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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Varun Uberoi

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Journal Articles

Parekh, B, Modood, T, Uberoi, V, Tyler, C (2024) Multicultural conversations: the nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism, Ethnicities, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/14687968241264814.

Modood, T, Uberoi, V, Thompson, S (2022) The centre for the study of ethnicity and citizenship: Multiculturalism, racialisation, religion and national identity twenty years on, Ethnicities, 22(4), pp.511-526, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/146879682210850.

Uberoi, V (2021) Canadian Multiculturalism and National Identity - A 50 year Relationship, Canadian Issues, 2021, pp.33-38, ISSN: 0318-8442.

Uberoi, V (2021) Oakeshott and parekh: The influence of british idealism on british multiculturalism, History of Political Thought, 42(4), pp.730-754, ISSN: 0143-781X.

Uberoi, V (2020) Multiculturalism: A tradition of political thought that liberal nationalists can use, Nations and Nationalism, 26(3), pp.531-533, ISSN: 1354-5078. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12618.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2019) The emergence of the Bristol School of Multiculturalism, Ethnicities, 19(6), pp.955-970, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/1468796819840728.

Uberoi, V (2018) National Identity–A Multiculturalist’s Approach, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 21(1), pp.46-64, ISSN: 1369-8230. DOI: 10.1080/13698230.2017.1398475.

Uberoi, V (2016) Legislating Multiculturalism and Nationhood: The 1988 Canadian Multiculturalism Act, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49(2), pp.267-287, ISSN: 0008-4239. DOI: 10.1017/S0008423916000366.

Uberoi, V (2015) The ‘Parekh Report’ – National identities without nations and nationalism, Ethnicities, 15(4), pp.509-526, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/1468796815577706.

Uberoi, V (2015) Introduction - parekhian multiculturalism, Multiculturalism Rethought: Interpretations, Dilemmas and New Directions, pp.1-25.

Uberoi, V (2014) What are the main concepts and approaches within integration policy?, Global Exchange Briefings, (2).

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2013) Has multiculturalism in Britain retreated?, Soundings, 53(3), pp.129-142, DOI: 10.3898/136266213806045638.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2013) Inclusive Britishness - a multicultualist advance, Political Studies, 61:1.

Uberoi, V (2011) Does Cameron have multiculturalist ambitions? (Newspaper article), The Independent.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2010) Who doesn't feel British? Divisions over Muslims, Parliamentary Affairs, 63(2), pp.302-320, ISSN: 0031-2290. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsp036.

Uberoi, V (2009) Multiculturalism and the canadian charter of rights and freedoms, Political Studies, 57(4), pp.805-827, ISSN: 0032-3217. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2008.00759.x.

Uberoi, V (2008) Do policies of multiculturalism change national identities, Political Quarterly, 79(3), pp.404-417, ISSN: 0032-3179. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2008.00942.x.

Uberoi, V and McLean, I (2007) Britishness- a role for the state?, Political Quarterly, 78(Supplement 1), pp.41-53, ISSN: 1467-923X. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-923X.2007.02018.

Uberoi, V (2007) Social unity in Britain, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 33(1), pp.141-157, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI: 10.1080/13691830601043570.

Uberoi, V (2004) Making multiculturalism and nationhood compatible, National Identity and Diversity: Canadian Diversity, 3(2), pp.88-90.

Uberoi, V (Accepted for publication) Polarisation – A multiculturalist response, Ethnicities, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/14687968241310208.


Uberoi, V, Sealey, T, Meer, N (ed) (2024) The Resilience of Multiculturalism: Ideas, Politics, Practice, Edinburgh University Press.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2015) Multiculturalism rethought: Interpretations, dilemmas and new directions.

Uberoi, V, Coutts, A, McLean, I, Halpern, D (ed) (2010) Options for Britain II: Cross cutting policy issues - changes and challenges, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: 9781444333954.

Uberoi, V, Coutts, A, McLean, I, Halpern, D (ed) (2009) Options for a new Britain, Palgrave MacMillan, ISBN: 9780230574854.


Uberoi, V (2024) Is Multiculturalism Bad for the Majority?. In Levey, GB (ed) Multiculturalism Handbook, Edward Elgar Press, pp.1-26.

Uberoi, V (2023) Bhikhu Parekh. In Ramgotra, M and Choat, S (ed) Rethinking Political Thinkers, Oxford University Press, pp.407-426, ISBN: 978-0-19-884739-7. DOI: 10.1093/hepl/9780198847397.003.0023.

Uberoi, V (2018) National identities and the parekh report 1. In Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity: National Narratives, Multiple Identities and Minorities, pp.47-66, DOI: 10.4324/9781315602851-3.

Uberoi, V, Meer, N, Modood, T (2015) Nationhood and Muslims in Britain. In Foner, N and Simon, P (ed) Fear Anxiety and National Identity, Russel Sage Foundation, pp.169-188, ISBN: 978-1-61044-853-6.

Uberoi, V (2015) National identities and moving beyond conservative and liberal nationalism. In Multiculturalism Rethought: Interpretations, Dilemmas and New Directions, pp.75-92.

Uberoi, V (2015) Introduction. In Multiculturalism Rethought, Edinburgh University Press, pp.1-25.

Uberoi, V (2012) Multicultural citizenship. In Banks, JA (ed) Encyclopaedia of diversity in education, Sage,ISBN: 9781412981521.

Uberoi, V, Meer, N, Modood, T, Dwyer, C (2011) Feeling and being Muslim and British. In Modood, T and Salt, J (ed) Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.205-224.

Coutts, A and Uberoi, V (2010) Introduction. In Uberoi, V, Coutts, A, McLean, I, Halpern, D (ed) Options for Britain II: Cross Cutting Policy Issues - Changes and Challenges, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4443-3395-4.

Uberoi, V, Meer, N, Modood, T (2010) Should the number of ethnic minority MPs be increased? Evidence to Select Commitee. In House of Commons Publications: Speaker's Conference on Parliamentary Representation, House of Commons, SC92.

Dwyer, C and Uberoi, V (2009) British Muslims and 'community cohesion' debates. In Phillips, R (ed) Muslim Spaces of Hope: Geographies of Possibility in Britain and the West, Zed Books Ltd, pp.201-222, ISBN: 1848133006.

Uberoi, V and Saggar, S (2009) Diversity and extremism. In Uberoi, V, Coutts, A, McLean, I, Halpern, D (ed) Options for a New Britain, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.236-251, ISBN: 9780230574854.

Uberoi, V and McGhee, D (Accepted for publication) British social integration. In Frideres, J and Spoonley, P (ed) Social Integration in Global Perspective, McGill Press.

Internet Publications

Uberoi, V (2024) Riots-These are the Mistakes the UK Government Must Avoid.

Uberoi, V (2023) Is King Charles a traditionalist, a multiculturalist or both?.

Uberoi, V, Chin, C, Levey, GB (2021) The change to Australia's national anthem is a lesson in how not to do symbolic politics.

Uberoi, V (2020) Can Black lives really matter in the UK before addressing Britishness?.

Uberoi, V (2015) Multiculturalism isn't a dirty word.

Uberoi, V (2015) Multiculturalism and Foreign Policy.

Uberoi, V (2015) Multiculturalism-A Defence.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2012) Comment: Just because we're multicultural doesn't mean we lose our national identity.

Uberoi, V and Modood, T (2012) Making it easier to be British.

Getting in touch

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