Journal Articles
Chhugani, T and
Rahmani, R (2025)
Full emissions and energy consumption life cycle assessment of different Heavy-Duty vehicles powered by Electricity, Hydrogen, Methanol, and LNG fuels produced from various sources,
Energy Conversion and Management, 326, pp.119439-119439, ISSN: 0196-8904. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Bhushan, B (2024)
Air foil thrust and journal bearing coatings: A review,
Journal of Tribology, 147(1), 010801, ISSN: 0742-4787. DOI:
Simpson, M,
Rahmani, R, Dolatabadi, N, Morris, N, Jones, D, Craig, C (2024)
An analytical friction model for point contacts subject to boundary and mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication,
Tribology International, 196, pp.109699-109699, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Morris, N, Byrne, S, Forder, M, Dolatabadi, N, King, P,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2024)
The effect of ethanol fuel-diluted lubricants on the friction of oil control ring conjunction: A combined analytical and experimental investigation,
Lubricants, 12(5), 150, DOI:
Nomikos, P,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Measurement and prediction of thermal performance of automotive transmission radial lip seals,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Mughal, H, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R (2023)
An integrated tribodynamic model for investigation of efficiency, durability and NVH attributes of gear mesh in electric vehicle powertrains,
Tribology International, 189, 108977, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Johns-Rahnejat, P,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Current and future trends in tribological research,
Lubricants, 11(9), 391, DOI:
Humphrey, E, Elisaus, V,
Rahmani, R, Mohammadpour, M, Theodossiades, S, Morris, N (2023)
Diamond like-carbon coatings for electric vehicle transmission efficiency,
Tribology International, 189, 108916, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Rahmani, R, Paul, S, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Electrotribodynamics of ball bearings in electrical machines,
Tribology International, 188, 108817, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Dolatabadi, N, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Multiphysics performance assessment of hydrogen fuelled engines,
International Journal of Engine Research, 24(9), pp.4169-4189, ISSN: 1468-0874. DOI:
Rahnejat, H, Johns-Rahnejat, P, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R (2023)
Multi-body dynamics in vehicle engineering,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 238(1), pp.3-25, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Simpson, M, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Jones, D, Craig, C (2023)
Multibody dynamics of cross groove constant velocity ball joints for high performance racing applications,
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 188, 105407, ISSN: 0094-114X. DOI:
Horsfall, M, Simpson, M,
Rahmani, R, Nekouie-Esfahani, R (2023)
Effect of surface texture positioning in grease lubricated contacts,
Tribology International, 185, 108523, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Mousavirad, SJ,
Rahmani, R, Dolatabadi, N (2023)
A transfer learning based artificial neural network in geometrical design of textured surfaces for tribological applications,
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 11(2), 025001, DOI:
Turnbull, R, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Nonlinear tribodynamics of an elastic shaft with a flexible bearing outer race,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 237(2), pp.290-306, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Fatourehchi, E, Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Johnson, M, Wilson, I (2022)
Tribology of dust-stop seals of mixing machines,
Lubrication Science, ISSN: 0954-0075. DOI:
Simpson, M, Dolatabadi, N, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Jones, D, Christopher, C (2022)
Analysis of a cross groove constant velocity joint mechanism designed for high performance racing conditions,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 237(1), pp.16-33, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Nomikos, P,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2022)
An investigation of oil leakage from automotive driveshaft radial lip seals,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 237(13), pp.3108-3124, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Mughal, H, Sivayogan, G, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R (2022)
An efficient analytical approach to assess root cause of nonlinear electric vehicle gear whine,
Nonlinear Dynamics, 110(4), ISSN: 0924-090X. DOI:
Sivayogan, G, Dolatabadi, N, Johns-Rahnejat, P,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2022)
Non‐Newtonian thermo‐elastohydrodynamics and sub‐surface stress field of high‐performance racing spur gears,
Lubricants, 10(7), DOI:
Sivayogan, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2021)
Transient non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamics of rough meshing hypoid gear teeth subjected to complex contact kinematics,
Tribology International, 167, 107398, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Umer, J, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S, Balakrishnan, S (2021)
Effect of dispersant concentration with friction modifiers and anti-wear additives on the tribofilm composition and boundary friction,
Journal of Tribology, 143(11), 111901, ISSN: 0742-4787. DOI:
Turnbull, R, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2021)
Energy loss and emissions of engine compression rings with cylinder deactivation,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, pp.095440702098286-095440702098286, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
