Journal Articles
Johns-Rahnejat, P,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahnejat, H (2024)
Elastic and elastoplastic contact mechanics of concentrated coated contacts,
Lubricants, 12(5), 162, ISSN: 2075-4442. DOI:
Simpson, M, Rahmani, R,
Dolatabadi, N, Morris, N, Jones, D, Craig, C (2024)
An analytical friction model for point contacts subject to boundary and mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication,
Tribology International, 196, 109699, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Morris, N, Byrne, S, Forder, M,
Dolatabadi, N, King, P, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2024)
The effect of ethanol fuel-diluted lubricants on the friction of oil control ring conjunction: A combined analytical and experimental investigation,
Lubricants, 12(5), 150, DOI:
Mughal, H,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R (2023)
An integrated tribodynamic model for investigation of efficiency, durability and NVH attributes of gear mesh in electric vehicle powertrains,
Tribology International, 189, 108977, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Rahmani, R,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Multiphysics performance assessment of hydrogen fuelled engines,
International Journal of Engine Research, 24(9), pp.4169-4189, ISSN: 1468-0874. DOI:
Rahnejat, H, Johns-Rahnejat, P,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R (2023)
Multi-body dynamics in vehicle engineering,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 238(1), pp.3-25, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Simpson, M,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Jones, D, Craig, C (2023)
Multibody dynamics of cross groove constant velocity ball joints for high performance racing applications,
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 188, 105407, ISSN: 0094-114X. DOI:
Mousavirad, SJ, Rahmani, R,
Dolatabadi, N (2023)
A transfer learning based artificial neural network in geometrical design of textured surfaces for tribological applications,
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 11(2), 025001, DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Nonlinear tribodynamics of an elastic shaft with a flexible bearing outer race,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 237(2), pp.290-306, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Simpson, M,
Dolatabadi, N, Morris, N, Rahmani, R, Jones, D, Christopher, C (2022)
Analysis of a cross groove constant velocity joint mechanism designed for high performance racing conditions,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 237(1), pp.16-33, ISSN: 1464-4193. DOI:
Mughal, H, Sivayogan, G,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R (2022)
An efficient analytical approach to assess root cause of nonlinear electric vehicle gear whine,
Nonlinear Dynamics, 110(4), ISSN: 0924-090X. DOI:
Sivayogan, G,
Dolatabadi, N, Johns-Rahnejat, P, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2022)
Non‐Newtonian thermo‐elastohydrodynamics and sub‐surface stress field of high‐performance racing spur gears,
Lubricants, 10(7), DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2021)
Energy loss and emissions of engine compression rings with cylinder deactivation,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 235(7), pp.1930-1943, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Johns-Rahnejat, PM,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Analytical elastostatic contact mechanics of highly-loaded contacts of varying conformity,
Lubricants, 8(9), 89, ISSN: 2075-4442. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C, Brunton, C (2020)
Performance of poly alpha olefin nanolubricant,
Lubricants, 8(2), 17, DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Forder, M, Morris, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2019)
Influence of advanced cylinder coatings on vehicular fuel economy and emissions in piston compression ring conjunction,
Applied Energy, 259, 114129, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Turnbull, R,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2019)
An assessment of gas power leakage and frictional losses from the top compression ring of internal combustion engines,
Tribology International, 142, 105991, ISSN: 0301-679X. DOI:
Pacella, M, John, MGS,
Dolatabadi, N, Badiee, A (2019)
Microhardness and wear behaviour of polycrystalline diamond after warm laser shock processing with and without coating,
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 82, pp.215-226, ISSN: 0263-4368. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Garner, C (2019)
Thermal conductivity and molecular heat transport of nanofluids,
RSC Advances, 9(5), pp.2516-2524, DOI:
Teo, WJ,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Morris, N, Rahnejat, H (2018)
Combined analytical and experimental evaluation of frictional performance of lubricated untextured and partially textured sliders,
