loyalism and tattoos. In British Social History Association Annual Conference, University of Ulster, p.234.

Bairner, A (2001) Sport and the politics of Ulster Unionism. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, p.234.

Bairner, A (2001) Sport and Nationalism in Sweden. In Sport, History and Society Seminar, Stockholm University, p.234.

Bairner, AES (2001) Sport and community relations in Northern Ireland: An update. In British Sociological Association Sociology of Sport Study Group Regional Workshop, University of Ulster, p.234.

Bairner, A (2001) Sport, nationality and national identity: The case of the Ulster Unionists. In Sport and the Nation Conference, Brunel University, p.234.

Bairner, A (2001) Studying sport in Ireland: Reminiscences, reflections, recommendations. In Sociological Association of Ireland Guest Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, p.234.

Bairner, AES (2000) Muscularity, Masculinity and Christianity in bodily representations of Ulster Loyalism. In Rhetoric(s) of Masculinity Conference, University of Seville, p.234.

Bairner, A (2000) Football and the literary imagination. In Third International Workshop on Football History and Culture, Norwegian University of Sport and PE, Oslo, p.234.

Bairner, A and Darby, P (2000) Swedish Internationalism and World Football: Lennart Johansson and contemporary FIFA politics. In Fifth Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyvaskyla, Finland, p.234.

Hassan, D and Bairner, A (2000) Sport and Irish Nationalism in Northern Ireland. In Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress, Brisbane, p.234.

Bairner, A (2000) Critical reflections on sport and sectarianism in Northern Ireland. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, p.234.

Bairner, A (2000) Revisiting Sport, Sectarianism and Society in a Divided Ireland. In Sport in the New Millennium Conference, University College Dublin, p.234.

Bairner, A and Sugden, J (1999) Sport in comparative peace processes. In North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, p.234.

Bairner, A (1999) Sports coverage in the Northern Ireland media. In Sport, Media and National Identity Seminar, University of Stirling, p.234.

Bairner, A (1999) Sport and Postcolonialism in Ireland. In Sport, Postcolonialism and the Body Conference, De Montfort University, Leicester, p.234.

Bairner, A (1999) The Gaelic Athletic Association and Ethnic Irish Nationalism. In British Sociological Association/Leisure Studies Association Workshop, University of Stirling, p.234.

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Bairner, A and Vaczi, M (ed) (2023) Indigenous, Traditional, and Folk Sports. Contesting Modernities, Routledge.

Bairner, A, Chen, T-H, Chiang, Y (2023) Sport in Taiwan History, Culture, Policy, Peter Lang, ISBN: 9781433182884.

Bairner, A and Vaczi, M (2021) Sport and Secessionism, Routledge.

Bairner, AES and Trotier, F, (2017) Sport and Body Cultures in East and Southeast Asia, Routledge.

Bairner, A, Kelly, J, Lee, JW (ed) (2017) Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics, Routledge.

Wawryczek, I, Mazur, Z, Szewczyk, H, Bairner, AES (2011) Oswajanie Innego. Obraz Polski i Polaków w prasie brytyskiej w latach 2002-2007, Gaudium, ISBN: 978-83-7548-050-4.

Bairner, AES and Molnar, G (ed) (2010) The Politics of the Olympics - a survey, Routledge, ISBN: 978 1 85743 494 1.

Bairner, AES (ed) (2005) Sport and the Irish. Histories, Identities, Issues, University College Dublin Press, ISBN: 1 904558 33 X.

Magee, J, Bairner, A, Tomlinson, A (ed) (2005) The Bountiful Game? Football Identities and Finances, Meyer and Meyer Sport, ISBN: 1 84126 178 5.

Bairner, A (2001) Sport, Nationalism, and Globalization. Europe and North American Perspectives, SUNY Press, ISBN: 9780791449127.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (ed) (1999) Sport in Divided Societies, Meyer and Meyer, ISBN: 3 89124 445 2.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (1993) Sport, Sectarianism and Society in a Divided Ireland, Leicester University Press, ISBN: 0 7185 1457 2.


Bairner, A and Vaczi, M (2024) Introduction. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Indigenous, Traditional, and Folk Sports. Contesting Modernities, Routledge, pp.1-19.

Bairner, A and Park, C (2024) Traditional Chinese Martial Arts: the naming and development of wushu. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Indigenous, Traditional, and Folk Sports. Contesting Modernities, Routledge, pp.173-183.