The effect of outer ring elastodynamics on vibration and power loss of radial ball bearings,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 234(4), pp.707-722, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Sivayogan, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Transient Analysis of Isothermal Elastohydrodynamic Point Contacts under Complex Kinematics of Combined Rolling, Spinning and Normal Approach,
Lubricants, 8(8), pp.81-81, DOI:
Sivayogan, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Lubricated loaded tooth contact analysis and non-newtonian thermoelastohydrodynamics of high-performance spur gear transmission systems,
Lubricants, 8(2), 20, ISSN: 2075-4442. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C, Brunton, C (2020)
Performance of poly alpha olefin nanolubricant,
Lubricants, 8(2), 17, DOI:
Forder, M, Umer, J, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Howell-Smith, S, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Asperity level frictional interactions of cylinder bore materials and lubricant composition,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 235(4), pp.679-686, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Turnbull, R, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
An assessment of gas power leakage and frictional losses from the top compression ring of internal combustion engines,
Tribology International, 142, pp.105991-105991, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Umer, J, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Balakrishnan, S, Rahnejat, H (2019)
Nanoscale frictional characterisation of base and fully formulated lubricants based on activation energy components,
Tribology International, 144, 106115, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Forder, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2019)
Influence of advanced cylinder coatings on vehicular fuel economy and emissions in piston compression ring conjunction,
Applied Energy, 259, 114129, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2019)
Integrated thermal and dynamic analysis of dry automotive clutch linings,
Applied Sciences, 9(20), 4287, ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2019)
In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Elastodynamics of Thin Rings and Seals,
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14(8), pp.081006-081006, ISSN: 1555-1415. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, CP (2019)
Thermal conductivity and molecular heat transport of nanofluids,
RSC Advances, 9(5), pp.2516-2524, DOI:
Humphrey, E, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Multiscale boundary frictional performance of diamond like carbon coatings,
Tribology International, 149, 105539, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Umer, J, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Balakrishnan, S, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Nano and microscale contact characteristics of tribofilms derived from fully formulated engine oil,
Tribology International, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Kozuch, E, Nomikos, P,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Effect of shaft surface roughness on the performance of radial lip seals,
Lubricants, 6(4), DOI:
Teo, WJ, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Combined analytical and experimental evaluation of frictional performance of lubricated untextured and partially textured sliders,
Lubricants, 6(4), DOI:
Patel, R,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Psychoacoustic analysis of high frequency elasto-acoustic emissions from hollow driveshaft tubes,
Humphrey, E, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Multiscale friction in lubricant-surface systems for high performance transmissions under mild wear,
Tribology Letters, 66, 77, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Fatourehchi, E, Shahmohamadi, H, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Thermal analysis of an oil jet-dry sump transmission gear under mixed-elastohydrodynamic conditions,
Journal of Tribology, 140(5), ISSN: 0742-4787. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Blundell, G, Bernard, G (2018)
Tribodynamics of hydraulic actuated clutch system for engine-downsizing in heavy duty off-highway vehicles,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(4), pp.976-993, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Morris, N, Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C (2018)
Combined experimental and multiphase computational fluid dynamics analysis of surface textured journal bearings in mixed regime of lubrication,
Lubrication Sciences, ISSN: 0954-0075. DOI:
Morris, N, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Johns-Rahnejat, PM, Rahnejat, H, Dowson, D (2018)
Effect of cylinder deactivation on tribological performance of piston compression ring and connecting rod bearing,
Tribology International, ISSN: 1879-2464. DOI:
Murton, T,
Rahmani, R, Crew, J (2018)
Structural analysis and topology optimisation of an aftercooler cover for weight reduction in off-highway engine application,
International Journal of Powertrains, 7(1/2/3), pp.94-94, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI:
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, O'Mahony, M (2018)
Heat generation and transfer in automotive dry clutch engagement,
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 19(3), pp.175-188, ISSN: 1673-565X. DOI:
Paouris, LI,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Hunt, G, Barton, W (2017)
Inefficiency predictions in a hypoid gear pair through tribodynamics analysis,
Tribology International, 119, pp.631-644, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Rahmani, R and Rahnejat, H (2017)