Lubricants, 6(4), DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Blundell, G, Bernard, G (2018)
Tribodynamics of hydraulic actuated clutch system for engine-downsizing in heavy duty off-highway vehicles,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(4), pp.976-993, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, S (2018)
Design optimization study of a nonlinear energy absorber for internal combustion engine pistons,
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ISSN: 1555-1415. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Theodossiades, S, Rahnejat, H, Blundell, G, Bernard, G (2017)
Tribodynamics of a new declutch mechanism aimed for engine downsizing in off-road heavy-duty vehicles,
SAE Technical Papers, 2017-01-1835, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, S (2017)
Passive control of piston secondary motion using nonlinear energy absorbers,
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics: Transactions of the ASME, ISSN: 1528-8927. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Littlefair, B, De la Cruz, M, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, S, Rahnejat, H (2015)
A transient tribodynamic approach for the calculation of internal combustion engine piston slap noise,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 352, pp.192-209, ISSN: 0022-460X. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, S (2014)
On the identification of piston slap events in internal combustion engines using tribodynamic analysis,
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 58-59, pp.308-324, ISSN: 0888-3270. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N and Farshidianfar, A (2013)
Modified higher-order wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders,
Acta Mechanica, 224, pp.1441-1456, DOI:
Simpson, M, Mughal, H, Berland, M,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Fuller, J, Lovett, I, Morris, N (2023)
Tribology of hydrogen fuelled Wankel engines [Abstract]. In
48th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology (Leeds-Lyon 2023), Leeds, UK.
Johns-Rahnejat, P,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahnejat, H (2023)
Contact mechanics of highly loaded counterformal finite line contacts: semi-infinite and layered elastic solids. In
Eighth European Conference and Exhibition on Lubrication, Maintenance and Tribotechnology (LUBMAT 2023); Lubrication, Maintenance and Tribotechnology (LUBMAT 2023), Preston, UK.
Morris, N, Forder, M,
Dolatabadi, N, King, P, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Howell-Smith, S (2023)
Oil control ring friction and low viscosity lubricants: A combined numerical and experimental analysis. In
Eight European Conference and Exhibition on ‘Lubrication Maintenance and Tribotechnology’ (LUBMAT) 2023; Eight European Conference and Exhibition on ‘Lubrication Maintenance and Tribotechnology’ (LUBMAT) 2023, Manchester, UK.
Mughal, H, Sivayogan, G,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H, Johns-Rahnejat, P (2023)
Failure mechanisms of wind turbine gearing in transient dynamics [Abstract]. In
IMechE wind turbine user group event; IMechE wind turbine user group event, London, UK.
Mughal, H,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R (2022)
An efficient analytical model to predict the root cause of electric gear whine [Abstract]. In
Mission of Tribology Research Group - Institution of Mechanical Engineers; 31st Mission of Tribology Research, London, UK.
Mughal, H,
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R (2021)
Effect of gear mesh stiffness and lubricant nonlinearities on the dynamic response of gear transmission systems. In Awrejcewicz, J, Kaźmierczak, M, Mrozowski, J, Olejnik, P (ed)
16th International Conference "Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications" (DSTA 2021); DSTA-2021 Conference Books – Abstracts: 16th International Conference Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, Online, pp.698-699, ISBN: 9788366741201. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Rahmani, R, Rahnejat, H (2020)
Prediction of acoustic emissions of turbocharger bearings. In
11th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference; SAE Technical Paper, Graz, Austria. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, S (2017)
Power loss investigation in an internal combustion engine piston equipped with a nonlinear energy absorber. In
, Cleveland, Ohio, USA,ISBN: 9780791858226. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, SJ (2015)
Application of nonlinear vibration absorbers to the control of piston secondary motion in internal combustion engines. In
, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. DOI:
Dolatabadi, N, Theodossiades, S, Rothberg, SJ (2014)
An investigation on impact-induced oscillations and noise in lubricated conjunctions. In Sas, P, Moens, D, Denayer, H (ed)