Bairner, A and Taylor, T (2024) Playing for the Creator: Understanding the indigenous roots of lacrosse. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Indigenous, Traditional, and Folk Sports. Contesting Modernities, Routledge, pp.199-210.

Bairner, A (2024) An International Perspective. In Peterson, T (ed) Samhallsidrotten och Idrottssamhallet, Bokforlaget idrottsforum.org, pp.449-461.

Bairner, A and Wu, Z (2023) Epilogue: Taiwan Matters -Taiwanese Challenges and Issues. In Bairner, A, Chen, T-H, Chiang, Y (ed) Sport in Taiwan. History, Culture, Policy, Peter Lang, pp.247-258.

Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (2021) Introduction. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Sport and Secessionism, Routledge, pp.1-21.

Bairner, A (2021) Sport and the Unfinished Irish Revolution. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Sport and Secessionism, Routledge, pp.22-38.

Gul, S and Bairner, A (2021) Narratives of nationalist politics and sport in Sindh. In Vaczi, M and Bairner, A (ed) Sport and Secessionism, Routledge, pp.171-185.

Bairner, A and Chen, T-H (2020) Crossing the penalty area? The dynamics of Chinese/Taiwanese football. In Mangan, JA, Horton, P, Tagsold, C (ed) Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream, Peter Lang, pp.135-151, ISBN: 9781433173646. DOI: 10.3726/b16103.

Bairner, A (2019) Memories of a Celtic-minded par. In Celtic Minded 4. Essays on Celtic Football Culture and Identities, Thirsty Books, pp.183-192, ISBN: 9780993282867.

Chiang, Y and Bairner, A (2018) Women, sport and gender politics in Taiwan. In Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region, Routledge, pp.21-36, ISBN: 9781138895720.

Bairner, A (2018) Sport and the politics of national identity in the two Chinas. In Sport and National Identities. Globalisation and Conflict, Routledge © the author, pp.226-242, ISBN: 9781138697768.

Piggin, JJ and Bairner, A (2017) The Global Physical Inactivity Pandemic: An Analysis of Knowledge Production. In Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, Routledge, pp.30-45.

Bairner, AES (2017) Classed Bodies. In Silk, M, Andrews, D, Thorpe, H (ed) Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies, Routledge, pp.121-129, ISBN: 978-1-138-81721-0.

Bairner, A (2017) Sport and political ideology. In Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), pp.39-51.

Lee, JW and Bairner, A (2017) Sport and Communism: the examples of North Korea and Cuba. In Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics, Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), pp.66-78, ISBN: 9781138792548.

Bairner, A and Trotier, F (2017) Introducing sport and body cultures in East and Southeast Asia. In Sport and Body Cultures in East and Southeast Asia, © Taylor and Francis (Routledge), pp.1-3, ISBN: 9780815365235.

Bairner, A (2016) Walking the streets. The flaneur and the sociology of sport. In Ethnographies in Sport and Exercise Research, Routledge © Gyozo Molnar and Laura G. Purdy, pp.183-197, ISBN: 978-1-13-801528-9.

Bairner, A, Lee, JW, Tan, T-C (2016) Sport in the Asia-Pacific region. In Sport in Society. A Student Introduction, Sage Publishing, pp.490-513, ISBN: 9781446276181.

Bairner, A (2016) Ordinary men in an abnormal society: men and masculinity in David Park's fiction. In Masculinity in Crisis: Depictions of Modern Male Trauma in Ireland, Carysfort Press Ltd, pp.187-202, ISBN: 9781909325883.

Bairner, A (2015) 'Legacy of Memory: the Stockholm and Helsinki Olympic stadia as living memorials”. In Holt, R and Ruta, D (ed) The Routledge International Handbook of Sport and Legacy. Meeting the challenge of major sports events,, pp.120-130, ISBN: 9780415675819.

Bairner, AES (2014) Politics, the British and the Olympic Games (in Japanese). In Ozawa, T (ed) Sociological Research on the 2012 Olympic Legacy; focussing on urban policy, sport policy and tourism, Department of Tourism, Tokai University, Japan, pp.15-26.

Bairner, AES and Whigham, S (2014) Sport and the DiasporaEdinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2014, 206-221, ISBN 978-0-7486-8141-9. In Leith, MS and Sim, D (ed) The Modern Scottish Diaspora: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives, Edinburgh University Press, pp.206-221, ISBN: 978 0 7486 8141 9.

