Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Edward Long

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Journal Articles

Knott, LM, Long, E, Garner, C, Fly, A, Reid, B, Atkins, A (2024) Insights Into Lithium‐Ion Battery Cell Temperature and State of Charge Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, International Journal of Energy Research, 2024(1), ISSN: 0363-907X. DOI: 10.1155/2024/9657360.

Lavin, J, Robus, J, Williams, T, Long, E, Tyrer, J, Spencer, J, Dodds, J, Jones, L (2023) Reducing environmental risks in laser cutting: a study of low-pressure gas dynamics, Journal of Laser Applications, 35(4), 042026, ISSN: 1042-346X. DOI: 10.2351/7.0001106.

Lavin, J, Jones, M, Long, E, Tyrer, J, Spencer, J, Dodds, J, Jones, L (2022) Controlling nozzle and kerf gas dynamics to manage hazardous laser cutting fume, Journal of Laser Applications, 34(4), ISSN: 1042-346X. DOI: 10.2351/7.0000747.

Myatt, BJ, Versteeg, H, Hargrave, G, Long, E, Gavtash, B, Lewis, DA, Church, T, Brambilla, G (2022) Unlocking further understanding of the atomization mechanism of a pressurized metered dose inhaler, Aerosol Science and Technology, 56(11), pp.1022-1032, ISSN: 0278-6826. DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2116305.

Yuan, R, Camm, J, Knight, T, Parker, M, Sogbesan, S, Long, E, Page, V, Hargrave, GK (2022) Evaluation of in-cylinder endoscopic two-colour soot pyrometry of diesel combustion, Combustion and Flame, 242(2022), 112207, ISSN: 0010-2180. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112207.

Knight, T, Long, E, Yuan, R, Garner, C, Hargrave, G (2020) Experimental Interpretation of Compression Ignition In-Cylinder Flow Structures, SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, pp.2020-01, ISSN: 0148-7191. DOI: 10.4271/2020-01-0791.

Kitchener, BG, Dixon, SD, Howarth, KO, Parsons, AJ, Wainwright, J, Bateman, MD, Cooper, JR, Hargrave, G, Long, E, Hewett, CJ (2019) A low-cost bench-top research device for turbidity measurement by radially distributed illumination intensity sensing at multiple wavelengths, HardwareX, 5, DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2019.e00052.

Zhao, P, Hargrave, G, Versteeg, H, Garner, C, Reid, BA, Long, E, Zhao, H (2018) The dynamics of droplet impact on a heated porous surface, Chemical Engineering Science, 190, pp.232-247, ISSN: 0009-2509. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2018.06.030.

Merusi, C, Brambilla, G, Long, E, Hargrave, G, Versteeg, H (2018) Optical diagnostics studies of air flow and powder fluidisation in Nexthaler®. Part II: Use of fluorescent imaging to characterise transient release of fines from a dry powder inhaler, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 549(1-2), pp.96-108, ISSN: 0378-5173. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.07.032.

Chen, Y, Young, PM, Murphy, S, Fletcher, DF, Long, E, Lewis, D, Church, T, Traini, D (2017) High-Speed Laser Image Analysis of Plume Angles for Pressurised Metered Dose Inhalers: The Effect of Nozzle Geometry, AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(3), pp.782-789, ISSN: 1530-9932. DOI: 10.1208/s12249-016-0564-5.

Chen, Y, Young, PM, Fletcher, DF, Chan, HK, Long, E, Lewis, D, Church, T, Traini, D (2015) The effect of active pharmaceutical ingredients on aerosol electrostatic charges from pressurized metered dose inhalers, Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 0724-8741. DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1674-6.

Pasquali, I, Merusi, C, Brambilla, G, Long, E, Hargrave, G, Versteeg, H (2015) Optical diagnostics study of air flow and powder fluidisation in Nexthaler (R)-Part I: Studies with lactose placebo formulation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 496(2), pp.780-791, ISSN: 0378-5173. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2015.10.072.

Chen, Y, Young, PM, Fletcher, DF, Chan, HK, Long, E, Lewis, D, Church, T, Traini, D (2014) The Influence of Actuator Materials and Nozzle Designs on Electrostatic Charge of Pressurised Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI) Formulations, Pharmaceutical Research, 31(5), pp.1325-1337, ISSN: 0724-8741. DOI: 10.1007/s11095-013-1253-7.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Cooper, JR, Kitchener, BGB, Parsons, AJ, Hewett, CJM, Wainwright, J (2014) Experimental investigation into the impact of a liquid droplet onto a granular bed using three-dimensional, time-resolved, particle tracking, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 89(3), ARTN 032201, ISSN: 1539-3755. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.032201.

