Journal Articles
Ersoz, TT, Mohamed, AEMA, Jeong, M,
Morrison, K, Hughes, L, Chiu, YL, Attallah, MM (2024)
Laser powder bed fusion of NbTi low-temperature superconductors,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1008, 176502, ISSN: 0925-8388. DOI:
Morrison, K, Betouras, JJ, Venkat, G, Ewings, RA, Caruana, AJ, Skokov, KP, Gutfleisch, O, Cohen, LF (2024)
Emergence of a hidden magnetic phase in LaFe11.8Si1.2 investigated by inelastic neutron scattering as a function of magnetic field and temperature,
Advanced Physics Research, 3(7), 2400008, ISSN: 2751-1200. DOI:
Parvate, S, Moshtaghibana, S, Solanke, M, Nizar, N, Leister, N, Schochat, P,
Morrison, K, Chattopadhyay, S, Vladisavljevic, G (2024)
Lego-microfluidics generated magnetically responsive bifunctional microcapsules with encapsulated phase change material,
ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12(16), pp.6389-6399, ISSN: 2168-0485. DOI:
Coveney, A,
Morrison, K, Engstrom, D (2023)
DC resistance measurements in multi‐layer additively manufactured yttrium barium copper oxide components,
Advanced Engineering Materials, 26(2), 2300773, ISSN: 1438-1656. DOI:
Venkat, G, Cox, CDW, Zhou, Z, Leo, N, Kinane, CJ, Caruana, AJ,
Morrison, K (2023)
Enhancement of spin Seebeck effect in Fe3O4/Pt thin films with α-Fe nanodroplets,
Applied Physics Letters, 123(17), 172408, ISSN: 0003-6951. DOI:
El hajraoui, K, Kerrigan, A,
Morrison, K, Cavill, S, Lazarov, V, Ramasse, QM, Kepaptsoglou, D (2022)
Towards the In-situ Detection of Spin Charge Accumulation at a Metal/Insulator Interface Using STEM-EELS Technique,
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28(S1), pp.2338-2339, ISSN: 1431-9276. DOI:
Siddique, AB,
Morrison, K, Venkat, G, Pramanick, AK, Banerjee, N, Ray, M (2021)
Charge transport through functionalized graphene quantum dots embedded in a polyaniline matrix,
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3(3), pp.1437-1446, ISSN: 2637-6113. DOI:
Awana, G, Cox, C, Venkat, G,
Morrison, K, Zhou, Z, Backes, D (2020)
Magnetic and structural properties of CoFeB thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition,
Materials Research Express, 7(10), 106406, ISSN: 2053-1591. DOI:
Venkat, G, Cox, C, Sola, A, Basso, V,
Morrison, K (2020)
Measurement of the heat flux normalised spin Seebeck coefficient of thin films as a function of temperature,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(7), 073910, ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI:
Venkat, G, Cox, CDW, Voneshen, D, Caruana, AJ, Piovano, A, Cropper, MD, Morrison, K (Accepted for publication) Magnon diffusion lengths in bulk and thin film Fe3O4 for spin Seebeck applications, Physical Review Materials, ISSN: 2475-9953.