Bairner, AES and Cho, JH (2014) The Legacy of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games; a qualified success?. In Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.86-95, ISBN: 978-1-137-37117-1.

Bairner, AES (2013) Urban walking and the pedagogies of the street. In Evans, J and Davies, B (ed) New Directions in Social Theory, Education and Embodiment, Routledge, pp.109-123, ISBN: 041583936X.

Bairner, A (2013) Sport in the 19th and 20th centuries. In Kennedy, L and Ollerenshaw, P (ed) Ulster since 1600. Politics, Economy and Society, Oxford University Press, pp.260-274.

Bairner, A (2013) Leisure, National Identity and Celebrating National Difference The Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies, Routledge, London, 2013, 422-431, ISBN 978-0-415-69717-0. In Blackshaw, T (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies, Routledge, pp.422-431.

Bairner, A (2013) Following in the Footsteps of John Hewitt: Association Football in Northern Ireland and the Search for an Inclusive Identity. In Rees, C (ed) Changes in Contemporary Ireland: Texts and Contexts, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp.96-111, ISBN: 1-4438-4472-1.

Cho, JH and Bairner, A (2013) The Socio-Cultural Legacy of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. In Horne, J (ed) Leisure, Culture and the Olympic Games, Routledge, pp.10-28, ISBN: 978-0-415-82688-4.

Evans, J and Bairner, A (2012) Physical education and social class. In Stidder, G and Hayes, S (ed) Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport, routledge, pp.141-159.

Evans, J and Bairner, A, (2012) Social Class and Physical Education Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education (Second edition). In Stidder, G and Hayes, S (ed) Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education (Second edition), Routledge, pp.141-158.

Evans, J and Bairner, A (2012) Physical education and social class. In Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport, pp.141-158, DOI: 10.4324/9780203132845-19.

Bairner, AES (2011) The City. In Ritzer, G and eds, JMR (ed) Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell Publishing, pp.59-61, ISBN: 978-1-4051-8352-9.

Bairner, AES (2011) Sport development, nations and nationalism. In Houlihan, B and eds, MG (ed) Routledge Handbook of Sport Development, Routledge, pp.31-41, ISBN: 978-0-415-47996-7.

Hwang, DJ, Bairner, AES, Heitzmann, K, Chiu, WC (2011) Sport, National Identity and Taiwan's Olympics History. In Kelly, WW and eds, SB (ed) The Olympics in East Asia, Volume 3, CEAS Occasional Publications Series, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University, pp.119-146, ISBN: 978-0-578-08098-7.

Bairner, AES (2011) Visible cities: researching leisure spaces, exclusion and banishment in New York. In Ratna, A and eds, BL (ed) Community and Inclusion in Leisure Research and Sport Development, LSA Publications, pp.19-31, ISBN: 978 1 905369 25 6.

Bairner, A (2011) Derek Dougan. In Goldman, N (ed) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, pp.http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/98856-http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/98856.

Malcolm, DE and Bairner, AES (2010) On a Boundary: Cricket, internal colonialism and 'the Celtic fringe'. In Rumford, C and eds, SW (ed) Cricket and Globalization, Cambridge Scholar Press, pp.189-209, ISBN: 978-1-4438-2370-8.

Malcolm, DE, Bairner, AES, Curry, G (2010) Cricket and cultural difference: Bob Woolmer's death and postcolonial relations. In Rumford, C and eds, SW (ed) Cricket and Globalization, Cambridge Scholar Press, pp.231-251, ISBN: 978-1-4438-2370-8.

Bairner, AES (2010) Representing the North: reflections on the life stories of Northern Ireland's Catholic footballers. In Dine, P and eds, SC (ed) Sport, Representation and Evolving Identities, Peter Lang, pp.217-238, ISBN: 978 3 03911 977 6.

Bairner, AES (2010) Irish Australians, postcolonialism and the English game. In Malcolm, D, Gemmell, J, eds, NM (ed) The Changing Face of Cricket. From Imperial to Global Game, Routledge, pp.52-65, ISBN: 978-0-415-44329-6.

Bairner, AES and Molnar, G (2010) The Politics of the Olympics: an introduction. In Bairner, A and eds, GM (ed) The Politics of the Olympics - a survey, Routledge, pp.3-14, ISBN: 978 185743 494 1.