Reid, BA, Gavaises, M, Mitroglou, N, Hargrave, GK, Garner, CP, Long, EJ, McDavid, RM (2014) On the formation of string cavitation inside fuel injectors, Experiments in Fluids, 55(1), ISSN: 0723-4864. DOI: 10.1007/s00348-013-1662-8.

Chen, Y, Young, PM, Fletcher, DF, Chan, HK, Long, E, Lewis, D, Church, T, Traini, D (2014) The effect of actuator nozzle designs on the electrostatic charge generated in pressurised metered dose inhaler aerosols, Pharmaceutical Research, 32(4), pp.1237-1248, ISSN: 0724-8741. DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014-1529-6.

Chen, Y, Young, PM, Traini, D, Fletcher, DF, Chan, HK, Long, E, Lewis, D, Church, T (2013) The Influence of Actuator Materials and Nozzle Designs on Electrostatic Charge of Pressurised Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI) Formulations, Pharmaceutical Research, pp.1-13, ISSN: 0724-8741. DOI: 10.1007/s11095-013-1253-7.

Cooper, JR, Wainwright, J, Parsons, AJ, Onda, Y, Fukuwara, T, Obana, E, Kitchener, B, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GH (2012) A new approach for simulating the redistribution of soil particles by water erosion: A marker-in-cell model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 117(4), ISSN: 0148-0227. DOI: 10.1029/2012JF002499.

Di Sarli, V, Di Benedetto, A, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK (2012) Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry of dynamic interactions between hydrogen-enriched methane/air premixed flames and toroidal vortex structures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ISSN: 0360-3199.

Long, EJ and Hargrave, GK (2011) Experimental Measurement of Local Burning Velocity Within a Rotating Flow, FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 86(3-4), pp.455-476, ISSN: 1386-6184. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-011-9331-6.

Di Sarli, V, Di Benedetto, A, Russo, G, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK (2010) LES and Laser Measurements of Dynamic Flame/Vortex Interactions, Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VII, ERCOFTAC Series, 13(5), pp.419-422, ISSN: 1382-4309. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3652-0_62.

Di Sarli, V, Di Benedetto, A, Russo, G, Jarvis, S, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK (2009) Large Eddy Simulation and PIV Measurements of Unsteady Premixed Flames Accelerated by Obstacles, Journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 83(2), pp.PP 227-250, ISSN: 1386-6184. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-008-9198-3.


Jones, L, Lavin, J, Cousins, A, Jones, M, Long, E, Spencer, J, Dodds, J, Tyrer, J (2025) The laser cutting hazards of nuclear infrastructure decommissioning and dismantling [Abstract]. In International Laser Safety Conference 2025, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Apostolou, C, Elliott, T, Rutledge, J, Butcher, D, Long, E, Spencer, A (2024) Combustion and Emissions Comparison between a Diesel and a Dimethyl Ether (DME) Off-Highway Compression Ignition Engine. In , SAE Technical Papers. DOI: 10.4271/2024-01-2700.

Jones, M, Lavin, J, Jones, L, Tyrer, J, Spencer, J, Dodds, J, Long, E (Accepted for publication) The effect of heat flux on fume generation in laser cutting for nuclear decommissioning. In International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) 2022 Conference, Orlando, Florida, United States.

Lavin, J, Jones, M, Spencer, JT, Dodds, JM, Long, E, Tyrer, J, Jones, L (2022) Improving laser fume for nuclear decommissioning: gas dynamic relationships in laser cutting. In Waste Management Symposium 2022 (WM2022); WM2022 Conference Proceedings, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Gavtash, B, Versteeg, H, Myatt, B, Cooper, A, Long, E, Blatchford, C (2021) A long nozzle for intra-nasal drug delivery by pMDI: prediction of spray velocity and droplet size. In Respiratory Drug Delivery 2021 (RDD 2021); Respiratory Drug Delivery 2021, Virtual conference, pp.197-202.

Myatt, B, Newton, R, Lewis, D, Church, T, Brambilla, G, Hargrave, GK, Versteeg, H, Gavtash, B, Long, E (2015) PDA and High Speed Image Analysis of HFA/Ethanol pMDI Aerosols: New Findings. In Drug Delivery to the Lungs, Edinburgh.

Myatt, BJ, Lewis, D, Church, T, Brambilla, G, Hargrave, G, Versteeg, H, Gavtash, B, Long, (2015) PDA Analysis of HFA/Ethanol pMDI Aerosols: An Improved Test Protocol and New Findings. In ICLASS 2015, 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Cooper, JR, Kitchener, B, Parsons, AJ, Hewett, C, Wainwright, J (2013) Investigation into the momentum transfer between an impacting raindrop and a granular bed using 3-dimensional particle tracking. In EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, p.11164.

