Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Wen Guo

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Journal Articles

Guo, W, Huntley, JM, Coggrave, CR, Ruiz, PD (2025) De-pixelating phase mask for digital fringe projection, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 186, pp.108787-108787, ISSN: 0143-8166. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2024.108787.

Hovell, T, Petzing, J, Guo, W, Gill, C, Justham, L, Lohse, N, Kinnell, P (2023) Measurement Techniques for Three-Dimensional Metrology of High Aspect Ratio Internal Features—A Review, Metrology, 3(2), pp.139-168, DOI: 10.3390/metrology3020009.

Guo, W, Huntley, J, Coggrave, R, Ruiz, P (2022) High speed fringe projection for dynamic shape measurement using binary phase mask. Part 1: theory and simulation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 154, 107021, ISSN: 0143-8166. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2022.107021.

Guo, W, Coggrave, R, Huntley, J, Ruiz, P (2022) High speed fringe projection for dynamic shape measurement using binary phase mask. Part 2: manufacture and test, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 154(2022), 107022, ISSN: 0143-8166. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2022.107022.


Guo, W, Coggrave, R, Huntley, J, Dantanarayana, HG, Ruiz, P (2020) High speed fringe projection for robot 3D vision system. In Groot, PJD, Leach, RK, Picart, P (ed) Conference on Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology; Proceedings of SPIE: Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology, Online,ISBN: 9781510634763. DOI: 10.1117/12.2556471.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453