Enhanced performance of optimised partially textured load bearing surfaces,
Tribology International, 117, pp.272-282, ISSN: 1879-2464. DOI:
Umer, J, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Howell-Smith, S, Wild, R, Rahnejat, H (2017)
Asperity level tribological investigation of automotive bore material
and coatings,
Tribology International, 117, pp.131-140, ISSN: 1879-2464. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Blundell, G, Bernard, G (2017)
Tribodynamics of a new declutch mechanism aimed for engine downsizing in off-road heavy-duty vehicles,
SAE Technical Papers, 2017-01-1835, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI:
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2017)
Effect of clutch lining frictional characteristics on take-up judder,
Proceedings of institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: journal of multi-body dynamics, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2017)
A hydrodynamic flow analysis for optimal positioning of surface textures,
IMECHE Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 231(9), ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B, Dowson, D (2017)
The effect of cylinder liner operating temperature on frictional loss and engine emissions in piston ring conjunction,
Applied Energy, 191, pp.568-581, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Gore, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, P, Howell-Smith, SJ (2017)
A combined analytical-experimental investigation of friction in cylinder liner inserts under mixed and boundary regimes of lubrication,
Lubrication Science, 29(5), pp.293-316, ISSN: 0954-0075. DOI:
Baker, CE, Theodossiades, S,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2017)
On the transient three dimensional tribodynamics of internal combustion engine top compression ring,
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power: Transactions of the ASME, ISSN: 1528-8919. DOI:
Morris, N, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2017)
Optimisation of piston compression ring for improved energy efficiency of high performance race engines,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, ISSN: 2041-2991. DOI:
Turnbull, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G (2017)
Coupled elastodynamics of piston compression ring subject to sweep excitation,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, ISSN: 2041-3068. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, CP, Balodimos, N (2016)
Thermohydrodynamics of lubricant flow with carbon nanoparticles in tribological contacts,
Tribology International, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Bewsher, R, Turnbull, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G, Knaus, O (2016)
Effect of cylinder de-activation on the tribological performance of compression ring conjunction,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 231(8), pp.997-1006, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Leighton, M, Nicholls, TA, De la Cruz, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Combined lubricant-surface system perspective: multi-scale numerical-experimental investigation,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 231(7), pp.910-924, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Katsogiannis, KAG, Vladisavljevic, G, Georgiadou, S,
Rahmani, R (2016)
Assessing the increase in specific surface area for electrospun fibrous network due to pore induction,
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8(42), ISSN: 1944-8244. DOI:
Paouris, L,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Hunt, G, Barton, W (2016)
An analytical approach for prediction of elastohydrodynamic friction with inlet shear heating and starvation,
Tribology Letters, 64(1), ISSN: 1573-2711. DOI:
Su, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Thermohydrodynamics of bidirectional groove dry gas seals with slip flow,
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 110, pp.270-284, ISSN: 1290-0729. DOI:
Su, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Performance evaluation of bidirectional dry gas seals with special groove geometry,
Tribology Transactions, ISSN: 1040-2004. DOI:
Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Surface-specific flow factors for prediction of friction of crosshatched
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 4(1), DOI:
Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Surface specific asperity model for prediction of friction in boundary and mixed regimes of lubrication,
Meccanica, ISSN: 0025-6455. DOI:
Leighton, M, Morris, N, Gore, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, P (2016)
Boundary interactions of rough non-gaussian surfaces,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, P, Howell-Smith, SJ (2015)
A numerical model to study the role of surface textures at top dead center reversal in the piston ring to cylinder liner contact,
Journal of Tribology, 138(2), 021703, ISSN: 0742-4787. DOI:
Gore, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, P (2015)
Assessment of friction from compression ring conjunction of a high-performance internal combustion engine: a combined numerical and experimental study,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230(12), pp.2073-2085, ISSN: 0954-4062. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C, Howell-Smith, SJ (2015)
On the boundary conditions in multi-phase flow through the piston ring-cylinder liner conjunction,
Tribology International, 90, pp.164-174, ISSN: 1879-2464. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C, Dowson, D (2015)
Big end bearing losses with thermal cavitation flow under cylinder deactivation,
Tribology Letters, 57(2), ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, CP, Dowson, D (2015)
Big End Bearing Losses with Thermal Cavitation Flow Under Cylinder Deactivation,
