Publications for Jonathan Wilson
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Journal Articles
Ashton, E, Brenton, M,
Wilson, J, Barton, J, Wilson, R, Strickland, D, Kondrat, S, Clement, N, Wertz, J, zhang, J (2025)
Evaluation of the catalytic effect of metal additives on the performance of a combined battery and electrolyzer system,
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 8(2), pp.1112-1125, DOI:
Hutty, T, Hammond, J, Roberts, D, Barton, J,
Wilson, J, Strickland, D, Brown, S (2024)
Lead-acid battolysers for hydrogen cooking: A comparison with electric cooking for sub-Saharan Africa,
Energy for Sustainable Development: the journal of the international energy initiative, 81, 101491, ISSN: 0973-0826. DOI:
Williams, T,
Wilson, J, Partington, L, Andrews, C, Chavula, I, Gondwe, F, Betts, T, Strickland, D (2024)
Micro-electric tractors for deep bed farming and sustainable micro-grid electricity,
Frontiers in Energy Research, 12, 1384568, DOI:
Jenkins, B, Squires, D, Barton, J, Strickland, D, Wijayantha, KGU, Carroll, J,
Wilson, J, Brenton, M, Thomson, M (2022)
Techno-Economic Analysis of Low Carbon Hydrogen Production from Offshore Wind Using Battolyser Technology,
Energies, 15(16), pp.5796-5796, DOI:
Lockyer, TO, Reid, BA, Hargrave, G, Gaynor, PD,
Wilson, J (2015)
Optical investigation on the ability of a cordierite substrate mixing device to combat deposits in SCR dosing systems,
Society of Automotive Engineers, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI:
Gaynor, P, Reid, BA, Hargrave, G, Lockyer, TO,
Wilson, J (2015)
An experimental investigation into DEF dosing strategies for heavy duty vehicle applications,
SAE International Journal of Engines, 8(3), ISSN: 1946-3936. DOI:
Wollen, F, Wilson, R, Ashton, E, Holland, P,
Wilson, J (2024)
Battery-electrolyser low-pressure management system. In
2024 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA); 2024 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Nagasaki, Japan, pp.414-419, ISBN: 9798350375589. DOI:
Brenton, M, Ashton, E,
Wilson, J, Wilson, R, Strickland, D (2024)
Durability testing of battery-electrolysers for hydrogen cooking and microgrid applications. In
2024 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA); 2024 13th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Nagasaki, Japan, pp.426-431, ISBN: 9798350375589. DOI:
Barton, J, Brenton, M, Abdullahi, A,
Wilson, J, Ashton, E, Isherwood, P, Strickland, D, Thomson, M, Wijayantha, U (2023)
Investigation of different acidic battolyser conditions for energy storage and hydrogen production. In
2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC); 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), pp.1-6, DOI:
Williams, T, Wheeler, F, Lavin, J, Roberts, E, Wilson, J, Lloyd, D, Tyrer, J, Jones, L (Accepted for publication) Rapid response textile dyeing: a laser-enabled manufacturing process. In International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Brenton, M, Barton, J, Strickland, D,
Wilson, J, Wijayantha-Kahagala, U (2022)
Lead-acid battolyser concept. In
, IET Conference Proceedings, pp.64-70, DOI:
Wilson, J and Hargrave, G (2018)
Analysis of a novel method for low-temperature ammonia production using DEF for mobile selective catalytic reduction systems. In
, Detroit. DOI:
Lockyer, T, Reid, B, Hargrave, G, Gaynor, P,
Wilson, J (2015)
Optical Investigation on the Ability of a Cordierite Substrate Mixing Device to Combat Deposits in SCR Dosing Systems. In
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper Series. DOI:
Internet Publications
Strickland, D, Williams, T, Wilson, J, Betts, T, Partington, L, Andrews, C, Chavula, I, Gondwe, F (Accepted for publication) Supplementary material for "Micro-electric tractors for deep bed farming and sustainable micro-grid electricity".