Journal Articles
Cooper, A, Olivieri, L,
Cutrona, A, Das, D, Peters, L, Chu, ST, Little, B, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2024)
Parametric interaction of laser cavity-solitons with an external CW pump,
Optics Express, 32(12), pp.21783-21794, DOI:
Peters, L, Rocco, D, Olivieri, L, Leon, UA, Cecconi, V, Carletti, L, Gigli, C, Giuseppe Della
Valle, GDV,
Cutrona, A, Gongora, JT, Leo, G, Pasquazi, A, Costantino De
Angelis, CDA, Peccianti, M (2024)
Resonant fully dielectric metasurfaces for ultrafast terahertz pulse generation,
Advanced Optical Materials, 12(16), DOI:
Cecconi, V, Kumar, V, Bertolotti, J, Peters, L,
Cutrona, A, Olivieri, L, Pasquazi, A, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M (2024)
Terahertz spatiotemporal wave synthesis in random systems,
ACS Photonics, 11(2), pp.362-368, DOI:
Cutrona, A, Cecconi, V, Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M, Das, D, Cooper, A, Peters, L, Olivieri, L, Wetzel, B, Morandotti, R, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2023)
Nonlocal bonding of a soliton and a blue-detuned state in a microcomb laser,
Communications Physics, 6, 259, ISSN: 2399-3650. DOI:
Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Bendahmane, A, Cecconi, V, Peters, L, Olivieri, L, Little, B, Chu, ST, Stivala, S, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2023)
Stability of laser cavity-solitons for metrological applications,
Applied Physics Letters, 122(12), 121104, ISSN: 0003-6951. DOI:
Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V,
Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Gongora, JT, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2023)
Terahertz nonlinear ghost imaging via plane decomposition: Toward near-field micro-volumetry,
ACS Photonics, 10(6), pp.1726-1734, DOI:
Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Das, D, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2022)
High parametric efficiency in laser cavity-soliton microcombs,
Optics Express, 30(22), pp.39816-39825, DOI:
Rowley, M, Hanzard, P-H,
Cutrona, A, Bao, H, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Oppo, G-L, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2022)
Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity,
Nature, 608(7922), pp.303-309, ISSN: 0028-0836. DOI:
Cutrona, A, Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Malomed, BA, Oppo, G-L, Pasquazi, A (2021)
Temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb: a path to a self-starting pulsed laser without saturable absorption,
Optics Express, 29(5), pp.6629-6646, ISSN: 1094-4087. DOI:
Totero Gongora, JS, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Tunesi, J, Cecconi, V,
Cutrona, A, Tucker, R, Kumar, V, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020)
Route to Intelligent Imaging Reconstruction via Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging,
Micromachines, 11(5), pp.521-521, DOI:
Olivieri, L, Gongora, JST, Peters, L, Cecconi, V,
Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020)
Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost imaging,
Optica, 7(2), pp.186-186, DOI:
Pasquazi, A, Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M (2022) Laser Cavity-Solitons and Turing Patterns Microcombs: the Interaction of Slow and Fast Nonlinearities. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Rowley, M, Hanzard, P-H,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021)
Emergence of Laser Cavity-Solitons in a Microresonator-Filtered Fiber Laser. In
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp.1-1, DOI:
Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021)
Real-Time Study of Coexisting States in Laser Cavity Solitons. In
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp.1-1, DOI:
Cutrona, A, Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M, Malomed, B, Oppo, G-L, Totero-Gongora, J-S, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021)
Self-Starting Temporal Cavity Solitons in a Laser-based Microcomb. In
2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp.1-1, DOI:
Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Emergence of laser cavity-solitons in a microresonator-filtered fiber laser. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers,ISBN: 9781557528209.
Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH,
Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Spontaneous emergence of microresonator laser cavity-solitons. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Pasquazi, A, Rowley, M, Hazard, P-H, Bao, H, Olivieri, L,
Cutrona, A, Totero Gongora, JS, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Oppo, G-L, Peccianti, M (2020)
Laser Cavity Solitons and Turing Patterns in Microresonator Filtered Lasers. In
2020 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp.1-2, DOI:
Gongora, JST, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V,
Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020) Hyperspectral THz Microscopy via Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In
, Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS.
Pasquazi, A, Bao, H, Rowley, M, Hazard, PH, Olivieri, L,
Cutrona, A, Wetzel, B, Di Lauro, L, Gongora, JST, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Oppo, GL, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Peccianti, M (2020) Microcombs Based on Laser Cavity Solitons. In
, Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS.
Totero Gongora, JS, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V,
Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020)
Hyperspectral THz Microscopy via Time-resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In
CLEO: Science and Innovations, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, pp.SM2F.4-SM2F.4, DOI:
Pasquazi, A,
Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Henry-Hanzard, P, Olivieri, L, Totero-Gongora, JS, Peccianti, M (2020) Stability properties of temporal cavity solitons in laser micro-cavity based frequency combs. In
, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.