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 57(2), ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Morris, N, Leighton, M, De la Cruz, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, SJ (2014)
Combined numerical and experimental investigation of the micro-hydrodynamics of chevron-based textured patterns influencing conjunctional friction of sliding contacts,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 229(4), pp.316-335, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Mohammad pour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2014)
The effect of cylinder de-activation on thermo-friction characteristics of the connecting rod bearing in the new European drive cycle (NEDC),
SAE Technical Paper, 2014-01-2089, 2014-01-2089, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI:
Styles, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2014)
In-cycle and life-time friction transience in piston ring-liner conjunction under mixed regime of lubrication,
International Journal of Engine Research, 15(7), pp.862-876, ISSN: 1468-0874. DOI:
Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2014)
Effect of cylinder deactivation on the tribo-dynamics and acoustic emission of overlay big end bearings,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 228(2), pp.138-151, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Baker, CE,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2014)
On the effect of transient in-plane dynamics of the compression ring upon its tribological performance,
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(3), p.032512, ISSN: 0742-4795. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, CP, King, PD (2013)
Thermo-mixed hydrodynamics of piston compression ring conjunction,
Tribology Letters, 51(3), pp.323-340, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, PD, Fitzsimons, B (2013)
Tribology of piston compression ring conjunction under transient thermal mixed regime of lubrication,
Tribology International, 59, pp.248-258, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, P, Fitzsimons, B (2013)
The Influence of Piston Ring Geometry and Topography on Friction,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227(2), pp.141-153, DOI:
Dwyer-Joyce, R and Rahnejat, H (2013)
Special Issue on Automotive Piston–Cylinder Tribology,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227(2), pp.99-99, ISSN: 1350-6501. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2012)
Transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication of rough new or worn piston compression ring conjunction with an out-of-round cylinder bore,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 226(4), pp.284-305, ISSN: 1350-6501.
Baker, C, Rahnejat, H,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S (2011)
Analytical evaluation of fitted piston compression ring: Modal behaviour and frictional assessment,
SAE International, 2011-01-1535, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I, Shirvani, A, Shirvani, H (2010)
An analytical approach for analysis and optimisation of slider bearings with infinite width parallel textures,
Tribology International, 43(8), pp.1551-1565, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Shirvani, A, Shirvani, H (2009)
Analytical Analysis and Optimisation of the Rayleigh Step Slider Bearing,
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Rahmani, R, Shirvani, A, Shirvani, H (2007)
Optimization of partially textured parallel thrust bearings with square-shaped micro-dimples,
Tribology Transactions, 50(3), pp.401-406, ISSN: 1040-2004. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I, Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H (2007)
Different Aspects of Geometrical Optimization for Compact Heat Exchangers,
WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 2(1), pp.7-15, ISSN: 1991-8747.
Mirzaee, I,
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The Most Efficient Configuration for Forced Convection Laminar Flow past Staggered Tube Bundle,
Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(1), pp.5-16, ISSN: 1605-9727.
Ramezanpour, A, Mirzaee, I,
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Numerical study of staggered tube bundle in turbulent cross flow for an optimum arrangement,
International Journal of Heat Exchangers, 7(1), pp.37-56, ISSN: 1524-5608.
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I, Shirvani, H (2005)
Computation of a Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer of Air for Staggered Tube Arrays in Cross-flow,
Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 6(2), pp.19-33, ISSN: 1605-9727.
Smart, N, Hooker, R, Bhattacharjee, R,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Maiti, R (2024)
Characterising the mechanism of cell failure due to shear using a combined numerical and analytical approach. In Ball, AD, Ouyang, H, Sinha, JK, Wang, Z (ed)
UNIfied Conference of DAMAS, IncoME and TEPEN Conferences (UNIfied 2023); Proceedings of the UNIfied Conference of DAMAS, IncoME and TEPEN Conferences (UNIfied 2023), Huddersfield, UK, pp.259-259, ISBN: 9783031494208. DOI:
Simpson, M, Mughal, H, Berland, M, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Fuller, J, Lovett, I, Morris, N (2023)
Tribology of hydrogen fuelled Wankel engines [Abstract]. In
48th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (Leeds-Lyon 2023), Leeds, UK.
Morris, N, Forder, M, Dolatabadi, N, King, P,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2023)
Oil control ring friction and low viscosity lubricants: A combined numerical and experimental analysis. In
Eight European Conference and Exhibition on ‘Lubrication Maintenance and Tribotechnology’ (LUBMAT) 2023; Eight European Conference and Exhibition on ‘Lubrication Maintenance and Tribotechnology’ (LUBMAT) 2023, Manchester, UK.
