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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Antonio Cutrona

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Journal Articles

Cooper, A, Olivieri, L, Cutrona, A, Das, D, Peters, L, Chu, ST, Little, B, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2024) Parametric interaction of laser cavity-solitons with an external CW pump, Optics Express, 32(12), pp.21783-21794, DOI: 10.1364/oe.524838.

Peters, L, Rocco, D, Olivieri, L, Leon, UA, Cecconi, V, Carletti, L, Gigli, C, Giuseppe Della Valle, GDV, Cutrona, A, Gongora, JT, Leo, G, Pasquazi, A, Costantino De Angelis, CDA, Peccianti, M (2024) Resonant fully dielectric metasurfaces for ultrafast terahertz pulse generation, Advanced Optical Materials, 12(16), DOI: 10.1002/adom.202303148.

Cecconi, V, Kumar, V, Bertolotti, J, Peters, L, Cutrona, A, Olivieri, L, Pasquazi, A, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M (2024) Terahertz spatiotemporal wave synthesis in random systems, ACS Photonics, 11(2), pp.362-368, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01671.

Cutrona, A, Cecconi, V, Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M, Das, D, Cooper, A, Peters, L, Olivieri, L, Wetzel, B, Morandotti, R, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2023) Nonlocal bonding of a soliton and a blue-detuned state in a microcomb laser, Communications Physics, 6, 259, ISSN: 2399-3650. DOI: 10.1038/s42005-023-01372-0.

Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Bendahmane, A, Cecconi, V, Peters, L, Olivieri, L, Little, B, Chu, ST, Stivala, S, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2023) Stability of laser cavity-solitons for metrological applications, Applied Physics Letters, 122(12), 121104, ISSN: 0003-6951. DOI: 10.1063/5.0134147.

Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V, Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Gongora, JT, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2023) Terahertz nonlinear ghost imaging via plane decomposition: Toward near-field micro-volumetry, ACS Photonics, 10(6), pp.1726-1734, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01727.

Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Das, D, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2022) High parametric efficiency in laser cavity-soliton microcombs, Optics Express, 30(22), pp.39816-39825, DOI: 10.1364/oe.470376.

Rowley, M, Hanzard, P-H, Cutrona, A, Bao, H, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Oppo, G-L, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2022) Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity, Nature, 608(7922), pp.303-309, ISSN: 0028-0836. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04957-x.

Cutrona, A, Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M, Malomed, BA, Oppo, G-L, Pasquazi, A (2021) Temporal cavity solitons in a laser-based microcomb: a path to a self-starting pulsed laser without saturable absorption, Optics Express, 29(5), pp.6629-6646, ISSN: 1094-4087. DOI: 10.1364/oe.418283.

Totero Gongora, JS, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Tunesi, J, Cecconi, V, Cutrona, A, Tucker, R, Kumar, V, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020) Route to Intelligent Imaging Reconstruction via Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging, Micromachines, 11(5), pp.521-521, DOI: 10.3390/mi11050521.

Olivieri, L, Gongora, JST, Peters, L, Cecconi, V, Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020) Hyperspectral terahertz microscopy via nonlinear ghost imaging, Optica, 7(2), pp.186-186, DOI: 10.1364/optica.381035.


Pasquazi, A, Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M (2022) Laser Cavity-Solitons and Turing Patterns Microcombs: the Interaction of Slow and Fast Nonlinearities. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.

Rowley, M, Hanzard, P-H, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Emergence of Laser Cavity-Solitons in a Microresonator-Filtered Fiber Laser. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). DOI: 10.1109/cleo/europe-eqec52157.2021.9542409.

Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Real-Time Study of Coexisting States in Laser Cavity Solitons. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), pp.1-1, DOI: 10.1109/cleo/europe-eqec52157.2021.9541692.

Cutrona, A, Hanzard, P-H, Rowley, M, Malomed, B, Oppo, G-L, Totero-Gongora, J-S, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Self-Starting Temporal Cavity Solitons in a Laser-based Microcomb. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). DOI: 10.1109/cleo/europe-eqec52157.2021.9542379.

Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Emergence of laser cavity-solitons in a microresonator-filtered fiber laser. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.

Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers,ISBN: 9781557528209.

Hanzard, PH, Rowley, M, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Wetzel, B, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Real-time study of coexisting states in laser cavity solitons. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.

Rowley, M, Hanzard, PH, Cutrona, A, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Gongora, JST, Peccianti, M, Pasquazi, A (2021) Spontaneous emergence of microresonator laser cavity-solitons. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.

Pasquazi, A, Rowley, M, Hazard, P-H, Bao, H, Olivieri, L, Cutrona, A, Totero Gongora, JS, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Oppo, G-L, Peccianti, M (2020) Laser Cavity Solitons and Turing Patterns in Microresonator Filtered Lasers. In 2020 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp.1-2, DOI: 10.1109/ipc47351.2020.9252327.

Gongora, JST, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V, Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020) Hyperspectral THz Microscopy via Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In , Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS.

Pasquazi, A, Bao, H, Rowley, M, Hazard, PH, Olivieri, L, Cutrona, A, Wetzel, B, Di Lauro, L, Gongora, JST, Chu, ST, Little, BE, Oppo, GL, Morandotti, R, Moss, DJ, Peccianti, M (2020) Microcombs Based on Laser Cavity Solitons. In , Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS.

Totero Gongora, JS, Olivieri, L, Peters, L, Cecconi, V, Cutrona, A, Tunesi, J, Tucker, R, Pasquazi, A, Peccianti, M (2020) Hyperspectral THz Microscopy via Time-resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, pp.SM2F.4-SM2F.4, DOI: 10.1364/cleo_si.2020.sm2f.4.

Pasquazi, A, Cutrona, A, Rowley, M, Henry-Hanzard, P, Olivieri, L, Totero-Gongora, JS, Peccianti, M (2020) Stability properties of temporal cavity solitons in laser micro-cavity based frequency combs. In , Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.


Peters, L, Rocco, D, Olivieri, L, Leon, UA, Cecconi, V, Carletti, L, Gigli, C, Valle, GD, Cutrona, A, Gongora, JT, Leo, G, Pasquazi, A, De Angelis, C, Peccianti, M (2024) Data for "Resonant Fully dielectric metasurfaces for ultrafast Terahertz pulse generation", DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.24787806.

Cecconi, V, Kumar, V, Bertolotti, J, Peters, L, Cutrona, A, Olivieri, L, Pasquazi, A, Gongora, JT, Peccianti, M (2024) Supplementary information files for Terahertz Spatiotemporal Wave Synthesis in Random Systems, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.25117982.

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