Lee, PC, Bairner, AES, Tan, TC (2010) Taiwanese Identities and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In Bairner, A and eds, GM (ed) The Politics of the Olympics - a survey, Routledge, pp.129-144, ISBN: 978 185743 494 1.

Bairner, AES and Molnar, G (2010) A-Z Glossary. In Bairner, A and eds, GM (ed) The Politics of the Olympics - a survey, Routledge, pp.145-245, ISBN: 978 185743 494 1.

Bairner, A (2009) Re-appropriating Gramsci: Marxism, Hegemony and Sport. In Carrington, B and Eds, IM (ed) Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport, Routledge, pp.195-212, ISBN: 041537541X.

Bairner, AES (2009) Willie Park, Sr. (1834-1903). In ed, RKR (ed) Great Athletes: Golf and Tennis (second edition), Salem Press, pp.127-128, ISBN: 978-1-58765-480-0.

Bairner, AES (2009) The GAA in a Global Sporting Context. In McAnallen, D, Hassan, D, eds, RH (ed) The Evoluation of the GAA, Ulaidh, Éire agus Eile, pp.220-229, ISBN: 978-1-903688-83-0.

Bairner, A (2008) Sports and nationalism. In Herb, GH and Eds, DHK (ed) Nations and Nationalism. A Global Historical Overview, Volume 3 1945-1989, ABC-CLIO, pp.991-1004, ISBN: 1851099077.

Bairner, A (2008) The Leicester School and the Study of Football Hooliganism. In Malcolm, D and Eds, IW (ed) Matters of Sport. Essays in Honour of Eric Dunning, Routledge, pp.81-96, ISBN: 9780714682822.

Bairner, A (2008) Sectarianism. In Ed, DM (ed) Dictionary of Sports Studies, Sage, pp.222-223, ISBN: 9781412907354.

Bairner, A (2008) Nationalism. In Ed, DM (ed) Dictionary of Sports Studies, Sage, pp.178-179, ISBN: 9781412907354.

Bairner, A (2008) George Best. In Ed, DM (ed) Dictionary of Sports Studies, Sage, pp.24-25, ISBN: 9781412907354.

Bairner, A (2008) National Sports and National Landscapes: real and imagined. In Wacior, S and Eds, GM (ed) Literature and/in Culture, Towarzysto Naukowe KUL, pp.19-32, ISBN: 9788373063501.

Bairner, A (2008) The Making of a 'National' Sports Stadium for Northern Ireland: whose stadium? which sports? what nation?. In Ed, TP (ed) Sport, Narod, Nacionalizem, Univerza v Ljubljana Faculteta za Sport, pp.285-296.

Bairner, A (2008) Still taking sides: Sport, leisure and identity in Northern Ireland. In Coulter, C and Eds, MM (ed) Northern Ireland After the Troubles. A Society in Transition, Manchester University Press, pp.215-231, ISBN: 9780719074417.

Bairner, A (2008) Wearing the Baggie Green: The Irish and cricket in Australia. In Darby, P and Eds, DH (ed) Emigrant Players. Sport and the Irish Diaspora, Routledge, pp.125-143, ISBN: 0415464919.

Bairner, A (2007) City. In Ed, GR (ed) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume II, Blackwell Publishing, pp.500-502, ISBN: 1405124334.

Bairner, A (2007) Fanon, Frantz (1925-61). In Ed, GR (ed) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume IV, Blackwell Publishing, pp.1636-1637, ISBN: 1405124334.

Bairner, A (2007) Nationalism and Sport. In Ed, GR (ed) Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume VII, Blackwell Publishing, pp.3158-3161, ISBN: 1405124334.

Bairner, A (2007) 'In balance with this life, this death': Mourning George Best. In Grunberg, L and Eds, SK (ed) Discourses on the Beautiful Game, Ashwin-Anoka Press, pp.145-162, ISBN: 9788190475006.

Bairner, A (2006) Politics. In Bartlett, R, Gratton, C, Eds, CGR (ed) Encyclopedia of International Sports Studies, Volume 3 (P-Z), Routledge, pp.1045-1050, ISBN: 0415277132.

Bairner, AES (2005) Sport, Irishness and Ulster unionism. In ed, AB (ed) Sport and the Irish. Histories, Identities, Issues, University College Dublin Press, pp.157-171.

Bairner, A (2005) Sport and the Irish. In Ed, AB (ed) Sport and the Irish. Histories, Identities, Issues, University College Dublin Press, pp.1-4, ISBN: 1 904558 33 X.