Mughal, H, Sivayogan, G, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Johns-Rahnejat, P (2023)
Failure mechanisms of wind turbine gearing in transient dynamics [Abstract]. In
IMechE wind turbine user group event; IMechE wind turbine user group event, London, UK.
Mughal, H, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R (2022)
An efficient analytical model to predict the root cause of electric gear whine [Abstract]. In
Mission of Tribology Research Group - Institution of Mechanical Engineers; 31st Mission of Tribology Research, London, UK.
Mughal, H, Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R (2021)
Effect of gear mesh stiffness and lubricant nonlinearities on the dynamic response of gear transmission systems. In Awrejcewicz, J, Kaźmierczak, M, Mrozowski, J, Olejnik, P (ed)
16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021); DSTA-2021 Conference Books – Abstracts: 16th International Conference Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, Online, pp.698-699, ISBN: 9788366741201. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Prediction of Acoustic Emissions of Turbocharger Bearings. In
11th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference, SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-1504, Graz, Austria. DOI:
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
On Predicting Automotive Clutch Torsional Vibrations. In
11th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference, SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-1508, Graz, Austria. DOI:
Humphrey, E, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2019)
Tribological performance of surface-lubricant systems for automotive transmissions [Abstract]. In
7th European Conference on Tribology (EcoTrib 2019), Vienna, Austria.
Umer, J, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Howell-Smith, SJ, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Characterisation of automotive bore material and coatings using atomic force microscopy [Abstract]. In
TriboUK2018, University of Sheffield.
Umer, J, Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Balakrishnan, S (2018)
Tribological investigation of organic and inorganic friction modifiers with varying quantities of dispersants [Abstract]. In
Leeds Lyon 2018, University of Leeds.
Martinez-Insua-Rodriguez, A, Rahnejat, H, Smith, MB,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Umer, J, Howell-Smith, SJ (2018)
Study of the lubricant-surface system for in-cylinder applications [Abstract]. In
TriboUK2016, Univeristy of Leeds.
Kozuch, E, Nomikos, P, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Performance evaluation of radial shaft seals of automotive transmission systems [Abstract]. In
24th International Conference on Fluid Sealing (FS 2018), Manchester.
Humphrey, E, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Lubricant-surface system characterisation for high performance transmissions [abstract]. In
45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology: Smart Tribology Systems, University of Leeds.
Kozuch, E, Nomikos, P, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Shaft surface as a factor affecting lip seal performance. In
TriboUK 2018, University of Sheffield.
Umer, J, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Balakrishnan, S (2018)
Interaction of dispersants with anti-wear and friction modifiers in contacts representative of piston-ring liner interface [Abstract]. In
3rd International Conference on Tribology-TriboBR 2018, Florianopolis, Brazil.
Sivayogan, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Prediction of friction in EHL contacts for drivetrain applications. In
4th Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2018), Loughborough University.
Nomikos, P, Kozuch, E, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Measurement of vibrations affecting the power transmission seals. In
4th Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2018), Loughborough University.
Humphrey, E, Elisaus, V, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Mohammadpour, M (2018)
Effect of coating on transmissions efficiency [Abstract]. In
TriboBR 2018, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Kozuch, E, Nomikos, P,
Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Evaluating leakage from radial lip seals affected by bearing area of shaft topography. In
20th ISC – International Sealing Conference Stuttgart 2018, University of Stuttgart.
Humphrey, E, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Rapson, G (2017)
A test procedure to investigate lubricant-surface combination for high performance racing transmissions. In
World Tribology Congress 2017, Beijing, China.
Umer, J, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, SJ, Balakrishnan, S (2017)
Nano-scale investigation of frictional characteristics of tribo-films in sliding contacts of representative in-cylinder conditions. In
6th World Tribology Congress, Beijing, China.
Bewsher, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G (2017)
A study into the effects of cylinder de-activation on the tribological performance of piston ring-liner conjunction. In
TriboUK 2017, Imperial College.
Sivayogan, G, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G, Sopouch, M (2017)
Elastohydrodynamic analysis in a multi-physics finite element environment. In
TriboUK 2017, Imperial College London.
Turnbull, R, Bewsher, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G (2016)
Elastodynamics of the compression ring for evaluation of ring-liner conformance. In
TriboUK 2016, University of Leeds.
Bewsher, R, Turnbull, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Offner, G (2016)
A 2D hydrodynamic solver of the Reynolds equation for the piston ring-liner conjunction. In
TriboUK 2016, University of Leeds.