Cole, D, Fleming, P,
Morrison, K, Forrester, S (2020)
Evaluation of the advanced artificial athlete and Hall effect sensors for measuring strain in multi-layer sports surfaces,
SN Applied Sciences, 2(3), 484, ISSN: 2523-3963. DOI:
Cox, CDW, Caruana, AJ, Cropper, MD,
Morrison, K (2019)
Anomalous Nernst effect in Co2MnSi thin films,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(3), pp.035005-035005, ISSN: 0022-3727. DOI:
Venkat, G, Rose, TA, Cox, C, Stenning, GBG, Caruana, AJ,
Morrison, K (2019)
Spin Seebeck effect in polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet pellets prepared by the solid-state method [Letter],
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 126(3), pp.37001-37001, DOI:
Caruana, AJ, Cropper, M, Zipfel, J, Zhou, Z, West, GD,
Morrison, K (2016)
Demonstration of polycrystalline thin film coatings on glass for spin Seebeck energy harvesting,
Physica Status Solidi: Rapid Research Letters, ISSN: 1862-6270. DOI:
Porcari, G,
Morrison, K, Cugini, F, Turcaud, JA, Guillou, F, Berenov, A, van Dijk, NH, Brueck, E, Cohen, LF, Solzi, M (2015)
Influence of thermal conductivity on the dynamic response of magnetocaloric materials,
International Journal of Refrigeration, ISSN: 1879-2081. DOI:
Turcaud, JA, Pereira, AM, Sandeman, KG, Amaral, JS,
Morrison, K, Berenov, A, Daoud-Aladine, A, Cohen, LF (2014)
Spontaneous magnetization above TC in polycrystalline La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3 and La0.7 Ba0.3 MnO3,
Physical Review B, 90(2), 024410, ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Morrison, K and Cohen, LF (2014)
Overview of the characteristic features of the magnetic phase transition with regards to the magnetocaloric effect: the hidden relationship between hysteresis and latent heat,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E, 1(2), pp.153-159, ISSN: 2196-2936. DOI:
Morrison, K, Dupas, A, Mudryk, Y, Pecharsky, VK, Gschneidner, KA, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2013)
Identifying the critical point of the weakly first-order itinerant magnet DyCo2 with complementary magnetization and calorimetric measurements,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 87(13), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Turcaud, JA,
Morrison, K, Berenov, A, Alford, NM, Sandeman, KG, Cohen, LF (2013)
Microstructural control and tuning of thermal conductivity in La 0.67Ca0.33MnO3±δ,
Scripta Materialia, 68(7), pp.510-513, ISSN: 1359-6462. DOI:
Turcaud, JA,
Morrison, K, Berenov, A, Alford, NM, Sandeman, KG, Cohen, LF (2013) Microstructural control and tuning of thermal conductivity in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3±δ,
Scripta Materialia, 68, pp.510-510, ISSN: 1359-6462.
Morrison, K, Sandeman, KG, Cohen, LF, Sasso, CP, Basso, V, Barcza, A, Katter, M, Moore, JD, Skokov, KP, Gutfleisch, O (2012)
Evaluation of the reliability of the measurement of key magnetocaloric properties: A round robin study of La(Fe,Si,Mn)H δ conducted by the SSEEC consortium of European laboratories,
International Journal of Refrigeration, 35(6), pp.1528-1536, ISSN: 0140-7007. DOI:
Bratko, M,
Morrison, K, De Campos, A, Gama, S, Cohen, LF, Sandeman, KG (2012)
History dependence of directly observed magnetocaloric effects in (Mn, Fe)As,
Applied Physics Letters, 100(25), ISSN: 0003-6951. DOI:
Morrison, K, Lyubina, J, Moore, JD, Caplin, AD, Sandeman, KG, Gutfleisch, O, Cohen, LF (2012)
Erratum: Contributions to the entropy change in melt-spun LaFe 11.6Si 1.4 (Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2010) 43 (132001),
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(17), ISSN: 0022-3727. DOI:
Morrison, K, Bratko, M, Turcaud, J, Berenov, A, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2012)
A calorimetric method to detect a weak or distributed latent heat contribution at first order magnetic transitions,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(3), ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI:
Chattopadhyay, MK,
Morrison, K, Dupas, A, Sharma, VK, Sharath Chandra, LS, Cohen, LF, Roy, SB (2012)
Study of the dynamical features of the austenite-martensite phase transition in the Ni 50(Mn, 1%Fe) 34In 16 alloy using scanning Hall probe imaging,
Journal of Applied Physics, 111(5), ISSN: 0021-8979. DOI:
Morrison, K, Lyubina, J, Moore, JD, Sandeman, KG, Gutfleisch, O, Cohen, LF, Caplin, AD (2012)
Magnetic refrigeration: Phase transitions, itinerant magnetism and spin fluctuations,
Philosophical Magazine, 92(1-3), pp.292-303, ISSN: 1478-6435. DOI:
Morrison, K, Pecharsky, VK, Gschneidner, KA, Cohen, LF (2011)
Asymmetry of the latent heat signature in b-axis oriented single crystal Gd 5Si 2Ge 2,
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1310, pp.47-53, ISSN: 0272-9172. DOI:
Morrison, K, Berenov, A, Cohen, LF (2011)
Origin of hysteresis in La 0.67Ca 0.33MnO 3,
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1310, pp.31-40, ISSN: 0272-9172. DOI:
Usman, ITM, Yates, KA, Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Pecharsky, VK, Gschneidner, KA, Verhagen, T, Aarts, J, Zverev, VI, Robinson, JWA, Witt, JDS, Blamire, MG, Cohen, LF (2011)
Erratum: Evidence for spin mixing in holmium thin film and crystal samples [Phys. Rev. B83, 144518 (2011)],
Physical Review B, 84(13), 139904, ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Usman, ITM, Yates, KA, Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Pecharsky, VK, Gschneidner, KA, Verhagen, T, Aarts, J, Zverev, VI, Robinson, JWA, Witt, JDS, Blamire, MG, Cohen, LF (2011)
Evidence for spin mixing in holmium thin film and crystal samples,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(14), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Morrison, K, Podgornykh, SM, Shcherbakova, YV, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2011)
Effect of Al substitution on the magnetocaloric properties of La(Fe 0.88Si0.12-xAlx)13,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(14), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Salem-Sugui, S, Ghivelder, L, Alvarenga, AD, Cohen, LF, Yates, KA,
Morrison, K, Pimentel, JL, Luo, H, Wang, Z, Wen, HH (2010)
Flux dynamics associated with the second magnetization peak in the iron pnictide Ba1-xKxFe2As2,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82(5), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Morrison, K, Barcza, A, Moore, JD, Sandeman, KG, Chattopadhyay, MK, Roy, SB, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2010)
The magnetocaloric performance in pure and mixed magnetic phase CoMnSi,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(19), ISSN: 0022-3727. DOI:
Morrison, K, Lyubina, J, Moore, JD, Caplin, AD, Sandeman, KG, Gutfleisch, O, Cohen, LF (2010)
Contributions to the entropy change in melt-spun LaFe11.6Si 1.4,
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(13), ISSN: 0022-3727. DOI:
Sharma, VK, Moore, JD, Chattopadhyay, MK,
Morrison, K, Cohen, LF, Roy, SB (2010)
A scanning Hall probe imaging study of the field induced martensite-austenite phase transition in Ni50Mn34In 16 alloy,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 22(1), ISSN: 0953-8984. DOI:
Moore, JD, Cohen, LF, Yeshurun, Y, Caplin, AD,
Morrison, K, Yates, KA, McGilvery, CM, Perkins, JM, McComb, DW, Trautmann, C, Ren, ZA, Yang, J, Lu, W, Dong, XL, Zhao, ZX (2009)
The effect of columnar defects on the pinning properties of NdFeAsO 0.85 conglomerate particles,
Superconductor Science and Technology, 22(12), ISSN: 0953-2048. DOI:
Branford, WR, Yates, KA, Barkhoudarov, E, Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Magnus, F, Miyoshi, Y, Sousa, PM, Conde, O, Silvestre, AJ, Cohen, LF (2009)
Coexistence of universal and topological anomalous hall effects in metal CrO2 thin films in the dirty limit,
Physical Review Letters, 102(22), ISSN: 0031-9007. DOI:
Morrison, K, Moore, JD, Sandeman, KG, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2009)
Capturing first- and second-order behavior in magnetocaloric CoMnSi0.92 Ge0.08,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79(13), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Yates, KA,
Morrison, K, Rodgers, JA, Penny, GBS, Bos, JWG, Attfield, JP, Cohen, LF (2009)
Investigation of superconducting gap structure in TbFeAsO 0.9F0.1 using point contact Andreev reflection,
New Journal of Physics, 11, ISSN: 1367-2630. DOI:
Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Sandeman, KG, Katter, M, Cohen, LF (2009)
Reducing extrinsic hysteresis in first-order la (Fe,Co,Si)13 magnetocaloric systems,
Applied Physics Letters, 95(25), p.252504, ISSN: 0003-6951.
Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Perkins, GK, Schlagel, DL, Lograsso, TA, Gschneidner, KA, Pecharsky, VK, Cohen, LF (2009)
Metamagnetism seeded by nanostructural features of single-crystalline Gd5Si2Ge2,
Advanced Materials, 21(37), pp.3780-3783, ISSN: 0935-9648. DOI:
Moore, JD, Perkins, GK,
Morrison, K, Ghivelder, L, Chattopadhyay, MK, Roy, SB, Chaddah, P, Gschneidner, KA, Pecharsky, VK, Cohen, LF (2008)
Local probing of arrested kinetics in Gd5Ge4,
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 20(46), ISSN: 0953-8984. DOI:
Kuepferling, M, Basso, V, Sasso, CP, Giudici, L, Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Cohen, LF (2008)
Hall imaging of the history dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in Gd5Si2.09Ge1.91,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44(11 PART 1), pp.3233-3236, ISSN: 0018-9464. DOI:
Morrison, K, Miyoshi, Y, Moore, JD, Barcza, A, Sandeman, KG, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2008)
Measurement of the magnetocaloric properties of CoMn0.95Fe 0.05Si: Large change with Fe substitution,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78(13), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Chattopadhyay, MK, Roy, SB,
Morrison, K, Moore, JD, Perkins, GK, Cohen, LF, Gschneidner, KA, Pecharsky, VK (2008)
Visual evidence of the magnetic glass state and its re-crystallization in Gd5Ge4,
EPL, 83(5), ISSN: 0295-5075. DOI:
Moore, JD,
Morrison, K, Yates, KA, Caplin, AD, Yeshurun, Y, Cohen, LF, Perkins, JM, McGilvery, CM, McComb, DW, Ren, ZA, Yang, J, Lu, W, Dong, XL, Zhao, ZX (2008)
Evidence for supercurrent connectivity in conglomerate particles in NdFeAsO1-δ,
Superconductor Science and Technology, 21(9), ISSN: 0953-2048. DOI:
Miyoshi, Y,
Morrison, K, Moore, JD, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF (2008)
Heat capacity and latent heat measurements of CoMnSi using a microcalorimeter,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(7), ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI:
Magnus, F, Wood, B, Moore, J,
Morrison, K, Perkins, G, Fyson, J, Wiltshire, MCK, Caplin, D, Cohen, LF, Pendry, JB (2008)
A d.c. magnetic metamaterial,
Nature Materials, 7(4), pp.295-297, ISSN: 1476-1122. DOI:
Branford, WR, Singh, LJ, Barber, ZH, Kohn, A, Petford-Long, AK, Van Roy, W, Magnus, F,
Morrison, K, Clowes, SK, Bugoslavsky, YV (2007)
Temperature insensitivity of the spin-polarization in Co2MnSi films on GaAs (001),
New Journal of Physics, 9, ISSN: 1367-2630. DOI:
Murdin, BN, Litvinenko, K, Allam, J, Pidgeon, CR, Bird, M,
Morrison, K, Zhang, T, Clowes, SK, Branford, WR, Harris, J, Cohen, LF (2005)
Temperature and doping dependence of spin relaxation in n -InAs,
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 72(8), ISSN: 1098-0121. DOI:
Yates, KA, Usman, ITM, Morrison, K, Moore, JD, Gilbertson, AM, Caplin, AD, Cohen, LF, Ogino, H, Shimoyama, J (Accepted for publication) Evidence for Nodal superconductivity in Sr$_{2}$ScFePO$_{3}$, Supercond. Sci. Technol, 23, p.022001, DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/23/2/022001.