Bairner, A (2005) Irish Sport. In Cleary, J and Eds, CC (ed) Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Culture, Cambridge University Press, pp.190-205, ISBN: 0 521 82009 X.

Walker, G and Bairner, A (2005) Popular Culture in Scotland and Ireland, 1800-2000: sport, politics, religion. In McIlvanney, L and Eds, RR (ed) Ireland and Scotland: Culture and Society, 1707-2000, Four Courts Press, pp.227-247, ISBN: 1 85182 875 3.

Bairner, A (2005) Sport and the nation in the global era. In Ed, LA (ed) The Global Politics of Sport. The Role of Global Institutions in Sport, Routledge, pp.87-100, ISBN: 0 415 34601 0.

Bairner, A, Magee, J, Tomlinson, A (2005) Identities and Finances in Football Culture. In Magee, J, Bairner, A, Eds, AT (ed) The Bountiful Game? Football Identities and Finances, Meyer and Meyer Sport, pp.3-18, ISBN: 1 84126 178 5.

Bairner, AES (2004) Where did it all go right? George Best, Manchester United and Northern Ireland. In ed, DLA (ed) Manchester United. A thematic study, Routledge, pp.133-146, ISBN: 0 415 33333 4.

Bairner, AES and Shirlow, P (2004) Buying Time and Space: a Critical Appraisal of Sport and Leisure Consumption in the "New" Belfast. In Aitchison, C and Pussard, HE (ed) Leisure, Space and Visual Culture: Practices and Meanings, Leisure Studies Association, pp.15-40, ISBN: 090633795X.

Bairner, A (2003) Sport, nationality and postcolonialism in Ireland. In Bale, J and Cronin, ME (ed) Sport and Postcolonialism, Berg, pp.159-174.

Bairner, A (2003) The identity game: Sport and nationality in Northern Ireland and Scotland. In Longley, E, Hughes, E, O'Rawe, Eds, D (ed) Ireland (Ulster) Scotland: Concepts, Contexts, Comparisons, Belfast Studies in Language, Culture and Politics, pp.54-60.

Bairner, A (2002) The dog that didn't bark: Football hooliganism in Ireland. In Dunning, E, Murphy, P, Waddington, I, Astrinakis, Eds, AE (ed) Fighting Fans: Football Hooliganism as a World Social Problem, University College Dublin Press, pp.118-130.

Bairner, A (2002) Sport, sectarianism and society in a divided Ireland revisited. In Sugden, J and Tomlinson, AE (ed) Power Games. A Critical Sociology of Sport, Routledge, pp.181-195.

Bairner, AES (2002) Sport and the politics of Irish Nationalism: The struggle for Ireland's sporting soul. In Neuheiser, J and Wolff, SE (ed) Breakthrough to Peace? The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland, Berghahn, pp.188-204.

Bairner, A (2001) Masculinidad, musculatura y cristianismo en las representaciones corporales del unionismo del Ulster. In Sanchez-Palencia, C and Hidalgo, JCE (ed) Masculino Plural: Construcciones de la Masculinidad, Universitat de Lleida, pp.99-115.

Bairner, A and Shirlow, P (2001) Real and imagined: Reflections on football rivalry in Northern Ireland. In Armstrong, G and Giulianotti, RE (ed) Fear and Loathing in World Football, Berg, pp.43-59.

Bairner, A (2000) Sport and peace - an uneasy dialogue. In Peillon, M and Slater, EE (ed) Irish Sociological Chronicles 2: Memories of the Present. Ireland 1997-1998, Institute of Public Administration, pp.65-67.

Bairner, A (2000) After the war? Soccer, masculinity and violence in Northern Ireland. In McKay, J, Messner, A, M, Sabo, Eds, D (ed) Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Sport, Sage, pp.176-194.

Bairner, A (2000) Football. In Jarvie, G and Burnett, JE (ed) Sport, Scotland and the Scots, Tuckwell Press, pp.87-104.

Bairner, A and Sugden, J (1999) Sport in divided societies: An introduction. In Sugden, J and Bairner, AE (ed) Sport in Divided Societies, Meyer and Meyer, pp.1-11.

Bairner, A and Darby, P (1999) Divided sport in a divided society. In Bairner, A and Darby, PE (ed) Sport in Divided Societies, Meyer and Meyer, pp.51-72.