Turnbull, R, Bewsher, R, Mohammadpour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Tribodynamics of the piston compression ring conjunction. In
Powertrain Modelling and Control, Loughborough University.
Paouris, L, Theodossiades, S,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Hunt, G, Barton, W (2016)
Effect of lubricant rheology on hypoid gear pair efficiency. In
3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2016), Loughborough University.
Humphrey, E, Gkinis, T, Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Clutch lining frictional characteristics under thermal tribodynamic conditions. In
3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2016), Loughborough University.
Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Trimmer, G, King, P, Rahnejat, H (2016)
A combined numerical and experimental investigation of disengaged wet brake plate power loss. In
3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2016), Loughborough University.
Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Hydrodynamic flow analysis for determination of the location of surface texture features. In
43rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, University of Leeds.
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Influence of clutch lining frictional characteristics upon cold and hot take-up judder. In
3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control (PMC 2016), Loughborough University.
Umer, J, Rahnejat, H,
Rahmani, R, King, P, Martinez-Insua-Rodriguez, A, Morris, N (2016)
Lubricant-surface system mitigating in-cylinder friction. In
TriboUK 2016, University of Leeds, UK.
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C, Balodimos, N (2016)
Thermo-hydrodynamic analysis of nano-lubricant flow with carbon nano-particles in tribological contacts. In
43rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds.
Gkinis, T,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2016)
Effects of sliding velocity and clamp load on the coefficient of friction in the study of self-exited vibrations (judder) in automotive clutches [abstract]. In
13th TriboUK 2016, University of Leeds.
Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2015)
Asperity contact modelling for measured surfaces. In
11th International Tribology Conference, presented by The South African Institute of Tribology (SAIT), Pretoria, South Africa.
Morris, N, Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2015)
A CFD study comparing surface texture features on stationary and entraining surfaces. In
42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France.
Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2015)
An averaged approach to asperity contact interactions for non-gaussian lubricated surfaces. In
42nd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France.
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C (2015)
CFD modeling of cavitation flow in journal bearing lubrication. In
, Lugano, Switzerland,ISBN: 9788890767036.
Paouris, L, Theodossiades, S,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Hunt, G (2015)
A hypoid gear pair tribo-dynamic model taking into account the rheological behaviour of fully formulated gear lubricants. In
, Lodz, Poland.
Mohammad pour, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2014)
The effect of cylinder de-activation on thermo-friction characteristics of the connecting rod bearing in the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC). In
8th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference, SAE Technical Series: 2014-01-2089, Graz, Austria.
Morris, N, Leighton, M,
Rahmani, R, De-La-Cruz, M, Rahnejat, H (2014)
Friction reduction in piston ring cylinder liner contact using textured surfaces. In
LUBMAT 2014, Manchester, UK.,ISBN: 978-1-909755-02-4.
Leighton, M, Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2014)
The influence of large scale surface roughness on flow factors. In
, Sinaia, Romania, pp.217-223.
Baker, C,
Rahmani, R, Karagiannis, I, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Frendt, A (2014)
Effect of compression ring elastodynamics behaviour upon blowby and power loss. In
, SAE Technical Papers. DOI:
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, PD, Garner, CP (2013)
Cavitating Flow in Engine Piston Ring-Cylinder Liner Conjunction. In
ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2013-62395, San Diego, California, USA.
Morris, NJ, Rahnejat, H,
Rahmani, R, King, P, Leighton, M, De la Cruz, M (2013)
A Numerical and Experimental Approach in Understanding the Performance of Textured Surfaces in Sliding Contacts. In
World Tribology Congress, Torino, Italy, pp.1-4.
Shahmohamadi, H,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, CP, King, PD (2013)
CFD Modelling of Cavitation Phenomenon in Piston Ring/Cylinder Liner Conjunction. In
5th World Tribology Congress (WTC 2013), Tornio, Italy.
Theaker, M,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2012)
Prediction of Ring-Bore Conformance and Contact Condition and Experimental Validation. In
ASME 2012 International Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, Torino, Italy, pp.885-892, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4466-3. DOI:
Turturro, A,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Delprete, C, Magro, L (2012)
Assessment of Friction for Cam-Roller Follower Valve Train System Subjected to Mixed Non-Newtonian Regime of Lubrication. In
ASME 2012 International Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, Torino, Italy, pp.917-923, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4466-3. DOI:
Styles, G,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2012)
Assessment of Asperity Coefficient of Friction for Various Coating Materials used in Piston Ring/Liner Conjunction using AFM. In
15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2012), Trondheim, Norway.