Wainwright, J, Parsons, AJ, Cooper, JR, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Kitchener, B, Hewett, C, Onda, Y, Tomomi, F, Obana, E, Hirofumi, H, Takehiro, N (2013) Integrating Novel Field, Laboratory and Modelling Techniques to Upscale Estimates of Soil Erosion. In EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, p.11427.

Woollen, PR, Tillier, JY, Page, VJ, Knight, DE, Hargrave, GK, Reid, BA, Long, EJ (2012) Optical diagnostics and CFD validation of jacket cooling system filling and the occurrence of trapped air. In , SAE Technical Papers. DOI: 10.4271/2012-01-1213.

Rimmer, JET, Long, EJ, Garner, CP, Hargrave, GK, Richardson, D, Wallace, S (2009) The Influence of Single and Multiple Injection Strategies on In-Cylinder Flow and Combustion within a DISI Engine. In SAE International : Paper No. 2009-01-0660, -, pp.1-17.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Page, VJ, Sabrazat, N, Wagstaff, S (2009) Investigation into the Performance of a Fixed Geometry Inertial Impaction Device, Paper No. PIV09-0098. In Proceedings of the 8th International symposium on particle image velocimetry (PIV09), Melbourne, Australia, pp.365-369.

Reid, BA, Hargrave, GK, Garner, CP, Long, EJ, Khoo, YC (2009) An Investigation of Internal Flow Structures in Real-Sized High-Pressure Fuel Injectors, Paper No. PIV09-0132. In Proceedings of the 8th International symposium on particle image velocimetry (PIV09), Melbourne, Australia, pp.474-477.

Long, EJ and Hargrave, GK (2009) The use of Asynchronous Particle Image Velocimetry to Measure Local Burning Velocity within a Flow Containing High Rotation, Paper No. PIV09-0097. In Proceedings of the 8th International symposium on particle image velocimetry (PIV09), Melbourne, Australia, pp.361-368.

Long, EJ and Hargrave, GK (2009) The Effect of Flow Rotation on Local Burning Velocity, Paper No. 11.4. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT 2009), Rome, Italy, pp.361-368.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Page, VJ, Sabrazat, N, Wagstaff, S (2009) The Separation of Oil Particles from Two-Phase Flow Using an Inertial Separation Device, Paper No. 24.2. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT 2009), Rome, Italy, pp.380-386.

Reid, BA, Garner, CP, Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK (2009) An investigation of internal flow structures in real-sized fuel injectors, Paper No.21.2. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT 2009), Rome, Italy, pp.334-339.

Long, EJ and Hargrave, GK (2009) The affect of flow rotation on local burning velocity. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) 6th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, TURBULENCE, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 6, Rome, ITALY, pp.255-258, ISBN: 978-1-56700-262-1.

Reid, BA, Hargrave, GK, Garner, CP, Long, EJ, Khoo, YC (2009) An investigation of internal flow structures in real-sized high-pressure atomisers. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) 6th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, TURBULENCE, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 6, Rome, ITALY, pp.787-790, ISBN: 978-1-56700-262-1.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Page, VJ, Sabrazat, N, Wagstaff, S (2009) The separation of oil particles from a two-phase flow using an inertial impaction device. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) 6th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, TURBULENCE, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 6, Rome, ITALY, pp.811-814, ISBN: 978-1-56700-262-1.

Long, EJ, Rimmer, JET, Justham, T, Garner, CP, Hargrave, GK, Richardson, D, Wallace, S (2008) The Influence of In-cylinder Turbulence upon Engine Performance within a Direct Injection IC Engine. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Modelling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA 2008), Sapporo, Japan, pp.213-220.

Long, EJ, Hargrave, GK, Jarvis, S, Justham, T, Halliwell, N (2006) Characterisation of the interaction between toroidal vortex structures and flame front propagation. In Arcoumanis, C and Grattan, KTV (ed) 2nd International Conference on Optical and Laser Diagnostics, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL AND LASER DIAGNOSTICS, City Univ London, London, ENGLAND, pp.104-+, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/45/1/014.


Rutledge, J, Apostolou, C, Elliott, T, Spencer, A, Long, E (2024) Replacing Red Diesel with DiMethyl Ether (DME) in Heavy Duty Vehicles: Red Diesel Replacement Phase 1 - summary report. Project number: RDR/P1/L2/5868, Dept for Energy Security and Net Zero, UK Gov.


Lavin, J, Long, E, Jones, L, Tyrer, J, Dodds, J, Spencer, J (2021) Laser assist gas flow dynamics - bad laser cutting for good laser fume.

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