Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Toby Williams

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Journal Articles

Jones, L, Wheeler, F, Williams, T, Robus, J, Roberts, E, Lloyd, D, Tyrer, J (2024) From Steam Power to Laser Power: Resource Analysis of Direct Surface Heating for Textile Dyeing, Procedia CIRP, ISSN: 2212-8271.

Williams, T, Wilson, J, Partington, L, Andrews, C, Chavula, I, Gondwe, F, Betts, T, Strickland, D (2024) Micro-electric tractors for deep bed farming and sustainable micro-grid electricity, Frontiers in Energy Research, 12, 1384568, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2024.1384568.

Lavin, J, Robus, J, Williams, T, Long, E, Tyrer, J, Spencer, J, Dodds, J, Jones, L (2023) Reducing environmental risks in laser cutting: a study of low-pressure gas dynamics, Journal of Laser Applications, 35(4), 042026, ISSN: 1042-346X. DOI: 10.2351/7.0001106.

Williams, T, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Zecca, M, Green, A (2021) Analysis of the validity of the mathematical assumptions of electrical impedance tomography for human head tissues, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 7(2), 025011, DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/abe190.


Williams, T, Wheeler, F, Lavin, J, Roberts, E, Wilson, J, Lloyd, D, Tyrer, J, Jones, L (Accepted for publication) Rapid response textile dyeing: a laser-enabled manufacturing process. In International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Williams, T and Bouazza-Marouf, K (2022) Bulk passive sensorless sorting of complex cylindrical components with internal features and symmetrical external tapers. In The 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production: Conference Proceedings; The 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production: Conference Proceedings, Cappadocia, Turkey, pp.381-390, ISBN: 9789754294149.

Williams, T, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Zecca, M (2019) Detection and location of sub-cranial haematomas using a MFEIT system with a semi electrode array. In Wolfson School's Doctoral Research Conference 2019, Loughborough, UK.

Internet Publications

Williams, T, Bouazza-Marouf, K, Massimiliano, Z (2021) Supplementary material: Analysis of the validity of the mathematical assumptions of electrical impedance tomography for human head tissues.

Strickland, D, Williams, T, Wilson, J, Betts, T, Partington, L, Andrews, C, Chavula, I, Gondwe, F (Accepted for publication) Supplementary material for "Micro-electric tractors for deep bed farming and sustainable micro-grid electricity".

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453