Rahmani, R, Styles, G, Rahnejat, H (2012)
Meniscus Formation in the Piston Compression Ring-Cylinder Liner Inlet Zone. In
ASME 2012 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp.935-939, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5509-6. DOI:
Morris, NJ, Rahnejat, H,
Rahmani, R, King, PD, Fitzsimons, B (2012)
Performance Evaluation of Piston Compression Ring through Accelerated Wear in Engine Tests. In
ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, ASME 2012 International Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, Turin, pp.1003-1008, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4466-3. DOI:
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, PD, Fitzsimons, B (2011) Tribology of Piston Compression Ring Conjunction under Transient Thermal Mixed Regime of Lubrication. In
38th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France.
Morris, NJ, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (Accepted for publication) Tribology of partial pad journal bearings with textured surfaces. In 3rd European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2011), Vienna, Austria, pp.1-6.
Baker, CE,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H (2011)
Analytical evaluation of fitted piston compression ring modal behaviour and frictional assessment. In
SAE 2011 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition, SAE Paper No. 2011-01-1535, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Baker, CE,
Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Fitzsimons, B (2011)
Thermoelastohydrodynamics of a Rough Piston Compression Ring-to-Cylinder Bore Conjunction. In
STLE 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp.182-188.
Morris, N,
Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, King, PD (2011) Optimizing Piston Ring Topography to Minimize Running-in Wear in Mixed Regime of Lubrication. In
ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference (IJTC2011), Paper No. IJTC2011-61090, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Rahmani, R and Shirvani, A (2008) An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Optimise Laser Textured Surfaces with the Applicability in Car Engines. In
Annual Research Student Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Rahmani, R and Shirvani, A (2007) The Effect of Laser Surface Dimpling on Reducing Energy Losses and Carbon Emissions from Automobile Engines. In
Annual Research Student Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford.
Ramezanpour, A, Mirzaee, I,
Rahmani, R, Shirvani, H (2006)
Numerical heat transfer modelling of staggered array impinging jets. In Sunden, B and Brebbia, CA (ed)
Ninth International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements in Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer, Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer IX, Transactions of the Wessex Institute, New Forest, UK, pp.361-369, ISBN: 978-1-84564-176-4. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Shirvani, A, Shirvani, H (2006)
Optimization of Partially Textured Parallel Thrust Bearings with Square-Shaped Micro-Dimples. In
STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference (IJTC2006), Paper No. IJTC2006-12167, San Antonio, TX, USA. DOI:
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I, Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H (2006)
Different Aspects of Geometrical Optimization for Compact Heat Exchangers. In
2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (MECHANICS'06), Venice, Italy.
Rahmani, R, Ramezanpour, A, Mirzaee, I, Shirvani, H (2005) Design Optimization of Staggered Tube Arrays in Laminar Forced Convection. In Bennacer, R (ed)
4th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer (ICCHMT), Progress in Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. II, Paper No. ICCHMT’05-186, Paris-Cachan, France, pp.850-855.
Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H,
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I (2005)
Three Dimensional Numerical Modelling of Staggered Tube Bundle Turbulent Crossflow in Duct. In
ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (ASME HT2005), Proceedings of ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. HT2005-72532, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp.609-617, DOI:
Rahmani, R, Ramezanpour, A, Mirzaee, I, Shirvani, H (2005)
Computation of Velocity Profiles and Pressure Coefficients for a Laminar Flow of Air over Staggered Array of Tubes. In
ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (ASME HT2005), Proceedings of ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. HT2005-72791, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp.479-484, DOI:
Rahmani, R, Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H, Mirzaee, I (2005) Local Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics for a Laminar Flow of Air through Different Staggered Array of Tubes. In
9th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. UKHTC9-79, Manchester, UK.
Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H,
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I (2005) A Numerical Study in Optimum Arrangement of Staggered Tube Bundle Turbulence Cross Flow in Compact Heat Exchangers. In
5th International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Rahmani, R, Ramezanpour, A, Shirvani, H, Mirzaee, I (2005) Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics for Laminar Crossflow of Air over Staggered Tube Banks. In
5th International Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Rahmani, R, Mirzaee, I, Shirvani, H (2004) The Optimized Pitch-to-Diameter Ratio for the Staggered Tube Arrays in Laminar Forced Convection. In
8th International and 12th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, Tehran.