Bairner, A and Shirlow, P (1999) The territorial politics of soccer in Northern Ireland. In Armstrong, G and Giulianotti, RE (ed) Football Cultures and Identities, Macmillan, pp.152-163.

Bairner, A (1999) Civic and ethnic nationalism in the Celtic vision of Irish sport. In Jarvie, GE (ed) Sport in the Making of Celtic Cultures, Leicester University Press, pp.12-25.

Bairner, A (1997) 'Up to their knees?' Football, Sectarianism, Masculinity and Protestant Working-Class Identity. In Shirlow, P and McGovern, ME (ed) Who are 'The People'? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland, Pluto Press, pp.95-113.

Bairner, A (1996) Sport in the construction of Swedish national identity. In Hampshire-Monk, I and Stanyer, JE (ed) Contemporary Political Studies, Political Studies Association, pp.1817-1827.

Bairner, A (1996) Paramilitarism. In Aughey, A and Morrow, DE (ed) Northern Ireland Politics, Longman, pp.159-172.

Bairner, A (1996) The Media. In Aughey, A and Morrow, DE (ed) Northern Ireland Politics, Longman, pp.173-180.

Bairner, A (1996) The Arts and Sport. In Aughey, A and Morrow, DE (ed) Northern Ireland Politics, Longman, pp.181-189.

Bairner, A (1996) Ireland, Sport and Empire. In Jeffery, KE (ed) An Irish Empire? Aspects of Ireland and the British Empire, Manchester University Press, pp.57-76.

Bairner, A (1994) Football and the idea of Scotland. In Jarvie, G and Walker, GE (ed) Scottish Sport in the Making of the Nation, Leicester University Press, pp.9-26.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (1994) Ireland and the World Cup. 'Two teams in Ireland, there's only two teams in Ireland..'. In Sugden, J and Tomlinson, AE (ed) Hosts and Champions. Soccer Cultures, National Identities and the USA World Cup, Arena, pp.119-139.

Bairner, A (1994) Sweden and the World Cup: Soccer and Swedishness. In Sugden, J and Tomlinson, AE (ed) Hosts and Champions. Soccer Cultures, National Identities and the USA World Cup, Arena, pp.195-212.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (1993) National identity, community relations and the sporting life in Northern Ireland. In Allison, LE (ed) The Changing Politics of Sport, Manchester University Press, pp.171-206.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (1988) Sectarianism and soccer hooliganism in Northern Ireland. In Reilly, TEAE (ed) Science and Football, Spon, p.572.

Sugden, J and Bairner, A (1986) Northern Ireland. Sport in a divided society. In Allison, LE (ed) The Politics of Sport, Manchester University Press, pp.90-117.

Bairner, A and Sugden, J (1986) Observe the sons of Ulster: Football and politics in Northern Ireland. In Tomlinson, A and Whannel, GE (ed) Off the Ball, Pluto Press, pp.146-157.

School/Dept Working Papers

Bairner, A (2008) The Ulster Boys: reflections on masculinity within Northern Ireland's protestant community.

Bairner, A (2008) The Cultural Politics of Remembrance: Sport, Place and Memory in Belfast and Berlin.

Bairner, A (2008) National Sports and National Landscapes: Real and Imagined.

Bairner, A (2008) Sport, the Nation State and Political Identities.

Bairner, A (2008) Sport, the National State and Political Identities.

Bairner, A (1984) Determinism and free will in Machiavelli and Gramsci.

Bairner, A (1980) Northern Ireland: An essay on political pessimism.

Internet Publications

Piggin, J and Bairner, A (2017) An urgent call for clarity regarding England Rugby’s injury claims.

Bairner, A (2016) An enjoyable, well written and very Canadian tome on sport, politics and society.

Bairner, AES (2014) Revisiting the Swedish Sports Model’, SportsThinkTank,(http://www.sportsthinktank.com/blog/2014/08/revisiting-the-swedish-sport-model).


Bradbury, S, Amara, M, Garcia Garcia, B, Bairner, AES (2011) Representation and structural discrimination in football in Europe: The case of minorities and women (summary report), UEFA.

Megaw, S, Fulton, G, Bairner, A (2003) Sport and sectarianism in Northern Ireland, pp.291-294, Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Belfast.

Hamilton, B and Bairner, A (2001) Creating a soccer strategy for Northern Ireland, pp.291-294, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure.

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